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AGENDA: to Lobby to Congress and Parliaments for appropriations from their fiscal budgets and from Private investors for the PPIP. The PPIP of which will collect revenue generated from the commerce & travel of people whom transverse the transit routes, to in pure form gain a Return on Investment for participating governments and private investors whom hold Global Infrastructure Bonds or GIBs & equity in the PPIP venture with the goal to provide sustainable development for future prosperity & an increase in global commerce. High Speed Rail Manufactures Spain’s Talgo, Germany’s Siemens, France’s Alstom, Italy's Ansaldo Breda, Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy, South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem, Canada’s Bombardier By aligning investor and sponsor interests, these incentive structures have the potential to increase the number of PPP deals and increase the odds of the projects’ long-term success. http://www.treasury.gov/connect/blog/ Documents/Treasury%20Infrastructure%20White %20Paper%20042215.pdf https://www.imf.org/external/np/seminars/eng/ 2006/rppia/pdf/hemmin.pdf DECA The globe has reached a pinnacle level of development in which the time has come for mass modernization and industrialization of transportation. Techniques of manufacturing enables us to develop magnetic rail cars that can transport cargo and passengers across great distances. The development of Tunnels, both in mountains and underwater has allowed us as a population to transverse great divides such as rivers oceans and mountainous obstacles. Therefore due to the level of technology available to humanity, We propose the PPIP and MDB & MFI a development bank & investment fund that can sponsor and raise funds and one day collect revenue from taxation and tolls to finance the purchase of material resources, the technical expertise to develop and construct, and maintain the finished infrastructure; all to further transportation efficiency and increase the speed at which we travel. Public - Private Investment Partnership For International High Speed Rail A PPIP allows for Government investment within the High Speed Rail Industry in conjunction with private investors and Multi National Companies of whom together via a partnership share a stake in the equity of the industry. Allowing government & the public sector to partner with the private sector as united shareholders, each with significant value, enabling a Inter - Government- Corporate Conglomerate Enterprise to administrate, subsidize & finance funds for HSR transit infrastructure construction & maintenance. Securing relative inexpensive transit costs for the public via tax payer monies & private securities financing. http://www.ushsr.com USHSR is the Platform and Framework to which this Agenda is Founded and Is the Networking Frontier for the Future of Sustainable Global Transit. Information & Data & Costs Associated with the Construction Process Link Tunnel Costs: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/tunnel/qa.cfm Link to Mag Lev Trains Costs: http://www.maglev2000.com/works/how-08.html Financing: Multilateral Development Banks & Multilateral Financial Institutions Financing will require the formulation of a new MDB or MFI to sponsor and coordinate & direct the Organization & Administration of financial equity of a PPIP as it relates to the development and construction of International High Speed Rail. https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41170.pdf http://www.aiib.org http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/ 0,,contentMDK:20040612~menuPK:8336267~pagePK: 51123644~piPK:329829~theSitePK:29708,00.html

AGENDA: to Lobby to Congress and Parliaments for appropriations from their fiscal budgets and from Private investors for the PPIP. The PPIP of which will collect revenue generated from the commerce & travel of people whom transverse the transit routes, to in pure form gain a Return on Investment for participating governments and private investors whom hold Global Infrastructure Bonds or GIBs & equity in the PPIP venture with the goal to provide sustainable development for future prosperity & an increase in global commerce.

High Speed Rail Manufactures Spain’s Talgo, Germany’s Siemens, France’s Alstom, Italy's Ansaldo Breda, Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy, South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem, Canada’s Bombardier

By aligning investor and sponsor interests, these incentive structures have the potential to increase the number of PPP deals and increase the odds of the projects’ long-term success.



The globe has reached a pinnacle level of development in which the time has come for mass modernization and industrialization of transportation. Techniques of manufacturing enables us to develop magnetic rail cars that can transport cargo and passengers across great distances. The development of Tunnels, both in mountains and underwater has allowed us as a population to transverse great divides such as rivers oceans and mountainous obstacles. Therefore due to the level of technology available to humanity, We propose the PPIP and MDB & MFI a development bank & investment fund that can sponsor and raise funds and one day collect revenue from taxation and tolls to finance the purchase of material resources, the technical expertise to develop and construct, and maintain the finished infrastructure; all to further transportation efficiency and increase the speed at which we travel.

Public - Private Investment Partnership


International High Speed Rail

A PPIP allows for Government investment within the High Speed Rail Industry in conjunction with private investors and Multi National Companies of whom together via a partnership share a stake in the equity of the industry. Allowing government & the public sector to partner with the private sector as united shareholders, each with significant value, enabling a Inter - Government- Corporate Conglomerate Enterprise to administrate, subsidize & finance funds for HSR transit infrastructure construction & maintenance. Securing relative inexpensive transit costs for the public via tax payer monies & private securities financing.


USHSR is the Platform and Framework to which this Agenda is Founded and Is the Networking Frontier for the Future of Sustainable Global Transit.

Information & Data & Costs Associated with the Construction Process

Link Tunnel Costs: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/tunnel/qa.cfm

Link to Mag Lev Trains Costs: http://www.maglev2000.com/works/how-08.html

Financing: Multilateral Development Banks & Multilateral Financial Institutions

Financing will require the formulation of a new MDB or MFI to sponsor and coordinate & direct the Organization & Administration of financial equity of a PPIP as it relates to the development and construction of International High Speed Rail.

https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41170.pdf http://www.aiib.org http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/0,,contentMDK:20040612~menuPK:8336267~pagePK:51123644~piPK:329829~theSitePK:29708,00.html


Automobile Accidents & Injuries and Fatalities High Speed Rail is relatively more safe compared to the traditional forms of transit.

“The largest category of fatal accidents is transport injuries. In 1990, according to Global Burden figures, these were the 10th-leading global killer. By 2013, they were fifth” NYT 2015http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/17/upshot/fatal-accidents-as-a-global-health-crisis.html?_r=0

Thus the value of saving lives is within the scope of the investment in High Speed Rail.

Connecting the Globe in a Modern Age

International High Speed Rail &

Mag Lev TrainsVia

Public - Private Partnership

Future Concepts and Applications: Magnetic technology and electric tech, along with gas powered machines will enable us as a population to develop new vehicles that via magnets glide upon magnetic rails with wheels that are able to lift and store during magnetic highway travel and upon entering regular road ways drop to make contact with the road way for further transit to and from homes and regular city and rural roads.

Traditional forms of Transit

Auto Mobiles






Environmental Sustainability

Automobiles emit excessive amounts of carbon

emissions each year and with the rising amount of

vehicles on the road, Trains, especially mag lev lines are

a more sustainable and environmentally friendly


International High Speed Rail Enhance Trade In a Global Age The tunnel under the English Channel currently connects The United Kingdom of Great Britain with France, known as the UK - French Connection.

International Authorities and International Companies have agendas for the construction of similar tunnels. Noteworthy, the Bering Strait Tunnel Project sponsored by Interbering LLC http://www.interbering.com

Security: The New Age of Transit will require Security and Governance with Public - Private Investment Partnership Conglomerates sharing the Responsibility of Policing and Regulating the Civil Infrastructure Networks of Commerce and International Travel as Global Nexus Partners for a Modern World .
