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Ppr1 2007 Clone UPSR

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  • 8/12/2019 Ppr1 2007 Clone UPSR


    SULIT 2 014/1

    Questions 1 4

    Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

    Pilih perkataan yang terbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat berikut

    1 Faizal loves playing football. His mother bought him a new pair of ____________.

    A clogs

    B boots

    C sandals

    D slippers

    2 The rich man has built a big ___________ to keep his car.

    A porchB driveway

    C store

    D garage

    3 Miss ena teaches her ___________ politely.

    A clerks

    B patients

    C armies

    D pupils

    4 The tigress gave birth to five lovely cubs in the _______________.

    A den

    B cage

    C stable

    D kennel

    Questions 5 7

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    SULIT 3 014/1

    !ead the te"t and choose the bestphrase for each of the pictures given.

    Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaikbagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

    #bu and his friends are working in their school garden. He is 5

    to dig a big hole in the ground. $ohn% his classmates is 6 the weeds

    in a flower pot. #t the same time% !ama is sweeping the 7

    under a big tree.

    5 A using a hoe 7 A green grass

    B carrying a rake B dried weeds

    C raising a sickle C fallen leaves

    D holding a broom D flower petals

    6 A pulling up

    B getting up

    C cutting of

    D breaking up

    Questions 8 10

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    SULIT 4 014/1

    Choose the bestanswer for each of the pictures given.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

    8 A The fo" catches a chicken.

    B # man chased the dog away.

    C The dog &umps over the drain.

    D # deer can &ump over a fence.

    9 A The students are making handicrafts in the laboratory.

    B The three men are conducting a science e"periment in the library.

    C The students are conducting a science e"periment in the laboratory.

    D The scientists are playing with a science e"periment in the laboratory.

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    SULIT 5 014/1

    10 A #bu is working as a gardener.

    B The worker is cleaning the toilet.

    C The woman is working in the toilet.

    D My father is washing the toilet bowl.

    Questions 11 15

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    SULIT 6 014/1

    Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaikbagi situasi dalam gambar.

    11 A How can ' help you(B May ' borrow your shoe(

    C )here is the fitting room(

    D Can ' have one size bigger(

    12 A *h% it+s all right.

    B ,ou+re welcome.

    C Thank you% Charlotte.

    D ' don+t want the gift% Charlotte.

    13 A Can ' buy rice at the grocery(

    B -o they sell eggs at the grocery(

    C )hat time does the grocery open(

    D "cuse me% how do ' get to the grocery(

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    SULIT 7 014/1

    14 A How much is the fare(

    B ,es% it costs two ringgit.

    C The price is two ringgit% isn+t it(

    D #re you sure the fee is two ringgit(

    15 A Hi% this is #zlina. How are you(

    B ' &ust met #ni at the library earlier.

    C Could you pass this book to #ni% please(

    D Could you ask her to call me% #zlina% please(

    Questions 16 21

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    SULIT 8 014/1

    Choose the bestanswer to complete the sentence.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

    16 The girl greeted ___________ her father and walked __________ into the bus.

    A slowly% tiredly

    B politely% slowly

    C /uickly% sadly

    D smoothly% clumsily

    17 The rambutan has _________ and ________skin.

    A yellow% thorny

    B red% smooth

    C red% hairy D yellow% curly

    18 There were ________ children playing at the playground yesterday.

    A any

    B much

    C many

    D a little

    19 ily is _________ but Hannah is__________.

    A pretty% prettier

    B pretty% pretty

    C prettier% pretty

    D pretty% prettiest

    20 The postman __________ the parcel to $anice the day before yesterday.

    A deliver

    B delivers

    C delivered

    D is delivering

    Question 21

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    SULIT 9 014/1

    Choose the word that has the s!"e "e!nin#as the underlined word.

    Pilih perkataan yang s!"! "!$su%dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

    21 *ne of the spoons fell on the floor.

    A hit

    B sank

    C landed

    D dropped

    Questions 22 23

    Choose the answer with the correct s&e''in#

    Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai e(!!nyang betul.

    22 The camping trip was such an ___________ for the scouts.

    A advanture

    B adventure

    C adventurre

    D advventure

    23 ' like to eat all types of vegetables for lunch or dinner especially __________.

    A brokoli

    B broccoli

    C brokcoli

    D broccolly

    Questions 24 25 )

    Choose the sentence with the correct &un*tu!tion.

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    SULIT 10 014/1

    Pilih ayat yang mempunyai t!n%! b!*!yang betul.

    24 A ily and Marie are waiting for me at the playground.

    B ily and marie are waiting for me at the playground.

    C ily and Marie are waiting for me at the 0layground.

    D ily and Marie are waiting for me% at the playground.

    25 A 1-o we have to go at 2 o+clock in the morning%3 asked 4adia.

    B 1-o we have to go at 2 o+clock in the morning(3 asked 4adia.

    C 1-o we have to go at 2 o+clock in the morning asked 4adia(

    D 1-o we have to go at 2 o+clock in the morning(3 asked 4adia5

    Questions 26 30

    6ased on the picture% choose the bestanswer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

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    SULIT 11 014/1

    Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang te+b!i$untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang


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    SULIT 12 014/1

    ,esterday afternoon% ' went to a hair saloon with my mother. The shop 26 clean

    and spacious. My mother wanted to 27 her hair. )hile waiting for my mother% ' sat on the

    sofa and read the magazines. There was another 28 in that shop too. The worker was 29 her

    hair. 30 the hairdresser had done my mother+s hair% we went back home.

    26 A is 29 A tying

    B are B drying

    C was C cutting

    D were D washing

    27 A cut 30 A 7ince

    B cuts B )hile

    C cutting C #fter

    D 6efore

    28 A tailor

    B barber

    C salesgirl

    D customer

    Questions 31 35

    !ead 6etty+s diary entry below and answer the /uestions that follow.

    Baca penerangan tentang diari Betty di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

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    SULIT 13 014/1

    25 A&+i' 2011 ,on%!-

    8.9: a.m. .e cleaned the classroom before the school bell rang. My duty was to sweep the floor.

    Tina helped me to sweep the floor while 7aliha cleaned the blackboard. 0ei Fung and

    !afi/ arranged the tables and chairs.

    8.;: a.m. #ssembly began. The headmaster gave a speech and advised pupils to be attentive in

    class. The teachers on duty for the week are 0uan !afiah and ncik Hassan.

    .e+ in the diary entry refers to

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    SULIT 14 014/1

    A 6etty% 7iva% 7aliha and 0ei Fung

    B Tina% 7aliha% 0ei Fung and !afi/

    C 6etty% Tina% 7aliha% 0ei Fung and !afi/

    D 7iva% Tina% 7aliha% 0ei Fung% !afi/ and 6etty

    33 The headmaster advised the pupils

    A to complete the work given in class

    B to be responsible in class

    C to pay attention in class

    D to be discipline in class

    34 The sub&ect taught by ncik #san is

    A 7cience

    B Mathematics

    C nglish anguage

    D 0hysical ducation

    35 The practices on fractions were given as

    A a test

    B revision

    C homework

    D an e"amination

    Questions 36 40

    !ead the passage below and answer the /uestions that follow.

    Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

    014/1 SULIT

    >Main gasingin nglish means spinning of tops. 't is a popular traditional game among

    the villages in Malaysia. 't is normally played after the rice harvesting season when villagers

    challenge each other to a test of skill. 't is played by children as well as adults regardless of


    't is played by first drawing a circle on the floor to define the area within which the

    tops must be kept spinning. To spin the top% a string is tightly wound around the base. The

    player clasps the top in his hand and grips the loose end of the string between the fingers.

    Then% e throws the top into the circle. The force of the throw and the /uick unloosening

    effect of the string make the top spin. The one whose top out spins the others within the circle

    wins the game.

  • 8/12/2019 Ppr1 2007 Clone UPSR


    SULIT 15 014/1

    36 )hen do the villagers normally play this game(

    A #fter the paddy is harvested

    B #fter the fruits are harvested

    C 6efore the paddy is harvested

    D 'mmediately after the rice field is ploughed

    37 )hat is re/uired to win this game(

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    SULIT 16 014/1

    A 7kill

    B Honesty

    C 0atience

    D Hardwork

    38 The word e in the passage refers to

    A the paddy

    B the tops

    C the player

    D the base

    39 )hy is a circle drawn on the floor(

    A To determine the area of play

    B To enable the best player to win

    C To allow the tops to move freely

    D to control the children and adults

    40 )hich of the following statements is not t+ue(

    A >Main gasingis very popular among children.

    C 6efore playing% a circle must be drawn on the floor.

    C 't is normally played after the rice harvesting season.

    D The player whose top out spins the others within the circle wins the game.

    @!T#7 7*##4 T#M#T
