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ppt 5 module 5 Devt theories

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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Developmental Career Theories

Developmental Career Theories

Super’s Life Span, Life Space

Approach to Careers


Developmental theory with 2 major tenets: 1. Career development is a life long process 2. Self concept influences human behavior

Personal self concept Social self concept

14 Propositions

1. Individual differences exist2. We fit certain occupations3. Each occupations calls for a specific personality type4. Our vocational preferences change 5. The process of change is divided into stages6. Career patterns are influenced by external factors7. Readiness to deal with the demands of an occupation influence the types of job we will occupy

14 Propositions

8. Career maturity is a psychosocial construct9. Development is guided by many factors10. Career development is the implementation of occupational self concepts11. We experiment with occupations to find one that fits12. Work satisfaction is dependent on numerous variables13. The greater the implemental in self concepts the greater job satisfaction14.Work provides a place for personality expression

Developmental Stages

 Growth children begin to develop attitudes and beliefs about

the world of work, although these are usually based on limited information

Exploration begin to more clearly understand various occupations

and start to envision themselves in different careers

Developmental Stages

Establishment a person selects a job and starts working, may start

comparing his self-concept to the job he has. Either a person decides it is a good fit or looks for alternatives

Maintenance settled upon a job that fits him, continue to develop

skills and interests It is possible that people in stage may grow dissatisfied.

Developmental Stages

Disengagement occurs prior to retirement. Focus on work begins to

diminish and this focus moves to concerns about other areas of life 

Some people have to complete 1 or 2 stages multiple times before moving on

Teaching Strategy

1. Try to find out student’s belief, concepts regarding various jobs

2. help them explore other careers that could suit their beliefs or other preferences

2. Integrate activities in class that could help broaden their awareness of certain jobs or careers Play Interviews Video presentations Role playing

Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise

Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription and Compromise

This theory describes the process leading to the formulation of occupational aspirations in

childhood and adolescence.

Four basic assumptions:

The career development process begins in childhood;

Career aspirations are attempts to implement one’s self-concept;

Career satisfaction is dependent on the degree to which the career is congruent with self-perceptions; and

People develop occupational stereotypes that guide them in the selection process.

Two important aspects that influence the final occupational choice of an individual

Circumscription individuals limit or narrow their career choices

based on their estimates of compatibility (sex-type, prestige, and interests) and accessibility.

Compromise the process of selecting occupations that are

viewed as a less than optimal fit with the self-view (modifying or giving up preferred career choices) as a result of various factors

5 Principles of Circumscription

1. Circumscription is guided by the growing capacity of children to understand and organize complex information about themselves.

2. Because occupational aspirations are linked with one's sense of self, the occupations we prefer tend to be linked to one's own sense of self.

3. Children progressively eliminate occupational options and their self-concepts increase in complexity and clarity.

4. Children begin to grapple among with more complex decision about people while they are developing their own self-conceptions.

5. Circumscription process is gradual typically not immediate obvious.

Theory into Practice

Conduct activities that are sensitive to your student’s mental capabilities

Introduce various occupations during your discussions/activities

Provide for activities that could further enhance their knowledge of self

Ginzberg’s Developmental Theory

Ginzberg’s Developmental Theory

According to Ginzberg , the theory is based on the rational and conscious action of an


People select occupations “not through chance but through life-long stages or phases

of development patterns that are largely irreversible”.

He has divided the process of vocation choice into 3 stages:

Fantasy stageTentative choice stageRealistic choice

Fantasy Stage

Child’s preferred activities are identified and related to future career choice

the vocational development process starts right from the child's birth and it goes on life-long.

The study of vocational development is possible only from the child's age of 7 years.

Tentative Stage

Interest stage—likes and dislikesCapacity stage—things you do better

than other thingsValue stage—what’s important to youTransition stage—self-reliance/awareness of


Realistic Stage

Exploration stage Explore college or FT work.

Crystallization stage Declare major or commit to certain type of

work.Specification stage

Specialize in grad school or specific

How would apply Ginzberg’s theory in teaching?• Capitalize on the student’s preferred activities• Expose students to various workplace– video presentations or actual visits
