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Characteristics of Streaming Media Stored on the Web Mingzhe Li, Mark Claypool, Robert Kinicki and James Nichols ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) Vol. 5, No. 5, November 2005
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Characteristics of Streaming Media Stored on the Web

Mingzhe Li, Mark Claypool, Robert Kinicki and James Nichols

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)

Vol. 5, No. 5, November 2005

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Introduction (1 of 2)

• Improvements to Internet enable users to stream from Web browsers– Across national and cultural boundaries

• Web users expect “point and click” to stream

• 2001, RealNetworks says 350,000 hours [1]

• 2002, CAIDA says streaming is significant fraction of traffic– Going to increase with cellular networks

• Concern drives new protocols, routers, etc. to deal with traffic better

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Introduction (2 of 2)

• Much work that characterizes streaming applications to better understand

• Unfortunately, little shows what current streams stored on Web look like

• Previous study in 1997 [19]– Looked at every video on the Web– Found Internet could not support streaming– RealPlayer and Media Player not created

• In 1985, papers by Ousterhout et al [21] studied characteristics of files– Fundamental in designing new file system

Need study of streaming media stored on the Web to help research today

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Investigation (1 of 2)

• What are the most popular streaming media products?– Previous studies [12] show very different– Earlier, prevalence of MPEG, AVI, QuickTime

made it difficult for new comers

• What is the ratio of streaming audio versus streaming video?– Audio has lower bitrate cap (voice, music) than

video – Can give current bitrate expectations

• Are media durations long-tailed?– Long-tailed can contribute to self-similarity– Self-similar traffic difficult to manage

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Investigation (2 of 2)

• What are typical streaming media target bitrates?– Direct impact on network traffic

– Provides insight into frame resolution, frame rates, color depth

• What fraction of streaming codecs being used?– Codecs determine compression efficiency

– Knowledge of codec prevalence suggests how fast improvements incorporated

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• Focus on commercial– Big 3: Media Player, RealPlayer, QuickTime

• Other studies looked at server side or one client– This study broader

• Have been p2p studies, but p2p not streamed (mostly)– Instead downloaded, as is file transfer

• Build specialized crawler, crawl over 17 million URLs from different starting points, and analyze about 30 thousand clips

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• Volume and relative amount increased since 1997

• Proprietary most prevalent– RealPlayer 1st, Media Player 2nd

• Most clips short, with long-tailed duration

• Encoded at low-resolution, less than current monitors can handle

• Work useful for:– Selecting clip workloads

– Generating streaming models

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• Introduction (done)

• Methodology

• Analysis

• Sampling Issues

• Conclusions

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• Media Crawler

• Starting Pages

• Measurement

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Media Crawler

• Modify Larbin Web crawler

• Recursively traverses URLs– Avoid loops by caching previous

• Identify streaming media based on protocol type– Ex: mms://,


• Also examine

HTTP extensions

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Starting Pages

• Wanted international and popular

• International – chose 10 most wired countries– Allow for cross cultural

analysis– If Nielsen gave no additional

info, chose domestic newspaper as starting point

• USA – chose 7 popular themes– Allow for cross-content


• Feb 13, 2003, crawl 1 million from each– Took 4 to 24 hours, based on


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Measurement of Content Characteristics

• Use specialized tools to access each Media URL– Collect: encoding, bitrate, duration, size, …

– Tools built from SDK, use player core

• RealNetworks:– RealAnalyzer, TestPlay (could not do levels)

• Microsoft Media:– Media Analyzer, Wmprop (could do levels)

• MPlayer– Open source (could not do bitrate)

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• Introduction (done)

• Methodology (done)

• Analysis– Aggregate analysis

– Commercial productsVideo


– Codec

• Sampling Issues

• Conclusions

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Aggregate Analysis (1 of 3)

• Remove unique, giving about 11 million URLs– About 54,000 were streaming

• In 1997, about 25 million URLs– About 22,000 were streaming

• Extrapolating Today, about 15 million total Increase from 0.09% to 0.47%

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Aggregate Analysis (2 of 3)

Some “heavy hitters”, more so than typicalWeb servers

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Aggregate Analysis (3 of 3)

- Real almost ½ of all streaming content - In 1997, MPEG, AVI, QuickTime were all, butnow only 10% combined- MP3 is most popular non-proprietary format

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• Introduction (done)

• Methodology (done)

• Analysis– Aggregate analysis

– Commercial productsVideo


– Codec

• Sampling Issues

• Conclusions

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Commercial Product Analysis

• Run custom tools on commercial

• Of original 39,000 only about 29,000 valid– 50% “cannot find specified file”

– 25% “cannot connect to server”

– 10% “authorization failure”

• Can be from playlist– But 97% only 1 clip

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Live versus Pre-Recorded

- Most pre-recorded- 98% is pre-recorded, 2% live

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Percentage of Audio and Video

- More RealAudio than MP3 Audio- Proportionally less WSM is audio- Almost no QuickTime is audio

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- 1997, 90% only 45 seconds or less- Still, today much shorter than T.V. show or movie

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Self-Similar Analysis (1 of 2)

Definitive test:Is tail flat?

Looks flat, but that is not good enough [31]

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Self-Similar Analysis (2 of 2)

• Measure curve of tail (1/16th of distro, others same)– Curve defined as 3 point estimate, take derivative

• Estimate Pareto (long-tailed) slope α– Used aest tool

• Generate 1000 samples from Pareto with α– Each sample has same number of points as n

– Calculate curvature of sample tail, mean µ

• Calculate difference (d) between µ and original

• Count number out of 1000 differ by d– 495 (video) and 498 (audio), about ½

• Cannot reject null-hypothesis May be long-tailed

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• Introduction (done)

• Methodology (done)

• Analysis– Aggregate analysis

– Commercial productsVideo


– Codec

• Sampling Issues

• Conclusions

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Video Encoded Bitrate

In 1997, 1% stream for modem, 50% for broadband, 20% for T1+- Said, modem could not support streamingNote, today, broadband still not targeted

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Streams Encoded Per Clip

Media Scaling will be difficult!Note, earlier study [15] found real at 65%

Audio is onestream

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Aspect Ratios

Very uniform, but a few odd-balls30% above or belowTake product for size (next)

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Video Resolution

- Most much smaller than typical monitors(1024 x 768 would be 786,432)- Room to grow!

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• Introduction (done)

• Methodology (done)

• Analysis– Aggregate analysis

– Commercial productsVideo


– Codec

• Sampling Issues

• Conclusions

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Audio Encoded Bitrates

- Most for modems, but 10% for broadband- In 1999, 100% found for modems- Will likely increase (MP3 128 kbps), but cap

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Video Codecs

v8 buffers differently than v9

- Newest versions, v9, still not deployed much- Useful as snapshot in time

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• Introduction (done)

• Methodology (done)

• Analysis (done)

• Sampling Issues

• Conclusions

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Sampling Issues

• In 1997, could analyze all on Web

• Today, impractical– Would take 16 years to crawl and analyze clips

• Is 17 million large “enough” sample?– Is is possible to obtain same results with fewer

starting points?

– Is it possible to obtain same results with fewer than 1 million URLs per starting point?

– How does sampling affect distributions?

– How does choice of starting point affect distribution?

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Percentage of Media versus URLs

Took 200k from each, build setOverall, above 400k from each is stable ½ million

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Duration of Video for Number of URLs

Can get away with far fewer and have same distribution of durations

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Media Type versus Starting Points

9 Starting points sufficient

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Duration for Number of Starting Points

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Media Type in USA versus International

- International similar- May be because cross-cultural Web

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Duration for USA and Non-USA

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• Many researchers worry about volume increase of Video

• Video characteristics made based on old data

• Current data on media stored on Web

• Crawled 17 million URLs, analyzed 30k clips

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• Streaming media increased 600% in past 5 years

• Real Media 1st, Microsoft Media 2nd

• Audio and video about equal

• Vast majority pre-recorded (not live)

• Most targets still for modem

• Potential to be large since monitor resolutions much larger than video

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Future Work?

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Future Work

• Correlate to actual data streamed

• Congestion responsiveness

• P2P

• Future study (now ~5 years old!)
