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PR Automation (The robots are coming)

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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The PR Robots are coming… Joel Andren, CEO

The PR Robots are coming…

Joel Andren, CEO

…But don’t worry, they are here to help!

Robots have always brought out complicated

emotions, will they…

Take our jobs? Make things easier?

For every exciting advancement

There are things that give us pause

Same concerns carry over to machine

learning/artificial intelligence in the


Remember the uproar about robot journalists?

All told, however, it’s been a success

When PressFriendly launched, there was concern about what we were doing.

People thought PressFriendly was trying

to be this robot

We actually want to be this robot…

PR robots are going to make us:

1. Smarter 2. Better 3. Faster

PR robots are currently helping us show ROI on

the coverage and campaigns.

PR robots are going to use data to help us do our jobs better in

other areas.

Press Release of the future:

Data inputs: News, Past releases, Past pickup

Boilerplate adjusted Quote generated

Set for maximum effect

PR’s role: Editor/Sign off

Media list of the future:

Data inputs: Press releases, Reporter archives, Metrics

Generated automatically Allows for focus on influence/reach

Updates in real-time

PR’s role: Editor/Sign off

Reporter dossier of the future:

Data inputs: Reporter archives, Email response data, Social media

Real-time info on reporters Suggestions for phrasing

Suggestions for time of day

PR’s role: Editor/Sign off

Messaging doc of the future:

Data inputs:Past msg docs, Competitor news, Past pickup

Generated automatically Able to pre-select tone

Adjusts based on events and products changes

PR’s role: Editor/Sign off

Pitch emails of the future:

Data inputs: Past pitches, Read rates, Past pickup

Generated automatically Able to pre-select tone

Customized to individual reporters

PR’s role: Editor/Sign off

PR Robots just want your love
