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Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md...

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'i'i !.nf II. t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik »d gmnirr RECORD ^UMsnf]IT, N. ji. MORNING, MARCH 18. 1938 $3.50 PER Pr. La wreice Talks TQJH^MBS gives Brief OBUIOC of Start aiid Orowtli ol Overlook •n Hospital, Utmost Taxed to Suggests Ne«l of Changes Wednes- day was featured l»y an address de- Utered by Dr. WOT. H. Lawrence on (he -History of Overlook Hospital j n Brief." In part Dr. Lawrence said: "In the sp*lng~of 1905 the Rev . Dr. peorge 3\T. Shlnn. rector of Grace Church.* Newton, Mass.. while un a visit toaia daughter, Mrs. llvorge C/?6tejpsni Inld before » meetitiK of physlcafl" and pastors at the •Highland Club a proposition for a >community Aotpltal in Sum- mit." '•".'. ,N ••..'. Dr. Lawrence, wno tad already vate' hospital, was much encourag- ' ed by this movement, and" at once succeeded Iu seeding,the financial ald.jof. W. J. Curtis.-WMllam. Halls, Jr., anil..(Jeorge H. Williams.; As a result. l)r. Lawrenwe's hospital was opened early in October, 1906, as a •private institution. " - 1 As further explained by pri Law* rence, "On the l*ta of that month another meeting was called at the Highland Club for "the purpose of '•considering |he organisation of s society to proride treatment for persons unable to pay tor them- selves.' About IS-, persons were present, and Dr. flhlnn was anted to preside. Th« result of this meet-* loir waB the Incorporation of'The Summit Hospital Association' on .Hjiveniber 30th, 1906. The presi- dent of the Men's League of Csl- rary.'Church, >. H. Holt, who had - already secured the interest of the members with a. .subscription *•' ' $600, was elected the first president of the association, "In 1!M2, In order to secure a bluest of $50,000 from the estate of Eif-Mayor Ely of .New York, the hospital Vagtorraea under the title of 'Ovcrlook^tlpspltal incorporat- ed'." ^<; Meanwhile, it seem*, though the question of making the hospital the property of the community by pur- chase from Or. Lawrence WH"«ffe- ITNITEP) CA1PAKHL ^ 1IAC1ES Dr. Ldgh Tafts te The dMclopsaeat of a personal pkjlosopky of life was urged Or. Robert D. Leigh, president «f Beaainftna Oetfese. in an infornu address before the Fortnightly Clab at its regular meeting in the High School assitoritun. Wednes day sfternooa. \ ' The total for tse ijnfiilCass^ has risen to «K.T2ZJt and subscriptions are into tne 'office every day The member* of tne varies* 3 teams who were so active dar- 1 i ing the ten days of tne drive -; are keeping at it to ssake sare i that every one is given an op- portunity to take part ia the. support of our character bsild- 5 Ing agencies. These oraaaisa- - tlons are so mnch a part of the catioa for Uring in tne Modern life of Summit and so neccaauy -• Wortd". declared that by making for tbe city's welfare that every <"»ndeats fomuilate their own phil- one who can possibly do so si** 0 *** of We. schools and col- wants to help rapport them J l ** m vere giving them the only Owing tobusiness conditions «;««enrlty tfcey hare In an essential- the result this jesr will be low- J lv Inaecsr* world- . Saariag anest honors with Dr. was Mrs. Alfred R. Drlscqll of Haddoafleld, president of tlie New Jerserr8t*te Federation of er than last year so it is., the duty, as well as the privilege of til to get behind this final push U> complete the canvass. The report meeting at the T j Women's C1«W who spoke briefly jiuently disctijayu was t«k«H lt action made the proposition at a dinner in the Highland Cltt* in April, 1113, when a committee was appointed to consider the matter. On May 24, 1913. at the annual meeting of the club, this committee presented a re- reserves which banks are- sow re- quired to keep andsr press** ieg- OfflcWs of Tootf lMuika pointed out that it was necessary to maka this, reduction ta tbe interests, ot pin t that toe Sum- mlt Hospital Association should be requested to organise a more rep- resentative - committee to farther consider the question. In general, ft wni learned further from the medico's tdorsfk that this committee reported, early In 1914, it a public vtetinft held in Lin- coln School, the president of the Summit HoBpltftl AMOClstion. Ham- ilton VY . Mabl«, presiding. The, fist of this report, was that, unless a, pt, fund of I175.O0O $125 r H *• raheil— h $125,000 for Burchise of the prop- erty, and J.5Q.0OO lor ettdowment, the plan would be> inexpedient, and thfe conclusion was tacitly adopted «' the meeting. In salts 6C this, the matter was not allowed to drop * nd ] h _<L°v?r!Pok: |f«§pjtal Associa- tion was organfiedj, rollo-iring this action.a campsign (or oktatiitng tlie .•necessary funds Was fanned, and in June, 1914, was wccesstnlly car- r '«l put. Nearly -I1W.0OO was pledse*- and the nnrclftase was made/ • . ., ' Oecembef*, IU4, tan Trustee of "The Summit Hospital AtSocUtlon" recommended the transfer of tbe '„ ; *ork. and th. funds ^"^ - • ni and. proceeded-1* (ilisbsnd. n .iracing tto gresib 6/ Onr- (.k HA^rD L l r.Dr. polftt- tte pftt td, out* the increased deaaancU not nulMrom this conhwttnlty but from other communttletj on the facilities i i ,_, taxed to t M utmost because of -fliese demand* All 4aes« de- Uwpince believes re- to recent demands In .architectural trends." Dr. Lawrence n conformity to the oaod- ernit >' -«f the maternity wltti wjll naturally coou} atkoat at the BOSpI- ai. Dr. Lawrehcer Is of the opinion nat since Overlook tus reached t"c .maximum of Its capacity, ^he Jery recognition of this fsCt "Will eventually beto| about these chang- ties Dr. Lawrence, Arthur E. erR of. the Medical Center a guest it the luncheon. He d U Kaplan. i e lunchen H door prUe donated by 3am- ! l0 " wi ) f -''»ld T New » b _,have __Pillie: per wm follow. All alumnse e b i ow. All alumnse invited to be >he,gaests 1 lllan« "S c M. C. A. next Wednesday. March 'i O1 ^^ work and meanlttg Of both 23rd, at 8 o'clock, will teU the story. .Let us mske it a good story, pleasing to theorsaniza- tlons and to ourselves. Bants Reduce Summit Clearisu AnDoaoces R«te duced Frqoi Two to and 1 Hall Per Ciai Doe to Investmart As a result of the coatiaaad lev g p State and National Federation*. latrodaced by Mrs. CJharles J. Beck. fwwidenti?f the Fortnijrh who presided, ft. Leigh said in part: "It's-very Interesting to see tke rebtkA between prograns anl speakers, rie narrowing down my aabject of modera education to the fenvale sex, and then to their high- er edacatieau. • - • "The probkna of higher educa- tion for s selected group of women with kralaa. asnWtion and leisure is a saoch harder problem to flj- pre oat than it was thirty or forty wears ago. In a Victorian' world •here was a static situation. Wom- en's professions were confined chiefly teaching and library vanished! That world has There is a great deal of diversity nsd uncertainty^a* to what they caav do now. This vncertaittly I shall dinonss. return on sound invtatsseata. the! "Women, is setting married and member banks ot tbe SasusitClesr- Ing House Association took action Tuesday afl«rnooa to rcdnee the rate which will be paid oa •w«*«tg» deposits from 2 per cent, to l& fer cent. Formal snnoanceanant «f tha change is made in a signed state-J tlons. which ment elsewbere M this pap*r. Theinuirked la««rty action does not come entirety ns a, " l having children, have a definite oc- cupation. Bat two-flftiis of them do not starry because they are un- certain. Thsre is a rant variety of patioas to lonk forward to. In handicaas are greater fqr In the world of oocups- face, there is oldnu- there has been a to reduce Interest paid on throughout the country. T ^ 4inkuH to aanwer t\m qaeatioa, 'What would you do to give a soand edncatlon to ambitl- since the increase in the amount of-oes yonag women r maintalning the present posi- tion of their Instltatiotsv It ht ex- plained that the-best nveamge fate which It hi possible to ohtasa on curtties of the sort which are •irable for a bank's portfolio, alter allowance for tke operating ex- There mast he preparation for saarriageaad tlmeioh. centrated on thu% finds, ekiklrea arc gfows, that her job' is done, and there Is nothing else to e n . ; ' •. •: •• . "One of a eolle|«Vi problems is Bndtag a skill and Interest to tire college stadents tip nif In later life. ther«_ i ar« large areas of social swefntaess. There are the social To Talk to Bible Okss An Inside presentation on^ stor- inonism will be given by Hans P. Freece at 9.45 SunUay morning in the Y. M.' C. AVTiudttorluw under 1 the auspices of the Men's Bible Class of the Central Presbyterian Church. Mr.Treece was the Bon of. « plural wife but left Ttnr Mormon Church as a boy when his father, one of the early Mormon settlers who walked from Council Rlutfs to Salt Lake City, put away his un- lawful wife. . Mr. Freece, a New York attorney, at OTnTa was formerly in^great (remand as a Chautauqua lecturer on Mormon- Is n\ In both this country and Great Britain, lie served as president of the New York Presbyterian Social Union in 1!»27 and for a longer period «H preBldent of^tne Elders Association of the/New York PresbyteryT - A graduate of Park Collepc (Presbyterian), Mr. Kreece later Htiulied law and has manifested an itctivo interest in the affaiiH M WeBt'ininster College at Siilt Luke City. , Tells Women Voters Of Legal Status "Legal Status of Womtn"' was . jllsiiUJ^sH'd" « H-rtnrTrrygiiTar of tbe Sum mil U'aK'iic of Voter.s last Miiiulay at tin 1 .home of Mrs. A.. I. Stilts, 4>>'Dniid Hill road. Thu main sprrfker, Mrw. A. J; Stot'linan, ehainnan of*-tin; Drparl incut of (RTvoi'iinuMit and L e « u l SJUtm,3 of Wonion of the State LeaKue, gave a TTnhpri'lu'iisivi" vv- Common Council Approves Budget Ordinance After School Board Cut j Large Mtendance at Hearing With Attacks Directed at School Costs—Claim Teacher Costs Heine HgT~~ Than Average—New Traffic Ordinance in Progress i^anui-. save d.«.iin..™i-i..r iv- ^ .,,, ,. om|l ., n .,, „, $|u| lit 1937 and $::.7« in 1M« Councilma sum,' ot the work of that d.-part- ( i lI ,, is w;ts . llw ,. n| |, (( , llls ,. of pfrsohal illnp SS Voting favon menu- Mrs. Damptnu.n aiuiouiiml p,,. si(h , lt l<( .. sU . r all( , , lis ass((( ,,,„,, Messrs.' nmirne. Boye. Mrs. David Deput? the now Lt-Kisla- ,. : ....... ' ' Common rtmiwll l>v ;i .1 in 1 »i»mit TiiPKd'ay night voted on the I.tx and liinkt-t nidin.tiK <• fur i;i^'totaliim $1..UO,O25.84 of whiCfc ff«!»4.;ti:i iK4<> hi' r.us'fl hv i;ixc>;. m a k i n g tlui tax rate approximately ('ouncilman-at-lar|»\ favorably wars), Mrs. David lK«puti the new tipn chairman of the local Iriiniii'! ' who ui'Kvd ariyOiif interested^ in j *' current lc«isl,iil<)ii and willliit; to f write to tiieir reprvKentativeu. iii;j Trenton or VVashiiiKtoti to conic to:i a .-ni'ei'tliiR at her .home Tue.sdny j | ^Tfie Thrift Shop tloiial .iinik. Any «.-i»iiti-ihutMIII will U' sir'c.illy. ii|i|)rt-i;jal^/l. Kindly (all Mrs II II Summit li-ii'Mlt;. in Imvi riiit 1 FT sinu 1 M:I:HS said uioriiliiK, March; ^2nd. Mrs. Stccliuaii opeiiod her talk by einpliaril/iiiK the Importance -of tlie State Wide Klectimi l.iw (.'qu- fercm-u to be held in .lerHcy ('ity- M<i'ri;h 2r.that tli<^ Y. W: (\ A. "Tin- leuKUe takt;H a definite Htaud~for rc- yisiou of the- duel ion laws mi Hial wheii a (.-itlzen cants his ballot his vot<' will really count," she, s.u.id: The speaker Informed »tlre ; aiidi- ence-tbuj in llflU it 'cinnniltioe• on* the' Civil StatuHof Women wan sot uj> to reniovt! diRcriniinaliiiiiH in'tFiet liiwH against women in piilillc and.i private life./ In N. J.., there are now no y dlHcri1iilnati(Hi.s affectiiiK tlie p.uhji'r life of wiimeli at least iiot.i.i^;'t-he law, but there fs'-hi \\u< adiii|iiu'Uralioii./nf the law which.• ia un outgrowth of custom To Observe National Wild Ufe Week Kent Place to dive 'School for Scandal' National Wild Life Week. deaigastedAby President Itooserek as the! •week beginning March 20th. To aid in.publicing thla week as well M lol-Jjerlvo'funds for the'res- toratlon of n*tional wild life *on- ' dltlonpB*^Istioual Wild Life *e»iy S Tomorrow evening at 8.15 in the hMrliiyiPhraner GyfliDasIuni._at Kent-Place, Class X will present Sheridan's "School for Scand.il" under the di- rection of Marjorie Cranutoun of the Summit Playhouse Association. The production has been cast as follows; penses ofs tots, nukes it nnsrise •dences and pablle sttsirs. There to continue to pay s rate an higbjN the worln of Utersture, art, lt% I t t as 2 p«r cent. sansic sad While we regret the necessity! to select a broad are*. Background Important should not par more oa its deposits •• ,•*»***» oC I b!»WihT Ues sn than it Is sble to~earn oa and the scarcity of high grade in- vestments has limited the yields on Issues of that type to saeh as ex- tent that ttper cent, return to the bank, sfter operstiBg charges, is a practical Impossibility.'* for Wils chsngt." one offfcer asti. nfconM be p k Is fundsfnental tbst bank "At Benalngton «• Are "Gaieties of 1883" at JhSertice •ad then attempting to develop a great skill In a large area. We do not give vocational training. ; *--• .-. • —.- /* "Asother problent «f tke college is Iryiaaf to help} tadnriduls lonnu- late a Thla be- problem be- caase off. the-compleilty of ooi^civ- illsatloa. By amklttf ftem form their own phuoaolrtiy of life, we are Siring tkeas the only security they jaave in an essentlallf insecure I 2 At-tne whlck tollowed at the eratioS ( ns» iseued a aeries of stamps wtiictrcan -be pvrchaKed for one* dollar a sheet and used in the! same manner as tuberculosis seals I at holiday time. These"stamps''may be purchased wherever, tbe IUIKO poster is on display in Summit windows or from * the fpllowhiK members of the Overlook Fisli and ^Jiinie'>wocTsUoh."«'*Ittc'hard~L.''C(>r-' by,^S. B. ParkejK pf. J. O. Tidaback, O. Harfy'C|IIWt*me8 Ho^g. Ulen mini-- 2«j.>- m r% IUIIII,. TI,,I —blly-Viti.i Amerinisen Sir, Ollvi-r Surl.ui' Jliiriiiiri t -lluiilcr Surf; uf,. (,'luirlcs Surl.iic daring thl h di W. C. Wittke; Tho ved will go to tlie .Va- Miller am money der tional Wil4 '•"••••» I dnll uoon all cltixens in every, .cotnintinity to -give thought to the necdn of. g p Ihe denisens o^fie.Id, for 1 forest, and water .and toieillgent copBlderat ion of the lie8t ( 'mraij£. ; trfr'translating Elnfis are well nnder wayJor lhe| LWUte WhiUi Haute. annual spring dance of the: Janice " League, which this yesjr,^ ^ at the tea presented On Satardsy i =lVtli,^^H~HobHfr Malt - Acast John HY Smith- Assisting Mm. JtoMrt' B. Wood ilm^ neteknr P. TtornUm; ot \J**ZW members sad the»r|3iim. J. JUymosd gchlsler^ ^Mrs^ friends will produce "Every Inch b PWHp J. Hyshasi and Mrs. Harold ' «i.ii»i>» nr "AAru* nn the (IMM 'iof *K. Fellos. The dsoorstlons were Summit Boys anrfQirls in Uding Groups Life," or-Adrift onthe OC«B of . 1 melodrama in the atatos- •*• phere of the Osy Eighties. The* audience will be asked fo take part in Uie spJrU of ts« occa#ps by Joining in the ttetta* of senti- mental ballads anrtsg the Inter- missions. Ovestf sill be seirted at Caap PoqoceMlc Boy s mis tables coYered Hlh I^fwa ^Holhs. I^fwanni will follow the atelosrssss, 1 sad all plans promise s gsy evening.for tKose e/no attend. Wss Jane Pear- dt son Ts~cTiSlFnMii in charge of arrsngesaents. NursingOmmtitet Hps For T«s Iky May 12 At the regular of the School tee of Overlook Uospstal. Tuesdny afternoon In the ncfentlon room of the Nurses* llminsry plnns lor an- Tsg Dsy on Ksttoaal Ucspitsl Day, Mar n t h : the anneal ctlaurents iervlcs on Msy chsirman of tse chsir *'»ltes Tassl*. MrsW School of Nursing. In net monthly report. tha idmlsslou of ten p dents on Febmnry lith. The eommlttet i scholarship tof laftsrs » mimt Saturday The sna«al casa|i reonlon of Cassp Po«nsesak wiR be_held this Satarday eveaisg «t.l~o'clock in Hobby Hall Bach wear these re- unions grow *n thi egtnp has now la operation fen seasons by rector. Last year there were 225 caasners and tomwr camoere and parents aresaat. " : . *>' The- program tot the evening calls for groa|bs 1,1 and S to par- ticipate in presenUac a typkal campflre sceaa. Ts)e '4th group hoys will act as hostl of the eve- the stage nSg «nd _...,,.. .... . . _ .. .„ properties for tht fMMger boys, i wiUpfsntnt three reels Mr. p «f pleurae ahowbag Iho pecta ef camp lite. T.l|. Kiiiikf :. Care li'S.i Sir Harry Itumpe.s Sir Macllviiinu 111'I<'11 S.IV.ICIKII finirc liavidso)! ..--.l»;in McMastcr I'aritline Townlt.'y ;... Hetty Itiiunr Vlrtclniii Kirk . . f .lane Hurrow . Miiry-^rnhani I,alia Kuiilx' ...Itfcky I'fuuts g i opinion. Only when women HIIOW an ufesresalVu interest In 'public, af- fairs and develop political u.cumeh will tibeke predjudit'eH be Itroken down. In \JawB atfectiiiR privatl; rights there are no discriminations. Women should,*, however, under- stand the law« especially those af- fecting the family, niioh as mar- riage, guardianship of children, di- vorce, it nd property figl^s. She urged improvement in'the.''marriage College Club to Hear "\ : Dr. ^oardmaii Dr. Itlie.i Kiiy lloardman who will •i lilt- (V>llene (Ifiil* (if..Kjimmit "ii'Miin-.h 21 si, luis'liiid a most" iir- U'renthiK trainlriK for tlt'iKextraor- dinary position she holds at present, ini one of the tu'siilH'of tlii ; "Zorbaiij»li <'llnif at Xew York iJiiiversily, She "beKan. h.uiu...wo.rJt.-jU;:whi»K rural achools (rf.*N.ew York State, and. afr i-oiimicntiiiK on tbe amended' tion or $H.k^iiQ the Board of 11tun luid^et. President Lester TlM! cuts we're mado at tha of the general efficiency of tli*' work carried on in the school in tIK- p.tst. in every Instance tu«-N> will lie a sacrifice In thed*" ]i;truiin n,f affected. fte.mt«inber. too. that SO pi-r rent, of Hie school boi- '.;ct Kocs fi>r salariOH and that 90 per cent, (if that Ls, mandatory." j\ll >e;ifs In the Council cham- JK'rit were taken during the bear- ing on the t^ix and budget ordl* "] n,inee and up to and aft«i' t)w vflte-. was Uikeii.' ljurlnc the hearing-.. many of tho citizens offered com'- fin-tits.' -.'..' V • " :• k A. liuifer. of Colony court" wlavted "trli' Ivill rrtlllnK" by asking ' iu»w.the' members <tit. ih-e Boar,d of Kdiuiitioii sgtre appointed, PresK- ffent Lester or Council answered by siiyinj*"tliiU. the Mayor had the full 1>OW«T of "appointment: Itolx-rt 1). |<nowles or 2$ BsseTS-i road follirwed by racing a question about the qualifications of mem- , ,. • ... .. . „,," burs of the -Council and pf Uw tcr dciilniR with all types pf t'kil- H();ir(1 (>f & lucaUon-a»".to wfceJhjt dren ihere^lH'ciuneiii teacher of re-' .. .,.,, thrv Hhnlllfl »,„*, . Adjacent states should, have . _ >rm marriage laws. This- ia . s . larded children at .latneslowu. New York. Her cfforlB wcre.s.p SIICIUIBS- ful that in HI2II She'was niailc^Ku- pcrvisor of Teachurs ^rn-«Trai under the ConinimiWRiiltli Fund of New York Cijy. Her wofk iu the educational field or not they should be taxpayers. City Clerk Kentz gave an opinion that all that was expected in line) of (|uali.ficati6h was the ability to ;•' 'read a lid write. Knowles in CQH- t.lnuin^,. said:'"I Beriously dpposo iinyonu votitiK for any part of tha city budget, who ia not a taxpayer. uniform would l>e one step forward in hilv- iiiR uniform marriage and divorcK laws In thu U. S. Mrs. Steeelman definitely oppt;B- ed the propoawl equal rrffhts amend- nicnt to the Federal' CoiiHtitulion because the ICHKUO feels that It does not Bet up any standard of equal rights for men and women, and it will destroy any protection for women alroady In the laws of the various States. For instance, rilosLJKomBn when, they marry be- come economically- depeudcat. Thdreforc, the law should protect her in case of divorce. Tlie speak- , s has been of KIII-II /»"^'»«''>K ]T1ie idea of BpcrnHnR jtmt Beems to ) v Ic-alibre that ifrrw she holds the-posl- ,,„ ,,.,„•„ alr r>0 down here ,„ ^ ^ J ^ tlon .if ABK slant .Profesaor of MH-^,,^,.,,^ a n d s e e f h e n e w Junk)r ; •eHlloiKut New W k University,- m ,,,.. ^., . . 1|lH „„.,„_ a n M . • er for "f'N Bill y ailditioifU) her work ut the clliiic. The "Clinic" under the direction of Dr: Harvey Zorlmiigh Is in ac- tuality the? "f:ilhlc for" the Social •ArtJirarrmnhV of tho Oirted Child." While to the luymair'.s mind its title, as well as the .title'wif Dr. Hoardman's ad'tlresH, —-SnLv.u$;ing Our Oifled Children.' 1 may parnijoxieal, fur the Sshnr riage as this type of .marriage does not give the prolecTIon of a cere- Rift- ed child sfenis mervlyXfj fortunate olio, uiK:h work Is of Immense and varied importiini-e. So often a child's special gifts are not t hey e degree of ability-is not ' iind the ;i|)«:ci;il training needed Ig- jnored. Under Dr. Z<irliaugli, the at J ) Oommlssioner, Mrs. Steclinan urg- Sifted cliil.ife.i. but when •dlKcovur- of Se^ie^i « SO w id,!- 1 '" ™le then,, and to asHJHt both lh « * chuo1 «md narenTB in he del would provide for appointment of, lh aslngle^ury CommiBBloner.ln ea«^- county by a Supremo CkHirt .lustlce. thus fending to eliminate pplit.es. lh « * chuo1 «md narenTB in he del - Also, was urged the passage of A Ul " »!Bniy ulitmhU wm.lrf ln.nr.vi, auallf'krd.' »? r ?-. f!I »»"" :l ! S .... . ,^ .... „*• . •• ..... --- —^ . . — - . ii t f n tii*., 11 n 1/11111 iiiij'i >/i^ »|i Uittly Teazle Marjory .Itybb) finn- n , *,,-„-<, In-IO'M th Maria ; .... Marsery IjnrHcn Mons.of JurofS. in 1J-1ill Lady •Sneerwi'll .T—TT...,.'. I'a tne la Kink an amendment In N. J. to ji b til Mr*. Candour ... Maid Itarliar.i Hity Iferky t'fout.s .l»He|ib'« Servant ...... .All(:e Alicll Si-rvant Urusllla Clark Assisting Mrs, GranHtnifn, the di- rector, are I'atty Cassidy and Bertha McPeekt In ch'arKe of the props are Helen Nasih and Becky Pfouts. The srencry. has been de 5 - signed by Mrs. lioyd, head of .tne art jlepartment. > , ' . . good intenUpn* Ijlio practical ac-1 to this: performance,: aU, fmends tlon in behalf iff Ithese' invaluable of the school are/ordially invited. bat~rnaitlculat^ iiiendU," said the President's prochimation. "Only through the; full c<Aoftgrjitlon of all CBTI wild life ibeffptofed for the 149 wliich.would improve qualified there was- incliulo Uoa rd tn tin's of this highly spociiillzod problem ;iie mid lit>r So- cial Ktudim ('bniiiilltiH! will pn-sont tho i-eHuKs-of tlii'lr't'11M Id'Welfare women on juries, but until ret «,,tly j ed- this amendment as butjiot mandatory and have not called women. Now, however, wjome'n are being called for the | first time from In SiiinnUL...JVftwr the whieh- -w4ll be. in il., tea will bo served HolteVt.Warren, and her assistant* who are: Mrs. Phillip 'Lawrent*\- Mrs. v Stephen" Ktiit, Mrs. John willing to scrve rv present genera tor posterity;" »d perpetuated Farewell Dinner Given ^TFk G. Adams •JErank GrAdams, program chair- Spring Plays Planned For Junior High School Mrs. Reginald- ThoTiipson, Mrs. William Swart z, uniLDr, Mary-Mac-- ti'regor. "" The annual spring plays of,, the Jjinior High SrhboT will lie pre- sented at 4fte- High School audi- torium on Friday evening. Summit Boys Attend wilderness and .see the new Junior High. School and you see an ex- ample of it,"-~ ' ' Councilman Bourne at this point Inler jelled some remarks about how that originally he waa not In favor of the tax and budget ordi- nance because,of the school items, hut that, lie was now convinced that the Hoard of Education was not trying toburden the taxpayer and that tho schools Summit possessed" were tho result of popular detriand. , Alfred J. Lane attempted to open the question of bonded Indebtedness particularly as the outgrowth of the Kdlson Junior High School; Presidont Lester ruled him' out ot and remarked tjbat at present l The first nnjfu/limvcnllege con- f activities arSummit ] 25th. at 8.15. TJiese plays are. the given a testinronlai; aifhuat presentatlwi >t tlie Mas-^j^ dinner Monday night oil Tlie eve o* * * ~ •*=-.-=*** With membership including- sev- eral who have enjoyed the program In prevJouB years and many who have "graduated" from clam* oi children, the Watthung d H boys' work in the PlainffeldYvM/icktedjln: dramatics. / r JpT oneact play i r <3irls r Troop, and WaU;1iung Hung- ers, boys' npljce troop,—start their spring riditft season this week at the Union County" Park, Cominis- sion'a Watchung olablea. Sum hi it. A / i j : i _ Jp- Two-one-act plays will be given. wag eivt>n a—wallet bv i I lie XITSi, ine lenin woru, is d •Kri. K S^ bS-of the! comedy co^raHting tin. life .ia>. ' | l ' i f " l t Sum in it was about "$200,000 lee* ward in the matter." The. main speech of the evening in opposilion to tho\budget was of* feredi byA, S. Mitchell, former prestdt'.-nl flf l;he Summit Taxpay- ers' AHHoclaliou. Mitchell, who term- ed himself as_ the unofficial ob- H-crver. said In part: "You gentle* men. of thti Council might as well pluad guilty and 'throw yoitrselrea oil the morey of the Jury v-the tax- payers. The trouble with o«r taxes lios in one department, a depart- ment over which you have no con- trol," Tlie»M»efore-he launched tor to an attack on the school sltna- N tioji, Mitchell paid a stirring triV utr> to the Council and various other members, of the city govefriment outside tUe_Mchodl,for 'their'"W**" ful, efficient and loyal service." Mitchell first poised the <Hiestioil of why Westfield with five million dollaiR more assessment thanSucn- niit had $17,000 less. State School, I tax (estimated) 4hin Summit. ' President Lester aSaured him that. in the end-Westfleld's assessment- would b* larger than Summit'*. Atfion* oiher things, Mitchell. a»- "" the : avefa'Re^ tesche whcrt'as In other*comfliunltles sues -H^frrmizrStittHhlt"^Mt<HHlt'dHit)4TtB-^utfl-€range, Maple-wwxl.: MOT*.- consult with the directors of ad-1 rlstnwii and Westfield-. the average) missions of tho fii• boys' work committee'.'the board of | girls'-seminary for "select yoiing dlr^torR »nd A: Shuart Reed, uen- ladies" in 1*12 and the «am« Hchmil r , •s and 1 uiii- fiitr. boys eraT secretary. "Mams also Te- i celved a pen and "pencil set from jj>reparatory_ school. ^ the staff and employees of the-as- "" Boclation. '. y ' if ,I)r. R. ST.". Millerrto««tma8ter; A. Among those enrolled from Sum-1 ghuart Heed, Itobert Woodward The ia a play thti .taiLherjoiHuii _Uiiei^iu>jttr_ti lasjuii. lhe.lv hisli schdols. In all rases the..directors of admistiioiis acted in salary reached a median of about $2,lf»0. At ttTe same time. Mitch*)!.; pointed out that the pupil load per'^ teUcher in .these schoela was about. only about, 19. „ His contention-cm tills score was that if Summit; rait are the following: Watchunx Rangers: Joseph Matteo, Oliver and nd dl-1 Bruce Terrlberry, Troop: Maryruth Jeffries,, Eliza- beth Henry, Lindy Henry, Polly Tracy, Muriel Shaffer, Alvera Scnuyler, Lorraine Jones, Junet Allsopp, Jeanne, McDonald. Mar- aud A. W. Alesbury, president of the , aasociatiou, spoke briefly. Adtttna then .slwwtKl-imitern of the 500-mlle Western pack trip he arranged last summer In con- nection with, the , newly formed summer vacation experience pro- gram. He will continue his Coii- bnra Sykes, Dorothy Turnbull, Jane! tacts'With the Summit association •I jn llils summer vacation work, rfie Hills-.lane had been ii) Summit two and a halt Turnbull; Also from Schalscha, Short Eleanor {klutlsciia. .Carol Prange, and Retsy Baker. Y JHX. A.Wckottes Ncw Richard O. Koser of It BUck- »d to the bars place, mi »«t Aoardof Directors T. M. c. A. in tbei the Butnmit mtetlhg _,_ to » fnw* sr*ts^ resident of 8«nuliU tor sectoral years. He Is s, ststtNr of the C«l- itrcn. Dtirit^ttw •IBM'ssslsted tHe » . sad wfll -continue to Open House for Parents At High School Monday Monday, evening, March 2.1nt. Hnmnilt Sivulor High School will hold air "open house." There will be a brief us- setehly after which the parents are Invite^ to jrt Tcacher*~*Hl isit the classrooms. be in the classrooma to discuss objectives of the work and In some mom»-wofk of Hie In- dividusl student* will he on (lisplay. Further details -will be given «t the asstrably sntt^a schedule of the subjects, taught, the, teachers' and thefeom humbnr«^wUl be given to each.parent. Members nf^stodentit coin^ilrtee^ prfsent toweWe w fruldon. years; Downes Co-Ed Forum Speaker on "Austria" The Austrian «ltuation. with, its buckKrouiul and Its possible reper- cn'saionw in Kurupe. Will be the topple ' discuaBod by James E. Downes of the"High. SJRKOOI fwculiy at the regular weekly meeting of the Summit Co-Ed Forum at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday evwittg r .— The t'oruni meets* each Sunday evening either-at-the-^^iCUA^jr. v. wre: A. buiiaiii» at IM r &n<i welcomfe8,. K .auy young people be- tween 18 and IV) who may be lntor~ ested f lfi the nrogpfim,. It was an- ot w University will speak March 27th" on "A Phlleaophy for your neighbors. the.comedy surrouliding the 5onhri- ; l " advlgory capucIt/r.ac-qiialntliiK: teaclieni carried the-same b m«v» «i»ii,.« in »^>«lliH!^- 4^ 4i H r_lthe boys with fiitranrc reriulre- teachers-.could be dispensed more dance tn a-Cfuieger-tfr-i»«f-+- :- u -'--r- _ rf ,.,.i„„-.-. & ( n«>i.. ,.„!"• -•'•--• n . . . - : ..~-n t...--_i^.;.-» trayrtyplcal college --life and ac r nicntb. the offLMlngtf of theii .< ol- tivities v " —^vj 1CRCS7- and, the -.cTistR-jHtlBZOIgular Tbe plays are belnR couched by liie__Mi{«jejL_J2o' > rHhie ,Herry and college All who attended any of the, fw'i- Gertrude nucklngbam. Overlook Nurses to Presentrageantj )Jjft11 HC |, 0O |\ pr j V ; ltP <«h<ipi head* and :colleKf rc|»resentatives.' iHid thiw save the city a IHT year. Added ToITiii; " would pay,the remaining te or thn staff a salary averaging mo, thus saving the city ainot Benjamin V. White of ~- * J \ ^ ^A«> m m * A pageant, "Tiie Nursing." preaonte History themHelV'cR as well jiU-ased. The Mifornial (I in tier on Kflrlay oveniiiK. ith, ini-t with s|io<:la| cn-|nue followed Mitchell wita^'tl(fi| uisimftii on t^lio part »»i fittnndinK'urgunient that Jhe Junior ^ Senior 'High Scjiobla wens plated at the ejtperMes of The Sinn mit l)nys attending'.were: by. suwlent I Arthur V. Viyi.m liojieekaiaii tt-r-. li«'iiry P."MesrfrKec-. Jr.. 21 nurses of OverlooV4lospltalR, rraci?; li«iiry I. .MeK./rge follow the annual fiieethig of the!i HlaPkbiirn place; "Stanley W ' Aili f th Jpital js C t "fc t Ch follow the annua g HlaPkbi Women's Auxiliary of thu Jio.spital js Crest kh d to be held at 3 o'cj«»ck mi Monday afternoon, March 21 st, in the rep re- at ion room ot tlie Nurse?' Home. Tea will be servud utter * the, paRcaiity with Mrs. Howard, a meniber of the a'dvisppy-j Hlackbtiru cdin't; Chiw. V. nien. 'ii Jh Q Kolil plated at the x p w niit taxpivyers for those who Jolt d into Summit for the:dnfiS m xpvy Jl oved, into Summit for the:dnfi t hiT , t km of the tlrtie that their chiT were in high school, and then t : . l n . Hiipport of htsargumi ii h th 122* Oak ' Itid^it aveu'iie; John D.ilie presented statistics to »h»W tl Mills,, L'Of» -aprliiKfiold 'avenue:J in the last nine years, the pt DOIIKIUH II, Ilaker, !(2 'Reekmnn j population of Summit* element d utter " Ine •; road: HubertC. Harrlsoii, 12 Ijlatk-1 achr»ol>) had rrow.'n.only'^4 "per C« J.^arnpbell j burn, place; -Richard K.' Mc'rrel-I. 14 On the othernahdi he pOUtt*(t j'Hobert R.. rowaii.ltha't the Junior'High School opp, 10 'hoard, acting as hoaU'Hs. Mro. .T7T|85 Oak RldKe a-vehiie; J. rumpbelllSefliW HI|1» WIHa>d~"J6w3eT\T»r;vT«T^re^rtent^irowar(|.'^Jr./- 20 Ox How lane: ™rinA hn*L« of tho uuxillarr is in charge, of tlieiiThe(Mloi'e S.' Kenyon, Jr.. Sfl decorutions. *,. viie avenue; Albert H. All* To all women iuterMed Jn :!i«a- Btlgewoqd drive;^yun IJ. II. I pltal qnd social service work, the I.Ir.. 56 DcJPorefif avenue-: William H.|rQnK enough s ^ l n ^ l ^ auxUiary. through its .preaid.Bnt^^lwc'h^.^jWnichung i»|a«;.I_ |Siitn-mit through the Mra. It. I. D. Nlcoll. extondH a most j Aatuffyof thei rpRisirHtlon^^ canfelowetrhyTS'eBewrhji tn*- per cent*- period hndHfTOwn 20 KiMor cont. By this time, Mitchell enough steam to get the cordit this OUt«t( in . D. N . j A u y R f l | l # d y p | nvilatloii to he present at of those b(>ys reveals thiil R are over board.jbjumethod. lual meeting, always an ( u ud ing evbnt. The HERALD welCTtile*. all ItomV of-Interest conc^ulng you mm seniors; 0 Juul(>r.n; J .sophomore; 1 freshman; and !"• post graduate. They' tjitme tt», Interview 21 ojLltot T r I l i n •Advertise in this pnper.. appointed members of board <o ths number of 1\t* place mentbei JasL to
Page 1: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik


rifle S !.)

m d innitiotial

l! .nf

t i l * - ! I I .



t A3

Published Everynnd Friday,


»d gmnirr RECORD

^UMsnf]IT, N. ji . MORNING, MARCH 18. 1938 $3.50 PER

Pr. La wreice TalksTQJH^MBS

gives Brief OBUIOC of Startaiid Orowtli ol Overlook



Taxed to

Suggests Ne«l of ChangesWednes-

day was featured l»y an address de-Utered by Dr. WOT. H. Lawrence on( h e-History of Overlook Hospitalj n Brief." In part Dr . Lawrencesaid: "In the sp*lng~of 1905 theRev. Dr. peorge 3\T. Shlnn. rectorof Grace Church.* Newton, Mass..while un a visit to aia daughter,Mrs. llvorge C/?6tejpsni Inld before» meetitiK of physlcafl" and pastorsat the •Highland Club a propositionfor a >community Aotpltal in Sum-mit." • ' • " . ' . , N • • . . ' .

Dr. Lawrence, wno tad already

vate' hospital, was much encourag-' ed by this movement, and" at once

succeeded Iu s e e d i n g , t h e financialald.jof. W. J. Curtis.-WMllam. Halls,Jr., anil..(Jeorge H . Wil l iams.; As aresult. l)r. Lawrenwe's hospital wasopened early in October, 1906, as a•private institution. " - 1

As further explained by pri Law*rence, "On the l* ta of that monthanother meeting was called at theHighland Club for "the purpose of'•considering |he organisation of ssociety to proride treatment forpersons unable t o pay tor them-selves.' About IS- , persons werepresent, and Dr. flhlnn was antedto preside. Th« result of this meet-*loir waB the Incorporation o f ' T h eSummit Hospital Association' on.Hjiveniber 30th, 1906. The presi-dent of the Men's League of Csl -rary.'Church, > . H. Holt, who had

- already secured the interest of themembers with a. .subscription *•'

' $600, was elected the first presidentof the association,

"In 1!M2, In order to secure abluest of $50,000 from the estateof Eif-Mayor Ely of .New York, thehospital Vagtorraea under the title

• of 'Ovcrlook^tlpspltal incorporat-ed'." ^ < ;

Meanwhile, it seem*, though thequestion of making the hospital theproperty of the community by pur-chase from Or. Lawrence WH"«ffe-


Dr. Ldgh Tafts te

The dMclopsaeat of a personalpkjlosopky of life was urgedOr. Robert D. Leigh, president «fBeaainftna Oetfese. in an infornuaddress before the FortnightlyClab at its regular meeting in theHigh School assitoritun. Wednesday sfternooa. \ '

The total for tse ijnfiilCass^has risen to «K.T2ZJt

and subscriptions areinto tne 'office every day

The member* of tne varies* 3teams who were so active dar- 1

i ing the ten days of tne drive -;are keeping at it to ssake sare ithat every one is given an op-portunity to take part ia the.support of our character bsild- 5Ing agencies. These oraaaisa- -tlons are so mnch a part of the catioa for Uring in tne Modernlife of Summit and so neccaauy -• Wortd". declared that by makingfor tbe city's welfare that every <"»ndeats fomuilate their own phil-one who can possibly do so si**0*** of We. schools and col-wants to help rapport them Jl**m vere giving them the only

Owing to business conditions «;««enrlty tfcey hare In an essential-the result this jesr will be low- J l v Inaecsr* world- .

Saariag anest honors with Dr.was Mrs. Alfred R. Drlscqll

of Haddoafleld, president of tlieNew Jerserr8t*te Federation of

er than last year so it is., theduty, as well as the privilege oftil to get behind this final pushU> complete the canvass.

The report meeting at the T j Women's C1«W who spoke briefly

jiuently disctijayuwas t«k«H lt


made the proposition at a dinner inthe Highland Cltt* in April, 1113,when a committee was appointed toconsider the matter. On May 24,1913. at the annual meeting of theclub, this committee presented a re-

reserves which banks are- sow re-quired to keep andsr press** ieg-

OfflcWs of Tootf lMuika pointedout that it was necessary to makathis, reduction ta tbe interests, ot

pin t that toe Sum-mlt Hospital Association should berequested to organise a more rep-resentative - committee to fartherconsider the question.

In general, ft wni learned furtherfrom the medico's tdorsfk that thiscommittee reported, early In 1914,it a public vtetinft held in Lin-coln School, the president of theSummit HoBpltftl AMOClstion. Ham-ilton VY. Mabl«, presiding. The, fistof this report, was that, unless a,pt,fund of I175.O0O$125

r H*• raheil—

h$125,000 for Burchise of the prop-erty, and J.5Q.0OO lor ettdowment,the plan would be> inexpedient, andthfe conclusion was tacitly adopted«' the meeting. In salts 6C this,the matter was not allowed to drop*nd]h_<L°v?r!Pok: |f«§pjtal Associa-tion was organfiedj, rollo-iring thisaction.a campsign (or oktatiitng tlie

.•necessary funds Was fanned, andin June, 1914, was wccesstnlly car-r'«l put. Nearly -I1W.0OO waspledse*- and the nnrclftase wasmade/ • . .,

' Oecembef*, IU4, tan Trustee of"The Summit Hospital AtSocUtlon"recommended the transfer of tbe

'„ ;*ork. and th. funds ^ " ^ - •

ni and. proceeded-1* (ilisbsnd.n .iracing tto gresib 6/ Onr-

(.k H A ^ r D L lr.Dr. polftt-tte pftttd, out* the increased deaaancU notnulMrom this conhwttnlty but fromother communttletj on the facilitiesi i

,_ , taxed to t M utmost becauseof -fliese demand* All 4aes« de-

Uwpince believes re-

to recent demands In.architectural trends." Dr. Lawrence

n conformity to the oaod-ernit>' -«f the maternity wltti wjllnaturally coou} atkoat at the BOSpI-ai. Dr. Lawrehcer Is of the opinionnat since Overlook tus reached

t"c .maximum of Its capacity, ^heJery recognition of this fsCt "Willeventually beto| about these chang-

ties Dr. Lawrence, Arthur E.erR of. the Medical Center

a guest it the luncheon. He™ d UKaplan.

i e lunchen Hdoor prUe donated by 3am-

! l 0 " wi)f-''»ld TNew » b


per wm follow. All alumnsee b i

ow. All alumnseinvited to be >he,gaests

1 lllan«" S c

M. C. A. next Wednesday. March ' i O 1 ^ ^ work and meanlttg Of both23rd, at 8 o'clock, will teU thestory. .Let us mske it a goodstory, pleasing to theorsaniza-tlons and to ourselves.

Bants Reduce

Summit ClearisuAnDoaoces R«teduced Frqoi Two toand 1 Hall Per Ciai

Doe to InvestmartAs a result of the coatiaaad lev

gp State and National Federation*.

latrodaced by Mrs. CJharles J.Beck. fwwidenti?f the Fortnijrhwho presided, ft. Leigh said inpart: "It's-very Interesting to seetke rebtkA between prograns anlspeakers, rie narrowing down myaabject of modera education to thefenvale sex, and then to their high-er edacatieau. • - •

"The probkna of higher educa-tion for s selected group of womenwith kralaa. asnWtion and leisureis a saoch harder problem to flj-pre oat than it was thirty or fortywears ago. In a Victorian' world•here was a static situation. Wom-en's professions were confinedchiefly t© teaching and library

vanished!That world hasThere is a great deal of diversitynsd uncertainty^a* to what theycaav do now. This vncertaittly Ishall dinonss.

return on sound invtatsseata. the! "Women, is setting married andmember banks ot tbe SasusitClesr-Ing House Association took actionTuesday afl«rnooa to rcdnee therate which will be paid oa •w«*«tg»deposits from 2 per cent, to l& fercent. Formal snnoanceanant «f thachange is made in a signed state-J tlons. whichment elsewbere M this pap*r. Theinuirked l a « « r t yaction does not come entirety ns a, "l

having children, have a definite oc-cupation. Bat two-flftiis of themdo not starry because they are un-certain. Thsre is a rant variety of

patioas to lonk forward to. Inhandicaas are greater fqrIn the world of oocups-

face, there is


there has been ato reduce Interest paid onthroughout the country.

T^ 4inkuH to aanwer t\m

qaeatioa, 'What would you do togive a soand edncatlon to ambitl-

since the increase in the amount of-oes yonag women r

maintalning the present posi-tion of their Instltatiotsv It ht ex-plained that the-best nveamge fatewhich It hi possible to ohtasa oncurtties of the sort which are•irable for a bank's portfolio, alterallowance for tke operating ex-

There mast he preparation forsaarriageaad

tlmeioh.centrated on thu% finds,ekiklrea arc gfows, that her job' isdone, and there Is nothing else toe n . ; ' •. •: • •• .

"One of a eolle|«Vi problems isBndtag a skill and Interest to tirecollege stadents tip nif In later life.ther«_iar« large areas of socialswefntaess. There are the social

To Talk to Bible Okss

An Inside presentation on stor-inonism will be given by Hans P .Freece at 9.45 SunUay morning inthe Y. M.' C. AVTiudttorluw under1

the auspices of the Men's BibleClass of the Central PresbyterianChurch. Mr.Treece was the Bon of.

« plural wife but left Ttnr MormonChurch as a boy when his father,o n e of the early Mormon settlerswho walked from Council Rlutfsto Salt Lake City, put away his un-lawful wife. .

Mr. Freece, a New York attorney,

at OTnTawas formerly in^great (remand as aChautauqua lecturer on Mormon-Is n\ In both this country and GreatBritain, l i e served as president ofthe New York Presbyterian SocialUnion in 1!»27 and for a longerperiod «H preBldent of^tne EldersAssociation of t h e / N e w YorkPresbyteryT -

A graduate of Park Collepc(Presbyterian), Mr. Kreece laterHtiulied law and has manifested anitctivo interest in the affaiiH MWeBt'ininster College at Siilt LukeCity. ,

Tells Women VotersOf Legal Status

"Legal Status of Womtn"' was. jllsiiUJ^sH'd" « H-rtnrTrrygiiTarof tbe Sum mil U'aK'iic of

Voter.s last Miiiulay at tin1

.home of Mrs. A.. I. S t i l t s , 4>>'DniidHill road. Thu main sprrfker, Mrw.A. J; Stot'linan, ehainnan of*-tin;Drparl incut of (RTvoi'iinuMit andLe«ul SJUtm,3 of Wonion of the StateLeaKue, gave a TTnhpri'lu'iisivi" vv-

Common Council Approves BudgetOrdinance After School Board Cut

j Large Mtendance at Hearing With Attacks Directedat School Costs—Claim Teacher Costs Heine HgT~~Than Average—New Traffic Ordinance in Progress

i^anui-. save d . « . i i n . . ™ i - i . . r iv- .,,, , . o m | l . , n . , , „, $ | u | lit 1937 and $::.7« in 1M« Councilmasum,' ot the work of that d.-part- ( i l I , , i s w ; t s . l l w , . n | | , ( ( , l l l s , . of pfrsohal i l lnp S S Voting f a v o nmenu- Mrs. Damptnu.n a iu ioui iml p , , . s i ( h , l t l < ( . . s U . r a l l ( , , l i s a s s ( ( ( , , , „ , , Messrs.' nmirne . Boye .Mrs. David Deput? the now Lt-Kisla- , . : . . . . . . . •

' ' Common rtmiwll l>v ;i .1 in 1 »i»mit TiiPKd'ay night votedon the I.tx and liinkt-t nidin.tiK <• fur i ; i^ ' to ta l i im $1..UO,O25.84 of whiCfcff«!»4.;ti:i iK 4<> hi' r.us'fl hv i;ixc>;. making tlui tax rate a p p r o x i m a t e l y

( ' o u n c i l m a n - a t - l a r | » \favorably wars),

Mrs. David lK«puti the newtipn chairman of the local Iriiniii'! 'who ui'Kvd ariyOiif interested^ in j *'current lc«isl,iil<)ii and willliit; to fwrite to tiieir reprvKentativeu. iii;jTrenton or VVashiiiKtoti to conic to: ia .-ni'ei'tliiR at her . h o m e Tue.sdny j | ^ T f i e Thrift Shop

tloiial . i inik. • Any «.-i»iiti-ihutMIIIwi l l • U' sir'c.illy. • ii|i|)rt-i;jal^/l.Kindly (a l l Mrs II IISummit li-ii'Mlt;. in Imvi

riiit 1 FT sinu1 M:I:HS said

uioriiliiK, March; ^2nd.Mrs. Stccliuaii opeiiod her talk

by einpliaril/iiiK the Importance -oftlie State Wide Klectimi l.iw (.'qu-fercm-u to be held in .lerHcy ('ity-M<i'ri;h 2r.that tli< Y. W: ( \ A. "Tin-leuKUe takt;H a definite Htaud~for rc-yisiou of the- duel ion laws mi Hialwheii a (.-itlzen cants his ballot hisvot<' will really count," she, s.u.id:

The speaker Informed »tlre; aiidi-ence-tbuj in llflU it 'cinnniltioe• on*the' Civil StatuHof Women wan sotuj> to reniovt! diRcriniinaliiiiiH in'tFietliiwH against women in piilillc and.iprivate life./ In N. J.., there arenow no ydlHcri1iilnati(Hi.s affectiiiKtlie p.uhji'r life of wiimeli at leastiiot.i.i^;'t-he law, but there fs'-hi \\u<adiii|iiu'Uralioii./nf the law which.• iaun outgrowth of custom

To Observe NationalWild Ufe Week

Kent Place to dive'School for Scandal'

National Wild Life Week.deaigastedAby President Itooserekas the! •week beginning March 20th.

To aid in.publicing thla week aswell M lol-Jjerlvo'funds for the'res-toratlon of n*tional wild life *on- 'dltlonpB*^Istioual Wild Life *e»iy S

Tomorrow evening at 8.15 in thehMrliiyiPhraner GyfliDasIuni._at Kent-Place,

Class X will present Sheridan's"School for Scand.il" under the di-rection of Marjorie Cranutoun ofthe Summit Playhouse Association.

The production has been cast asfollows;

penses of s tots, nukes it nnsrise •dences and pablle sttsirs. Thereto continue to pay s rate an higbjN the worln of Utersture, art,

lt% I t tas 2 p«r cent. sansic sadWhile we regret the necessity! to select a broad are*. Background


should not par more oa its deposits ••,•*»***» oCI b ! » W i h T Ues snthan it Is sble to~earn oa

and the scarcity of high grade in-vestments has limited the yields onIssues of that type to saeh as ex-tent that t t p e r cent, return to thebank, sfter operstiBg charges, is apractical Impossibility.'*

for Wils chsngt." one offfcer asti. nfconM be pk Is fundsfnental tbst • bank "At Benalngton « • Are

"Gaieties of 1883" atJhSertice

•ad then attempting todevelop a great skill In a largearea. We do not give vocationaltraining. ; *--• .-. • —.- / *

"Asother problent «f tke collegeis Iryiaaf to help} tadnriduls lonnu-late a Thla be-

problem be-caase off. the-compleilty of ooi^civ-illsatloa. By amklttf ftem formtheir own phuoaolrtiy of life, we areSiring tkeas the only security they

jaave in an essentlallf insecure

I 2 At-tne t « whlck tollowed at the

eratioS (ns» iseued a aeries ofstamps wtiictrcan -be pvrchaKed forone* dollar a sheet and used in the!same manner as tuberculosis seals Iat holiday time. These "stamps''maybe purchased wherever, tbe IUIKOposter is on display in Summitwindows or from * the fpllowhiKmembers of the Overlook Fisli andJiinie'>wocTsUoh."«'*Ittc'hard~L.''C(>r-'

by, S. B. ParkejK pf. J. O. Tidaback,O. Harfy'C|IIWt*me8 Ho^g. Ulenmini-- 2«j.>- m r% IUIII I , . TI,,I

—blly-Viti.i AmerinisenSir, Ollvi-r Surl.ui' Jliiriiiiri t -lluiilcr

Surf; uf,.(,'luirlcs Surl.iic

daring thlh di

W. C. Wittke; Thoved will go to tlie .Va-

Miller ammoney dertional Wil4'•"••••» I dnll uoon all cltixens in

every, .cotnintinity to -give thoughtto the necdn of.g p

Ihe denisens o^fie.Id, for1 forest, andwater .and toieillgent copBlderat ionof the lie8t('mraij£.;trfr'translating

Elnfis are well nnder wayJor lhe | LWUte WhiUi Haute.annual spring dance of the: Janice "

League, which this yesjr ,^ ^at the tea

presented On Satardsy i=lVtli,^^ H~HobHfr Malt - A c a s t

John HY Smith- AssistingMm. JtoMrt' B. Wood

ilm^ neteknr P. TtornUm;• ot \J**ZW members sad the»r|3iim. J. JUymosd gchlsler^ Mrs

friends will produce "Every Inch • b PWHp J. Hyshasi and Mrs. Harold' «i.ii»i>» nr "AAru* nn the ( I M M 'iof *K. Fellos. The dsoorstlons were

Summit Boys anrfQirls inUding Groups

Life,"or-Adrift on the OC«B of .

1 melodrama in the atatos- • * •phere of the Osy Eighties. The*audience will be asked fo take partin Uie spJrU of ts« occa#ps byJoining in the ttetta* of senti-mental ballads anrtsg the Inter-missions. Ovestf sill be seirted at

Caap PoqoceMlc Boy s

mistables coYeredHlh I^fwa^Holhs. I^fwanniwill follow the atelosrssss,1 sad allplans promise s gsy evening.fortKose e/no attend. Wss Jane Pear-

dtson Ts~cTiSlFnMiiin charge of arrsngesaents.

NursingOmmtitet H p sFor T«s Iky May 12

At the regularof the Schooltee of Overlook Uospstal.Tuesdny afternoon In the ncfentlonroom of the Nurses*llminsry plnns lor an-

Tsg Dsy on Ksttoaal UcspitslDay, Mar nth: the annealctlaurents iervlcs on Msy

chsirman of tsechsir

*'»ltes Tassl*. MrsWSchool of Nursing. Innet monthly report. thaidmlsslou of ten pdents on Febmnry lith.

The eommlttet ischolarship tof

laftsrs »


SaturdayThe sna«al casa|i reonlon of

Cassp Po«nsesak wiR be_held thisSatarday eveaisg «t.l~o'clock inHobby Hall Bach wear these re-unions grow *n thi egtnp has now

la operation fen seasons by

rector. Last year there were 225caasners and tomwr camoere andparents aresaat. " :. *>'

The- program tot the eveningcalls for groa|bs 1,1 and S to par-ticipate in presenUac a typkalcampflre sceaa. Ts)e '4th grouphoys will act as hostl of the eve-

the stagenSg «nd _...,,.. .... . ._ .. .„properties for tht fMMger boys,

i wiUpfsntnt three reelsMr. p«f pleurae ahowbag Ihopecta ef camp lite.

T.l|.Kiiiikf :.Care li'S.iSir Harry Itumpe.sSir

Macllviiinu111'I<'11 S.IV.ICIKIIfinirc liavidso)!

..--.l»;in McMastcrI'aritline Townlt.'y

;... Hetty ItiiunrVlrtclniii Kirk

. . f .lane Hurrow. Miiry-^rnhani

I,alia Kuiilx'...Itfcky I'fuuts

g iopinion. Only when women HIIOWan ufesresalVu interest In 'public, af-fairs and develop political u.cumehwill tibeke predjudit'eH be Itrokendown. In \JawB atfectiiiR privatl;rights there are no discriminations.Women should,*, however, under-stand the law« especially those af-fecting the family, niioh as mar-riage, guardianship of children, di-vorce, it nd property figl^s. Sheurged improvement in'the.''marriage

College Club to Hear"\ : Dr. oardmaii

Dr. Itlie.i K i i y l l o a r d m a n w h o w i l l

•i l i l t - (V>l l ene (Ifiil* ( i f . .Kj immit

• "ii'Miin-.h 21 si, luis'liiid a most" iir-U'renthiK trainlriK for tlt'iKextraor-dinary position she holds at present,ini one of the tu'siilH'of tlii;"Zorbaiij»li<'llnif at Xew York iJiiiversily, She"beKan. h.uiu...wo.rJt.-jU;:whi»K '» ruralachools (rf.*N.ew York State, and. afr

i-oiimicntiiiK on tbe amended'tion or $H.k^iiQ the Board of11tun luid^et. President Lester

TlM! cuts we're mado at thaof the general efficiency of

tli*' work carried on in the schoolin tIK- p.tst. in every Instancetu«-N> will lie a sacrifice In thed*"]i;truiin n,f affected. fte.mt«inber. too.that SO pi-r rent, of Hie school boi-'.;ct Kocs fi>r salariOH and that 90per cent, (if that Ls, mandatory."

j\l l >e;ifs In the Council cham-JK'rit were taken during the bear-ing on the t ix and budget ordl* "]n,inee and up to and aft«i' t)w vflte-.was Uikeii.' ljurlnc the hearing-..many of tho citizens offered com'-fin-tits.' - . ' . . ' V • " :•

k A. liuifer. o f Colony court"wlavted "trli' Ivill rrtlllnK" by asking 'iu»w.the' members <tit. ih-e Boar,d ofKdiuiitioii sgtre appointed, PresK-ffent Lester or Council answered bysiiyinj*"tliiU. the Mayor had the full1>OW«T of "appointment:

Itolx-rt 1). |<nowles or 2$ BsseTS-iroad follirwed by racing a questionabout the qualifications of mem-

, ,. • ... .. . „ „,," burs of the -Council and pf Uwtcr dciilniR with all types pf t'kil-H();ir(1 (>f &lucaUon-a»".to wfceJhjtdren ihere^lH'ciuneiii teacher of re-' .. .,.,, thrv H h n l l l f l »,„*,

. Adjacent states should, have . _>rm marriage laws. This- ia.s.

larded children at .latneslowu. NewYork. Her cfforlB wcre.s.p SIICIUIBS-ful that in HI2II She'was niailc^Ku-pcrvisor of Teachurs ^rn-«Traiunder the ConinimiWRiiltli Fund ofNew York Cijy.

Her wofk iu the educational field

or not they should be taxpayers.City Clerk Kentz gave an opinionthat all that was expected in line)of (|uali.ficati6h was the ability to

;•' 'read a lid w rite. Knowles in CQH-t.lnuin^,. said:'"I Beriously dpposoiinyonu votitiK for any part of thacity budget, who ia not a taxpayer.

uniformwould l>e one step forward in hilv-iiiR uniform marriage and divorcKlaws In thu U. S.

Mrs. Steeelman definitely oppt;B-ed the propoawl equal rrffhts amend-nicnt to the Federal' CoiiHtitulionbecause the ICHKUO feels that Itdoes not Bet up any standard ofequal rights for men and women,and it will destroy any protectionfor women alroady In the laws ofthe various States. For instance,rilosLJKomBn when, they marry be-come economically- depeudcat.Thdreforc, the law should protecther in case of divorce. Tlie speak-

, s has been of KIII-II /»"^'»«''>K ]T1ie idea of BpcrnHnR jtmt Beems to )v Ic-alibre that ifrrw she holds the-posl- ,,„ ,,.,„•„ a l r r>0 d o w n h e r e ,„ ^ ^ J^ tlon .if ABK slant .Profesaor of M H - ^ , , ^ , . , , ^ a n d s e e f h e n e w J u n k ) r ;

•eHlloiKut New W k University,- m ,,,.. ^. , . .1|lH „ „ . , „ _ a n M . •

er for "f'N Bill

yailditioifU) her work ut the clliiic.

The "Clinic" under the directionof Dr: Harvey Zorlmiigh Is in ac-tuality the? "f:ilhlc for" the Social•ArtJirarrmnhV of tho Oirted Child."While to the luymair'.s mind itstitle, as well as the .title'wif Dr.Hoardman's ad'tlresH, —-SnLv.u$;ingOur Oifled Children.'1 mayparnijoxieal, fur the

Sshnrriage as this type of .marriage doesnot give the prolecTIon of a cere-

Rift-ed child sfenis mervlyXfj fortunateolio, uiK:h work Is of Immense andvaried importiini-e. So often achild's special gifts are not

t hey edegree of ability-is not

' iind the ;i|)«:ci;il training needed Ig-jnored. Under Dr. Z<irliaugli, the

at J )Oommlssioner, Mrs. Steclinan urg- Sifted cliil.ife.i. but when •dlKcovur-

of S e ^ i e ^ i « SO w i d , ! - 1 '" ™le then,, and to asHJHt bothl h« * c h u o 1 «md narenTB in he delwould provide for appointment of, lh

aslngle^ury CommiBBloner.ln e a « ^ -county by a Supremo CkHirt .lustlce.thus fending to eliminate pplit.es.

l h« * c h u o 1 «md narenTB in he del -

Also, was urged the passage of A U l " »!BniyulitmhU wm.lrf ln.nr.vi, auallf'krd.' »?r?-.f!I»»"":l! S. . . . . , ^ . . . . „ * • . •• • . . . . . - - - — ^ . . — - . i i t f n t i i * . , 1 1 n 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i j ' i > / i ^ » | i

Uittly Teazle Marjory .Itybb) f i n n - n, *,,-„-<, In-IO'M thMaria ; .... Marsery IjnrHcn Mons.of JurofS. in 1J-1 illLady •Sneerwi'll .T—TT...,.'. I'a tne la Kink an amendment In N. J. to

j i b tilMr*. Candour ...Maid

Itarliar.i HityIferky t'fout.s

.l»He|ib'« Servant...... .All(:e Alicll• Si-rvant Urusllla Clark

Assisting Mrs, GranHtnifn, the di-rector, are I'atty Cassidy andBertha McPeekt In ch'arKe of theprops are Helen Nasih and BeckyPfouts. The srencry. has been de5-signed by Mrs. lioyd, head of .tneart jlepartment. > , ' . .

good intenUpn* Ijlio practical ac-1 t o this: performance,: aU, fmendstlon in behalf iff Ithese' invaluable of the school are/ordially invited.bat~rnaitlculat^ iiiendU," said thePresident's prochimation. "Onlythrough the; full c<Aoftgrjitlon of allCBTI wild life ibeffptofed for the

149 wliich.would improve qualifiedthere was-


Uoa rd tn tin'sof this highly spociiillzod problem

;iie mid lit>r So-cial Ktudim ('bniiiilltiH! will pn-sonttho i-eHuKs-of tlii'lr't'11M Id'Welfare

women on juries, but until ret «,,tly j

ed- this amendment asbutjiot mandatory and have notcalled women. Now, however,wjome'n are being called for the |first time from

In SiiinnUL...JVftwr thewhieh- -w4ll be. inil., tea will bo served

HolteVt.Warren, and her assistant*who are: Mrs. Phillip 'Lawrent*\-Mrs.v Stephen" Ktiit, Mrs. John

willing to scrverv

present generator posterity;"

»d perpetuated

Farewell Dinner Given^ T F k G. Adams

•JErank GrAdams, program chair-

Spring Plays PlannedFor Junior High School

Mrs. Reginald- ThoTiipson, Mrs.William Swart z, uniLDr, Mary-Mac--ti'regor.

"" The annual spring plays of,, theJjinior High SrhboT will lie pre-sented at 4fte- High School audi-torium on Friday evening.

Summit Boys Attend

wilderness and .see the new JuniorHigh. School and you see an ex-ample of it ,"-~ ' '

Councilman Bourne at this pointInler jelled some remarks abouthow that originally he waa not Infavor of the tax and budget ordi-nance because,of the school items,hut that, lie was now convinced thatthe Hoard of Education was nottrying to burden the taxpayer andthat tho schools Summit possessed"were tho result of popular detriand., Alfred J. Lane attempted to open

the question of bonded Indebtednessparticularly as the outgrowth ofthe Kdlson Junior High School;Presidont Lester ruled him' out ot

and remarked tjbat at presentl

The first nnjfu/limvcnllege con-

f activities arSummit ] 25th. at 8.15. TJiese plays are. thegiven a testinronlai; aifhuat presentatlwi > t tlie Mas-^j^

dinner Monday night oil Tlie eve o* * * ~ •*=-.-=***

With membership including- sev-eral who have enjoyed the programIn prevJouB years and many whohave "graduated" from clam* oi

children, the Watthungd H

boys' work in the PlainffeldYvM/icktedjln: dramatics./ r Jp T oneact play

i r

<3irlsr Troop, and WaU;1iung Hung-ers, boys' npljce troop,—start theirspring riditft season this week atthe Union County" Park, Cominis-sion'a Watchung olablea. Sum hi it.


/ i j : i _Jp- Two -one-act plays will be given.

wag eivt>n a—wallet bv i I lie XITSi, ine lenin woru, is d•Kri.K S b S - o f the! comedy co^raHting tin. life . ia>.

' | l ' i f " l t

Sum in it was about "$200,000 lee*ward in the matter."

The. main speech of the eveningin opposilion to tho\budget was of*feredi by A, S. Mitchell, formerprestdt'.-nl flf l;he Summit Taxpay-ers' AHHoclaliou. Mitchell, who term-ed himself as_ the unofficial ob-H-crver. said In part: "You gentle*men. of thti Council might as wellpluad guilty and 'throw yoitrselreaoil the morey of the Jury v-the tax-payers. The trouble with o«r taxeslios in one department, a depart-ment over which you have no con-trol," Tlie»M»efore-he launched torto an attack on the school sltna-N

tioji, Mitchell paid a stirring triVutr> to the Council and various othermembers, of the city govefrimentoutside tUe_Mchodl,for 'their'"W**"ful, efficient and loyal service."

Mitchell first poised the <Hiestioilof why Westfield with five milliondollaiR more assessment thanSucn-niit had $17,000 less. State School,

I tax (estimated) 4hin Summit.' President Lester aSaured him that.in the end-Westfleld's assessment-would b* larger than Summit'*.

Atfion* oiher things, Mitchell. a»-"" the : avefa'Re^ tesche

whcrt'as In other*comfliunltles sues-H^frrmizrStittHhlt"^Mt<HHlt'dHit)4TtB-^utfl-€range, Maple-wwxl.: MOT*.-

consult with the directors of ad-1 rlstnwii and Westfield-. the average)missions of tho fii•

boys' work committee'.'the board of | girls'-seminary for "select yoiingdlr^torR »nd A: Shuart Reed, uen- ladies" in 1*12 and the «am« Hchmil

r ,

•s and1 uiii-fiitr.


eraT secretary. "Mams also Te- icelved a pen and "pencil set from jj>reparatory_ school. ^the staff and employees of the-as- ""Boclation. '. y ' if

,I)r. R. ST.". Millerrto««tma8ter; A.Among those enrolled from Sum-1 ghuart Heed, Itobert Woodward

The ia a play

thti.taiLherjoiHuii _Uiiei iu>jttr_ti lasjuii.

lhe.lv hisli schdols. In all rasesthe..directors of admistiioiis acted in

salary reached a median of about$2,lf»0. At ttTe same time. Mitch*)!.;pointed out that the pupil load per'^teUcher in .these schoela was about.

only about, 19. „ His contention-cmtills score was that if Summit;

rait are the following: WatchunxRangers: Joseph Matteo, Oliver and

nd dl-1 Bruce Terrlberry,Troop: Maryruth Jeffries,, Eliza-beth Henry, Lindy Henry, PollyTracy, Muriel Shaffer, AlveraScnuyler, Lorraine Jones, JunetAllsopp, Jeanne, McDonald. Mar-

aud A. W. Alesbury, president ofthe , aasociatiou, spoke briefly.Adtttna then .slwwtKl-imiternof the 500-mlle Western pack triphe arranged last summer In con-nection with, the , newly formedsummer vacation experience pro-gram. He will continue his Coii-

bnra Sykes, Dorothy Turnbull, Jane! tacts'With the Summit association•I jn llils summer vacation work, rfie

Hills-.lane had been ii) Summit two and a haltTurnbull;

Also fromSchalscha,

ShortEleanor {klutlsciia.

.Carol Prange, and Retsy Baker.

Y JHX. A. Wckottes Nc w

Richard O. Koser of It BUck-»d to thebars place, m i »«t

Aoardof Directors •T. M. c. A. in tbei

the Butnmitmtetlhg

_,_ to » fnw*sr*ts^resident of 8«nuliU tor sectoral

years. He Is s, ststtNr of the C«l-itrcn. Dtirit^ttw•IBM'ssslsted tHe

». sad wfll -continue to

Open House for ParentsAt High School Monday

Monday, evening, March 2.1nt.Hnmnilt Sivulor

High School will hold air "openhouse." There will be a brief us-setehly after which the parents areInvite^ to jrtTcacher*~*Hl

isit the classrooms.be in the classrooma

to discuss objectives of the workand In some mom»-wofk of Hie In-dividusl student* will he on (lisplay.

Further details -will be given «tthe asstrably sntt^a schedule of thesubjects, taught, the, teachers'

and thefeom humbnr«^wUlbe given to each.parent. • Membersnf^stodentit coin^ilrtee^prfsent toweWe w fruldon.


Downes Co-Ed ForumSpeaker on "Austria"

The Austrian «ltuation. with, itsbuckKrouiul and Its possible reper-cn'saionw in Kurupe. Will be thetopple ' discuaBod by James E.Downes of the"High. SJRKOOI fwculiyat the regular weekly meeting ofthe Summit Co-Ed Forum at theY. M. C. A. Sunday evwittg r .—

The t'oruni meets* each Sundayevening either-at-the-^^iCUA^jr.v. w r e : • A. buiiaiii» at IM r&n<iwelcomfe8,.K.auy young people be-tween 18 and IV) who may be lntor~ested flfi the nrogpfim,. It was an-

ot w University will speakMarch 27th" on "A Phlleaophy for

your neighbors.

the.comedy surrouliding the 5onhri- ;l" advlgory capucIt/r.ac-qiialntliiK: teaclieni carried the-same bm«v» «i»ii,.« in »^>«lliH!^- 4^ 4iHr_lthe boys with fiitranrc reriulre- teachers-.could be dispensedm o r e d a n c e tn a - C f u i e g e r - t f r - i » « f - + - :-u -'--r- _ r f , . , . i„„- . - . & (n«>i.. ,.„!"• -•'•--• n . . . - : . . ~ - n t...--_i^.;.-»

trayrtyplcal college --life and acr nicntb. the offLMlngtf of theii ..< ol-tivities v " —^vj 1CRCS7- and, the -.cTistR-jHtlBZOIgularTbe plays are belnR couched byliie__Mi{«jejL_J2o'>rHhie ,Herry and

collegeAll who attended any of the, fw'i-

Gertrude nucklngbam.

Overlook Nurses toP r e s e n t r a g e a n t j ) J j f t 1 1 HC|,0O|\ p r j V ; l t P <«h<ipi head*

and :colleKf rc|»resentatives.'

iHid thiw save the city aIHT year. Added ToITiii; "would pay,the remaining teor thn staff a salary averagingmo, thus saving the city ainot

Benjamin V. White of~- * J \ ^ ^ A « > m m *

A pageant, "TiieNursing." preaonte


themHelV'cR as well jiU-ased. TheMifornial (I in tier on Kflrlay oveniiiK.

ith, ini-t with s|io<:la| cn-|nue followed Mitchell wita^'tl(fi|uisimftii on t lio part »»i fittnndinK'urgunient that Jhe Junior

Senior 'High Scjiobla wensplated at the ejtperMes of

The Sinn m it l)nys attending'.were:by. suwlent I Arthur V. Viyi.m liojieekaiaii tt-r-.

li«'iiry P."MesrfrKec-. Jr.. 21nurses of OverlooV4lospltalR, rraci?; li«iiry I . .MeK./rgefollow the annual fiieethig of the!i HlaPkbiirn place; "StanleyW ' A i l i f th J p i t a l js C t "fc t Chfollow the annua g HlaPkbiWomen's Auxiliary of thu Jio.spital js Crest

k h dto be held at 3 o'cj«»ck mi Mondayafternoon, March 21 st, in the rep re-at ion room ot tlie Nurse?' Home.

Tea will be servud utter * the,paRcaiity with Mrs.Howard, a meniber of the a'dvisppy-j Hlackbtiru

cdin't; Chiw. V. nien.'ii J h Q

Kolil plated at the x p wniit taxpivyers for those who J o l t

d into Summit for the :dnf iSmxpvy J l

oved, into Summit for the :dnf it hiT,

t km of the tlrtie that their chiTwere in high school, and then

t:. ln. Hiipport of htsargumiii h th

122* Oak ' Itid^it aveu'iie; John D.ilie presented statistics to »h»W tlMills,, L'Of» -aprliiKfiold 'avenue:J in the last nine years, the ptDOIIKIUH II, Ilaker, !(2 'Reekmnn j population of Summit* element

d utter " Ine •; road: HubertC. Harrlsoii, 12 Ijlatk-1 achr»ol>) had rrow.'n.only'^4 "per C«J.^arnpbell j burn, place; -Richard K.' Mc'rrel-I. 14 On the othernahdi he pOUtt*(t

j'Hobert R.. rowaii.ltha't the Junior'High School

opp, 10

'hoard, acting as hoaU'Hs. Mro. .T7T|85 Oak RldKe a-vehiie; J. rumpbelllSefliW HI|1»WIHa>d~"J6w3eT\T»r;vT«T^re^rtent^irowar(|.'^Jr./- 20 Ox How lane: ™rinA hn*L«of tho uuxillarr is in charge, of tlieiiThe(Mloi'e S.' Kenyon, Jr.. Sfldecorutions. *,. viie avenue; Albert H. All*

• To all women iuterMed Jn :!i«a- Btlgewoqd drive;^yun IJ. II. Ipltal qnd social service work, the I.Ir.. 56 DcJPorefif avenue-: William H.|rQnK enough s^ln^l^auxUiary. through its .preaid.Bnt^^lwc'h^.^jWnichung i»|a«;.I_ |Siitn-mit through theMra. It. I. D. Nlcoll. extondH a most j A atuffyof thei rpRisirHtlon ^ canfelowetrhyTS'eBewrhji

tn*-per cent*-period hndHfTOwn

20 KiMor cont.By this time, Mitchell

enough steam to get the



. D. N . j A u y R f l | l # d y p |nvilatloii to he present at of those b(>ys reveals thiil R are over board.jbjumethod.lual meeting, always an(u

ud ing evbnt.

The HERALD welCTtile*. all ItomVof-Interest conc^ulng you mm

seniors; 0 Juul(>r.n; J .sophomore; 1freshman; and !"• post graduate.They' tjitme tt», Interview 21 ojLltotT r I l i n

•Advertise in this pnper..

appointed members ofboard <o ths number of 1\t*placementbei

JasL to

Page 2: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik

at aer home___tham TowMbin.• Bv«d SO years. She

. , . . J»P4, Carl Miller, a«f Mjiphiwaoa and-* two•lUtfm, :&eitr Xittolo of: sM^Mrs. FtuwurJcfc,Smatnit aosunaner. ' ~~-

•> . " •

The next meeting7of the, Naturef^iub. on Thursday evening, MarchMtn. a* the Field House, will af-ford an opportauity tor. all per-sons interested in birds to hear thesubject of our local avifauna dis-!

that °the


by a reoouttaed authority.to trutn*, I f mignt "be asserted

iNow the time to band yaur trees to guard against the

Spring Canker Worm.

Pawing, I&ymant Spraytjig, Feeding, Cavity Treatment.

fOHN J. PETERS - ^Tree Surgeon

I„_, 586 Cwlyie Waee Unioitv N r | r

exeatssalt marshes of Cape May. Hemakes it a 'p/actlse to be afield atalt* seasons of the year. His searchis exhaustive and even »urt un-likely a pots as the Newark mea-dows are thoroughly canvassed.0 Asa result, Mrde which are rarietieatq others have become ««mmon-platea to him, and reeeat litera-ture on New Jersey ornithologyi.s full of references to his remark-able ftnds and observftions. ,

One needs but to turn to thepases of Bird Lore or such booksaa Wit mer Stone's newly published

for jus. Tnea*e(omec'to ptepaiwton badseaf We=efc

with a Good Night Clrele.—Maty~ — — * ^ tcrfbe,

Trom tMonday, our troop Ttramatltedp

t&» five points of health. Kaditr»l dramatized one ooiqt olWe played some singing tames,aiMl de*4*ed oa what we would soat our next meeting. We plan toigo on a hike, very soon, if the'weather is all. right.—Rhea LouEvans, scribe.



'PNOIWH , . . . iMieSft-7-ft

Mr.. Urner one .of the ablest iu»m|of til* present day.

it i

about Summit, His talk which is tobegin at, 815 will be illustrated bybeautifully colored

Fri., Mar.. 18—Meeting Men's Clubof Central Presbyterian Church.

•Sat., Mftr. JS—Anirual reunionCamp I'oiiuaeaakv S p. m., Hohbjr

i. HiifcHigh.

School Association "open house"

those interested arc invited to at-tend, ,

Girl Scoot News

SPECIALSFresh Killed L. I. Ducks 1 h. $»*feeRs of New Lamb ..':..... lu.87*Rib HoaRt, l8t e ribs. lb.SI<<Rib Roast, lilndo cut, HI.A'H1

Colonial Roast,solid meat.'..'. ..ib.Wc

Porterhouse Steak.'..*.': 1b. S4rSirloin Steak...; ...lit. SirToo or. Bottom Round... ...1b. II*Loin Lamb fc'liopa. .".... ll>.S.W,Hlb Lamb Chops ..Ib.sHkjjjhort Forcquarfer Lumb. 1U. l i e

.Fillet Haddock.J lb. I7eMackerel,' Spantah. . :•;. ib. 1K«Shad, ttu<:k..i..^;:~:..'.,..!«;«>«

HMD AI ua<l HATIRIUYMARCH 18th and 19th

Libhy'H Tomato Juice— ..; 3,fpr «»r doz.^ftlr.

Muellers Spaghetti, Macaronior Noodles... . 8 for S k

Creiihi^of TUce.....* : box IffShrimp, Bon Voyage, large 21cSardines, "boneless and •

Hkink'HH"....'....3. lafReeans N.">rI-Ovaltlne, hirge calls ...... .WfOvalline, medium' can..... :....8Sc

Lima Deans : ..:.. 2 lb-s. 15cCelery Hearts:rnbunche8, l ieBeets . . . . . . . . . . . ...2. bunches *fiJdaJio Potatoes. iO'4l. bag Sir-

"i ' .' --'.We opened o u r

meeting .with thehorseshoe forma-tion antl motto. Inp a t r o l cornel's,sc"d u f« 'workingfor- <2n0 class test,worked on first

aid. Dorothy Allen passed her ten-derfoot .test. Seven scouts havebeen selected, to »go to the PublicService kitchen, on Wednesday, tocook a dinner, under the directionof Mlsw. Reiily.- .This1 is. in ^connect•tloii with cook; a,nd hostess badges..We werVvei'y pleased to have aa.guests; "Mrs. W. P. Chur and Mrs.C. Donner, of the Summit GirlScout Council. We closed with, aGood Night tllrcle, taps and the GhjScout hymn.—Eunice Allen,

_ -rwmSmma & floi-wce vas^hebl tliteweek a t ' O B HM*U«SJ CJsJb. Mrs,Hugh KirkpatrJck was in chargeassisted *f<M\» Jean Donivjn.. -

Mr. and Mrs.- JohR A. ate wart.3rd, of Forest drive entertained atdinner on Saturday night Amongtheir guests were Mr. and Mrs.Robert IT. WhHney. Mr. and Mrs.Louis P. Bayard, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.James M. Symington.. Mr. and Mrs.Vance Lnuderdale and Mr. and Mrs.Gustave L. Stewart, Jr. ; *

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Abramsof Taylor road have returned fromthe Carolina Hotel. PinehursU. Mr. aud Mrs. WtRian C. RidRe-way at Beechcroftv are cruising offFfctridtfc-ontiie-yatht-ef-&--L: Par-lsons ol Llewellyn Park.

Mr a. Worthiapioq Campbell has

' *

t h e appoiatraent of Aatjtoay "Pisky- Paaaitare at Buaag*r of theSumatk Sot shoaid meet w b s geikeral asprwval. The eommJttse ofWilliam B. "BUr BedeQ. Oakley LaVaace aad William "WIT' McCuegave earn candidate earefsl I'wHisi'BUiia as4 asdiBd that thd vetersafirst, saeker should be gir«a a s opportasity to •asw-' what as could dpwith a combinattos teals of jusatsars and seaHmw. In the oast theSumsiit A. A. has been hasiHniBsed by attempting to compete withNew Yorkers with established repstatioa« hmt ss4er the new S-4 set-u>

J.p. m. - ;

Mon.. Mar. 21—College Clubmeeting^ 3.15 p. m. -

MOB,," Mar. 21—Drama lecture byEli so WeatQuaife, Hotel Suburban,2.30.

Tues.., Mar 22-— Lecture by'Eunice Harriet Avery, Paper Mill)Playhouse, 3.30, i

Tues., Mar. 22—iPresbyteri»hWomen's sewing meeting, PariahHouse, 10 a. m. to 4 p. ni. , »

Wed., Mar. 23—Music Study.Qroup, Fortnightly Club, -home ofMrs. Mark Fredenbin'gh, 22 ManorHill road. 3.1.1 . ' .• Wed., Mar. 23—Junior Fortnight-

ly Club meeting Community Havse.8.15. '. ... .' . . . ' • ;

Thur., Mtir...24—8.15. ifield-.Howse,Nature Cliih " meetiuK. Speaker.

"\~.\ ••.-,. .i i-''i-*.-i--?X ±i ;••

Charles Urner on New Jersey Birds.Thur., Mar. Sf-tBordentown Glee!

Club, benefit Colored Day Nursery.8.30 p. in., Lincoln SehooL

Thur " Mar. -2<—Meeting of Bea-con Fire Chapter, D. A. R.. at home Iof Mrs. Richard L. Cor by, 115 Maplestreet, 2.30 p. m, ' . ' " . .

Thins., Mar. 24—Quarterly meet-ing Council of Social Ageiieiea,8.15. .• . - ' • - .

Fri., Mar. 2&—Junior High Schoolplays, 8.15. -. Apr. 28—MeetiuR of nea-

con Fire Chapter, D. A. R.,'at Y.M. C. A., 2 p. m.

Mon., Mar. 28-Y,*M. C. A..Worn-j

finances sboald *st be too great aisrobltfa. /ttay • PattersM, sresMent of the Madisoa dab, recently informed

this scribe that hU. team would he the fastest ever seen at Dodge Fieldand would cost |2s. To sty way of thinkisg Pi t Is on the right track.The rules' limit the number of those who have seen act ioniin organliedbail bttt do not compel a team to place five pro players on the field. •

MHlburn and Summit state their clubs will cost approximately $75per game but that estimate appears high as five paid players, umpires,bat* aud balls and incidental expenses should be well below that figure.Every effort should be made to get the best youngsters In this sectioninto uniform. The idea of a spring baseball school is a sound one as itwill stimulate interest in the league and in baseball in general.

The writer hopes that Pinky will give such players air Bob Brydon,-Tom Finiieran, Red Ahern. Don Figke and others a chance To showth.eir. ability. Competition In faster company, plus a little helpfulcoaching, would do much to wear off any rough<edges."""/"

There is a strong p.^^ihiliiy that the "Y" and Knights of Columbus........ m . i t yu^jay uigat-atTh^^T.^ Before the .start of the

Name series. Manager Louie Twill, evidently anticipatingllengrt the "V" to a game for the city title. — -

The "Y" jtefeated the • Hiah School last week iir an extra periodgame arid * Casey triumph Sunday over the Holy Nante Would giveboth t-eains' clear risht to a title game.

*«. to pastorof p € a .

- -T—— will observeof U s founding with

Aprii 3rd.

A 0000Private >Xe88on« By Appointment


• • Beerkwood R,j.Clinu


• " »

At i l ir^at part of the itjeetlng.for a short period of time, we play-


T«L Summit 6.1879 8u««Jt, 5 . J.

* r

^ QubrNewJevMey'% Smartest Nite Club

Presents three shows every nite

.- • '•••••- . • • • . - , • • • m u s i c b y •.• " • • ' •; ' # •'•

Willie Jame9 and His Society Orchestra

; No cpuvert, no minimum charge at any time• • - • ' • • ' • ' • ' • • : . . . L - v " V : ' • " •



I •

J i n g a Sonjf of E&r-ponHo _A Craiikcase Full of Grit. ~ r

Adding Extra Quart* of Oil- Will Nor Help a - B i t , —

-^h«n:the. Case ia Opened. .And Cleaned of ICverythintf., ~ / r e s h OiljH a Tonic That

, Mak«Hr4fuiir_JiIotur Slug. **~z: , s ' '•£"'!''' ~*&'7~

_P»r a PerfectSpring Tune'Up

« Servicing, BringYour Car to Us*

... Agents for '-^GOODYEAR y~


^ +- y_. .



'Phone Summit S-3249

'with our -scout songs which ~weplan to use in future scout meet-Ings. Next .we divided Into twogroups, part: working for hosteas•badge, ,,the rest for handicraftbadge. We closed our meeting with

ja Rood night circle.—Mary F\ttrl"patrick, scribe.

' • o . '• • • •

Troop 0Monday, we opened our meeting

by illustrating the Girl Scout Laws.j We then, formed patrol corners antl1 passed some- of our second classtests. After playing some games,

| we closed our meet ing.—Rhea Lout Evans, scribe.

O- r~

Troop 7After a formal opening'we held

patrol corners. Sonw patrols work-[ ed OJJL. different badge work;, first

aid arid observer. In court of hon-or, plans were discussed for_ ourbanquet to be held some time InMay. A ruling wos made tlrat allscouts must wear scout uniforms attroop meetings, to he effective,April 1st. Hazel Singelton passedher temlerfoot test. Our Browniesmet with ,Lt. CaretUh. We had as

j guest, Frances Rordon, a 1st class! scour of Trxaip 32. Newark. She{joined us in our Good Night Circle.| We closed with taps.—Eunice Allen,iocribe.

. Tro«|) 8We spent the first part of our

The Rexafl Drug Store



I t£


, • V *"

. • , * . - . , .





Llq.U. HeadaSs,8alve, Hot* Drops M mlsateitry 44B«b.Mr-TI»m"-WorW*» Bert


ment,annual tea. Methodist ChurchParish House; Boulevard, 3.15, '•">

Su.il., April 3—Christian SciejiceLecture. FI. S. auditorium, 3,30 p. m.

Mon.. Apr. -4—-Drama le'ctiire-byKlise Went Qualfe, Hdtel^uburlmn. j

returned to her hon»e in Kuoljwood i OTERLOOK HOSPITAL BIRTHSroad ..after .spending-'--a week with I •-*-i.«. f_.i,.- Mr. Hooper, in Cam-1 l l w n t births at Overlook Hos-

Mon.. Apr: 4-Lincbln P.-T. A. jnave- returut'd frommeeting.-at i % &. Dr: Kvelyn jN'aasa.u,-TrUiidad. RioHolt will speak/ . ' ami Martinique.

," March 6tb.1 Son to Mr. and Mrs. jofleph_Kit-...» . . . . . . . r . _ _ . v - . - - " , * . • ' • • *juii>.ij» a ir . -a

Mon.i Apr.-.ffprayton-rt»rent Ed- Mr- a u ( l M r s Nf.wton WaJktr _oficUtI l> M a ( l l s o u > „,, M a r a i 7 t h .«,atio« Sttidy O r o n p . l l S . . , . ^»l»«n avenue ,utextame«r ai dm- S o n ^ aud Mrs. James I.

V^Womaii's Alliance l w r f l J " l h r i l t w OM *VJrf'11ir"1''h" '" - - - - ^Cumniuidft^hureh meeting.:

Wed, Apr. 6-Fortnightly Clubmeeting, high,school.auditorium, .1p. m.

Si, Apr. 7—W. C. T. U. theet

aer a?idd)r.id^oa FridaT^iphi.- ^^Ce^'w^no^m.'siuauU.'^Mrs.'Victor S. Beam of Conwtdu.;ya r t n j j ^

road is the Kuest at her .laushl^r. | Dlka^r t o M r . a n d Mr9< Kar]Mrs..R. nate«ou of Beaufort S. C- r.erhart. 4 Baltusrol road, Summit,

• Hobert Kennedy, son of Mr. and " „ M a r c n S t h -—T.__lMrs. J. Xormqn Kennedy of Fair- | Vn , , , . ! , . , , tn

in*. ii.rV.nP. m,

7W % i Daughter to Mr. and Mrs.

, . „ .Ui a.i.^uiu ^ar* «.«oFge h - u f w «i I l i i^a,^r Mr ^ Mr8- lHmur

Fri.. Apr. 8-^Gardcn Department. |Hobar* avenue, are luwne from Kent n i c k M e U u 8 ! > 3 4 A u ! ) r e y 8 t r e e t >

Fortnightly CluJ^JFJild House. 10 jS0'1,001 ( o r , ***•&**' ™^ l S*n - Summit, on Marc* fcth. .-"Daushter to Mr. and'Mrs.-Fred-

erirk Pike, Springfield, on March

, Mrs. Huthveh A. Wodell has re-!Tues.. Apj,^12-Town Improve-!turned .to her home in Highland

ment Asaociatidi>meeti|is;, C« Proa- , a v « n u o f r o m Nokomw. Fla.mother. Mrs. page, is

'l'hone Summit 8.U7O.R Box 38



Painting and Decorat


All Work Guaranteed

pert street, 10/a. m.Wed., Apr. W—Junior Fortnight-

ly Club meeting, Community House,8.15.

, , . ^,™HWrrin*I' Son to Mr. and Mrs.vJoseph Am-f T i a ? n ° ° n a ^ 0 m O b l e a e r

rl d ' n t berke. Union, on March — P

Roliert II. Gwaltuey. Jr.. of New; «„„ tn ^ ,MH, . U M ,York City, was the week-end guest

S t jSon to Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiatn Ste-

M/ V ' " ^ 1 1 ' ^ a ^ * O T " ^ " ^ " " ^ " ^ v e n s , MUJburnT on March 9th.. 18-Drama lecture by i?/ bis parelfts. Mr. and Mp. Robert. 7 1 —_ _Qualfo, Hotel Suburban,

Mon., AElixe2.30.

Apr. 19—Baptist Women'*diuiunl lunolieon at the

1 p. m.May 19—Meeting of" Bea-j

H. Gvraltney at their horn/ in HiRn-5 Mr. and Mrs Graham R, Holly,,land avenue. - ; who hare been spending the winter I

Mr, and Mrs. Charles H. Smith'at the Hotel Marltojj, will opene!and Mrs( Margaret Baker sp*ni the "their home in Baltusrol way on

!week-en<lat Ashury Fftrk. <. J A P n l 1st. V \. [ Mr». Roorrr-fl. Blake entertained] Ml-, and Mrs. W. T. Sampson__ „ __ _. -x Sampson

Fire Chapter, D. A. It., at home w luiKt> Ol> Tuesday at her apart-'Smith entertained at a cockUIiMrs. M. E. Head. U. S. Veterans'impnt at 829 Park avenue. Xew York,? ty oa BUnday afternoon at t!

ospital, Lyons, 1 p. m.. box lunch, j for Mrs. Geonge Rper of Xew York.'home in East lane. \Fed., Apr. 20—Reunion Dinner of

"That's a Job I

"I've seen too * jwidows struggling withthe complicated and har-rying work of settling ahusband's estate. I told-iny husband Twould^e-fer having the Morris-t o w n T r u s t Companynamed as executor."The thoughtful way toprovide for your wife is to"let trained people assumethe carer and responsi-bilities of settling yourestate. j V e will be gladto explain oUr -qualifica-tions as your executor.


Mcjnbrr Federal Drpoilt

C A 4th Battalion, X. J. S. M., High-land Hall. 7.1ILM1, --—' 1

Thur., Apr. 21—Athenaeum, high |sejhool auditorium. . .. ..

Sat.. Apr. 23—f. I. A. GardenExchange, Public Library.

Wed., Apr. 27—Junior Fortnight-ly Club, annual play for members.Oak Knoll gymnasium, 8.15.

Wed., Apr,. 21^-FarUightly Clubannual meeting and tea, M p. m.

Mon r / Apr. 28—College ClubTneering;-Field Itouse,8;15r —J—

;/ M r s . George Martin, of Euclid'avenue is visiting with her mother jin SL Petersburg, Fla. j


ATTENTION.."-• TO J>ETA1L8 . . . In the merchandising

— o£ fii|e wines and liquors in A,"ft- PLiouor Stores insures every customer ofrefeivjng only dependable products and

: al way| at moderate prices. . Look over'\ thestrralues offereiTTo ,t)ie close of busi-

ness, ^Wednesday, March 23rd. ~~^^


? A rich full bodied Ryf Whiskey boltled In bond. "

W A t 3 Q * r s . " •• - •' : . - • • ' , ' — J . - — • , ' • ; •

Expertly blended quality Scotch Whi«ky._


»Rf Nfi Proof 4/.V Quart

Distilled from' American-grain.



or BOURBON..... o...,

•" • •.:— " L i c e n s e d S t o r e s ' '•'• '•• •

4 n Springfield Ave., Submit 'Phone 6-0246

t h e Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.JL



The Ford effort to make your ^ollan

v buy a comtantry berter car u well iflu»-

trated in the Standard Ford V-&

It has all die bade Ford advaatafet.

It it built oo the >ame rhaiaii aa A» De

Luxe Ford V-8. It gfvea you t ebpke

o< aaiooth 8S»hoiaitiomi or 6049or*c

power V* 8 engines. But ItseOr at krw

.: 7 turn.

meat that make it ft i

Wife die thrifty oJMtortepower engine,

the Standard Ford V-8 it priced etpe-

ctally loty and gives the {reatett |as

mileag. W Ford hiatory. HusjdfiaV of

owners report averages oi 22 to 27 miles

a gallon-~6r even

eigir Hghter.twinhorna and other equip..


Ford 'm every way. And towill you whea ywi driv* HI

. \• \ "

i^m^miu • / ' . ' ' . : •

' • ^ . " ! • i * < > .

isCBfcl-J»itifliw^iti' • » .



Page 3: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik






i _

' - . }

l .



After ripeattef a beaetlful poem.W — dog's loyalty, Mr. Bal-

old ffrsevah slab,war dogs tn leMh <•* they arealtogether these days* and,

' 'n the ruins ofdo*0» * e

friend washadtSii di)H h

life of hi* y*>ttnK master.-whoselay nearby. Then came the;

jjernard hero who had savedtorty lives and had left-his own.while saving-the forty-first. The



team that took theto Nome, Alaska,

neededa few

to welcomepainter * a * shown",

with a dog oh either^alie. In con-clusion Mr. Balcom aaag very ef-fectively SUpnen FoaterV 3unous•ong. "Old Dog Tray, ever falthfjil.HThe writer was most increased,however, by the speaker's love forhis own' dogs, seen in the picturesof his Irish setter, who has been'right out from the screen and of!his English setter, who has been1

following him almost every daythis winter, in all weathers, as hehas worked upon his place. At theclose of his tali, Mr. Baieom andhis nephew received a hearty risingvote of thanks and a special Invl-Itation to luncheon at "The Brook"next Tuesday as the guests of Oid

Before the address Stephen Kentand William Von " Duhu werewelcomed back from*Mheir recenttrips to the South and to the farwait respectively. Anther post-!card came from- Harry Marshallwho had seen Hermann DeSeldingand. J. Winter Davis recently InPjoV'GSa. An interesting "free for

program is announced for

Chairman of .nonnced at the Boar*«eetMigoItbey,W,C-A. lastYV. Baspn, the Heart* _..>rdent. It, is throufc tSte*'.<irt» «*these volunteer groups that needsof hundreds of. girls are served byt&e" tssocialioii each year.

dsyrmen are as follows: Bual-• ness^and Professional Girls, Mrs.(Krlc M. North; finance, lira. K.Lester Groves; Girl Reserve, Mrs.J. Rcus Tuttle: grounds. Mfrsw A. S..Hamlin;> health. Dr. Mary «ac-

JGregoV; home women, • Mr*s*-A. P..Caldwell, Jr.; house, Hits. JCarlKeller: industrial. Mrs. Douglas B.Baker;nominating. Mrs. Walter D

iw^od; personnel. Mrs. Raymond T.fParrofc. program correlation, Miss"j Eleanor G. Bennett: public affairs.•Mrs. Herbert C. Gilaon; publicity.iMrs. Leo. KietzmaH; religious «du'

The" Morristown Choral Society, cation. Mrs. Eric" M. North.

* - *

i" ill imp tn,•a " " : . . . I : ' • •'•••• " . " ~ i - i. j ' :.' l i t if l IHICi S SUIT i r i t f l

. t. .

• 1v .-.('

/ears a«o was, led by "Balto," whofound the way through the snow;which hopelessly blinded his nias-ler and whose monument nowitands i n Central Park, New YorkCity "Seeing Bye" dogs of Mor-risto'wn. who are specially trained ito lead the blind, also receivedhonorable mention.

Theu appeared "blue ribbon" andother doK« of various breeds (ofwhich there are in official dpgdom»U main divisions, -wlthMS to 18gulhdfvisions each). Mrs.. Dodge ofMadison Was Introduced as prob-ibly the chief private collector ofdogs in this country and thespeaker .told how ahe and some of | .. V — —^ ! guidance a ltd will announce •Hlansj The ••recently-organised •'Unionher choke canine companions had | To many people. March 1,2, 1888, ] shortly for ;i secoutl performance I County. 'Hiking Club will hold aonce entertained him at luncheon; was, the famous blizzard,' but to i hi May. . • 'hike in .the'."Wai


next Tuesday, Old Guard members a newly formed singing.. prgaiilza-|' Membership committee will be inwill talk briefly about Dogs',. the Uioh which numbers*- several mint- 'charge of'Mrs. Douglas B. BakerGreaf Blizzard of "88 and various bers from Summit, has announced I through the remainder of the cur-other thiug» which you, retired! Rodney Saylor as its new c.ouduo' rent activity year, *«er wl\leh Mrs.man. will lie glad to hear. Come tor. i C \V. Tyson will take this chair-to the "Y". then on March 22nd. at j At present the group Is made up ;inansh1p.10.45 a. m.. and meet the other old' of seventy sinKera coming from! Other officers of the association

many of the. surrounding communi-i are vice-president. Miss Eleanor «ties and has as Its aim; the per-'Bennett; secretary, Mrs. Frank M.formance or the-best'compositions'Alien, treasurer, Mrs. Erfutft P.


Marking Tullar's 50Years as Convert

to be found hi choral works.The socioty- Which gave its first |

concert in December under the1

i leadership of the late Louis Robert'| will continue under Mr. Snylor's"

Patten. -


hut,elie naid. the British (and es-


I'tchtmg R«servatton.Grant Tullar of .134 Morris avenue j ;A reception for Mr. Saylor wna^Sunday, March 20th. ;thece are other rviriembrahces • feiv-eir tliis week iirthe parish lTot\si-'] The group will, meet-at 9.30 a. m.

. . Today he ia a fanious writer und •()f S l ' J't'ter'n fcpiB."npai Church! at the AdmiulHtratinn Building, in'Among Individual lovers,of dogs , publisher or hymns but only sifter i where rchcaraala will b'j held.every j Warinanco Park, lloselle andMr, Bafcom also introduced the OTdTa;» early struKKle did he roiiio intn ' Tuesday.evciiin:;. ' / i Klizalieth. and. continue by automo-

hut,pecially British women) rather leadIn .their fondness for dogs

MGuard's Kacat of the day, ThomasScott, Editor of theNChatham Press,

,»hpse editorial.eulflKy.of his.owndog ended with the ,thtq«ght, thatentrahce to heaven would be' in-complete unless uWoirtvwere there

h i s o w n . ' • ' • ' . • !-•" "-.',•'• i

AB one of nine children, he was'left -moilierlesH at the :ase-of twoif

The .s(VoiiniiHii.:; committeejMrs. Jumss •Otltf.

of:'bile to the reservation^ iran.Hpo'rta-is Lion beiiiK furnished those without

A mecUng. rill "be held at the


s, sprains, ' ;

•veilings. ,Cdrrfct fit assured." 'Correct surgical quality.

Dfiftingtiotoa New Englund woalen | »an";s:.. M l l Ki|IlHti.1V.!^?1!',mill, he suffered a serious accidenjthat put him Into a plaster cast for,. . . . . . .,, , . „ ,. ,three months. Dreading the life df i Kemcys. Willard King. Mrs. Gus- new club will, be chosen. Followinga mill wnrkpp Tiilinr-rnlno, ti.-ii tav E. Kissel, Mrs. Lawrence J.. the • meeting- \V. W. Baldwin, of

serious accident P n a r l o l t 0 B e r» e n ' * I i s s Catherine'Lod^e on the south shore of Lakei Dlaster caat for Cornish, W. Herbert Gilley. Walter Surprise at which, officers for* the

a mill worker, Tullar relates tirattie shifted into a life that was tak-ing him- on the downward path.

MficGregor. KiiV. a.ndMrn. David K. I Cranfordr will lead an eight mileMontgomery, Mrs. Paul Moore, Mrs. | hike tlirough the reserva'tion.Frederick Schmidt, Sydney Tlioni-j anme of the group will return

ness of living, Tullar decided one I*011- M r s iml*y Wattes. Mrs. Gran-, about 12.30 p. m. Others, are plan-" Mftltirdfl.V flfti^r" finl&HiHi*5 hiu -w/ipl/ ***'" ".M.. Wnil", i i i i s . jisitiv' *-*> - imih LC IUIIUII in nil! iunui fmiuu*

to end it nil hv coin* in Rn«tmi' White. ' '•* i cookiiiK their meals otrer one of thea ^ p V n ^ b L 8 O l u f e Pro 'mSi , ^> ^ e last five yean, Mr. ay- stone fireplaces near U t e . Bar-

liana rfom the end.of a ferry boat!10/ has .been-develo,,|l)f!; hisjismn J pdse. • ,in the harbor Yet throuirli the i o t bringing-• Johann Sebastian: — , r*interCRSRinn nf' n mramriir h«. » ! Uach'B music to the State ln'.whl«h Save your pennies and your ttol-2n?Ji^S»TdodS TlTe result of this is a n h a r s will be taken care of by the

WsTTffor fkim BrH«

,......., iwi; <IM*\ il\*i.

Already we're- stylel fire time; or. many silver foxes as we sold last

year during the vmr /*n<&// There are two reasons. \Ot(e is the

tremendous popularity of silver fox as a fail for the new suits and

$ctnts. The.othpr nip*m is—.Hamburger's fast growing.reputation as


Our recent purchases include the famous Fromm foxes, each pedi-

greed skin has mm mriable ancrtfry! All hate long, lustrous fur

with plenty of while lips! A rare chance for a good investment!

On purchases of $l€O or trm- you may Use the. Batnberger Budget


•V"£ TV- • ' ' < > \ - i -


toToday, after his

I organization, whichstruggle up-1 „ .,

the wOrldl c , o u n t rya' 1 0

|}«H. hccome^fHte^-t4He-eel4ect«r;——rgroups of the

Society of New

Also a special group of Silrer Foxes* Full furred, chockof magnificent stirrr. at L

ySaylor-l»'••also con-! of interest concerning you and

1 B khi

wardA Tullar is known fWwnrhi c o u n t r y - t l l c Bachr Society of New Tiie IIKKAMI.dver tor thh mnre han 20ft hvmn«' Jeracy; "Mr. Saylor is also con-! of interest coihe has written. For he distrSu-! ^ oi "'i fm^M%En-\ y o u r ne|Bhbora.ttonor .these"., publishing ^ ^ J ^ f ^ n l r * ^ , ^ ^ ^

The HERALD welcomes all news



2-pc. REEFER SUITS2-jpc. and 3-pc. SWAGGER SUITS


Onr Finest and Largest Collrrllun nf ('(laN and

SulN at the Jfost RraMtnalt'le Pricns

SI.W to S45.0QAll sizes 11 to 20, 38 to' 48.



was formed: ' ~ iSunday, March 20th, Tullar will

| occupy the pulpit of Oakes Me-! morial Church assisting Rev. Saw-yer. Tjhe_ occasion is what he

jttilnks"of as tin SOth anniversary-o( his "beins saved." - ' .

On Floor Now

Spitzer's Wilt Not Re Undersold

rote These Prices YourselfTXIOJf.'

•^sdy IOJKIO f

of SlrteHi S4e*ks or Roasts lb. 25c(too*] ft..-CheiM S lw

or corned) H). 9c

our l l tUevjg ir^ Bbalthwo »Miuat-^Uavo steady,; even lieatt h g h th h i , . eVen-alongthroughout the piso,. e e n gthe floor's; AVc 'dd,: aiiice we've.swijelied to Kopj>ef8 Chke." . . .Make it comfortable and healthyin yoar home. Get "bleaner, quick-er, • stendfor heat./With*' far•"• Iessjaalies; End furnace Worribs. Saveby burning fewer to^s. S U iKoppers Coin? Tot itwettt heatingaC n« fxlru eosf. Fbt* Tirfimpt' ser-viicel 'partner ;•".''• '"

ens Miller Co.KINSFU HACK

a S r t HTH. HiminK fl-ma StrmrtiH, >'. 3.

Pur0 Pork SauSa(Hun^r Bmpd)

Fresh Lamb Liver(sliced) .. .

, *,.>-.> . t - V FRIDAY- from 3

Helen JVlills Jacoby

Stndio for •

Corrective ExerciseStenderhing-



Farewell to Broken Naili. , , It to a blithe lono 1o4ndthe unutterable annoymeeand tfui uglineu of bfoksmnaili, and a welcome oneto women who Mat theirhands a araot deoi and r«*aard realty ntce nalb a> ahopeleis problem.. Na(I

o wrufe creofityopply before the iH dries it fdrms o flirm pro-rective sheath.

WHh her new Nail Ensenv.ble, Blzabeih AroVen pre-sents a complete trio forthe nai ls. . . Noil Protect©,_a bqtrif of her new Cycla-men, r|ai( rojishr and herwonderful Cuticle,Tonjc Oi l

Iwsl MMMkH (IM



i J

• • • » .

VIES WITH**• . * ' •* " • . ' ' • : ' • ' i , - ' - •

TO BRING US NEW SPRING FASHIONS!Our fashion scouts—just off the boat—bring

exciting news from London! British fashions

ere "taps" iii international cafe society!

NORMAN HAKTWELLTS NET BOLEROENSEMBLE.London designer—slopped ike Jum uith thisfytathtaking rityom mrk etrmmg empcinble! l | V

, brought fcedk tkrorigimml—pnimdtyxv/medit /drYOU! Shared ewsW —J kiplime to git* yofl• tiny waist! Bilimn*gs^Jmjid^coMrii^.jz

\A Bolero jacket milk aJsevt >•//,sleeves tops itoff! Tmrquoi* m* Urn*. Lumitrd edition*.

Tflt SmtHFIELD BUTCHER'S COAT.'twUfgr~nvtsr~fdifii()n!' .from ~rfo; SmithfUstMarket,in*London, ttyws the //ifni'iit Butchpr*$

Coal! We toott this authentic 14th century

Endtih style-reoph'tl it—even to knife pocket$

in^2Oth century Foislmann mohotona tvoot ttceedt

Dusty-blue, gray or navy'. , Sizes )!' to lBt Lim-

ited editions - "~^T, , .> , ;' ,,,-•: 39&S


Page 4: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik


from the OfOc*li A

fatcxninoirMumadt HtrsM Jr*Mtekl*« Ca,

_ W. Cilft, President; Fred W., Vlc*JE>reaident'; N'ftrtnan S. Garls,

• and Treasurer ; E. E. Pierce,at TreAMrer; J*red W. Clift,

aftea sporto ca totort, batUclpate.



•f Onrtook

deeply .' interest^*" loaf is acUlagstamps' to obtaJa mamry for paa-lidty purpose*, aad to raise toad*or the reatoratioa o# jaild

story Kives partfeslar*.

£at»r«d at ta« Poat Office, Summit,N. J4 a» Second-ClM* Matter

Common CoflocilApproves Badget

(CoBUsaM from ram Oaa)

S«>«t Trea» Ma.k la Oaf naMa



Jien'i Chab for « u ofauditorium fer a W Hhtbklon April ltadthe exhibition wiU hesome of the top ranhina'

C'4Colombia P-T. A, a t * Taaadar

F*nn. 3rd

8lx MonthsSln»le Copies

Display Advertising- ItccHvi-.d untilS p m.. Thursday. ' ; •

Classified Advertising: Uetelyed until• \fm,, 'Thursday.• General X<;«a .MiUUTKfH' lvi'd untilS p in,, Thursday, with <.<llt<>.ri:il UisrerAion HS tu u>-« -of lengthy mat li-r.

Facts About Summitt t i o — "7,r,ftin.1916— !i,1.::<;.

Haw Horaceir, Tne

I «o attend theC«km Oommtr Sprtat QftBiereoee onTkondajr, April ZM* la tbe Jona-than DaytoB Begfcwa! H I * SchoolBeouue of tne ooofsr—oe. the dateof the local's spring card party hasbeen changed to Wtfaesday, April

JITUL First Grade received tbeJnwnUiljr P^T. A. award for naviss

Us and budget ordinance was tool*-'tbe greatest number of parents••it Sfuele. WaTI realtor, who pro-1 presentU'HUH! that j»art of the redaction in' Following tbe business meeting;,the school Uuilget thai p r t e l B B W i ^ . ^ P ^ f " * ^ * ? . * * " t h e N ; •>• «?"

I the possibility of remedyingmuddy conditions now

I Lincoln Scbool playground, more; An exhibit was held In tbe Kin-espwially siiwe it was a M-neoi of dergartea Room at the close ot the2"fi pujiils and wh*r«n the city was;meetlns, showing the work of the

ispending several thousand dollars * various clubs recently organized by'for the Eilfson Junior School that' «b* «tfi. 7th and 8th grade students.

I.) house anly about 1«» J o o n Nigro outlined the work of the• Map dancing and Indoor games

Utterly, fanner nci^n'«& %?TtT^ZTllA\ B Loan*, John W. B . ^ Xeedlework CHib. fihe was fol-

j Mitchell. John Bonnell and B. L- lowed by LucilleJfaxzucco whoWelwter »<re read protesting about told of all the articles anade"by thevarious phases of "the t*i situation! Handicraft Club, including a bam*and in every case asking for r*Mboo Pipe. She Introduced anotherdun ion iii the city budget ' . «»««dent, Eileen Efeposito, who ren-

Tniik Ordiaaacr iatredacrd fdered a musical selection on thej r a f t r c , handmade p4pe, Joan geraiaro ek-

. {plained to tne parents how theCarving Clubmaterials land

u*eful gifts from

tbe countrythe game. Proceeds will o* «Md. toprovide table tennis tablw lar tfceschool. Members of tht Board de-rided t<v sf<wid a dinner iwfttNg ofthe Union Gouttty SeboornBoatturAssociation at tljslr own atoyeflsealthough practically all after


A . 7 $ , ,Net valuation Kit wlilrh v>>unty, Sl;«te

and Stult' Si'hoitf. Taxes Arts Au-

- • • Uond<<J J Mir—t".«i.\7.oiio.Tax Hale: I K M t H : .-•• :rly, J l -10 ;

City Debt, $.5.3; I,..<-;rl SrJiw.i, f 1.14;Bchonl Ucht J.lifi; Stat •• S.lioul, J.Iiii;Soldteni' ItoiiQM, Ju^; County, J.59;District Court, J.OL'. .

paper. The most essentiali'h;niK«' made since that tune is in

ff' jHirkittj? <m Elni siivetHKKJU street and Morris

avenue for one' hour at all tiates,except in front of !tj owned prop-erty. Atf first ""prepared the new

Kim .street on this block except ini

Bank. IU'sourLis—Jl2,99G,70G,38.Business itnd I'rofe.sslunul .Men—a50,

City of Summit, on tho LnekawannnB.R., a t Hfl fet-t nliove tide water, withM trains dally. Hus i-miriectlims withNewark, Elizabeth, Morrlstown andLakf, MopiitvunK.' t'Ky water fromartesian wills. Klertrl>\)iRht and gag,tide water s.eweruKc; frtv mail deliv-ery ; exrollfttit police and^tflre protec-tion. : ThrtM' bAnks; flv»> JJiMldlng jindL>oan Asgoclatiiin.sirtwfi"3ioxels\ modernprogressive f-choul sysiinn.

Commurilc.il/- with .Summit Business

of city owned property.Two .Mew Sewer Ordinances

Tlnet) other ordinances passedtheir first reading, nnanii


New Providence


FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 19,18

REi»r< t:i> HI IM;KTAgitation and publicity for the

W38 budKutH—<ity and school—r'e-tulted In the passage Tuesday niKhtQI au amended schedule which will•ave the taxpayers some four tosix points in the tax rate over thatpreviously'..announced.

The change in. flit1 amount.JLaJic-raised for city piirpone.i mudu aftert|ie hearing in Feliniary loweredthe rate ojily a frattion. The(pajbr tiperutioii to effect the re-duction wus on the nt-liool require-

•"Wents wlUfli, after a sharpening ot* pencils and their application to the

flRureB previously worked out, re-aulted in lopping off'~$\ 1,125. Tliis,it was fltaleil. is a) the expense ofgeneral efficiency.

The new Junior High School andthe expenses of:the school systembore the brunt of the attack Tues-day night, which .la told in detailla Uie news column, -

When one demands a schoolsystem such as Summit IIHH, andservices mich as are provided here,there Isn't ...much Unit can lie naidOther than the truism that the riti-aen» will, have to "meet the ex«-|pensea. The fixurOM wilt he^hownOn the tax hill—:ait~l»freaHed==iutte

- by nearly 4t) points.Summit is hot the" only cym- i

-munltyjfaceir with this. It seijrnH to—b© the riile rallier than-tlio ex^siD-

TJon.-itljI over tTioState, with nnlyhere andithere ..the <i.xpen.sea_,beinK

Meeting Wednesday night theZoning Board of Adjustment grant-

One was to"expend $l,1«ip esclad- «>••eawepUonsi to the zoning ordi-inj; costs of labor, for the laying of jaaaee to the New Jersey Title anda storm sewer in Madison avenue! Hfrrtgage Co. of Passalc permittingfrom Evergreea place to Keat*1*1*™^0 build houses in that sectionPlace boulevard. Another ordl^ «< Vackawanna Park between thenance provided for tbe expenditure-. Pasjitaic Hiver and Slkwood avenueof |2,500 for the laying of a eani-j*'*111 *•. '««* »et-baci from thetary sewer along High street to-"""**4 *» place of the required 40Kent Place boulevard. The but or- i feet- A* homes to be built will.dinance to pass first rvadfng al- .tol*> atUched garages, the companylowed for the expenditure of $«£<M *III also be permitted to have ga-


for improvement to (Pine Grove ave-nue and Plane street.

Officer .Vnn Troak received eon-nna4fon as' Police Court Clerk at

ilary of $160 per year to sac-Sergeant Patrick Kelly, re-

(ront the police department:rrh 15th. His resignation

aptamatfbally bara him from con-tinuing asl?olice Court Clerk.

ApprovarWs given to the frant-iiiK of store licenses under the foodand drink ordinance to the follow-ing: Joseph O'BrW Geo. Dreeka,P. C Ginocchio; Thomas Oobb.lK)tninlfk Musi, Borqtrtn's DragStore, Ernest DeRosa, Vhebun DragStoro, Chas. Bembry, Chm. Pattonand the Lunch Wagon.

The City Solicitor was aathor-

ragw extending beyond the 40 footback yard line or- the 20 foot Bideyard line, only one of these lasttwo exceptions being permitted onany lot.

The company plans to erect anumber of homes to sell for about9C9M and will commence opera-tions very shortly. Developmentwill begin near Elkwood and Clln-ton amnnes. ^The ptan la to in-stalh-alt iatyrotenients includinggas and the sewer 1>efore construc-ting a paved road.

Play to he Predated !•.VwYcrk

At the meeting of the New Provi-dence Borodgh Board of EducatiQnWednesday night Supervising

ized to take the necessary action^ Principal Allen W. Roberts reportagainst Raoul Collin for keeping V e d that the local school had beenlarge hill board sign on the lot at invited by the President of the Oil-the corner, of Morris avenue and-bert and Sullivan Association ofBioiul street. , \America lo present the play,

At the close or tbe meeting.'"Patience*' before the School ofPresident Lester of Council releas-jj Education of $ew York Universitycd the following prepared state- on April Sth. The play will be pre-ment: "The Conunon Council apol-rsented here the night previotta un-ogfzes to those citizens who werefder the direction of Miss Madelinea^ked to leave the Council d u n - : French, musk: supervisor. The In-Uer..Tuesday evening. The police ofr> vlution grew out of the presftpta-ficer present misunderstood nis fen- tlon last year of "The PiratesM ruction to ur^e those standing in Pen«ahce,- wnlcji was witnessedthe aisles to return to their scatsor leave the chamber and insteadrequested all «ithew to leave.

tion last year ofPeniahce." whlcjiby a number of members of theGHbert and Sullivan Association.

Request of the Laurel Park

money thene tiifys—aud hids fair toa t _ n u m i . ^ r - % -••-•-•—•• - - - - - • • * • ' • • • • - - . -

But then—this may be betterthun--fafiiiK u firing Hcjuiid. While.there's life there's hope. '

WIL1> LIKti CU.VHKRVATION.-, Sunday will inaugurate NationalWild Life'Week,- so destgnateil byPresident ItdoseVeir ~ liy ; procla.jnation. , —

fftct lhat all eitlzeiiH may partIci-te-in e«n«ervalion prograinii en-

«iUHtluall>whether residents in metropolitaiicenters, with Hniited uccens to thegreat open spaces or are iiermlitedto enjoy at the open door nature'swenders. 'k BffectivenesH of any program for'

p'tihe conservation of hereditary-wild.which lu the past has been

diminished and depleted !'destructive, exploitation am|'

Of proper undociitandinp and'"'«pBpatby. needs enllntmeirK of sup^ \mtt of all citizens If the misuse*,'

~«t the pa*t- are tp Ue -avoided in j

Repairett: Rented Sold

^J£T^NJPAMO Immediate


Siegel's Stationery StoreCm*€re


BoV4s t§ke th«M expeps«| fromschool funds. r ..-y:~ • -

Mr. Roberts ootlln** «<* planwhereby the Board ffiistatriecyrefrom the W. P. A. a playcronnd «u-JervUor for Saturdays, afteriehoolweek-days aad for the sumMr Hewas autnoriced to make aj^lka-tlon for a supervisor, """"•" 7' >

Ttte Board wfll meet March 3$hto discuss a report of the fact-ft«d-lng committee on schools whichwas presented at the meeting jhutnot dlacussed. r

; TUa !• on* of a aerlea of article on N«ir Jersey govcttt-m«?ni written by senator Cnari«r B, LaU«»ux ot Union County'.).- —;. • ^

Kates of Interest >,The Planning Board will nolfl a

special meeting Monday eresln^* atthe Borbugb Hall. The Awed fillorganise for the year and also con-sider preliminary plans for a de-velopment on the former Bernard'tract near the Murray Hill station..

The Ladies' Aid Society df theMethodist Church served a roastpork supper last night at <ptechunch parlors for the ttenvfit' ofthe church. About 200 persons at:

t e n d e d . ' • • ; . • ' . . . . . . . • ' • '. '•* •.;.The Property and Game Protec-

tive Association met last night ate^tlrehoose awl made plans lor

As many readers of tstsAolMnnprdbably are unfcunlUar i l t h therevenue sources and amounts de-rived for support of our State gov-ernment. It map be of Interest toeke some of'the facta contained in;tbe annual report of the State TaxDepartment. Based upon the fiscal jyear ending June 30 test, this re-port was Just recently submitted to;the Governor and Legislature. |

Motor fuel taxes contributed the!largest amount in 1937, the total!

New Deal leaders!

oeMeve the tiew DMtJSSwffl; business. I make*

rfon« agree with Cover-'s statement that "we


aoid ./grandm*norprobablr IwiH1 never realize what we . . ^ . „„ . r . « . . . 4Illl lUs „,

g ^ « 5 * l J ? ' ^ ! ^ ?et#«rrW,Wi,e« they were mn!r

It took

The State Tax Department's re-port atop revealed/that total 1937'taxes levied against property by lo- jcat' assessors reached * |24f.&8T.i933.63. representing a net increasejover the previous year of S5.306.-268. No portion whatever of theseproperty taxes are uflBsea' for sup-;porf;af State govecnmental depart-]

t * - * ? ^ ^ Wy W h a t "•'WWT "'toM the twin connwionsowe their descendants.—Topeka.to Reno. ^ . . ?. . . "8

In summarizing the local prop-erty tax situation, the report stat-ed the lowest municipal tax rate inNew Jersey in 1937 was the HM

crease.of $2,948,347.71 over the pre-vious year. This is a

Coirhty. The highest municipal tax' i


Visitors Welcome

LAGER & HURRELLfor 1937 wa» that ahown for ' 426 Morris Ave., Summit, N. J: Phone Summit

—._.. . . . . been de-jkongport BorouKh. Atlantic County^ducted for refiwvda as prorided,^byTwitoBe rate was $10.45; Most of theHtatute. \ I high tax rates are shown for mu-

A total of $10,517,127.52 waft!nicipalitiw in the seashore section,levied against main stem railroad*, r it. waa pointed out. Of the taxingand 18,855,317.09 against second! districts with rates from $8 toclass railroads. "These are thej$10.^, three are in Ocean County,primary calculations for 1937, near-' eight In. Atlantic, and two in Capeiy a l l o t which are under appeal, j May. . \ . - ._ \ (and there may be a substantial re'-i•<, "The rates for moat of the mu-ductlon," the report warns, adding | nlcipalitle«," the report announced,the recommendation that legtela- ''are $3.00 to $fi,00 as approximatelyaction be taken to bring an end to 80-per <:ent. of. the taxing districtscontinuing railroad tax litigation, nave tax rates ranging fr-cm $3 to,

restocking the Borough with game.Lester Oeigerich, son of Mr. and

Mrs. John, Oeigerich . of tPaiaalcstreet, has been elected assistantmanager of the 1939 basketballteam of the University of Pennsyl-vania.

Mrs. K. Nle,mants and daughter,Sophia, were given a housewanh-\ng last week by twenty of their oldand new neighbors,-'at their "newhome in Springfield avenue.

• I • . - • -* ' ' •

Judge McQrath BeginsSecond Term on Bench

Judge Edward A. McOrath wasconfirmed this week for his seconderm on the Union County Common

Pleas Court Bench. This was thesecond time McOrath had beennominated by Governor A. HarryMoore. His new term as Judgewill start next month.

Although Union County folk jlre-fer to him "as "Judge," Edward A.McGrath is an author, a professorand a veteran of the Mexican bdr-der campaign and of ther^prldjWar. Many honors have cpme tO|tiornhim in a busy lifetime, all won byjvari: us frhis own efforts. » ;..-..I.:..apartments.

Need for such action baa long beenapparent and this iwas among themajor points to which I called at- SenattMr WJiee\er»j»y«,the govern-,


tention in my recent address upon ment sold land in his alate toacceptance of the Senate Prcsl-j Indians at 50 cents an "atire and:demy. These railroad taxes have|then,paid them $1.50 ati-acre'ilot-'to'l>een tied up in lldgation for many;plant anything on It:—Jewell t iiin••';•years and if some'means of settling, ty, IJan^.Uepnblic^ii.the controversy .i*i not found, o u r j . ^ , ^ ^ , ^ , , ^ ^ ^ ^State fiscal structure obviously i , ~ — ' •=•--wilKbe- seriously- threatened.- 1 „ : : . : . ^.._^._%—:_

Beverage taxes, tbe report show-eed, reached a total of $8,6^0,004.27.Inheritance taxes were -8,265^63.91,a decrease of $13^99,126.79 fromthe previous year whap the Dor-rance estate levy was paid. Ap-portionments to municipal govern-ments In 1937 of frtinchtoe andgross receipts taxea against tttlll-ties totaled $7,001,822.53 and $5,-4I9.O10.88, respectively.

Other States taxes; contributinglesser amounts included corpora-tion, agricultural,. foreign- insur-ance, workmen's ccmpeneatlon andbillboard-levies. Total State taxeslisted by the report of the tax de-partment w-vj $77,209,063.33, a d«vcrer.3e ct $15,8»2, 032.&8 from the*previous y:ar. CantributhiK to thesupi'ort a?" otrr governmental func-

i-3 in »ul!t;on ta these taxes arei)ilc.ii.«j by State de-

AFTER 4 YEARS OF WAITING(Heigh.Yo, Silver iy


A Man of Mysctry Played by Silver Chiefand Ton To Chief Thunder, Cloud




^ ,> .M^ . M#dert:ixntion Suggestion''"'•"•'• N o . S : : . . - - • • • . . . • .

IPJSULAflONHeadrrTEngineers Agree

r that """•The Biggest Loss in Horrfe Heating is Through the Roof.Let us show you how this loss may be reduced at smallcost and at the same time make your home cooler insummer.

1__. EaRyJ^P^hly JHfiy™*11! irdes*red.Ask us for details. '_' '

Hill City Coal & Lumber Co.269 BROAD STREET ' 'PHONE SUMMIT 6-0525

OUR KIDDIES-After a wholesome bSpltfast, back box filled with

p ;Jng with reaour'coH whicU aierIncalculable social, economic, \

esthetic and recreational vuliie, the !Kfealdent's proclamutlon set forth.fOur State Fish andtJome Com-

lon has long beenjin_a4xiiale«rvaiton of New • Jersey's

life. "Sbrougli iia-: \ efforts•ganiiaUons have

greater Ugbt other thanion for Its members*and each.jjear se6s great-



Jwartlly endorses Na-

Spring Flowers• • • • • •

We1 have the Urgest mssortmsent

of cut flowers i* this vidmity.


-TWw* — X J* • k

Pabst^tt Cheette . . . ) , what «oald be Mter!




ICHASM PAPEB \APK15§ box «f §•THIS FAMOIN B18QU1CI. . . .J . aied. berFANCY JIMBM) 8H*I*P .,„.....1^ can l i eVAClTttM JI LIENf E POTATOEH ...If. dun 10cKt GA8.H KED SLICED BACON H Ib. »k f . l i eFKEHR KVASTED SANTOS C O K E r : F . . | h , 17e



i ;•

Faaey IVeolale Pecaa



AADt "How's

t Ntmerto ihint BiW9tie th6 final "Bit Slater Touch'' Wora lto out to,a party. Dad has just completed a lonf distance csll.J

trip to no time.. . while I hold tite'line."

: "Say! Dad, Nancy i» trying totell mt 'when you were « boy* itused to take ten or fifteen minutes

DAD: "She's right, Bill. Good service,for those days. Now I'm through to for $170 (station-to-station 3-Chicago or anywhere else in aifaost -minute rates in United States).


Longdistancecalhcostl&ss, fdo'Eight rate reductions in the lastten years.. .and now. rafter 7

JI I B B l ^ l t E R E I II


«.••> =-.» ;

TESTS NOW S8IHB I N j- A •• • •• • • • • -

Call in person, or by telephorie,|ttytime. . \ ask any questionsyou want. See these tests being made to prove that Westing-house Ranges cookjast, cook better, sate money. Find out loryourself About the amazing advantages of the 4-heat Cproxl k m i i U t d t h S ^leaturei Learn what it *eallyjB|eiha to.be modern, cook elec-

" trically. Mrs.L6ttsijys: i \ . . v > T

— f iHy. H hlUf wm»h§ a China

Page 5: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik










str*" Chair •School

Walkc* Chattel A.M.E. t\tmAt (he 11 a. as., and 8 p. m

T.occupy 'the pulpit, lira.

B « T . Herbert A. 8awy*r. will apeak I ****** btsalter. yill be > <he i A U

on "That Strange Joy of Jesua," In i nl"n<V • ' „ . •*"">•_.. " .'"„ ..-'.:! \ o s

refc! f or Woawn will As led by Mri. Wrf*- Haven oa Tuewtajr mora}n» at

m. oa the subject, "Taottthe Lord Thy God With

M i n d . " . • " ; • ' ,eventngrWednesdayg y o Jesus In ! P - x

the evening at 8 o^clock, Grant C.1 _-A l ? P- m - Church School, Oa -ar Fourth Quarterly Conference1»JO •.•»•• _ v j ^ ^ ^ ] Tallar. composer of gospe! hymn*a**1 ° ^ T M . ^ - L S ? 3 * • * " ° « M the world, will .peak--ntaefcd in io»»MK ^cfVlT^fiwraf-iiJr, sift. Fred Fran*.

i Dennis, superintendent.At 4,30 p. m.. the \V. H. & F. M.

willbe held in the parish house by theUev, J. E. Waahabaugh. District

5Zi^Ljoii^-MJly Bendextous With DeathZ* Society w i n f u . ^ l s h » v e r v unique Superintendent of ithe Newark Dis^* r *?*~ -l|r. Tullar's hymns and .anthems 't>rog;fam. Rev. R,—B.-Nesbi«?t" as- trfct. Reports of the year's work

will be used. • i slstant' past or of the Central Prea- wtu bo received from the heads of



Fir* Baptbt Ctawaiefoad addresa upon

•'Psychology ofin a Lentea series* based

Church School session at 9.45al. DL

Epworth League at 7 p. BL, using"The Manhood of the Master."

The Friendship Group will meetthe Mount, w i l l ! l n t h e Community Hall Tuesday at

jIH p. n i ^ . _— J . — ' >'• • - " . - • • . 1 " — — — . - i

adult group, tn* Folkmoot,the leadership of James IS.

continues Its regularin the Folkmoot room at

j;45 each Sunday morning.

than* «f ?M»% 8efeatl«t"Matter" Is the Lesson-Sermon

Sunday, March

Societies throflfcbpwt the world.The Go!d«n Teat ia: "Tremble,

,hou earth, at the presence of thetord. at the presence of the God ofJacob" IP!*alBi8 114:7)..

Amoni! «he £*Mon*Sermon clta-s the following, from the"I know that, whatsoever

At the service on Sunday at 11a. m., tlie minister, the Rev. A.Powell Davies, will take for hissubject. "Relieving Anxiety", a ser-mon addressed to those who facethe problems and carry the bur*dens of difficult living iircriticaltimes. • , \

, n l The Community Young- Peoplemeet at 5.30 <p. m. continuing thediscussion of religious groups inAmerica today.

tions isBible:

At^ (alvarj lB«rch

Calvary Church on SundayyHoly Conununion will be celebratedat 8 a. m. Sunday School at 9.45.The Reetor will preach" at. the 11,o'clock service..-The choir wtlj singi

doeth. it->tiall be for, ever:ft can be put to i t nor .any - r ^ N p t Your Heirt be Troubled"taken from It. (lifccleslasta b y nu-k«y.. Confirmation claws will

3:H»- _____ ' I*1* H* 3 %p- *"'• l n J^ie parish house.— . — ^ ' ~ - ~ ^ l m - — ^ - ^ - The evening Service atr which Mr.

K«*ary s a r n e . Z u v e r w n , B p e a k w U | b e a t 8 l n t h e

fh f Feast of St. Joseph will be Parish House.>l*rated at ftosary Shrine, Sun- The second LetKen luncheon willday. March 20th. at 3.30. The .pray- take place today In the parisher for the month or St. Joseph house. Miss Alice Palmer," welfarewbJth 1H Iwlrid said throughout tlie. .worker for the *Qio»ese of New


Churchand the

will he guestmusical part of

the program will be rendered byA l d J R l h J h

the Various organizations withinthe Church. • "

The Annual Every Member CftO-vass is announced for thin Sunday

Latest Thing In Poultry !OCOM AAniue and James Randolph John-son of Jersey City the daughter aii'J afternoon by F. M. Williams. chair :

son of-^Dr, and Mrs. J. Fruneia man of tUtrfinance committee..'Johnson* and the grandchildren of A'committee composed of charterRev: Raodolph. ' mi-mbers of the Men's Bible Class,

At 7 p. in., Young People's Hour, has been appointed in connection 'the subject for discussion, is "Christ with the reHtgnation of E. D. North;Meeting, the World's Needs'-' Acts, as teacher of the class for many V8:9-13. ' ' 'v-. - . , years*. I). A. YoungH is chairman i

Moutfay Evening Bible Class,.of the committee. Iled by the pastor. * — — i

Wednesday evening a prayer and Prenlijtcrlan Notes |pral-Je service. « "Let Christ Use It" will be the?

Friday evening tMe Youth's Conn- sermon topic hy D r . Rockwell S.'jc i l -wi l l meet in the parsonaagc ftruiiK, the niliiUer at the Central jfrom 8.30 to 10.30. • ' . PiesUytoilan riunch at the -morn-.

hiK scfvicc lit 11' o'clock'.. Th« secdiui in the series of Len-

ten .Meditation* hy Itcv. .Ralph II.\(.->i>itt will be itiven at tlie eve-jniiiK service. at S o'clock. on the;topic. "Jesus and Authority."'"A, visit In K' toui' to New - llrttiiH-

•\vlc k is plalnti/d r.ir menilk>rs of the"YOHHK I'eapk-'s League.on Sundayevening• jeaviiiK the parish IHJIIRO at•f p. in; "Kuril ciiif will bo

mdnth l»> the Nun» and by ihOu-^ h e clleora of Rosary

Sfcriny forinpart of the devo-tioo**.' I» preparation for theht>t of Our Udy'» AanuaciatioBV a

X i l J d : T W

York, located at Isljiild and.<conne<ted w-IHr' tbeVdepartment ofInunlgrant Aid, will beMhe speak-er and will hate".pa- her oubje<t

' Solemn Novell Is•too will.take place.

•The.ChiiEdttlarid J^Hk; Ianmigrant."Hfnade.Thlaj Hostess for the luncheon will be

. . . . . . . U»*,Wer--Mrs. Charles JP.'aaMt^-reiifesentlng,,oon. The fhaplala o f the shrine | the Woman's AdMliary."Tlie. Wom-wllLcoHduct the-services. ! a a ' s Auxiliary will conduct a pan-

X T M ^ L I I . * *>k_ " i. t t r y 8 l l0 fWer o f St. Katherlne's nonieOakffi 3lpinorBil_ Mewealn l k a r r l | O f jersey .Qltir, Ppnatlons may beaken M p B i r t o ( k a r r i o f jersey Qttjr, ponailpi

"God's Gift" day will be observed left at the parSh house 10 a. m.on Sunday, At 11:.«.-m, the j>aator, I to 1 p.

Lufherun (hur«liAt the -lljjO'clocik service Sunday

morning the pastor, Rev. N'ormanA. Audre, will '-preach on. "TheAutlmrity of Jesus.-'V The SeniorChoir will sing "O Light of LUc"by Bach. The church .tschool vom,venea at 9.45 a. m. New pupils al-ways welcome. " Xhe New. JerseyDistrict Sunday. School Teachers'Association will hold its.annual , meeting In theLutheran.'Church of Clifton .Sundayafternoon at 3 o'clock,

th<xegular monthly meeting of o f summit and now atthe Men's Club will be held in the

semi- a IKIK xupiH'f. There will be'a. jointFirst YomiR People's Sorvico at fl.'lS p. m.,

a f tke IteforjiK'il ho l ies t • Cliurch.1Where .Norman DiinKiiioif,''(ormerly !

PriiiPototl!TlicDlo^iciii Hemiiinry., i« Director j

church vestry this Friday evening of the Vqun's Ppnjilti'H Work.'- Dr.at 8 o'clock-With Joseph. l'eUT>ion .Milton K. •S.tatifTer'. paw tor of the [

cliur'cli and one of the instructors!ttfThi' TlieoloKicnl Hs-'ininitry-will l*e!

', , ;tlii.' spealier: TraiisiHirtatloii willservices i,,. , , , - o v i d o . d : ' . . . . . . i

(irowlnx out .of a clis-.-ussfon ' »l


ensEvery bird is a beauty—arid certified to be Grade A

by U. S. Inspectors. These sound and healthy chickenshave head, feet and viscera removed, are thoroughlycleaned by power sprays, giblets cleaned and wrapped inparchment. N ,

Quality — Economy—ConvenienceFresh frosted with extreme cold preserves for yo»

the finest of flavor and..tenderness-'-They.'.ate fine ehick--ens at their best. Wrapped in tight, sanitary cellophane.You pay for only ediblejneat and save money,

FS" Chickensas the speaker.class maets .with

The, catecheticalthe pastpr Mon

day evening at 7 o'clock.The mid-week Lenten

will continue every Wednesday eve-'..ning at 8'o'clotik. Next Wednesday the Munii Avenue "Oi i in l i V o u u sthe pastor will s p e a k on the ques- .people's C r o u p ctni.-eiiilnK "tlie!t i o n j ) f Pi late to C h r i a f frpni the [fchrew (ir i i . d a y and lim' faiih - .History of the' 'Passion of our-Lord, , which w.'.is -itttt-inieil. liv- in.'iiihers o f'i%'hat i s -Truth.?"......gpecial. ..muaic-j.|u» <jtlt of Srhoiil nnd C;ilit'K«rwi l l be contr ibuted by the Senior (Jn inn- p l m u for ihi>TKuiiday e v e -


I 1I> 12 11/. t o•I l»» 2 ox


Onl) .(lie fliiest of iiiilk-ralleiU'it. corii-fed iftlckriM nni lived In- prepurtiiR OCOMA. • . otl»^r tliaii hlullinit Saves a('i»" time, Inmli


:t it/ ui•2 Itts H i>/.

each 99UHH\ I n p r p R Ouililo uixl iiioiiey xvliile enjoyinc

- lo-Cook |><Mi1lr^v ' Wflavor mill lt'iii|crii<-ss.

of prepiimtloa.

"So let Thy Spirit kindle my desire. ;f ;¥Self, to deny. — . ' W *

That erery common deed shall flame with fire "•-. ''*•>.As doth the sky." -'i,.-^''


The Methodist Episcopal1 ChurSUMMIT

11 a. nu

•''• Kent Place Boulevatd

—HENRY L. LAMBDIN, MiaUter . : ^ ^ ?

of C »te. . Day of Anti-Chriat,"


Central PJcesbytenan Church' Dr.' Rockwell S. Brank, Minister

Rev. Ralph B. Nedbitt, Assistant Minister

II Dr. Hockwfll 8. Brank will preach on "Let Christ I'tte

i8 P. Mr -In the wroftd U a wrles of Ltatea Mrtl&tioHH, Ker.

Ralph B. XeNlillt will have ft« hh slbject, "JIWBH aad


Choi,r. The Litany will be used nt UIWA develoit.-d .i-nio a reqiieal for :tthe close of the service. _ further' dl^cuHaion of the • Jewish

The Senior Luther League- will faith—the present Jiiluaiion In Pal - .m«et Thusisday e y e n l w a t & o'clock ( ^ t f j j o r aM(i f(« reijinon 16; Pi-b- ;

with Elsie and franklin 'Nelson, 5 , ,! ,c cy. , t e v . .fj(.|iOy Smith, of the-Woodland avenue." The regular \ e W u r k EviiaffOlistii; ('oniniittee i s ,monthly meetinR of the ^Swedish to bo the B-neakVi- on "The'"'PresentSociety wil l 'be.held in the church situation In'Palestine—Han It anyon Friday evening, March 25th, at Uelation-ioAncIem Prophecy?" The -••8 o'clock. | Young People . >vil) iheet at 7.30

''"•"' ' p . m . " ' • • •{•".'" .- • ' • !

Elrtscopal thurrh . The,!All Day S-%inj; IVosramwill:The -Church of Christ in the) hi-l^i on ,Tuestfoy at 10 a. in. under !

HTyVbf Antl-ChristV will he • thestbject of the sermon by the Rev.Henry L. Lambdin, next , Sundaymorning at 11 o'clock. The Choru.sChoir will- Hius Dvorak's •'"BU'saedJesn," and "Surely He Hath Buriit-Our, Qriefs/1 hy Handel. _ '•

The Church-School will asscnaMi*

E. R. Keedle*. The subject wllr .be,"What Is Good Government?'' .

The Pastor will meet memjjers ofthe Preparatoryat 2.80 p. m. in the paris1

Tlte Epworth League will meet at7 p. m.- In the league room,, Thetopic will be '.'The Kingdom of Godand! World Brotherhood." Officerschogen Ibr the forthcoming yearare as foTlorwH: President; LouiseNorth; 'First''Vice-Presidents, Doug-las Baker and John Dalo Williams;Second Vice-President; John Mar-tlu; Third Vice-PrenldcnU LloydConover;* Fourth Vlce-Preaident,

'ho leader vhip of Mrs. L. Glllilan. <Mrs. 'Charles Ik'bni; an:l Mrs." E . 'K. Allen. Liuicliooii will• !«> served1

u 1.4.S p. in. witii Mrs. II. Welsh;iucl Mi'B. John 1.) iiigfill :i ; ho;-:!et;;cs.

The Wednesday evening discus-;lion group's mjrernt 8 p. in. as f»l-;ows: "New Testament---Bvansol-• - .u" JJ^,Hoc:kwull,S. llrank; :Th.tt ,Meanlufi of Church Menibarshlp"Rev. Ralph U. Nesbitt; "The Bookot Aits," John I). -Mo-i'Kiin; "Fir^tCentury Evungpllsm"^ John Beck.They are on<» lumr In 4enKth, andyet siiffk iently inlgjesting thatsome have wiBlied tlie, time cjuldbe extended to Uwo hours.

The Women's Lenten Bible Classconducted hy Dr. Brank meets on;Friday morning at 10.UO.-The Biib-pect for considernMon is The Kpis-th to the Ephesiana. Women-oor-Ulally invited.

Sunday, Morning at 0.43 at theMen's. .Illl)Hrf*hBB, in" the audit:ir-' -n of Y. Sl.JC. A. Haps.P. Freece!

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MackerelLarge No. 1

Smelts 16.

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I2C Oysters ta gCOutstanding Values in Quality Foods for Lenten Menus


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Glenwood Apple Butter Miitlc frtimTrcslt. r^ic

Lowell Pattenr Secretar^-'Oracelbf Sew V<Vrk wili be the shaker,Davidson; TreaHHrfer, Tom Neeilles,! He is a direct dpacendant of one ofand Pianist, Emily Kymer. the early Mormon settlers, but a

The Lenten Prayer Fellowship' (Continued on~Tuj;e.KiKlii> _

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Page 6: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik

•"^-l-f«i • ^

4 '* V 5

. . f-

lairs George *nd Franchot' Tone in "Love ia a Headache" coiningthe ITOlh-SrrafW Theater Sunday, Monday and Tuesday."



it y houses atj j -Newark ,-h-a w

management o f I hi'1 pluy.linii.st> tohold over tor a second .-w.i'ck •»•-

8titling Friday liTf. fiir/cnr Hill,I) fell pairs ' ''Sally, Irene ami

Mary" and t lie^ '" Baroness and I lipIfctier." Players In ••the" former, lir-&ud« Alice,.; !Fayt-, Tony Martin,

ory Itatoff, Joan Davis, 'Marjories'Weaver. |W Raymond Scott Quin-

i tut and J. Kit ward llromlierK.'j J "Tl 11! • Ttii n IHI;SH aIUI The Hu11 er4f

Lii'volves about the plikht uf'Wil-.; li.in.t I'mvHJ win'iv. ln>; aH- IdMler to;a I'riinj- Minister, is (;locli'i|. toj farliunicnt ;on an opposing ticket.,j

y AilifarllsinK |»i theHKRALl) willjfred Allen, Jimmy Dnrantu, Urcg-1 pay you, dividends. •

TODAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY—All Hit color anddrama of today's

0 picture you'llfwowpor-o yoorfromtodayl



I . W. C. A. CALUM I»AB *©*

Friday, March IS '3.00 p.ra.-Huirl Reserve Committee meeting at the

. . ^ C. A.3.00 p. m—Hamilton Play Group meeting at Hamilton .

School. - .3,15 p. m.—Phillis Wheatley Girl Reserves meeting at the

Y. W. C. A.Natnrdajand Sanday, March If, 80( ".

liirj Reserve Conference In Hew Brunswick.MoHday, Marvh 21 - - '

3.15 p.m.—Seventh and Eighth Grade Girl Reserves meet-ing'at tlie Y. W. C. A.

j 6.30-p.m.—Business and Professional Girls' Club suppermeeting at Y. W. C. A. _ _

TnfNdar, March SS • . ' ,_.•"'" 10.00 am.^Forthlghtly Club Board meeting at the YN VW

. ' C A . '' . • . . • • . . . >'- 3.15 p.m.—Blue Tri Club meeting at the Y. W. C. A.

8.«o p.m.- International Club meeting at the Y. W. C. A.l*«!n**lay, MarrlrKI

i2.00 noon—Blue' Eagle Luncheon Club meeting at the Y.. • . w . a A . . • : • -•.,.• ' '•

3.15 p.m.—Juliette fJerrleotte Girl Reserves meeting atthe Y. W. C\ A-

• 9.00 p. m.—Othello Club meeting at the Y. W. C. A. /Thursday, March 21

2.30 p.m—Bykota Club meeting at the Y. W. 0.A.3.00 p. inv-r-Rooserclt School Girl Reserves 12 clulwFmeet:-

"7" Ingjrit Koosevelt School. .3.15 p.m.— NihrirGrade Girl Reserves meeting at the-Y.

. • . - - . - • • • . - • - -w.-crjt . * " . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; • - . - - • - - - - : * • ,

7.30 p. in.-Co-Ed CommUiee meeting at the Y. W. C. A.8,00 p. m.-^Just Pala Club meeting at the Y. W. ('. A.

Friday, March 24 !1 .00 Dtfon—IHue" Eagie Luncneou Club meeting at the Y.. - - ' \ " W . C . A . . '- . , • • .... •" . . ' ••

^-j—a.oo-prm^Ilanilltiin School Play Group meeting at theHamilton School. , ,

• 3,1% p. m,-y ljhil|is Wheutley Girl Reserves meeting »t the' • - . • • , - ' • " Y . , W . O . ' A . • . • ' . , ' • • • ' • > • •

'7.30\j).m.—Program' Correlatioa Committee meetipg at the *' : • • . • , . • Y . WiC, A . .. • . . . - " > , ,.-• - . - . ' . ; •

Thar*i«r. Marca lTlk, feeve.lt »i*th srad»Qlr| Itowrwaa Ulk-

1ed aooat xjrrMi a a«rtjr. tk«] can invite a hoy if they vonl i UkeI to. It will be given at ROOM| School at 115, next week. J—_

Pearson is going to give the party j

kers -ml the rlak nitered iato a «*-Mates at"the-ctaae «f tke talk.Oft f u A tua mire wfll he anijaitaal hwdaesa aaeedBK and jre-

tnm caafHCMe.-Muriel Car-for us.-Marjr Rosa, reporter. tor. reporter.


M PaJ» (tabFie re I um xgaio. and I hope with

interesting news.'Our meeting was beM as osaal

4 sVltt i lsnal Carin CT»As the Leatea aeMon leads to

| Easter the Bnsineas and Profes-• SKNUJ Girls' bring their thinking1

I d o n to the serions- The fourMarch:JMh, We started: w e e J u prscoalag ttfljly Week anr-

working hand craft, makkin£.>elts.;tradltionatly given over to worshipThe girls picked oat theif choice of that-will fit every girl':. Individualgiods and yarn and Wf all worked\need., This past Monday eveningon them. r • (the girls bnilt a service of worship

t While we were busy sewing we;to open their club's Lenten period*-ha?l our business meeting. We made [of atedlUtion.- The Passion was

plans to have our minstrel and the; read by Mabel Brennan, telling ofentire- club will participate in Mi{the trial of Christ up to his antfer-


president. Macresponsibility

DeMacrio tookto write ear

s<Ti|>t.s. ami we know they will be

ing on the Cross. Poetry was readby MlUkxnt Dennis and LauraCroasdale. and' prayer and a read-ins *as offered^by Muriel Patten.Miss- Myrtle Rijey of Summit ren-dered a so}o. "My Task" with

,„.., . -,«.^.. ».=.. i v / « w .»» —^^. Rachel HalUk at the piano. Tho• By. the way, girls, dont forget yonr «n»«p also a» a whole enjoyed sing-

JLg .| | We also made our final plans to%)go to the Globe Restaurant. TBurs-' day, March Slat, to dine and danr*.

| Kit cents oti that night.' j,.-. i?in iiiR off as usual this is yonrj niiortcr^JoBephlne Eroyo.- -


J The Roosevelt Seventh GradeKg iris wentto Trenton this week, so

; the Cirl Reserve meeting was can-| celled. The following wee^ the

I'Rlrls will .continue making theirj : felt belts.' Th'ey will also plan forI their, first . spring hike.—Anna

Aifiero, reporter^ *\. '

is hecause-we are _and busy wlln oaf i l c a j apciaNiM-,Ufita iod feel that fndi thjagt havefasportance only wnen tfp ara atar-Inc the place wheiW the only tatur«ahead is old age. aid perhaps 4«Athand a final resting plape la It bV»c«nae we are*-weak or hick tbecoar-age to resjst tempUtion? It i» be-cause our attitude ia—we comefirst, befawe all etee, that If we^ont took ^atjor ourseheea, nobodyelse w,HLo.r is It because our next-door neighoor is not to the trusted.-ami in_jour endeavor to pass him tothe finishing line, we have forgot-ten to iftop by the way-side andgive a helping hand to those not sostrong and able-bodied?

Jesus* has said "Seek the King-dom of the Lord and all else willcome unto you." Looking1 for a lostobject is not the pleasantest way topass an afternoon, peeping undereverything in sight, ransacking cor-ners and pausing to wonder whereyou oould have lost the object Andseeking this Kingdom of the Lqrd

at t« «kt ; Whyand ultisnaUry Uv«

ZGod's W a v

hea-. on 0..-H?Igmm f ***** lrgei ou

Cotne and |dn m next we/lfeel sure our program will -fit yl(Urd Supper ai usual, 6.*i ,» ,„


e suneeds.

H. H Clri K**prveroBep8ato>dsy and Sunday, fa

C. A. conference1 of JSO highglrtt wftFbeTiifd IIIwick. The delegatesfrom Sufnm.lt are Mary Na irRelss, Dorothy Waltei^,. .\ ;,mvSchuyler, Bniily Ppyaa, Lodlii win'.tams. and Jeaii Ba»«on. /. T h e program' starts at !lO.3(i witha discussion on Girl Reserve Kin-Vin which Eileen Keou^h of nj,,


FORis not*the easiest way to spend a,Save time and moneyTiy having a ilife time but oh, bow satisfyinR In reliable and experienced chauffeurtheend. Peeking In the corners tojeheck your car for minor detectssay some kind word or do some;ajid-drlvejt tp Inspection K


ing togetherIfirtel Pattea asked the girls to

think in ternu of "A True Lent,'1

say' that anoRier Lent is upon usand we pause again to meditate. In' kind deed each day, making a spe-thH vast wildtrness, of today where j clal effort to ease some paTBTiniBf , . ;ramora of war are prevalent, where! pausing &V times to think of seme .40 B«4cliwooil Boat, Skmmlt, >'. J.greed and aelt predominate, where | new way oof making , some bndy'a! '•., ffkone Samrnltm^a are thlnkiag on!y iif terms of i cross a lijttle lighter, Is foJlowinB1 ^ 7self and money, where even the God's way.


The BykoU Club of- the SummitY. W. c. A. will have a guest after-noon on Thursilay, March 24th at

;2.30 p. m. at the Association Build-ing.

serves -met on Wednesday, Marrli9. 1038. At our meeting we cele-brated tn^ birthdays of the famotis'people in Negro history. Tlie pro-gram wiis as fulldws; •

Eugenia Sfewart, Juliettp Defrl-

Malh Ciradf tiM I m i nThe Ninth Grade Girl

hold a meeting Thursday. Marchiotli. at the Y. WJ C,-A. "The girbjspent the aftonioon . tanking feltlxlts with the help of Mrs. Sndd

Mrs. L. C. Dundou will re- cotte: Mary Uavlsr Mary McLeod1Ii)sen*a""""A~"lTdirsl". ''H6us"e'\"!'^lhiin

which has proved to be one of the j solo;^Louise Dilliii^hum, Paul Law-outstanding playa of the New York rence Otinbar; Mrs. Mary-Howard,Season. , . recited two noems; Marie Brito,

Special guestn of tho afternoon sang a solo; GtHsie Turner, playedwill Include members of the iProto the Negro Spirituals.

Dlub and of the Home Women'ijCoiiMnitteje, of the Y. W. C. A., ofwhich Mrs\ Arthur P. Caldwell, Jr.,is chairman.

Mrs. Robert Hallan Is presidentor tho .Bykota. Club which was thefirst club formed in the local Y. W.C. A.

k . n S ar«.,beiag made for a tript) New York Clty.Ypatricia Ken-ney,' reporter..


i/'Mountem Justice" -^^hange^oHicart"


this way the club celebratedthe" birthdays of famous people. Re-freshments were served later —Eugenia Stewart and Louise D+blingham, reporters.

Seventh and

Lajrt Monjjay^ jWrchSeveiitirand Eighth Grade Girl Re-serves held a craft meeting at the

—The Program- Correlationmittee of the Y. W. C. A. will hold,.,.. . .„Its first meeting on Friday evening, Y. W. C. A.March 25th, at 8 p. m. at the Y. W.' The afternoon was spent on mak-

A. under the leadership of Itschairman, Ml&i Eleanor G.iTCtt:-"rfrthls group are representa- o .^ u „„„ ...„. ,.tlves or the active adult groups of! crafts, played games,the nssocintloir as well as membersof the four club committees.

JaMctte Drrricntte CllrlThe JiilleUe Derrlcotte Olrl


Today and Saturday— tWALLACE BEERY

"Bad Man of Brimstone"Request Feature ISat. Eve.

' l l oyds of LonJbh"MON. and TIJES., M4RCri-2<), 2 1 , 22—



Navel Beef"One WomnTheatre"

March 22,238:30 P. If.

Tickets $1^5-$2.00

fng either belts of pockctbooks. Weare making them out of felt. "The

l||f h l I d ' f k ' '"

hext weeft were, 'not discussed".—Esther Anderson, reporter. Write or phone for


Brookside Drive.Short HHls, N. J.

RooHevelt School GirlWh Orade

'Thursday. March J^tK. Roosevelt,School Girl Reserves had a lesson!on" TbajTclrving in the cluSi room. |We made all kinds of animals andflower ibaskets. Some of the girls!made rabbits. Some of the



mado fjo'wer baskets for Mother's I AUUMfllfOSIM138 Davies helped us carve.!

Cvt from tubSTRONG ond VIGOROUS


(fREBORY'SunswurmiMusic Shop M

'n Inrtrmt afidnt««lc shop.




rite's Auto

Ave. Oarage)

P h o n , ^

. JIHI4-W.' ,

^glX win*. liHlh,

rear ponlK'H,' garfi, Krxiiklin Huhmil- C-Ulj.

IFIVK-IHIOM i>unsr«e. Kraiiklln tm«|.Tat.'. ^ -J5 .1-312:1 «.r MSI5-R.

ll'fKXNlIKiriBRKillT, sutmy r«

v.Hi- IKUIM', nil m(urmtuiv. plt-ntyhes! Ti'SitlHIItllll

1?rRNISIIKJ> robn•int.'. '<•> ItlVer r

FOR liKN'T. larKceniMlly ."locatedJ6S4-M.

iouliif r o o m , , , . . , .tooni, i'i>mfort(iWlurnlshrd; table i

UltC'iKrittiTiiHlvevatc klnlietiHtelieiiiiiliiirhoud, cm!

ill Sl'MMIT nvc,larifr furnislifd I

iritMSIIKI) roomi rooniM, bi'itli, f

- IIIMIIKI, su i ta t i l i -

« WOOHLANUkltrhHIi'lte. biltl),

TIIK.CiUAYIJN, ISlul ruoni. run nl H Imlt c-'.'.ot;!i.

UK W.M.M'r Btrtum, .siiitiilili- TIIbath. T . I . I'vutiliH18IU . • . ' .

Page 7: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik

Ei <%T: -


Classified Advertisement*Cut* a Line

t . " ' • • •

I aV avlwMtfaj tr I p» at Thaniay.

The BEEAliP endeavor, tfl. print on!jr truthful classified ada,,p4 will »f pw>cl«te lailng Ita attention •*!!•*«• am? Mvwtiic*

confornifiBirtd" tie highest Stanford! ot honesty.

taiwifrjr?nr-ahttrjw^w>^m)*iwi<.china c|(Met, round t»M«

frohtx ref». , . <*her


pram, §** <v»diUon.47 Center ure«t, Chathmu.

( U S hvater fur fireplace, gertect con-dition, i-heap; tt\w> HJniit>ajx>lUtbermoitat. T«l. Summit 4-38WI.

au-Uv* ia thl» vkinlty. t lt tffat of | t | i r ir

i*r* j | ktoBurea3-*7iu



rk_JEsr»il*J. I ' M *


E&»* FMleutia (

been recently chance* to VaJ~«Mtiai lus

Jane Heels

COMPLETE set Kniyi'it>pae&lh Brlt-tuiica. 11th -edition. India paper, flex-1M« leather binding; wumtalile.Write Box 54, %' HERALD. *t-tf

, nartment pawibook No.* Tru.M3«mpany.

';,!L.-. return to th..ba»W» < ( r

Institution;. . good pay,domes tic ..Aelp

Newmark"» Agency, 20,„ it., Morrlstown, Tel.


TUE EUCLID, 18-Siticlld-av*. attrac-tive, Imrtt*. double tpom," privatebain; also , sinfclo room, refined,residential; convenient la . station.Tel. Summit 6-OUo. 4g-tf

> womw wE l ,,;?ri tlmi- work;, food rHterw

Tel. aft«f 7 •o'clock, SummitJ I H I 4 - W . ' , " - • • • • . . '

l>««e r and-chauffeur,kBR, joad f


U. (itrman,.wanty work by'"Ultra't '"• d H > - »»8«ienM<I in

f k™ -u-«lt-ii «nd landscape twrvlci-.-

.T- ri««>-M house.inirn.r, 2-i-ar Raraxe , rayton

mi'inK I'MtH. iumm, fr«m anilix.rrli.-H,' garage, newjy dewrat-

kll Hohgoi >45 1>l Bum-

ATTRACTJVB room for tuislneM oer-j»tt or tMkth«r; adjotolr lorj _ tMkth«r; adjotolnrbath; Mtitnvt k>«Mion; callJ*one, Summit (-em.


or two rooms, private batft with•hower; opt-n i»r»h; private home;'^•residential section. Tel. Summit8-1206. 3ft-tf


74 BKECHWOOD road, four room*, nilImprovement*. Teh Summit 6-©U'.i.


USED TmES, 50c up. Bocnomr AutoStore, « Beechwood road. Summit.

• . - > « « t


tire* guarantee! all roadEconomy Auto Storw, 8mail, Himifult - ' »• M f


RKAL H.VROAl.N •Widow will lacriflce 8-room dwelling;,

.2 baths. :i-<'iij- g;iragr, lot 75xl!MJ,slwubbtry, trees, near station, uchool?n<l churches, Investigatf. P. O. Bole512, Summit. -

HOUSK. neven rooms, pood condition,^.|!>0l) ensh linlnnce an rt-nt buy A home"in Summit. Write Box 63, r/t HER-ALU. • 58-«0

5£J MORRIS av«.,-,four rooms, firstfloor, all Impnivenients, $18.

1068 M>RI>M>FIfiU> nve., Hix tnriferoonw, first floor, all Improvemfiiis,garage Tel. Suitunlt 6-0o:!5-J.

MAY 1st. threeTooms and bath','-un-furnished, tlactrlc jrefrl&erutUin, h^at,Jltfht ,and. (EUI furnished; KHr.ige•;.DUHln«.'KM. couple prcforre,d. 54 KnitikHh place. . " ' 58Jt

, street, . ' • robniH and bath,rent $25. Inquire. 2 South street.

1TIRST floor, nparlijtent, 5 rooms andbitth, c-eiural. he*t : and hot water,available »Uiiy 1st. Tel. Summit• 6-

.. 0232-.I, . - ' . -

LOWKIt two-1'ttully tkutiHe, four morns,BUrtporch,- bath, gar.nB^, heat, hotwat^r supplied, ••«, adultH-. Tel.Summit 6-MT1 • * • . ,

TO 81IBLET, threo-roornajnirtmt'iu lriParralByj |53. T«L Summit B-u478-'J.N

.. , 58-60

THREK Iwge- ultriU'tlve' i«(.n)skitchenette, bath, fine looatUrn,' redM n b l " Tel. W)8»W ' '

KfVK ppotns, hath nnd ,floor, adultfl only. ,-20'6 MorrlB live.

BEECHWOOD APARTMENTS, 14£lift Woodland avenue: noveral desir-able apartments'for rent at reaaon-

, o . . - ^ r V r S t i T i *!'»» r^ea; quiet neighborhood; nod, KrHiikliii hohgol. *4&. 1 fl. Bum- t.brouKb •raffle.-Inquire- of Suporin-

'mil- ti-Hl 1- ' , . : ' • . . - " ' uadvnt «6 prUpeses. 14<!tt/ ^* . * .lrtVE-lH»(»M. blinKfllow, one-oar

" r«e. Kranklln, Scliwl sectiun.jj^Btmodrrattv--X--S.' Anderson, Summit(.312:1 «.r MI5-R. .. - -


jRKillT, sunny room In imidurn, urT-v.ni- hoiivt', all newly decorated, newfurniture, plenty heat and hot ywle.r,hes! rvsitlHiitlal neighliorhiKjd. Tel.

J J t t a f c B l J 3 M I

- modarn d o « b l » room,3 exposures, private bath ; slnule, 2fX|x,«ures| Karaite.. . Tel . O030-K.

room to let, n e a r . busline. •;:: HiVer road. -___

FOR liKN'T. • large furnished : mom,ffntnilly ."localed. Teh .Summit 6-J6K4-11."

TURKKY H]LU_r COTTAGE-Large,joui.ir room, prTvat«nBath; also singleroom, comfortably and attrnctlvelyfurnished ; table excellent. Tel. 3066.


LA lie; Kr at tractive double :n>otn, prl-• vate kltclictiette" and buth. fine

hoiMl, coiivealent. Tt-I. 2SHH-.I.5fi-tf

ill Sl'AIJUT five., near Chiirm House,larife fumixhed room.' Tt-I. Summit

Rlt.MSIIKM room with private bath;•Jrnmii.-., bath, furnlnhed or unfur-

| ~ nlsliiil, suitable one or t w o : itdultn,pr.isc ojitMiiutL Tfl. 0541-M. 54-tf



; all iniproveniensL^Ka-«'or vet to, Liviji^nton a>W.,)JU«ti f i l U v<>,; New Pr»«l(linde.

U HTORKS ¥tm B E S T TiSS2 Sl 'IUNtlFIELH avi\, office

ii'M> 'Springfield uvi'., store,'1<M Summit i ivc , store.


; 4 4fr

BA>ftJtJET hall, large storage. Bpace,large store, very reuKouuble, Xel.Summit 6-4190-R. 44-tf

19 KOK HK>T I t

155 Kl'JIMfT ave., one-car garage tolet, ?5 month. Tel. Summit 6-01122.


•onable. Ambrose A. Ktntz, 1 Irvingplace. T6l. Summit e-0232-W. 85-tf


HOUSK In Brayton, Franklin or Lin-coln School Hfctlohs, around Jfi.OlM),

' Pl«i\m> give .'iddrtMs of house inanswer'to Box «5, <•/, HERALD.


.$5 .-TO-ir.'OM Stump CttlleotIons.. We• an?'.prepared to purc-ha«e for Im-1 m«>ditjjt.c-caHh large, amall col lections,

accumulations, duplicates, miscella-neous stamps, good price f<lr UnitedStates used, unused. T. Eutlich, 25Union .PI., Summit (store). • Open

t l and Sundays. TeL 4482.• • • • * ' 54^tf

WE PAY highestthing. ' "


prices for any-

escesa at-Mpuin» of Stomach Tlcvn, 1 _Heartburn, B«hhiag. Bto*UacN»UBCV, Oas Pains, f*t fn« sample.Udsa, n Rocen Ffcarmacr .JUS*

Cut R*i*. : 45-**


B e t w e e n ' • • • • ' . • • . .DEL D I V A . ,

andBRRT OEU.V et al».



LAJ'X. or their' heirs. dVvitri

uny f .utors. admlnintrators.

tuich<4 for the fewtoa Beet, isa Lackavmaaa Ltmgm* nspirea brother ot the lea«ae sec-

Team$ Clash in Fuud ofThree-Gwic Scries —

was o«tBcor«d MM to UtS bmtCoouftoowealth Mcoads ipfrmft sweep ojE thte* fam«*roll «i«. Water Woriui .9 toe

jRamr of Shift ia K. .•( j s r '

1,718 forthe San mil company against . 4.t39for tut' N w Yorker*, a spread of j , * * * !«•. *•§•

(oatnuaarallli Atklrllr An'aKlrtt Traa


CLine-Uii-' Rrttnrt of Condition of

THE si M I T Tarwr•of Summit.

ta. tfw S u w of . \ > « Jriwy, a ntrnitxr '*>i ih* FVdWntl Rrarrw SysM-m. (

»i likr «-k«SW o f Im

p! Krnnk*

A I'irrstm

Caseys May Meet

154I TO






i n < i d i* it n

ta«y*, dinrct and

Winds. «t«tckV, and J

Ban-kin* h * »

, Bj BILL M U M T t r r v

j - The third and deciding game of > j{r>«tfil ib* Holy Nune-K^itffhts of Colum- i

f 7fi4.cct».4S J but basket ball gerieB will be staged i K«,IT1S».J« Sunday night at St. Tere«sn*8 court.

jataitaRer VitK-e O'Brien cf the Holy1.574H03.46 Nani« yesterday mated that he was

_ I confident that the Green and Gold:would capture the "Tubuer'\ stress-' Hevw.«rthIns the fact that his teajn showedi •})af",'"*

TotalsAmrrlrau MaJrr Wurk« k Kler, In.

Hr.t TI«-«M ' , ,,- . 148 t«T- 1

. .14« ;'»4 1|l.M1S1



« . — » « • M7.775.M*


bliuaj and sliflfthlg|O1* 1 0 Oa tvdaaHHa^ far .jr^*~^wmm •! •!• PI jr> * • m T ^

td t i l l dWeoalrely. Sraaa aa | |9peoc*r also acorad tor tkaand Yellow wiUi • aad a vataa* | a

'_H that order; TatCNMt snarda t a t7»i !a Kuod Job ia hoidfaaf; 4om»

HedwiK forwards. AkMaparticularly clucking

]^, after the Hedirig ae« had taaHlaii:i.{ up five goals frern sertaunafe.HI ' Should the Oomata ^rta]^ i (ireen brooks encounter, they will„ io.j journey to Plainfleld the week at

; March 28th for the state Qpahw •I Watch the aporto column of Taaa*

. . . I day's HERALD tor the reauks af!«., rfast night • game.

to best advantage two weeks «BO ,

* i | h F«4*r«l R«-!} n« i


wife ot Michele Ue-rgni. U R MPR.VND1. husband of Manrherita I NPrundl. TO.VT DELIA and A.VXAE. JO.NES. su«e*sur to Alfrvd M.Jones. us»iKn»* «»f Daniel W.and CIiarl»>ii S. t>a>% imrtn^fs tinr its I>.'\V. Day and Son:TXKB NOT1CK that Ptrry E. Brf-

this nat ter has lxi>n refertvd, a a »appointed the 71st day <>f ">larrh. IMS.at -tb« hour of .ten oVIofk in t^*' tor*-iiofni. a s the'- tiiii^-. ami his office, TtaBro.ul" Street. In th<;City of'JCewarit.County.' of Essex apd 'State of N e wJersey, a» thf plaev, 4rhpn and na*r»the defendants, or any of th»m. aKallpay ti> the- complainant the ram ot$128.62 and interest from Novernlier ;*.1937, Ifelnfc the amount due t o him oattax .snl« certlfir:»tt* No. 4>fi. bssued barthit fo l l frtor »f Tuxes o f the T o » a » h l pdf Xevp f^jiyhten** >> the Tt>wnsbi|» o f

when.it was a case of beating th.'V.V;.KnlRlus or being e.luniiiated fronij

i.«>«,5Ti.ii- city <'hiunploiuthip coustderation. jVTille the Knlphta still firmly be-1

4«5,:55.«s lleve that they hare the better teaan j ilowland.«<» on a man-to-mnn basis a feeliitK'of j rtaiiiiiit


la l142142



TIKW a»-

— . ' . _ . . i.. *'IO.2S3,717.6(ILJABILITIBS

dt^luulH uf individ-{kArtc«-rshi|fe!it And ' •

pt^iL» <*t indivtatu-IvtrtBrrshiirs. xnd

8ta.t«r, v\wntr. a n d muni- "• «- .• '


is noticeable in theCasey camp. This Is due to rumors s. hmidtof a change In line-up *y~ CoachLoure frtilt who mny shift QueSpencer fxam forward to guardand employ brother George TwillIn the starting cast. '

Casey fans, .however, jubilantlypoint out that the Holy Name scor- jinjj.,itee«,, -Ued -Afaw*

failed ,to functix)!! over?.

We are in favor of a program at11 building super-hiphwuyaf with fed*

v:6 5 7n 7M> «ral money. For Iristanee: If 100,-Amrrirun >vut»r Work* * Kl*r. ««. ooo men are put to work bulI<Nnt; t

r these super-highways, 1,000.000]!>7 worktr-i will -be needed to buildlitL' j super^letaurs.



1.1.H -

l:- tiit>»


l f i : :

Comets AdvanceTo County Finals

tb.,-ks .•atstjnding. tic.t t h

_ _ ^ • ' *

r"A 1 iiiimem .vasa vrivrs i«r any- i: •hing. A'nthiues, cMna. SllVer. brie- •Jje»ist.-r »-Urac,-paintings, riiga— H ' ^ llT

CALL II* K1HST fouH.tr on. Tour Attte Gontentli Our Specialty,

^ S l M M l t A.r(TIO?T E00M8It ftimult At«» TcL ••2118. 8186tf

1932. and recorded iti th«> I'nl'm CoaatJ1'•Itepisti*r's.-Office nn Jane U. 193*. i n

"1 ' ttf M»irt(c:ijgeson paRcs 595. etc..

Th«. flohr- 'Name will e I 1 , y i o y ' m k in the d

horn and Druminond at the for-' N'- J •State"


Painter - CarpenterFirst Class Work Guaranteed

' • • . - • • • • " • • • c

Good Recommendations .

Reasonable Rates

VVE PAY CASH for your usedture, antiques, silver, books,brae, painUngs, works of art,


^ TKL. SV3IJIIT I-«M«r» will buy your attic contents..: :.'. L _ _ ! _ : JMMt

said Township of NVw Provid^ncv- to-ipomi>ln iimnt by assignment <l.-»'ted Jun»-13. 1!MS. and rccarrKd in the I'hios;

A horn and Druminond at the for-' N'- J •State" Kecrfatl0ir~Bu*3ketlwllwarii potJts, llub'ie CJ«M1(1I8 jit coiUer-TouhianKMit. ;.earnod the rtsht to ;

and pob Gaffuey^ and (iwilon Pan--'mvei' t-)lt> (irctMi4)rpok9 of Plaiiifioldnullo at kuand. the• Caseys will ih< the cotnitv finuls by *inning

st^Tni-rinal tilt from St. HvA-

of Kllzabetb. S1-2G. la«t Tuoa-

yhave the hiRh-siioririK Brenn-Spen-

Clifford GentleTelephorie Summit <h2087rJ-2

rut-d iin-

fC»untj' Reglsterls, <)(fiee on Juut -»•

I t l O l t SALE OA BKNT

SEVEN-ROOM house, good resiaentiallection; 8 fnln. to station, pricemoderate. Tel. Summit 6-0356, S8tf

laltoial Hont Show

|53I>. together with taxed i-nsts ofsuit flu-d a reasonable counsel fe*. u Meortificate of fax <«»if> ••nverinsr premi-B#K kru«wn nnd (i»-si»rn.it«<l ax I»ts 3. Cnnd 7 in BUx k !!• <>n the offirial taxmaip" of '"niV- "Townslii(i t»f Xew Provi-dencf. • -

JOHN' 1 Hl'OHBS.. S«lli'it<>r for and of Cou»-Hf\ with Complainaftt.-First National Bank andTrust Building. '-13 .M:n>Ie Strict. •

. Sunmijt, Xew Jers*y.



If interested in the newest de-

velopments in house construction

!«~£ JjjgDL -aniUfoFjiisfelflgSi-rfslt the NTatlonaT

Home Show, 113th Infantry Armory.

Newark, N. J., March 19th to 26th


Call for your tickets at our office.

THE RICHLAND C0741 Maple Street Summit, N. J.


Total f *S.S».4«1.I3

to; tt It t ht:

Total. lrwi*(i<!isg O.«|iil«l Ac-* 1

! • J«rrarr-Stair


.«ks. and

r*reditor» and all other n^-rsooa^mallet—al-llAK a n k r u p t . are

Ix-forr. t h e T n l t p *

$ 32«,S(M.»".0M j


prclinrlnnVy panic nt 7.S0 willfeaJUTes the- Holy "Nq'me resoive iiiimiiist a teiini to be selected. Wai-'ter Cofree will referee the varsity« H . „ . , . . , , - . . . - • ••

The Holy ^ a m e vars i ty wll i play -<»-'<"" *"h-«i't.r 2tl. I', l..I t sTirs t game in t h e '"({renter New- Tax.» forark 0o!<l Medal tournament next state s.h.xpi (KHtimat.' for I'xmW e d n e s d a y at the Harrison Casino. Sl l l lJ' l,

s". l l l l"1ri i' f

IJ" lu'*'.>. l !<""1-IiidU-ations are that the KniRhts j r (,ui lt'y " '

I will a l so perform n e x t week, m e e t ; ' ••>'*"•'Ing the "V" on T u e s d a y night.

i ————-•———=<••*•—.

Commonwealth TeamBeats New Yorkers

T h e following H t a t e m e n t . ('<int:tln'itiK. th<- l:*wt k n o w n o o r r t - c t e d tlgbren. I sreiiuireiiU'iitHanil

if "Tin- U»al IludRt-t Act," Section


in)( I . )

iiTjil t 'n i i i i t y ( KHtlmiitcr . u " i v 'lil.xtrict . • •• i irt— •(Kstlmntf for IMSl

for 1 ;t





pi( a ) A s x l m w n l i y A l / s t r a i l i,.f I t . i t : t ! • ] « • »

:;.:.. 4 40.71




c.t"States District (V.nrt. in the- FederalHuildlng. Federal Square and Frank-lin Str«'et, Newark, NTew Jerser. ontly 23rd day of May. 1938, at t*»-tliirly .j'cliK'k- in the* fi>r«no«>n. why th*-ijankruiit should not tx» discha'rKr*.

OhjictorH muni fil<> np|H*aran<-« anAVPrifii'rt RiMH'ifitMtions, with tw« car-bon copies—or latt<Tt at th«: SAJ1KTIME, pursuant ta~Swtinn'l4b of

A 11 ITSCV !


PTtdKtd:l"nil»-d Stairs IH.V-

puslal suv-$

With S a l•luaJtfjr f.w «J*et»i t«lu. i.irr l ow ;n,4)0n.0O

T M , pBankruptcy Act (11 IT.S.C..V.


OKOROK W.-.W: PORTER.Referee in Bankruptcy.

Tata! PWd«rd . $ 38S.5lKl.(tO

The Commonwea4Ui Water Com* t'l'nx lt:it.> (iCstiinrpany won a total pins match fromthe American Water Works and j ,„„,.„. "ylan.h ,„ 1 ; j , s

Electric Company Wednesday niRlitat Xew York. The Commonwealth I ' •first team dropped two games and | -•. — ^ ^




. t i l l

. 4






.«:': .






' $






THOMAS. C. Mt/SSdN", Borough Clerk.

•retary.. '—.«„. . jlEddie signed with Rendinjr, in the

International League in• ' - ' to" Seattle of theNorth-

'wants room with privatefamily, (|Ui«'t /lfiRhlmrhood. %'Write IJi»x ei._•;/,_ HERAL.JL. _.'".. \

shiftedJ. ijwiviH* J. Ma«-<:w8<.r. Piyijident. I wejitern League tlie following year. (

ot «!* ab«»w-iuiiwd bana. do soienmiy and came ,to the Newark Bears In i1»29. He remained

OSK or two furnished rooms for liwhtk Tel. Summit 6-2810."

I I f U E HA1B

F l K S I T I R ERcdstfnds .....; ...

Studio CNiui-hfHArniy t'otnBench t'liiiirsS-Pc. Reed hirdi SUit.'M

$.VJC. to $I5.!»5$:i.:»5 u> $l».i»s

....*:..!•:. (<> $:i!t..i»l$25.(10 t o '*.l».iil'l

.: r»2.!»vJ$1 a n d <l.!»8i

$33.50 Ij

I W U O P L A N D aVf.,klti'hetii'tte. bittl), c o j t i f o r t f t b l e , - . . — ... .

1S21-W. 52-tf I

; B«I)>-roo.m, ,(vui(foleum UURSuulet Rr<.akfast Sulti-H

TIIK.CillAYIJN, 19 Kuclld-nve.7 cheer-l Slul ruoni. r-uanlng water .

mit 6-:;im:i.

7Tel. Sum


itK W.XI.M'T. St.. nicety furnishedrtum, .suitiilile forom- or' two, ni-itr „ - , , . . . , , .bath. T.I. evenings ufter 6, Summit 3<-»ft. .viajilcSireot

* . . . . i . 40-11 -,

of Drawers

;.$4.4;> to *2&.0o j$2.!»5 to «5.!».~>;

$1!».H5 to *L'».!>:.^...$».!«^ to *2l».!t:> I'.... $H,!».Vtu $2?.9.i i'


room to l e t ; b o a r d If de -ilred; reasonabie . *TeI. S u n u n l t (I-HS39-W. 8tf

• I ,

Window Sh;id<s, all.' widths, 24-35inchfti, nidp« hemmed .; ! — 5 » cFVUU UN'K OF TIUTNKS AND

»PIT OASK8 AT LOW FRU'KSFrre ftellvHrii-s

M.ANTKI.'S WKI'T. STORKSummit, N. .1.


Only a short time left If you intend to move this Spring.

A few good houses still on the market.

G Rooms, 1 Bath, 1 Car Garage (North Side)...

8 Rooms, 2 Baths, 2 Car Garage, Boulevard ;;

10 Rooms. 2 BathS. 2 Car Garage, Brayton Section HHSJi

6 Rooms, 1 Bath, 1 Car Garage, Frauklln Section

We have some very good houses for sale starting at

SFET&E. G. Houston87 1'XIOX PLACE , Plioiie i.2187—27«3 SI J i l iT , X. J.

th«-to th>- 'bnrt at twr


isand l>e-

J. N G W J U X MAT. Jr..IWBT. J. i l l 'KJ'IIT,

S. WIKKV.• l>ir*H-(<»rs.

of XVw J-ers^y.f rnwn: ss:

S*»-«rn and «il*s«-ril*4 before me- thisMao hH. MAl'D MAYHEW.

Xmary l»ubllc.


•r JIEAETBUY «__Housc-8 roordB, 2 bathB; 100-

JooMot; larg*. trees; oil heat.

Convenient..- to, » Btatlou . and

•ichools.' Qn\£r- • -• • -

m m . •-• , .

RobtJ. Murphy• Dtrrh n on<] Kd. TeL Hi m wit M i t t

Eight room house, con-veniently located. Lot 160 by200. Fine treeu and sur-roundings, Oil heat. 2 baths,lavatory. ". .__ 1' _

This low-price to closeestate. Little cash required.


-3V2 Springfield, AvenueSummit, N. J;

BURGLARY!. Your home is not sale even if you do lock the door. Haveyou that comfortable feeling that comes to one who iscarrying one of our full coverage residence

4 ^ 6 J

C¥*Jitors a»d all other peraoni ! • * e o k

»utri>ft in tfrr miiier of AUBKRT ^mmm»K>LJ)STEIX. Bankrupt, an- direited ; — —

. t o aaoar mosc .before tb* United;' StaM« District Outtn. in tb*- Federal i '.BlilMtna*. F«A-ral Squat* *i«d Kriink-tfm Str»*t. X«-«r<tfR; Xew Jersey. <mtb» Srd day <»f May. 1S3S. at t«n~thirty oVkw-k in ll*c f*.rett«i<>nv Why the" ' —>«Jd n*|t be diftchanted.

ttiuet file «i>|M>4iran<-e andap*t"irK-jtK>ns. with two c-ar-

rapirs of ^tedtir. at the 8AitEto SWilon lilt of the

HI) the;Bruins in 1930 until sold to ihe!Phillies and was traded to Boston'in 1933. • „ !

An injury to hi^ ripht al*hi cutshort Fallenstin'i) hurliiiK career inthe ninth inning of hkt fourth Dos-1

ton start after he had defeated theGiants twice (including'a win over

I Carl Huhbell) and the Cubs once.,j Failestin was teronimended for|the Newark post by Chuck Ward, who resigned that post to becomebaseball coach at Rutgers this



' Let us explain to you pur life-time guaranteeth/it goes with our new cars at no extra cost.

• ' . . • • • ^ - • • V " : k V " • a t • : " • • ' '

James Gorman. Inc. 296 Broad St.Phone

I»K s o w ~AnthQrilietf;©tiler

-twin" —, J.

— I —

FOR RENT% first. Modern six-rooml»use. 2:Wr garage; Oil heat.

J 5 Shown by appointment

.Milton T. Mountain Co."Summit Ave. Sum. 6-1404



Oldest Real Estateand Insurance

Agency in Summit

Eugene C. Pierson


Real Estate—Insurance

L u m t toJBBakrnxcy Act <H rs.CA-.Sfc. 32).r CBORGE"W. W. PORTER, I

Referee In Bankruptcy;


- Cndftwa and all othor pecaoni In'i*t*n«t in th* nutter of JOSKPH R.CHKB1NUA. J K . i l w known * s ;JOfllBPH C^MCBXIGA JBaBkrBitt, arvdirected to * « « L caiwc before the-\C*H<# States District Court. In JJveF«*rral Ituildim:. f<d<ra! Sgu^rt- andjFraaklin Stre^u^Newark. New Jersey, |

{am the.23rd * « r o f May. 1>?S; at tcn-""[in. the forenoon, why

boa coyfes ot, latter, at theTIME, pwraaw to S«*J«n llh of thet t t t w AttKirtjXU a»c«t

GEORRK W. W. PORT!Ia Bankruptcy.

ta« PedenaJ Benecv-e '<•_ , , »d la accordafKM w i t h :tlae ptovidoa* of Ike FedcralMteaerve i

-'- ' A c t . • .' ' •: • ' • • • ' IReport as *•( Msrrh 7.-'"I9»,,'fit- " '


' Stuamtt. Xew Jerwy. whick la afflli-!1 ami with Th* Summit Trust ComJ«ny

i of Sununit.'XTW J.n»ey. ' : . - . - •B u s i m s s : '

OPPQRTUNITIPSIr> Hoi.'m Hoiiae, 1 bath, garage, steam lieat, good location— _

Only , : . . vw f; ;..„„„.„..« : :••: ,:,,.....,•*!»:

Xe«f-fl Room House, tiled'bath, lavatory, oil lieat, attached

Borage. An -excellent buy, only...;......- -•••• • • — - : • •<*••

"town Colonial Dwelling, tiled bath, extra lavatory, » t - ^ '.

, -taihed garage,. A lively home In a fine locality, only..fM*»

°|)|MKlte Statltt'1 V v-t- •.<*-!»

8i«tilt, K. J.


i Pbuf' blocks from Summit line •

New Colonial Hom«, 5-6Down

Balance F.H.A. pike rent)Well appointed lioiues for "Selected residents.

887 . • ersJoan O. Ghrystal

ftepretentative at tract Sttiwday-and Sunday1^ |i '_ 2 _ _ _ . .. • . . ' • ' ' . • ' . .

. " ' _ 7 • f • • -~r^:-r-'-.y.-"--r:.-fairrrtiriCT


USED CAR EXCHANGEXfctTitle ltvsucau»gv_jgldreRgTTk BftJi>

paHctwrof\I<it*tx:iic« I time to trade your car for o NSW CHIVKOlfT

and • luierejt and O»»a.r- 'aKtred MurncaRML Xo wvuritlea itre |.

• M » l»iac i«»u*d-. ' . iManner in which abovf-nara«d'>rMin- \

is afflltat«d with nitmbprand d**Tw of control: . '

iniBil, Trw-t Company, S«tn- ;' Mil. X l v i H 1.132 *laareii uT '

ital Stock. .FtaancUl ntatifMW with'hank:

Stork hi nfiilbitwd i»nk owqed. >

• . • Coma in today ancf get our libtal olttr

So great hav« b«cn Chevroletdealers* Mies of used^cara and

-rBO low is our supply of certainthat we n«J good used

UMBI to afnilte .Borruwints fran affiliated bask

- • • ! NStork of affiliate recisterrd in \

- m>we of bank or known to hutwm-Vsmk dinhrtl}- or Indlpect-

' • |y : :/M:2»a*f.( Oth»r okU«aik»n» t<\ or lrx>»a to

t# ncM.lir. affiliatfd hank .... X«i ,inrortnation n*ce«*!iry to • 41a-

cara and miclu to Iwikwct our stoqks*This mean* we are in an excdl^nt positiontotott^/roJe-in *Uotvances"onlhcpurrhw9• / MM ClwwW^ poatmffrcart a

"Come in—this wee*/ . . . See the be^a*liful neW Chevrolet for 1938-lAe car ***is complete— and the "new 1938 £ben«lMtruck*—the thrifi<qnier$ for.thf naiton!. . . Learn how easily you can porcnue a•mart, ijienf, roodern-to-the-miniita Cher*rolet by letting us take your pre»ent car



or truck in trade!

fally r»Iatl«tns with baak:T V ^ttmmlt T n u t Comiuiny, S a m -wit; N- J . o w n s 1.IM «hJire« of 1 > B ~ital StqVk of tk* abort <-<»nn>M>F:t«M.iI * tkareat oBt-^UBdln* 3.M0, N

•*>ner lft>rruw«l to datf. ajnd nounder

acrt^mrnt Jo date.The akQvi< r«tU|winr <*.wn« no . . __...

i. t Kra*« P. . I'smen. J«ecr«Ur>-, at"the Shnamit Tithr and Mort|w*« Ooar-

t hf. aba«F aVtenwrit, in t ry . Ui th«

315 SPRINGFIELD AVT^T "-*TT*"rt"*^viTTTtt

Page 8: Pr. La wreice Talks Dr. Ldgh Tafts te To Talk to Bible ...€¦ · Hiarr:r-; 'i'i rifle S !.) md inn itiotial l!.nf til*-! II. I!£*«£ t A3 Published Every nnd Friday, *im»p.tik

•C <fvx . *. * '#-•-' , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ % S .** ?

ERSONALS'ana] Mr*. S. W. Bnrden of; The Kent |*Jace School closes oilafreet have returnedMay iu Washington.

; n | h cfrom ; March 24th fiWs the spring vacation

C. jit will re-open on April 5th.

from ' Andover forva«-;Hion ir"*.James'

ker of Holiai t av«Hiie.

the' Donald Walker Vreeland. Bon ofVV. Mr. and Mrs. Donald It Vreeland

of Maple street, returned on Tues-jday from Hotchkiss for the springvacation. '


Mrs. Frank (J Iloye. Jr., of l|«-(-U«<:kman road, returned . Imme iTnesday follow ing an operation for !.- Returned from a recent cruise toappendicitis at Overlook Hospital. South America are Mr. and Mrs.

-————. >John A. Sleiner of Whlttredge roadMr. and Mrs. Ph.iletUs' H, Holt of and Mrs. Krnetit It. Early of Fern-

Qak Kidge .ayenu«v who are on a wood road,trip to California, wrre iii'Mi Casa. iNew Mexico. loF i-ij-ht days re-cently, i

Complete New Spring Line

COITS and SUITSmade lo- your' order

ALTERATIONSon all kinds of

VALENTINE PIZZITailot\and I'jnrier

.Maple Street Summit, N. J.'Phono Summit

Miss Harriet Lamed Hunt, head•of_jlic K<nt PlaTS School, had asher KUt-sts at luncheon in MahieHouse, on Wednesday. I )rv RobertI). Leigh, president pf HenniiiKtonCollege, and Mrs. Leigh.

Mr. and Mr8. Robert J. lkvidnonare Riving 4, .large dinner at their

If home in Hadeau avenue tomorrowj'tifehl hn'fpro—th0. Kent Place pre-! son tut ion of Sheridan's "School forj Scandal." ."

I Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VV. Beadle{ami .sous,' llolund, Iveiiiioth and{ Hruce. and Kathryn Reattie, daugh-:irr of Mr. and Mm.Holand 1\

Real tie, are leaving to enjoy thevacation.in Palm Beach.

Mrs. Jane Roberta of the Beech-wood Hotel cutcrtalned at luncheonat the Mayfair Hotel at Sanford,Fla., laat Saturday, a number ofBeech wood patrons sts»ing in near-

Florida resort*. ,' Uueats wereMr. and Mrs. Brigham, Mr. andMrs. Crulcksnank, Mr. and Mrs.Jackson, Mra. Abbott and MissJlaker. Mra. Roberts, who haajbeen actjng as> manager of ths*]Mayfalr. will retuxa ta Summit i

In April. * 4

Beech wood Hotel** SlMJIlt.X. J.Furnished single rooms with

hotel service, $30 per month.

Double roomi $40 per month.

David w: HI<tfoTd, Jr.. of Summit,'chainnan'' of the, committee forI'riniftqu'H annual junior promen-ade' which taki'H place this evening,will have Miss (icrtrude E. Skeljyof Wilmington, Del., aa his guestat the dancv. Mr. and Mi's: Jil. W.Hertford are. among the patrons.

of the Garden Depart-ment of 1 lie Fortnightly Club serv-l»B -Monday aftvrnopn a« hostessesfor the Federated harden Clubs of

A , , , . . _ , . ... New Jersey, at the InternationalAlso Mayfair Hotel, Sanford, Flower Show at the (irand Central

avenue, "president of theFortnfrWly ClHbv «atcriaia«4 atluncheon at ths) Cano* BrookCountry Club on' Wednesday Inhonor of Mra! Alfred R. DrUcoll ofHa^donfleld, president of toe NewJersey State Federation ofmen's Clubs. Qtieata wereKortulghtly's executife board.


ChOW Mein Dinner andDance at Legion Home

On Saturday evening, March 19th,Summit Post No. 138 will have a•how meln dinner And dance. He-ently a Bimllar party of thltt

that Hie Post decided to hoitt an-other one. Preparations are heingmade to take care of over 150 peo-ple and no doubt everyone attend-

will have a very enjoyable eve-The supper will be served

for Masses"Orchids 1-4* 4a*

slat today of John B, Lapsr, of U»yorcaM lira of Hwrrall, of

MillPlayhouse on Tuesday and Wqipaa-day cveninga, March 2-2nd andThis la the/fifth in thetlon series at theeluding the series will be'llw ap-

tkac*y, w*o*Tfather, the late JOBSB. later, once sold * etagle orchidplant for I19.M0. • • -

"We ootbt to get back to the Of reof three tor W cat orehlda and dola way with this baslaesa of sellingthem for $S. $S andfl*. thus glvlni

they art meant forLatillloBairM. of whom- there aren'tcnanr any more,"

Mr. Lageiv whose businessIS all over the world and who

largely In orchid plants"rathereatfldwiri.International Flower Sho

nday that hts cttstomers now in-a Summit policeman and a

Brooklyn steamfitter. The atea^n-fitter haa a hundred or so plants

a greenhouse he built himself.The policeman has a greenhouse hepafd 1400 for.

At the show, this week Mr. Lagerlu exhibiting a new orchid called"The Helen Dryden," after the art-bit. It Is pink, with deeper linesaa the lip, and was developed by alybridizatlon of two cyimbldlums,

But Mr. Lager also has some 1,-W0 Other varieties, and in additiont few thousand hybrids, at his place

BeUk. a^s»» Phi's reg«lar sMtiaglast TusesUy j t y t a g at Ury Fete*-• • * W Js^W^W* Mw e^BBI^waiBjy awss^p»ejBi afsa'

«escinf wae fellowed by a diseas-•too. led by Ulian Mortoo. of "TieCowlact of We". "Mana HigheetRelation (9 Ood."

kBOWBf M tk«

Hawks from KaatrOrange wHl playfor the dancing. —

Sacco President ofChatham Club

^ and 27th.• Jiorothy Crawford's w:

>fiably Jut|g«d by the,standards which .havenames of Ruth Draper^nelia Otis -Skinner fbrilliant scenes, 111 miln|r' thof embtlsin and experience,

Florida. H'alaco in New,York, were "MissMary C Davis, Mrs. Frank M. Al-len, Mm. (iuy S. Dcming and Mrs.Miles H. JHoftatt.

NOW IS YOUR O P P O R T U N I T Y1 0 SAVE $200, $400 OR

- / by investing in

_ l _ _ _ J N S U R E D SERIAL SHARES —of the


First tfcrtional Hank Bldg., Summit, N. J.

$1.00 pertgrnonth per shareMaturity Value $200.For further details see

ARTHUR 'IV DAIKEtf.Scrrctary-

of embtlsin and experience, aHPTftoSaoco was elected president^ jectwl and delineated with eitrsor-h h A A T d i hof the Chatham A. A._Tuesday night 'dlnary-' technique. Tempo and

at which t|me plahs -were made for. mood, voire anil gesture, costumethe coming Lacka wanna" Loague &tHi make-up, paint'a series of un-scason. Uobert Nikon & vlce-presl-' forRtaaahle women—Rosa, the Ital-dent. Howard Tyson, treasurer, a n d i i l " '"other In'FlBherraan'B Wharf."Larry Kemp, secretary. The advia-! a w a l t i n f f "•« .return of. her bus-ory board is. composed of Will-

^ d i ) t S o n ^ i L j S ; P > p S ! ; i ? ! : ^ . «» Ulsh poetess, the so-^lolitor ami HenryJQay.

Sacco, 'Deumau, 3 o j l t o i — O r a n d D u c h e 8 8 E l c a n j l o n d r e B 8

Mr. Lager Bays, that practicallyjeveryone who "buys one orchid plant

rom them comes back and getsfcnore.

The firm now has some 3,000:u8tomers, Including several < In

Uapan. One can buy a n orchidplant from them for as little' as* 2 . 5 o . • • • • • " • • . • : ' • " • •

NewIs* « • * Mr>- Carlrtoa R. Sawyer

Hurst, arofierty i»read, H feetfrosn Gaaoa

farkwsy, If prodacad. Bom-

sun pun

. . ^ C e nday ennfag. March »th» tla stasmia Balt-tlU be•any valaabie prlssa.

By uaaaJsnoaa jrote. the swnitiAlog cooHalttee's report of siigjafitioas for new officers tor the c o p -ing jrear, was adopted. The new of-ficers e N f Marlon Voes, president;(re-elected) Milan Morton, vie*,president; Mlllkent Dennis, cor-responding secretary; Brna Hahn,|recording seor«tary aad Mabel IBrennan, treasarer.

The following calendar, of eventswas presented by the president,v l j : . . ; ' . ' • , ' • •. ••

. April 5—Regular meeting at RuthStengel's home, Irvlnston. Bast Or-aange chapter will ,%e guests:Model meeting will be led by Caro-line Hail on "The Conduct ofFriendships." C

April 19—•Regular meeting atVivian Tbncaer<qao's home. Bllia-beth. Ddeoussjon led by afllllcentDennkt and May Grlswbld on "Com-munication of Ideas."

April 30—Founder's Day .Ban*quet, to be held probably In Sum-mit. Morrlstown and Bast Orange



cimv snmct . FASSP«I



C. Grant MyersPhotographer

•»». ta? Ktati<»nSaaaiil, \ .

I UseckwsedTelepheae

gchapters will meet with* Summit.This Is In celebration of seven 1year's orgsaixatton of Beta SigmaPtii and will be celebrated all ovetfthe UnUed States by all chapters./

May 8—(Prooablv Mother's Dayt e a . - . - . . . • • v • • • • • . • . „ . "

Jun e 7—Bridge party withdraw-ing of chances for prize. . .

I bund; "Studio Evening" with. ItsiconfinitHl hostess and her honoredj K , p p .; pranp. wbp could &lng as well with

W i h d hKemp are on the

_ _ tr and £committee to

a s without one, and the

select a manager. Carl Vellbihger,former ' Chatham pitcher, FredSehetellch and Prank "Butch" Cap-arqso are seeking the post; Offershave"been receivedfromthe^ Houaeof David and Olendale Farmers toplace teams In Cnatham.__

St, Patrick's Party at BeechwoodThe management ot the Beech-

wood Hotel entertained the gupstsat a St. Patrick's Day party iii ithelobby last evening.

parade; or the poignant ".PianoTeacher" contrasting the glamorand dignity of her own concert ipastwith the child of a Jazz and radio

Church News.: (Continued from Page Five)


r^Toddy and Saturday

Rural Gold Fruit Cocktail lgsi. can 19c~ .'_"",«!' >'he I'rnih In One tan _

Camj^eirs Soups „,.;. s.......... , 2 cans 15cAll Varieties Kxcrpf (hirkfh and MuHhroom

Clorox for washing and bleaching qt. hot. 19c-Bisquick for biscuits and waffles' Ig. box 25cBlackberry Preserves, Tea Garden 2 Ib.iar 29cChase and Sanborn Dated Coffee 1b. pkg. 24c

Wm f flrtc ysMaa-

. . . . 4 cans 25cMy-T-Fine Desserts, all flavors.—,^rj pkgs. I IcBeardsley Shredded Codfish . pkg. 10c

~ ...3 cans TieWegner's Fancy Apple Sauce Ib. can 5cMarshall's Kippered Herring Ig. can I9rKirkman's Borax Soap 9 bars 25cSoap Flakes, KirkmanY pkg. l i e

aad a Bar tomplexion Hoaii Free ^ " " ^

FRIDAY NOT SNOT BOOD ALL DATFaritan or AjrarS •• \. _ - ^ - _ . _ ' - — • - ^ ,

SMOKED -HAWS:-.:.:,-rt^IJ2^'^2-sta C• - - " • : % • : : : • • • ; ^ : ; V •• j . .

FrtlDAY3-H0URSPECIAL2T0 5P . i l .Kataral Col^r-Tr^e Ripened V


^^Ot-flaBilltaTrTAYMiusv Boond Brook > —-451 MIHburn Arejjae, Mlllb,u

'.h Aventter4S


We have perfected ourown method . of-T»rmanentwaving, and give a Wavethat looks more natural and"lasts longer. , _ \.

Jeahne Beauty ShoppeSpringfield Av. at Maple StTc'ephone Summit 6-1680

FREE PARKING -for t>qr customers at

Snedekcr'a parking statiorL

Summit Boys Cast

Deeds Recorded atThe Cowl House

William Simon sod others to Jer-IM IKMm«, ^ L A A I D U . , wuiiam Vknon and others toJer-in Pingry bCnOOl P i ty sey Mort«ags Company, property in

SayeVal boys from this vicinity,who attend Plngry School In Elisa-beth, have been cast In the' annualDramatic Club production whichwill be presented there on April.8th, The

pfc "No More Peace"

HVIIIR example of the fine resultsof Home Mlnnion Work In the West.He Rraduatcd as a law student fromPark College and practiced In NewYork. Men invited to come andhear him.-

At the Week Night Service at theNeighborhood House on Tuesday at8 o'clock Kev. Howard B. Halnes,assistant pastor of the YonkersPresHyterian-Chnrch, will be thespeaker. •

Toniirht, Frldav the 18th, a-Men'sClub Special ia being arranged atthe parish house at 8 o'clock withband music by Scout Troop 62,singing led by C. M. Stanley, andselections by a male quartet. Therewill also be an Interesting addressby Dr. Charles J. Turck on "ThePlace of the Church In the Ch4ng-°ing Social Order." Dr. Trfrck Isgeneral director'«f the department'

| of social education and action of(the—Presbyterian-Board of Chris^] tlan Education and was formerlyPresident of Centre College,' Dan-ville, Ky., and Professor or La* atTulane and Vanderbllt Unlyorsltles.There \yill be time for questlon»^

jyby Ernest Toller, outstanding Ger-man dramatist, of (he present-day.The play had Its American pre-miere at the Vassar ExperimentalTheater and was later produced atthe 'Federal Theater In New Yorkbut It is s i e v e d that Pingry Is thefirst among secondary schools toundertake the production.

Those in the cast Include: Rob-ert Cowan and Stanwood Kenyonof Summit: Thomas C. Wickenden,Thomas Henshaw. Bernard Ma-hhoney, Pierce Oassedy; andCbrlstenaon of Short Hills.


fEdgar street, 9UM feet from Mor-ris avenue, Summit.

tee S. Rlgby, sherW.'to BerkeleyLumber ft Supply Company,' prop-erty in Fairview road, 18S feet fromcorner of Crane Bros, New Provi-dence. ----- --;- •' --.-•-• - j-

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick & Piker]to Mr. and Mrs. William B. Guild,!

property in Inwood road, formetly-Roae" avtmte^lSO feet from tract o{land conveyed E. Piker, recordedln'ideed book »5S, pa'gf I, New Prori-'dence. ••- :-- -.---• —*

Mr. and, Mrs. Anthony Carbone to 'Home Owners Loan Corporation,'^property at the corner of Henry,street and Van Dyke place. Summit, j

Sarah Alice Oraftoq, aingle, toMr. and Mrs. William W, Stapler,property in Horse Shoe road, In-tersected hy lands of the Couftty of

. . . But it can provide aa opportvauty for Kappi.n*»a—comfort, leuare, a sense of weUJ»eui^— Jn

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Starr sawing now to buy that new car, educateyour children, trard, 'vacatioa or owsi yoar own *horn*. Watch your funds grow rapidly with thV-aid of compounded diridesKla.. . vHappineks isindeed the heritage e l sayings. / ,

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also good fellowship and refresh-ments. • .. .'.;


Jcrwy'a MoatBeautiful Rnndeivuua

Fruscntlnn in thoTROPICAL Q

. C A K L U N J t X B^A-I—Hawaiian Islands Ensemble. 110IT XA MONTH i

•, Romantic "tmnga featureddally on WfNa Joymakeraprogram. : ,

. H U K 3IIRKOR TRIO— I n - Pleasing Harmony of* New and Old Songs.. LKO LKK

Stage and Radio Teridr—featured 6 copiufccutlvfl aek*w)ns at SteerTrer—AClWCCUy.

* HA mi KKAMfcKFavorite ModernSonjt 8tyll»t.

. MOH HCIIAKKRWell Known Song WriUr,Baritone — Conipoagr 91"TUr«o K I " "lifulal



o KIMICB, laifulalnna," "Sonya" and Other

-. Hlt».. ROWARO WOOIMI--—

"Songi You IleniBmb«r.". BltLV VAN 1

Crooner of Sweet Ballads.. CHARLES MOORK- A —Charming ,-'- Baritone

Voice of Pine Quality.% VUU (he Colorful »t*fwalk Cafe In the



• \ .


Due to the low- return on sound bank inveHSnents and in conformity with the

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compounded temi-annually, April 1 and October 1.

The firstGitizra© mpmiy


—**"* . t f*"~

Members of Federal Depos^ Insurance Corporation


