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Practice of Medicine 10 Year Questions Compilation ( BHMS ) by Dr. Ankita bali

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Compiled Previous Year papers - Practice of Medicine By , Dr. Ankita Bali Previous year question papers chapter wise with compiled topics . Submitted to Department of Medicine , Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College
Page 1: Practice of Medicine 10 Year Questions Compilation ( BHMS ) by Dr. Ankita bali

Compiled Previous Year papers - Practice of Medicine By , Dr. Ankita Bali Previous year question papers chapter wise with compiled topics . Submitted to – Department of Medicine , Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College

Page 2: Practice of Medicine 10 Year Questions Compilation ( BHMS ) by Dr. Ankita bali

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Practice of Medicine - Topics to be covered

( Based on 10 Year Papers )

Complied by- Dr. Ankita Bali

1. Respiratory Diseases

1) Asthma (20)

2) Sarcoidosis (20)

3) Tuberculosis(20)

4) Miliary Tuberculosis(20)

5) Pneumonia(20)

6) Bronchitis(20)

7) COPD(20)

8) Haemoptysis (20)

9) Swine flu (20)

10) Post-Tussive Crepitations(5)

11) Chyne-Stroke Breathing (5)

12) Pleural Effusion(5)

2. Alimentary Tract and Pancreas Diseases

1) CHRON’S Disease(20)

2) Ulcerative Colitis(20)

3) Peptic Ulcers(20)

4) Dysentary(20)

5) D/F b/w Amoebic and Bacillary Dysentery . (20)

6) Hamatemesis. (20)

7) Acute Abdomen. (20)

8) Ascitis(5)

9) Stomatitis(5)

10) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (5)

11) Gastralgia(5)

12) Duodenal Ulcers(5)

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13) Gatric Ulcers(5)

14) Anal Fissure(5)

15) Anal Fistula(5)

3. Genetic Factors- Chronic Diseases and Miasms Dept. of Organon and


1) Congenital Syphilis (5 M )

2) Wilson’s disease.

3) Laurence moon Bledl Syndrome. (5 M)

4) Holt Dram syndrome. (5 M)

5) Argyl Robertson Pupils. (5 M)

4. Nutritional Diseases- Nutrition , Hygiene in Dept. of Community Medicine

1) Kwashiorkor. (5 M )

2) Beri Beri (5 M )

3) Scurvy (5 M )

4) Xerophthalmia (5 M )

5) PICA (Eating Disorder) (5 M )

6) Pellagra (5 M )

7) Vitamin C Deficiency (5 M )

8) G6pd deficiency (5 M )

9) Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency (5 M )

10) Malabsorbtion Syndrome. (5 M)

11) Protein Energy Mal-Nutrition. (5 M)

5. Endocrinal Diseases – Menstrual Disorder in Dept. of Gynaecology

1) Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism(20)

2) Myxoedema(20)

3) Simple Goitre(20)

4) Diabetes ( Insipidus and Mellitus ) (20)

5) Grave’s Disease(20)

6) Thyrotoxicosis(20)

7) Weight loss causes . (20)

8) Prolactinomas(5)

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9) Acromegaly(5)

10) Hypoglycemia(5)

11) Thyroid Function Test(5)

12) Hypoglycemic Coma(5)

13) Glucose Tolerance Test(5)

14) Hormones secreted by Thyroid Gland(5)

15) Paget’s Disease(5)

16) DKA (Diabetic Keto-Acidosis ) (5)

17) Spermatorrhoea(5)

18) Prostitis(5)

6. Liver and Biliary Tract Diseases

1) Hepatomegaly(20)

2) Hepatitis (20)

3) Cholecystitis(20)

4) Jaundice(20)

5) Acute Viral Hepatitis(20)

6) Cirrhosis of Liver(20)

7) Bilirubin (5)

7. Hematological Diseases

1) Anaemia( Imp- Iron Def. , Megaloblastic , Sickle Cell Anaemia ) (20)

2) Leukaemia ( Imp – CML , CLL , AML ) (20)

3) Disorders of Blood Coagulation(20)

4) Haemophilia(5)

5) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation(5)

6) Aplastic Anaemia(5)

7) Polycythemia Vera(5)

8) Splenomegaly(5)

9) Plumber Vinson Syndrome(5)

10) Thalessaemia(5)

8. Cardiovascular Diseases

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1) Pericarditis(20)

2) Angina Pectoris(20)

3) Coronary Thrombosis(20)

4) Cor Pulmonale(20)

5) Common Diseases in Elderly Patients(20)

6) Management of Stroke(20)

7) Cardiac Murmur(20)

8) Precordial Pain(20)

9) Myocardial Infarction(20)

10) Essential Hypertension(20)

11) Left Ventricular Failure(20)

12) Ischaemic Heart Disease(20)

13) Rheumatic Fever(20)

14) Murmurs(5)

15) Myocarditis(5)

16) Unstable Angina(5)

17) Stable Angina(5)

18) D/D of Precordial Pain(5)

19) Pulsus Alternance(5)

20) Triple Rhythm(5)

21) S T Segment(5)

22) Right Ventricular Failure(5)

23) John’s Criteria(5)

24) Oesophageal Varices(5)

25) Cystic Fibrosis(5)

26) Hypertension(5)

27) Hypotension(5)

28) Cardiac Dropsy(5)

9. Kidney and Urinary Tracts- Diseases

1) Glomerular Nephritis(20)

2) Post Infectious Nephritis(20)

3) Pyelonephritis(20)

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4) Kidney Disorders(20)

5) Nephrotic Syndrome(20)

6) Acute and Chronic Renal Failure(20)

7) Haematuria(20)

8) Enuresis(20)

9) D/f minimal lesion and memb. G.N(20)

10) Wilm’s Tumour(5)

11) Urethritis(5)

12) Urinary Calculi(5)

13) UTI (5)

10. Water and Electrolytes balance-Diseases

1) Hypokalemia(20)

2) Hyponatremia(20)

3) Hyperkalemia(20)

11. Connective Tissue Disorders

1) Ganglion (5)

2) Cramps and spasms ( Difference ) (20)

3) SLE (5)

12. Bones and Joints Disorders

1) Gout(20)

2) Arthritis(20)

3) Rickets(20)

4) Crackles(20)

5) Investigations in Joint Disease(20)

6) Rheumatoid Arthritis(20)

7) Heyberden Nodes(5)

8) Ankylosing Spondilytis(5)

9) Tophi Bodies(5)

10) Spondylosis(5)

11) Osteoporosis(5)

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12) Paget’s Disease . (5)

13. Skin Diseases

1) Psoriasis(20)

2) What common skin infections you meet within your daily outdoor

duties? (20)

3) Hypopigmentary Diseases. (20)

4) Urticaria(20)

5) Melenoma. (5)

6) Scabies. (5)

7) Erysipelas. (5)

8) Tumour Markers. (5)

9) Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. (5)

10) Vesicular Eruption. (5)

11) Erythema Nodosum. (5)

12) Papules. (5)

13) Compare Freckles and Melasma . (5)

14) Taenia Corporis. (5)

15) Lichen Planus . (5)

16) Freckles(5)

17) Pityriasis Vesicolor(5)

18) Vitiligo(5)

19) Peduculosis(5)

20) Corn(5)

21) ectopic dermatitis(5)

22) Eczema (5)

14. CNS and peripheral nervous system – Mental Diseases

1) Personality Disorders(20)

2) Schizophrenia(20)

3) Tetanus(20)

4) Chorea(20)

5) Viral pyogenic & tubercular meningitis(20)

6) Epilepsy (Grand-mal and Petit-mal) (20)

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7) Dementia(20)

8) Benign and Malignant tumours of Nervous System(20)

9) Tic Doulereux or Tri-germinal Neuralgia(20)

10) Anxiety Neurosis(20)

11) Paraplegia(20)

12) Meniere’s Syndrome(5)

13) Glasgow scale(5)

14) Migraine. (5)

15) Substance misuse. (5)

16) Status epilepticus. (5)

17) Tabies Dorsalis. (5)

18) Phobias. (5)

19) OCN or OCD. (5)

20) Encephalitis. (5)

21) Unconsciousness(5).

22) Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. (5)

23) Syncope. (5)

24) Hallucination. (5)

25) D/f b/w Hysterical & Epileptic fits. (5)

26) Queckendstedt’s Test. (5)

27) Brain Death. (5)

28) Gullian Barre Syndrome. (5)

29) Cateplexy. (5)

30) Kernig’s Sign. (5)

31) Bell’s Palsy. (5)

32) Depression(5)

33) Hemi-plegia(5)

34) Facial Palsy(5)

35) Trigeminal Neuralgia(5)

36) Meningitis(5)

37) Poliomyelitis(5)

38) Syringomyelin. (5)

39) Sciatica. (5)

40) Phobic Neurosis. (5)

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41) Paralysis agitans(5)

42) Paralysis . (5)

43) Mania . (5)

44) Lumbar Spondylosis(5)

15. Acute Emergencies including poisonings

1) Septicaemia(5)

2) Shock(Hypovolaemic and Septic ) (20)

3) Dehydration(20)

4) Epistaxis(5)

16. Paediatrics

1) Neonatal Jaundice(20)

2) Common infections in children(20)

3) Congenital Heart Disease(20)

4) Teratology of Fallot(5)

5) Childhood Cirrhosis. (5)

6) Infantile Diarrhoea (5)

7) Apgar Score(5)

8) Down Syndrome(5)

9) Kernicterus Sign. (5)

10) Neonatal Convulsions (5)

11) Lactose intolerance. (5)

12) Juvenile Diabetes . (5)

17. Infectious Diseases

1) Hansan’s Disease or Leprosy(20)

2) Mumps(20)

3) Chicken Pox (20)

4) Small Pox (20)

5) Enteric Fever(20)

6) Rubella(20)

7) Viral Infections(20)

8) AIDS(20)

9) Japanese Encephalitis(20)

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10) Dengue Fever(20)

11) STDs(20)

12) Malaria(Falciparum) (20)

13) Elephantitis(20)

14) Cholera(20)

15) Conjuctivitis(20)

16) Quinsy(20)

17) Measles(5)

18) Koplic’s Spots(5)

19) Algid Malaria(5)

20) Typhoid Fever(5)

21) SARS(5)

22) Chickengunia (5)

23) Oriental Sore (5)

24) Kaposis Sarcoma (5)

25) Black water fever (5)

26) . Kala Azar(5)

27) Dengue Shock Syndrome (5)

28) Herpes Zoster(5)

29) Viral Hepatitis(5)

18. Others

1) PUO(20)

2) Palpation of Kidney, Liver and abdomen. (20)

3) What do you mean by Practice of medicine, explain its role ( Importance ) in

holistic concept of disease and cure in Homoeopathy ? (20)

4) Skodaic Resonance (5)

5) Koilonchia(5)

6) Henok Scholar Syndrome (5)

7) Intermittent Fever (5)

8) Influenza(5)

9) Coryza. (5)

10) impotence(5)

11) BPH . (5)

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12) Hyperpyrexia(5)

13) Write Normal reference range of following : (8 M )

1. MCV


3. Total serum bilirubin in new born

4. Haemoglobin in adults

5. RBC count in adults

6. HbA1C

7. Blood Sugar fasting and Post prandial

8. Serrum ferritin

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Practice of Medicine ( 10 years ) – Topicwise

Compiled by – Dr. Ankita Bali

PAPER 1 ( Portion of 2nd and 3rd Year)

1. Respiratory Diseases

1. Define Asthma. Discuss the D/D of Asthma & its Management. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Detail about Sarcoidosis. (20 M) (P 1)

3. Etiology, C/F, Diagnosis & Complications of Miliary Tuberculosis. Role of

HIV infection in Tuberculosis. (20 M) (P 1)

4. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. (20 M) (P 1)

5. D/f b/w Lobar & Broncho pneumonia. (20 M) (P 1)

6. Chronic Bronchitis. (20 M) (P 1)

7. Common manifestation of respiratory diseases. (20 M) (P 1)

8. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (20 M) (P 1)

9. D/f b/w Haemoptysis and Hematemesis. (20 M) (10 M)(P 1)

10. Differentiate COPD from Asthma. (5 M) (P 1)

11. Bronchial Asthma (5 M) (P 1)

12. Post-Tussive Crepitations (5 M) (P 1)

13. Define Pneumonia; explain its etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features,

investigations and complications. (20 M) (P 1)

14. Define term Bronchitis and describe its Etiopathogenesis, clinical features,

investigations and complications. (20 M) (P 1)

15. What do you mean by the term COPD? Describe its one cause in detail. (20

M) (P 1)

16. Common Respiratory Disorders in children with miasmatic consideration.

How Swine flu can be prevented in present scenario? (20 M) (P 2)

17. Chyne-Stroke Breathing. (5 M) (P 2)

18. Write therapeutic (5) indications of Pneumonia with its

management. (20 M)(P 3)

19. Give miasmatic remedies (at-least 4) of Bronchial Asthma. (5 M)(P


20. Clinical Features of Pleural Effusion with indications of 2

homeopathic remedies. (5 M)(P 3)

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21. Management with homoeopathic remedies in case of Chronic

Bronchitis. (5 M)(P 3)

22. Write short note on Haemoptysis. (5 M)(P 3)

23. Write Clinical Features and Homoeopathic Treatment of

1. Pneumonia (5 M)(P 3)

2. Bronchitis (5 M)(P 3)

24. Write indications of three remedies for Asthma. (5 M)(P 3)

25. Describe Acalphya Indica in Pulmonary Tuberculosis .. (5 M)(P 3)

26. Describe Carbo veg in pneumonia . (5 M)(P 3)

27. Clinical features with indications of 5 remedies in Pulmonary T.B.

(20 M)(P 3)

2. Alimentary Tract and Pancreas Diseases

1. CRON’s disease & Ulcerative Colitis. D/f pathological changes that occur in

GIT in both diseases. How will you diagnose & manage the case of both.

(20 M) (P 1)

2. Peptic Ulcers. (Pg 871 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

3. D/f b/w CRON’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. (20 M) (P 1)

4. Dysentery. Also d/f b/w Bacillary & Amoebic Dysentery. (20 M) (P 1)

5. D/f b/w Haemoptysis and Hematemesis. (20 M) (P 1)

6. Acute Abdomen. (20 M) (P 1)

7. Amoebic Dysentery (5 M ) (P 1 )

8. Ascitis (5 M ) (P 1 )

9. Ulcerative Colitis (5 M ) (P 1 )

10. Stomatitis (5 M ) (P 1 )

11. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome ) (5 M) (P 2)

12. Give therapeutic (at-least 5) indications of Instant Colic remedies.

(5 M)(P 3)

13. Write therapeutic (5)indications of Gastralgia with its management.

(5 M)(P 3)

14. Give therapeutics with comparisons of Duodenal Ulcers & Gastric

Ulcers. (5 M)(P 3)

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15. Differentiate & Indicate Medicine: Anal Fissure from Anal Fistula.

(5 M)(P 3)

16. Differentiate & Indicate Medicine: Amoebic Dysentery from

Bacillary Dysentery. (5 M)(P 3)

17. Clinical Features of Peptic Ulcers with indications of 2

homeopathic remedies. (5 M)(P 3)

18. Management with homoeopathic remedies in case of Acute

Abdomen. (5 M)(P 3)

19. Write Clinical Features and Homoeopathic treatment of Peptic

Ulcers. (5 M)(P 3)

20. Homeopathic Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis. (5 M)(P 3)

21. Homeopathic Treatment for Chron’s Disease . (5 M)(P 3)

3. Genetic Factors- Chronic Diseases and Miasms Dept. of Organon and


1. Congenital Syphilis (5 M ) (P 1 )

2. Wilson’s disease. (5 M) (P 2)

3. Laurence moon Bledl Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

4. Holt Dram syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

5. Argyl Robertson Pupils. (5 M) (P 2)

4. Nutritional Diseases- Nutrition , Hygiene in Dept. of Community Medicine

1. Kwashiorkor. (5 M ) (P 1 )

2. Beri Beri (5 M ) (P 1 )

3. Scurvy (5 M ) (P 1 )

4. Xerophthalmia (5 M ) (P 1 )

5. PICA (Eating Disorder) (5 M ) (P 1 )

6. Pellagra (5 M ) (P 1 )

7. Vitamin C Deficiency (5 M ) (P 1 )

8. G6pd deficiency (5 M ) (P 1 )

9. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency (5 M ) (P 1 )

10. Malabsorbtion Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

11. Protein Energy Mal-Nutrition. (5 M) (P 2)

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5. Immunological Factors in Diseases – Epidemiology in Dept. of Community


6. Climacteric Factors in Diseases

7. Metabolic Diseases

8. Endocrinal Diseases – Menstrual Disorder in Dept. of Gynaecology

1. Thyroid Function Test. Causes, C/F of Hypothyroidism. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Myxoedema. (20 M) (P 1)

3. Simple Goitre (Pg 737 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

4. Diabetes Mellitus. (20 M) (P 1)

5. Enumerate d/f causes of loss of body weight. Describe in brief all of them.

Write etiology, C/F, diagnosis and Homoeopathic t/t of Grave’s Disease.

(Pg 738 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

6. Hypoglycemic Coma. (5 M ) (P 1 )

7. Glucose Tolerance Test. (5 M ) (P 1 )

8. What is Diabetes, give its types and describe Etiopathogenesis, clinical

features, investigations and complications of Non insulin dependent

diabetes mellitus. (20 M) (P 1)

9. Mention the hormones secreted by thyroid gland and explain

Hypothyroidism in adults with its Etiopathogenesis, clinical features,

investigations and complications. (20 M) (P 1)

10. What do you understand by Hyper and Hypo functions of Thyroid? Write

complications of Thyrotoxicosis. (20 M) (P 2)

11. Paget’s disease. (5 M) (P 2)

12. DKA (Diabetic Keto- Acidosis ) (5 M) (P 2)

13. Goitre. (5 M) (P 2)

14. Give miasmatic remedies (at-least 4) of Hypothyroidism. (5 M)(P 3)

15. Therapeutic possibilities with their perfect mental symptoms of

Spermatorrhoea. (5 M)(P 3)

16. Therapeutic possibilities with their perfect mental symptoms of

Prostitis. (5 M)(P 3)

17. Indications of Carcinocin, Thyroidinum, Iodum and Kreosote in

Prolactionomas. (20 M)(P 3)

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18. Phosphorus in Acromegaly. (5 M)(P 3)

19. Write short note on Diabetes Melitus . (5 M)(P 3)

20. Describe Acid Phos in Diabetes Mellitus . (5 M)(P 3)

21. Give Clinical features with Homoeopathic indications for

Myxoedema. (5 M)(P 3)

22. Homeopathic Treatment for Grave’s Disease . (5 M)(P 3)

23. Manage Hypoglycemia with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

PAPER 2 ( Portion of 4th Year )

9. Liver and Biliary Tract Diseases

1. Discuss the causes & D/D of Hepatomegaly. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Acute Viral Hepatitis(20 M) (P 1)

3. Acute Cholecystitis.( Pg 979 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

4. Jaundice. (20 M) (P 1)

5. Hepatitis B & C. (5 M ) (P 1 )

6. Enumerate types of Hepatitis. Describe clinical features and investigations of

hepatitis – B. Mention indications of 3 Homoeopathic Medicines. (20 M)

(P 1)

7. What is Cirrhosis of Liver; give its types, aetiopathogenesis, clinical

features, investigations and its complications. (20 M) (P 2)

8. Bilirubin Content. (5 M) (P 2)

9. Write short note on Jaundice with homoeopathic treatment.

(5 M)(P 3)

10. Write Clinical Features and Homoeopathic Treatment of

Hepatomegaly . (5 M)(P 3)

10. Hematological Diseases

1. Discuss the Clinical features of Anemia and its lab diagnosis. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Anaemia, its Classification and Management of Iron Def. Anaemia. ( Pg

997 Davidson) (20 M) (P 1)

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3. Define Anaemia . Give its types and explain aetiopathogenesis , clinical

features , investigations and complications of Megaloblastic Anaemia . (20

M) (P 2)

4. Define Anaemia . Give its types and explain aetiopathogenesis , clinical

features , investigations and complications of Sickle cell Anaemia. (20 M)

(P 2)

5. Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. (20 M) (P 1)

6. Disorders of Blood Coagulation. (20 M) (P 1)

7. D/f b/w CLL & CNL. (Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia). Management of NHL.

(20 M) (P 1)

8. Haemophilia. (5 M ) (P 1 )

9. Disseminated Intravascular coagulation. (5 M ) (P 1 )

10. Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia (5 M ) (P 1 )

11. Leukaemia (5 M ) (P 1 )

12. Aplastic Anaemia (5 M ) (P 1 )

13. Polycythemia Vera (5 M ) (P 1 )

14. Splenomegaly causes ( Pg 1002 Davidson ) (5 M ) (P 1 )

15. Define Leukaemia , give its types and describe aetiopathogenesis , clinical

features , investigations and complications of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia .

(20 M) (P 2)

16. Plumber Vinson Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

17. Thalessemia. (5 M) (P 2)

18. Clinical Features of Sickle Cell Anaemia with indications of 2

homeopathic remedies. (5 M)(P 3)

19. Write short note on Thalassaemia . (5 M)(P 3)

20. Write indications of three remedies for Anaemia . (5 M)(P 3)

21. Manage SLE with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

19. Cardiovascular Diseases

1. Pericarditis with its varieties, c/f, diagnosis, Management & Hom. t/t of it.

(20 M) (P 1)

2. D/f b/w Angina Pectoralis & Coronary Thrombosis. (20 M) ( 10 M ) (P 1)

3. Adam’s Stokes Syndrome (5 M ) (P 1 )

4. Murmurs (5 M ) (P 1 )

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5. Cor Pulmonale with its causes, clinical features and management. (20 M)

(P 2)

6. Common Diseases of Elderly Patients and Complications and Management

of Stroke. (20 M) (P 2)

7. Cardiac Murmur in detail. (20 M) (5 M ) (P 2)

8. Precordial pain and Myocardial Infarction. (20 M) (P 2)

9. Essential Hypertension. (20 M) (P 2)

10. Left Ventricular Failure. (20 M) (P 2)

11. Define Ischaemic Heart Disease and describe aetiopathogenesis , clinical

features , investigations and complications of Myocardial Infarction . (20

M) (P 2)

12. Rhematic Fever . (20 M) (P 2)

13. Myocarditis. (5 M) (P 2)

14. Unstable Angina. (5 M) (P 2)

15. DD of Precardial Pain. (5 M) (P 2)

16. Pulsus alternance. (5 M) (P 2)

17. Triple Rhythm. (5 M) (P 2)

18. S.T segment. (5 M) (P 2)

19. Left Ventricular Failure and Right Ventricular Failure . (5 M) (P 2)

20. John’s Criteria. (5 M) (P 2)

21. Oesophageal varices . (5 M) (P 2)

22. Cystic fibrosis . (5 M) (P 2)

23. Therapeutic possibilities with their perfect mental symptoms of

Hypertension. (5 M)(P 3)

24. Indications of five medicines in Cardiac Dropsy. (5 M)(P 3)

25. Lachesis in HTN. (5 M)(P 3)

26. Write short note on Angina Pectoris with homoeopathic treatment .

(5 M)(P 3)

27. How will you manage Homoeopathically these cases :

i. Myocardial infarction(5 M)(P 3)

ii. Hypertension(5 M)(P 3)

iii. Rheumatic Fever(5 M)(P 3)

iv. Hypotension(5 M)(P 3)

v. Stable Angina(5 M)(P 3)

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20. Kidney and Urinary Tracts- Diseases

1. Glomerular Nephritis. (20 M) (5 M ) (P 2) 2. Post Infectious Nephritis. (20 M) (P 2) 3. Pyelonephritis . (20 M) (P 2) 4. Kidney Disorders and the precautions that has to be taken by a patient

suffering from CRF. (20 M) (P 2) 5. Nephrotic Syndrome. (20 M)(5 M ) (P 2) 6. Acute and Chronic Renal Failure. (20 M) (P 2) 7. How you will deal with a case of Hematuria. (20 M) (P 2) 8. Enuresis. (10 M) (P 2)

9. Wilm’s Tumour. (5 M) (P 2)

10. Give therapeutic (at-least 5) indications of Instant pain reliever

for Urinary Complaints. (5 M)(P 3)

11. Give miasmatic remedies (at-least 4) of Chronic Renal Failure.

(5 M)(P 3)

12. Cannabis Sativa in Urethritis. (5 M)(P 3)

13. Enumerate Homoeopathic Remedies for Glomerulonephritis.

(5 M)(P 3)

14. Manage Recurrent Urinary Calculi with Homoeopathy .

(5 M)(P 3)

21. Water and Electrolytes balance-Diseases

1. Hypokalemia and Hyponatremia. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Manage Hyperkalemia with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

22. Connective Tissue Disorders

1. Write therapeutic (5)indications of Ganglion with its management.

(5 M)(P 3)

2. Define the terms cramps and spasm , difference between them and

mention role of following in cases of muscular spasms : (20 M)(P 3)

i. Calcarea carb

ii. Rhus tox

iii. Cuprum met

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iv. Picric acid

v. Mag phos

23. Bones and Joints Disorders

1. Differentiate Gout from Arthritis. (5 M ) (P 1 )

2. Rickets (5 M ) (P 1 )

3. Crackles (5 M ) (P 1 )

4. Classify Arthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis. (20 M) (P 2)

5. Briefly write about: Investigation in Joint Disease. (20 M) (P 2)

6. Define Rheumatoid Arthritis, give its types and explain aetiopathogenesis ,

clinical features, diagnostic criteria and management . (20 M) (P 2)

7. Heyberden Nodes. (5 M) (P 2)

8. Ankylosing Spondilytis. (5 M) (P 2)

9. Gout. (5 M) (P 2)

10. Compare Gout and Rheumatism. (5 M) (P 2)

11. Tophi bodies . (5 M) (P 2)

12. Give therapeutic (at-least 5) indications of Instant Bone pain

remedies. (5 M)(P 3)

13. Give miasmatic remedies (at-least 4) of Rheumatism. (5 M)(P 3)

14. Differentiate & Indicate Medicine: Arthritis from Gout. (5 M)(P 3)

15. Formica Rufa in Rheumatoid Arthritis. (5 M)(P 3)

16. Write Clinical Features and Homoeopathic treatment of

Spondylosis . (5 M)(P 3)

17. Write short note on Osteoporosis. (5 M)(P 3)

18. Write indications of three remedies for Arthritis. (5 M)(P 3)

19. Indication of Sepia in Arthritis . (5 M)(P 3)

20. Manage Gout with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

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24. Skin Diseases

1. Psoriasis with its Etiopathogenesis, types, clinical features, management. (20 M)

(P 2)

2. What common skin infections you meet within your daily outdoor duties?

How would you proceed for diagnosis of long case of skin manifestation

with your clinical skills? (20 M) (P 2)

3. Hypopigmentary Diseases. (20 M) (P 2)

4. Common Skin Diseases with the use of External application on it with

Homoeopathic Management. (20 M) (P 2)

5. Urticaria. (10 M) (5 M) (P 2)

6. D/f minimal lesion and memb. G.N. (20 M) (P 2)

7. Melenoma. (5 M) (P 2)

8. Scabies. (5 M) (P 2)

9. Erysipelas. (5 M) (P 2)

10. Tumour Markers. (5 M) (P 2)

11. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. (5 M) (P 2)

12. Vesicular Eruption. (5 M) (P 2)

13. Erythema Nodosum. (5 M) (P 2)

14. Papules. (5 M) (P 2)

15. Compare Freckles and Melasma . (5 M) (P 2)

16. Taenia Corporis. (5 M) (P 2)

17. Lichen Planus . (5 M) (P 2)

18. Write therapeutic (5)indications of Freckles with its management.

(5 M)(P 3)

19. Write therapeutic (5)indications of Pityriasis Vesicolor with its

management. (5 M)(P 3)

20. Give miasmatic remedies (at-least 4) of Vitiligo. (5 M)(P 3)

21. Indications of Antim Crud, Baryta Mur, Zincum met and Mercurius

in Peduculosis. (20 M)(P 3)

22. Characteristics of Homoeopathic Remedies for Corn. (5 M)(P 3)

23. Probable miasmatic indication of ectopic dermatitis. Indication of 4

Homoeopathic remedies. (5 M)(P 3)

24. Write short note on Urticaria with homoeopathic treatment .

(5 M)(P 3)

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25. Clinical features with indications of 5 remedies in Common Skin

Diseases . (5 M)(P 3)

25. CNS and peripheral nervous system – Mental Diseases

1. Personality Disorders. Briefly state for Schizophrenia. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Lock Jaw or Tetanus. (Pg. 1213 Davidson) (20 M) (P 1)

3. Differentiate Chorea from Tetany (5 M ) (P 1 )

4. Describe the changes which occur in CSF in viral pyogenic & tubercular

meningitis. Write aetiology, C/f, diagnosis and Hom. t/t & its complications. (20

M) (P 2)

5. Give in detail Grand-mal and Petit-mal Epilepsy with its miasmatic

cleavage. (20 M) (P 2)

6. Dementia, its Clinical importance and theraps . (20 M) (P 2)

7. Benign and Malignant tumours of Nervous System . (20 M) (P 2)

8. Tic Doulereux or Tri-germinal Neuralgia. (20 M) (P 2)

9. What is Glass go coma scale? D/f pyogenic and tuberculosis meningitis.

(20 M) (P 2)

10. Detail about Anxiety Neurosis. (20 M) (5 M ) (P 2)

11. Define Hemiplagia with its aetiology, signs, symptoms and investigations.

(20 M) (P 2)

12. Details about Paraplegia. (20 M) (P 2)

13. Define Schizophrenia and explain in detail it’s aetiology , miasmatic

background , psychopathy , and management of it’s different types . (20

M) (P 2)

14. What is Tic douloureux (T.N), Explain it’s aetiology , C/F , complications ,

prognosis , miasmatic approach and d/d with Migrain . (20 M) (P 2)

15. Meniere’s Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

16. Glasgow scale. (5 M) (P 2)

17. Migraine. (5 M) (P 2)

18. Schizophrenic Personality. (5 M) (P 2)

19. Substance misuse. (5 M) (P 2)

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20. Status epilepticus. (5 M) (P 2)

21. Tabies Dorsalis. (5 M) (P 2)

22. Dementia. (5 M) (P 2)

23. Phobias. (5 M) (P 2)

24. OCN or OCD. (5 M) (P 2)

25. Encephalitis. (5 M) (P 2)

26. Unconsciousness. (5 M) (P 2)

27. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

28. Syncope. (5 M) (P 2)

29. Hallucination. (5 M) (P 2)

30. D/f b/w Hysterical & Epileptic fits. (5 M) (P 2)

31. Queckendstedt’s Test. (5 M) (P 2)

32. Brain Death. (5 M) (P 2)

33. Gullian Barre Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

34. Cateplexy. (5 M) (P 2)

35. Kernig’s Sign. (5 M) (P 2)

36. Bell’s Palsy. (5 M) (P 2)

37. Give therapeutic (at-least 5) indications of Instant Migraine

Controllers. (5 M)(P 3)

38. Give therapeutics with comparisons of Depression & Dementia.

(5 M)(P 3)

39. Therapeutic possibilities with their perfect mental symptoms of

Hemi-plegia. (5 M)(P 3)

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40. Therapeutic possibilities with their perfect mental symptoms of

Facial Palsy. (5 M)(P 3)

41. Indication for Trigeminal Neuralgia for: (20 M)(P 3)

Allium Cepa.




42. Indications of Mezerium, Merc.Cor., Veratrum album, and Bismith in

Anxiety Neurosis. (20 M)(P 3)

43. Clinical features of Tetanus with characteristics symptoms of 5

Homeopathic Remedies. (20 M)(P 3)

44. Indications of 5 Homoeopathic remedies in Epilepsy./ How will you

manage Homoeopathically Epilepsy ? (20 M)(P 3)

45. Name 5 homoeopathic remedies for meningitis. (5 M)(P 3)

46. Describe Poliomyelitis its C/f management & Homoeopathic

Management. (20 M)(P 3)

47. Indications of remedies in case of Epilepsy: (20 M)(P 3)





48. Characteristics of Homoeopathic Remedies for diseases:

1. Syringomyelin. (5 M)(P 3)

2. Sciatica. (5 M)(P 3)

3. Phobic Neurosis. (5 M)(P 3)

50. Write short note on Paralysis agitans with homoeopathic

treatment. (5 M)(P 3)

51. Indication of Causticum in Paralysis . (5 M)(P 3)

52. Indication of Artemesia vulgaris in epilepsy . (5 M)(P 3)

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53. Describe Syphilinum in Mania . (5 M)(P 3)

54. Describe Stramonium in Schizophrenia . (5 M)(P 3)

55. Clinical features with indications of 5 remedies in Lock Jaw .

(5 M)(P 3)

56. Manage Status Epilepticus with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

57. Manage Lumbar Spondylosis with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

26. Acute Emergencies including poisonings

1. Septicaemia (5 M ) (P 1 )

2. Classify Shock and management of Hypovolaemic Shock. (20 M) (P 2)

3. Causes of Dehydration with its management . (20 M) (P 2)

4. Management of Acute Poisoning. (5 M) (P 2)

5. Septic shock. (5 M) (P 2)

6. Write Clinical Features and Homoeopathic treatment of Epistaxis .

(5 M)(P 3)

27. Paediatrics

1. Teratology of Fallot (5 M ) (P 1 )

2. Define Neonatal Jaundice and give its causes, clinical features, investigations

and management. (20 M) (P 2)

3. Give common infections in children. Describe one of the commonest

diseases in them. What are the prospects of poliomyelitis after

nationwide program of polio vaccination? Write preventives in

homoeopathy with possible indications. (20 M) (P 2)

4. Define term Congenital Heart Disease. Give its types and give clinical

features, investigations and complications of VSD. (20 M) (P 2)

5. Childhood Cirrhosis. (5 M) (P 2)

6. Infantile Diarrhoea . (5 M) (P 2)

7. Apgar Score. (5 M) (P 2)

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8. Henoch Scholin Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

9. Down Syndrome. (5 M) (P 2)

10. Kernicterus Sign. (5 M) (P 2)

11. Neonatal Convulsions . (5 M) (P 2)

12. Infantile diarrhea and Lactose intolerance. (5 M) (P 2)

13. Juvenile Diabetes . (5 M) (P 2)

28. Infectious Diseases 1. Hansan’s Disease or Leprosy. (20 M) (P 1)

2. Sign and Symptoms of Mumps. (Pg 315 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

3. D/f b/w Chicken Pox & Small Pox ( Pg 313 and Pg 322 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

( 5 M )

4. Enteric Fever, its complication & management. (20 M) (P 1)

5. Rubella. (20 M) (P 1)

6. Enumerate Viral Infections, its causes, clinical features, diagnosis and curative

management of AIDS(20 M) (P 1)

7. Give the aetiology and clinical features of Japanese Encephalitis. How would you

prevent and manage such cases? / How this epidemic can be prevented. ( Pg

323 Davidson ) (20 M) (P 1)

8. AIDS. (5 M ) (P 1 )

9. Measles (5 M ) (P 1 )

10. Koplic’s Spots (Pg 309 Davidson ) (5 M ) (P 1 )

11. Algid Malaria (5 M ) (P 1 )

12. Differentiate Dengue fever from typhoid fever (5 M ) (P 1 )

13. SARS (5 M ) (P 1 )

14. STD’s (5 M ) (P 1 )

15. Dengue (5 M ) (P 1 )

16. Chickengunia (5 M ) (P 1 )

17. Oriental Sore (5 M ) (P 1 )

18. Kaposis Sarcoma (5 M ) (P 1 )

19. Black water fever (5 M ) (P 1 )

20. Typhoid (5 M ) (P 1 )

21. Define Enteric Fever, give its types and describe aetiopathogenesis , clinical

features , investigations and complications of Typhoid Fever . (20 M) (P 1)

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22. Give the aetiology , clinical features and diagnosis of Dengue Fever . (20 M) (P


23. Briefly write about: Investigation in STD’s. (20 M) (P 2)

24.Malaria. (5 M) (P 2)

25. Kala Azar. (5 M) (P 2)

26. Differentiate & Indicate Medicine: Small pox from Chicken pox. (5

M)(P 3)

27. Clinical Features of Dengue Shock Syndrome with indications of 2

homeopathic remedies. (5 M)(P 3)

28. Give indications of following medicines in Falciparum malaria:

(20 M)(P 3)

• Cedron.

• Chinimum Sulph.

• Belladonna.

• China.

28. Explain miasm for Elephantiasis and give its indication in:

(20 M)(P 3)

• Sulphur.

• Graphitis.

• Hydrocotyle.

• Silicea.

30. Define Cholera its causes, c/f, management & Homoeopathic

treatment. (20 M)(P 3)

31. Discuss management of the Falciparum malaria. Give indication

for the medicines as: CEDRON, CHINIMUM SULPH, BELLADONA,

CHINA. (20 M)(P 3)

32. Write clinical features for 4 medicines in Conjunctivitis.

(20 M)(P 3)

33. Write Clinical Features and Homoeopathic treatment of :

1. Herpes Zoster. (5 M)(P 3)

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2. Typhoid Fever. (5 M)(P 3)

34. Define the term Quinsy , give its aetiopathogenesis and

indications of the following : (20 M)(P 3)

i. Nitric Acid

ii. Baptisia

iii. Phytolaca

iv. Hepar Sulph

v. Lachesis

35. Clinical features with indications of 5 remedies in Hansan’s

Disease. (5 M)(P 3)

36. Clinical features with indications of 5 remedies in Viral hepatitis.

(5 M)(P 3)

29. Others

1. What is PUO? How will you investigate the case? (20 M) (P 1)

2. Skodaic Resonance (5 M ) (P 1 )

3. Koilonchia (5 M ) (P 1 )

4. Henok Scholar Syndrome (5 M ) (P 1 )

5. Palpation of Kidney, Liver and abdomen. (20 M) (P 2)

6. What do you mean by Practice of medicine, explain its role ( Importance ) in

holistic concept of disease and cure in Homoeopathy . (20 M) (P 2)

7. Give therapeutics with comparisons of Intermittent Fever &

Rheumatic Fever. (5 M)(P 3)

8. Give therapeutics with comparisons of Influenza & Coryza.

(5 M)(P 3)

9. Give indication of Selenium in impotence. (5 M)(P 3)

10. Give indication of Sabal serulata in BPH . (5 M)(P 3)

11. Manage Hyperpyrexia with Homoeopathy . (5 M)(P 3)

12. Write Normal reference range of following : (8 M )

9. MCV

10. MCHC

11. Total serum bilirubin in new born

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12. Haemoglobin in adults

13. RBC count in adults

14. HbA1C

15. Blood Sugar fasting and Post prandial

16. Serrum ferritin

22. Clinical Questions

1. A child suffering from fever, body ache and crops of eruptions which are at

d/f stages of development. Diagnose it and write its aetiology, complications.

(20 M) (P 1)

2. A patient comes to you with complaints of severe Breathlessness and

wheezing mainly around 3 to 4 am in the night, coughing, sputum production

with thread like casts. (20 M) (P 1)

3. Enumerate d/f causes of loss of body weight. Describe in brief all of them.

Write aetiology, c/f, diagnosis and Homoeopathic t/t of Grave’s Disease. (20

M) (P 1)

4. A 24 years aged female patient comes to you with: Dyspnoea, Cough, Blood

streaked sputum loss of body weight, feeble rapid pulse, cyanosis and

clubbing of fingers. What will be your diagnosis? Write the aetiology,

diagnosis and management with temperature treatment of the same and

when you advise her for surgery? (20 M) (P 1)

5. The patient, a young or middle aged adult, complaints of fullness, weight or

oppression in the epigastrium about half an hour after meal. Worse after fatty

foods. Relief is obtained by belching and ceasation almost by vomiting. There

is shoulder ache with pain in right side with a deep breath. What will be your

diagnosis? Write the aetiology, diagnosis & homoeopathic treatment. (20 M)

(P 1)

6. As a family physician what advice would you give to a family going to take

bath in Allahabad’s Kumbh Mela? (20 M) (P 1)

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7. A 55 years old male patient having pain & discomfort in chest with restless,

nausea and perspiration. What will be the D/D & Management of the case?

(20 M) (P 2)

8. A 45 years Female patient having complaints of pain and swelling in the

joint with restriction of movement. What will be the D/D and how will you

manage it. (20 M) (P 2)

9. A 25 years female complaints of pain in the head with nausea and vomiting

with photophobia and phonophobia. What will be the differential diagnosis &

how will you manage the case? (20 M) (P 2)

10. A 50 years male complaining of weakness, tiredness, weight loss, anaemia,

oliguria with oedema. Discuss its D/D and how will you manage a case? (20

M) (P 2)

11. Diagnose the following case, give its investigations and homoeopathic t/t

as A child aged 14 years having Rigors, Headache, Pyrexia, Backache, Ext.

Pain, Convulsions with Neck rigidity. (20 M) (P 2)

12. A female aged 35 years presents with complaints of trembling of

hands , thinning of hairs , hair fall , polyphagia and weight loss . Give

the probable diagnosis , differential diagnosis , complications ,

investigations and homoeopathic management , at least five remedies

with indications . (20 M)(P 3)


1. Topics and portions to be covered in each paper 1 and 2 are given as heading .

Still, This pattern is usually not followed and Paper 1 topics are given in Paper 2 and vice versa .

Thus, I have written in bracket of every question, the paper in which those questions were

asked inspite of the defined and set headings.

2. KEY (Abbreviations)

P1- Paper 1

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P2- Paper 2

P3- Paper 3

5M- 5marks Short Notes

8 M – 8 Marks Questions

10 M- 10 Marks Questions

20 M – 20 Marks Long Questions

3. Paper 3 constitutes therapeutics, which covers all the chapters of Paper 1 and Paper 2; they

are given at the end of questions of every chapter in different font.
