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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 1 PRADHAN MANTRI KRISHI SINCHAIYE YOUJNA District Irrigation Plan District: SAGAR -:Submitted by:- Collector Sagar Madhya Pradesh
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District Irrigation Plan

District: SAGAR

-:Submitted by:-

Collector Sagar

Madhya Pradesh

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Sagar is district situated in bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh .As the area had

faced severe drought in last 10 years the water level has gone down and the farmers face a

crucial situation during Rabi season due to less availability of water for Irrigation. The

topography of the district is such that the district may be a donor of water to other district like

Damoh, Tikamgarh, Panna and Chhatarpur. The surface water storage structures

constructed under Bundelkhand special package have contributed a lot in increasing

irrigation potential but water distribution network is yet to be strengthened for assuring

irrigation to the end farmer field. The constraint in distribution network is the forest area

restrictions and undulating topography. Collaborative efforts are planned in district irrigation

plan prepared under PMKSY for increasing the reach of water for irrigation and other

domestic purposes to each and every village by all means.

The Narmada-Sonar river link project plan, Ken-Betwa link project, Bina-Betwa river link

project may be boon to the district and adjoining district in terms of increasing irrigated area

and hence productivity. Although ongoing projects of Sonpur, Parkul, Hilgan and Surajpura

tank will certainly give a boost to command area of Deori, Kesli, Rehli blocks under these

projects .The Bina multipurpose irrigation project will benefit Malthone, Khurai and Bina

Blocks of the district. Modernization and extension of Bila tank Canal will benefit the Banda

and Shahgarh blocks of district. Through implementation of the watershed project and the

proposed works under AIBP will measurably contribute in the vision of har khet ko pani under

the umbrella of Pradhan mantra Krishi Sincayee youjna.

Increasing irrigation potential and reach of water to farm will be clubbed with micro irrigation

techniques in command area and the irrigation plan will be complementary to the agriculture

plan of the district Sagar so as to transfer latest technology to farmers regarding Jal sinchan

& Jal sanchayan by extension activities through ATMA. Productivity enhancement by

minimum use of water and horticulture development will be the main thrust keeping in view of

the year wise increase in irrigated area under PMKSY. In my opinion the PMKSY DIP will be

a road map for measurable and converged efforts in productivity and production

enhancement resulting in rural prosperity.Date:10-May-2015

(Vikas Narwal)

Collector& DM District Sagar MadhyaPradesh

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Executive Summary 4

Chapter - 1 General Information of the District 7

1.1 District Profile 7

1.2 Demography 8

1.3 Biomass and Livestock 9

1.4 Agro-Ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography 9

1.5 Soil Profile 10

1.6 Soil Erosion and Runoff Status 14

1.7 Land Use Pattern 15

Chapter - 2 District Water Profile 16

2.1 Area Wise, Crop Wise irrigation Status: 16

2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crops 16

2.3 Irrigation based classification 17

Chapter - 3 Water Availability 18

3.1: Status of Water Availability 18

3.2: Status of Ground Water Availability 18

3.3: Status of Command Area 19

3.4: Existing Type of Irrigation 20

Chapter - 4 Water Requirement /Demand 21

4.1: Domestic Water Demand 21

4.2: Crop Water Demand 21

4.3: Livestock Water Demand 21

4.4: Industrial Water Demand 22

4.5: Water Demand for Power Generation 22

4.6: Total Water Demand of the District for Various sectors


4.7: Water Budget 24

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Chapter - 5 Strategic Action Plan for Irrigation in District under PMKSY





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Executive Summary

Sagar district is endowed with topography of Donar district in terms of surface water

storage and supply to low lying areas of bundelkhand region as Sagar is geographically on

the ridge line of Ganga Basin.One major irrigation project namingly Bila dam irrigates about

16230 hectares areas in all which has 80 percent developed command area in shahgarh

and Banda blocks of the district. Under Bundelkhand package many resrvior and tanks are

constructed which are now in completion phase and the surface waterstorage potential has

increased in two fold in last 5 years

Out of the total geographical area of 1022759 hectares only 548173 hectares is under

agriculture and the irrigated area is 288871 which is only 52 % of the total area sown. Still

there are regions may be called dark zones which do not have access for water for irrigation

.the major constraints are the undulating topography of the district and forest conservation

act restrictions for crating distribution networks. Micro and precision irrigation clubbed with

the diversion based or gravity or siphon based irrigation techniques are to be promoted in

district to overcome these constraints.

. In sagar district the ground water resources irrigation shows more growth that the

surface water irrigation hence there is a enormous pressure on ground water resources

depleting the watel table very rapidly. About 121000 Ha sown area is irrigated by private tube

well and well .These private sources of irrigation though contribute to cover a considerable

area under irrigation which is in majority land holdings of small and marginal farmers‟. But

due to uneven rainfall trends these sources of irrigation makes the situation and Rabi

irrigation scenario chronic in case of low rainfall and over draft of water with excessive

pressure on the ground water table. The problem becomes more chronic when these ground

water sources are over exploited as in case of low rainfall than the drinking water issues

become chronic due to fall of water level in hand pump and wells serving for drinking water.

The District irrigation plan of Sagar district is prepared under Pradahan Mantri

Krishi Sinchayee youjna after convergent planning of ongoing financial resources . Having

vision of Har Khet Ko Pani & per drop more crop upto 2022 the strategic action plan is

prepared after analysis of situation of command area, dark zones in context to irrigation and

catch low lying fruits like command area development and repair, renovation of old water

bodies with peoples participation and scientific planning.

GIS maps and satellite images are used for real time assessment of the irrigated

area and missing links in irrigation so as to ensure the physical reach of water for irrigation.

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Interventions like induction of new technologies of micro and cooperative irrigations are

planned for saving water and productivity enhancement with minimal use of water. The

objective of taking per drop more crop to enhance rural prosperity will be achieved upto

2022 by convergence planning both horizontal and vertical on farm and off farm.

As per guidelines issued by government of India regarding PMKSY ,DIP is prepared

keeping in mind the four major components viz, AIBP, Har Khet ko Pani, PMKSY( Watershed

) and per drop more crop by preparing shelf of projects under various components with

consultations and incorporating valuable suggestions of Public representatives in

prioritization and phasing of works. The annual action plans will be drawn each year as per

demand and availability of funds to achieve the annual targets fixed for increasing irrigated

area and productivity enhancement complementary to implementation district agriculture


Pradhan mantri krishi Sinchayee Youjna

District irrigation plan DIP Sagar - Budget

S.No PMKSY-Component Budget proposed

1 AIBP 1680.34

2 Har khet ko Pani 415.76

3 Per drop more crop 422.42

4 PMKSY watershed 134.05

Grand Total 2652.57

The short term strategy is to restore the storage capacity of the existing reservoirs and

tanks through RRR to catch the low lying fruit first and in long term the 6 proposed medium

irrigation project and Narmad-Sonar, Betwa-Bina river link project will certainly contribute a

lot in assuring hark het ko pani vision in Sagar district. An overall budget outlay of Rs

2652.57 Crore is proposed under various components of District irrigation plan for achieving

the objective in 6 years which is duly approved by the District Planning Committee Sagar .

The District irrigation plan will certainly serve the pupose of a road map in achieving

the objective of har khet ko Pani & per drop more crop which may be monitored by

reviewing the physical and financial targets quarterly. The targets for creating additional

irrigation potential are as follows which will be achieved by implementation of major and

minor projects under PMKSY

Targets under various department to accomplish the Vision of har het ko pani;-

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Proposed to be

created under


forthcoming 6


Total Schemes cinverged under


Water resources

department 125155 61234 186389 ABIP/RRR/CADW




24224 45500 69724 MGNREGS/IWMP/PMKSY

top up


department 33456 31000 64456



Private irrigation

sources created 69324 53500 122824



River and

perinieal sources 36712 26540 63252 water conservation works

Total 288871 217774 506645

The village level agriculture plan prepared during Gram Uday se Bharat

Uday Abhiyan were also integrated with the irrigation plans of villages in order to have a

composite planning of production enhancement and diversification of agriculture as per

increased irrigation potential and new techniques of precision irrigation in forth coming year

to make efficient use of available irrigation sources. The block level irrigation and agriculture

plans of various seasons are prepared in alignment with increasing irrigation potential in

coming years upto 2022.

The suggestive reports of micro and macro nutrients in soil through soil health card

being issued to each farmer upto 2017 ,Paramparagat krishi vikas youjna & Pradhan

Mantri fasal bima youjna in collaboration wilh PMKSY will change the agriculture scenario

giving boom to rural prosperity through agriculture and allied activities development by

ensuring availability of water for irrigation and other domestic uses during implementation of

PMKSY upto 2022.

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I. Introduction:

i. Background

India is still long way from eradicating poverty and hunger, while the gulf between rich

and poor is ever deepening in most states. The barometers of Indian economy are showing

warning signals since past decade, despite remedial measures taken with knee jerk action,

certain segments of economy still reeling under slow and sluggish growth. The population

clock has surpassed 1.15 billion and is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2025. The per capita

availability of natural resources such as arable land, irrigation water, vegetation is shrinking

due to over exploitation and conflicting demands from the urban and industrial sectors.

Agricultural production has been stagnant, the growth rate sliding down from 3.5% in eighties

to 2.4% in nineties and 1.4% in new millennium. Corresponding investments in agriculture

from all quarters is declining too, as the contribution of the agriculture sector is sleeping

down from >48% at the start of the planned development paradigm in fifties to little over 15%


Unless concrete measures are taken urgently, Indian agriculture will be in a state of

crisis in the coming years. To safeguard food security to the growing population and to

maintain the environmental quality without further deterioration, the available natural

resources have to be effectively harnessed and efficiently managed. This is particularly

important in the rain-fed areas, which form over 63 % of the cultivated area.

District Sagar is facing erratic rainfall since last 7 years and the agriculture

production is decreasing day by day, due to non availability of other sources of income the

farmers are under great pressure of financial crises. The agriculture loans are converting in

to the NPAs. Due to low rainfall this year and „yellow magic‟ disease in soyabean crop the

farmers suffered losses in kharif crop.

Situations of natural calamities like drought, excessive rainfall or any regional disease

in major crops are leading to complex the livelihood means of farmers dependent on

agriculture vis a vis irrigation.

This envisages the need of a comprehensive district irrigation plan in combination with

District agriculture plan including contingent plan for natural calamities and changing weather

scenario in the era of global warming and effects like that of alnino.

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ii. Vision

Pradhan mantra krishi sinchaye Youjna with a Vision for “ Harkhet ko Pani “and “Per

drop more Crop” will be achieved by convergence of all schemes related to agriculture and

irrigation with involvement of farmers , public representatives and efforts of the concerned

line department & implementing agencies .The vision is to fully utilize the existing water

resources with better management through sensitization and awareness in users and input of

new technology ICT in future irrigation practices keeping in mind the irregular nature of

rainfall and creating new sources of irrigation with repair in existing for optimal use of water

for irrigation keeping in mind the domestic need of water for population, livestock, wild

animals and Industrial use .

With measures of water conservation the vision aligns with the need of strategic

irrigation practices like cooperative irrigation, organic farming and crop alignment with

contingent plans as per the water availability in future years in Sagar district.

iii. Objective

The major objective is to double the income of farmer‟s upto 2022 by major

interventions in irrigation infrastructure and practices so as to make agriculture a business of

profit through a campaign mode by means of convergence of financial resources and

interdepartmental coordination through a well defined perspective plan called District

irrigation plan incorporating annual action action plans for forthcoming 6 years to achieve the

vision of 100 percent irrigation

The major objectives of Pradhan Mantra Krishi Sinchaye Youjna –District irrigation plan


To prepare a comprehensive irrigation plan for the district for the coming five years,

converging the efforts of different district departments to achieve maximum output and


Conserve rain water which is being wasted as runoff so that the water can be used for

enhancing livelihoods.

Enhance physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under

assured irrigation.

To ensure participation of farmers and other stake holders and existing people‟s

institutions like Water users associations so that planning and implementation is more

democratic and there is equitable distribution of precious water resource.

To encourage people to adopt crop patterns suitable to local water availability so that

water usage is more sustainable.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 10

Increase the water use efficiency through precise irrigation technologies like drip and

sprinkler irrigation.

Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices.

Achieve convergence of investments in irrigation at the field level (preparation of

district level and, if required, sub district level water use plans).

Enhance the physical access of water on the farm and expand cultivable area under

assured irrigation (Har Khet ko pani).

Integration of water source, distribution and its efficient use, to make best use of water

through appropriate technologies and practices.

Improve on-farm water use efficiency to reduce wastage and increase availability both

in duration and extent.

Enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other water saving technologies

(More crop per drop).

Enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce sustainable water conservation practices.

Ensure the integrated development of rainfed areas using the watershed approach

towards soil and water conservation, regeneration of ground water, arresting runoff,

providing livelihood options and other NRM activities.

Promote extension activities relating to water harvesting, water management and crop

alignment for farmers and grass root level field functionaries.

Explore the feasibility of reusing treated municipal waste water for periurban


Attract greater private investments in irrigation.

This will in turn increase agricultural production and productivity

and enhance farm income.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 11

iv. Strategy /Approach of plan preparation


District Irrigation Plan (DIP) prepared by the Distinct Level irrigation Committee

followed the methodology suggested by guidelines prescribed by Govt. of India. DLIC

followed the participatory Planning process and Participatory Rural Appraisal tools ti involve

Gram Panchayat (G.P.) and the committee in the grass root Planning process. A Road map

was developed to achieve the desired result in the allocated time frame, Block wise separate

teams were constituted comprising of civil Engineers and field level staff of concerning

departments. The teams took lead in consultation co ordination, collection of information from

all possible sources collecting the data set and information to derive certain definitive

appraisal of the current situation and comprehending the proposals to be included in the final

plan with active support from the Gram Panchayat and other Public representatives.

A District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) headed by District Collector

with the members of head of the concerning departments, leading NGOs and progressive

farmers taken the responsibility of orientation Training cum Workshop in the entire Planning

process. The DLIC have conducted one district Level training cum workshop and one Block

level training cum workshop in each block with officials and functionaries of concern

departments. The DLIC conducted a series of internal meetings to build the capacity of core

members and get feedback during preparing the plan. Block level Coordination

committees were also formed in leadership of the Sub divisional magistrates of concerned

areas for ensuring coordination in planning amongst various department with resolution of

issues regarding land availability, forest acts and technical feasibility checks in all 11 blocks

of Sagar district.Video recording and process documentation was done to capture the wish

list of public representatives and villagers for feasibility checks.

A District level Advisory board was also constituted involving renowned

generalists, HOD of the Geology department of Sagar Central University, KVK Scientists,

Central ground water board officials, Chief engineer irrigation department, Forest officers,

Renowned NGO in planning and implementation sector, General manager industries,

Representative from bina refinery,Joint Director Planning Sgara and progressive farmer

member of Bio diversity Board which provided time to time suggestions for envisioning

exercise and perspective plan.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 12

1.4 Steps flowed in Developing District Irrigation Plan (DIP)

Consultation Meeting and Orientation Training

The internal consultation meeting cum orientation training of the all the members

involved in developing (DIP) were organizes at district on 27-01-2016 as well as block level

consultation were done from 28 January to 7 february 2016 . The participants were given

through understanding of PMKSY guidelines, the scope of planning exercise the process to

be followed along with the planning tools to be used. The orientation module included the

principals of participatory planning process, mechanism to collect most relevant and

expected information both from secondary and primary sources , developing the information

base using village level survey especially focus group discussion (FGD) developing the

vision of the district. Synchronizing the data from Gram Panchayat, Block and District and

finalizing the Action Plan for the district.

Operational Task Team of district Project coordinator to lead the entire District

Planning Team and block project coordinator to lead team block and Gram Panchayat

Planning team carrying out the task in time bound schedule and in a manner that facilitates

adequate interaction with Gram Panchayat functionaries ducted public representatives; A

detailed plan of Action for preparation of DIP was finalized during the internal consultation

meeting of DLIC.

The district level implementation committee also decided to prepare a software based

MIS for assets mapping and capturing the private sources of irrigation .A consulting NGO

PRAJEEV is also assigned tasks for preparation of GIS maps, Drainage maps and land use

maps for clear assessment of dark zones for preparing action plan and area specific need

assessment and solutions.

Rounds of Meetings with industrialist, progressive farmers, NGOs and advisory board

contributed a lot in preparing better district irrigation plan.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 13

Collection of Primary Information

The team members visited each village carrying out the interactive process for joint

reflection and collective appraisal with the local communities active involving local leadership

to acquire the desired information as per prescribed schedules. This process helped in public

awareness nationalizing the priorities, identifying critical issues, crystallizing the options and

alternatives communities aspiration and indigenous knowledge individually and communities

conduct them self to drive their livelihood.

Collection of Secondary Data

The operational task team started desk review and developed check list of reports of

the concern department for collection, compilation collecting and analysis of the secondary

data set. Efforts were made to collect the published and authentic records from the concern

departments for preparing the District Irrigation Plan. SREP from ATMA and CDAP from

departments of Agriculture & Farmer Wale Fare have been collected for reference and

review to incorporate the key findings in terms of specific needs under each agrological


Reconaissance Survey

A multi disciplinary team of experts in irrigation and watershed management

systems specialist visited the district for visual observations and spontaneous interaction with

the Rural Communities, Farmer group discussion were conducted at block and cluster level

to understand their aspirations and gauge the prospect district vision and its realization on

the ground.

Processing and Analysis

All the collected information from both primary and secondary sources desk review

and research notes was analyzed and calibrated. The analyzed data have been used

develop vision, document, strategy and Action Plan for the district.

Develop Map Dossier

Operational task team has arranged dynamic digital maps using spatial technology

with geo referencing of the district with block boundaries block maps with village boundaries

and has developed thematic maps by inserting the data set with appropriate legends.

Hydrogy,geology.lithology,drainage,soil types and other maps are also prepared for

ascertaining the strata and topography of district for precise and scientific planning The maps

appended with the report for easy understanding and future monitoring of the Action Plan.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 14

Strategy and approach

The district will adopt a holistic approach with coordination of Agriculture as Nodal

department addressing issues related agriculture, crop alignment and micro irrigation

by dovetailing schemes components of ATMA,NFSM,RKVY,NMOP & National mission for

sustainable agriculture NMSA, forest department dealing in water conservation and soil

moisture restoration works in ridge and areas dovetailing schemes of forest department and

working plan for conservation of wild life and forest ,PHED with Accelerated rural

drinking water progarmme to cater need of drinking and domestic need of water

,Irrigation department command area development completing the ongoing works in time

under AIBP and creation of new surface water infrastructure related to storage and

command area development with simultaneous efforts of reducing conveyance losses in

water by RRR of old structures like Baher,chopra ,bawri ,reservoirs, dam, barrage and

canals which may include diversion based or lift irrigation also, Department of rural

development taking up the desilting and repair works of water bodies under MGNREGS as

well as watershed development with cluster approach in non command areas identified as

per watershed atlas and state watershed perspective plans upto XII plan period under

PMKSY(watershed) and MGNREGS liking NRLM with farmers common interest groups for

horticulture and dairy development in Sagar district for sustainable livelihood development

works for accomplishing the vision to double the present income of rural households

especially farmers, horticulture department taking up activities and demonstration of micro

and precession irrigation techniques for converting at lead 30 % agriculture area to

horticulture as contingent plan for sustainable agriculture in situations of low rainfall or

seasonal major crop diseases.

Strategy of the district is divided in two phases of long term and short term measures:

Long term measures-These may include Narmad-Sonar river Link project ,Bina-Betwa

link project , Bina multipurpose irrigation project, Ken betwa link project , Sonpur ,Padkul

,Satdhara ,Jera and bila projects with full command area development etc for irrigation and

domestic purposes keeping in view the regional water demands in various blocks of Sagar as

well achieving goals of har het ko pani district in future .The present scenario is depicted in

the following table

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 15

Table showing details of agriculture land block wise

Block Geographical area

Forest area

Agriculture land

Double sown

Irrigated area

Irrigation %

Sagar 96576 13097 53963 28918 27011 50

Jaisinagar 84644 25969 44823 22705 19947 45

Rahatgarh 94469 21481 57107 35222 29073 51

Rehli 86713 10281 62558 47259 35294 56

Deori 121780 54423 49115 32740 27493 56

Kesli 111693 55117 38763 23535 18040 47

Bina 67620 701 53860 42765 33016 61

Khuri 91331 18596 62772 35881 34425 55

Malthone 84008 25303 48556 24388 23087 48

Banda 101849 34973 49555 27672 25045 51

Shahgarh 82076 37993 27101 15313 15273 43

District total

1022759 297934 548173 336398 288871 52

Short term measures-These may include timely completion of ongoing projects ,RRR of

old water bodies , water conservation measures and works involving department of rural

development and forest for soil moisture conservation and ground water recharge and

interventions in better techniques and crop alignment for better production with minimal water

uses in per drop more crop mode.

v. Rationale / Justification Statement: In reference to the status and need

of irrigation

The total geographical area of Sagar district is 1087332 Ha scattered in 11 tehsil

(Taluka) having overall agriculture land in year 2015 as 739731 heactares out of which 52%

area is irrigated hence there is a gap of 48 % in access to irrigation to every farm(Har khet

ko pani) which is targeted to be achieved upto 2022.

The Malthone ,Banda,Shahgarh ,Rahatgarh and Sagar tehsil are having major gap in

irrigation potential due to undulating topography because of which command area

development through canals cannot be done in whole area .The topography of the district is

undulating upper valley separated by hilly area and forest which is 32 % of the total

geographical area of the district.

Similarly industrial zone wise Bina is the major industrial area of the district which

have a major demand of water for industrial purposes vis a vis draining effluent in Bina and

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 16

Betwa river and other drains of district for which need and effluent treatment plants are

analyzed in the DIP.

Upcoming industries like Bina refinery extension plan ,Cheola industrial area Deori

,Urban periphery agriculture water needs ,Dairy water needs ,water needed in hospitals,

hotels, hostels and drinking water purposes is also kept in mind while formulating DIP and

annual action plans strategically to cater need of domestic, livestock, crop and industrial

water demand in the district so that water availability for irrigation purposes can be calculated

and ensured through creation of new surface water storage structures, ground water

sources and minimizing water use by use of micro and precision irrigation like drip and


For assuring access of water to every farm and enhancing productivity other

measures and interventions in agriculture and horticulture like mulching, SRI paddy

cultivation, laser leveling of land ,ground water recharge and soil moisture conservation

through farm bunding ,gullies and drain line treatment works will taken up in cluster approach

each year scaling up the successful intervention by training and awareness amongst farmers

and water users by various line departments through extension workers .

The investment proposed component wise in the strategic action plan of the district

irrigation plan having components PMKSY(Watershed) PMKSY (har khet ko pani)

PMKSY(Per drop more crop including Schemes like NMSA,NMOP,NFSM,RKVY),


are done by Shri Vikas Narwal (IAS) Collector and District Magistrate Sagar in envisaging

industrial water demand and supply management in future with discussion and suggestions

incorporated in strategy for crop alignment as per area specific soil health and water

availability season wise even including the post monsoon phasing of closures of nallah,

kadi shutters(Gates) of stop dams reservoirs in specific time to retain water for domestic

and agriculture purposes. Dark zones in grond water level in each block are identified with

the help of inputs of hydrological and geological analysis of such areas and proposing pipe

water supply, lift irrigation schemes by solar electrification and canal tail water flow

management to utilize the surplus water and other intervention involving joint field visits

with by Revenue, Forest and irrigation department officials jointly .

While preparing district irrigation plan the livelihood development plans under NRLM

and PMKSY Watershed livelihood component) are also dovetailed especially in dairy and

horticulture sector to ensure green fodder availability and developing dairy as a agri allied

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 17

sector in Sagar foreseeing the increasing demand of milk and dairy products in Bina and

adjoining Jabalpur and Bhopal district .The demand of water and existing irrigation potential

is analyzed block wise keeping in view the urban and industrial need of water .

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General Information of the District:

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 19

District Profile:


The history of the town of Sagar dates back to about 1660 A.D. When Udan Shah, a

descendant of Nihal Shah, built a small fort on the site of the present one, and founded a

village close to it called Parkota which is now part of town. The present fort and a settlement

under its walls was founded by Govind Rao Pandit, an officer of the Peshwa, who held

charge of Sagar and the surrounding territory after 1735 A.D., when it came under the

Peshwa's possession.

In 1818 A.D., the greater part of the district was ceded by the Peshwa Baji Rao II to the

British Government, while different parts of the rest of the present district of Sagar came in

the possession of the British at different times between 1818 and 1860. The Dhamoni

pargana of Banda tahsil was ceded in 1818 A.D. by Appaji Bhonsla. The Bhera pargana of

Banda tahsil was acquired by transfer from the Bundelkhand States in 1818 A.D. The

parganas, Rahatgarh in Sagar tahsil and

Garhakota, Deori, Gourjhamer and

Naharmow in Rehli tahsil collectively

known as Punch Mahal were originally

made over to British by Sindhiya at

different dates from 1820 to 1825 for

management. The Shahgarh pargana of

Banda tahsil was confiscated in 1857 in

consequence of the rebellion of the chief. The Kanjia pargana of Khurai tahsil was acquired

from Sindhia by a treaty in 1860 A.D. A small area in the north -east corner of the tahsil

around the village of Hirapur was similarly transferred to the British from the Charkhari State

to Bundelkhand and added to the district after the uprising of 1857.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 20

Location of district

The district of Sagar lies in

the north central region of Madhya

Pradesh. It was spelled as Saugar

during the British period. It is

situated between 23 deg 10‟ and

24 deg 27‟ north latitude and

between 78 deg 4‟ and 79 deg 21‟

east longitude, the district has a

truly central location in the country.

The tropic of cancer passes

through the southern part of the district.


The origin of the name comes from the Hindi word SAGAR meaning lake or sea,

apparently because of the large and once beautiful lake around which the town of Sagar has

been built. Sagar was founded by Udan Singh

in 1660 and was constituted a municipality in

1867. A major road and agricultural trade

centre, it has industries such as oil and flour

milling, saw-milling, ghee processing,

handloom cotton weaving, bidi manufacture

and railway and engineering works. It is

known in all over India due to its University

named as Dr. Harisingh Gaur University and Army Cantonment and recently it has come

into lime light due to Bhagyodyay Tirth a charitable hospital named after a Jain Sant Shri

VidyaSagarji Maharaj. It is known for Police Training College which are only two in Madhya

Pradesh other one is in Indore. Head quarter of Forensic Science Lab is also in SAGAR.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 21

Administratively, the position of Sagar and the neighbouring territories underwent

frequent changes. The Saugor

territory was, first of all, placed

under the superintendent of

Political Affairs of Bundelkhand.

Later, in 1820, this area, called the

Saugor and Nerbudda Territories,

was placed under the

administration of an Agent to the

governer-General. When the

North-Western Province was

constituted in 1835, the Saugor

and Nerbudda Territories were

included in this province. In 1842

occurred the Bundela rising, the quelling of which demanded a more direct attention by the

Governor-General. But order was restored in the following year, and the Saugor and

Nerbudda Territories were again placed under the political control of an Agent to the

Governor-General. The arrangement however, was not found to be satisfactory and these

territories were once again restored to the North-Western Provinces in 1853. Thereafter in

1861 the Saugor and Nerbudda territories, along with the Nagpur state formed a

Commissioner's Province called Central Provinces.

Sagar, which was the headquarters of the Sagar Commissionership for a short period,

ceased to be so in 1863-64, when this district was incorporated with Jabalpur

Commissionership. In the year 1932 the district of Damoh was added to Sagar district and

was administrated as Sub-Division. In 1956, however, Damoh Sub-Division was again

separated from the district to form a separate district and Sagar district consisted of four

tehsils viz, Sagar, Khurai, Rehli, Banda

Geographical Area: The district is situated on the north by Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh, on

the south by the district of Narsinghpur and Raisen, on the west by the district of Vidisha ,

and on the east by the district of Damoh, which was previously formed the part of Sagar

District. On the notheast and north-west, the district adjoins Chhattarpur and Guna districts,

respectively. The district is accessible by rail as the town of Sagar lies on the Bina Katni

branch line of Centra railway. Sagar is 76 Km from Bina which is on the Bombay Delhi main

line. The district is traversed by first class roads which connect it with important towns like

Damoh and Jabalpur on the east and south east, respectively, Lalitpur and Jhansi on the

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 22

north, Chhattarpur on the north east and Bhopal on the south-west. Bhopal the capital of

Madhya Pradesh is about 208 Km

from Sagar by road. According to the

Surveyor-General of India, the district

has a total area of 6375 sq Kms and

is shaped roughly like a triangle. The

geographical area of Sagar district is

1022.80 hectare.


Sagar lies in an extensive plain

broken by low, forested hills and

watered by Sonar river. Wheat,

chickpeas, soghum, and oilseeds are

chief crops of the region, there is extensive cattle raising. Sandstone, Limestone, iron ore

and asbestos deposits are worked. The archaeological site nearby Eran has revealed

several Gupta inscriptions. District Sagar is predominantly a Scheduled Caste/Backward

class district. These together form about 75% of the district. The district has sizable

population of tribals who are named as Rajgonds after their kingdom.


Forest area of the district is as 1,065.35 sq. miles consisting of 739.80 sq. miles of

'Reserved' forests and 325.55 sq. miles of 'Protected' forests, an area of about 92 sq. miles

of forests is under the control of the Revenue Department. Village papers recorded an area

of 7,30,856 acres (1,142 sq miles) in the district as forests in the year 1959-60. This came to

about 29 per cent of the total geographical area of the district. According to the Departmental

figures forests cover an area of 1,065.35 sq. miles consisting of 739.80 sq.miles of

'Reserved' forests and 325.55 sq. miles of 'Protected' forests. Besides this an area of about

92 sq. miles of forests (classified as chhota-ghas) The forests of Sagar district belong to the

Northern Tropical Drry-Deciduous type according to Champion's Classification (group 4b)

The forests of the district can be considered under the following broad sub-types:- (i) Teak

forests : (a) Teak forest on alluvium. (b) Teak forest on trrap. sandstone etc. (ii) Mixed

forests. (iii) Khair forests.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 23

Administrative set up

Sagar district is the sixteenth largest district in size in the State, and the third largest in

the Jabalpur revenue division. The district is divided into nine tahsils, viz, Banda, Sagar,

Khurai, Garhakota, Bina, Deori, Rehli, Rahatgarh and Kesli each in the charge of a Tehsildar

or a SubDivisional Officer.Commissioner. There are 11 blocks, 05 Nagar Palika, 11 Janpad

panchayats, 01 Jila Panchayat ,753 Village Panchayats, 2076 Villages, 2059 Revenue

Villages, & 1901 Developed Villages in whole districtAccording to Census 2001, the total

number of villages in the district are 2075.

1.1 District Profile

S.No Name of the

District District

code Latitude Longitude

1 Sagar 459 23 deg 10‟ and 24 deg 27‟

north 78 deg 4‟ and 79 deg

21‟ east

Source: Gazetter,Cenus Report 2011

Out of which, 1901 villages are inhabited and rest of the 174 villages are uninhabited.

Sagar district is divided into eleven tahsils and tahsilwise number of villages are, Bina(177),

Khurai (187),Malthone(193), Banda (179),Shahgarh(128), Rahatgarh (143), Sagar (379),

Garhakota(109), Rehli (136), Kesli (189) and Deori (255) and eleven community

development blocks (Janpadpanchayats) namely, Bina, Khuri, Malthon, Banda, Shahgarh,

Jaisinagar, Rahatgarh, Sagar, Rehli, Kesli and Deori. The district headquarter is Sagar.

There are 753 gram panchayats in the district. There are total 20 towns in the district. As per

urban classification namely, Sagar(M.Corp.) is Nagarnigam , Sagarcantt(C.B.) is Cantonment

Board, Bina-Etawa(M), Khurai(M), Garhakota(M), Rehli(M) and Deori(M) are municipalities,

whereas Banda(N.P.),Shahgarh(N.P.),Rahatgarh(N.P.) and Shahpur(N.P.) are Nagar

Panchayats. Bina Rly Colony(C.T.), Bamora(C.T.), Rajakhedi(C.T.), MakroniaBuzurg(C.T.),

Bhainsa(C.T.), Kapuria(C.T.), Dhana(C.T.), Karrapur(C.T.), GamiriaSagar(C.T.) are Census

Towns. The district has one parliamentary constituency i.e. Sagar and eight assembly

constituencies viz. Bina, Khurai, Surkhi, Deori,Rehli, Naryoli, Sagar and Banda.

Collector is the Chief Executive Officer of the district and as such he exercises

general supervision over various departments. Co-ordination activities of various

departments, controls over local-self governing bodies, execution of Government schemes

and miscellaneous functions, such as Panchayats, Census, Election and Relief measures

during natural calamities like floods, famine and epidemics, etc.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 24

The Organizational set-up of the collectorate are divided into three main functionaries

viz.(i) land revenue, land-records including consolidation of land and other allied matters. (ii)

Law & order and (iii) Development. Deputy Collectors, SDM, Tahsildars, Naib Tahsildars,

revenue inspectors and Patwaris assist the Collector. The Collector is also associated with a

number of other committee in the district. The most important among them is the District

Advisory Committee. The Collector is also vested with statutory powers under excise act, to

enable to implement the excise and prohibition policy of the Government. In order to facilitate

proper and smooth judiciary and

administration there are 32 police stations, 20 police posts and one Women police station in

the district. The district is the basic territorial unit of administration in the state as well as in

India. The Collector, as the head of the district administration is the key functionary of the

Government, having vast powers and wide responsibilities.

. The position of officer in the Sagar district like that Inspector General of Police, District

Magistrate, District Judge, Additional Collector, CEO Jila Panchayat, Superintendent of

Police, District Women and Child Development, District Food Officer, Planning Officer,

Superintendent Land Record, District Registrar, SP Lokayukta, Income Tax Officer, SDM at

Sagar, Bina Khurai, Banda, Rahatgarh, Deori & Rehli Tehsils. Tehsildar at Sagar, Bina

Khurai, Malthone Shagarh, Banda, Rahatgarh, Deori, Rehli, Tehsils, Kesli & Garhakota.

Sagar lies in an extensive plain broken by low, forested hills and watered by Sonar river.

Wheat, chickpeas, sorghum, and oilseeds are chief crops of the region, there is extensive

cattle raising. Sandstone, Limestone, iron ore and asbestos deposits are worked. The

archaeological site nearby Eran has revealed several Gupta inscriptions. District Sagar is

predominantly a Scheduled Caste/Backward class district. These together form about 75% of

the district. The district has sizable population of tribals who are named as Rajgonds after

their kingdom.neral Boundaries

The district is bounded on the north by Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh , on the south

by the district of Narsinghpur and Raisen, on the west by the district of Vidisha , and on the

east by the district of Damoh, which was previously formed the part of Sagar District. On the

noth-east and north-west, the district adjoins Chhattarpur and Ashok Nagar districts,

respectively. The district is accessible by rail as the town of Sagar lies on the Bina Katni

branch line of Centra railway. Sagar is 76 Km from Bina which is on the Bombay Delhi main

line. The district is traversed by first class roads which connect it with important towns like

Damoh and Jabalpur on the east and south east, respectively, Lalitpur and Jhansi on the

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 25

north, Chhattarpur on the north east and Bhopal on the south-west. Bhopal the capital of

Madhya Pradesh is about 208 Km from Sagar by road.Area and Population

Sagar district is the eight largest district in size in the State, and the largest in the Sagar

revenue division. The district is divided into eleven tahsils, viz, Bina, Khurai, Malthone

Banda, Shahgarh, Rahatgarh, Sagar, Rehli, Garhakota, Deori and Kesli each in the charge

of a Tahsildar

According to the Surveyor-General of India, the district has a total area of 10252 sq Kms and

is shaped roughly like a triangle.

Agriculture scenario

The District of Sagar is predominantly a Rabi area. Wheat crop is the agricultural

staple. other staple crops are gram, linseed and jowar. Mixed cropping is resorted to as a

measure of insurance against the vagaries of nature. Rabi is the main cropping season,

though the proportion of Rabi to kharif has varied from time to time.Occasionally, the Kharif

crop exceeded the Rabi when wheat crop was badly affected by rust or frost or when bad

season hampered rabi sowing. When the season conditions came to normality the Rabi

crops were gradually restored to their original position of prominence. Conversely whenever

there are heavy and continuous rains through July and August which prevent the ploughs

from getting to work, or Kharif crops get rotten particularly in low-lying and water-logged

areas, they are ploughed and diverted to Rabi sowings. The climatic conditions thus largely

determine the relative weightage given to Kharif and Rabi crops in a particular year

Major Crops


Wheat is the most important crop and the cultivators prefer to grow it first. There are several

varieties of local wheat which are roughly divided by the cultivators into Gehun and Pissi.

Former includes all the hard or macaroni wheat which are primarily grown for home

consumption.The latter is soft common wheat meant for outside market.


Next in importance to wheat is gram. It is grown partly on good black soil as an alternative to

wheat and partly on inferior black soils, unfit for wheat, sometimes in rotation with wheat or

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 26

jowar. It is a favourable first crop on newly broken black soil, if there is any kans left on it.

Gram fertilizes the soil in which it is grown


Linseed is an important commercial crop, and is grown on poorer wheat land or land unfit for

wheat. It does not always follow the fortunes of wheat hence cultivators often sow linseed

with wheat so as to insure against a failure of their staple crop of wheat. It is grown not

infrequently mixed with gram as well as with wheat. Its cultivation is attended with

considerable risks and is considered speculative. It is also exhausting to the soil. From the

cultivator's point of view it has the advantage that it requires less quantity of seed to sow in

comparison to wheat, and is generally successful when gram and wheat fail. Its area is

determined by the state of the market and fluctuates violently.


Jowar is the most important amongst the Kharif crops and stands next to wheat as a food-

crop. It is often grown on good land in rotation with wheat. It sometimes does particularly well

in light soil villages where wheat does not prove equally successful. Failure of wheat harvest

is followed by an immediate expansion of the jowar area, partly because wheat seed is likely

to be in short supply and partly to replenish the larder as it ensures early supply of food-

grains.It has the added advantage that it provides fodder for the cattle.


crop in the district. It is confined to small plots round the village site to which drainage from

houses can be easily diverted, the manured gadas, small embanked fields, wet land below

tanks and along the edges of a water spread. It is also occasionally grown in scattered hills

or hollows of trap formations.


Til is usually of the white autumn variety and is grown chiefly in the Rehli tahsil. When late til

is likely to be caught by frost and if the monsoon is delayed sowings are at once affected, In

the northern tahsils the hardier ramtil is preferred and is a common crop on the inferior rains.


Fruits and vegetables occupied 36,312 acres in 2014-15 out of which Tomato potato. onioin,

garlic, chilly and cauliflower are major vegetable crop in Sagar which produces 4.2

thousand tons of vegetable produces . After irrigation potential being developed under

command area development the area of vegetable anf fruit cultivation is rapidly increasing in

the district with new techniques of raised furrow and precision irrigation techniques of

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 27

mulching and drip irrigation which has to be promoted more in district with on farm transfer

of technology to the farmers .


The cattle besides being a source of milk supply are used as draught animal for the plough

or the cart. Without cattle no cultivation would be possible, without cattle no produce could be



The Civil Veterinary Department, Madhya Pradesh established a dairy farm at Ratona on 1st

Octber 1946. It is situated at a distance of seven miles from Sagar, on the right side of

Sagar-Bhopal Road. Tharparkar cows and murrah breeds of buffaloes are being kept at the

dairy farm for the production of milk. Hariana cows were also kept for this purpose. The dairy

is at present supplying good amount of milk of milk per day to the Sagar Town It also

supplies bulls for breeding milch cattle.

Sagar Dugdh Sangh with a packaging and chilling processing plant situated at sironja in

sagar contributes a lot in Backward and forward linkage of dairy activity in terms of backward

linkage the AI services and cattle feed with training are given to milk producers and in terns

of forward linkage a good chain of milk route and procurement network is estabilished for

purchase and marketing of milk and milk products with weekly payment system to milk

producers which is s considerable livelihood means for small land holding or landless

households linked to dairy farming.


The periodical fairs held in different places in the district stimulate the development of the

quality of cattle. The weekly markets at Khurai attract a large number and variety of cattle.

Similar markets are held at Kesli in Rehli tahsil and at Rahatgarh in Sagar tahsil. But by far

the largest market is during the annual fair held at Garhakota. It is held from Basant

Panchami to Holi every year and is reputed to be of ancient origin, having been started by

Raja Mardan Singh some 150 years ago. The fair is still called after his name and is said to

be largest fair in the Mahakoshal region of the State. The animals bought and sold at the fair

are bulls, bullocks, cows, buffaloes and horses.

The weekly cattle fairs in Rahatgarh and Kesli also contribute in exchange of old cattle by

the hybrid ones .

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 28


Backyard poultry is a traditional practice in the district .The gound, sounr tribal

community and and some SC community. The poultry birds are used for food and egg

production. As the eggs are gradually occupying increasing place in the Indian diet on

account of their nutritive value, their demand is also steadily increasing. Consequently

improved methods are being adopted for poultry farming with a view to stepping up their

production. White Leghorn which is a good laying breed is getting popular in the district.


Psiculture is a traditional activity for livelihood in Raikwar and some tribal communities

in the district. The major fish producing areas are Rajghat dam, Bila Dam, Dalpatpur dam,

Kishanpur, Jalandhar, Mohar, Samnapur and Satdhara .Although some traditional water

bodies and rivers also contribute in major and minor reservoirs of water storage created

under bundelkhand package in last 7 years the fish production of the district increased in

measurable terms. A large variety of fishes are found in the district. The more common

species are four varieties of major carps, viz., labeo rohita, labeo calbasu, catla catla and

cirrhina mrigal have been taken up for pond culture in the district.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 29

1.2 Demography: The overall Population of Sagar is 2378458 out of which 1256257are males and

1122201 are females .Sagar is a district of bundelkhand region having geographical area

10252 square KM have high population density which is 232 per sqkm as comparison to

other districts in the state .The district have total 1901 haitated villages and 174 villages are

viran in all the district have 2015 villages as per census 2011.The urban area of the district is

spreads in 11 urban local bodies .The sex ratio of the district is 893 and the overall literacy

percentage as per census 2011 is 76.46 percent . The facts regarding population and

demography as per census 2011 are as follows

DISTRICT HIGHLIGHTS - 2011 CENSUS The district occupies 3rd place in the state according to population.

The district occupies 2nd rank in the state in terms of area having 10,252 sq.km.

which is 3.3 percent of the total area of state.

Literacy Rate of Sagar district is 76.5 percent and it occupies 6th position within the


The female literacy rate of the district is 67.0 percent. Density wise the rank of the

district is 2nd within the state.

Ranking of the district according to the sex-ratio is 44th in the state.

Female work participation of the district is 28.9 percent of total female population.

Rank of the district according to female work participation is 37th.

Population wise largest village is Bandrikaroli of Malthone tahsil L.C.No.460122 with

10802 population and there are small villages namely KhiriyaBhagot, Mehmada,

Rajpur, Neguanbineka, Harrai and Gadguwan of Binakhurai, Shahgarh and Deori

tahsil L.C.No. 459584, 459883, 459990, 460316, 460344, 4615432 with population of

only 1 person .

Population wise the largest town is Sagar (M Corp+OG)) having population 274556

and the smallest is Kapuria (CT) with 1902 population.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 30

1.2 DEMOGRAPHY- Blcokwise Rural Population of District sagar

Name of Block



Total SC ST General Total

No. Of HH

No. Of Members

No. Of HH

No. Of Members

No. Of HH

No. Of Members

No. Of HH

No. Of Members

Bina 67450 59620 19958 147028 6266 31332 2473 12363 16675 83375 28617 127070

Khurai 72768 64714 21359 158841 7823 39117 2253 11266 17420 87099 30718 137482

Malthone 80505 71826 25170 177501 6529 32645 3390 16949 20547 102737 34919 152331

Deori 78361 70525 23198 172084 4454 22269 6312 31558 19012 95059 35030 148886

Jaisinagar 69101 60697 20447 150245 5640 28202 1580 7898 18740 93698 26915 129798

Shahgarh 64562 56396 20074 141032 5130 25651 3336 16682 15725 78625 27523 120958

Sagar 111673 97948 33157 242778 9993 49966 3788 18942 28143 140713 45881 209621

Rehli 98858 88471 28772 216101 6997 34985 4205 21025 26075 130376 43385 186046

Kesli 58032 52040 16272 126344 2961 14804 6365 31824 14544 72721 28606 119349

Banda 91385 80696 29212 201293 7025 35127 4142 20709 23249 116245 40581 172081

Rahatgarh 81567 72615 24520 178702 7051 35256 2147 10736 21638 108190 34312 154182

District Total

874262 775548 262139 1911949 69871 349354 39990 199952 2E+05 1108838 376487 1657804

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 31

The overall schedule caste population of the district is 349354 and the schedulae tribe

population of the district is

199952. The percentage of SC

population of the district is 21

percent and ST population is

12 percent and is scattered in

forest adjoining areas of

district.Bina Khurai Malthone

and Sagar blocks have more

population of SC and Kesli,

Deori, Banda and Shahgarh

have considerate tribal population.

The Major tribes in the district are Gound, Sounr, Rawat and the SC population have

Ahirwar,Kori and Basore sub caste in majority.

The following chart showing SC and ST Population depicts that the Sagar block of the

district have maximum SC population and the Kesli Blcok have minimum. The ST population

of the Kesli block is highest and Jaisinagar is lowest.

















SC and ST population perentage in Sagar

SC ST Other

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 32

The following table shows urban population scenario of the district

Town wise Urban population of sagar district as per census 2011

Name of Major ULB

Sub Town Name Total

household Total

population Male Female SC ST

BINA Bina- Etawa (M) 12356 64529 33577 30952 14438 587

BINA Bina Rly Colony (CT) 1045 5035 2668 2367 1639 68

BINA Bamora (CT) 1793 8493 4408 4085 2279 151

KHURAI Khurai (M) 9798 51108 26649 24459 12649 2579

BANDA Banda (NP) 6303 30923 15962 14961 7015 515

SHAHGARH Shahgarh (NP) 3405 16300 8521 7779 3738 819

RAHATGARH Rahatgarh (NP) 5781 31537 16524 15013 5380 132

SAGAR Shahpur (NP) 2765 13668 7152 6516 2693 1775

SAGAR Sagar (M Corp. + OG) 52833 274556 143425 131131 54432 3052

SAGAR Sagar Cantt (CB) 7251 40513 22569 17944 6939 397

SAGAR Karrapur (CT) 2359 10647 5598 5049 3853 141

SAGAR Kapuria (CT) 404 1902 976 926 139 0

SAGAR Bhainsa (CT) 1121 5144 2739 2405 2426 153

SAGAR Rajakhedi (CT) 5030 24232 12693 11539 7638 395

SAGAR Makronia Buzurg (CT) 4928 23861 12385 11476 7712 658

SAGAR Dhana (CT) 2014 9677 5672 4005 1082 235

SAGAR Gamiria Sagar (CT) 1673 7984 4203 3781 1831 137

GARHAKOTA Garhakota (M + OG) 6369 32726 17024 15702 6460 402

REHLI Rehli (M) 5930 30329 15874 14455 5447 626

DEORI Deori (M) 5255 25632 13505 12127 3997 799

Total District Urban population 138413 708796 372124 336672 151787 13621

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1.3 Biomass and Livestock:


Village papers recorded an area of 7,30,856 acres (1,142 sq miles) in the district as

forests in the year 1959-60. This came to about 29 per cent of the total geographical area of

the district. According to the Departmental figures forests cover an area of 1,065.35 sq. miles

consisting of 739.80 sq.miles of 'Reserved' forests and 325.55 sq. miles of 'Protected'

forests. Besides this an area of

about 92 sq. miles of forests

(classified as chhota-ghas) is

under the control of the

Revenue Department In the

green cover the forest area of

Sagar district is 333237

hectares which is about 27

percent of the total geographical

area of the district. All

Development Blocks of the

district are having a considerable area under forest. The forests of Sagar district belong to

the Northern Tropical Drry-Deciduous type according to Champion's Classification (group 4b)

The forests of the district can be considered under the following broad sub-types:- (i) Teak

forests : (a) Teak forest on alluvium. (b) Teak forest on trrap. sandstone etc. (ii) Mixed

forests. (iii) Khair forests.

The plants or trees used for fuel wood are stakatha,Babool,Teak branches and

other local fuel wood some bushy trees like Ber and Renja are also used for fuel wood

.Generally the female members of the rural households goes for collection of fuel wood and

there is a excessive pressure on forest area in demand of fule wood .Although the

awareness campaign by forest department sagar and time to time action against the fuel

wood cutting villagers check the exploitation of forest for fuel wood.Alternative measures like

distribution of cooker, solar lantern and LPG gas stove and cylinder by government has

checked a lot the fuel wood related exploitation of forest.



Forest area percentage Sagar

Forest Other land

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1.3.2 Biomass

Biomass is organic matter derived from living, or recently living organisms. Biomass

can be used as a source of energy and it most

often refers to plants or plant-based materials

which are not used for food or feed, and are

specifically called lignocellulosic biomass . As an

energy source, biomass can either be used

directly via combustion to produce heat, or

indirectly after converting it to various forms

of biofuel. Conversion of biomass to biofuel can be achieved by different methods which are

broadly classified into: thermal, chemical, and biochemical methods. Historically, humans

have harnessed biomass-derived energy since the time when people began burning wood to

make fire. Even today, biomass is the only source of fuel for domestic use in many

developing countries. Biomass is all biologically-produced matter based in carbon, hydrogen

and oxygen.

Wood remains the largest biomass energy source today examples include forest residues

(such as dead trees, branches and tree stumps), yard clippings, wood chips and

even municipal solid waste. Wood energy can be derived by using lignocellulosic biomass

(second-generation biofuels) as fuel.In sagar district industrial biomass can be grown from

numeroustypesofplants,including Maze/Jwar Straw, sorghum, sugarcane, bamboo,

soyabean straw and Arhar straw and a variety of tree species, ranging from

eucalyptus to Karanj.

Based on the source of biomass, biofuels are classified broadly into two major

categories. First-generation biofuels are derived from sources such as sugarcane

,soyabean and Maize starch. Sugars present in this biomass are fermented to

producebioethanol, an alcohol fuel which can be used directly in a fuel cell to produce

electricity or serve as an additive to gasoline. However, utilizing food-based resources for

fuel production only aggravates the food shortage problem. Second-generation biofuels,

on the other hand, utilize non-food-based biomass sources such as agriculture and

municipal waste. These biofuels mostly consist of lignocellulosic biomass, which is not

edible and is a low-value waste for many industries.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 35

Plant energy is produced by crops specifically grown for use as fuel that offer high

biomass output per hectare with low input energy. The grain can be used for liquid

transportation fuels while the straw can be burned to produce heat or electricity. Plant

biomass can also be degraded from cellulose to glucose through a series of chemical

treatments, and the resulting sugar can then be used as a first-generation biofuel.

Some plants are setup is sagar in subhashnagar inductrual area for production of biomass by

soyabean and lantana starw which are running as a profitable business model and have

good scope of expansion with PPP.

1.3.3 Green fodder yield and water requirement:

Water plays an important role in livestock productivity. Livestock productivity in

pastoral areas depends greatly on the availability of water. There are several factors, which

determine water balance, water turnover and functions of the animal. Assessment of

livestock and water requirement is helpful in modelling water and livestock relationships. The

demand for meat, dairy products and eggs rises faster than the demand for crops; thus both

scenarios call for livestock production to increase relatively more rapidly than crops.

The world livestock system is broadly divided into pastoral grazing, mixed farming and

industrial systems . Estimate of the current demand of 1.7 billion tons of cereals and 206

million tones of meat in developing countries could rise by 2020 to 2.5 to 2.8 billion tones of

cereals and to 310 millions of tons of meat (IFPRI 2000). Water is used by the herbivore as a

medium for physical and chemical energy transfer, namely for evaporative cooling and

intermediary metabolism

Livestock and poultry water consumption depend on a number of physiological and

environmental conditions such as:

Type and size of animal or bird.

Physiological state (lactating, pregnant or growing)

Activity level.

Type of diet-dry hay, silage or lush pasture.

Temperature-hot summer days above 25 0C can sometimes double the water

consumption of animals.

Water quality - palatability and salt content.

Fodder availability is major issue in district as the straw is burnt by 50 % farmers in their

fields after harvest of crop by harvesters, the farmers has increased the use of harvesters in

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 36

harvesting crops due to non availability of agriculture labor in the harvest season which

causes severe loss of soil moisture and effects on farm ecology which in result effects

production. Distrct administration has kept in mind the cycles of production of green fodder

water demand for green fodder production for better backward linkage in dairy development

and taken up measures like banning harvesters use without straw extracting machine as a

add on with harvester .The harvesters running without straw cutting machines will be

banned in district boundary as measures to maintain biomass .

Table showing availability of dry fodder in Sagar district:

S.No. Crop variety Crop Straw

Production (Per

Hac. in


Total Area sown in 2015

in district (Hac.)

Total Quantity of

Straw (in quintals)

1 Wheat Straw 21 256341 5383161

2 Soyabean straw 11 107000 1177000

3 Gram Straw 9 54320 488880

4 Pulses 8 74000 592000

491661 7641041

The need of dry fodder is supplemented by the crop residue straw and some local

grass which is available on the pasture land in the district. Forest department has developed

some chain linked plantation in which the fodder development interventions are done through

JFMC(Van samitti) Department of rural development and veterinary department have done

some positive interventions through funds of bundelkhand package in green fodder

development though participation of villagers which are resulting in fodder availability even in

drought seasons. Huge demand supply gap exists in forage seed. The seed companies are

not coming forward for production of forage seeds. This is a major cause of concern for

development of dairy sector in the Sagar. The seed companies and KVK have to take-up

forage seed production on a priority basis. In parallel, the dairy cooperatives should be

encouraged to grow forage seeds by help of technology given by dugdh sangh so as to

assure green and dry fodder availability in the district.

1.3.4 Livestock Resources:

Livestock is the major stake for which need of water must be envisage as after

domestic need of the population ,water must be secured for livestock population .Sagar

district have more indigenous cattle population and the pasture land is squeezing day by day

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due to which the problem of availability of fodder is going chronic. The milch livestock is less productive due to lack in awareness

and availability of quality fodder amongst farmers and cattle owners .The district administration has started making efforts with coordination

of veterinary and rural development department to aware the farmers about importance of green and quality fodder for increasing milk

production and livestock quality.The following table depicts the livestock poluation of the district

1.3 Biomass and livestock

Name of tha State: Madhya Pradesh Source: Livestock Census of India

Name of tha District: Sagar S.No Name of the

Block Poultry (No.)

Ducks (No.)

Pigs (No.)

Goats (No.)

Sheeps (No.)

Indigenous cow (No.)

Hybrid cow (No.)

In descriptive

Buffalo (Nos.)

Hybrid Buffalo (No.)

Any other Milch or Meat Animal (Nos.)

Draft Animal (Buffalo /Yask/bulls/anyother


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Sagar 11910 429 1429 29418 78 67967 3360 54120 2365 8836 12448

2 Jaisinagar 3901 140 468 7908 45 65651 1313 17837 714 8534 4103

3 Kesli 3538 127 425 9307 34 65154 1303 18448 1778 8470 4474

4 Deori 24850 894 1284 26563 86 41690 2275 27998 1695 5419 9751

5 Rehli 7426 267 892 18446 60 28951 1580 19443 1177 3763 6772

6 Rahatgarh 9824 354 1178 14050 149 83718 1674 18046 722 10883 4151

7 Banda 4245 153 510 11169 41 78185 1564 22138 2133 10164 5368

8 Shahgarh 29820 1073 2982 17945 89 70913 1418 18232 809 9218 4654

9 Malthone 8911 321 1070 22136 72 34741 1896 23332 1413 4516 8126

10 Khurai 11789 424 1414 16860 179 100462 2009 21655 867 13059 4981

11 Bina 5094 184 612 13402 49 93822 1877 16456 2560 12196 6442

Total : 121307 4366 12263 187203 881 731253 20268 257705 16232 95058 71268

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1.3.5 Milk Production Statistics

Sagar being a district of Bundelkhand region faces erratic rainfall due to which

situations of drought are common .In this scenario by interventions under Bundelkhand

package for green fodder development and dairy development dairy cooperative

societies are formed with input of essential infrastrutre for collection and testing of milks

in the developed and identified milk routes .Dairy development is now emerging as a

good agri allied activity for rural poor marginal and landless households. Due to scanty

rainfall since last 4 years the agriculture production is decreasing day by day and due to

non availability of other sources of income the farmers are under great pressure of

financial crises. The agriculture loans are converting in to the NPAs.

In this difficult situation dairy is one of the good subsidiary option for the farmers.

The use of farm yard manure is decreasing day by day .Agriculture and dairy activities

are complimentary to each other keeping in view this matrix cow urine use, organic

farming and other farm based practices are promoted in district to minimize use of

fertilizers and pesticide in crop so as to minimize the use of water in crops by crop

management practices.

Functional MIlk routes are




Identified milk routes are:-

1. Jaisinagar-Rajghat-Sagar

2. Rehli-Gadakota-Sagar

3. Malthone-Rajwans –Sagar

4. Bina-Kurai-Sagar

The Sagar dugdh Sangh having packaging and processing plant at Sinronja sagar

procures and market the milk and milk products after due processing and

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 39

packaging.The dairy cooperative federation also provide cattle feed and other animal

husbandary services related to cattle health and breed improvement.

Table showing dairy copperative socities in sagar District

S.No. Name of


No. of Dairy


societies with

collection centers

No. of



Production in

Per Day(Ltrs)

1 Sagar 13 598 3110

2 Rahatgarh 12 552 2870

3 Deori 8 368 1914

4 Kesli 14 621 3229

5 Rehli 12 529 2751

6 Banda 9 414 2153

7 Jaisinagar 0 0 0

8 Khurai 7 299 1555

9 Bina 9 391 2033

10 Shahgarh 9 414 2153

11 Malthone 0 0 0

Total 91 4186 21767

Although total milk production in the district is about 93000 liters per day out which

only 21767 liters is procured by dairy federation Madhya Pradesh and other milk is sold

to private dairy enterprises in Sagar and adjoining districts. There is great demand of

milk and milk products in Sagar and adjoining districts .There is good potential and

opportunity for development of dairy as allied activity in Sagar

1.4 Agro-Ecology, Climate, Hydrology and Topography:

Agro-ecology is the study of ecological processes that operate in agricultural

production systems. The prefix agro- refers to agriculture. Bringing ecological principles

to bear in agro-ecosystems can suggest novel management approaches that would not

otherwise be considered. In context to Sagar district the agro-ecology is the application

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of ecological concepts and methodological design for long-term enhancement and

management of soil fertility and agriculture productivity.

Sagar district is divided in to 4 (AES) Agro Ecological Situations. These situations

are based on the major factors i.e. Rainfall, soil depth topography and irrigation

facilities. These situations wise survey helped to understanding the situation specific

research and extension priorities and need for strategic planning of the district.

Brief description of identified Agro ecological situations including their

characteristics and coverage is given in the following tables.

Table No. 1.4.1 Classification of AES in the District- Sagar (M.P.)




of the




Name of





area under

AES (ha)

Blocks covered % of


Area of the




Plateau 1022759

AES I 248779

Kesli ,Deori

,Jaisinagar 24%

AES II 234211 Sagar,Rehli 23%

AES III 320671


Bina,Khurai 31%

AES IV 219098 Shahgarh Banda 21%

Total 1022759 1022759

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 41

Rainfall and Climate

The climate of Sagar district can be classified mainly into three season. Winter

season starts from middle of November to end of February. March to May constitute

summer season and the monsoon season starts from second week of June to end of

September. There are six rain gauge stations in Sagar district. Maximum rainfall occurs

along the south western boundary of the district and decreases towards the north and

slightly towards the east. In the southwestern parts of the district, Rehli gets a marked

amount of low rainfall mainly due to its location in the valley on the leeward side of the

hill range. The normal annual rainfall of the district is 1197.6 mm. About 90% of the

annual rainfall takes place during the southwest monsoon period i.e. June to September

only 5.5% of annual rainfall takes place during water and about 4.5% of rainfall occurs

during the summer months. During winter season the January is the coldest months

with the temperature falling as low as 11.60g C and max up to 24.50 C. During the

month of May, temperature goes up to 40.70 C (max.)..The agriculture sown area and

production depends a lot on rainfall and climate .Since last 10 years the rainfall is erratic

hence agriculture production is severly effected but by interventions done under

bundelkhand package drought mitigation measures have been taken and now farmers

have contingent plans as per the rainfall predictions in the district.

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The strategy of Sagar district is to increase diversified agro-ecosystem through

Dairy and animal husbandry with horticulture at least in 30 percent agriculture land

holding area is planned to be promoted in Sagar district benefiting the effect of the

Sagar even in case of uneven rainfall patters in future .The following table shows

rainfall and temperature related metrological data of last 10 years

The wind speed and humidity of Sagar can be considered as moderate as the

district is in central zone of India and do not get effected from severe hot or cold

weather conditions. The topography of the district is hilly and undulating and this is the

main reason behind the uneven rainfall trends in the district in various blocks.

The climate of Sagar district characterized by a hot summer and general dryness

except during the south west monsoon season. The year may be divided into four

seasons. The cold season, December to February is followed by the hot season from

March to about the middle of June. The period from the middle of June to September is

the southwest monsoon season. October and November form the post monsoon or

transition period.

. Only 7.8 % of the annual rainfalls take place during October to May period. The

surplus water for groundwater recharge is available only during the southwest monsoon

period. The normal maximum temperature received during the month of May is 41.5 oC

and minimum during the month of January is 3.8 degree celcius. The normal annual

means maximum and minimum temperature of Sagar district are 32.0 degree celcius.

and 17.5 degree celcius. respectively. During the southwest monsoon season the

relative humidity generally exceeds 83% (August month). In rest of the year is drier. The

driest part of the year is the summer season, when relative humidity is less than 28%.

May is the driest month of the year. The wind velocity is higher during the pre-monsoon

period as compared to post monsoon period. The maximum wind velocity 11.1 km/hr

observed during the month of June and is minimum 2.4 km/hr during the month of


The average normal annual wind velocity of Sagar district is 6.2 km/hr.

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Table-1.4 Temperature and rainfall

Rainfall and temperature in last three years Source :IMD .regional centre Sagar

Name of tha District: Sagar

Sl No

Name of the Block

Geogra- phical Area

Information Average Weekly Temperature

Average Rainfall and rainy days (in mm) Period

1-6-13 to 31-5-14

1-6-14 to 31-5-15

1-6-15 to 31-5-16

Summer ( Apri-May )

Winter ( Oct..-Mar )

Summer (June.-Sept.)

Avg in


No. of


Avg in


No. of


Avg in


No. of


Min. Max. Mean. Min. Max. Mean. Min. Max. Mean.

1 Sagar 96576 962 66 986 58 1109 65 24 47 35.5 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

2 Jaisinagar 84644 1120 67 1122 54 1262 60 23 45 34 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

3 Rahatgarh 94469 1089 75 1028 58 1157 65 23 46 34.5 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

4 Rehli 86713 1043 72 1238 51 1393 57 23 46 34.5 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

5 Deori 121780 1043 71 1060 65 1193 73 24 46 35 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

6 Kesli 111693 1203 67 975 48 1097 54 22 45 33.5 2 29 15.5 21 38 29.5

7 Bina 67620 987 58 1036 54 1165 60 22 45 33.5 2 29 15.5 21 38 29.5

8 Khurai 91331 1012 65 986 56 1109 63 23 46 34.5 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

9 Malthone 84008 1032 63 1122 54 1262 60 23 46 34.5 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

10 Banda 101849 1014 71 1028 62 1157 69 24 46 35 3 30 16.5 22 39 30.5

11 Shahgarh 82076 1121 69 1238 59 1393 66 22 45 33.5 2 29 15.5 21 38 29.5

As the temperature of the district is moderate the Potential Evapo-Transpiration (PET) in summer season ranges

from 296 to 303 mm and in winter season it ranges from 119 to 121 and similarly in rainy season the potential evaporation

ranges from 167 to 179 .

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1.5 Soil Profile :

1.4.1 Soil

Soil is a major part of the natural environment, alongside air and water, and is vital to

the existence of life on the planet. Soil is the result of the process of the gradual breakdown

of rock - the solid geology that makes up the earth. As rock becomes broken down through a

variety of processes, such as weathering and erosion, the particles become ground smaller

and smaller. the south and south west. It lies just north of the Narmada river and is separated

from tis valley by a steep escarpment towards the south. The area is by and large cropped

by the deccan trap lava flows whereas at places vindhayan sandstone also crops out. The

average elevation of the district is about 452 to 533 mamsl. It ranges from 353 mamsl in the

Dhasan river bed in the north to 683 mamsl at Naharmau peak in the southwest.

As a whole, soil is made up from four constituents: mineral material, organic material,

air and water. There are considered to be three main mineral parts to soil; „sand‟, „silt‟ and

„clay‟. These parts give the soil its 'mineral texture'. In addition, as leaves and other organic

material fall to the ground and decompose - there also forms an „organic‟ layer. Soil scientists

(or pedologists) use a series of sieves to separate out the constituent parts in order to

characterise soil by texture class.

Many natural bodies, such as plants and animals, are discrete entities which can be

classified and guidelines for their identification followed. Soils are much more difficult to

identify and classify than these discrete bodies for two main reasons: (i) soil is more or less a

continuum covering the land surface of the earth, not a set of discrete entities; and (ii) most

of the soil is below ground and therefore not readily visible. Soils grade into one another

across the landscape usually without sharp boundaries between one type of soil and

another. Soil surveyors who make maps of soils have to use their skills in reading changes in

the landscape coupled with auger borings in the soil to identify the nature of the soil.The

dominant soil scapes of the area represented by gently to very gently sloping, shallow and

moderately deep, Ustorthents and Ustochrepts, respectively grading to nearly level, deep

chromusterts. The soil of the district fall in dry sub-humid region, the dominant soil scapes of

the area are represented by gentle to very gentle slope, shallow and moderately deep with

the moisture index ranging from (-) 03 to (-) Nutrient availability and their retention lead to

better response to fertilization. The surface of the soil crack during dry period and the

subsurface shows shining pressure faces of the peds indicating moderate to high shrink

swell potential. The clay content ranges between 63 to 65% abruptly decreasing to 54% in

the sub soil region. These are highly saturated soils and the exchange complex is dominantly

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saturated by divalent while the montmorillonite constitute the dominate clay material in the

exchange complex. Different type of soil found in different parts of the district. However, light

black soils, light Red and thick red soils with core sand are the predominant soil types

available in the district.

1.5 Soil Profile and slope

Name of the State: Madhya Pradesh Source: Survey of India soil and

waterhed atlas data

Name of District: Sagar

Soil Type

Area (ha)

Land Slope

Major Soil Classes 0-2% (ha)

2-4% (ha)

4-10% (ha)

>10% (ha)

Deep medium Black Soil 265917 158934 103918 30564 12226

Shallow and medium Black soil 245462 87617 65204 44827 6113

Shallow Block soil 184097 39224 24961 28527 26149

Red 225007 20206 27423 49073 47629

Sandy 102276 36677 16810 19103 19103

Total 1022759 225007 347738 245462 204552

The soils of the district are locally classed into five major types depending upon their

appearance and crop bearing.

Slope and slope classes

Slope of land is also one of the important physiographic aspects influencing the

landuse of an area. The effect of slope on agriculture may be both direct and indirect. The

most obvious direct influence of slope is in the form of the restrained on cultivation and

accessibility. The indirect effect of slope manifests itself in pedagogical and climatic

modification including the position of water table, development of soils, air drainage, and

relative freedom from frost. This classification gives information regarding slope percent

classes in the study area. The general slope and area covered is shown in the following


S. No.

Slope Classes Area (ha.) (%)

1 Nearly level to very gentle (0-3%) 226030 22.1

2 Very gentle to gentle (1-5%) 239326 23.4

3 Gentle to moderate (3-10%) 265815 25.99

4 Moderate to strong(5-15%) 26592 2.6

5 Strong to steep (10-25%) 62286 6.09

6 Moderately steep to steep (15-35% 150039 14.67

7 Steep to very steep (25-50%) 13500 1.32

8 Miscellaneous 39172 3.83

Total 1022759 100

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 46

This soil is found on hillsides and in the areas occupied by the Deccan Lava flows. It is

suited to wheat, masur and gram. Bhanwar is a gray colored soil, mixture of Kalmat and

Soyar soils. It is loose textured retains moisture considerably. Soyar or Pitula is yellow or

brownish colour, shallow in thickness, large to small pebbles and is found on the slop of hills.

Siari is a poor soil of grey yellowish or reddish black colour. It is loose and sandy in

constitution. If irrigated, it suits to grow rice. It is shallow and does not retain much moisture.

Bharwa is a light, sandy shallow soil of black or brown color. It is found mostly on the

foothills. It grows only the inferior crops. Kachar or Chap is an excellent loamy soil found in

the banks and beds of streams. It grows fine crops of wheat, jawar and vegetable.

1.5.1 Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. In

agriculture,soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical

forces of weather and wind or through forces associated with farming activities such as


Erosion, whether it is by water, wind or tillage, involves three distinct actions – soil

detachment, movement and deposition. Topsoil, which is high in organic matter, fertility and

soil life, is relocated elsewhere "on-site" where it builds up over time or is carried "off-site"

where it fills in drainage channels. Soil erosion reduces cropland productivity and contributes

to the pollution of adjacent watercourses, wetlands, and lakes.

Soil erosion can be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed or can occur at

an alarming rate, causing serious loss of topsoil. Soil compaction, low organic matter, loss of

soil structure, poor internal drainage, salinisation, and soil acidity problems are other serious

Slope classes of Sagar Nearly level to very gentle (0-3%)Very gentle to gentle (1-5%) Gentle to moderate (3-10%) Moderate to strong(5-15%)Strong to steep (10-25%) Moderately steep to steep (15-35% Steep to very steep (25-50%) Miscellaneous

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 47

soil degradation conditions that can accelerate the soil erosion process. The greater the

intensity and duration of a rainstorm, the higher the erosion potential. The impact of

raindrops on the soil surface can break down soil aggregates and disperse the aggregate

material. Lighter aggregate materials such as very fine sand, silt, clay and organic matter are

easily removed by the raindrop splash and runoff water; greater raindrop energy or runoff

amounts are required to move larger sand and gravel particles.

Soil movement by rainfall (raindrop splash) is usually greatest and most noticeable

during short-duration, high-intensity thunderstorms. Although the erosion caused by

longlasting and less-intense storms is not usually as spectacular or noticeable as that

produced during thunderstorms, the amount of soil loss can be significant, especially when

compounded over time.Data of soil erosion is not available for this district as remote sensing

based soil erosion potential map and data attached and are taken from Sagar sedimentary

monitoring station.

1.5.2 Soil erosion and runoff status Soil erosion is the wearing away of land surface by the action of such natural agencies as

water and wind. Wind erosion in sehore is found normally in summer season, when wind

velocity being high. The soil particles on the land surface are lifted and blown off as dust

storms and the sub soil is exposed as a result productive capacity of soil is considerable

reduced. Water is the major erosive agent and contributes far about 80-85 percent of total

soil erosion. Soil erosion classes derived out of soil survey have been presented in table

given below. It provides the special distribution of different soil erosion classes in the district

that would serve as key information far planning to arrest land degradation process.

Table & chart showing Spatial Extent of Soil Erosion Classes of Sagar district

S. No. Erosion Classes Area (ha.) Percent (%)

1 None to slight 235235 23

2 Slight to moderate 184097 18

3 Moderate 112503 11

4 Moderate to Severe 296600 29

5 Severe 102276 10

6 Severe to very severe 61366 6

7 Miscellaneous 30683 3

Total 1022759 100

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 48

Soil movement by rainfall (raindrop splash) is usually greatest and most

noticeable during short-duration, high-intensity thunderstorms. Although the erosion caused

by long lasting and less-intense storms is not usually as spectacular or noticeable as that

produced during thunderstorms, the amount of soil loss can be significant, especially when

compounded over time.

1.7 Land Use Pattern:

The status of vegetation cover and land use practices is another precious information

for planning the forest soil and water conservation and horticulture. The land use / land cover

status of the district has been generated by using remote sensing data. The special

distribution of various land use classes has been shown in the table given below.

Table showing Spatial Extent of Land use/Land Cover

S. No. Land use/ Land Cover Classes Area (ha.) %

1 Multiple crop cultivation 276145 27

2 Single crop cultivation 225007 22

3 Single crop cultivation & partly under cultivable waste land 30683 3

4 Deciduous forest (Single story) 10-20 % cover 153414 15

5 Deciduous forest (Single story) 10-20 % cover & partly under cultivable waste land 20455 2

6 Deciduous forest (Single story) 20-40 % cover 40910 4

7 Deciduous forest (Single story) 20-40 % cover & partly under cultivable waste land 10228


8 Grass land / Pasture (> 10 % cover) 92048 9

9 Cultivable waste land and partly under single crop cultivation (RF) 20455 2

10 Cultivable waste land and partly under thin forest (< 10 % cover) 71593 7

11 Cultivable waste land 61366 6

12 Miscellaneous 20455 2

Total 1022759 100






6% 3% None to slight

Slight to moderate Moderate

Moderate to Severe Severe

Severe to very severe Miscellaneous

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 49

The present Land use in the district is given in the table. The total cultivable land of the

district is about 398894 ha. out of which the irrigated aera is about 59%. The major crops

grown in Kharif season are Soybean, Maize, Rice, Jawar, Pigeon pea and Wheat,

Chickpea and Sugarcane are the popular crops. The cropping intensity the district is


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Chap-II District Water Profile:

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 51

2.1 Area Wise, Crop Wise irrigation Status:

Sagar district have 11 development blocks the major sources of irrigation are the

Canals of irrigation department,private wells and tube wells of farmers,Stop dam and minor

tank resirvoirs constructed under bundelkhand pakage by various departments .Gross

irrigated area of the district in all seasons is 472840 hectares out of which 280734 is only the

net irrigated area .other area is either partially irrigated or rainfed. This major crops of the

district in kharif season are soybean, pigeon pea and maize and wheat, gram, lentil in Rabi

season. Table below shows block wise area covered under major crops.

Name of the District-Sagar (Source: DDA Sagar) Area under various crops and productivity



Area (000 Ha.) production (000 MTns) Productivity Kg/Ha.)

2012-14 2013-14 2014-15 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15


Arhar (Pigeon Pea)

6 8 9 2 2 6 216 242 269

2 Urad 31 29 35 12 8 13 230 258 286

3 Soybean 318 308 370 418 317 295 914 1024 1136

6 Wheat 200 215 257 180 295 554 1473 1650 1831

7 Gram 206 207 248 113 202 292 908 1017 1129

8 Peas 13 13 16 4 5 10 513 575 638

9 Lentil 58 59 71 17 17 40 470 526 584

10 Linseed 3 3 3 1 2 2 602 674 748

11 Fiber and other

2 2 2 1 1 1 1202 1346 1494

12 Horticulture

A Fruits 12 14 15 112 115 126 286 320 356

B Vegetable 23 26 29 231 236 259 324 363 403

C Spices 14 16 18 190 193 213 203 227 252

About 203.8 thousand ha under main crops in Kharif 13-14 and 224.77 thousand ha

in Kharif 2014-15. In Rabi 2016, 484.3 and 479.2 thousand ha area have been covered and

same years respectively. This table also gives a fair idea about production and productivity

of the major crops of last three years.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 52

The farmers of Sagar district takes wheat and gram crops in rabi and Soyabean in

kharif season .the kharif area is 90% rainfed and the area of rabi crops is about 34% rainfed

.the Wheat grown in Bina & khurai blocks of district is of very good quality and the farmers

takes low water consuming crop .

The area wise crop wise irrigation status in kharif, rabi and summer for crops is as follows

In sagar district about 56342 heactres area is under horticulture .the major horticulture

crops in fruits of the district are mango,Guava and Aonla.The farmers of the district also

takes crops of spices like chilly, coriander, garlic and turmeric as major crops.The district is

also famous for its tomato and cauliflower produce other major vegetable crops are carrot,

lady finger, bottle guard and cabbage.The farmers in tilli area of sagar and Sehjpur area of

kesli block also takes betel(Pan) crops in wine cultivation techniques.

Irrigated agriculture area in Deori , gourjahamar ,Jaisinagar and kesli area are

diversifying towards onion ,garlic cultivation with a trend of turmeric cultivation in tribal and

lodhi farmer belt in Kesli and Deori area having tradition of multi cropping pattern in fields as

a contingent plan practice to minimize loses done due to any disease in crop or due to

seasonal disaster like frost or drought.

The following table depits the area wise crop wise irrigation status of sagar district with area

under various crop catagories and rainfed area from the total sown area.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 53

Table 2.1 Area-Wise ,Crop -Wise Irrigation Status

Name of the State: Madhya Pradesh (Source: Superintendent Land records ,Sagar)

Name of District: Sagar

Crop Type

Kharif (Area in ha) Rabi (Area in ha) Summer Crop (Area in ha)

Total (Area in ha) Horticulture &Plantaion

Crops (Area in ha) Ir































(A)Cereals 230 31001 31231 232401 22985 255385 1450 0 1450 234081 53986 288066 0 0 0

(B) Coarse Cereals 1621 41057 42678 87399 11918 99317 0 0 0 89020 52975 141995 0 0 0

(C) Pulses 12311 170145 182456 45260 6763 52023 28996 0 28996 86567 176908 263475 0 0 0

(D) Oil Seeds 8967 136701 145668 41287 1277 42564 0 0 0 50254 137978 188232 0 0 0

(E) Fibre 0 12302 12302 2838 11350 14188 3262 0 3262 6100 23652 29752 0 0 0

(F)Any other crops 0

7300 7300 3783 5675 9459 2537 0 2537 6321 12975 19296 29200 12045 41245

Grand total 23129 398506 421635 412968 59968 472936 36245 0 36245 472342 458474 930816 29200 12045 41245

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 54

2.2 Production and Productivity

.Following table shows the figures of production and productivity with cost of production in rainfed and irrigated status of crops:

Table 2.2 Production and Productivity of Major Crops Source : DDA Sagar

Name of District:


Season Crop Sown Rainfed Irrigated Total











Oil S








y o





a (

















































































A. Kharif 31231 42678 182456 145668 12302 7300 421635 1113116 3300 4100 278279 4530 4950 1391396 7830 9050

b. Rabi 255385 99317 52023 42564 14188 9459 472936 1106670 4800 5600 1092482 10200 5600 2199152 15000 11200

Summer 1450 0 28996 0 3262 2537 36245 0 0 0 210221 5800 5750 210221 5800 5750

Horticultural& Plantation

0 0 0 0 0 41245 41245 176694 7655 3450 78943 8950 4120 255637 16605 7570

Total 288066 141995 263475 188232 29752 60541 972061 2396480 15755 13150 2566241 29480 20420 4056405 45235 33570

The production and productivity of any crop depend on irrigation and climatic situations. Rather the production and productivity also

depends on preparation of field , time of sowing, use of proper fertilizers and care of crop.The productivity of all crops in sagar is increased

in last three years .The yellow magic disease in soybean has affected the crop of soyabean last year due which the production and

productivity dropped suddenly resulting in a huge loss to farmers.Seed replacement is essential factor in such situation which is done by

agriculture department and rural development department under PMKSY-watershed under 26 ongoing projects of watershed in the district

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 55

2.3 Irrigation based classification:

2.3 Irrigation based Classification Source: Superintendent land records and Irrigation

statistics sagar

Name of the State:-

Madhya Pradesh District: Sagar

S.No Name of


Irrigated (Area in ha) Rainfed (Area in ha)

Gross Irrigated


Net Irrigated Area

Partially Irrigated/Protective


Un -Irrigated or totally Rainfed

1 Sagar 45018 27011 10354 16657

2 Jaisinagar 33245 19947 9309 9309

3 Rahatgarh 48455 29073 15506 4846

4 Rehli 62157 37294 26727 7459

5 Deori 45822 27493 11914 16496

6 Kesli 36733 22040 10285 12122

7 Bina 45027 27016 14859 9005

8 Khurai 57375 34425 18360 12623

9 Malthone 38478 23087 10774 8080

10 Banda 41742 25045 13357 7931

11 Shahgarh 18788 11273 3946 7140

District Total 472840 283704 145390 111666

The area shown under partially irrigated category is of the irrigation done by wells and tube

wells as in maximum area of the district the wells and tube wells water level is depleting

rapidly due to erratic rainfall in last two years .Only the water level in watershed project areas

is retained due to small runoff control and water conservation works done in last three years.

The water level in command area of some reservviors of irrigation department is also good

but in case of low rainfall the water level gets lower as in command area of Bila dam this


Domestic water availability:-

Sagar district has faced drought like situation in last 7 years due to erratic rainfall

trends .The topography of the district is also such that the rain water runoff very fast from

ridges and causing soil erosion. The local nala/rivuets has got sited due to excessive rainfall

in short period as a atypical change in rainfall pattern in last three years that the rainfall

comes very heavy but for a short time causing runoff and severe erosion. The water does

not percolate into the fractures due to high speed runoff. In some area like Malthone ,

Shahgarh and Banda the strata and soil profile are as such that the water cannot percolate in

ground due to which the water table in these areas is depleting every year. The ground water

recharge structures in these areas are also not fruitful. Hence a special project is to be

formulated with input of GIS technology to ascertain the situation for recharge of these area.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 56

By initiatives taken by district administration and help of local MP/MLA central ground

water board has assigned a technical study to National Institute of hydrology Roorkee for

technical and feasibility survey of this area for maintaining the ground water table and

recharge through creation of surface water storage structures in locations from which stored

water can go in capillaries and fractures of ground water recharge channels and also can be

taken to low lying area through diversion based or gravity based techniques for irrigation


In present situation there is acute drinking water shortage as all the surface water

storage tanks have gone below the dead storage due to low rainfall last year and the water

evel in tube wells dug wells has also gone down due to which the drinking water and

domestic water sources has exhausted in majority. The district planning committee has

passed resolution for transportation of water from available sources to the dry area so as to

cater the need of domestic need of water.

District administration has also released water from available storage in sonar and

Dehar river from Satdhara,Sonpur and Samnapur reservoirs for ensuring availability of water

to livestock and domestic need in Deori,Kesli,Rehli & sagar blocks of Sagar district and for

Damoh district also to mitigate the present acute shortage. Forest department also had dug

out water holes in forest areas for making availability of water to wild life at various places

with a vigilant wathch on movement of wild life to check hunting of animals at water holes or

sites where the the animals converge in search of drinking water need.

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Chap III Water Availability:

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 58

The water availability in any area depends on the rainfall, aquafiers, drainage network and

ground water status. The district falls in survey of India toposheet No. 55M, 54L and 54P.

The southernmost tip of the district is drained by the Narmada river. However the major part

of the area falls in the Ganga basin. The drainage of the district is towards north and north

east. The five rivers, from west to east are the Bina, the Dhasan, the Bewas, the Sonar and

the Bamner. The Bina takes its course upto several Kilometer to the south of the district and

enters it near village Mahura. After flowing through Rahatgarh, the river takes a north

easterly course and at places forms the boundary with Vidisha district.

The Dhasan emerges from just south of the district and flows initially in the south and

then to the north. It also forms the boundary with Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh. The Kopra

and Bewas are tributaries of the Sonar. The Sonar joins Bamber and then both river joins

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 59

Ken river. The Ken is a tributary of the Yamuna river. The drainage pattern is of dendritic

type. At a few place especially around Sagar town and near Khimlasa and Jaisinagar radial

drainage pattern is also observed

The physical divisions of the district are represented by the basins of several rivers.

The area in the north west falling under Khurai tehsil is almost a level tract with an elevation

of about 411 to 427 mamsl and is drained towards north-west by Thimpa, Parasasi and Bina

rivers. These rivers are tributaries of the Betwa river. The Khurai plain is separated from the

rest of the district by a series of steeply rising hills. These hills attain an elevation of up to

533 mamsl and also act as a water divide.

To the east of and south-east of the above discussed hills are the five parallel valley of

Dhasan, Bewas, Sonar, Kopra and Bamner rivers. These basins are separated by hills rising

91 to 153 meters above the general ground surface. The highest hill range of Tendu Dabar

attains a height of 665 mamsl.

There is a very prominent lake in Sagar town around which the town has developed. As per

Dr. W.D. West, the lake come into existence due to the erosion of the deccan traps and

exposing the underlying Vindhyans. In Sagar district land forms have been classified on the

basis of genetic factor and the geomorphic processes involved. Further the geomorphic units

have been classified on the basis of different erosion of rock material, process and relief

amplitude. The classified system adopted is as per ITC scheme of classification of land


Aquifer Parameter

As per the data revealed by central ground water board regional station sagar during

exploratory drilling in Vindhyan limestone (upper Bhander limestone) are also not promising

as in village Garhakota, a 58.3 meter thick zone of Bhander limestone was encountered in

the depth range of 18.7 to 77.0 mbgl. This was underlain by 107.70 meter thick Ganurgarh

shales followed by Rewa sandstone up to the drilled depth of 185 mbgl.

There were several shale bands in the depth range of 30 and 52 mbgl in the

limestone. The limestone also contained solution cavities in the depth range of 18-22 mbgl. A

well assembly tapping the zone between 53 and 69 mbgl was lowered in the bore hole.

During PYT, the discharge obtained was only 0.7 lps for a draw down of 28.21 meters after

100 minutes.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 60

Four exploratory bore holes in deccan trap country were drilled under the Betwa

project. The bore hole at Mirkheri which was 171.33 m deep, encountered nine flows. The

five zones in basalts were encountered in the depth range of 16-17 mbgl, 27.9-31.00 mbgl,

37.7-40.1 mbgl at 47 mbgl and between 58-59 mbgl. All the zones were in

jointed/amydaloidal basalt. The yield of the first and second zones tested together was only

3.2 lps. The tranmissivity was 36.3 m2/day. The yield of the second and third zones tested

together was 16.3 lps and the transmissivity was 432/day.

The borehole at Nirtala was drilled down to 88.68 mbgl and the vindhyan sandstone were

struck at 52 mbgl. water was struck at two depths, between 42-42.5 mbgl in jointed basalt

and at the basalt vindhyan contact at 52-52.5 mbgl. these zones tested together yielded 0.64

lps of water and the transmissivity value was only 0.3 m2/day. Similarly at Sabda the depth

drilled was 85-94 mbgl. the vindhyan basement was struk at 54.2 mbgl. the water bearing

zones were at 48.0 -57.3 mbgl in jointed basalt and at 54.2-54.7 mbal at the basalt vindhyan


3.1: Status of Water Availability: Crop season wise sources of irrigation

3.1 Status of Water Availbility District sagar

S.No. Sources BCM per Ha

1 Surface Irrigation Kharif (BCM)

Rabi (BCM)

Summer (BCM)



Water avilability

(BCM) per Ha

Canal (Major & Medium Irrigation)

0.0026 0.0098 0.0024 41335 0.0124

Minor Irrigation tanks 0.0000 0.0017 0.0000 5675 0.0017

Lift Irrgation / Diversion 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 1201 0.0004

Various Water Bodies Including Rain Water Harvesting

0.0039 0.0130 0.0042 56452


Treated Effluent 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.0000

Untreated Effuent 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 896 0.0003

Perennial Sources of Water

0.1100 0.2200 0.0900 10965 0.0033

2 Ground Water 0.0000

Open Well 0.0033 0.0244 0.0061 92345 0.0277

Deep Tube Well 0.0014 0.0101 0.0032 38345 0.0115

Medium Tube Well 0.0008 0.0062 0.0020 23410 0.0070

Shallow Tube Wells 0.0005 0.0035 0.0000 13080 0.0039

Total Net Irrigated Area 283704 0.0284

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 61

3.2: Status of Ground Water Availability: Ground Water status

Sagar district is underlain by Basaltic lava flows of Deccan trap Vindhyan Sandstone

and Alluvium. Dynamic ground water resources of the district have been estimated for base

year -2008/09 on block-wise basis (table). There are eleven assessment units (block) in the

district which fall under non-command (99 %) and command (1 % Deori, Shahgarh) sub

units. Banda, Rehli and Sagar blocks of the district are categorized. as semi critical and rest

of the blocks are safe. The highest stage of ground water development is computed as 74 %

in Banda block. The net ground water availability in the district 1,12,807 ham and ground

water draft for all uses is 66,079ham, making stage of ground water development 59 % as a

whole for district. After making allocation for future domestic and industrial supply for next 25

years, balance available ground water for future irrigation would be 44,859 ham.

The share of canal in net irrigated area has declined from 39.8 % in 1950-51 to 23.6

% in 2012-13. Alongside, the share of groundwater sources has increased from 28.7 % to a

whopping 62.4 % during the same period. This expansion reflects the reliability and higher

irrigation efficiency of 70–80% in groundwater irrigation compared with 25–45% in canal

irrigation. While proving to be a valuable source of irrigation expansion, injudicious utilization

of groundwater through the explosion of tube wells has raised several sustainability issues.

Ground Water Quality

The electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of salinity. EC ranges from 249 to 2775

μS/cm2 at 25 0C. The nitrate concentration in Sagar district ranges from 3 to 205 mg/l. The

fluoride concentration in the district is within permissible limits, it ranges between 0.12 to 0.7


Pre monsoon (May 2015)

The Premonsoon depth as on May

2015 to water level (DTW) map is

presented in figure. The DTW ranged

between 2.63 mbgl to 36.50 mbgl.

However, in major part the DTW

ranged between 4 to 16 mbgl. Deeper

water levels of more than 20 mbgl are

observed in isolated patches in western


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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 62

Post-Monsoon (Nov-2015)

The Postmonsoon as on Nov 2015 depth

to water level (DTW) map is presented in

figure. The DTW varied from 1.20-20.21

mbgl. In major part the DTW was less

than 10 mbgl. Deeper water levels of

more than 15 mbgl are observed in

isolated patches in central part.

Water Level Trend (May 2006-15). The Water level trend for the 10 years (2006-15) shows that both rise and fall is

observed. The rise is observed in the range of 0.01 to 0.17 m/ year. The decline in the range

of 0.09 to 0.1 m/year is also observed.

3.2 Status of Ground Water Availabilty (CGWB) Name of the State: Madhya Pradesh

Name of District: Sagar

S.No NAME OF BLOCK Critical Semi-

Critical Safe

Draft (For well) Cum/per day

Recharge (Heactare metrers)

1 Bina 64.80 9979

2 Banda 54.00 9547 3 Deori 54.00 11845

4 Jaisinagar 86.40 10500 5 Kesli 75.60 10120

6 Khurai 86.00 12775 7 Malthone 86.00 8589

8 Rehli 54.00 7881

9 Rahatgarh 65.00 9971 10 Sagar 68.00 9972

11 Sahhagarh 65.00 6510 Source: CGW regional office Sagar

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 63

3.3: Status of Command Area:

Sagar district comes under Dhasan ken Basin of the water resources department in

which two Division are Division-1 and Division-2 are working presently in district.There is

only one major irrigation projects in Sagar which is Beela Dam situated in Banda-Shahgarh

area of Sagar District.

There are 03 medium projects in Sagar which are Masoorbawri, Sonpur and

Surajpura which serves a big area under canal command .The work of extension of canals

uncder these projects is already in progress and will be completed in forthcoming 02 years

during implementation of PMKSY.

The department has got feasibility sanctions of 32 projects in various blocks of Sagar

district. These projects will get administrative sanctions with avilablity of funds under PMKSY

in coming years.

The Bina Multipurpose irrigation project,Padkul Medium project,Jera Medium

project,hilgan Medium project and the Kotha barrage of the keb betwa link project will

certainly develop the command area of district in coming years all these projects are under

sanction process or sanctioned.

Major irrigation schemes sagar

S.No. Scheme Name Scheme Type

Culturable Command

Area (CCA)(In


RabiDesigned Irrigation (In


Kharif designed

Irrigation(In ha)

1 2 3 4 6

1 Bila Dam [10276] DAM 21182 12267 8915

Sub Total major 21182 12267 8915

Medium irrigation schemes sagar

1 Water Resources Division No. 1 Sagar

Masurbawri 3260 1477 1783

2 Water Resources Division No. 2 Kesli


Sonpur and surajpura irrigation

9500 7000 2500

Sub Total medium 12760 8477 4283

Minor irrigation schemes sagar

1 Water Resources Subdivision Deori

Minor tanks 10085 8265 1820

2 Water Resources Subdivision No. 1

Sagar Minor tanks 8967 7190


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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 64

3 Water Resources Subdivision No. 3

Garhakota Minor tanks 7324 5535


4 Water Resources Subdivision Banda

Minor tanks 7141 5240 1901

5 Water Resources Subdivision Khurai

Minor tanks 1982 1324 658

6 Babar Matiya H/W

Subdivision Sagar Minor tanks 1078 405


Sub Total Minor 36577 27959 8618

Recently completed minor projects

1 BILAHARI [32058] TANK 517 473 44

2 JALANDHAR [32061]

TANK 568 498 70


DAM 162 102 60

4 KANJELA [32063] TANK 469 469 0

5 Kanoni Weir [37620] WEIR 165 148 17

6 KHAJURIYA [22024] WEIR 190 134 56

7 Khajuriya Ghat Weir [37651]

WEIR 75 68 7

8 MANJLA TANK [33695]

DAM 500 456 44

9 PADARIA [32028] WEIR 115 102 13

10 Samnapur II [32389] TANK 610 589 21

11 Samnapur Tank [28189]

TANK 1888 1289 599

12 Satdhara Tank [28188]

TANK 2112 1962 150

13 TODA TANK [39225] DAM 502 435 67

Water Resources Division No. 2 Kesli Sagar

28 BILA FEEDER [32043]

WEIR 1900 1756 144

29 Hilgon Tank [40374] DAM 1674 1239 435

30 TIKARI [32081] TANK 1990 1698 292

Total 19075 11418 7657

Grand total area under Irrigation

department command area 89594 60121 29473

3.4: Existing Type of Irrigation

In Sagar district the area under irrigation is 288725 ha of the total geographical

area which comprises 52.30% of the total net sown area and is high to the average of 36%

of the state average. Malthone block of District has the minimum irrigation potential where

as Kesli has the maximum area under irrigation in comparison to net sown area.. Besides,

canal command area the other sources are tube wells ,17577 ,dug wells , 11838 and 30

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 65

minor irrigation tanks available for irrigation in the district. Bore wells play important role in

providing irrigation, followed by open wells and tank. The department of water resources has

constructed the structures coveres approximately 21% of the total irrigated area. However,

scarcity of power restricts the choice of irrigation and hampers the operations severely.

Recently the feeder separation done under rural electrification scheme is now changing the

scenario of unavailability of electricity during irrigation period. The electricity for irrigation is

available during the season in a lump sum billing to farmers which enabled the farmers to

give timely irrigation to crops.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 66

3.4.1 Exitsing Type Of Irrigation

Source: Suprintendent land records and Irrigation Department sagar

Name of the District: Sagar Source of irrigation S.No

Name of Block

Surface Irrigation (1) Ground Water (2) Other sources Incliding Traditional


Treated effluent discharged from STP(4)

Water extraction Devices /Lift


Canal Based


Tube Wells Open Wells











p (















Water extracting devices (4+5+6)

No Area No Area No Area No Area

1 Sagar 3 1442 21 3126 2847 6549 5494 9890 2 0 6685 1775 0 21007 8460

2 Jaisinagar 1 456 16 3456 1631 3752 6834 12301 3 0 6510 2753 0 19965 9263

3 Rahatgarh 7 1185 15 1666 2559 5886 7187 12936 5 0 8792 1584 0 21673 10376

4 Rehli 4 5642 14 1462 5248 12071 6217 11190 6 0 8267 1763 0 30365 10030

5 Deori 6 11784 12 7375 2022 4650 8057 14502 7 0 4842 1026 0 38311 5868

6 Kesli 5 15386 33 7234 1006 2313 6834 12302 2 0 3029 4034 0 37235 7063

7 Bina 0 0 6 867 7727 17771 6244 11240 3 0 4895 2707 0 29878 7602

8 Khurai 0 0 11 1226 5379 12371 5766 10378 4 0 2837 4111 0 23975 6948

9 Malthone 0 0 5 846 1963 4516 5375 9675 5 0 5621 4334 0 15037 9955

10 Banda 1 1112 10 2998 1745 4014 4981 8965 4 0 1199 2498 0 17089 3697

11 Shahgarh 3 9567 30 8390 650.9 1497 4981 8965 8 0 2213 1136 0 28419 3349

Grand Total

30 46574 173 38646 32778 75390 67969 122344 49 0 54890 27721 0 282954 82611

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 67

3.4 .2Exiting Type Of Irrigation (Created in last 8 years)

Name of the District: Sagar


Name of Block

Stop Dam(RES)

Stop dam (PHED) Tank(WRD)

Dugwell (Kapildhara) Dug well(RKVY) Balram talab(Agri)

Minor Irrigation tank(Agri)

No Are






No Are






No Are






No Are






No Are






No Are






No Are






1 Sagar 39 246 16 38 8 721 312 749 94 243 273 737 4 128

2 Jaisinagar 33 208 14 32 6 528 264 634 79 206 231 624 6 192

3 Rahatgarh 36 227 15 35 8 665 288 691 86 225 252 680 7 224

4 Rehli 38 236 16 36 8 693 300 720 90 234 263 709 8 256

5 Deori 35 217 14 33 5 440 276 662 83 215 242 652 3 96

6 Kesli 39 246 16 38 8 721 312 749 94 243 273 737 4 134

7 Bina 32 198 13 30 7 582 252 605 76 197 221 595 3 98

8 Khurai 36 227 15 35 8 665 288 691 86 225 252 680 5 160

9 Malthone 39 246 16 38 8 721 128 307 38 100 273 737 3 108

10 Banda 35 217 14 33 6 528 123 295 37 96 242 652 4 128

11 Shahgarh 27 170 11 26 3 264 189 454 57 147 189 510 3 109

Grand Total 387 2438 163 374 74 6528 2732 6557 820 2131 2709 7314 50 1633

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 68

The surface and ground water irrigation sources constructed under Bundelkhand package

constructed a lot in irrigation potential of the district. The agriculture scenario is rapidly

changing with new techniques of agriculture and irrigation now. But still there is a threat that

in case of low rainfall the surface water irrigation structures may not serve the culturable

command area. In this case the sown area especially in Rabi season decreases which

affects the economy of the district as well as the livelihood of farmers.

The ground water irrigation sources like Dug well, tubewell becomes not feasible in

case of depletion of water table which in turn effects the production and productivity of the

crops and rural households livelihood.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 69

Chap IV Water Requirement /Demand:

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 70

Water is a critical input into agriculture in nearly all its aspects. How much, at what

time and how plants are watered has determining effect on the eventual yield. Good seeds

and fertilizer fail to achieve their full potential if plants are not optimally watered. Adequate

availability of water is important for animal husbandry as well. Fisheries are, of course,

directly dependent on water resources.

Increasing incomes, growing urbanization and rising prosperity are rapidly changing

the composition of food basket away from cereals towards high value agricultural

commodities such as fruits, vegetables, milk, poultry, fish and meat. Although per capita

consumption of food grains has declined over the years, its total demand has been projected

to increase due to increase in population and indirect demand from feed. Most of the fruits,

vegetables and livestock products are more water intensive as compared to cereals other

than rice. Further preference to have fresh fruits and vegetables in all the seasons is

resulting in increase in their cultivation in off season requiring much higher use of water. The

amount of water required to produce a unit of animal origin products ( chicken, mutton and

eggs) is much higher than plant origin products (cereals, pulses and oilseeds). These

developments point to growing demand for and therefore rising pressure on limited water

resources. Moreover, close to 55 per cent of the current area under cultivation is not covered

by irrigation. This results in low productivity and high risk to production due to erratic rainfall.

Water availability and demand is to be calculated holistically for any project prepared

for irrigation purposes as the demand of dinking of water is to be catered at first priority

secondly the water availability for livestock and wild life is to be ensured and thirdly the water

required for seasonal crops as per the cropped area is to be calculated.Knowledge of the

rate and volume of the water used is necessary far efficient management of irrigation water.

The quantity of water that flow through a canal or a structure in a period of time is known as

flow or discharge and is expressed in m3/ s far large discharge and 1/s for small discharge.

One m3/s is qual to 1000l/s.

The flow in irrigation system is also expressed as quantity of water used and

volumetric flow rate. The relationship between these two is –

V= Q Δt / K

V= Volume of flow (m3)

Q = Volumetric flow rate (l/s)

Δt = Time interval (Min)

K = Unit constant (K= 16.67 far V in m3 and Q in l/s)

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 71

One hectare centimetre (ha cm) is the volume of water necessary to cover an

area of 1 ha (10000 m2) to a depth of 1 cm.

1ha cm = 100 m3 = 100000 litre

Volume = Area X height

1 ha cm = 10000 m2 X 0.01 cm = 100 m


1 ha cm =100000000 cm

2 X 1 cm = 100000000 cm


1000 cm3 = 1 litre = 100000000/ 1000 = 100000 Litre

1 ha cm = 100 m3 = 100000 Litre

As per the average rainfall coefficient runoff the water available for harvesting after

rains is about 3241 million cubic meters as per geographical area of Sagar district.The water

conservation and runoff control measures are proposed as per ridge to valley principal in the

district irrigation plan to check runoff of atleat 2000 MCM water and create a storage capacity

of about 1100 MCM which is presently only 245 MCM in sagar.

Following table shows the availability of rain water for harvesting

Water runoff and available for harvesting District sagar S.No Block Geographical Rainfall Total Rain

water available

Water Loses

Availability of water for harvesting

Area (ha.) (mm.) ha mt. MCM (MCM) (MCM)

1 Sagar 96576 1060.3 307193 307.19 92.158 215.035

2 Jaisinagar 84644 969.85 246276 246.28 73.883 172.393

3 Rahatgarh 94469 1060.8 300649 300.65 90.195 210.455

4 Rehli 86713 1234.6 321175 321.18 96.353 224.823

5 Deori 121780 1240.1 453040 453.04 135.91 317.128

6 Kesli 111693 1012 339100 339.1 101.73 237.37

7 Bina 67620 998 202454 202.45 60.736 141.718

8 Khurai 91331 987.6 270595 270.6 81.179 189.417

9 Malthone 84008 1002.3 252604 252.6 75.781 176.823

10 Banda 101849 987.3 301667 301.67 90.5 211.167

11 Shahgarh 82076 1001.3 246548 246.55 73.964 172.584

DistrictTotal 1022759 11554.2 59085554 3241.3 972.39 2268.9111

Total Population for District Sagar in 2011 was 2610745 as per growth rate projected

population in 2015 is 2746541 and in 2020 it will be 3171101 Average Per capita Domestic

water requirement is 135 liters per day. As per the growing need of water and based on this

information Gross water Demand for Whole District in . The projected gross water demand in

2020 will be 0.09256 BCM per annum . With the increase in population the use of water also

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 72

increases substantially. Considering the targets of 100 percent ODF villages under swaksha

bharat Abhiyan the domestic demand of water will also increase by additional 10 percent.

Due to modern living standards water usage per capita has increased multifold. Also with the

help of technological innovations there are tube wells at every home and everyday their

count is increasing. People have also started using water filtration techniques like R.O.

devices which consumes more water. In context of Sagar district the total requirement per

capita for domestic purpose is calculated for urban and rural population. The projected

demand in the year for rural and urban population respectively is depicted in following tables:

Assessment of domestic water demand for Urban area

4.1.1 Domestic Water Demand Urban area

Name of the District: Sagar

S.No. Name of the Urban

area Population

in 2015

Present yearly water

Requirement(@ 135 lpd per


Projected Population

in 2020

Gross Water

Demand uotp


1 Bina- Etawa (M) 72272 0.003561 79371 0.000391

2 Bina Rly Colony (CT) 5639 0.000278 6193 0.000031

3 Bamora (CT) 9512 0.000469 10446 0.000051

4 Khurai (M) 57241 0.002821 62863 0.000310

5 Banda (NP) 34634 0.001707 38035 0.000187

6 Shahgarh (NP) 18256 0.000900 20049 0.000099

7 Rahatgarh (NP) 35321 0.001740 38791 0.000191

8 Shahpur (NP) 15308 0.000754 16812 0.000083

9 Sagar (M Corp. + OG) 307503 0.015152 337704 0.001664

10 Sagar Cantt (CB) 45375 0.002236 49831 0.000246

11 Karrapur (CT) 11925 0.000588 13096 0.000065

12 Kapuria (CT) 2130 0.000105 2339 0.000012

13 Bhainsa (CT) 5761 0.000284 6327 0.000031

14 Rajakhedi (CT) 27140 0.001337 29805 0.000147

15 Makronia Buzurg (CT) 26724 0.001317 29349 0.000145

16 Dhana (CT) 10838 0.000534 11903 0.000059

17 Gamiria Sagar (CT) 8942 0.000441 9820 0.000048

18 Garhakota (M + OG) 36653 0.001806 40253 0.000198

19 Rehli (M) 33968 0.001674 37305 0.000184

20 Deori (M) 28708 0.001415 31527 0.000155

Total Urban 793852 0.039117 871819 0.004296

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 73

Hence the project demand upto 2020 for urban area of Sagar district is 0.004296

BCM. The State government through district administration and Urban local bodies has

identified sources for smooth supply of water in every urban local body as per need up to

2018.Plans for water sources, supply and storage are either formulated or in stage of

implementation and the target is to assure domestic water need fulfillment up to 2019.

Assessment of domestic water demand for Rural area

4.1.2 Domestic Water Demand Rural

Name of the District: Sagar


Name of the Block

Population in 2011

Population in 2015

Present yearly water Requirement(@ 135 lpd per person)


Population in 2020

Gross Water Demand


1 Bina 147028 163201 0.008042 197473 0.000973

2 Khurai 158841 176314 0.008688 213339 0.001051

3 Malthone 177501 197026 0.009708 238402 0.001175

4 Deori 172084 191013 0.009412 231126 0.001139

5 Jaisinagar 150245 166772 0.008218 201794 0.000994

6 Shahgarh 141032 156546 0.007714 189420 0.000933

7 Sagar 242778 269484 0.013279 326075 0.001607

8 Rehli 216101 239872 0.011820 290245 0.001430

9 Kesli 126344 140242 0.006910 169693 0.000836

10 Banda 201293 223435 0.011010 270357 0.001332

11 Rahatgarh 178702 198359 0.009774 240015 0.001183

1911949 2122263 0.104575 2567939 0.012654 Source: Department of PHED and ULB‟s Sagar

The water budget are prepared for every panchayat by villagers in gram Sabha‟s in

technical facilitation of the technical support groups involving engineers,forest officials,health

workers and agriculture extension officers formed CEO Zila Panchayat Sagar for preparation

of water budget and agriculture plan for incorporation in the District irrigation Plan.

As per water budget of each Panchayat the Block level water demand is calculated for

domestic, crop and livestock need so that precise planning can be done at Panchayat level

for better results through convergence of umbrella schemes under PMKSY.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 74

4.2 Crop water demand

In Sagar district there is a traditional system of flow irrigation in crops and

seeds are also sown thorugh spreading method in which both water and seeds are

consumed more and productivity is less .Now a days the farmers has grown awareness

regarding new techniques of irrigation and sowing through seed drill.Still there are areas in

sirtitc where the farmers adopt old techniques due to poverty and lack oif awareness. of

Different methods are used to apply irrigation water to the crop depending on the source of

supply, topography, quantity of water to be applied the crop and method of cultivation of

crop. These irrigation methods classified as surface, sub surface, over head or sprinkler and

drip irrigation.

Irrigation Methods

Surface Sub surface Sprinkler Drip

Flood Check basin Basin Border Furrow

After assessment of kharif, Zaid and Rabi crop water demand keeping in view

the area under horticulture the grass crop water demand of the district is calculated for gap

analysis in availability and demand so as to plan the interventions for filling gap in the district

irrigation plan by convergence of various schemes under Pradhan mantra Krishi sinchaye

Youjna DIP-Sagar.

Discussions with stake holders are done at block and luster level for need

assessment of water for irrigation and then finding linkages of water sources with distribution

network for assuring 100% irrigation upto 2020 and provide end to end solution for irrigation

with participation of farmers and extension works of agriculture department.

Crop water requirement of crops grown in the district are workout and given in the table


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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 75

4.2 Overall Crop Water Requirement

Name of the District: Sagar

S.No. Name of the Block

Corps Area Sown (ha)

Irrigated area (ha)

Water Potential required (BCM)

Existing Water

Potential (BCM)

Water Potential

to be Created (BCM)

1 Sagar Kharif,Rabi and Zaid including

horticulture crops

53963 27011 0.00431704 0.00172682 0.00259022

2 Jaisinagar 44823 19947 0.00358584 0.00143434 0.00215150

3 Rahatgarh 57107 29073 0.00456856 0.00182742 0.00274114

4 Rehli 62558 35294 0.00500464 0.00200186 0.00300278

5 Deori 49115 27493 0.00392920 0.00157168 0.00235752

6 Kesli 38763 18040 0.00310104 0.00124042 0.00186062

7 Bina 53860 33016 0.00430880 0.00172352 0.00258528

8 Khurai 62772 34425 0.00502176 0.00200870 0.00301306

9 Malthone 48556 23087 0.00388448 0.00155379 0.00233069

10 Banda 49555 25045 0.00396440 0.00158576 0.00237864

11 Shahgarh 27101 11273 0.00216808 0.00086723 0.00010213

District total 548173 283704 0.04385384 0.01754154 0.02511359

4.3 Livestock and wild life Increasing incomes, growing urbanization and rising prosperity are rapidly changing

the composition of food basket away from cereals towards high value agricultural

commodities such as fruits, vegetables, milk, poultry, fish and meat. Although per capita

consumption of food grains has declined over the years, its total demand has been projected

to increase due to increase in population and indirect demand from feed. Animal husbandry

and fisheries offers unique opportunity for growth as the shifts in diet already under way and

likely to continue as incomes increase. Niti Ayog study report on household consumption

reveals that the consumption behavior of both rural and urban population is changing in favor

of these sectors. Between 1993-94 and 2011-12, cereals consumption declined by 16.3% in

rural and 12.4% in urban areas. During the same period, consumption of milk and milk

products increased by 9.97% in rural and 10.87% in urban areas and of meat and fish

increased by 23%.

The amount of water required to produce a unit of animal origin products ( chicken,

mutton and eggs) is much higher than plant origin products (cereals, pulses and oilseeds).

These developments point to growing demand for and therefore rising pressure on India‟s

limited water resources. Moreover, close to 55 per cent of the current area under cultivation

is not covered by irrigation. This results in low productivity and high risk to production due to

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 76

erratic rainfall. Ways and means need to be devised to expand irrigation and enable dryland

agriculture to have access to water to address at least critical water shortages.

For a district like Sagar having threat of drought Dairy is a drought mitigation agri

allied activity for rural poor and hence the availability of water to livestock for their health and

fitness with water availability for green fodder production is accessed in the district while

preparing district irrigation plan involving focused group discussions and consultation with

farmers, milk producres, cattle owners and veterinary department extension works and

experts of this Filed. Consultations with the executives of BAIF NGO are also done for need

assessment of water to livestock.

In addition to water availability to livestock the secutity of water for wild life is also analysed

in consulation with forest department officials .Nouradehi sanctuary forest division Sagar is

identified for African Cheetah project and is famous for the natural habitat of India Wolf and

the Alligators habitat.Forest department has done various interventions for making suitable

ecological conditions for these two major projects related to wild life .Inspite of these there is

considerable forest area nd wild life in sagar district for which the water need assessment is

done and after assement plans are incorporated for developing water holes, water tanks and

other water harvesting structures for assuring water to wild life. The following table shows

figures regarding water demand for livestock and wild life:

Livestock Water Demand: Present water demand, water demand by 2020, water potential to be created

4.2 Livestock Water Demand

Name of the District: Sagar

S. No.

Catergory of livestock

Water Requirement range (L/Day)

Average Water Use


Total Nos.of

live stock

Present water

demand (BCM)

Water demand in 2020 (BCM)

Existing Water

Potential (BCM)

Water Potential

to be created (BCM)


Poultry & Birds (for 1000 birds)

0.16-0.24 250 65230 0.006 0.0074 0.0031 0.00433

2 Small Animals

13-49 45 213045 0.0194 0.0243 0.0018 0.02245

3 Large

Animals 68-155 115 912645 0.0833 0.1041 0.0557 0.04842

4 Wild

Animals 68-155 98 86701 0.0079 0.0099 0.0059 0.00397

Total 1277621 0.11658 0.1457 0.06656 0.0791716

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 77

4.4: Industrial Water Demand:

Industries are backbone of economy of any region the Madhya Pradesh sate

government is encouraging the industrialist and youth for setting up small and micro

industries in Bundelkhand region. Industries are not turning up to Sagar district mainly due

to the lack of water for industrial use.

In Sagar district the main reason of industrial under development is the non availability

of Water. Although district have large geographical area and topography to retain water but

still planned efforts are lagging behind in terms of availability of water. The local public

representatives also have regional issues but no perspective plan for inductrial water


Bina is the major industrial area of sagar district and jay pee power limited has set up

a captive power plant for Bina refinery area which is Big project of Government of India

giving revenue and employment to State. The water conflicts regarding effluent water

drainage and use of water from Bina and Betwa river are common in Bina and Khurai area

due to excessive use of water by the refinery and Railway establishments.

The industrial water demand is calculated keeping in mind the demand of water in

major industries and demand of water in Hospitals, servicing and vehicle cleaning station

,Hotels and other demands including the demand for domestic needs of floating population

coming in district every day for education, commissionery work and other medical interests.

The following table shows the industrial demand of water

4.4 Industrial Water Demand District-Sagar

S. No.

Block Name of the industry water demand (BCM)

Water demand in 2020 (BCM)

Existing Water Potential (BCM)

Water Potential to be creater (BCM)

1 Sagar Subhashnagar,Bahisa,Sidgawan Industrial area and other hotels, servicing station, colleges and hostels

0.0457 0.05941 0.0121 0.0473

2 Bina Bina Refinary and other like for power generation & rilway

0.126 0.1638 0.0654 0.0984

3 Khurai Khurai 0.0287 0.03731 0.0101 0.0272

4 Deori Cheola 0 0.0198 0.016 0.0038

5 Other industrial area

0.0223 0.02899 0.014 0.015

Total : 0.2227 0.30931 0.1177 0.1917

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 78

4.6: Total Water Demand of the District for Various sectors:

The total water demand in various sectors like domestic need of population, Crop

water demand, demand of water for livestock & wild life, demand for industrial purposes and

power generation is calculated after due consideration of availability and need gap

assessment and shared with the departments of agriculture, Veterinary, Industries and

forest. Following table shows the demand of water for various sectors in the district in a nut


4.6: Total Water Demand of the District for Various sectors

District Sagar


Sub District

Component of demand (In Billion Cubic meters)

Domestic Crop Live stock Industrial

Power Generatio


Total water demand

( BCM)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Sagar 0.001362 0.004317 0.001928 0.059410 0.000000 0.067017

2 Jaisinagar 0.001051 0.003586 0.001506 0.001000



3 Rahatgarh 0.001410 0.004569 0.002013 0.001000 0.000000 0.008991

4 Rehli 0.001367 0.005005 0.001926 0.001000 0.000000 0.009297

5 Deori 0.001193 0.003929 0.002139 0.019800 0.000000 0.027061

6 Kesli 0.000933 0.003101 0.001302 0.001000 0.000000 0.006337

7 Bina 0.002089 0.004309 0.001810 0.016380 0.096500 0.121087

8 Khurai 0.001716 0.005022 0.001878 0.037310 0.000000 0.045926

9 Malthone 0.000836 0.003884 0.002017 0.001000 0.000000 0.007738

10 Banda 0.001465 0.003964 0.001665 0.001000 0.000000 0.008095

11 Shahgarh 0.001301 0.002168 0.001286 0.001000 0.000000 0.005755

District total

0.014724 0.043854 0.019470 0.139900 0.096500 0.314448

4.7: Water Budget: Water availability, water demand and gaps

While preparing the water budget the panchayatwise and block wise water budget are

kept in consideration and the availability of water as per the data anf figures of irrigation and

the regional office of Central Ground water Board has been analysed for calculating the

demand, need and availability gap under water budget.The promotion of water conservation

efforts has direct implications for water resources availability, groundwater recharge and

socio-economic conditions of the population. Emphasis should be given on water resources

conservations through watershed development in suitable areas and development of micro-

water structures for rainwater harvesting.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 79

Following table shows tha water budget of the district Sagar:

4.7 Water Budget District sagar

1 Name of Blocks

Existing water availability (BCM)

Total (BCM)

Water Demand (BCM)

Water Gap (BCM)

Surface Water

Ground water Present Projected

1 Sagar 0.017244 0.004311 0.021555 0.172438 0.224170 0.202615

2 Jaisinagar 0.009434 0.002359 0.011793 0.094344 0.122647 0.110854

3 Rahatgarh 0.017538 0.004385 0.021923 0.175384 0.227999 0.206076

4 Rehli 0.019436 0.004859 0.024295 0.194360 0.252668 0.228373

5 Deori 0.019284 0.004821 0.024105 0.192840 0.250692 0.226587

6 Kesli 0.016033 0.004008 0.020041 0.160328 0.208426 0.188385

7 Bina 0.021118 0.005279 0.026397 0.211177 0.274531 0.248133

8 Khurai 0.018893 0.004723 0.023616 0.188928 0.245607 0.221991

9 Malthone 0.016380 0.004095 0.020475 0.163800 0.212940 0.192465

10 Banda 0.017411 0.002612 0.020023 0.174110 0.226343 0.206320

11 Shahgarh 0.014330 0.002866 0.017196 0.143299 0.186289 0.169093

District total 0.187101 0.044318 0.231418 1.871008 2.432311 2.200892

As per the Water budget prepared for the district Strategy is

formulated for implementation and phasing of works as per area specific needs of irrigation

and domestic purposes in various urban and rural areas of Sagar district.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 80

Chapter 5 Strategic Action plan

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 81

Water is essential for sustaining life and at the same time, it is an important

component for almost all developmental plans. Obviously the schemes for development of

water resources for beneficial use of the society have been taken up since the time

immemorial. Considerable progress has been made in respect of water resources

development in Sagar district after implementation of Bundelkhand package contributing to

two fold increases in creation of irrigation potential. Total created irrigation potential at pre-

bundelkhand package was about 116543 hectares which at present is about 288340 ha.

There has also been appreciable development in the areas of drinking water supply and

other uses. However, growing population, urbanization and industrialization has led to

considerable increase in demand of water for various purposes e.g., irrigation, domestic

needs, industrial requirements etc.

The erratic rainfall trends and the undulating topography of sagar district is the major

constraint in irrigation and command area development in district. The Minor tanks and

reservoirs constructed under bundelkhand package either are empty due to less rainfall this

year or have water less than the dead storage. The water level in whole district has also

gone down and the surface water storage structures which have stored water in general

does not have distribution network due to undulating topography or land acquisition issues

for construction of canal.

Although there is a good scope of agriculture productivity enhancement which seems

to be the second road map after creation of tanks and reservoirs under bundelkhand

package. The agriculture area may also be diversified to horticulture and cash crop

integrating horizontally with dairy as an allied activity to maintain soil health and livestock


The District level Implementation committee and advisory Board constituted in district

for Pradhan Mantri Krishi sinchayee Youja ,after various consultations formulated

component and sector wise strategy for development of command area and productivity

enhancement through more crop per drop for accomplishing the Vision of har Khat ko pani

which is as under :-

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 82

The component wise outlay under PMKSY DIP for Sagar district as approved by the District

planning committee Sagar in Chairmanship of I/C Minister Honorable Shri Narottam

Mishra is as follows:

Pradhan mantri krishi Sinchayee Youjna

District irrigation plan DIP Sagar - Budget

S.No PMKSY-Component Budget proposed

1 AIBP 1680.34

2 Har khet ko Pani 415.76

3 Per drop more crop 422.42

4 PMKSY watershed 134.05

Grand Total 2652.57

Deputy Director Collector & DM

Agriculture sagar Sagar

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 83

PMKSY-DIP Proposed Plan Abstract Year wise phasing District Sagar

Year wise proposed Budget (In Crore Rupees)


Department Component







Grand total

1 RD


21.45 22.79 22.00 22.12 24.50 21.20 134.05

IWMP(other Interventions Livelihood/agri prod enhancement)

6.80 6.63 6.68 6.72 6.60 6.80 40.22

MGNREGS(other Interventions)

41.17 41.18 41.26 41.30 41.38 41.50 247.79

Sub Total 69.42 70.60 69.93 70.14 72.48 69.49 422.06


AIBP 276.58 284.75 258.32 257.23 262.03



RRR 8.14 8.87 9.55 9.45 9.31 9.27 54.59

Har khet Ko Pani 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 23.00

CAD(Including WUG Trg)

0.40 0.35 0.40 0.43 0.45 0.50 2.53

Sub Total 288.12 297.97 272.27 271.11 275.79



3 Agricult


Micro irrigation 12.39 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.75 15.00 82.64

Per drop More crop 11.16 12.24 12.78 12.96 14.04 14.40 77.58

Supplementary water management activity

16.00 16.30 17.00 17.50 17.65 18.02 102.47

ATMA(Trg) 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 6.90

Sub Total 40.45 42.54 44.38 45.66 47.74 48.82 269.59

4 Horticul

ture Micro irrigation 16.11 16.90 17.55 18.20 19.18 19.50 107.43

Per drop More crop 9.15 9.45 9.63 9.54 9.75 10.25 57.77

Sub Total 25.26 26.35 27.18 27.74 28.93 29.75 165.20

5 Other PMKSY(Material top up for MGNREGS convergence MoRD)

14.48 15.10 15.50 15.90 16.50 16.54 94.02

Laser leveling of land 3.20 3.33 3.46 3.58 3.76 3.84 21.17

Sub Total 14.48 15.10 15.50 15.90 16.50 16.54 115.19

Grand Total 437.72 452.56 429.26 430.55 441.43



Deputy Director Collector & DM

Agriculture sagar Sagar

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 84

The proposed budget will be utilized component wise as per release of funds from concerned

ministry by GoI and matching share from state government for achieving the objective of

PMKSY thorugh following strategy:

Completion of ongoing projects of irrigation department

As a prime target the DLIC has decided to focus on timely completion of ongoing

projects which includes the nala closer of completed tanks under Bundelkhand

packagae/Plan/AIBP and also completion of projects like Bila Canal extension project,Sonpur

medium irrigation project,Padkul irrigation project Jaisinagar , Kadan medium rahatgarh and

keth medium project Rehli,Surajpura irrigation project Kesli .Hilgan irrigation project

jaisinagar ,samnapur irrigation project and satdhara irrigation project.After completion an

addition 18356 hectares area will be under fully developed irrigation command .The funds for

the spillover works and other heads are provisioned in district irrigation plan. This will

certainly contribute to the component Har khet ko pani .

Command area development

The works related to command area development will be executed by irrigation on top

priority to get 100% efficiency in water use by on farm interventions and capacity building

and awareness amongst water user associations for maintenance and operation of the

distribution network with maximum efficiency so that Per drop more crop may be ensured in

addition to Har Khet ko Pani by saving of Water in water abundant area first.

Repair and rejuvenation of old water bodies

The District administration has launched a campaign of renovation of old water bodies

in Sagar district which includes Various Chopra,Bawri and baher,Talab which are either

under encroachment or are in very poor condition due to excessive pressure of population,

depleting water table and lack of maintenance .

These old traditional water bodies are now being renovated in campaign mode by help

of Janbhagidari of local people, news campaigns by news papers and leadership by local

public representatives in backward support of district administration and gram

panchayat/Urban local body by funds of janbhagidari or MGNREGS within the cost norms of

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 85

the ongoing schemes .Some MLA and MP LADS funds are also mobilized for these

community benefit works. The top up cost which exceeds the MGNREGS act provision of 60

:40 in labour material respectively is also planned to be converged from top up from PMKSY.

The old irrigation tanks and stop dams which are designed to have more than 10

hectares area under submergence are taken up under RRR by irrigation department for

repair and renovation work to restore the storage capacity which was degraded due to silt or

encroachment in catchment area of the water body. All such water bodies are proposed for

RRR phase in phase to capture the low lying fruit first and improve the irrigation potential Har

het ko pani by low cost input which may be 25000 to 30000 per hectare.

River link proposal

Now a days the farmers and society has under stood the need of water conservation

and recent interventions by M.P.Government to link Ken-Betw, Narmada-Khipra has made a

great impact on the minds of learned peoples also that river linkage may be a good option for

perennial availability of water in river the life line of existence.

The area of Khurai and Bina blocks of sagar district will be benefitted by Kotha

barrage near mandi bamora being a part of Ken-Betwa Link project about 12000 hecatres

area of the district will get irrigated by this barrage under river linig project.

Bina multipurpose irrigation complex will also contribute in irrigation command area

development in Malthone,Rahatgarh ,Khurai,Shahagarh & bina blocks of district .

Similarly Bina-Betwa link and Narmada–Sonar link project are also being

formulated after getting principal approval. If these river link projects are executed in Sagar

than Sagar district will serve the purpose of a Donor district to other district of bundelkhand in

terms of giving water for irrigation and other purposes .the Narmada River can be linked from

Myrgakheda in Raisen district to Sonar in kesli block and than water can be lifted to Dehar

for irrigation purpose in Damoh district. So Sagar can be a donar district for Tikamgarh,

Panna, Chhatarpur (Upcoming water demand of NTPC Plant) & Damoh.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 86

The proposed budget outlay for water resources department/Ministry is as under

Name of the



Ministry/ Departme



Activity Total Number/ Capacity


Command Area/ Irrigatio

n Potential


Period of Implementa

tion(5/7 Years)

Estimated Cost (in

Crore Rs)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

District Sagar



Major Irrigation 0 0 0 0

MoWR Total (major) 0 0 0 0

MoWR Medium Irrigation

MoWR Sonpur(Kesli) ongoing

1 6670 2016-17 102.32

MoWR Padkul(Jaisinagar) ongoing

1 3245 2016-18 101.96

MoWR Bamhori ghat(Jaisinagar)

1 6010 2017-20 269.57

MoWR Keth(Rehli) 1 4650 2017-21 116.51

MoWR Kopra(Rehli) 1 5750 2017-22 217.1

MoWR Kadan(Rahatgarh)

1 5652 2017-23 259.57

MoWR Surajpura(kesli) ongoing

1 2230 2016-17 46.54

MoWR Total(Medium) 7 34207 1113.57

MoWR Surface Minor Irrigation

64 6324 2016-2022 486.65

MoWR Total(Minor) 64 6324 486.65

MoWR Grand Total AIBP Componenet

71 40531 0 1600.22

MoWR RRR RRR of Water Bodies

52 3428 2016-2022 54.59

MoWR Total (RRR) 52 3428 54.59

MoWR Construction of Field Channels



Lined Field Channels and modernisation works in projects(includingWUG trg)

12 2896 2016-2022 25.53

Grand total Irrigation Deprtment 135 46855 1680.34

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 87

Watershed management and soil moisture conservation

The promotion of water conservation efforts has direct implications for water

resources availability, groundwater recharge and socio-economic conditions of the

population. Emphasis will be given on water resources conservations through watershed

development in suitable areas and development of micro-water structures for rainwater


As per the watershed atlas of the district the watershed in the district are prioritized as

very high, high, medium and low priority watershed for being taken up for soil and moisture

conservation measures in heavy runoff area. Upto March 2016 in all 26 watershed

development projects spreaded in about 263 villages of the district are in phase of

implementation which has come out with good results. Small water harvesting and water

conservation contributes a a lot in maintaining the water level in wells and tune wells as well

as ground water recharge through percolation of water from water harvesting structures. 12

new watershed projects are identified in district for watershed development works as per

common guidelines of Integrated watershed management progarmme being funded under

window of PMKSY-Watershed component by department of Land resources government of


Similarly the high priority watershed which are mostly in Ridges and ridges are in

forest area of the district are executed by forest department .The Ridge area treatment being

done by forest department has contributed a lot into increasing and maintaining water level in

valley area hence making water available in ground water sources even in summer season

for various needs.

PMKSY watershed component will be implemented in collaboration with forest

working plan for treatment of ridge area there after the first and second order drainages as

per the lineament and hydrological inputs given by the GIS techniques used while planning

for irrigation as per slope and drainage of the district.

This will also contribute to the availability of water to livestock and wild life as well as

cluster based green fodder development interventions in chain linked plantation of forest

having tree to tree spacing 2.5 to 4 meters which are done under bundelkhand package. The

district magistrate Sagar has given instructions to dug at least one pond and develop one

pasture in each village for ensuring availability of water and fodder to livestock in forth

coming 2 years, These are incorporated in the district irrigation Plan.

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 88

MGNREGS water conservation and agriculture development works

Department of rural development by participation of panchayat has identified the

repair works to be carried out in first three years and provision of maintainece of the works

completerd in forthcoming three years so as to retain the water holding and storage capacity

of water harvesting structures .The farm ponds, Field bunds, small Nala bunds and check

dams with water harvesting tanks also contribute a lot in ground water recharge and on farm

availability of moisture and water which certainly increases the irrigation potential of small

farmers at farm level. The new works and silting of old ponds and stop dams having

catchment area more that 4 km is proposed in first two years so as to create a short term

impact on ground water resources. The green fodder development interventions will also be

done by under MGNREGS which are proposed in block level irrigation plan for ensuring

fodder availability to livestock and hence creating backward linkage to dairy development

activity as a drought mitigation measure.

The overall budget proposed under ministry of Rural development is as under:











Activity Total


Command Area/

Irrigation Potential)h


Period of Implementation(5/7



Cost (in

Crore Rs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9











Newly Created Water harvesting structure (WHS)

DoLR-MoRD Farm Ponds 802 1684 2016-2022 20.05

DoLR-MoRD Check Dams /Stop dams 503 1408 2016-2022 31.19

DoLR-MoRD Nallah Bunds 712 570 2016-2022 22.78

DoLR-MoRD Percolation /Irrigation Tanks

492 590 2016-2022 25.58

DoLR-MoRD Other Ground Water Rechage Structure

2871 718 2016-2022 34.45

DoLR-MoRD Other interventoons(Agri prod enh & livelihood)

272 626 2016-2022 40.22

Total (All activities IWMP)

5652 5596 174.28




ence w

ith M




Newly Created

DoRD-MoRD Water Conservation 806 1451 49.97

DoRD-MoRD Water Harvesting 694 1666 2016-2022 56.91

DoRD-MoRD Creation of Irrigation canals ,diversion wiers and Distribution network

302 1540



DoRD-MoRD Providing infrastructure for Irrigation(Irrigation Well/Farm pond)

1453 4504 2016-2022


DoRD-MoRD Land Devlopment(Field bunding)

15906 1909 2016-2022


Total (New MGNREGS) 19161 11070 230.00

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 89

DoRD-MoRD Renovation

DoRD-MoRD Renovation of water bodies including desilting

1354 3235 2016-2022


DoRD-MoRD Total (Renovation

MGNREGS) 1354 3235 17.79

DoRD-MoRD Total (MGNREGS New + renovation) 20515 14305 247.79

DoRD-MoRD Top up required for MGNREGS material componenet in Stop dam /Linning work

1500 0 2016-2022 94.02

DoRD-MoRD Total Amount (MoRD-

DoRD) 341.81

Total Rural development Ministry 30970 516.09

Agriculture production enhancement and micro irrigation

As mentioned earlier that the water availability of water is increased due to

implementation of bundelkhand package in last 5 years now the district administration have

made area specific plan for soil and water management activities and micro irrigation through

new techniques of on farm development works by extension activities of agriculture


The soil health cards are being prepared in campaign mode in Sagar district upto

2017 all soil health cards will be distributed to farmers .As the soil health cards are being

distributed the suggestions regarding micro and macro nutrient managements regarding soil

deficiency are given to farmers .The area where soil health cards are distributed first are

taken into consideration for production enhancement activities with interventions of seed

replacement and other IPM and post harvet interventions to double the income of farmer

through proper use of NPK and by better crop alignment as per the soil health and

metrological forecast in the district through Kisan SMS by KVK. A software based application

for this purpose is already developed in which the datat regarding land holding water

availability and soil health will be linked with the metrological data of the area so that instant

contingent planbs may be prepared in seasons of Kharif,rabi and Zaid for maximizing

benefits and minimizing the effects of erratic rainfall or natural calamities.

The Pradhan mantri Fasal bima Youjna will also be linked to the soil the soil heath

card holders The crops of KCC holders will get insured by default through concerned banks

But now from this insurance scheme of low premium land high returns to mitigate the crop

related losses to farmers in future.This is laos taken up in district in Campaign mode in

leadership of Collector Shri Vikas Narwal sir.

The interventions in new techniques like laser leveling of land,OFDA,raised furrow

techniques are being promoted adopted and proposed in the district irrigation plan which is

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 90

complementary to the district agriculture plan of Sagar district.To promote precision and

micro irrigation Farmer filed schools based on Jal sinchan and Jal Sinchayan are planned

to be run in cluster area of National Mission for sustainable agriculture and other

interventions (Agriculture productivity enhancement) component of PMKSY-Watershed


Seeds, fertilizers and pesticides constitute the three pillars of modern agriculture and

have been central to pushing agricultural-productivity frontier out. The Green Revolution in

India was begun by the introduction of the high Yielding Varieties (HYV) of seeds

complemented by effective use of fertilizers and expansion of irrigation. Farmers often see a

direct connect between seeds and fertilizer on the one hand and crop yield on the other. So

seed replacement through NFSM,IWMP,RKVY.NMOP and PPKVY will be a simultaneous

process as a measure of production enhancement.

The ATMA governing body in leadership of Collector Sagar has also planned to establish 01

model farm of 10-20 acres in which all new techniques regarding agriculture, veterinary,

horticulture and agro-forestry will be reared and demonstrations and control plots will be

developed involving functional ,NGO‟s SHG and Farmer interest group in technical guidance

of the extension workers of various department trough ATMA Navachar funds etc with

major involvement of KVK and Regional Agriculture Research Centre Sagar . In these

model plots area wise crops specific interventions will be promoted and then inter block and

inter district exposure tours and training programmes will be organized at these model

demonstration plots only so that the extension and awareness can be promoted in local

language by local people in local condition by local extension workers of district and block

level line department nodal persons. This will certainly be an innovative approach in

agriculture technology management and extensions practices. NGO‟s (specially the

consulting NGO PRAJEEV) and WDT implementing watershed projects may be leader in

such type of activities.

The agriculture department will also take up activities under NMSA and RKVY for

ridge area treatment and multi dimensional approach involving dairy development,

Horticulture development, agro forestry, fishery and other allied activities in cluster approach

for sustainable agriculture practices. Soil and moisture conservation works in lusding

construction of Minor irrigation tanks will be done by soil conservation department under


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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 91

The overall budget proposed under department of agriculture and cooperation is as under:

S. No



Component Activity Total



Area/ Irrigati

on Potential)ha)

Period of Implementation (5/7 Yers)


Cost (in Crore Rs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Sagar MOA&FW-DAC&FW Per dorp

more corp (micro


Sprinrkler 6440 3220 2016-2022 14.17


Drip 6670 3335 2016-2022 57.36


Raingun 1234 1604 2016-2022 11.11

Sub Total(MI) 14344 8159 0 82.64


Per drop more crop

(Supplementary water

management activities )

Topping of MGNREGA 1367 3144 2016-2022 47.85


Drought proofing through check Dams / Water Harvesting Structures

1637 4093 2016-2022 62.21


Secondary Storage Structures

542 759 2016-2022 19.51


On Farm Development (distribution Pipe and /raised bed and furrow etc.)

8 Sagar MOA&FW

DAC&FW Laser leveling of land

3849 1925 2016-2022 21.17

9 Sagar MOA&FW


8340 3336 2016-2022 20.85

10 Sagar MOA&FW

DAC&FW Raised bed and furrow

3850 1155 2016-2022 8.47

Sub Total(OFD) 19585 14411 180.05



Per drop more

crop(Training and IEC)


3529 2016-2022 5.2935



Per drop more

crop(Training and IEC)

Exposure Tour

347 2016-2022 1.2145



Per drop more

crop(Training and IEC)

Other (FFS Jal Sinchan Jal Sanchayan )

155 2016-2022 0.3875

Sub Total (Trg) 4031 6.90

Grand total 33929 22570 269.58

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 92

Horticulture development and micro irrigation

The agriculture with irrigation predicted to remain the dominant user of water, “per

drop more crop” is an imperative. The efficiency of water use must improve to expand area

under irrigation while also conserving water. Over the years, there has been significant shift

in the sources of irrigation.

Low and erratic rainfall for consecutive years in these districts have rendered water-

harvesting structures devoid of water and the conservation measures almost unviable. The

water storage in reservoirs has depleted leading to scarcity of drinking water. The moisture

index in Sagar district is in the range of -65 to -50%, denoting that natural precipitation is

highly inadequate to support the arable cropping. Neither normal agricultural practices nor

the contingency measures may help the farmers. Hence Agriculture has to move from

traditional crop centric farming to agri-pastoral-farm forestry systems (fruit trees, shrubs,

perennial grasses,Dairy and small ruminants). There is a strong case of the promotion of

sources of livelihood support other than agriculture in Sagar district.

The method of irrigation followed in the district is flood irrigation, which results in a lot

of water loss. Greater efficiency in irrigation can be achieved through proper designing of

irrigation system for reducing water conveyance loss. Adoption of water saving technologies

such as sprinkler and drip irrigation system have proven extremely effective in not just water

conservation but also leading to higher yields by delivering water in a controlled manner in

parts of the plant where it is most efficiently absorbed. New agronomic practices like raised

bed planting, ridge-furrow method of sowing, sub-surface irrigation, precision farming offers

vast scope for economising water use. Horticulture clubbed with micro irrigation comes to be

a better and viable option in situations like of Sagar district The new techniques of

horticulture like mulching, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and irrigation by rain gun has

come up with very good results which involves less use of water and better productivity of

horticulture crops fulfilling the second objective of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee youjna

per drop more crop component especially in fruits and vegetables crops .The district

administration has now made the convergence of micro irrigation schemes to the farmers

who are getting subsidy for mulching, fruit, vegetable or spices plantation in future so that at

least horticulture activities extended in future should be on micro and precision irrigation


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Cluster for onion(Gourjhamar-Jaisinagar) , garlic(Deori-Kesli ) , turmeric(Kesli-Deori )

, coriander(Rehli) , chilly (Sagar-rehli ), tomato(sagar-rehli) , cauliflower(Sagar-Deori),

cabbage, carrot, bottlegurad cultivation as a farmers common intrest group activity are

identified in district in various blocks as per the interest of farmers and recommendations of

the arid horticulture research institute Reguwa Gadakota sagar under JNKVV Jabalpur

.Similarly the climate of the district is suitable for Aonla,Mango, Guava, lemon, Moringa

,pomegranate fruit plants .The fruit plantataion clusters are also identified and being

promoted with interventions of budding and other new techniques.

Skill development regarding horticulture is also done in Government budding and

horticulture training centre Kadta district sagar & at arid horticulture research institute

Reguwa Gadakota.

The overall budget proposed under Horticulture department is as under:-


District Department/Ministry


Activity Total


Command Area/

Irrigation Potential)


Period of Implementation(5/7 Yers)

Estimated Cost

(in Crore Rs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Sagar MOA&FW-Horticulture

Per drop more crop

(MI )

Non-DPAP Drip 9370 12181



2 MOA&FW-Horticulture

Non-DPAP Sprinkler

7670 16107 2016-2022


3 MOA&FW-Horticulture

Per drop more crop (On Farm Developm

ent )

On Farm Development



Mulching/Raised bed furrow/Poly house/Protected irrigation

4530 2265 2016-2022


MOA&FW-Horticulture Grand Total

21570 30553 165.20

Awareness & Capacity building

Water productivity can be improved by adopting the concept of multiple use of water,

which is beyond the conventional sectoral barriers of the productive sectors. There is scope

for increasing the income through crop diversification and integration of fish, poultry and

other enterprises in the farming system. Multiple use of water approach generates more

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 94

income benefits, decreases vulnerability by allowing more diversified livelihood strategies

and increases sustainability of ecosystem.

The district administration has planned to organize workshop and awareness

campaigns through the college and university students which may the the new generation

carrier of technology and traditions .As 60% of these are from a farmer headed family. The

water user association will also be trained by irrigation department for better maintenance of

canals and regulation of water for irrigation for getting more efficiency in irrigation and

minimizing water losses in irrigation(either by water logging or seepage).

ATMA will also perform extension activities during the pre and mid implementation

phase to farmers so that har khet ko pani and per drop more crop may be achieved .

The WDT of watershed project will also build capacity of the water user groups

through watershed committees for creating awareness regarding maintenanace of water

harvestic structures and on farm water conservation techniques to ensure soil and moisture

conservation for better productivity. Seed replacement and better pacakage of practices as

per suggested in soil health cards will be suggested to the farmers for productivity

enhancement and efficient use of water.

River revival

In past 20 years change in behavioral habits of society rivers are treated as drainage

and dump carriers .The importance of rivers is now in minds of every people foreseeing the

depletion in water table and the less availability of water for domestic use specially in rural


In old times all habitations are developed near rivers and river was the life line of the

day to day operations of man and society but due to negligence and improper care the rivers

have either got silted due to increased practice of soyabean cultivation in which the field

bunds are broken or dismantled by farmers to check water logging .In years of this practice

now we can see that all small rivulets and rivers area almost full of silt and unwanted dump


In sight of the large reservoirs built on Narmada River which originates from forest not

any glacier which is flowing through forest and continuing to be the life line of many districts

of Madhya Pradesh and Gujrat sate if India serving the purpose of irrigation and low cost

electricity generation in various areas of M.P and Gujrat the perception regarding rivers and

there revival is now changing in minds of the people in regions like bundelkhand.Now people

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 95

and public representatives are aware of river revival and conservation renovation of old water


Keeping in mind this changing mind set op people foreseeing the importance of water

the district administration has prepared plan for revivar of Gaderi, Dehar, Keth, Kopra

which are tributaries to a small and important river Sonar .these all originates from Sagar

district and the Sonar river joins as a tributary of Betwa rive which is again an important river

of Bundelkhand region serving the purpose of irrigation through big tanks and reservoirs and

M.P and U.P

Department of rural development in leadership of Collector Sagar has planned river

revival of Sonar river and its tributaries in a scientific manner with inputs of spatial

technology and GIS as a planning tool .The hydrology, geomorphology, soil profile, water

profile and other thematic maps are being prepared for the catchment area treatment of this

river and the change in contour pattern due to construction of tanks, reservoirs, roads in the

catchment and drainage area of these rivers.

The phase wise major activities proposed in river revival project are depicted in

table below:

S.No Proposed activity/intervention/work Benefit/outcome Phase

1 Baseline and benchmark survey of HH

in villages under catchment area of the


Present livelihood options,

agriculture methods, existing

private irrigation sources ,



2 GIS maps of the catchment area of river

for assessment of slope, soil profile,

drainage network, lythology.

geomorphology, hydrology etc

Technical input in preparing

action plan in phased manner

with better planning of runoff


Phase –I

3 Awareness campaign in villagers and

society regarding importance of river

revival and practices to be adopted,

habits to be changed for revival process

through local kala pathak dal and a holy

linkage with simealtaneous Arti

.agnihotra and Chunri rituals as a

local tradition to links peoples on all

ghats of the Sonar river every year with

Awareness and ethnic linkage

of people with campaign for

better implementation though

peoples participation and


Phase –I

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 96

wide media coverage involving public

representatives and Dharma gurus of

all religion.

4 Year wise Action plan for drainage line

treatment in ridge to valley pattern first

order/second order and third order

drainage treatment as per lineaments


Ridge to valley treatment will

restore the water availability

in river for a longer period in a


Phase –


5 Agriculture practices POP for replacing

use of fertilizers by organic manure for in

situ conservation of eco systemst and

ecology in upto 100 m band width in

drainage area of river and upto 500

meters in catchment villages as per

drainage contributing to river

The use of organic manure

and bio fertilizers with new

agriculture techniques will

restore the ecology of the

river resulting in rejuvenation

of water spots.


6 Plantation of fruit and other tree in

catchment area on contour lines as

contour line plantation and parallel to

drainage so as to restore soil and


Plantation of trees will act as

a catalyst in soil and moisture

conservation of the catchment

area resulting in water

conservation in roots and

hence increasing water

availability in river


7 Micro irrigation in the catchment area

villages through drip and sprinkler for

saving water

Less water will be used in

catchment area and hence

water will saved for river



8 Solid waste management in the

catchment area with ban on plastic and

increased use of vermin compost and

Nadep compost with check in draining

polluted materials in rivers specially in

The check in pollution in river

will certainly restore the

ecosystem of river both qua

and surface hence revival will

be done very fast .


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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 97

urban or semi urban periphery

9 Stop dams in series in the main drain of

the river with precise hydrological

parameters and survey and suitable site


The stop dams in series will

retain water for more time

reviving the river into



10 Desilting and repair of structures in the

catchment and drain and declaring the

river pollution free

Timely desliting and

maintenance of the structures

by janbhagidari will maintain

the revived condition of river .



. As per guidelines issued by government of India regarding PMKSY ,DIP is prepared

keeping in mind the four major components viz, AIBP, Har Khet ko Pani, PMKSY( Watershed

) and per drop more crop by preparing shelf of projects under various components with

consultations and incorporating valuable suggestions of Public representatives in

prioritization and phasing of works. The annual action plans will be drawn each year as per

demand and availability of funds to achieve the annual targets fixed for increasing irrigated

area and productivity enhancement complementary to implementation district agriculture


Implementation of plan will be done by the District level Implementation Committee

(DLIC) which will be free to assign and entrust execution of works under any funding head to

any line department or NGO/CSO as it seems technically competent as per the need and

situation of the area, block or district.

District level technical bench:-

In addition to the DLIC the advisory board there will be a district level technical bench

involving consultants, retired engineers, retired forest officials, retired revenue officials,

Research associates of the geology department of central University Sagar, Research

associates PG students of Civil department Govt. engineering college Sagar , retired official

of planning department, retired soil conservation officers, expert NGO‟s and more as

decided by DLIC in leadership of collector Sagar.

The technical bench or any group or person of the bench may be assigned works like

survey, DPR preparation, estimation, drawing, design of structures as per need to different

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PMKSY DIP,Sagar 98

departments during the start or implementation of work the technical bech may also be

assigned impact study or midterm evaluation for better suggestions for improving

Management information system to get good and desired results in due time.

Payments for these tasks, study, and evaluation may be done from contingency funds

or provision may be made in the estimate of works for such payments so that the technical

bench may give support to departments like forest and agriculture for civil works with

scientific inputs.

All the above will be major strategies in implementation of plan and if implemented in

timely manner the District irrigation plan will certainly come out with measurable outputs in

terms of increasing irrigation potential each year and productivity enhancement through

better irrigation techniques.

Monitoring and evaluation

The plan will be executed in phased manner as per the annual action plans prepared as per

prioritization of the works by public representatives and technical assessment by the

concerned technical department. The execution of works and their phasing may be changed

as per need. The District implementation committee will be empowered to finalize the annual

action plans or area specific plans.

The execution and progress of works will be monitored through web based a

management information system developed by NIC and also be a web application developed

at district level for PMKSY. The web application developed at district level will be linked with

Google earth platform for pin pointing the works with geo referencing and then monitoring the

phase wise change in the moisture content and water storage in any specific area or all with

help of Google earth.

The field level execution of works will be monitored by the senior officials of line

departments and the Sub divisional magistrates with joint teams of revenue, forest, irrigation

and Rural development department so as to resolve and suggest in issues related to forest,

revenue or Panchayat so that the start or completion of work should not be hindered by

obstacles of forest act,revenue encroachment or demarcation etc.
