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Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled...

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Prairie Primer State of Illinois Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Page 1: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

Prairie Primer

State of IllinoisIllinois Department of Natural Resources

Page 2: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

The exercises and activities included in this guide are designed to help teachers familiarize their students with the prairie and open habitat resources of Illinois. Although the materials are best suited for students in grades four through eight, most of the activities can be easily adapted to other grade levels.

Note to Teachers Students will need to record their answers to the questions and activities on a separate sheet of paper or in another format. Some of the pages are suitable for copying. Teachers in Illinois have permission to copy the pages for use with students in the classroom. They may not be used in any other manner or converted in any way without the written permission of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Equal opportunity to participate in programs of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and those funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other agencies is available to all individuals regardless of race, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion or other non-merit factors. If you believe you have been discriminated against, contact the funding source’s civil rights office and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, IDNR, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702-1271; 217/785-0067; TTY 217/782-9175.

Prairie Primer © 2020, Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Prairie Primer

Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois • 08/20 • DNR-ED-210010 • web

Page 3: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


A scientific name is the official name for eachorganism. It is assigned after careful research andis made up of two parts: the genus name (writtenfirst) and the species name.The name is always inLatin because when the naming process began,nearly all scientists understood the Latin language.The scientific name should be underlined or

italicized. Often, it tells you something about theorganism or someone who studied it. Listed beloware the common names of all the organismsmentioned in the Prairie Primer. It is your task tofind the most current scientific name for each one.You can use field guides, the Internet or otherresources to help you.

American bison ______________________________American carrion beetle________________________American toad ________________________________aphid ________________________________________badger________________________________________big bluestem __________________________________black-eyed Susan ______________________________blue-eyed grass ______________________________bumble bee __________________________________bur oak ______________________________________Canada goose ________________________________coyote ________________________________________crawfish frog __________________________________deer mouse __________________________________dickcissel ____________________________________digger wasp __________________________________downy gentian ________________________________earth star ____________________________________eastern cottontail ______________________________eastern meadowlark __________________________elk____________________________________________false indigo __________________________________flesh fly ______________________________________foxsnake ______________________________________Franklin’s ground squirrel ______________________gophersnake __________________________________greater prairie-chicken ________________________Indian grass __________________________________killdeer ______________________________________least shrew __________________________________least skipper butterfly __________________________little bluestem ________________________________little brown bat ________________________________loggerhead shrike ____________________________mound ant ____________________________________mourning dove________________________________needle grass __________________________________

New England aster ____________________________nodding wild rye ______________________________northern harrier ______________________________ornate box turtle ______________________________painted lady butterfly __________________________partridge pea__________________________________pasque-flower ________________________________plains pocket gopher __________________________prairie avens __________________________________prairie dropseed ______________________________prairie violet __________________________________prairie vole____________________________________prairie willow ________________________________praying mantis ________________________________puffball ______________________________________purple prairie clover __________________________racer ________________________________________rattlesnake master ____________________________red fox________________________________________red-legged grasshopper________________________robber fly ____________________________________rosinweed ____________________________________shooting-star__________________________________short-eared owl ______________________________side-oats grama ______________________________six-lined racerunner __________________________smallmouth salamander ______________________spotted cucumber beetle ______________________stiff goldenrod ________________________________striped skunk__________________________________switch grass __________________________________thirteen-lined ground squirrel __________________tumblebug ____________________________________turkey vulture ________________________________upland sandpiper______________________________white fringed orchid __________________________white-tailed deer ______________________________

Scientific Names

Page 4: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Dear Journal,

During December, the snow covered the prairie likea giant white blanket. Just the tops of the tallestgrasses, like big bluestem and Indian grass, pokedup through the snow to brave the winter wind. Onebright, sunny day, the white prairie floor wasglistening, and I found the tracks of a red fox andan eastern cottontail. Another day, I discovered asmall opening in the snow. The opening was thebeginning of a tiny tunnel that made a little bulgein the snow’s surface. I followed the bulge to thefoot of a bur oak tree at the edge of the prairie.Theteeth marks on the tree trunk told me that a prairievole had traveled through the tunnel and gnawedon the bark. As I walked home from the prairiethat afternoon, I was happy to be heading for agood dinner and a fire in the fireplace, but I wasdisappointed that another year had passed withoutseeing a northern harrier.

The snow melted in February. Without its pretty,white blanket, the prairie looked dark and bare. Iwaited for the big bird to come. The month ofMarch came, and the prairie began to awaken. Bythe 15th day of the month, the little pasque-flower’sblue-purple flowers brought the first splash ofcolor to the prairie. One month later, the first petalsof shooting-star burst loose to form beautiful pinkblossoms. I knew that many species of wildflowersand grasses would come into bloom every weekon the prairie until November. Soon the prairiewould be a warm world of lavender, green, indigo,pink, gold, crimson, orange and yellow. Yet evenwith all the excitement, I was still waiting to see thebig brown bird.

Finally, Journal, I saw one. I was out in the prairieearly this morning. The sun was just beginning to

Julia’s Journal

Page 5: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


rise, and the prairie grasses were covered with asilvery coating of frost. I had my usual equipment– a pair of binoculars, a field guide, a pencil, asketchbook and my laptop computer. I was walking

through some needle grass, when all of a suddenabout 20 feet ahead, a big bird lifted from theground and took off through the air. I could see thatit had a brown back and a streaked brown belly, butI couldn’t see if it had a white rump – the one clueI was really looking for. I was afraid I would scarethe bird away so I crouched down, waited andwatched.

The bird flew slow and low over the prairie. Myheart sank as it continued to fly away from me, butthen it dipped one of its slender wings a bit andmade a graceful turn back toward me.The flight ofthis bird was perfect. Once in a while it took a fewsoft strokes with its long, slender wings, but most

of the time it cruised through the air. Prairie birdshave vision eight times greater than people, and Icould tell that this bird had its eyes glued to theground looking for a bird or mouse for breakfast.

Suddenly, the bird stopped in mid-air and hoveredabout 10 feet over a shrub. I heard a rustle comingfrom the shrub, and I figured it was probably a deermouse hiding in the leaves. The patient bird kepthovering. Then in a flash of a second, I saw ameadowlark shoot out of the shrub like a rocket.The meadowlark was barely airborne when the bigbird snagged it with its razor-sharp talons. Thecaptor then rose in the air and flew across theprairie with its prey. I jumped up and tried to catchsight of the bird with my binoculars. It had turnedits wings down and was gliding to the ground.Before it disappeared into the grasses, I saw it – thebig clue – the white rump. I had finally seen anorthern harrier.

I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning.Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was apart of the prairie and its beauty. Just two feet tothe left of me, a prairie willow was in bloom, whileto my right, I could touch the tiny blue blossoms ofblue-eyed grass. With the tips of my toes I couldbarely nudge the green stalk of a prairie violet.Overhead, an upland sandpiper was flying high inthe sky. The entire prairie was listening to themusical trill of an American toad.

When I got to school that morning, I told myclassmates about seeing the northern harrier, andI showed them some of the drawings I made. Ourteacher asked me to tell more about the prairie, andI just couldn’t stop talking once I started my story.

Page 6: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


I began by telling the class about Illinois. Illinois iscalled “the Prairie State” because it lies on theeastern edge of what was once a vast grassland.The grassland stretched from Indiana to the RockyMountains and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

In the Illinois country, the grassland covered 21million acres of land. Most of the Illinois grasseswere tall varieties, like big bluestem and switchgrass. These tall grasses grew on the flat, levelland in the river bottoms along the Illinois andMississippi rivers. During summer and fall, the biggrasses grew up to 10 feet tall, and a person couldeasily get lost trying to walk through them. Not allof the grasses were so big. Mid-sized grasses suchas little bluestem and side-oats grama grew on thesteep slopes of river bluffs and on flat sandy plains.Many beautiful wildflowers, such as purple prairieclover and white fringed orchid, grew alongside thegrasses, making the Illinois country a colorful place.

When European explorers came to the Illinoiscountry in the 1600s, they were amazed at whatthey saw.They had seen oceans of water, but theyhad never seen land that looked like an ocean ofgrass. Since they had no word to call this land, theyused the French word “prairie,” which meansmeadow, to describe the great grassland ocean.

The Europeans were not the first people to see theprairie, though. Native Americans were living onthe prairie and had been for many years. Life on theprairie was not easy. It was hot and dry in summerand extremely cold in winter. Severe storms of rain,snow and sleet ravaged the land on a regular basis,and the great prairie wind blew strongly yearround. The land, though, was good to the NativeAmericans. They plowed small garden plots andraised crops of maize (corn), beans and squash inthe fertile prairie soil.Twice a year, once after springplanting and again in winter, the Native Americansmigrated to the best hunting grounds where theytook American bison, deer and small game. Lack-ing horses and guns, they chased game on foot andused spears and arrows as weapons. Often, they setthe prairie on fire to chase big herds of bison.

The Native Americans took only what they neededfrom the prairie. As a result, the prairie remainedan untamed place where people as well as wildlifethrived. Great herds of bison and elk roamed theprairie freely. In spring, millions of prairie-chickens“boomed” and danced on the ground whilemighty birds of prey, like the northern harrier andshort-eared owl, patrolled its skies.

When the first European settlers came to the Illinoiscountry in the early 1800s, they were impressedwith the beauty of the prairie.They had come fromthe eastern United States where the land wasrolling and covered with forests. Many of the settlersfelt hemmed in by the hills and trees, and as theywalked out onto the flat, sunny prairie and faced theprairie wind, they felt a rush of freedom.

Then, Journal, I shared with the class a letter I hadfound in an old book about the prairie.The letter waswritten by a woman named Lucinda Rutherford,shortly after she settled in eastern Illinois. Shewrote the letter to her mother in Pennsylvania totell her about the Illinois country.

Then, Journal, one of my classmates raised hishand and told the class about a poem his great-grandmother had written about the prairie. Thepoem, he said, told about how the prairie wouldcatch on fire and burn for miles. He asked me if thatwas true.

I answered that fire was very common on theprairie. Sometimes, the prairie fires were set byNative Americans to chase herds of bison. Othertimes, lightning struck the grasses, and like amatch, set the prairie ablaze. Records show that 50

“The prairies here aredelightful, they are from12 to 20 miles wide, and150 long, instead of thetimber surroundingthem, they surroundthe timber, at thisseason they are mostbeautiful.The greengrass has sprung upand covered the wholebosom of these wastes;with that grass theresprings up a multitudeof flowers of everyhue, form, and scent.It is delightful to rideover this level land andevery step, trampingthose gems of natureunderfoot.Theirbeautiful heads canbe seen as far as theeye can reach wavingin the summer wind.”

Page 7: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


to 60 square miles of prairie would burn at onetime.The flames would rise up to 40 feet high, andthe entire sky as far as one could see would bebright red. The wind drove the flames like giantwaves over the prairie. Remember how theEuropean explorers thought the prairie looked likean ocean of grasses?Well, the prairie on fire lookedlike an ocean of fire.

Another friend asked a good question. She wantedto know why fire didn’t destroy the prairie. I toldher that fire is the best friend of the prairie. Fireburns any young trees trying to grow on theprairie. If those trees were allowed to grow, theywould soon overshadow the prairie grasses, andthe prairie would become a forest. Fire helps theprairie in other ways, too. It burns off the dead layersof grasses, thereby clearing the prairie floor so thatthe delicate stems of new plants will have room togrow. In the ashes left by the fire there are importantnutrient elements. Those nutrient elements enterthe soil and are used to help new plants grow.

Prairie plants, unlike trees, can survive fire. Idiscovered how prairie plants survive fire bystudying prairie dropseed, and I showed theclass this page from my sketchbook.

Sharon raised her hand and asked, “If prairie plantsare so good at surviving, why isn’t there moreprairie in Illinois? I’ve never seen a prairie.”Then,

Journal, I had to tell the class a sad story. I had totell how the Illinois prairie met something muchmore ferocious than fire – the plow.

Settlers brought the plow to the Illinois country inthe early 1800s. They thought the prairie wasmagnificent, but they needed crops to feed theirfamily and were afraid of prairie wildfires. Prairiefires often engulfed people, houses, barns andlivestock. Settlers worked hard to come to Illinois,and they were determined to tame the land andmake it work for them. So, the settlers “broke” theprairie by plowing up the prairie grasses andwildflowers and planting seeds of corn and wheat.If they didn’t plow a piece of prairie, they grazedcows on it.The delicate prairie plants soon became“eaten out.” The hungry cows broke the prairie assurely as the sharp blades of the steel plow.

As more and more settlers arrived, the prairie andits native peoples were doomed. By 1835, bisonhad fled their Illinois home for the still untamed landsof the west. About the same time, the last NativeAmericans were removed from their ancestralhome in Illinois and herded to western reservations.By 1860, nearly all of Illinois’ 21 million acres ofprairie had been cleared and were being used asfarmland, towns and roads. With the absence offire, trees were growing on many prairie patchesthat had escaped the plow.

Felicia raised her hand and said “but there must besome prairie left, you saw the northern harrier ina prairie.” I answered that there is some prairieleft in Illinois, about 2,000 acres. Fortunately, mostof this prairie is within Illinois Nature Preserves.The prairie I visit is in a nature preserve, and it isprotected by law from being plowed or harmed inany way. There are smaller tracts of prairie alongroadsides, railroad beds and in pioneer cemeteries.These little prairies are unprotected and can bedestroyed at any time. It is estimated that onlyone-hundredth of one percent of the prairie is leftin the prairie state.

By studying prairiedropseed, I havediscovered howprairie plantssurvive fire. Prairieplants keep 2/3 oftheir growth(buds and roots)underground. A400°F fire willburn off the partsof a plant (leaves,flowers and stems)above ground, butthe prairie soil keepsthe buds and rootscool and protectedfrom damage. Oncethe fire passes, thebuds and roots sendup new shoots. It’sa great system!

Page 8: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


After I told the class how much prairie is left inIllinois, Roberto said, “one hundredth of one percent,that’s not very much prairie – where do all of theprairie animals live?” I told him that some prairieanimals, like dickcissel, meadowlark and thirteen-lined ground squirrel, have been able to substituteother open grassy habitats for their prairie home.They have learned to live in pastures, old fields,grassy roadsides, cemeteries, golf courses,fencerows, parks and lawns.

Most prairie animals, however, have not been solucky. These animals, like the bison and elk, musthave a large prairie home to survive. They no

longer live in Illinois. Other animals, like theprairie-chicken, upland sandpiper and northernharrier, are endangered in Illinois. These animals,along with many prairie plants, are in danger ofextinction because there is so little prairie habitatleft for them.

Then, Journal, Ms. Wade asked the last questions.She wanted to know what is going to happen tothe prairies in Illinois and all the plants andanimals that live in them. Who is in charge oftaking care of our prairies?To answer Ms. Wade’squestion, I showed the class this page from mysketchbook.

What a special day on the prairie.I discovered the nest of six short

-eared owlets. I didn’t want to frighten

the little birds so I froze in thegrasses and watched. It was suc

h an amazing sight. As I stood there, I

realized I was seeing a wonder ofnature that many generations of

people who lived before me musthave

also seen. Those owlets and the prairie they live in, are my natural

heritage. I hope my children andtheir

children can share this natural heritage. As I crept away from th

e owlets, I knew I had not scared the

birds. I felt good about that, because it is up to the people, jus

t like me, to protect and care for the

prairie and its plants and animals. Our natural heritage is in our h


Answer the following questions.1. Describe differences in the prairie during the

months of December, February and March.

2. How was the perception of the prairies byEuropean settlers different from that of theNative Americans?

3. Why is fire important to the prairie?

4. Who is responsible for protecting our prairieheritage? How can we ensure that our prairiesare protected and preserved?

Page 9: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


What is a prairie ecosystem?A prairie ecosystem includes water, soil and air. Italso includes a variety of plants and animals.Thereare 63 species of plants and animals shown in thisprairie ecosystem illustration. Each of these plantsand animals has its own special place to live androle to play in the ecosystem. For example, theplains pocket gopher rarely sees daylight becauseit spends most of its life below ground diggingtunnels in search of plant roots for food. Thenorthern harrier lives its life in the open air, flyingabove the prairie searching for prey.

Plants have their own special places in theecosystem. For example, pasque-flower is a veryshort plant that cannot survive if it is shaded outby taller plants. Pasque-flower blooms in March,many weeks before the taller plants bloom. In thismanner, pasque-flower is able to take advantageof plenty of sunshine. By the time the taller plantsare in bloom, pasque-flower has completed its lifecycle for that year. The special place and role aplant or animal species has in an ecosystem iscalled its niche. By having its own niche, everyspecies is guaranteed its own space and share of

food, reducing competition between species andpreventing some species from being crowded out.

Even though different plants and animals in anecosystem have their own niche, they still have tolive together and share the resources. All of theplants and animals in the prairie ecosystem shownabove are living together as a cooperativecommunity. Each part of the ecosystem providesthings that other parts of the ecosystem need. Forexample, soil is a shelter for animals and a basefrom which plants can grow.Those plants providefood and cover for small animals.The small animalsare taken as prey by larger animals that also benefitfrom the cover provided by plants. Animals alsohelp plants. Insects carry pollen from one plant toanother, and birds that pick apart the fruits of plantshelp scatter seeds that will grow to be new plants.Natural elements such as sunlight, rain and wind alsohave important roles to play in the ecosystem. Sun-light supplies the energy plants need to grow, plantsand animals need water from rainfall, and the windcarries pollen and seeds of plants to new locations.

A PrairieEcosystem

Page 10: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


The Great Food ChaseFood is first produced in the ecosystem by plants.The plants are eaten by animals that in turn areeaten by other animals. The flow of food energyfrom a plant to an animal to another animal iscalled a food chain. In the prairie ecosystem, thereare many food chains. Here is an example of onefood chain.

In this food chain, the northern harrier is at the topof the chain. An animal at the top of its food chainhas no natural predators. Animals at the top oftheir food chain contribute to the chain when theydie.Their body is eaten by scavengers, such as theturkey vulture and American carrion beetle. Whenscavengers die, their body is consumed by fungiand bacteria. The fungi and bacteria break downthe body parts into important nutrient elements,such as carbon, nitrogen and potassium.The nutrientelements are stored in the soil until they are takeninto the roots of a plant and used to help the plantgrow.

Throughout this activity book you will be able tofollow the flow of food through a food chain in theprairie ecosystem. Each section of this unit willprovide a food chain box like the one shownbelow. On page 31 is an activity that will test yourunderstanding of the food chain process.

prairie avens

painted lady butterfly

least shrew

northern harrier

northern harrier


fungi and bacteria

prairie avens

The short-eared owlpreys upon the Franklin’sground squirrel. Foodenergy is transferredfrom the squirrelto the owl.

Page 11: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

Prairie Soil

The Role of Soil in the Prairie EcosystemThe tough prairie sod is a great conserver of waterand soil. When it rains on the prairie, the sod actslike a giant sponge catching and holding the rainwater. As a result, the amount of water runoff fromthe prairie is small compared to other lands wherethere is no strong network of roots to absorb therain.Those same roots also bind the soil tightly tothe earth, protecting it against erosion or the washingor blowing away of soil from the forces of waterand wind. Plant roots in the soil are strong andnumerous. A square yard of soil 4 inches deep maycontain roots that would stretch for 20 miles if theywere placed end to end.

In or on the prairie soil, as many as 641,000 fungiand more than 20 million bacteria per acre are atwork breaking down dead organisms into nutrientelements, such as carbon and nitrogen.The nutrient

elements are stored in the soil until they are takenin through the roots of plants. Dead materials arerecycled into nutrient elements that can be used tohelp plants grow, the process of nutrient elementcycling.

Prairie soil provides shelter. When harsh weatheror fire sweeps across the prairie, the roots andbuds of plants are safe in the soil.When plant partsabove ground wither and die in late summer andfall, the roots or buds live on. Animals, too, dependon the soil as a refuge. The deer mouse builds itssmall nest underground and hoards seeds forwinter use in burrows near its nest. The badgeruses its burrow in spring as a nest chamber whereit raises its young and sometimes in winter as aplace to sleep for several days, although it does nothibernate. Franklin’s ground squirrel hibernates inits burrow throughout the winter months. Manybirds, reptiles and amphibians also find refugeand/or food at the soil level.

Working with the Prairie Soil1. Explain what is meant by nutrient element

cycling. Why is it important?

2. Several prairie soil elements are shown on page12. On your paper, name the animal associatedwith each burrow (A, B, C, D).


The topsoil is made richby humus, decaying plantand animal materials.

The top layer of soil iscalled topsoil.

Millions of dead and livingroots form thick, roughmasses called sod.

The soil contains manytunnels and burrows foranimals.

Bacteria and fungi in the soil break down a turkeyvulture into nutrient elements. This food energy isstored in soil until taken into the roots of a plant.

The story of the prairie begins with its rich black soil.

Page 12: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


CLUE #1: The badger is 28-30” long fromhead to tip of tail.

CLUE #2: The least shrew is 2 1/2-3 1/8” long, and itsunderground tunnels are about 2” in diameter.

CLUE #3: The plains pocket gopher is 91/2-12 3/4” long. Itsburrow system, which includes a main nest and severalstorage chambers for food, is several hundred feet long.

CLUE #4: Franklin’s ground squirrel is 14-16” long. Itsburrow is usually about 3 inches in diameter and leadsto a larger next chamber.

digger wasptunnel

opening about3” in diameter

crawfish frogburrow

2” diameter

rootsof bigbluestem

roots ofside-oatsgrama



main nest

microscopic soil bacteria

commonmushroom earth star

mound antgallery





Page 13: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


The importance of grasses to the ecosystem beginsunderground. A massive network of grass rootsanchors the soil, preventing erosion. The roots,combined with the soil, form a tough mass calledsod that works like a sponge to absorb rain. Nutrientelements in dead grass roots remain in the soiluntil they are used by living plants.

Working with Prairie Grasses1. Describe the importance of grasses in prairies.

2. Several prairie grasses are shown on page 14.On your paper, name each grass.

3. Make a table to illustrate the height of the 8prairie grasses described in this activity.

big bluestem:This grass grows to a height of 8’ ormore. It begins growing in late April and flowers inlate summer.The seed head of its flower has threeparts, looking something like a "turkey's foot." Bigbluestem grows mainly in moist soil.

little bluestem: Reaching 2-4' tall, little bluestemgrows from May until the first frost in fall. Duringspring and summer, the bottom shoots of the plantare blue-green but by fall, they are a mixture of rustand gold. Its flowers are "feathery" and covered

with short, white hairs. Little bluestem grows inupland areas of dry to moist soil.

needle grass: This grass grows to 2-4' tall in drysoil. It begins growth in April and flowers by June.It is sometimes called "needle and thread" becauseof its pointed seed that is as sharp as a needle.

side-oats grama: Side-oats grama may reach 1-3'tall and flowers during the summer. Its small (1/4")"oatlike" seeds line up on one side of its stem, givingthis dry-soil grass its common name.

switch grass: A prominent nest of hairs where theleaf blade attaches to the stem helps to identifyswitch grass. It grows well in moist, bottomlandsoil and may reach 3-6’ in height.

Prairie Grasses

The Role of Grasses in the Prairie Ecosystem

A prairie looks like an ocean of grass.

Big bluestemgrows to be 8’tall or more.Grass speciesvary in height.

Switch grass can growto be 3-6’ tall in moistsoil. Different speciesof grasses grow indifferent types of soilaccording to moisture.

Side-oats gramagrows to be 1-3’ tall indry soil. Its “oatlike”seeds line up on oneside of its stem.

Above ground, grassesdominate the prairievegetation by taking upmost of the space.Below ground, fungi andbacteria break down thedead roots of grassesinto nutrient elementsthat make the prairiesoil very fertile.

Page 14: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

Indian grass: This 4-8' tall grass begins growing indry to moist soil about the first of May and flowersduring late July and August. Indian grass can beidentified by the presence of a clawlike structurewhere the leaf blade attaches to the stem.

nodding wild rye: Growing to 3 1/2’ at maturity, this

grass matures by July. Its dense flowers look likethey are nodding as they curve downward. Noddingwild rye grows in dry to moist soil.

prairie dropseed: This plant reaches 2-3’ tall andhas long, narrow leaf blades. Prairie dropseedgrows in dry soil and flowers in the fall.


needlelikeseed attachedto a long awnthat looks likea needle

nest ofhairswhereleafbladeattachesto stem

flowerslook as ifthey arenodding

seed head lookslike a turkey’sfoot

clawlikestructurewhereleaf bladeattachesto stem

“oatlike” seedsline up on oneside of stem

2-3’ tallwithlongnarrowleaves

blue-greenbottomshoots turnrust andgold in thefall




E. F. G. H.


Page 15: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Since forbs must occupy the same space on theprairie as grasses, they have adapted methods toguarantee their share of water and sunlight. Mostforbs send their roots deeper into the soil thangrass roots, allowing them to use water thegrasses cannot reach. The shortest forbs bloomearly in the spring before the grasses have hadtime to grow and overshadow them. During summerand fall, forbs flower that can stand as tall as or tallerthan the grasses.

Reaching tall enough to capture sunlight is not only

important for the survival of forbs, it is necessaryfor the well-being of the prairie ecosystem. Usingsunlight as energy, plants combine water andcarbon dioxide in the presence of chlorophyll tomake glucose (food molecules). The process ofmaking food molecules is photosynthesis. Sinceanimals cannot use the energy of the sun to makefood, animals depend upon plants as the foodproducers in the prairie ecosystem. Oxygen isproduced as a by-product during photosynthesis.Forbs and grasses produce most of the oxygen inthe prairie ecosystem.

Prairie Forbs

The Role of Forbs in the Prairie Ecosystem

Forbs are the wildflowers of the prairie.

Forbs, like this pasque-flower,may have colorful, showy flowers.Pasque-flower blooms in March.Different forb species come intobloom each week during thegrowing season.

New England aster, like most forbs, is aperennial, which means it lives from year toyear even though the above-ground parts ofthe plant die each fall. The undergroundparts, bulb and roots, live many years asthey are protected in the soil.

False indigo is aforb that beginsblooming in June inmoist soil. Differentforb species grow indifferent soil typesaccording to moisture.

Page 16: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

Like grasses, forbs contribute to the richness of theprairie soil.The legume forbs, those that produce abeanlike fruit, add nitrogen to the soil. When thedeep roots of forbs die and decay, they leavechannels in the soil that provide for the passage ofair and moisture.

Working with Prairie Forbs1. Describe the contributions that forbs make to the

prairie ecosystem.

2. For each of the 8 prairie forbs shown on pages16-17 that is not named, on your paper, list thefollowing items: its common name; the name ofthe month in which it blooms; and the type ofsoil it grows in.

downy gentian:This dry-soil forb grows to 8-16”tall, blooms in September and has deep blue,tubular-shaped flowers with five petals.

rattlesnake master: Growing 3-4' tall, this plantbegins blooming in July. It thrives in dry to moistsoil. The spherical flower clusters are white, hardand prickly.

shooting-star: Shooting-star grows in dry to wetsoil and begins blooming in April. Its petals arewhite to pink and curve sharply upward.This plantgrows from 8”-2’ tall.

partridge pea: Sandy soil is the preferred habitatfor this forb. It blooms in August and may grow to2’ or more in height. Unlike most legume forbs, itsflower is not pea-shaped but is very showy andyellow in color

New England aster:New England aster (18-40" tall)grows in moist soil and blooms in October. Itslarge, violet to red-purple flowers have a yellowcenter.

pasque-flower: This forb grows in dry soil andbegins blooming in March. Its leaves are deeply cutinto narrow lobes and are covered with long, silkyhairs.The plant reaches a height of 4-10.”

false indigo: False indigo grows in moist soil andmay reach 3 1/2’ in height. It begins blooming inJune. Its delicate pea-shaped flowers are white.

prairie avens: One of the short forbs, prairie avensgrows from 6-16" tall. It blooms in May and growsin dry to moist soil. The long, feathery hairs in itsseed head give it the look of a "puff of smoke."


Above ground, downy gentiantakes in sunlight through itsleaves. Using the sunlight asenergy, it conducts photosyn-thesis to make food energy inits tissues. This is how foodis first produced in theecosystem.

Below ground, downy gentiantakes in nutrient elementsfrom the soil. The gentian usesthe nutrient elements in theprocess of photosynthesis tomake food energy.

violet to red-purpleflowers with yellowcenters


A. B.

Page 17: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


deep blue, tubular-shapedflowers

white to pinkflowers curvedsharply upwards

long, featheryhairs of seedhead look like a“puff of smoke”

showy yellowflowers

deeply cut leavescovered with long,silky hairs

white, pea-shapedflowers

Moreprairie forbs











Page 18: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


The prairie ecosystem could not exist withoutthe important work performed by insects. Theirjobs include: 1) pollination; 2) food processing;3) decomposition of dead organisms; and 4) soiltillage.

Example 1: The gold and black bumble beedemonstrates how insects help carry out pollination.Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the malepart of a flower to the female part of another flower.The pollen fertilizes the seeds inside the ovary of thefemale flower, and they begin to ripen and mature.

Prairie Insects

The Role of Insects in the Prairie Ecosystem

The prairie is home for millions of insects.

The most commonprairie insects aredragonflies, wasps, ants,bees, grasshoppers,termites, beetles,aphids, butterflies,moths and flies.

Bee pollinating flower ofrattlesnake master.

Insects exist on the prairie in manyforms, first as immature stages andlater as adults. Immature insects maybe nymphs or larvae. Nymphs, such asthis immature grasshopper, look ratherlike their parents and grow by a seriesof molts until they reach the size ofthe adult. The development of anymph into an adult is called incompletemetamorphosis.

Larvae, such as this least skippercaterpillar, look nothing like theirparents. Larvae also grow by a seriesof molts, but then they rest as acomplete metamorphosis changes theminto an adult. This resting period isknown as the pupal stage. For its pupalstage, the least skipper caterpillarspins a protective cocoon where itchanges into a least skipper butterfly.

Page 19: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Wind carries the pollen of grasses, but most forbsdepend upon insects to move their pollen. Bees areattracted to the showy and fragrant flowers offorbs. When a bee settles into the flower, it beginsfeeding on the nectar and/or pollen of the flower.Some of the pollen rubs off onto the hairy body ofthe bee. When that same bee visits another flower,some of the pollen from the first flower rubs offonto the second. Without the help of the bumblebee and other insects that feed on pollen and nectar,pollination would not be possible, and most plantswould not be able to reproduce. Both plants andinsects benefit.

Example 2: The red-legged grasshopper showshow insects process food on the prairie. Forbs andgrasses are the primary producers of food energy.The red-legged grasshopper makes direct use ofthat energy by eating grasses and leaves of forbs.With the plant food it eats, the grasshopper buildstissues in its body. Eventually, the grasshopper willbe eaten by another animal, maybe the Americantoad.When that happens, the food energy that wasonce in the plant eaten by the grasshopper istransferred to the toad. Because the grasshopperand many other insects process plant food intoanimal food, they are said to be the primaryconsumers in the ecosystem. It is important tonote, however, that some insects prey upon otherinsects.The praying mantis, for example, is a fiercepredator of other insects.Thus, some insects are notprimary consumers but rather secondary consumers.

Example 3: The small American carrion beetledemonstrates how insects help decompose organicmaterial.The adult beetle flies about the prairie andlocates a dead animal by scent. The adult landsbeside the body, crawls into the soil beneath it andlays eggs. The eggs hatch in a few days, and thelarvae feed on the carcass until nothing is left butnutrient elements.The nutrient elements are storedin the soil until they are taken into the roots of

plants. In this way the carrion beetle and all otherscavenger insects help with the decomposition ofdead material. In addition to cleaning up rottingdebris, these insects help recycle nutrient elements.

Example 4:The tiny mound ant demonstrates howinsects till the soil. Mound ants dig elaborate tunnelsleading to galleries in the soil. In the galleries, theants live in a colony that includes a queen ant andworker ants who attend to the larvae. The moundants and all other insects that burrow into the soilhelp keep the soil loose enough to absorb waterand air.

Working with Prairie Insects1. Explain how nymphs mature into adults and how

larvae mature into adults.

2. On page 20 are illustrations of 14 insects. Writethe common name of each insect on your paper.For each insect, also indicate which of thefollowing ecosystem tasks it performs. If boththe immature and the adult insect are described,base your answer upon the activities of both.

1) pollination2) food processing3) decomposition4) soil tillage

flesh fly:This black fly has gray markings. Its larvaefeed on decaying vegetation and dead animal parts.The adult feeds on flower nectar.

robber fly:The robber fly is a fierce predator. It cancapture another insect on the wing, drop to theground and suck the prey dry in a matter of seconds.The larva of the robber fly is also a predator, feedingon tiny insects in the soil.

least skipper butterfly:This golden-brown butterflysips nectar from flowers and also eats decayingplant materials.

painted lady butterfly: Orange to gray wings thatare marked by splashes of pink, black markingsand white spots help to identify the painted ladybutterfly. It visits the flowers of prairie forbs as itsearches for nectar.

spotted cucumber beetle: The green-yellow spottedcucumber beetle is covered with 11 black spots. Itslarvae feed on dead roots of grasses and forbs,while the adult eats leaves and flowers of forbs.

The red-leggedgrasshopper eats theleaves of the downygentian. The foodmolecules in the plantare transferred tothe grasshopper.

Page 20: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

digger wasp:This hairy, black wasp has red-orangemarkings on its abdomen.The adult wasp feeds onflower nectar. The female adult burrows into thesoil in search of beetle larvae, sometimes tunnelinga few feet deep. Upon finding a beetle larva, itstings it and then digs a tiny cell around the body.It then lays one egg on the back of the beetle larva.When the wasp larva emerges, it feeds on the bodyof the beetle larva.

aphid: This small, pear-shaped insect sucks liquidsfrom plant stems and leaves.The aphid dischargesa clear, watery liquid, called honeydew. Ants feedon the honeydew.

praying mantis: The folded forelegs of this green

insect give the impression it is “praying.” It actuallyuses the legs to prey upon grasshoppers, crickets,bees, caterpillars and flies. The nymph also preysupon other animals, including plant lice.

least skipper caterpillar: This larva is grass-greenwith a dark-brown head. It moves up and downgrasses, munching on the tender shoots as it goes.

tumblebug: The 3/4" black, adult tumblebug issometimes tinged with green or copper.The maleand female adults roll a ball of animal dung acrossthe prairie. After the dung is pressed and round,they dig a tunnel in the soil and drag the ball ofdung into it. The female then lays an egg on thedung.When the larva hatches, it feeds on the dung.

Prairie Insects


hairy and black,red-orangemarkings

golden brown,sips flowernectar

marked bysplashes ofpink, blackand white

black and gold,important inpollination forelegs look like

praying hands

brown fly,fierce predator

pear-shapedbody, dischargeshoneydew dull black,

buries dung

has 11 black spotstiny black ant, bur-rows tunnels

black flywith graymarkings


grass-greencoloration,dark brown head

one inch long,red-green

A. B. D.


F. G.


I. J. K.

L.M. N.


Page 21: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Amphibians and reptiles play important roles in theecosystem. As predators, amphibians and reptileshelp control populations of insects and rodents. Asprey, they serve as food for birds, mammals andother amphibians and reptiles.

Working with PrairieAmphibians/Reptiles1. Explain how amphibians exist in two forms. Do

reptiles have two forms?

2. On page 23 are illustrations of 8 prairie amphibiansand reptiles. Read the following descriptionscarefully. On your paper, list the common nameof each species. Also list all the sheltered locationsthat each of these animals finds for itself, itseggs and its young.

Prairie Amphibians and Reptiles

The Role of Amphibians and Reptilesin the Prairie Ecosystem

Amphibians and reptiles bring music and variety to the prairie.

Though reptiles do not vocalize asmuch as toads and frogs, they arenot always silent. The gophersnakevibrates its tail and hisses loudlyif threatened.

Some amphibians such asthe crawfish frog are quitemusical. This frog producesa deep, roaring, snorelikemating call in spring.

Amphibians, such as theAmerican toad, exist intwo forms, first as a larva(the tadpole) and aftermetamorphosis as an adult.Amphibians lay eggs inwater.

Reptiles lay eggs on land.Young reptiles have asimilar appearance tothe adults althoughtheir coloration maybe different.

The Americantoad preys uponthe red-leggedgrasshopper. Foodenergy in thegrasshopper istransferred tothe toad.

Page 22: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

racer: This slender, blue snake has a white chin andthroat and is from 36-60" long. It often stays undera rock but will climb a shrub or take to the water ifbeing pursued or searching for food. The racerpreys upon insects, amphibians, reptiles and smallbirds and mammals. In June and July, the racerlays its 19 to 25 white eggs under a rock.

ornate box turtle:This dark brown (4-5") turtle isdecorated with golden lines radiating outwardfrom the middle of its shell. It carries one of itsshelters with it. If threatened, it pulls in its head andfeet and closes its shell so tightly that the pryingbeak, claws or teeth of a predator cannot get in. Inspring, the turtle crawls out of its burrow in the soil.By June and July, the female buries her clutch ofeggs in the soil.The turtle travels across the prairiefloor in search of fungi, fruits, seeds and tiny animals.In the severe heat of midsummer, it seeks refugeby burrowing into the soil. During fall, the turtleemerges again for several weeks, and the youngturtles hatch. As the days turn colder, the turtlebegins digging into the soil a short distance eachday. By the time of the first freeze, the turtle hasworked its way deep enough in the soil to avoidfreezing.

American toad: During the day, this brown to olivetoad (2-3 1/2”) hides in thick clumps of grass stems.At dusk, it ventures out to feed on insects andworms. The female lays several thousand eggs inlong strings in the bottom of a prairie pond. In onlya week's time, small, black tadpoles hatch. Thesetadpoles have gills and swim about looking for tinyaquatic plants and animals for food. When theytransform into adults, they lose their gills and tail,breathe with lungs and live on land.

foxsnake: This yellow-gray snake is marked withred-brown spots and may be 36-50" long. In searchof small mammals and birds, the foxsnake makesits way about the prairie floor. Occasionally, it restsin a clump of grasses. Other times, the agile snakemay climb a dead standing tree or stump at theedge of the prairie and find shelter underneath theloose bark. The female snake lays her eggs in thesoil beneath a rock and hatching occurs in latesummer.

smallmouth salamander:This salamander (4 1/2-7")is named for its tiny mouth and head. Its skin isdark brown to black and marked by gray-yellowpatches.The adult salamander finds shelter in thesoil beneath rocks. At night, it travels the prairiefloor in search of earthworms, slugs and insects,

sticking close to the protective cover of thevegetation. In spring the female finds a pond orditch and deposits a sticky mass containing 6-30eggs onto the stem of an aquatic plant. The eggshatch in a few days. Larvae stay in the water, oftenseeking shelter beneath rocks, until they havetransformed into adults, usually by July.

gophersnake: This large (50-72") yellow snake ismarked by dark-colored blotches. The powerfulgophersnake travels about the prairie in search ofsmall birds and mammals. It ambushes its preyfrom a hiding place, like a clump of grasses ormammal burrow.The gophersnake is a constrictor.It wraps tightly around its prey to keep it frombreathing until the prey eventually dies. Thegophersnake helps control rodent populations.Gophersnake eggs are often laid beneath a rock.


Page 23: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

crawfish frog: This cream-colored frog (2 1/2-4 1/2”)with black spots only ventures above ground duringthe spring mating season. The crawfish froghibernates in soil beneath a pond during winter. Insummer and fall, it lives by day inside a crayfishhole dug into a pond bank. At night, the frog dartsout to capture crayfish and aquatic insects. Thefemale frog lays 5,000 eggs in shallow water andoccasionally attaches the egg mass to the stems ofplants.The larvae swim in the water, finding refugefrom time to time under decaying vegetation untilthey have transformed into frogs by July.

six-lined racerunner:This olive-gray to brown lizard(6-9 1/2") has six lightly colored stripes from its headto the base of its tail. The racerunner is often seenduring the day basking on a rock. On cool days, thelizard seeks shelter beneath a rock.The racerunner isa quick predator and has little problem snaggingspiders. Racerunner eggs are sheltered in the soiluntil they hatch in July.


dark brown,gold lines on shell

slender blue,white chin andthroat

yellow-gray,red brownspots

dark brown to black,gray-yellow patches

brown to olive,2-31/2” long

olive-grayto brown,six stripes

cream-colored,black spots

50-72” yellow, dark blotches

A. B.

D. E. F.

G. H.


Page 24: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Birds help the ecosystem function smoothly. Birdsthat pick apart the fruits of plants scatter the seedsthat will someday grow as new plants. Birds thateat only plant parts are herbivores.

Other birds on the prairie eat both plant parts andanimals. These birds, known as omnivores, are

important because not only do they help scatterseeds, but they also help control insect populations.

Birds of the prairie that are equipped with sharptalons and/or beaks are usually carnivores, meaningthat they eat other animals.

Prairie Birds

The Role of Birds in the Prairie Ecosystem

The chunky brown meadowlarksports a brilliant yellow throatand vest crossed by a black “V.”When this bird flies, two broadpatches of white can be seen oneither side of the tail.

The song of the upland sandpiperis one of the most beautiful andmysterious sounds on the prairie.While circling slowly in the sky,the sandpiper sings a long rollingwhistle: whoo/eeeeee whee/ooooo.

In the morning and late afternoon,the short-eared owl patrols theprairie on silent wings. If it spotsprey, it may hover and drop, or itmay snatch prey from the groundand pass on without even checkingits speed, so swift and skillful isits stroke.

Page 25: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Birds not only take from the prairie food supply,they add to it. Small birds, like the meadowlark andthe dickcissel make their contribution when theyare preyed upon by a larger bird or mammal. Largebirds, like the northern harrier or short-eared owl,make their contribution when they die. At that time,their body serves as food for scavengers, such asthe turkey vulture. The body parts not eaten byscavengers decay and add nutrients to the prairie soil.

Working with Prairie Birds1. Describe the color of the meadowlark, the move-

ment of the short-eared owl, and the song of theupland sandpiper.

2. Several prairie birds are shown on page 26. Adescription for each bird is provided below. Onyour paper, list the common name of each bird.Tell whether each bird is an omnivore, carnivoreor herbivore. Describe the location of its nest.

mourning dove:This handsome bird (12”) is mostlygray to brown with white spots on its tail. It feedson the seeds of plants and builds its nest in shrubsor trees at the edge of the prairie.

upland sandpiper: This brown bird (11 1/2”) has awhite belly streaked with black. When not flying ortending to its nest on the ground, it commonlyperches on a fence post. It eats insects, worms andplant seeds.

Canada goose:This large bird (16-25”) has a blackhead and neck with a white patch, or "chinstrap,"on the side of the head. The Canada goose feedson plant parts, especially roots, and builds its neston the ground near water.

dickcissel: The male dickcissel (6-7”) has a black“bib” on a yellow chest.The female is much palerin color and has just a touch of yellow on the chest.This bird feeds on insects and plant parts. It nestsnear or on the ground.

killdeer:This brown-backed, white-bellied bird (9-11”)can be identified by two black breast bands and itsloud shrill call: “kill-dee, kill-dee.”The killdeer feedson insects, worms and snails and makes its nest ina small hollow on the ground.

eastern meadowlark: The eastern meadowlark (9”)eats insects and plant parts and builds its nest onthe ground.

greater prairie-chicken:This large bird (17-18”) isbrown with dark bars.The male has an orange airsac on each side of the neck. During courtship,the male inflates the air sacs and then releases theair, creating “oo-loo-woo” sounds, known as"booming." The greater prairie-chicken feeds oninsects and plant parts and nests on the ground.

loggerhead shrike:This gray, black and white bird(9”) has a black mask.The loggerhead shrike preysonly upon animals, including insects, reptiles,amphibians, birds and small mammals. Lackingsharp talons to hold its food, the shrike hangs thebody of its prey on a thorn or fence barb so it cantear away at the flesh with its bill. The logger-head shrike builds its nest in a shrub or small tree.

turkey vulture: This black bird (26-32”) soars onwings that spread 6 feet. It has a red head. Thevulture is the clean-up bird of the prairie, feedingupon dead animals. It nests on the ground.

short-eared owl: This streaked brown owl (13-17”) isnamed for the 2 short tufts of feathers on its forehead.It preys upon insects, amphibians, reptiles, birdsand small mammals and nests on the ground.

northern harrier:The female northern harrier (17 1/2-24”) is streaked brown. The male is gray. Bothbirds have a white rump patch that is visible inflight.This slim hawk hunts low over the ground forinsects, reptiles, amphibians, birds and smallmammals. It nests on the ground.

This turkey vulture isfeeding on the bodyof a short-eared owl.Food energy istransferred from theowl to thevulture.

The short-eared owlpreys upon the Franklin’sground squirrel. Foodenergy is transferredfrom the squirrelto the owl.

Page 26: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


black bib onyellow chest

black head and neck,“chinstrap” on sideof head

2 blackbreast bands

brown, whitebelly streakedwith black brown, pointed

tail with whitespots

brown, yellowthroat and breast,black “V” crosses


black, 6 foot wing span

streaked brown,two short feather

tufts onhead

male has orangeair sacs

gray, black and white, black mask

streaked brown or gray,white rump









J. K.


Page 27: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


Mammals are vital to the flow of food energy in theprairie ecosystem. Some mammals, like thebadger, coyote and red fox, are predators, keepinginsect and rodent populations under control. Othermammals, like the eastern cottontail and prairie vole,are important food sources for other members ofthe ecosystem. Still other mammals, such as thelittle brown bat and Franklin's ground squirrel, areimportant as both predators and prey.

The niche of an animal is very important because itguarantees each species a place to live and food toeat. With each species having its own niche, thereis less competition between species for space andfood. If an animal loses its niche, it cannot survive.To define the niche of an animal, one must considerwhere, when and how it travels, what it eats and

what eats it, when and where its young are bornand what defenses it has against predators.Althoughthe niche of some species may be somewhat similar,they are never exactly the same. Each species hasits own special chance for survival.

Prairie Mammals

The Role of Mammals in the Prairie Ecosystem

Prairie mammals vary greatly in size eventhough the largest ones havevanished from Illinois.

Small mammals, likethe prairie vole andFranklin’s groundsquirrel, are alsorepresented on theprairie. Regardlessof size, each mammalspecies has its ownspecial place to liveand role to play in theprairie ecosystem.That special placeand role is thespecies’ niche in theecosystem.

The American bison and elk wereonce the largest mammals on theIllinois prairie. During settlementof Illinois, however, huge numbersof bison and elk were killed bypeople, and the prairie was plowedand converted to farmland andcities. Bison and elk vanishedfrom Illinois.

Medium-sized mammals, such as thecoyote, red fox and badger, areamong the largest mammals on theprairie that remains in Illinois.

The Franklin’s groundsquirrel captures anAmerican toad. Foodenergy is transferredfrom the toad to theground squirrel.

Page 28: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

Working with Prairie Mammals1. Name two mammals that are important both as

food sources and predators.

2. On your paper, describe the niche of each thebadger and the red fox. Be sure to includeinformation about habitat, food, shelter andpredators.

3. On your paper, write the common name of eachof the mammals on page 30. After reading thedescriptions on page 29, also briefly describe theniche of each species.


Short-bodied and short-legged, thebadger lives in a burrow beneath theground. During spring it uses its burrowas a nest chamber to bear andraise its young.

When night falls on the prairie,the badger surfaces from itsburrow to stalk its prey.

With its strength and sharp teethand claws, the badger defends itselfagainst all predators, except man.

If it smells a ground squirrel or mouse, itbegins digging with its stout claws. Becauseof its tireless energy and amazing speed, itcan catch most of its prey before they canescape their burrows.

By day this handsome,yellow-red fox sleepsconcealed in a clumpof grasses.

Four to nine young foxes, called“kits,” are born in March andraised in an underground den.

It defends itself against enemies with its speedand cunning. It is taken by only a few predators,including man.

At night, the fox travelsthe prairie stalking its preyof rabbits, mice, birds andinsects. Once prey is spotted,the fox takes slow, deliberatesteps or crouches and wigglestoward it. It then rushes itsvictim and kills it with a bitefrom its powerful jaws. Insummer, the fox also feedson plant berries.


red fox

Page 29: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


little brown bat:The body of this mammal (31/8-3 3/4”)is covered with fur, but the tail membrane ears andwings are nearly free of hair. During winter, this bathibernates in caves but in spring and summer, itlives in a variety of habitats, including prairies.Theedge of a prairie is where a little brown bat mightroost beneath the loose bark of a tree. At sunset,the bat flies across the prairie to capture insects.The little brown, like all bats, navigates by meansof a sonar system. As the bat flies, it emits ultra-sonic sounds. The bat hears the echoes thosesounds make as they hit objects. The bat thenknows to steer clear of the object. Young bats areborn in spring.They cling to the breast of the femalewho hangs by her hind feet in any place that affordsshelter. When the female leaves to hunt for food,the young bats hang by themselves. The littlebrown defends itself against predators by flyingskillfully and swiftly. Sometimes a hawk, owl orweasel will catch this bat.

Franklin's ground squirrel: Standing 8 1/2-9 1/2" tall,this mammal is mostly gray in color with blackspecks on its back. The underground burrow ofFranklin's ground squirrel would most probably beat the prairie’s edge. It spends 90 percent of its timein its burrow, resting at night through the warmmonths and hibernating during the winter. Duringthe bright daylight hours, it feeds on grasses andwildflowers. It can also take animal food, includingtoads, frogs, insects, mice, bird eggs and youngrabbits. Four to five young ground squirrels areborn about mid-May and raised in a nest chamberof the burrow. Though Franklin’s ground squirrelprotects itself by sticking close to its burrow andheavy cover, it is preyed upon by many predatorsincluding hawks and badgers.

prairie vole:The upper parts of this vole (4 1/2- 6")are mostly brown-gray while the under parts arewashed with yellow or rust. Winter and summer,night and day, the prairie vole tunnels out surfacerunways that have been known to cover 160 feet.While traveling through these runways, usuallyeither right at the surface of the prairie or a fewinches beneath, the vole finds bits of grasses,seeds and roots for food. These surface runwayslead to deeper, underground burrows where thevole has a nest and storage chambers for food.Because the vole can do little to defend itself, itrarely lives longer than one year without beingeaten by a hawk, owl or fox. Since prairie voles areso heavily preyed upon they must reproduce quickly

and in large numbers. The female vole produceslitters of 3 to 6 young throughout the year exceptduring the coldest months. A female vole is readyto start a new family at the age of 3 to 4 weeks.

plains pocket gopher:This gray to black gopher (91/2-123/4") lives almost continuously in burrows that runfor several hundred feet just beneath the prairiefloor. The burrows contain storage chambers forfood, a main nest chamber and many side tunnelsthat lead to plant roots. Only rarely does the gophersurface from its burrow to search for stems andleaves to eat. It has adapted certain physical traitsto help it move about in its dark, narrow burrows.It has a highly sensitive tail which acts like a guidewhen it backs down a tunnel. Its loose skin andvelvety soft fur allow it to turn around in a tightspace. Its lips can close behind its front teeth, thuskeeping dirt out of its mouth as it is gouging outsoil or cutting roots. Its long, curved claws are usedto dig and push dirt from the burrows. The gopherprotects itself by keeping the entrance to its burrowsolidly blocked with plugs of dirt at nearly all times.For badgers and some snakes, however, thisprotective door is no obstacle.

coyote: From its muzzle to the tip of its bushy tailthe coyote is 44-54" long.The fur along the coyote'sback is gray, but its breast and belly fur is white orcream-colored. By night, the coyote may travelmany miles in search of prey, usually rabbits andmice but also birds, insects, plants, fruits and deadanimals.

striped skunk:This black and white, short-leggedanimal is 22-26" long. Usually at night, the skunkdigs into the soil where it finds insects, mice,moles, shrews and young rabbits for food. It fendsoff most enemies by shooting out a bad-smellingstream of fluid, or "musk," from glands located oneach side of its anus.

eastern cottontail: From its brown nose to itspowder-puff tail, the eastern cottontail rabbit is 151/2-18" long. The upper part of its body is buff torust-brown, and the under parts, except for thebuff-colored throat, are white. The cottontail eatsthe stems of wildflowers and grasses.

least shrew:This tiny brown shrew (3”) hunts dayand night for insects, worms and the dead bodiesof small animals.

Page 30: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


gray, 44 to 54” long,hunts by night yellow-red stalks prey by night

gray to black, adaptedto live underground

3” long brown,travels in tinyburrows

stout-bodied, short-legged,digs for prey

black and white, unusualand powerful defensestrategy

brown, guides itself bysonar system

gray with black specks,hunts by day

buff to rust-brown,feeds morning andlate afternoon

brown-gray, travelslong surfacerunways



D. E.



H. I. J.


Page 31: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.


The illustrations on this page show the steps in a simple prairie food chain. Number them in sequence fromone (capturing sunlight) through seven (decomposition).

Prairie Food Chain

The short-eared owlpreys upon the Franklin’sground squirrel. Foodenergy is transferredfrom the squirrelto the owl.

Bacteria and fungi in the soil break down a turkeyvulture into nutrient elements. This food energy isstored in soil until taken into the roots of a plant.

Above ground, downy gentiantakes in sunlight through itsleaves. Using the sunlight asenergy, it conducts photosyn-thesis to make food energy inits tissues. This is how foodis first produced in theecosystem.

Below ground, downy gentiantakes in nutrient elementsfrom the soil. The gentian usesthe nutrient elements in theprocess of photosynthesis tomake food energy.

The red-leggedgrasshopper eats theleaves of the downygentian. The foodmolecules in the plantare transferred tothe grasshopper.

The Americantoad preys uponthe red-leggedgrasshopper. Foodenergy in thegrasshopper istransferred tothe toad.

The Franklin’s groundsquirrel captures anAmerican toad. Foodenergy is transferredfrom the toad to theground squirrel.

This turkey vulture isfeeding on the bodyof a short-eared owl.Food energy istransferred from theowl to thevulture.

Food chain link no. ______

Food chain link no. ______

Food chain link no. ______

Food chain link no. ______Food chain link no. ______

Food chain link no. ______ Food chain link no. ______

Page 32: Prairie Primer activity book - MatID 744I sat down in the grass. It was a wonderful morning. Nestled there in the needle grass, I felt like I was a part of the prairie and its beauty.

Illinois Department of Natural ResourcesDivision of Education

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