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Pranayama yoga 101

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Pranayam 101 Version 5d – 11/23//2011
Page 1: Pranayama yoga 101

 Pranayam  101  



Version 5d – 11/23//2011

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24  minutes  of  Yoga  

•  h6ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pruHKYyVrN4  

•  Or  •  h"p://&nyurl.com/24Yoga  

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How  to  get  started?  

•  Slow  and  steady  •  CriJque  •  Observe  and  criJque  •  Q&A  •  Discuss  the  mind  •  Make  it  2-­‐way  •  IteraJve  Improvement  

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What  is  Prana?  

•  The  energy  that  fills  every  cell  of  the  body  and  as  such,  not  confined  to  the  body,  but  extending  outside  the  body  too!  

•  As  per  Yoga  Vasistha  -­‐  the  pole  of  prana,  which  extends  beyond  the  body,  reaches  a  distance  of  approximately  twelve  inches.  The  term  given  for  this  is  "vadasanta“  

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Terminologies  for  Pranayam  •  "Puraka"  is  loosely  translated  as  "inhala&on",  but  it  literally  

means  "filling.  "  This  filling  process  commences  twelve  inches  away  from  the  body.  Therefore,  mental  visualiza&on  is  involved  in  the  procedure  of  puraka.    

•  "Kumbhaka"  means  "pot.  "  You  might  understand  this  defini&on  more  clearly  if  you  visualize  your  body  to  be  a  pot  which  you  are  filling  up  un&l  it  becomes  completely  full.  When  this  filling  is  accomplished,  like  a  pot  with  its  cover  on  top,  the  breath  is  held,  (shut  in,  so  to  speak)  like  a  pot  that  holds  grains.    

•  rechaka"  (a  word  that  sounds  similar  to  the  English  synonym  for  vomi&ng,  "retching")  is  usually  translated  as  exhala&on,  but  is  more  correctly  understood  to  mean  "holding  the  pot  empty.  "  In  other  words,  the  breath  is  not  only  expelled,  but  also  held  outside.  

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As  per  Hatha  Yoga  pracJJoners  •  All  Pranayam  is  KUMBHAKA  

•  These  yogis  say  that  when  the  Pranayam  is  performed,  the  holding  of  the  breath  outside  is  the  very  thing  that  ac&vates  the  prana  

•  This  is  the  reason  the  various  yoga  scriptures  men&on  that  the  breath  should  be  held  "as  long  as  possible”  

•  There  are  eight  kambakas  men&oned  in  the  scriptures:  sahita,  surya  bhedana,  bhramari  ujjayi,  murccha,  sitali,  bhastrika,  and  kavali.    

•  kevali,  there  is  complete  suspension  of  breath,  and  thus,  no  inhala&on  or  exhala&on  

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Pranayam  &  Benefits  –    Pranayam  =  Prana  acJvaJon  (Life  giving  energy)  


•  Patanjali  couple  thousand  years  ago  •  Maybe  psychological  •  Much  of  this  is  based  upon  Ramdev  Guru’s  Pranayam  DVD  

•  ScienJfic  ExplanaJon  –  Stress,  we  breathe  incorrectly  –  Pranayam  =>  we  focus  on  the  breathing  –  Oxyen  gets  pumped  throughout  our  body,  brain  and  leads  to  healing  

–  Health  through  breathing  –  Quietens  the  mind  –  RejuvenaJon  of  health  


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Snaking  the  pipes  /  NADIs  

•  Nāḍi  (the  Sanskrit  for  "tube,  pipe")  are  the  channels  through  which,  in  tradiJonal  Indian  medicine  and  spiritual  science,  the  energies  of  the  subtle  body  are  said  to  flow.  They  connect  at  special  points  of  intensity  called  chakras.    

•  There  are  three  primary  nadis;  ida,  pingala,  and  sushuma.    •  Various  condiJons  can  be  diagnosed  as  problems  along  the  flow  

of  an  individual  nadi,  and  various  techniques  may  be  used  to  free  the  flow  of  energy.  •  The  energy  flow  is  to  all  the  chakras  of  the  body  

•  What  did  OSHO  say?  –  DefiniJon  of  Moksha  –  Takes  us  to  the  life  source  


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Chakras  –  abiliJes  and  qualiJes  •  Seven  Primary  Chakras  •  Each  chakra  relates  strongly  to  a  specific  part  of  the  body,  specific  

emoJons,  mental,  and  spiritual  concerns  

•   Sahasrara,  Agnya,  Vishuddhi,  Annahata,  Manipura,  Swadhistana,  Muladhara  •  Each  govern  our  abiliJes,  qualiJes  and  health  

•  Hundreds  of  secondary  chakras,  used  during  accupuncture.  •  The  secondary  chakra  points  are  influenced  with  acJon  and  

physicality  while  the  seven  primary  chakras  deal  with  emoJons  and  spirituality.    

•  The  primary  chakras  influence  your  health  greatly,  the  health  concerns  related  to  them  are  caused  by  an  unbalance  in  the  chakra  itself,  from  an  emoJonal  or  spiritual  cause,  which  then  manifests  into  a  physical  ailment.    

•  Chakra  Healing    .    

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Name of the Chakra Visual Picture Health and Quality Influences Transpersonal Chakra Located4-5 fingers above the

head. Connection to one's Higher Self.

Sahasrara / Crown Chakra Linked to Pituary Gland

release of karma, connection into the greater world

Ajna / Third Eye Chakra Linked to Pineal Gland Inner Guidance, Intuitive, Understand Big Picture

Vishuddha / Throat Chakra Linked to Thyroid Gland

Self-expression and communication

Anahata / Heart Chakra Linked to Thymus Passion, Compassion, Devotion and Unconditional Love

Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra Linked to Islets of Langerhans

(Digestion) Personal power, Will and Autonomy

Swadhisthana / Sacral Chakra Genitourinary system

joy, enthusiasm, grace and accept change

Muladhara / Base or Root Chakra (last bone in spinal cord *coccyx*)

Adrenal medulla sexuality, stability, emotion, Survival instincts

Hundreds of Meridian Chakras - Secondary chakra points that

influence action and physicality

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Kundalini  •  Kundalini  awakening  -­‐  rises  from  muladhara  chakra  up  a  subtle  channel  at  the  base  of  the  spine  merging  with  the  sahasrara,  or  crown  chakra.    

•  The  awakening  of  the  Kundalini  shows  itself  as  "awakening  of  inner  knowledge"  and  brings  with  itself  pure  joy,  pure  knowledge  and  pure  love.  

•  With  awakening  of  the  Kundalini  our  consciousness  expands  and  we  become  more  aware  of  the  truth      

•  A  spiritual  master  who  walked  this  path  before  is  required  to  guide  the  aspirant.    

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Side-­‐effects  and  cauJons  

•  No  side  effects  •  Do  it  on  an  empty  stomach  •  Heart  /  BP  /  Hernia  need  to  be  careful  with  some  exercises  

•  Do  not  do  on  a    full  stomach  

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ConsideraJons  -­‐  What  should  the  mind  think?  

•  Focus  on  the  breathing  •  Do  not  think  of  worldly  issues,  things  to  do  •  When  you  breathe  out  think  that  all  your  negaJve  energies  and  impuriJes  of  the  body  are  being  released  

•  When  you  breathe  in  think  that  everything  good  around  us  in  this  world,  the  spiritual  energy  is  coming  into  us  

•  Keep  your  eyes  closed,  shut  out  the  world  throughout  the  process  

•  Internalize,  internalize,  internalize  •  OSHO  “Try  to  go  to  the  source  of  life”  

•  A  good  session  for  me  is  when  the  mind  is  completely  blank  –  lost  in  nothingness  

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Pranayam  The  AcJvaJon  of  Life  Giving  Energy  

Nine  Exercises  

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Ramdev  Guru’s  Video  h6ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFkui4Hl5AY  

   Pranayam Video time Minimum Duration Max Duration

1 Bhastrika Pranayam 7:20 2 minutes 5 minutes 2 KapalBhati Pranayam 12:21 5 minutes (30 times) 15 to 25 minutes

3 Ujjayi Pranayam 1:00 2 times a day Do it 7, 11 to 21 times

4 Bahya Pranayam 25:45 25:45 5 times 11 times (15 seconds each) In winter do it 21 times - total of 5 minutes

5 Anulom-Vilom Pranayam 29:35 10 minutes

12 times one side and 12 times other side

6 Bhrahmri Pranayam 42 5 times – lasting 5 minutes 5 times 7 Udgeeth Pranayam 49:22 5 times

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Make  a  wish  while  doing  it  –    Invoke  the  spiritual  energy  

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Ramdev  Guru’s  Video      

   DIABETES  hDps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYTBsdnIUg8    Agneesar  Kriya  –  20th  minute    Accupressure  1  to  2  minutes          

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Ramdev  Guru’s  Video  Hair  loss  

 h6ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB0ZGzkTNEc  h6ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FQaEipoCA0  Divya  kesh  oil  

Sarvang  Asan  +  Sirshana  Kapal  BahaR  and  Anulom  Vilom  for  10  to  15  minutes  Nails  rubbing      DIABETES  hDps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYTBsdnIUg8    

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Follow  the  video  for  the  next  few  

•  Summary  of  ALL  h6p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amkJraCgIng  

•  Detailed  explanaJon  video  by  Ramdev  Guru  (Video  starts  aper  a  minute  of  blank  screen)  


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Bhastrika  –    

•  Bhastrika  BLACKSMITH’S  ROAR  

•  Vigorous  breathe  in    •  Vigorous  breathe  out  •  Don’t  hold  your  breath  •  For  2  minutes  only  

•  For  a  healthy  heart  and  an  energized  mind  

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KapalbhaJ  (Skull  Bath  Literal)–  CYCLE  PUMP    30  Jmes  (Never  more  than  10  min)  

 •  Procedure  :  Push  air  forcefully  in  and  out  like  a  cycle  pump.  

Keep  doing  it  unJl  you  can  no  longer  let  air  out.  DO  NOT  breathe  in  unJl  this  happens.  

•  ONLY  EXHALE  30  &mes  or  for  2  minutes  •  Benefits  :  Reduce  weight,  aabha,  tej,  obesity,  consJpaJon,  

gastric,  acidity,  Croesus(liver),  hepaJJs  B,  uterus,  diabetes,  stomach  problems,  cholesterol,  allergic  problems,  asthma,  snoring,  concentraJon,  and  even  cancer  and  AIDS.  

•  Tips  :  heart  and  high  BP  paJents,  and  weak  people  do  it  slowly.    

•  You  may  need  a  Jssue  •  Related  to  acJvaJon  of  the  muladhara  chakra  •  Brain  cells  are  bathed  in  prana,  and  enJre  skull  feels  like  it  is  

"shining.  If  that  does  not  happen,  there  is  no  kapalabhaJ.    

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21  Jmes  Ujjai  –TIGERS  ROAR    /  Ocean  sound  


•  Tighten  throat,  Constrict  throat  •  breathe  in  sound  –  feel  the  breath  at  your  throat  •  Push  your  head  down,    •  Release  the  breathe  through  the  lep  nostril  (by  closingRight)  •  h6ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCg-­‐ECeKjtg  

•  Press  the  accupuncture  point  

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Bahya  Pranayam  3  Jmes  (11  Jmes  max)  •  Watch  the  video  for  clarity  •  Bahya  Pranayam  Procedure  :  Breathe  in  gently,  Breathe  air  out  with  some  intensity,  hear  the  sound  

compress  your  stomach  and  lip  it  towards  your  chest,  bring  your  chin  down  to  the  pit  which  is  at  base  of  throat,  squeeze  stomach  completely  and  hold  for  a  while.  then  release  chin,  breathe  in  slowly  and  relax  

•  Benefits  :  stomach(udar),  hernia,  urinal,  uterus  •  Tips  :  not  for  heart  and  high  BP  paJents  •  It  is  marked  by  suspension  or  retenJon  of  the  breathing  process  aper  exhalaJon  of  breath  and  

applying  mahabandha.  

•   A  Mahabandha  (a  bandha  stands  for  a  physical  lock  to  control  the  flow  of  prana  )  is  comprised  of  three  bandhas.  Namely  

–  Jalandhur  Bandha  (  touching  the  chin  on  the  pit  located  near  the  base  of  throat);    –  Uddiyana  Bandha  (  pulling  the  stomach  in  so  as  to  touch  the  back))  and  –  Mula  bandha  (pulling  up  the  peridieum  by  contracJng  the  anus  and  Jghtening  of  the  lower  abdomen)    

•  In  Mahabandha  ,all  these  three  bandhas  are  applied  together.    

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Anulom  Vilom  –  10  minutes  /  12  Jmes  one  side,  12  Jmes  other  

•  Procedure  :  Hold  your  right  nasal  with  thumb,  breathe  in  from  lep.  Now  open  right  nasal  and  close  lep  nasal  with  middle  and  ring  finger  and  breathe  out  from  right  nasal.  Now  breathe  in  from  right  nasal.  Now  close  right  nasal  and  open  lep  and  breathe  out  and  in  from  lep  nasal.  and  so  on.  

•  Never  have  both  fingers  covering  your  nostrils  at  the  same  Jme  

•  Benefits  :  heart,  high  BP,  heart  blockage,  vat-­‐cuf-­‐pit,  arthriJs,  carJlage,  bent  ligaments,  sinual  fluid  reduced,  parkinson,  paralysis,  neural  related,  depression,  migraine  pain,  asthma,  sinus,  allergy    

•  Tips  :  breathe  into  lungs  not  to  stomach.  no  organ  in  stomach  

•  While  you  do  this  Pranayam  visualize  that  the  Divine  power  and  the  Divine  knowledge  is  being  bestowed  upon  you  in  the  process.  The  pracJce  of  this  Pranayam  for  5  minutes  a  day  will  result  in  acJvaJon  of  the  Muladhar  Chakra  (Root  Chakra)  causing  the  arousal  of  Kundalini  power  (dormant  serpenJne  power  located  on  the  root  chakra).  

•  The  arousal  of  Kundalini  power  results  from  the  arousal  of  Sushumna  nadi  (the  central  energy  meridian)  as  a  consequence  of  repeated  rubbing  and  churning  of  the  breath  in  the  Ida  (lep  meridien)  and  Pingla(right  meridian)  Nadis  .  The  pracJce  of  AVP  for  a  period  of  three  to  four  months  can  open  up  thirty  to  forty  percent  of  the  heart  arteries’  blockages.    

•  Supposed  to  help  get  to  nir-­‐vichar,  the  thoughtless  state  of  mind  –  that  will  point  us  eventually  to  the  life  source  

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Brahmri  –  5  Jmes,  lasJng  10  minutes  (BUMBLE  BEE  MMMmm)  

•  Bhrahmri  (BUMBLE  BEE)    Procedure  :  Close  ears  with  thumb,  index  finger  on  forehead,  and  middle  finger  on  base  of  nose  touching  eyes.  Using  ring  finger  to  close  right  hand  side  nostril,  and  breathe  in  through  the  lep.  Close  the  lep  now  with  the  ring  finger  and  breathe  out  through  the  right  nostril  while  making  a  deep  mmmm  sounds.  Breathe  in  through  right  nostril.  And  now  breathe  out  through  lep  nostril  while  humming  like  a  bee.  Mmmmmm  

•  Focus  on  the  color  pa"erns  if  any  inside  your  thoughtless  dark  mind  

•  Benefits  :  tension,  hypertension,  high  BP,  heart,  heart  blockage,  paralysis,  migraine  pain,  confidence,  concentraJon  

•  This  Pranayam  acJvates  the  third  eye  chakra  so  important  for  gesng  the  power  of  telepathy,  clairvoyance.  

•  It  facilitates  concentraJon,    is  an  aid  to  meditaJon.  This  is  also  true  of  ujjayi  kumbhaka.    

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Udgeeth  –  5  Jmes  (sit  in  mudra)  

•  Udgeeth  Procedure  :  Breathe  in  deeply,  and  chant  'Om'kar.  OOOOOOm  (  long  O  and  small  m  ).    

•  When  done  rub  your  hands  Jll  it  feels  warm  and  take  to  your  eyes  and  focus  on  the  blank  mind  

 •  Benefits  :  meditaJon    

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The  following  is  not  in  Ramdev  Guru’s  video  

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My  Sequence  (first  5  are  as  per  Ramdev  Guru’s  video)    

Pranayam Video time Minimum Duration Max Duration

1 KapalBhati Pranayam 12:21 12:21 5 minutes 10 minutes 2 Bahya Pranayam 25:45 25:45 3 times 11 times (15 seconds each)

In winter do it 21 times - total of 5 minutes

3 Anulom-Vilom Pranayam 29:35 12 times one side and 12 times other side

4 Bhrahmri Pranayam (our technique differs slightly) 42 5 times – lasting 5 minutes 5 times

5 Udgeeth Pranayam 49:22 5 times

6 Ujayi Pranayam (our technique differs)

Set of three

7 Bhastrika Pranayam

8 OM Chanting 3 times

9 Breathing variations

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Ujjai  –TIGERS  ROAR    /  Ocean  sound    9  x3  (5,5,5,1)  

•  Hand  PosiJon  9  Jmes  –  Follow  pa6ern    •  Second  Hand  PosiJon  –  9  Jmes  again  •  Third  Hand  PosiJon  –  9  Jmes  again    •  Yoga  +  Pranayam  •  Helps  concentrate  on  the  breathing  •  Make  sure  you  feel  the  breathe  in  the  throat  •  Make  sure  your  mouth  is  shut  

•  Impact  –  The  most  effecJve  Pranayam  for  thyroid  problems  is  Ujjayi.    

•  It  acts  on  the  throat  area  and  its  relaxing  and  sJmulaJng  effects  are  most  probably  due  to  sJmulaJon  of  ancient  reflex  pathways  within  the  throat  area,  which  are  controlled  by  the  brainstem  and  hypothalamus.  This  pracJce  also  gives  us  direct  access  into  the  pranic  and  psychic  net  work,  the  substructure  of  metabolic  acJvity.    

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Bhastrika  –  Blacksmith’s  roar  –  18  x  3  Followed  by  Om  3-­‐5  Jmes  

•  Bhastrika  BLACKSMITH’S  ROAR  •  Procedure  :  Boxing  –  Breathe  in  when  you  kick  out,  breathe  out  when  you  kick  

in  •  The  breathe  should  be  rhythmic  –  equally  divided  •  No  pause  in  between  •  Benefits  :  heart,  lungs,  brain,  depression,  migraine,  paralysis,  neural  system,  aabha    

•  This  kicking  up  and  down  helps  a  deep  breathing  pa6ern  •  This  should  generate  heat,  is  almost  an  aerobic  workout  •  So  while  kalpalabhaR  is  strictly  a  purificatory  exercise  meant  for  

the  brain  cells,  bhastrika  is  a  Pranayam  exercise  intended  to  cause  a  stream  of  prana  to  flow,  and  specifically,  to  cause  prana  to  f  low  through  the  sushuana  nadi.    

•  Once  done  –  say  OM  3-­‐5  Jmes.  –  Breathe  in  slowly,  followed  by  loooong  OM,  stressing  on  every  single  


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Breathing  VariaJon  for  empJness    

•  20  *  36  *  36  

•  Repeat  2  more  Jmes  

•  10  slow  breathes  •  Rest  in  Shavasana  for  5  minutes    

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Any  negaJve  effects  

•  What  happens  when  we  stop  the  pracJce  •  If  we  reverse  the  breathing  pa6ern  is  it  harmful  

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Can  I  pracJce  only  a  subset  

•  Yes  •  Be6er  to  follow  the  sequence  though  •  Watch  out  for  any  changes  to  your  health  pa6ern    

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So  hum  

•  h6p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38vYfQWa_ek  

•  Gyan  MUdra  

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Constant  pracJce  is  a  must  •  Fix  a  Jme  of  day  •  Try  to  pracJce  at  least  4-­‐6  Jmes  a  week  •  Give  it  Jme  –  the  results  don’t  happen  in  a  day,  but  be  cognizant  of  any  changes  

 •  Do  not  give  up  the  pracJce  unless  you  find  something  different  that  you  want  to  try  out  

•  Keep  a  watch  on  your  health  pa6erns,  and  if  you  noJce  any  aberraJons,  cease  and  desist  

•  Stay  posiJve  and  use  this  Jme  to  meditate,  internalize  and  think  of  posiJve  things  

•  Consider  doing  some  simple  yoga  as  well  (see  details  on  next  slide)  

•  Skip  any  parJcular  one  that  causes  bodily  discomfort  

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Video  for  doing  Yoga  Asanas  

•  If  you  want  to  do  Yoga  –  Video  starts  at  35  seconds    

•  h6ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFkui4Hl5AY  

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Chakras  –  ImaginaJon/  MeditaJon  •  Chakra  MeditaJon  Techniques  

The  chakras  should  be  in  harmony  with  each  other,  not  too  closed  or  too  open  for  the  opJmum  balance  in  our  lives,  there  are  various  meditaJon  techniques  in  use  that  help  to  balance  our  chakras.    Some  people  like  to  use  crystals  in  conjuncJon  with  the  chakras,  placing  parJcular  crystals  on  specific  points  to  enhance  or  heal.  This  can  be  either  using  crystals  of  the  same  colour  as  the  chakra  to  recharge  it  or  using  stones  like  clear  quartz  to  purify  the  point.    Chakra  MeditaJon  Techniques  The  Space  Suit  One  of  the  first  exercises  to  try  is  to  put  on  a  'space  suit'.  This  is  a  way  of  forming  a  protecJve  layer  around  you,  forJfying  your  aura  to  reflect  negaJve  energies.  To  do  this,  relax  and  imagine  that  you  can  'see'/feel  your  aura  moving  and  pulsing  around  you,  try  and  form  this  into  shapes  likes  walls,  shields,  overalls.  Some  like  to  imagine  it  more  as  donning  a  suit  of  armour  or  pulling  on  a  pair  of  overalls.    Chakra  MeditaJon  Techniques  Energy  Apples  Concentrate  on  whatever  chakra  you  wish  to  energise,  try  to  imagine  a  small  pulse  that  grows  in  mass  and  colour.  Now  sweep  your  hand  over  the  area  scooping  some  of  the  mass  in  your  hand.  Concentrate  on  this  mass  using  both  hands  to  shape  it  into  a  ball  whilst  visualising  your  desires  (you  should  feel  the  increase  of  energy  in  your  fingerJps).  Some  people  then  like  to  'eat'  this  energy  as  though  it  were  an  apple,  others  like  to  sweep  it  back  over  the  chakra  they  borrowed  it  from  and  feel  it  being  reabsorbed,  others  again  like  to  make  a  wish  and  blow  on  it  feeling  it  disappear  into  the  world.    Chakra  MeditaJon  Techniques  The  Body  Lie  on  the  ground  in  a  relaxed  posiJon  and  let  thoughts  of  everyday  life  dissolve.  Try  and  tune  into  your  aura  encasing  you  in  swirling  strands  of  energy,  then  concentrate  on  the  red  chakra,  feel  it  grow  and  open  up  colouring  your  enJre  aura  with  its  reddish  haze.  Then  move  onto  your  orange  chakra,  feeling  it  open  up  unJl  the  red  in  your  aura  is  replaced  by  orange,  conJnue  through  each  of  your  chakras  unJl  you  come  to  the  white  chakra  this  is  also  known  as  the  many  coloured  lotus,  imagine  this  opening  up  and  pouring  white  light  into  your  aura  making  you  feel  completely  purified  and  re-­‐energised    

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Murccha  •  A  very  challenging  kumbhaka  prac&ce  is  "murccha",  which  literally  means  "fain&ng.  "  

Here  you  are  instructed  to  hold  the  breath  un&l  you  faint.  If  you  approach  murccha  with  the  courageous  aetude  of  "yes,  I  am  prepared  to  hold  the  breath  un&l  I  pass  out,  "  it's  possible  for  you  to  discover  that  power  in  you  which  makes  you  stop  and  breathe.  You  can  only  discover  it  if  you  are  really  and  truly  prepared  to  hold  the  breath  un&l  you  pass  out.  You  are  not  a"emp&ng  suicide.  You  are  just  looking  to  discover  prana.  You  hold  the  breath,  and  suddenly,  just  before  passing  out,  something  beyond  the  'me'  steps  in,  takes  your  hand  away  from  the  nose,  and  makes  you  take  a  breath  of  air.  

•  Don't  cheat  yourself  by  calling  this  a  reflex  ac&on.  What  exactly  is  it  that  makes  you  stop?  It's  not  fear.  Fear  is  something  which  you  would  have  to  introduce.  We  are  talking  about  something  which  comes  of  its  own  accord.  If  you  are  prepared  to  hold  the  breath  un&l  you  faint,  un&l  tomorrow  morning  if  necessary,  then  you  will  witness  something  which  springs  up  and  stops  you.  What  exactly  is  that?    

•  Perhaps  you  can  see  the  similarity  of  this  ques&on  and  the  ques&on  that's  been  asked  about  sleep.  That  is,  in  the  waking  state,  I  am  aware  of...  this  world,  and  in  the  deep  sleep  state  I  am  not  aware  of  anything.  In  medita&on,  it  is  possible  to  see  that  there  is  a  threshold.  How  do  I  slip  from  here  to  there?  If  I  can  see  that  for  one  split  second,  that's  medita&on,  and  there  is  samadhi  .  In  the  same  way,  what  exactly  is  that  which  stops  me  from  holding  the  breath?  If  that  stage  can  be  reached  without  passing  out,  you  have  come  face  to  face  with  the  power  they  call  "prana.  "    

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•  The  intent  of  prac&cing  the  next  one,  Surya-­‐bhedana,  is  very  apparent  by  a  transla&on  of  the  Sanskrit.  "Surya"  means  "the  solar  force"  and  "bhedana"  "to  pierce",  literally  meaning,  "to  break  open  the  shell  of  the  solar  fire.  "  The  texts  give  the  instruc&on  to  inhale  through  one  nostril,  and  then  hold  the  breath  un&l  perspira&on  is  dropping  from  the  body.  

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RaJos  explained  •  Some  yoga  books  give  a  quite  specific  ra&o  for  the  amount  of  &me  one  spends  on  the  inhala&on,  reten&on,  and  exhala&on.  These  books  say  to  inhale  for  a  a  count  of  four,  hold  for  a  count  of  sixteen,  and  exhale  for  a  count  of  eight  .  However,  it's  best  not  to  start  out  trying  to  emulate  this  model.  You  should  begin  prac&cing  without  worrying  about  any  of  that.  The  four-­‐  sixteen-­‐eight  ra&o  was  given  by  the  yogis,  because  it  is  a  very  close  approxima&on  of  the  rhythm  which  is  most  natural.  Aker  prac&cing  the  exercise  for  some&me,  you  will  probably  find  that  you  were  already  doing  the  four-­‐sixteen-­‐eight  ra&on  without  even  being  aware  of  it.    

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Sitali  Kumbhaka  •  A  transla&on  of  'sitali  kumbhaka',  "cooling",  reveals  the  benefit  

is  to  cool  the  body.  It  will  also  temporarily  relieve  thirst.  Sitali  kumbhaka  will  be  easier  to  learn  if  you  stand  in  front  of  a  mirror.  S&ck  out  your  tongue,  and  roll  the  tongue  into  a  tube.  If  you  are  confused  as  to  what  to  do,  find  someone  who  can  demonstrate  what  the  curled  tongue  is  supposed  to  look  like,  or  find  a  picture  in  a  Hatha  yoga  book,  and  looking  into  the  mirror,  imitate  it.  once  you  get  the  hang  of  curling  the  tongue,  you  will  be  able  to  form  the  tube  with  your  tongue  without  having  to  think  about  what  to  do.  At  this  point,  breathe  through  the  "tube"  which  you  make  by  curling  the  tongue,  and  as  you  breathe  through  the  tongue,  concentrate  on  the  solar-­‐plexus.  It  should  be  easier  to  concentrate  on  the  solar  plexus  doing  sitali  than  doing  other  kumbhakas,  because  one  tends  to  feel  pressure  in  the  neck  when  breathing  through  the  nose.  With  sitali,  the  pathway  feels  more  open,  so  that  the  sense  of  blockage  from  tension  in  the  neck  is  diminished.  

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An  exercise  to  try  •  There  is  another  exercise  that  you  should  try  before  proceeding.  Here  are  the  rules  of  the  game.  Sit  up  straight,  

but  again,  comfortably  and  relaxed.  You  are  going  to  use  the  fingers  of  the  right  hand  to  close  the  nostrils:  The  thumb  will  close  the  right  nostril,  and  the  ring  and  li"le  fingers  will  close  the  lek  nostril.  The  other  two  fingers  usually  are  rested  on  the  palm  (some  people  prefer  to  rest  them  on  the  space  between  the  eyebrows).  Even  while  the  nostrils  are  kept  open  during  this  exercise  it  will  be  best  not  to  en&rely  remove  the  fingers  from  the  wings  of  the  nostrils.  In  other  words,  as  you  perform  this  prac&ce,  breathing  in  and  out  the  lek  and  right  nostrils  variously  in  a  changing  pa"ern,  you  will  do  so  without  taking  the  hand  away  from  the  nose.  So,  if  the  right  arm  gets  fa&gued,  use  your  lek  arm.  

•  To  begin,  inhale  through  the  lek  nostril,  and  as  you  fill  up,  the  abdomen  will  expand  outwards.  Exhale  through  the  right  nostril,  and  as  you  exhale,  pull  the  abdomen  back  as  far  as  it  will  go.  Inhale  through  the  right  nostril,  expanding  the  abdomen  outwards,  filling  up.  Exhale  through  the  lek  nostril,  again  pulling  the  abdomen  back  as  far  as  it  will  go.  Now,  as  you  con&nue  in  this  fashion,  inhale  through  the  lek  nostril,  and  as  you  hold  the  breath,  concentrate  on  the  solar  plexus.  Hold  the  breath  as  long  as  is  comfortable.  Some  yoga  books  give  a  quite  specific  ra&o  for  the  amount  of  &me  one  spends  on  the  inhala&on,  reten&on,  and  exhala&on.  These  books  say  to  inhale  for  a  a  count  of  four,  hold  for  a  count  of  sixteen,  and  exhale  for  a  count  of  eight  .  However,  it's  best  not  to  start  out  trying  to  emulate  this  model.  You  should  begin  prac&cing  without  worrying  about  any  of  that.  The  four-­‐  sixteen-­‐eight  ra&o  was  given  by  the  yogis,  because  it  is  a  very  close  approxima&on  of  the  rhythm  which  is  most  natural.  Aker  prac&cing  the  exercise  for  some&me,  you  will  probably  find  that  you  were  already  doing  the  four-­‐sixteen-­‐eight  ra&on  without  even  being  aware  of  it.  

•  Now  add  one  more  step  to  this  exercise.  Aker  you  have  pulled  in  the  abdomen,  and  have  exhaled  completely,  let  go  of  the  abdomen,  and  hold  the  lungs  empty!  Try  not  to  create  any  unnecessary  tension.  There  will  be  some  tension  as  you  hold  the  lungs  empty.  Don't  worry  about  that.  There  is  no  danger  of  harming  yourself  as  long  as  you  are  the  only  person  that  is  holding  your  nostrils.  If  you  let  someone  else  hold  your  nostrils,  then,  of  course,  there  is  some  danger!  

•  Be  a"en&ve  to  what  happens  as  you  proceed.  It's  best  that  I  not  tell  you  where  to  fix  the  a"en&on,  because  a  sugges&on  of  that  kind  will  make  you  unnecessarily  tense.  What's  more,  if  I  tell  you  something  like  "fix  you  a"en&on  between  your  eyebrows",  or  give  you  a  how  to  visualize  the  prana,  or  where  to  visualize  it,  that  will  immediately  occupy  your  a"en&on  and  immediately  interfere  with  your  ability  to  hold  the  lungs  empty,  as  well  as  your  ability  to  watch  what  happens  as  you  do  so.  Be  like  a  child,  and  watch!  

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The Ajna chakra showing the two petals, the itara-linga

(the upraised conical object in the triangle), and the

Pranava or Aum.
