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1 Pray Always, Without Growing Weary I) What would you say is God’s greatest gift, greatest blessing given to us, His Children? A) Health, Eternal life, Free will? B) In reflecting on this Gospel about Prayer C) The Power and Gift of Prayer II) Prayer A) The ability to petition for our needs, and intercede for others, and ask for blessing B) To offer thanksgiving for our gifts, and praise God in joy C) To return God’s love in simple adoration D) These are the familiar forms of prayer E) But why the greatest gift, the greatest blessing from God? III) What is Prayer? A) Conversation – Relationship B) Like all relationships, a sharing and enlightening of the two in relationship C) Relationship to God like no other D) In prayer, we raise our hearts and minds to God in a personal and living relationship, in His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit. E) The height and summit of our faith is this Eucharist we share together, the Communion with our Lord F) But each time we pray, each moment we quiet ourselves, and raise our hearts and minds to God, we deepen this Eucharistic Communion, give our Lord more time to impress His own image on our soul, and make Communion alive and personal.
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Pray Always, Without Growing Weary

I) What would you say is God’s greatest gift, greatest blessing given to us, His Children? A) Health, Eternal life, Free will? B) In reflecting on this Gospel about Prayer C) The Power and Gift of Prayer

II) Prayer A) The ability to petition for our needs, and intercede for others, and ask for blessing

B) To offer thanksgiving for our gifts, and praise God in joy

C) To return God’s love in simple adoration D) These are the familiar forms of prayer E) But why the greatest gift, the greatest blessing from God?

III) What is Prayer? A) Conversation – Relationship B) Like all relationships, a sharing and enlightening of the two in relationship

C) Relationship to God like no other D) In prayer, we raise our hearts and minds to God in a personal and living relationship, in His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit.

E) The height and summit of our faith is this Eucharist we share together, the Communion with our Lord

F) But each time we pray, each moment we quiet ourselves, and raise our hearts and minds to God, we deepen this Eucharistic Communion, give our Lord more time to impress His own image on our soul, and make Communion alive and personal.

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G) Francis de Sales: “By turning to Christ in prayer, your whole soul will be filled with Him. You will learn His ways, and form your actions after the pattern of His.”1

H) Thomas Merton: “In proportion we enter into prayer, grace can better seize our minds and wills, and unite them to the soul of the Divine Savior.”2

IV) Do you see now why Prayer may be God’s greatest gift? A) Prayer is the personal, daily power by which God shares His Divine Life, welcoming us into the very life of the Trinity.

B) Through prayer, Christ conforms us to His own image, we become like Christ, and, through Christ, become one with God.

V) This Great Gift of Prayer is anticipated in the Old Testament A) Prophets, the People of God, anticipated a day when they could freely raise their hands in prayer

B) The Prophets and the People of God longed for the day when in a state of righteousness their prayers could lift them to unity with God

C) But righteousness meant obedience to the Law, and no one, not even Moses, could remain righteous through the Law.

D) That longing for the Gift of Prayer, part of God’s Covenant in the Old Testament, is fulfilled in Jesus, whose sacrifice on the cross lifts us above the Law, and gives us not only righteousness in terms of the

1 de Sales, Francis; Introduction to the Devout Life; “On Prayer 2 Merton, Thomas; Praying the Psalms

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Law, but also makes us holy.

VI) The Church remembers and celebrates the Gift of Prayer, granted through Christ’s resurrection, each day at Morning Prayer, the first principle prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours

1) The Church every morning prays: “This is the oath (God) swore to our Father Abraham that we would be free to worship Him without fear Holy and Righteous in His site all the days of our life.3

B) This Great Gift, the gift of becoming one with God, this Covenant Promise longed for by the Prophets and the Children of Abraham, is ours through Christ!

C) This Old Testament promise is fulfilled in us, right here and now! 1) The next time you make the sign of the cross, may it remind you that your gift of prayer was promised in the Old Testament, and fulfilled by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

VII) Now, do you see why prayer is one of God’s greatest, most powerful gifts? Our prayer is a fulfillment of God’s covenant, and lifts us to true communion with our Lord, and through the Holy Spirit, with God the Father.

VIII) Which then raises the question --- How often do we pray? A) What does Jesus say in today’s Gospel?

3 Canticle of Zachariah; Morning Prayer; Liturgy of the Hours

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B) Luke even emphasizes the lesson of today’s parable, underscoring its importance to Jesus, and to us

C) Luke writes, “Jesus told His disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.

D) Look again at the words used there! 1) Necessity: not optional or praiseworthy 2) Always – without ceasing, without becoming weary

E) Take a moment – and don’t answer this one out loud – but who in your life could you talk to, without ceasing, and not grow weary?

F) For most of us, a short list of the people we love dearly G) That is precisely the kind of relationship Christ wants with us!

IX) Why do we grow weary? A) Sometimes our prayers are answered immediately, or in the exact way we expect

B) For that reason, Jesus tells this humorous parable of a completely corrupt and Godless judge who eventually gives in to a persistent little old widow. 1) Jesus even makes it funnier by making the judge a little frightened!

C) The point: We should have faith – here read faith as Trust – Trust that God who is Just and who Loves us, is answering our prayers.

D) We may not understand, that is why Faith or Trust is needed

E) When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith (Trust)?

X) How often should we pray? Jesus says, “ALWAYS.” A) Is it a good thing, a recommended thing? Jesus says, “NECESSITY.”

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B) Why? Prayer conforms us to Christ, makes us one with God

C) How do we accomplish prayer always, without ceasing?

XI) Had the great privilege of being welcomed in to our new Men’s Ministry A) At home praying over this Gospel, asking the Lord’s help

B) Turn in some paperwork at office, stumbled upon our Men’s Ministry

C) Where the topic was… Prayer! See, prayers are answered!

XII) So, what are our people saying about prayer? A) Sunday is not enough!!! Jesus would agree! B) Meals and bedtime C) Readings for the day D) Rosary during long commutes E) Morning and Evening Prayer from Liturgy of the Hours

1) Official Prayer of the Church – complements Mass 2) Seven times of prayer – Morning and Evening Prayer principle parts

3) All the Church, Clergy and religious life – Pray the hours

4) Principle way we as a Church “Pray Always, without growing weary”

F) No one satisfied that they pray enough 1) Thomas Merton – “Starvation rations” of the laity

G) Ultimately, to pray always without growing weary is to offer our entire life, our thoughts, words, actions, as prayer. 1) St. Katharine Drexel –prayer in our home was as natural as breathing

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2) How do we accomplish this?

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XIII) We may learn from our Monastic Tradition A) St. Benedict looked for a practical way to balance work, communal life, and the need to pray always – the Benedictine Rule

B) Core – use every day, practical habits of life to remind us to pray

C) What would this look like? 1) Examine your habits, your schedule 2) Look for those necessary rituals, habits – use them to remind you of the necessity to pray

3) Washing your hands-cold and flu season – say an “Our Father”, reminder of the Mass when Father washes His hands, “Psalm – cleanse me O’ Lord, make me whiter than snow.”

4) Using a key – Christ holds Keys to the Kingdom, given to St. Peter

5) Meals – nourish yourself with Scripture and prayer before food

6) Turning on a light – Christ is the light of the world!!! 7) Logging on to a computer – Christ is our “password” to eternal life

8) Make your Secular World Holy, as Christ has made us Holy!

9) Main idea – find a habit, a daily necessity, and make it a reminder for prayer

XIV) Finally, what shall we pray for? A) Petition for our health and material needs, and intercede for the health and material needs of others

B) Consider praying for spiritual gifts! C) What do I mean?

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1) Confirmation last night – pray for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Is 11:12) (a) Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge (b) Courage, Counsel (c) Reverence, Fear of the Lord (Putting God first)

2) Scout Law 3) Virtues:

(a) Faith, Hope, Charity (b) Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance

4) Not all at once, but one at a time

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XV) What does this look like? A) Put a list on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, near coffee maker

B) Read Gospel – Imagine, reflect how Jesus exemplifies that virtue 1) Why Gospel? St. Francis de Sales – As a baby learns to speak by imitating parents, so we learn the spiritual life by imitating Christ

C) As the Lord for the grace to live that virtue today D) Think of times you will need to practice the virtue this day – be specific

E) In prayer, make a plan! F) Continue praying for virtue throughout the day G) Daily examen – last prayer of day, examine how you did!

H) When was the Risen Christ present and encouraging you

I) When did you ignore promptings, when did you act on them?

J) Over time, you will grow in your discernment of the Risen Lord’s presence and promptings in your life.

XVI) May we, as Church, fulfill the promise of the Old Covenant, opened to us through the sacrifice of the Cross May the Son of Man, when He comes again, find us at prayer, always, and without growing weary conforming ourselves to the image of Christ and enjoying union with God the Father, through Christ, and in the Holy Spirt.

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1. Recall you are in the presence of God.

No matter-where you are, hilltop or valley, country or.ity, itt a crowd or alone, you are a creature in the midstof creation. The Creator who called you fordr is con-cemed for you. The Spirit of God, sent by Christ, willremind you that you are gifted to help bring creation toits fi:Ilness, to restore itto the Creator's way. Askthe HolySpirit to let you look on a1l you see with love. "Loae ispatient, kae is kincl, Ioae is not jealou.s or boastful, it is notarT\gnnt or nule. Loae does not insist an its own way; ... itdnes not rejoice at wrlng but rejoices in the right .-. " Loaehopu all thingt" (1 Cor.)

2. Give thanks to God for favors received:

Pause and spend a moment looking dt this day's gifts. Beconcrete! Recall the aste of iam on toasL the fraerance ofa flower, the smile brought forrh by a kind wordjan act ofpatrence that gaye someolre ease. Tlke stock of what youreceived and gave. Notice rhese clues dut guide li"irg"

Now look at your more pefinanent gifu that allow yourparticipation in dris day. Recall your particular strengtls intimes of difficulty, your abiliqy to hope in times of weak-ness, your sense ofhumor and your life of faith, your intel-Iigence and health, your family and friends. God theFather gives these to you to drawyou into the fi:l}ress ofliFe" The Father sent the Son,Jezus, to assure us that Godtkingdom is being esablished. Jesus sends the Holy Spiritto ggde and srsainus aswe receive and bringlirfe to odrers.

Pause in thanksgiYing

3, Ask for awareness of the Holy Spirit's aid.

Before you explore the m1ntery of the human hearg askto receive the Holy Spirit so that you can look upon youractions and motives with honesw and oatience " "L4ltentbe Spirit of nzrth csrnes be wilt guide yiu nn ail tm.rth."

Sohn 16:13) The Holy Spirit inspires you to see withgrowing freedom the develspment ofyour life story. TheSpirit gives a freedom to lookuponyourselfwithout con-demnation and without complacenqy and thus be open togrowrlr. "Loae bopes all things."

4. Now examine howyou are livingthis day.

Recalling dre evens of your day, explore rhe context ofyour actions. Review the day, hour byhour, searching forthe intemal evenc of your life. Look through the hoursto see your interaction with what was before you. Askwhatyou were involved in and who you were with, andreview your hopes and hesitations. M*y sinrations will

,.show that you-r heart was divided - wavering betweenhelping and disregarding, scoffing and encouragng, Hs-

tening and ignoring, rebuking and forgiving speakingand silence, neglecting and thanking. See the opporn:ni-ties for growth in faith, hope and .hoity and how youresponded. What moved you to act the way you did?

Notice where you acted freely - picking a particularcourse of action from the possibilities you sa\ /. See whereyou no'\M sense you were swept along without freedom.This "metbod" is to give you habits of freedom. Whathabis helped or hindered you?

See where Christ entered your decisiors and where youmighthar,e paused to receive His influence. "Tlst yourcelves,"

Sc Paul urges, '10 see wbether yaa are liaing in foith; exazn-

ine yourselaes. Perhaps yoa yourselaes do not rea/ize tbatCbristJevs ir in you!'Q Cor) His influence comes throughFIis people, the Body of Christ. His influence comestlto"gh Scripturb, the Word of God. Norv, as you pray,CtrisCs qpiritwill help you know IIis presence and concem"

As you daily and prayerfirlly explore the m1stery ofyourseHin the midst ofyour actions youwill growpore famil-iar with your qpirit You will come to lnovr that Christ iswith you. Christ will continually invite you to love yourneighbor as yourseHand strengthen you to do this.


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5. Pray words of reconciliation and resolve.

"The Word of God is aery near. t0 jnat, it is in yotr moutband in yoar heart for your observance. See, today I set before

yla hfe and prasperity, deatb and disaster ... Cboose ffi,"speals the prophet. @eut. 18) Now, havingreviewed thisday ofyour life, look upon yourself with compassion andsee your need for God and tr-y to rcakze God's manifesa-tions of concern for you. Express sorrow for sin, theobscuring darhress that surrounds us all, and especiallyask forgiveness for the times you resisted God's lighttoday. Give thanks ftx grace,the enlighteningpresence ofGod, and especially praise God for the times youresponded in wala that allowed you to bener see God'siife. In these acts of sorrow and gratitude you grow inhrowledge of Godt gende labor foryou. "As the day is inthe potterT b*O:, are ylu in rfline." Ser. 18:6)

*A Final Reflection

- Grovth in friendship and intimacy needs time and con-stant at[ention. Try to give 10 to 15 minUtes daily to thisexamination.

- Cover all five points daity with a freedom to Jingermore at one point than another, as the Spirit moves you.

- No-tice howyou grow in appreciation for the variety ofvocations - marriage, priesthood religious life - amongthe people of God

- Pray that all hear God's call and respond generouslyto their vocation. "Thy kingdoru. clme, thy will be done

on eartb ..."

The First Principle and Foundation

The goal of our liFe is to live I rith C.od forever.

God who loves us, gave us liFe.

Our own response of love allows Godb life to florrinto us


Ail the things in this world are gifts of God,presented to us so that we can knovr God more easily

and make a return of love more readily.

As a resulg we appreciate and use all these g'ifts of Godinsofar as they help us dwelop as loving persons.

But if any of these gifu become the center of our lives,

they displace Godand so hinder our growdr toward our goal.

Ir everyday life, then, we must hold ourselves in balance

before all of these created gtftt i"*f"t as we have a choiceand are not bound by some obligation.Wb should not fix our desires on health or sickness,

wealth or povertg srlccess or failure, a long Iife or short one.

For everyriing has the potential of calling fordr in us

a deeoer resDonse to our life in C.od.

Our only desire and our one choice

should be this:I want and.I choose what betterleads to thedeepening of God's IiFe in me.

- St. Ignatius as paraphrased

byDavid L. Fleming, SJ.from the beginning ofthe Spiritual Exercisu
