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Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

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Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill
Page 1: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Pre Colonial and Colonial America

Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill

Page 2: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

What were the main reasons for expansion?

A. Excitement and danger

B. Economic freedoms and personal beliefs

C. Religious freedom and individualism

D. Religious fervor, national glory, and economic opportunity

E. All of the above.

Page 3: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

All of the following led to the failure of the Chesapeake colony EXCEPTA. Settlement in a swampy area that bred


B. Indian Attacks that threatened the lives of everyday settlers.

C. Very strict, unbending religious beliefs

D. Poor work ethic: gentleman that wouldn’t work and gold-seekers that refused to farm.

E. Lack of nuclear families that provided a strong social base.

Page 4: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Which of these were not responsible for the success of the New England Colonies more

so than the Chesapeake Colonies?• A. The unity of the settlers

• B. A preset government

• C. The location was better suited

• D. They got along with the natives

• E. The English government backed them

Page 5: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Which of the following statements best describes Christopher Columbus?

A. He truly respected Indian culture and wanted to preserve their way of life

B. Although he perpetuated crimes against Native Americans, and may not truly deserve the place in history that he has, nobody can seriously dispute his importance

C. He was a coward, who took the ideas and achievements of others and passed them off as his own

D. He wanted to crush the Native Americans, and was not at all important in American history.

E. He founded America and is the only early explorer worthy of recognition.

Page 6: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

What two groups mainly made up the people who settled the early Chesapeake


A. English Gentility and indentured servants.

B. Slaves and English Criminals.

C. Poor people and religious refugees.

D. Scientists and other intellectuals.

E. Progressive reformers and thrill seekers.

Page 7: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

What were some characteristics of the Quakers who settled Pennsylvania?

• A. Conquest of Indian lands.

• B. Desire for religious freedom.

• C. Beliefs in pacifism.

• D. Intolerance of other’s religions.

• E. Both B and C

Page 8: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Which religious group and its smaller sect were responsible for the formation of the

Massachusetts Bay Colony.A. The Protestants and the Catholics of


B. The Quakers and the Separatists

C. The Calvinists and the Anglicans

D. The Puritans and the Precisionists

Page 9: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

What body promised the early colonists the right to be represented in lawmaking, resulting in the

House of Burgesses?

A. The King of England

B. The May-Flower Compact

C. The Virginia Company

D. The Royal Governors

E. Parliament

Page 10: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Which statement would Roger Williams most agree with?

A. Only people of the protestant faith should be allowed into Rhode Island.

B. Native Americans are naturally inferior to Anglo-Saxons.

C. The individuals conscience is completely controlled by religious authority.

D. Native Americans deserve full rights and all faiths should be tolerated.

E. The only faith that is not to be tolerated by anybody is Judaism.

Page 11: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

The most significant consequence of the French and Indian Was was

that? A. Spain received Florida as a prize of war.

B. there were British attacks against the tribes that had sided with the French

C. French power in Canada was strengthened.

D. The French began to hate the Indians, leading to English superiority in the colonies

E. England and the colonies began to distrust each other.

Page 12: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

The British policy of Salutary Neglect

A. allowed colonies to elect their own governors.

B. did NOT enforce the Navigation Acts

C. removed the British navy from the ocean

D. force the colonies to create their own government

E. withdrew British soldiers from North America

Page 13: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

With the Proclamation of 1763, the British intended to do what with the western land won during the

French and Indian War? A. Prevent further conflicts with Native

Americans by drawing the proclamation line.

B. Force the colonies to be locked in and have no room to grow due to the line.

C. Display parliamentary dominance.

D. Reserve land for future colonies.

E. Give the land back to the French.

Page 14: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Which enlightenment thinker was the primary inspiration for the ideologies of the

Declaration of Independence?A. John Locke

B. Adam Smith

C. Montesquieu

D. Robert Hooke

E. Thomas Reid

Page 15: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

What was NOT an affect that the Stamp Act had on the colonies?

A. It hurt everyone economically, no matter their social status was.

B. It caused a boycott if all British products.C. It continued to bring the question of taxation

without representation into the discussion of British relations.

D. It resulted in the formation of the Sons of Liberty.

E. It was the sole factor in the decision to go to war.

Page 16: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Which of the following is not a provision of the Coercive Acts, drafted by Parliament to

control the rebels of Boston?A. The Port Act closed the Boston Harbor, prohibiting

trade until the destroyed tea of the Boston Tea Party was paid for.

B. The Writ of Assistance, which allowed officials to search anywhere rather than in one place, as mandated by a judge’s warrant.

C. The Massachusetts Government Act reduced the power of the legislature while raising the power of the Royal Governor.

D. Administration of Justice Act allowed royal officials accused of crimes to be tried in England.

E. Expansion of Quartering act allowing soldiers to be quartered in private homes.

Page 17: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

To what extent did the settling of the “new world” draw parallels to the settling of the American West?

Page 18: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

• Thesis:

• To a large extent there were a lot of the same circumstances. Both governments had some sort of reward system set up. The expansion happened for many different reasons in both times too. People weren’t quite sure what they were going to encounter and underestimated the hardships they would face in their respective new frontiers.

Page 19: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Same Different

S Long Journey to new home

Underestimated hardshipSome people were dragged along (indentured servants)

P Homestead Act/ Head right System/ Encomienda System

Competition with other nations for colonies and raw materials.

R Divine Right Some of the pilgrims wanted religious freedom

I Desire to see new frontier/ Glory

T Technological advances in travel made it possible

Transcontinental Railroad

E Economic opportunities Some colonies were set up just for economic gain; gold rush;

Page 20: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Discuss the differences and similarities between the different motivations for

exploration of France, England, and Spain.

Page 21: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

• Thesis:• The more detailed causes were particular to the country

though. England wanted to spread Protestantism and gain new land, Spain had economic interests, and France wanted to spread Catholicism and expand economically. Although each country had it’s own specific desires, the main factors for all 3 countries were the relatively same. Expansion was based on new economic opportunities and trade routes, to expand their country and bring pride to it, and to spread their religion.

Page 22: Pre Colonial and Colonial America Randy Comstock, Jackson Mitzner, Cole Hanna, Joe Gill.

Same Different

S GloryCompetition from other countries

England needed more land

P Not all expeditions had government backing

R God Catholicism v. Protestantism

I Competition

T All benefited from improvements in sailing and other technological advancements

E Gold, Trade Routes

New opportunities

French desired furs
