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Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)

Date post: 09-Apr-2018
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  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    Switch from 3 meals a day to 5-6 meals aday.

    A pregnant woman should contain moresignificantly more Protein, vitamins andtrace elements.

    A future mothers daily diet should

    consist of not less than 100 grams leanmeat (including poultry) or fish, and milkand / or milk products, cheese, cottagecheese, eggs.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    Vitamin E largely controls normal work ofreproductive system.

    Vitamin C stimulates immune system, boostsimmune system.

    B vitamins - are essential for normal functioning ofnervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems.

    Vitamin A - protects cells from the effects of toxic

    products and harmful radiation. It is very importantfor vision.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    Magnesium, Phosphorus and Calcium basic biulding materials for

    musculoskeletal system of a child. Potassium and sodium - play an important

    role in regulating water-salt balance of theorganism. A large amount of potassium is

    found in raisins, spinach, peas, nuts andmushrooms. A major source of sodium issalt.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    Neck rotation: Relax your neck and shoulders. Drop your head forward. Slowly rotate

    your head to your right shoulder, back to the middle, and over the left shoulder.

    Complete four, slow rotations in each direction.

    Shoulder rotation: Bring your shoulders forward and then rotate them up toward your

    ears and then back down. Do four rotations in each direction.

    Swim: Place your arms at your sides. Bring your right arm up and extend your body

    forward and twist to the side, as if swimming the crawl stroke. Follow with left arm. Do the

    sequence ten times.

    Thigh shift: Stand with one foot about two feet in front of the other, toes pointed in the

    same direction. Lean forward, supporting your weight on the forward thigh. Change

    sides and repeat. Do four on each side.

    Leg shake: Sit with your legs and feet extended. Move the legs up and down in a gentle

    shaking motion.

    Ankle rotation: Sit with your legs extended and keep your toes relaxed. Rotate your feet,

    making large circles. Use your whole foot and ankle. Rotate four times on the right and

    four times on the left.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    To do Kegels, imagine you are trying to stop the flow of urineor trying not to pass gas. When you do this, you arecontracting the muscles of the pelvic floor and are practicing

    Kegel exercises. While doing Kegel exercises, try not to moveyour leg, buttock, or abdominal muscles. In fact, no oneshould be able to tell that you are doing Kegel exercises. Soyou can do them anywhere.

    We recommend doing five sets of Kegel exercises a day.Each time you contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, holdfor a slow count of five and then relax. Repeat this ten timesfor one set of Kegels.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    Tailor sit: Sit on the floor with your knees bentand ankles crossed. Lean slightly forward, andkeep your back straight but relaxed. Use this

    position whenever possible throughout the day.

    Tailor press: Sit on the floor with your knees bentand the bottoms of your feet together. Graspyour ankles and pull your feet gently toward

    your body. Place your hands under your knees.Inhale. While pressing your knees down againstyour hands, press your hands up against yourknees (counter-pressure). Hold for a count offive.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)



    Amniocentesis This test can diagnosis certain

    birthDown SyndromeCystic Fibrosis

    Spina Bifida

    It is performed at 14 to 20 weeks.

    It may be suggested for couples

    at higher risk for genetic

    disorders. It also provides DNA for

    paternity testing.

    A thin needle is used to

    draw out a small amountof amniotic fluid and cells

    from the sac surroundingthe fetus. The sample is

    sent to a lab for testing.

    Biophysical profile (BPP) This test is used in the thirdtrimester to monitor the overall

    health of the baby and to help

    decide if the baby should be

    delivered early.

    BPP involves an ultrasound

    exam along with a non stresstest. The BPP looks at the

    baby's breathing,

    movement, muscle tone,

    heart rate, and the amountof amniotic fluid.

    Chorionic villus sampling


    A test done at 10 to 13 weeks to

    diagnose certain birth defects,


    Chromosomal disorders,

    including down syndrome.

    Genetic disorders, such as cysticfibrosis.

    A needle removes a

    small sample of cells fromthe placenta to be


  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)



    - You just have pose as how you

    understand the exercise that wasdiscussed, for 10 seconds. The team that

    no member have moved for 10 secswould be the winner.

  • 8/8/2019 Pregnancy Nursing Management. (020810)


    First Shot

    -Tailor Press



    Second Shot

    - Swim ! (Location: Mall)

    Third Shot

    - thigh shift! (SCENE: watching anaction movie on a theatre)

    Fourth Shot

    - Shoulder rotation (Scene:Amusement park)


    - KEGEL.
