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Preliminary evaluation questions

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{ Preliminary Evaluation Questions By Andrew Thomas - Pemagbi
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Preliminary Evaluation Questions

By Andrew Thomas - Pemagbi

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Here, I tried to make my whole mise en scene obvious to my target audience, everything on my magazine links to something about my school for example the Bishop Douglass sign, my central image linking to my masthead as it is children in school uniform and also how my cover stories relate to stuff going on in my school. This all associates to the real media magazine (top right) as everything around the magazine links to the genre of the magazine. ‘VIBE’ shadowing R&B or hip hop and is clearly shown as the artist of the central image is of this music genre. Also I tried to use the close link of colour for example blue and black for the text of cover stories which also links to my example music magazine as there is also a limited use of colour (red and white).

In what ways does your media school magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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How does your product represent particular students?

My product presents a positive representation of students as the cliché of a normal school student is to always be on computers and not doing work. However, I should the opposite and I also showed a variety of opposites through my product and this is shown in my contents page as it shows what's inside my magazine. This is represented on the contents page as is shows a student reading so as you can see it give a less mundane approach to learning as the girl is doing it in her spare time. It also reaches out to sporty students showing that it is an active school as there is a large sum of students playing football. Also is shows students playing chess showing a mature and logical approach to what some students enjoy as chess requires a lot of thinking.

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What kind of media institution (publisher) might distribute your media product and why?

As it is a school magazine, schools have limited funding so they would not be able to pay for advertising or for the cost for extra things. It would only go to a point that when the magazine is made the reprographics department would print it from publisher. For example a real magazine would pay for adverting on places like Facebook or twitter which I know would cost millions of pound where as a school magazine is only target to mainly students for instance it would not be needed to be published worldwide anyway as normally school magazine are normally free and made for student and perhaps parental interest.

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My audience would mainly be to students who study at Bishop Douglass school either is 6th form or lower school (7 to 11) as it is clearly shown on my contents page where it relates to the year 11 football team where as on my front cover it is about 6th form through the central image and the made cover story. Additionally for my magazine as it’s a school magazine I would need to appeal to all types of niche audiences within the school environment. Where at times I would appeal to the sporty crowd and then at other times I would try to appeal to those who like to read or for example like to play games which involves thinking and would be interested in joining a chess tournament.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

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One way that I attracted my audience was through my masthead, through the words ‘BD4U’ is just like text speak which appeals to my audience. Aldo I gave it a more arty field to appeal to students at the school as it doesn’t just have normal text. Additionally I used the channel four sign almost like a shock tactic as the normal student wouldn’t expect to see it there (also attracting TV show lovers). In addition bearing in mind my audience is from ages 11 to 18 I used my masthead in different types of text, colours and signs to give the audience an exciting feeling towards the magazine as it is not jus an average masthead. Further more I used to Bishop Douglass initials relating to it being a school magazine.

How did you attract/address your audience?

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I have learnt about how to use picmonkey as I had to learn how to input my central image onto the screen and I also learnt from picmonkey on how to bring text in front of an image as it is something that I would be using often in the future. However the only bad thing about picmonkey was that when saving my front cover it always saved to a jpeg so I couldn’t edit it after. Additionally, with my contents page which I used on Microsoft word, I furthered my understanding of word art and the different things you can do with it. Furthermore when taking pictures for my contents I found out about a photo editor app called befunky which I used for my chess image and it was interesting as it made the picture more appealing to the eye.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
