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Preliminary vs Final product

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Preliminary vs Final Product By Emily Turner
Page 1: Preliminary vs Final product

Preliminary vs Final Product

By Emily Turner

Page 2: Preliminary vs Final product

Conventions – Front cover

My preliminary task cover some conventions as I have used the idea of the left third, considered the route of the eye and included a large masthead but the majority of typical conventions for a magazine aren’t included. Compared to my final product, I have used several conventions as I have included bright colours which are eye catching, sans serif fonts and incorporated a house style by the use of red, white, black and grey.

Page 3: Preliminary vs Final product

Photography – Front cover

In my preliminary task I didn’t know about the importance of shot types and angles, therefore it is unclear of what the image is trying to show. Whereas, in my final product I have used a conventional shot type – which is a long shot to show the body language of the artist. The use of mise-en-scene is fairly conventional to my preliminary task as I used a book to link to the school based magazine but I have used conventional mise-en-scene as by the use of black clothing to represent the artists in a certain way and represent the target audience, as well. In my preliminary task I didn’t consider the lighting, whereas now I have ensured my convention by the use of high key lighting to make the image stand out.

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Layout– Front cover

In my preliminary task my layout of my magazine is fairly organised as each feature stands out, however, I didn’t consider which feature you would look at first. Whereas, I have used the conventional route of the eye which would be typical to the genre and the audience – as the first thing you look towards is the masthead, then down to the main image and finally to the coverlines.

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Image editing – Front cover

My image editing has improved as I had the right software to use when producing my final product, which I didn’t have before. In my final product I crop the background of my image, to make my front cover conventional and to make it easier for me to insert the image onto the background – this allowed me to easily position the coverlines around the image to make my page conventional.

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Fonts – Front cover

In my preliminary task it is clear that I didn’t use a variety of fonts within my pages as most of them are bold and arial font – this showed how I didn’t consider a house style and the audience wouldn’t be able to make a comparison between the magazine pages. However, I have incorporated the use of sans serif font and a small number of serif font to show variety within my magazine and to appeal to both male and female gender. I also created the idea of a house style by using the same fonts throughout my three magazine pages, making them appealing to my target audience.

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Colours – Front cover

The colours I have used on my preliminary task are boring and dull – therefore they wouldn’t appeal to my audience. I have improved this by using fairly bright colours to catch the audience attention and draw them into the magazine. The colours I have used clearly show that they are suited to this genre as the colour helps represent elegance and power which is closely associated to girls, which relates to the female population in my magazine and to the target audience of girls.

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Mode of Address – Front cover

The mode of address on my preliminary task is very unclear the reason for this is because I didn’t use language with would be suited and appealing to my audience –as I was unaware of what appealed to my audience. However, in my final product my mode of address is clear and is conventional as it shows connotations of it being friendly and chatty.

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Conventions – contents page

In my preliminary task includes some conventions as I have included the idea of the left third and included a large masthead at the top of the page. However my final product includes more conventions as I have used a variety of images to appeal to the audience, have used the route of the eye and used a conventional layout. I have used more conventional colours such as reds and blacks to appeal to the audience.

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Layout – contents page

I used some good layout on my preliminary task such as the use of the left third and tried to incorporate the use of the route of the eye. Whereas on my final contents page I used the route of the eye better, which would be appealing to the target audience. The use of the left third to show important information, as this is where it is expected that the audience will look firstly. I placed the subscribe offer in the centre to draw attention to it and make it eye catching.

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Fonts – contents page

On my preliminary task I have used sans serif fonts, which stand out and is appealing to the target audience. However I used them more effectively on my final contents page. This is as I used larger fonts on things such as cover lines and the masthead to catch the audiences attention. The sans serif fonts are also conventional on this type of magazine as they look organised and are clear to read, so would be appealing to the target audience, both male and female. I have also used a small number on serif fonts on this page, such as the ‘encore review’ text to create variety and grab attention toward them.

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Colours – contents page

On my preliminary task I did not use much colour, which is unconventional and looks plain. The colour I did use, which was green, didn’t link to the genre but did make the information inside of it stand out and drew your attention toward it. On my final contents page I used more colours which I had found were conventional, such as reds, blacks, whites and greys. I used these colours effectively to make the text stand out and draw attention toward important information. The variety of colours also makes the page more interesting and creates variety. It also creates a house style meaning you can create familiarity between each of the pages, as they all link together. I have used colours which are conventional with the genre as this represents power which is associated with girls, which relates to my target audience of girls.

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Mode of Address – contents page

There was not any mode of address of my preliminary task as it did not contain much text, so the mode of address was very unclear. Whereas on my final contents page the mode of address shows connotations of being formal, friendly and chatty. It is formal due to the language used which is suited and appealing to my target audience. This is different to my preliminary task as I did not know what was appealing to the target audience.
