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Preparing the EAC Self Study

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  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Sarah A. Rajala

    Chair, EAC Materials Committee

    ABET SymposiumSt. Louis, MO

    April 20, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Preparing an Effective



    To facilitate preparation of the self-study

    by engineering programs preparing for

    ABET evaluation visits in 2012-2013 orlater.

    Expected Outcome

    Participants will understand the types ofresponses expected by teams to various

    types of questions in the self-study.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study



    Self-Study Basics and Context

    The Preparation Activity

    Sample Reporting Elements

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Self-Study Basics and Context

    Presents your program to the evaluation team

    Information provided in the self-study is used by

    the team to initially evaluate the program.

    Basis for questions raised by the PEVs as they preparefor the campus visit

    Provides the team its first impression of the extent

    to which the program meets the criteria.

    Note: While the self-study focuses primarily onaccreditation criteria, it also responds to questions related

    to certain sections of the ABET Accreditation Policy and

    Procedure Manual (APPM)

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Audience for the Self-Study

    Team Chair Overall team manager

    Typically responsible for institutional issues

    Responsible for overall statement

    Presents the teams findings to the whole commission

    Experienced evaluator, but maybe not in your specific discipline

    Program Evaluators (PEV)

    Evaluate specific programs for compliance with the criteria

    Work with other PEVs and the team chair to apply consistent and

    appropriate interpretation of the EAC criteria

    Expertise in specific discipline

    Recommended by professional societies (based on the program being

    evaluated) for approval by the institution and the team chair

    Observers (no evaluative role)

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Tips to Connect with Your

    Audience Make it easy for the reader to find information required:

    Well-defined Table of Contents

    To-the-point responses

    Specific pointers to documents or other sections as appropriate

    Clearly explain any institution- or program-specific


    It is OK to use discipline-specific jargon/terminology.

    Footnote if not sure what response is expected, to explainyour interpretation.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    How is Self-Study Organized?

    Follows the harmonized EAC criteria Students

    Program Educational Objectives (note changes)

    Student Outcomes (note changes)

    Continuous Improvement (note changes)




    Institutional Support

    Program Criteria (as applicable)

    General Criteria for Masters Level Program (as applicable)

    Appendices (note changes)

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    Self-Study Questionnaire

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    Changes in the Criteria

    The Harmonized Criteria were put into effect for

    the first time in 2011-2012.

    For the most part, they are not new.

    There are changes of substance in three criteria:

    Criterion 2, Criterion 3, and Criterion 4

    The self-study you will prepare needs to reflect

    these changes.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Changes in Criteria 2, 3, and 4

    The assessment and evaluation processes associated

    with Criteria 2 and 3 have been moved to Criterion 4.

    Criterion 4 for 2012-13 requires that the program

    regularly use appropriate, documented processes for

    evaluating the extent to which both the PEOs and the

    student outcomes are being attained. The results of these

    evaluations must be utilized as input for the continuous

    improvement of the program. Other available information

    may also be used to assist in the continuousimprovement of the program.

    Note the change in language in Criterion 4.

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    Changes in the Self-Study


    Some of the tables have been deleted or


    Changes in table requirements for Criterion 1

    New tables in Criteria 5 and 6

    New content in Criterion 4


    Changes in format for syllabi and resumes Changes in section for Appendix D

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Types of Responses

    Narrative explanations

    Tables and figures

    Appendices (vitae, course descriptions,institutional summary)

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    Time Frame for Responses

    Responses generally are for the year in which self-study

    is prepared (year prior to visit).

    Self-study is due July 1 of year of visit.

    Assessment material will cover previous years as well. Some tables request information for years prior to self-


    Updates for year of visit can be provided on site to

    evaluation team. Upcoming changes should be noted in self-study,

    especially if they will be effective in year of visit.

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    The Preparation


  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    How Do I Start?

    Get a copy of the current EAC Self-Study

    Questionnaire from the ABET website.

    New and based on the harmonized criteria

    Typically posted in July of the year preceding the visit It is a guided tour of what you will want to put

    into the report.

    It can be used as a checklist to help you gauge

    criteria compliance and prepare for on-site visit.

    It is not intended to be limiting.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Am I Required to Follow the Format of

    the Self-Study Questionnaire? It is important that the overall structure in the Self-Study

    Questionnaire be retained.

    Be sure to include all items that appear in the Self-StudyQuestionnaire Table of Contents.

    If you deviate, make it clear for the reader how and why,

    and enable the reader to find material easily.

    Explain and clearly link any institution- or program-specific terminology in the Self-Study Report to

    terminology used in the Self-Study Questionnaire.

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    What About Tables and Figures?

    Dont change the format without a good


    Feel free to add additional tables and/or

    figures to make your self-study moreunderstandable and to explain relevant points

    about your program.

    The objectives are content (numbers, facts,and trends) and clear communication.

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    We Made Major Changes in our

    Program Recently. What Do We Do?

    Great! You identified (perhaps through your program of

    assessment and analysis) that a change was needed to

    achieve objectives and/or outcomes. Relate the changes to statements in the criteria as much

    as possible and describe them in the parts of the self-

    study that relate to these criteria.

    Include what led to them, when they take effect, andwhen their impact will be assessed.

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    We Have Questions While We Are

    Preparing the Self-Study

    Call ABET HQ

    Ask for

    EAC Adjunct Accreditation Director Dr. DayneAldridge, or

    Ms. Maryanne Weiss, ABETs Accreditation


  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Preparation Tips

    Recognize that much of the work is done on anongoing basis in the true spirit of accreditation.

    Appoint a leader for self-study preparation (in theyear prior to the year of your visit).

    Assign tasks to key persons at program, college,and institutional level as appropriate.

    Synthesize materials into a coherent whole.

    Leave time for review before due date. By someone not involved in the preparation, if possible.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    What Are the Visitors Really

    Looking For?

    Demonstration that your program meets the

    EAC criteria and applicable ABET policies

    and procedures.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Self-Study Submission ABET

    A Self-Study Report for each program and one

    set of supplemental materials on paper or

    PDF files (on CD, DVD, or data stick)

    If submitted via electronic media, the material mustbe self-contained and may not include hot links.

    Do not combine hard copy and electronic media.

    Do not submit via email.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Self-Study Submission Dates

    Who/when do I mail my materials to?

    Engineering Accreditation Commission,

    ABET (July 1) Team chair (July 1)

    PEVs (as directed by the team chair)

    Observers (as directed by the team


  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Criterion 5. Curriculum

    Alignment with program educational objectives

    Support of student outcomes

    Flowchart or worksheet of pre-requisite structure for

    required courses

    Compliance with curricular requirements math &

    science, engineering topics, and general education

    Major design experience (ties to prior coursework,engineering standards, realistic constraints)

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Table 5-1: Curriculum(Page 13 of the Self-Study Questionnaire)

    Course(Department, Number, Title)

    List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year andending with the last term of the final year.

    Indicate WhetherCourse is Required,

    Elective or a SelectedElective by an R, an E

    or an SE.1

    Subject Area (Credit Hours)

    Last Two Termsthe Course was

    Offered:Year and,

    Semester, orQuarter



    for the LastTwo Terms the

    Course wasOffered2

    Math &Basic



    Check ifContains

    SignificantDesign ()

    GeneralEducation Other

    For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation,

    etc.), indicate the maximum enrollment in each element.

    Required courses are required of all students in the program, electivecourses are optional for students, and selected electives are courses

    where students must take one or more courses from a specified group.

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    More on the Curriculum Table

    Options, concentrations, pathways

    Current vs. new curriculum (handling versions)

    Guidance for large lists: What do I do if I have an

    extensive list of electives? The PEVs will be looking at the syllabi in the

    appendix along with this table.

    Ensure consistency, clarity, and completeness of


    Add footnotes if helpful.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    One Year of Study

    Criteria One Year of Study =



    32 semester credit hours

    OR25% of total credits for degree,

    whichever is less

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Criterion 6. Faculty

    Addresses faculty qualifications, workload,

    size, professional development, and the

    authority and responsibility of the faculty.

    Two tables

    Faculty Qualifications

    Faculty Workload Summary

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Table 6-1: Faculty Qualifications

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    More on the Curriculum Table

    Options, concentrations, pathways

    Current vs. new curriculum (handling versions)

    Guidance for large lists: What do I do if I have an

    extensive list of electives? The PEVs will be looking at the syllabi in the

    appendix along with this table.

    Ensure consistency, clarity, and completeness of


    Add footnotes if helpful.

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    One Year of Study

    Criteria One Year of Study =



    32 semester credit hours

    OR25% of total credits for degree,

    whichever is less

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Criterion 6. Faculty

    Addresses faculty qualifications, workload,

    size, professional development, and the

    authority and responsibility of the faculty.

    Two tables

    Faculty Qualifications

    Faculty Workload Summary

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Table 6-1: Faculty Qualifications

    Faculty NameHighest DegreeEarned- Field

    and Year








    Years ofExperience


    tration/Certification Level of


    H, M, or L












  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Table 6-2: Faculty Workload Summary


    PT or FT1



    Term andYear2

    Program Activity Distribution3

    % of TimeDevoted

    to theProgram5


    Research orScholarship


  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Appendix A: Course Syllabi

    Follow outline provided (specifies minimum required

    information) Course number and name

    Credits and contact hours

    Instructors or course coordinators name Textbook, title, author, and year

    Specific course information

    Specific goals for the course (Link to Criterion 3: Student Outcomes)

    Brief list of topics to be covered

    Common format for all courses

    No more than two pages for each course

  • 7/30/2019 Preparing the EAC Self Study


    Appendix B: Faculty Vitae

    Support summary in faculty analysis table

    Show education, experience, recent and

    current activities, currency in the field

    Help PEV identify who to interview

    Common format for all faculty include

    requested information

    Two-page limit

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    Appendix C: Equipment

    List of major pieces of equipment that

    support instruction

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    Appendix D: Institutional Summary

    Note changes in the tables

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    Resources on ABET Web Site

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    Get Very Familiar with .

    Accreditation Criteria, Policies & Procedures

    Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs,

    2012-2013 Review Cycle (PDF)

    2012-2013 Accreditation Policy and Procedure

    Manual (PDF)

    Self-Study Questionnaire: Template for the

    Engineering Self-Study Report (DOC)

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    Questions &

