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  • 7/29/2019 Presentasi pptx



    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia + Malnutrition(Marasmic Type) + Hyperuricemia

    Presentators: Imela Sari, S.Ked

    Akbar Husaini Angkat, S.Ked

    Day,date: Wednesday, August 28th 2013

    Supervisor: dr.Hakimi, Sp.A(K)

  • 7/29/2019 Presentasi pptx


    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, form of

    leukemia, white blood cells cancer, characterized

    by excess malignant, immature overproducelymphblast.

    WHO estimates that 54% child mortality, 1 million

    children due to malnutrition. Measurement childs

    growth provide key information for malnutrition

    Hyperuricemia is a level of uric acid in blood thatabnormall hi h


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    ObjectiveOThe aim for this study is to

    explore more about the

    theoritical aspects on ALL,

    malnutrition, and hyperuricemia

    and also to integrate theory and

    application of these cases indaily life

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    The leukemiasmost common malignantneoplasms in childhood, about 41'% of all

    malignancies that occur in children

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)accounts for about 77% of cases of

    childhood leukemia. And the second

    leading cause of death in children.

    It has a striking peak incidencebetween 2-6 yr of age and occurs

    more frequently in boys than in girls,

    at all ag

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    The choice of treatment of ALL based onthe estimated clinical risk of relapse inthe patient.

    Three of the most important predictivefactors : age at the time of diagnosis, the

    initial leukocyte, and the speed ofresponse to treatment.

    Leukocyte count < 50.000/l, agebetween 1-10 years are used to defineavera e risk.

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    Criteria for high risk patieninclude:

    Age < 1 ore > 10 years

    WBC > 50.000/mct

    T-cell phenotype

    Anterior mediastinal mass

    CNS disease

    Translocation t (4:11) or t(9;22)

    Slow response to inductio therapy

    Four phase of therapy

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    Supportive care Psycological aspect.

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    Hyperuricemia in ALLUric acid is poorly soluble and must be

    excreted continuously to avoid toxic

    accumulations. Its not a specific diseasemarker so the cause of its elevation must

    be detemined.

    Its Elevated (>6 mg/dL in females and >7

    mg/dL in males) serum [UA] may

    predispose the patient to gouty attacks,

    nephrolithiasis, and hypertension

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    *Renal tubule excretion is greater in

    children than in adults, serum level isless reliable indicator of serum uric

    acid production in children,

    measurement of the level in urine isrequired.

    *In ALL patient its frequently caused byTumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS)

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    Th l f k f N P bl

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    Theoretical framework of Nutrition Problems.

    Nutrition problems

    Food intake Infect Disease directcauses

    Food availability Mother & child Health indirect

    in household caring service causes





    Th l l f d t i t l d t t iti t t

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    Three level of determinants lead to nutrition statusImmediate :Inadequacy of dietary intake

    manifested :

    - PEM

    - Micronutr.deficiency

    - Diarrhea & worm disease

    - ARI

    Supply & coverage immuniz

    Immediate :Inadequacy of dietary intake

    manifested :


    - Micronutr.deficiency

    - Diarrhea & worm disease

    - ARI

    Supply & coverage immuniz

    Underlying :- Household food security

    - Access to PHC

    - Community of awareness &

    care for children & women

    Basic :- Socio-economic conditions

    (poverty & crisis)

    - Political factors

    - Traditional practices (infant


    - Environment & sanitation

    Intervention programs

    Supply side :- access : health care facilities

    - supplementation of food &


    - immunization

    - quality: providersskill- information system: coverage

    of suplpement., fortification,

    surveillance, etc.

    Demand side:- empowerment

    - family awareness of nutrition

    - subsidies / health insurance

    Health &


    Status of


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    PERMASALAHAN MEP :tmerupakan primadona masalah kesehatan gizi


    berperan pd. morbiditas & mortalitas anakt deteksi dini dan tatalaksananya penting sebagai

    upaya pencegahan melanjutnya MEP

    t MEP berat perlu perawatan di intensif di RSt Berdampak jangka panjang thd. kualitas SDM

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    Klasifikasi Gizi Buruk :

    1. GOMEZ (195..) : BB/U

    2. MacLarren (196..) : Klinis + laboratoris3. The Wellcome : Klinis + antropometris

    Trust Party (1970)

    4. Waterlow (1973) : BB/TB

    5. WHO (1999) : Klinis + antropometris

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    Klasifikasi Gizi Buruk :Wellcome classification of severe forms of protein-energymalnutrition

    Percentage of

    standard weight for


    Oedema present Oedema absent

    60-80 Kwashiorkor Undernourishedhment

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    Klasifikasi Gizi Buruk (WHO,1999) :Gizi kurang Gizi buruk

    Edema simetris -- +(oedematousmalnutrition)

    BB/TB -3< Z-score

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    Feature Kwashiorkor Marasmus

    Growth failure Present Present

    Wasting Present Present, marked

    Oedema Present (mild) Absent

    Hair changes Common Less common

    Mental changes Very common Uncommon

    Dermatosis, flaky-paint Common Does not occur

    Appetite Poor Good

    Anaemia Severe (sometimes) Present, less severe

    Subcutaneous fat Reduced but present Absent

    Face May be oedematous Drawn in, monkey-like

    Fatty infiltration of liver Present Absent

    Clinical Feature of Marasmus and Kwashiorkor

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  • 7/29/2019 Presentasi pptx


    Name : ACH Age : 4 years 1 month Sex : Male Date of Admission : July, 29 th 2013

    Main Complaint : Pale

    History : A patient was admitted to H Adam Malik General Hospital with a

    main complaint of paleness since 5 months before admittion. Thepatient had no history of nosebleed and gum bleeding, but ahistory of bruise and fever. The patient also complained abdominalbloating since 6 months ago. No family history of the samedisease. The patient had normal urination and defecation.

    History of birth : Normal, assisted by a midwife, cried as soonas baby was born.

    History of previous illness: Patient had been treated to MurniTeguh Hospital and BMP inspection had been done with thediagnosis was ALL

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    Physical Examination

    BW = 12 kg , BH = 92 cm

    BW-for-Age: 75%

    BH-for-Age: 90% BW-for-BH: 85%

    Presens status

    Sens. Compos Mentis, Body temperature:37oC, Pulse: 100 bpm, Respiratory Rate:24 bpm.

    Localized status

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    Localized status

    Head : Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light

    reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale inferiorconjunctivae palpebrae (+/+), icteric (-/-) ,Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth : Sianosis (-),Nose: Normal appereance.

    Neck : Lymph node enlargement (-)

    Thorax: Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrialretraction(-). HR: 100 bpm, reguler, murmur(-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

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    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cmBAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII-


    Extremities: Pulse 100 bpm, regular,adequate pressure and volume, warmacral, CRT < 3. Baggy Pants (+).Decreased subcutaneous fat. Musclehypotrophy.

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    Differential Diagnosis

    ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type )+


    Working Diagnosis

    ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) +



    PRC Transfussion

    Chemotherapy Urinalisis / RF

    Fluid Balance

    July, 29th 2013 (1st day)

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    S: Pale (+) Fever (+). Bruise (+)

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37oC, Body weight: 12kg Head Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale conjunctiva

    palpebra inferior (+/+), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth : Sianosis (-),Nose: Normal appereance.

    Thorax: Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 100 bpm, reguler,murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 100 bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia

    P: Management : Three way

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc

    Plans: PRC Transfussion

    Whole Blood Count (CBC)

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    Whole Blood Count (CBC)

    Hemoglobin (HGB) g% 7.40 11.3 14.1Eritrocyte (RBC) 106/ mm3 2.67 4.40 4.48Leukocyte (WBC) 103/ mm3 2.52 4.5- 13.5Hematocrit (HT) % 21.80 37 41Thrombocyte (PLT) 103/ mm3 46 217 497Differential Count

    Neutrofhil % 26.90 37 80Limphocyte % 54.00 20 40Monocyte % 14.30 2 8Eosinofhil % 1.60 1 6Basofhil % 3.200 0 1Absolute Neutrofhil 103/L 0.68 2.4 - 7.3Absolute Lymphocyte 103/L 1.36 1.7 - 5.1Absolute Monocyte 103/L 0.36 0.2 - 0.6Absolute Eosinofhil 103/L 0.04 0.10 - 0.30Absolute Basofhil 103/L 0.08 0 - 0.1Renal

    Ureum mg/dL 96.50

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    S: Pale (+). Fever (+).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37.1oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (+/+), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance.

    Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 102 bpm, reguler,murmur (-). RR: 26x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 102 bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia

    P: Management: - Three way - Allopurinol 2x50 mg

    - Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul - Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy - Urinalisis / RF

    - Fluid Balance

    July, 31th 2013 (3rd day)

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    S: Pale (+). Fever (+).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37.1oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (+/+), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 104 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 28x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 104 bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia

    P: Management: - Three way - Allopurinol 2x50 mg

    - Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul - Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy - Urinalisis / RF

    - Fluid Balance

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    Ureum mg/dL 20.40

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    S: Pale (+). Fever (+).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37.3 o C, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (+/+), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 103 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 27x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 103bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia

    P: Management: - Three way - Allopurinol 2x50 mg

    - Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul - Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc

    Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    Whole Blood Count (CBC)

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    Whole Blood Count (CBC)



    g% 10.30 11.3 14.1

    Eritrocyte (RBC) 106/ mm3 3.53 4.40 4.48Leukocyte (WBC) 103/ mm3 3.72 4.5- 13.5Hematocrit (HT) % 29.70 37 41Thrombocyte


    103/ mm3 96 217 497

    Differential Count

    Neutrofhil % 29.60 37 80Limphocyte % 59.40 20 40Monocyte % 5.40 2 8Eosinofhil % 1.60 1 6Basofhil % 4.000 0 1Absolute


    103/L 1.10 2.4 - 7.3



    103/L 2.21 1.7 - 5.1



    103/L 0.20 0.2 - 0.6



    103/L 0.06 0.10 - 0.30

    Absolute Basofhil 103/L 0.15 0 - 0.1Renal

    August, 2nd 2013 (5th day)

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    S: Fever (+).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37.2oC, Body weight: 11 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 106 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 26x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-) Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV. Extremities: Pulse 106bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT

    < 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia

    P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9% Allopurinol 2x50 mg

    Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy - Urinalisis / RF

    - Fluid Balance

    August, 3rd 2013 (6th day)

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    S: Fever (+).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37.oC, Body weight: 11 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 124 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 32x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 124bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 4th 2013 (7th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.5oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance.

    Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 108 bpm, reguler,murmur (-). RR: 22x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 108bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 5th 2013 (8th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance.

    Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 106 bpm,reguler, murmur (-). RR: 23x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 106bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 6th 2013 (9th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance.

    Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 101 bpm,reguler, murmur (-). RR: 26x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 101bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT

    < 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 7th 2013 (10th day)

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    S: Fever (-)

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.8oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 100 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities :Pulse 100bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 8th 2013 (11th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.8oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 110 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 110bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 9th 2013 (12th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.8oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 100 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 100bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 10th 2013 (13th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.5oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax: Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 100 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 100bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 11th 2013 (14th day)

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    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.7oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax: Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 108 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 108bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) + Hyperuricemia P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Allopurinol 2x50 mg Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy

    - Urinalisis / RF - Fluid Balance

    August, 12th 2013 (15th day)

  • 7/29/2019 Presentasi pptx


    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 36.7oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax: Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 108 bpm, reguler,

    murmur (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 108bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT< 3. Baggy Pants (+). Decreased subcutaneous fat. Muscle hipotrofi.

    A: ALL FAB L2 + Malnutrition ( Marasmic Type ) P: Management: Three way O2 Nasal Kanul IVFD D5% NaCl 0.9%

    Vitamin A 1x200.000 Ul Multivitamin without FE 1xcthI Diet F75 130cc/2 hours + mineral onix 2,6 cc Plans: - PRC Transfussion - Chemotherapy - Urinalisis / RF

    - Fluid Balance

    Whole Blood Count (CBC)

  • 7/29/2019 Presentasi pptx


    Hemoglobin (HGB) g% 8.60 11.3 14.1Eritrocyte (RBC) 106/ mm3 3.03 4.40 4.48Leukocyte (WBC) 103/ mm3 5.72 4.5- 13.5Hematocrit (HT) % 25.90 37 41Thrombocyte (PLT) 103/ mm3 24 217 497Differential Count

    Neutrofhil % 6.80 37 80Limphocyte % 51.70 20 40Monocyte % 34.30 2 8Eosinofhil % 0.07 1 6Basofhil % 6.500 0 1Absolute Neutrofhil 103/L 0.39 2.4 - 7.3Absolute Lymphocyte 103/L 2.96 1.7 - 5.1Absolute Monocyte 103/L 1.96 0.2 - 0.6Absolute Eosinofhil 103/L 0.04 0.10 - 0.30Absolute Basofhil 103/L 0.37 0 - 0.1Renal

    Ureum mg/dL 25.30

  • 7/29/2019 Presentasi pptx


    S: Fever (-).

    O: Sens: CM, Temp: 37.1oC, Body weight: 12 kg Head: Face : Old man face (-), Eye : Light reflexes(+/+), isochoric pupil, pale

    conjunctiva palpebra inferior (-/-), icteric (-/-) , Ear : Normal appereance , Mouth :

    Sianosis (-), Nose: Normal appereance. Thorax : Symmetrical fusiformis. Epigastrial retraction (-). HR: 98 bpm, reguler, murmur

    (-). RR: 24x/i, reguler. Crackles (-/-)

    Abdomen: Expand. Liver palpable 4cm BAC. Peristaltic (+) normal. Spleen: SIII- IV.

    Extremities: Pulse 98bpm, regular, adequate pressure and volume, warm acral, CRT
