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Presentation 1

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TUGAS BIOLOGI DISUSUN OLEH : Kurnia Sandi M (17.X-3) Lisa Okta (18.X-3) Maradewi Ayu K (19.X-3) Millati Azka S (20.X-3) M. Rifky (21.X-3) Nisrin S (22.X-3) Putri Ayu Hapsari (23.X-3) Rahmadia Maudy P K (24.X-3) SMA NEGERI 2 SEMARANG
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Kurnia Sandi M (17.X-3)

Lisa Okta (18.X-3)

Maradewi Ayu K (19.X-3)

Millati Azka S (20.X-3)

M. Rifky (21.X-3)

Nisrin S (22.X-3)

Putri Ayu Hapsari (23.X-3)

Rahmadia Maudy P K (24.X-3)


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The characterities of Protistse :

1. Cell type : eukoriot organism

2. Body shape : unicelluair, coloni, multiceluller orgsm

3. Reproduce : asexual, reproduction, through by mitotie division

sexual : beproduction through conjugation

If the surrounding enviromen is unsuitable, protists can produce spore or eyst.

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The Protists Classification

1. Slim mold (Protists similar to fungi)

2. Protozoa (Protists similar to animal)

3. Alga (Protists similar to plant)

Slime mold → (Protists similar to fungi)

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Cell type : Having cells with flagella during

one periode of their life cycle.

slim mold clasification

- Phylum Myxomycceta

example : Physarum

- Phylum Acrasiomycceta

example : Dyctyostelium

- Phylum Onycota

example : Phyhoptora insfestan the cause of potato blight

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Protos : first

Zoom : animal

Habitat : fresh water, sea water, moistplaees or live on animal orplant body as parasit.

The Protozoa Classification

Protozoa can be classified into four phylum based on their movement tods

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The Protozoa Classification



1. Kelas Rhizopoda(Sarcodina)

Pseudopodia or false feet

Amoeba proteusForaminiferaRadiolavia

2. Kelas Ciliata(Infusoria)

Having Cilia

3. Kelas Flagellata(Masthigopora)

Have flagella or whip hair

Zoot flagellatesTrypanosomaLeishmonia

4. Kelas Sporozoa(Apicom Plexan)

Without locomotion tools


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A. Class Rhizopoda

The main characteristic is its movement tools by pseudopodia or false feet

Genus Amoeba, example :• Amoeba Proteus • Entamoba histolytica• Entamoba Gingivalis

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Amoeba Proteus

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Entamoba histolytica

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Entamoba Gingivalis

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Live style : 1. Fresh Water

1. (Free Organism) Amoeba Proteus

2. Saprophyte / Parasits Lives in body E. Lustolytica

E. Gingialis• Reproduce = Binary Fission

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Genus Foraminifera

• Specific characteristic = Have skeleton made of calsium carbonat.

• e.g : Allogromia (fresh water), Globigerina (live in the sea).

• The soil layer Globigerina as a sign of petroleum source and to decide the age earth layer.

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Genus Radiolaria

Radiolaria have skeleton made of silica.Useful for : - The formation of petroleum

- Rubbing tools- Explosive materials

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B. Class Flagelata (Mastigophora)

They have flagella, or whip hair.

Class flagellata is classified into :

- Zooflagellata

- Phytoflagellata

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a) Zooflagellata (without plastid) e.g :- Trypanosoma Gambiense The cause of sleepy

disease in Africa with vector of tse-tse fly. - Trypanosoma Rhodosiense The cause of sleepy disease in Africa with vector tse-tse fly. - T. Vaginalis The cause of white mucus disease in vagina.- Leismania Donovani The cause of kalazaar disease.

b) Phytoflagellata (have plastid)e.g :1. Euglena Viridis2. Volvox Globalor3. Life cycle of female anopheles mosquito

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Euglena Viridis

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Volvox Globator

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Life cycle of female Anopheles mosquito

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The life cycle of plasmodium in human body

1. Female Anopheles mosquito will release saliva containing sporozoid saliva then enter into human body.

2. Sporozoid is following the blood flow into lever cell.

3. develop into tropozoid

4. Tropozoid develop into merozoid

5. Tropozoid develop into gametocyte

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The life cycle of Plasmodium in female mosquito :

Gametogenesis, gametocyte change into microgamet and macrogamet

1. Micro and macrogamet fuse together into zygot (ookinet)

2. Ookinet develop to oocyt in the intestine wall

3. Inside oocyst develop into froms sporozoites

4. Sporozoid is ready to be infected into human body

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C. Class Ciliata (infusoria)

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The reproduction and conjugation of Paramecium

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• Parasitie protozoa, without movement tools

• Reproduce asexually and sexually• Asexually reproduce in the definitive host

cells • Sexually reproduce in the intermediary

host cell

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Anopheles mosquito in human body is related to its reproduction sporozoa have two stadium or two development stages in their life cycle sporogony (sexual stage), and skizogony (asexual stage) were are four species of plasmodium

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Causing malaria disease :

1. Plasmodium talcipaeum causing tropical malaria wuth sporulasi one to 2x24 hours

2. Plasmodium vivax causing tertian malaria with sporulation period of everi 2x24 hours

3. Plasmodium malaria is malaria quavtans 3x24 hours

4. Plasmodium ovale causing liniph interupsion 2x24 hours

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Characteristic of algae :

1. The have chloropphyl and other pigment for fotosyntesiss (special pigment)

2. Alga body : the form of thallus that does’t have roots, stems and leaves

3. Varioues shape : Unicellular or multicellular, Unicellular alga make a colony filament or thread like structure

4. Algae in habits : in the water on the skin stem of three

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• Asexsual : cell division, fragmentasion, asexual spora• Sexual : Isogami, heterogamy, oogamy

The classification of algae



1. Green Algae(Chlorophyta)

Chlorophyl SpirogiraChlorella

2. Red Algae(Rhodophyta)

Phycoeritin EucheumaGracilariaGelidium

3. Brown Algae(Phaeophyta)

Fuxoxanthin SargasumLaminariaTurbinaria

4. Golden Algae(Chrysophyta)

Carotenoids Diatom

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1. Green Algae (Chlorophyta)

Characteristic : Habitat : Fresh water, sea water, hot springs Special pigment : Chlorophyl Example :

Chlorella - S.C.P / D.C.T

Spirogyra :

- body shape : filament (like thread)

- chloroplant : spiral shape reproduction

Asexual fragmentation while reproduction is baby forming zygospore


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2. Red Algae (Rhodophyta)

Characteristic :

1. Habitat : Sea grass

2. Special pigment : Phycoeritin

3. Cell walls : containeda cellulose and latex

4. Having food reserves : floridean as jelly material

5. Reproduction Sexual : Fusion between sperma without flagella and ovum

6. Example : Eucheuma Spinosum, Gelidium, Gracilaria

7. Role of in food and cosmetic materials

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3. Brown Algae (Phaeophyta)

Characteristic :• Special pigment : Fuxoxanthin• Have hold fas (alat memegang) to attach on rocks• Have gas filled bladders to floatin the water• Have structure of stem like and leave like• Reproduction

- Asexually : fragmentasion and zoospore

- Sexually : oogamy and isogamy

- Metagenesis• Example :

Fucus , Sargasum, Laminaria, Tubinaria

Role of have alginate, which can be used textile, plastic, cosmetic, material, media of microbal cultivation

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4. Golden Algae (Chrysophyta)

Characteristic :• Special pigment : Carotenoids• Reproduction

a. Asexual : Fragmentasion

b. Sexual : Isogamy• Example : Diatom • Body shape : covered two layer case

a. Hipoteca (pektri)

b. Efilcea (siliea)

This case is utilized polisher material

Dead diatom – form diatom soil

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