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Presentation 13. Have you seen the remarkable displays of dominoes that are sometimes set up on the...

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Presentation 13

Presentation 13

Presentation 13

Have you seen the remarkable displays of dominoes that are sometimes set up on the floor of vast exhibition halls? In order to change the picture on the floor in a quite dramatic fashion all that is necessary is for just one domino at the beginning of a line to be knocked over.

Adam’s rebellion against God set in motion a domino principle that swept through the whole of the human race completely changing God’s intended picture for humanity.


Presentation 13

If ever proof was needed that fallen sinful human nature is something which Adam passed on to his children [what is called original sin] we find it in Gen.4. In a short space of time we move from the harmony of God’s good creation to one that is fractured by the fault-lines of sin. We are confronted with the first murder! But more than that Cain killed Able his own brother! How could such an atrocity take place? In seems that in every generation horrific acts of violence in our world leave spectators appalled.

The horrors of genocide in our own generation have left people asking, ‘how can men do this to their fellow countryman and in some cases to their own family members?’


Presentation 13

The situation in Gen 4 is even more appalling when set against the background of hope that Eve had for her eldest boy. There is the hint in 4v1 that she thought he might be the Saviour whom God had promised in Gen 3.15. She reared this boy wondering if he would be the one who would deliver humanity from the consequences of their disobedience.

Instead, Cain demonstrated just how far removed he was from the creature God originally designed. We see in Cain an ugly distortion with a terrible capacity for evil, which man did not originally possess.


Presentation 13

There is a bitter irony in the fact that the catalyst for this destructive evil is found in a religious setting. Both Cain and Able are shown to be involved in an act of worship! It is a mistake to believe that Cain was irreligious.

Cain was a worshipper! But outward acts of religion can easily disguise a person’s heart attitude towards God. It is possible to attend church, sing hymns and yet resent the prospect of God’s rule in our lives. There are some who attend worship as a means of trying to manipulate God. In their heart they say to God, “Because I regularly attend worship, you are in my debt, you owe me and so I want you to do such and such”.

Approach to God

Presentation 13

We’re not told how the brothers knew of the importance of bringing an offering to God. It is reasonable to assume that Adam would have told them. The fact that God could now only be approached through sacrifice would have been communicated to Adam by God himself. The sacrificial system was, among other things, a visual aid, a reminder of God’s promise that HE HIMSELF would provide the solution to man’s guilt and sin. In the same way that the covering God provided for man in 3.21 was a visual aid - it pointing to the covering of righteousness that Jesus would provide.

In both instances the ‘death of another’ was necessary to provide access into fellowship with God.

Approach to God

Presentation 13

Clearly, animal sacrifice was not man’s but GOD’S idea and it pointed forward to the coming great sacrifice for sin. Jesus’ unique death, as God’s sacrificial lamb, [Jn. 1.29] would open up a new and living way to God and restore man to fellowship with God. Now it becomes immediately apparent that Cain and Abel brought two quite different offerings. Able appears to have followed the divine pattern by bringing an animal sacrifice. Cain in marked contrast chooses instead to bring a different kind of offering. It was the work of his hands, the fruit of the fields.

Approach to God

Presentation 13

It is the attitudes behind these offerings that is important. Abel was saying, “I am trusting in the means God has given for entering his presence and securing his acceptance”. In stark contrast Cain was saying, “I intend to worship God but only on my terms. When God sees the labour of my hands the fruit of my strenuous activity he will accept me”.

These attitudes are miles apart! Abel’s faith was focused on God’s provision! Cain’s faith on his own provision! We read in Heb.11.4 “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain.” What made it better? Not its cost, or the effort involved in bringing it! It was a better sacrifice because it was the ONE God had prescribed.

Approach to God

Presentation 13

These two quite different approaches to God have been expressed through the centuries. Many today are encouraging Christians to be broad-minded and to adopt an inclusionist position to the doctrine of salvation. One which agrees with Buddha and says, ‘there are many ways to the top of the mountain, many ways to God. It doesn’t matter which way we choose!’

If this passage teaches anything, then it teaches that our approach to God does matter! The route we choose is its absolutely crucial. In response to the man who says, ‘but this other approach seems reasonable’, scripture responds, “There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death” Prov.14.12.

Approach to God

Presentation 13

In v4 we read, “The Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offering but on Cain and his offering he didn’t look with favour”. God accepted Able and his sacrifice. Why? because he came God’s way and put his trust in God’s provision cf. Heb. 11 .4b. But God rejected Cain, who chose a different path. God has the right to tell men how to approach him and on what basis he will accept them. Jesus made exclusive claims, “I am the way the truth and the life, NO man comes to the father but by me” Jn 14.6.

The O.T. animal sacrifices pointed forward to God’s supreme sacrifice, that of his Son. Jesusis the only route to God. God’s acceptance can only be enjoyed and his salvation can only be experienced, when we approach God his way - through the cross of Christ!

Approach to God

Presentation 13

Someone asks, ‘Can’t I gain God’s favour by offering him my best efforts, my church service, my religious devotion?’ If these things were sufficient for salvation then the sacrifice of Christ upon the cross would have been unnecessary. Another asks, “Surely as long as I am sincere in my religious worship nothing else really matters?” Cain was sincere but he was sincerely wrong. Sincerity is not the most important element in religion! For many years people have been approaching God in the wrong way and like Cain trust God to accept them because of the labour of their hands? In response to this common error the hymn-writer wrote,

“Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling”.

Approach to God

Presentation 13

How did Cain respond to rejection? He was absolutely furious with God! In v5 we read, ‘his face was downcast’. After all, he had worked very hard to be able to bring his produce to God. What an awful shock it is to one’s religious system to discover that your performance is inadequate. Rejection is not an easy thing to live with, hopes are dashed and failure stares us straight in the face.

God graciously drew near to Cain. He did not leave him to brood. How can some people be persuaded that God is a hard tyrant? Look at the great tenderness that he exercises by coming near to Cain in his distress! God is there to help.

Cain’s Danger

Presentation 13

First, God was concerned to show him that his anger was unreasonable. Whose fault was it that Cain didn’t enjoy the sunshine of God’s favour? Cain knew exactly what was expected of him. He knew the correct route to God but chose instead to pioneer one of his own. No one forced him to do so he made that decision by himself.

The responsibility for not enjoying God’s favour lay at his door! Sadly, anger often blinds people making it difficult for them to think clearly. When people refuse to direct their anger towards themselves, where it often rightly belongs, they direct it towards others in a quite unreasonable manner. It is this unreasonableness that God attempts to bring to Cain’s attention.

Cain’s Danger

Presentation 13

Secondly, God pointed out that the situation could be remedied cf v7 “If you do what is right will you not be accepted?” All he had to do was admit he was wrong and go back and do what he should have done in the first place. But its so hard for sinful man to admit error. It’s hard to backtrack. Have you ever played snakes and ladders and just when you thought you were safely home you land on a snake and are sent back to the beginning?

It is hard to go back to the beginning. We find it hard to admit that we’ve been building our lives on the wrong foundation. But the blessing of God and the fullness of his salvation is something we can only experience when we come to God his way. Backtracking is worthwhile cf Phil 3.7-9.

Cain’s Danger

Presentation 13

Thirdly, God leaves Cain with a warning , “If you do not do what is right sin is crouching at the door” v7. Cain stood at a spiritual crossroads! Did he respond to the gracious entreaties of God? Did he humble himself and follow God’s route? Did he quench his anger or would he allow it to stir up and set in motion a procession of sin? In v7 sin is personified, it is like a wild animal ready to spring and to tear him apart. When sin is unchecked disaster is always around the corner. We often think sin is something we have on a lead under our control. Don’t be deceived, sin is not a gentle household pet, it is a wild animal intent upon our destruction.

God had reasoned with Cain,shown him mercy and given salutary instruction. But Cain at the crossroads chose to ignore God to his peril!

Cain’s Danger

Presentation 13

There’s no rational explanation for the murder of Able. But then, sin isn’t rational. Once all the restraints are taken off and we allow sin full control in our lives then the domino effect takes over and there’s no telling where it might lead. Did Cain know that his unchecked anger would lead to envy, hatred and then to murder?

The first recorded death in the Bible is not a natural or accidental one but the cold calculated premeditated murder of a man’s brother. It’s the action of a man who refused to admit he was wrong and accept God’s instruction. It’s the action of a man, who could not bear to see someone else enjoy the favour of God that had been denied him. Able had been a living reminder of what Cain should have been like but wasn’t.

The Death of Abel

Presentation 13

Note the parallel between the response of Cain towards Able and that of the Pharisees towards Jesus. The Pharisees also attempted to secure God’s favour by their own energy and good works. They took exception to Jesus, whose teaching contradicted theirs. These proud men could not accept they were wrong or bear to see Jesus lead others into a sweet relationship with God – a relationship which stood in stark contrast to their own cold religious formalism. Read the gospels and follow the domino principle, as anger develops into envy and envy into hatred and hatred into murder.

The Death of Abel

Presentation 13

This domino effect has been at work throughout human history within the religious establishment and outside of it. This same hatred has often resulted in murder or in character assassination - in the eyes of God both are the same. Our passage describes two ways to God and the reaction of a man, who learned he had taken the wrong path.

This begs the question, ‘What way have we chosen?’ Is it the way of faith in the sacrifice that God has provided, or Is the focus of our faith our own goodness and effort? This is an important question! Think well before you answer. The answer you give will be the difference between acceptance and rejection, life and death. Choose Christ! Choose Life!


Presentation 13
