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Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can...

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Study in John’s Gospel Presentation 58
Page 1: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

Study inJohn’s Gospel

Presentation 58

Page 2: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

Greater WorksThan Jesus

Chap 14v12

Presentation 58

Page 3: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

IntroductionIt is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might be? Yet that pales into insignificance in comparison with the reaction that should be ours at the great promise of Jesus in v12.

Jesus has been attempting to comfort his anxious disciples, for they were distressed at the announcement that he was going away from them. How could they possibly contemplate doing kingdom work without Jesus being present to do the important, demanding and difficult things?

Presentation 58

Page 4: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

IntroductionWould Jesus’ followers be incapable of functioning if he were not around? Would they be powerless and ineffective? Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."That seems totally incredible. Jesus had healed the sick, calmed a troubled sea, fed thousands with very little, and raised the dead.

Surely these were truly remarkable miracles. How then could Jesus say, “anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these”?

Presentation 58

Page 5: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

What Kind of WorksWhat is Jesus talking about? What are these ‘greater works’? Does he mean the kind of miracles that John has recorded in his gospel or does he mean something quite different? And if it is something else what could it possibly be? God does not look at things as we do and therefore, he certainly does not share our view of what constitutes ‘greatness’.

Why, for instance, should the physical miracle of raising someone from the dead be considered "greater" than something less immediately apparent? Why should we limit our thinking to this sort of thing as we enquire into Jesus’ meaning?

Presentation 58

Page 6: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

What Kind of WorksWe find a clue that helps answer our question in Jesus' response to the disciples after they had returned from their first mission without their Master. Luke tells us that they returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." Lk. 10 v 17. They were thrilled that they had been able to cast out devils. Indeed, they had also healed others in Jesus’ name. But Jesus replied, "do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." v20.

Here Jesus explicitly weighed the value of the physically observablemiracles over against that which isnot immediately apparent - access into the kingdom of God.

Presentation 58

Page 7: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

What Kind of WorksIndeed, Jesus taught that many were going to be surprised on the day of judgement to discover they were denied entry into the kingdom even though they had ‘driven out demons and performed many miracles’ in his name. Matt.7.22. This emphasis is borne out in the Acts of the Apostles, where few healing miracles are recorded in comparison with its clear emphasisupon the mighty works of conversion.

After three-and-a-half years of ministry, Jesus had left behind a fairly small group of about five hundred committed followers. But on the day of Pentecost after the ascended Jesus had given the coronation gift of his Spirit to his followers what happened…?

Presentation 58

Page 8: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

What Kind of WorksThey preached a crucified and risen Christ, and three thousand believed! More in one day than in all the three-and-a-half years of our Lord's ministry. . Three hundred years later, nearly all the heathen temples in the Roman Empire were closed. Those who professed faith in Christ were numbered in millions. These were the ‘greater works’, referred to by Jesus.

Nor does Jesus’ promise only apply to those first disciples? Note Jesus words, "anyone who has faith in me." We wont all be great evangelists but a simple testimony that leads to the conversion of any, is greater in the Lord's sight, than many physical miracles.

Presentation 58

Page 9: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsYes this thrilling promise, applies to every believer! Greater works than Jesus! Yet, we must not get carried away; a close examination of the text makes it clear that there are conditions attached to enjoying Christ's promise.

First, we must have faith in Jesus. Do you believe on Jesus? I do not mean, "Do you believe that he existed?" or even “Do you believe that he the Son of God and this world's Saviour?” But, have you trusted in Jesus as Saviour from your sin. Is he your Lord? Is the desire of your heart to follow Him?

Presentation 58

Page 10: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsSecondly, we must pray. This is the first of three additional themes discussed in the next verses all of which are important. The verses on prayer are themselves a great promise. "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." v13-14.

Obviously, praying is a prerequisite to these mighty works. We are to ask Jesus for the works if we would see them. Unfortunately, many of us are like those spoken of in James, who, we are told, "have not, because [they] ask not" Jas. 4v2.

Presentation 58

Page 11: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsDo you ask God specifically to see those you know and for whom you are concerned converted? I do not mean, do you pray generally? But do you pray specifically and expect God to answer you?

A minister was approached by the mother of the most difficult boy he had ever known. She said, "You know he is not a very good boy." "Yes," he answered, knowing that the mother found it difficult to say that he was in fact the ‘terror of the neighbourhood.’

Presentation 58

Page 12: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsThe mother asked, "What shall I do?"He replied, "Have you ever tried prayer?""Why," she said, "of course I pray.""No," he replied, "I don't mean that. I mean have you ever asked God definitely to make your Son spiritually alive thus transforming his life and have you expected Him to do it?""I do not think I have ever been as definite as that,“ she said."Well," he replied, "you go right home and be as definite as that." The woman did go home and prayed in the manner suggested and within the week her son was amazingly transformed.

Presentation 58

Page 13: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsNow in every case the prayer we make may not have such an immediate and striking effect. On the other hand, we can believe that any prayer that is truly inspired by Christ and made in the name of Christ will be answered. The point, however, is not in the time God chooses to take in answering our prayers, but simply that we are to pray. The "greater works" are for those who, first, have believed on Christ, and who secondly, pray.

Presentation 58

Page 14: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsThirdly, these works are for those whose lives are marked by a love for Christ that is expressed in obedience. "If you love me, keep my commandments" v 15. These two things go together a love for Christ and the keeping of his commandments - and it is clear why this is so. Thomas Hale a medical missionary worked in Nepal. He lived in a remote village a hundred miles from Kathmandu caring for about 20,000 patients annually. On furlough he showed slides of his work to local churches, including beautiful panoramas of the Hindu Kush.

Presentation 58

Page 15: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsAt the close of the slide presentation he would say, "Those are beautiful views, but you must remember that they are taken during the mere 10% of the time when the mountains are not covered by clouds. Nor do they show the cold, poverty, dirt or disease. Beauty like that will take you to Nepal. But only love for Christ and obedience to His command to evangelise will keep you there."

He was right. If we are to do great works for Christ, we must have a fervent love for Christ; and we must determine to keep His commandments.

Presentation 58

Page 16: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsFinally, Jesus says we must be empowered by his Holy Spirit, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you” v16-17

The presence of Christ's Spirit is involved –in all we have been speaking of previously, for we cannot believe without the Spirit, we cannot pray without the Spirit and we cannot love or obey without the Spirit. His involvement is absolutely crucial.

Presentation 58

Page 17: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

The ConditionsIt is the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit that explains the quite remarkable growth of the early church. The apostle Paul was in Thessalonica for just three weeks. In that short space of time a little church sprang up. Paul explains the success of this brief visit in the following terms:“we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe”, 1Thes 2.13.

And what we must not lose sight of is that it was the Holy Spirit who equipped the preacher and who prepared the hearts of the hearers to respond.

Presentation 58

Page 18: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

ConclusionMany Christians need to hear Jesus say, “I know that you are often discouraged and that the world seems harsh and unresponsive to the gospel. But I have ascended to the right hand of my Father. All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me and on this basis, I send you out as my disciples.

When I was on earth, I performed a fewvery small works: I healed the sick, fed the Hungry and raised the dead. Finally, and significantly, I poured out my life for you.

Now I am the risen Lord, and it is my pleasure to do greater works than those miracles I have mentioned. I want to do them through you. I have promised to draw many people to myself as the gospel is preached”.

Presentation 58

Page 19: Presentation 58. Introduction It is unlikely that someone would offer you a billion pounds but can you imagine how breathlessly overwhelmed you might.

ConclusionHow do we respond to such a commission today? Do not say, "Well, that is nice; but, of course, the Lord doesn't really mean it. There is nothing I can do."

Rather say, “Although I am a very ordinary Christian yet by the extraordinary grace of God I will communicate to others,through both word and life the glorious truths that have been entrusted to me”

Presentation 58
