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Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre

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  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    Mars attacks!

    The role of the centurion in the Roman legion: a computer simulation of combat tactics

    Xavier Rubio-Campillo1, Pau Valds, !duard "le

    1# "arcelona $upercomputing Centre

    # %niversitat de "arcelona

    &nternational 'ncient (arfare Conference )1*, 'ber+st+th

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    %nderstanding roman tacticsThe role of the centurion

    Research uestions

    The model

    !.periments and results

    Concluding remar/s

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    'll te.t and image content in this document is licensed under the Creative Commons 'ttribution-$hare 'li/e 0#) icense2unless otherise specified3# 4ibre5ffice4 and 4The 6ocument 7oundation4 are registered trademar/s# Their respective logosand icons are sub8ect to international cop+right las# The use of these therefore is sub8ect to the trademar/ polic+#


    %nderstanding Roman tactics

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    9odels of roman combat

    Classicalmodels at unit level:e.change beteen lines

    tactical movements in battle


    9odels based on archaeologicaldataeapons single combat collective combat

    technological determinism

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    The face of battle

    Keegan;s Face of battle 213

    psichological factor

    individual point of vie

    Hanson;s Western way of war 21

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    The face of Romanbattle

    Goldsworthy;s model

    legionaries tr+ tosurvive, not to /ill

    close combat: lessthan 1A-) min

    Zhmodikov;s model&mportance ofthroing eapons inbattle

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    The face of Romanbattle

    Sabins+nthetic model comprises:length of the combat

    uneual number of casualties

    mobilit+ of the fronts

    the role of the rear ran/s

    short close combat clasheslead b+ aggressivesoldiers 2centurionsB3

    Long moments of stalemateith separated fronts2safe position3 hen the e.change pro8ectiles ta/esplace

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    The role of the centurion

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    Centurions in te.tual sources

    Pol+bius 2&& "C3


    6iscipline'ristocratic ideal

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    ' ne ope: Caesar 2& "C3

    Change in their role and representation:

    virtus, animvsand fortitvdo

    9ore importance in the narration#

    7avorable treatment

    The+ assume the old aristocratic ideal of the performance in

    battle#Conflict beteen disciplinaDvirtus#

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    CaesarEs problems

    Virtusdoesn;t influence battle

    Caesar as the main figure in battle#

    Virtusithout consiliuminefficient#

    Fegative characteriGation:



  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    Research uestions

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    Huestions 2&3: h+ do +ou need deep formationsB

    @oldsorth+most common 0 or * ran/s

    also multiples of > and ? 2$abin3


    usuall+ ? ran/s 2Connoll+, Coan, ###3increased to 1 or 1> hen fighting cavalr+

    but###what is the fnction of the last ranks of a nit

    9ore cohesionB$upport frontlineB

    Refresh troopsB

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    Huestions 2&&3: here are m+ centurionsB

    9ost accepted 2Connoll+, @oldsorth+, etc#3far rightof the front line


    center of the front line

    but###why were they located in these "ositions

    as it fossiliGed trait, legac+ of ellenistic arfareB

    did it matterB

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    Huestions 2&&&3: The role of the centurion

    #hy were they so im"ortant

    6iscussion disciplinaDvirtus# The+ ere###

    $ cohesion factorPreventing unit rupture and flight

    %he deadliest warrioreading the charges, forcing the rest to follo

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    'll te.t and image content in this document is licensed under the Creative Commons 'ttribution-$hare 'li/e 0#) icense2unless otherise specified3# 4ibre5ffice4 and 4The 6ocument 7oundation4 are registered trademar/s# Their respective logosand icons are sub8ect to international cop+right las# The use of these therefore is sub8ect to the trademar/ polic+#


    The model

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    7rom micro behavior to macro d+namics

    (e ant to e.plore the importance of the centurion in grandtactics

    in/ing to scales of hman behavior is a challengebecause e need to:

    6efine a behavior at the individual scale

    !.plore the aggregated effects at a collective scale

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    These t+pe of phenomena, hich are constant in an+ /indof human interaction 2including ar3 are defined asemergent "rocesses#

    $gent&'ased Models 2'"9s3 are a t+pe of computersimulation suited for e.ploring emergence:

    2a3 !ach individual entit+ is defined as an agent#

    2b3 !ach agent is defined ith a internal state andbehavior

    2c3 Time is measured as discrete steps#

    $imulating emergence

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    (e ill simulate battles beteen formations ith thousandsof agents forming the front line of a legion 2* cohorts3###

    ###but e donEt ant to define global behaviorI

    The model

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    'n e.ample

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    Comple.it+ means non-determinism

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    The face of the agent: approach

    Lucius Vorenus is a virtual soldier, part of the second rank of theRed Legio. Today he is (again! inside a simulation facing thefamous "lue Legion.

    #fter some seconds his line begins to advancetowards the enemy$when he is around 15 metersof the enemy he throws hispilum.

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    %e doesn&t know if he hit somebody$ he doesn&t see anything apartfrom the guys in the first rank. %e is getting stressedbecause aftertrying to breach the enemy they have to fall back some meters.

    'ow they attack again, but suddenly the guy in front is killedbythe enemy. #ll the soldiers around him begin to collapse, includingLucius, but there is no way to retreat so he must staywhere he isand face the enemy.

    The face of the agent: combat

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    The face of the agent: outcome

    #fter some seconds the line has reordered$ suddenly onecenturion near him charges towards the enemy$ his energy iscontagiousand suddenly the entire centuria is charging.

    Lucius kills a panicking soldier in front of him and this opens agap in the enemy line. The eds take advantage of thisopportunity and the enemy line begins to collapse$ victory

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    6efining Vorenus

    !ach agent is defined ith:


    $tress D $tress Threshold



    The onl+ difference beteen a Centurion and a egionar+ is

    the $tress Threshold

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    !ach time step Vorenusaverages his stress ith asoldier randoml+ pic/edfrom the ones he sees#

    &n addition his an.iet+increases e.ponentiall+ asthe distance ith theenem+ line decreases#

    is fatigue affects all hisactions

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    9ovement is lin/ed tothe relation beteenstress and threshold#


    C b t

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    ethalit+ defines theprobabilit+ 2per mil3 ofinflicting a casualt+#

    5nce this happenssoldiers near thevictim increase theirstress#

    6 i i t

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    6esign e.periment

    (e ant to e.plore:

    Centurion stress threshold: from 1 to 2)#1 steps3

    Ran/s: *,>,?

    Centurion position 2random, 1st ran/, 1st right3

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre



    l t

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    ###a lot

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    'll te.t and image content in this document is licensed under the Creative Commons 'ttribution-$hare 'li/e 0#) icense2unless otherise specified3# 4ibre5ffice4 and 4The 6ocument 7oundation4 are registered trademar/s# Their respective logosand icons are sub8ect to international cop+right las# The use of these therefore is sub8ect to the trademar/ polic+#



    &nterpreting the results 2&3: formation depth

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    &nterpreting the results 2&3: formation depth

    &ncreasing the number of ran/s is critical hen centurions arenot s"ecially skilled#

    6eplo+ing in smaller ran/s is better for "rofessional troo"s2J ider front attac/3#

    &nterpreting the results 2&&3: position

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    &nterpreting the results 2&&3: position

    Centurions randoml+ located improve the general cohesionof the unit, but###

    ###this unit is unable to charge the enem+#

    There is no difference beteen centurions on the right orrandoml+ deplo+ed at first ran/

    7ossiliGed cultural traitB

    'dditional reasons###6eplo+ment maneuversB

    7rontline controlB

    &nterpreting the results 2&&&3: e.perience

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    &nterpreting the results 2&&&3: e.perience

    High e("eriencedCenturions are more efficient brea/ing theenem+ lines#

    Less e("eriencedCenturions have greater impact on troopscohesion#

    !.perience in the Roman legion:

    'fter = +ears it hasnEt reach its pea/ of performance#

    ong service isnEt common in the Roman Republic#


    ate Republic 2Civils (ars3

    $pecific cases: The legions of Cannae#

    7inal thoughts: an evolving arrior

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    7inal thoughts: an evolving arrior

    Pol+bius:Centurion leads troops ith little e.perience#

    Cohesion becomes decisive in the outcome of the battle#

    CaesarTroops ith much more e.perience#

    Their impact on battle lies in the charge against the enem+#

    The role of the centurion evolved over time, as the t+pe oftroops determined the emphasis in one of the to aspects#

  • 8/11/2019 Presentation Iwa Xrubio-libre


    'll te.t and image content in this document is licensed under the Creative Commons 'ttribution-$hare 'li/e 0#) icense2unless otherise specified3# 4ibre5ffice4 and 4The 6ocument 7oundation4 are registered trademar/s# Their respective logosand icons are sub8ect to international cop+right las# The use of these therefore is sub8ect to the trademar/ polic+#


    Than/ +ouI




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