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Presentation k ford2011_10-1_reduced

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presentation given to Presbytery of the Cascades at the Transformation Workshop held on Oct 1, 2011 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Salem Oregon
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The Leadership Triangle Presbytery of the Cascades Kevin Ford October 2011
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The  Leadership  Triangle  Presbytery  of  the  Cascades  

Kevin  Ford  

October  2011  

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Leaders  Come  From  Everywhere  

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From  Beauty  Pageants  

•  QuesDon:  If  you  could  live  forever,  would  you  and  why?  Answer:  "I  would  not  live  forever,  because  we  should  not  live  forever,  because  if  we  were  supposed  to  live  forever,  then  we  would  live  forever,  but  we  cannot  live  forever,  which  is  why  I  would  not  live  forever,"  -­‐-­‐Miss  Alabama  in  the  1994  Miss  USA  contest  

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From  the  Music  Industry  

•  "Whenever  I  watch  TV  and  see  those  poor  starving  kids  all  over  the  world,  I  can't  help  but  cry.  I  mean  I'd  love  to  be  skinny  like  that,  but  not  with  all  those  flies  and  death  and  stuff."  -­‐-­‐Mariah  Carey    

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From  Television  

•  "Smoking  kills.  If  you're  killed,  you've  lost  a  very  important  part  of  your  life,"  -­‐-­‐  Brooke  Shields,  during  an  interview  to  become  spokesperson  for  federal  anD-­‐smoking  campaign    

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From  College  AthleDcs  

•  "I've  never  had  major  knee  surgery  on  any  other  part  of  my  body,"  -­‐-­‐Winston  BenneY,    former  University  of    

 Kentucky  basketball  forward.  

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From  DC  

•  "Outside  of  the  killings,  Washington  has  one  of  the  lowest  crime  rates  in  the  country,"  -­‐-­‐Former  Mayor  Marion  Barry,  Washington  ,  DC    

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From  Texas  

•  "That  lowdown  scoundrel  deserves  to  be  kicked  to  death  by  a  jackass,  and  I'm  just  the  one  to  do  it."  -­‐-­‐A  congressional  candidate  in  Texas  

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From  the  White  House  

•  "It  isn't  polluDon  that's  harming  the  environment.  It's  the  impuriDes  in  our  air  and  water  that  are  doing  it.."  -­‐-­‐Al  Gore,  Former  Vice  President  

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From  Either  California  or  Arizona  

•  "I  love  California  .  I  pracDcally  grew  up  in  Phoenix  "  -­‐-­‐  Dan  Quayle  

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From  the  AutomoDve  Industry  

•  "We've  got  to  pause  and  ask  ourselves:  How  much  clean  air  do  we  need?"  -­‐-­‐Lee  Iacocca  

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From  the  NFL  

•  "The  word  "genius"  isn't  applicable  in  football.  A  genius  is  a  guy  like  Norman  Einstein."  -­‐-­‐Joe  Theisman,  former  NFL  football  quarterback  &  sports  analyst.  

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From  the  Military  

•  "We  don't  necessarily  discriminate.  We  simply  exclude  certain  types  of  people."  -­‐-­‐  Colonel  Gerald  Wellman,  ROTC  Instructor.  

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From  Your  Federal  Government  

•  "If  somebody  has  a  bad  heart,  they  can  plug  this  jack  in  at  night  as  they  go  to  bed  and  it  will  monitor  their  heart  throughout  the  night.  And  the  next  morning,  when  they  wake  up  dead,  there'll  be  a  record."  -­‐-­‐Mark  S.  Fowler,  FCC  Chairman  

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And  Even  Your  Local  Government  

•  "Your  food  stamps  will  be  stopped  effecDve  March  1992  because  we  received  noDce  that  you  passed  away.  May  God  bless  you.  You  may  reapply  if  there  is  a  change  in  your  circumstances."  -­‐-­‐Department  of  Social  Services,  Greenville  South  Carolina  

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Session  Goals  

•  Understand  the  Leadership  Triangle  – Strategic  OpDon  – TacDcal  OpDon  – TransformaDonal  OpDon  

•  Learn  the  Key  AdapDve  Issues  facing  the  Church  Today  (at  least  in  developed  countries)  

•  Understand  My  Own  Hindrances  (Red  Zone)  to  Leading  Change  

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The  Miracle  at  East  Lake  

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Miracle at East Lake"•  Discuss  Tom  Cousin’s  core  values  –  what  moDvated  him?  

•  What  was  his  vision  and  key  elements  of  his  strategy?  

•  What  do  you  think  stood  in  the  way  of  his  vision?  

•  How  do  you  think  he  overcame  those  obstacles?  

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Not all challenges are equal!    


If  the  only  tool  in  your  toolbox  is  a  hammer…    

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The Leadership Triangle"

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Endorsements  “I  love  this  book!”    Ken  Blanchard,  C-­‐author  of  The  One  Minute  Manager.  "The  Leadership  Triangle  effecDvely  illustrates  how  the  role  of  the  'transformaDonal  leader'  is  increasingly  important  in  today’s  world.    No  longer  can  we  afford  to  lead  with  a  one-­‐size-­‐fits-­‐all  mentality  and  expect  to  succeed  or  contribute  on  a  professional/personal  basis.    This  terrific  book  offers  clear  and  precise  "opDons"  that  a  leader  can  choose  in  order  to  successfully  transform  their  organizaDon  to  meet  the  challenges  of  these  uncertain  Dmes.    It  also  provides  many  insighpul  examples  from  key  leaders  who  model  these  concepts  themselves.    The  result  is  a  powerful  read."                  Stephen  M.  R.  Covey,  author  of  The  New  York  Times  and  #  1  Wall  Street  Journal  bestseller,  The  Speed  of  Trust  

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Strategic  –  The  leader  is  a  synthesizer,  idenDfying  paYerns  and  trends.    The  strategic  leader  sees  beyond  current  realiDes.    

Leadership Option"

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Tac1cal  –  The  leader  is  an  expert.    The  tacDcal  leader  approaches  problems  with  a  parDcular  knowledge  base,  or  skill  set,  to  solve  specific  problems.  

Leadership Option"

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Transforma1onal  –  The  leader  is  a  facilitator.    The  transformaDonal  leader  doesn’t  make  decisions  or  establish  strategic  plans  but,  instead,  facilitates  a  series  of  conversaDons  among  key  stakeholders.    

Leadership Option"

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The  Leadership  Triangle  

Tactical Strategic Transformational

Role Expert Synthesizer Facilitator

Tone Confident Vision-casting Creative

Key Question

What’s wrong? What’s the objective?

What’s the question?

Problems are to be

Solved Anticipated Re-framed

Interaction Training Inspiring Free flowing and robust

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The  Strategic  OpDon:  Alignment  


Structure  and  Process  


People  Reinforcers  

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Why  Aren’t  Older  Churches  Growing?  

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Sigmoid  Curve  

"The  right  place  to  start  that  second  curve  is  at  point  A,  where  there  is  the  Dme,  as  well  as  the  resources  and  the  energy,  to  get  the  new  curve  through  its  iniDal  exploraDons  and  flounder-­‐ings  before  the  first  curve  begins  to  dip  downwards"    Charles  Handy  

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ExegeDng  Culture  

•  The  gospel  is  always  contextualized!  •  Demographics  of  community  begin  to  form  the  target  audience,  or  gaps  in  ministry.  

•  Felt  needs  of  target  audience  (our  primary  mission  field)  begin  to  uncover  the  opportuniDes  for  the  strategic  plan.  

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A  Word  About  Process  

•  Through  surveys,  focus  groups  and  interviews…  

•  Discover  what  shouldn’t  change  •  Show  that  you  value  members  

•  Determine  strengths  and  weaknesses  

•  IdenDfy  opportuniDes  and  threats  

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What  It’s  Not…  

•  Long-­‐range  planning  •  The  vision  of  one  person  (or  a  few  people)  •  A  detailed  document  

•  An  answer  to  every  problem  

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Preserve  The  Core  • Values    What  makes  us  unique?  • Beliefs    What  are  the  non-­‐nego1ables  of  our  

             theology?  • Mission    What  do  we  do  and  what  do  we  not  do?    S,mulate  Progress  • Strategy    Where  do  we  focus  our  resources?  • Vision      Where  we’re  going  and  how  we’ll  know  we  

         arrived?  • Ini1a1ves  What  ac1on  will  we  take?  

Key Visioning Components"

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Core  Values  

•  The  current  and  historic  posiDve  elements  of  our  church’s  personality…  – Not  beliefs  – Not  aspired  values  – Not  negaDve  norms  – Think  “right  brain”  

•  No  more  than  4-­‐5  

•  They  capture  our  personality  and  tell  our  story  

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FPC  Bend  

•  AccepDng  and  honoring  people  as  they  are.  •  Nurturing  each  person’s  God-­‐given  purpose  and  call  to  serve.  

•  Embodying  the  pioneering  spirit  of  Central  Oregon.  

•  ConnecDng  in  a  caring  community.  


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Mission  Statements  

•  Mission  =  purpose  +  result/benefit  +  beneficiary.  

•  It  must  be  short  and  concise!  

•  It  is  a  tool  for  leadership,  not  a  moYo.  

•  It  defines  what  we  do.    But  it  also  defines  what  we  don’t  do.  

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Mission  Examples  

•  The  SalvaDon  Army:    To  preach  the  Gospel  of  Jesus  Christ  and  to  meet  human  needs  in  His  name  without  discriminaDon.  

•  Southwest  Church:    Sharing  Jesus  with  unchurched  people  in  Southwest  Ohio  and  leading  them  to  become  wholehearted  followers  of  Christ.    

•  US  Army:    To  fight  and  win  the  naDon’s  wars.  •  Disney:    To  make  people  happy.  •  Merck:    To  preserve  and  improve  human  life.  •  Paw  Creek  Presbyterian:    Joining  with  our  neighbors  to  

meet  the  needs  of  those  in  our  community  as  we  walk  together  in  Christ.  

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What  is  Strategy?  

•  In  business  terms,  strategy  is  a  systemaDc  method  of  differenDaDon  from  the  compeDDon.  It  is  based  on  priority  acDviDes,  performed  in  unique  ways,  reinforced  by  current  pracDces,  to  produce  a  disDnct  result.    

•  Anyone  can  operate  effecDvely  and  sDll  go  out  of  business!  

•  For  the  church,  it  is  about  how  we  will  use  our  resources  to  accomplish  our  mission.  

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FPC  Bend’s  Strategic  Focus  

•  Connect  children,  youth  and  their  families  to  the  uncondiDonal  love  and  compassion  of  Jesus.  

•  Connect  ourselves  more  deeply  to  the  uncondiDonal  love  and  compassion  of  Jesus.  

•  Connect  the  disconnected  in  Central  Oregon  to  the  uncondiDonal  love  and  compassion  of  Jesus.  

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St  MaYhew  in  Renton  WA  •  We  partnered  with  our  Mother  church  the  ELCA  and  our  local  

Synod  along  with  Compass  Housing  Alliance  (Lutheran  Ministry)  to  building  a  four  story  building  with  the  top  three  floors  providing  58  Units  of  Housing  for  homeless  Veterans  and  their  families.    

 •  Luther’s  Table  occupies  about  4,000  square  feet  of  retail  space  on  

the  ground  floor.    We  are  a  café/coffee  shop  by  day  and  a  pub/wine  bar  by  night.    We  have  a  great  stage  area  which  we  were  use  as  a  music  venue  for  local  performing  arDsts.    are  trying  to  do  a  great  deal  with  volunteers.    We  are  a  no  Dp  house  and  instead  encourage  people  to  give  to  our  outreach  ministry.    We  in  turn  are  supporDng  a  variety  of  ministries  in  the  area.  This  month  it  will  be  the  SalvaDon  Army  community  dinner.  


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ConDnued  •  Our  dream  is  to  build  intenDonal  community  and  discover  where  

God  is  already  hanging  out  in  the  community.    We  want  to  dismantle  the  false  walls  that  exist  between  what  we  call  the  sacred  and  the  secular.    It  is  our  aYempt  to  overcome  a  growing  impression  that  the  church  is  nothing  more  than  a  gathering  place  of  mean  spirited,  judgmental,  closed  minded  people  who  are  totally  irrelevant.  

 •  A  colleague  of  mine  just  yesterday  said  that  the  primary  piety  that  

exists  in  the  Northwest  is  irreverence.      We  trust  Luther’s  Table  will  be  able  to  intersect  with  this.  

 •  We  have  had  our  fair  share  of  resistance  from  our  own  members  

and  community  members  and  had  to  fight  hard  to  get  a  beer  and  wine  permit.      

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•  The  vision  is  a  picture  of  what  the  church  could  be  in  10-­‐15  years.  

•  It  is  not  the  monopoly  of  the  senior  pastor.  •  It  typically  emerges  over  Dme  as  a  church  focuses  on  its  strategies.  (Oxen  reflects  the  “targets”  from  the  strategies).  

•  Example:    We  will  be…  –  5  sites  covering  the  enDre  county  –  30%  of  congregaDon  is  Hispanic/LaDno  –  80%  of  members  in  small  groups  

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Reminder:  Alignment  


Structure  and  Process  


People  Reinforcers  

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Love  the  World  Fellowship  

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One  of  MBC’s  Focus  Areas  

 People  with  disabili,es.  •  Access  Ministry  started  in  1996  –  4  children  in  1  room.  

•  PrioriDes:  – Spiritual  formaDon  

– Physical  needs  – EmoDonal  needs  – Social  connecDons  

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•  MulD-­‐faceted  ministry  serving  over  500  families  annually;  

•  75  families  of  children  in  “BeauDful  Blessings”  between  the  ages  of  2-­‐15  are  served  each  week  by  60  volunteers;  

•  Summer  camp  

•  The  Friendship  Club  (65  people  over  16  years  old)  

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•  Access  Ministry  Performing  Arts  (performing  at  reDrement  homes,  etc.)  

•  Saturday  respite  •  Signs  of  Life  Deaf  Ministry  

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Jill’s  House  

•  Jill’s  House  is  designed  to  provide  short-­‐term,  overnight  respite  care  for  children  with  intellectual  disabiliDes.  

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What  is  a  “Respite  Resort?”  

 Jill’s  House  is  designed  to  thrill  the  children  from  the  moment  they  enter.  

Pool.  Murals.  

The  architecture  of  Jill’s  House  includes  a  vaulted  A-­‐frame  design  to  create  a  “mountain  lodge”  atmosphere.  

The  “Wilderness  Island”  pool  always  includes  a  lifeguard  for  every  child  to  maximize  fun  and  safety.  

Murals  throughout  the  building  reiterate  the  idea  that  children  are  on  vacaDon,  enjoying  new  experiences  with  new  friends.  

Each  pod  has  a  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  sensory  room  in  which  the  children  can  enjoy  sights,  sounds  and  textures.      

Agenda:  JH  Defined  >  PopulaDon  Served  >  Respite  Resort  >  Safety  >  Planning    


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Core  Values  

•  Transforming  the  Family  Through  True  Rest  in  Christ.  Transforming  the  Family  Through  a  “Wow”  Customer  Experience.  

•  Transforming  the  Family  Through  Available  and  Affordable  Respite.  

•  Loving  Children  Through  Impeccable  Safety.  •  Loving  Children  Through  Outstanding  Staff  and  Volunteers.  

•  Loving  Children  Through  Engaging  AcDviDes.  •  OperaDng  –  as  a  Team  –  in  Radical  Dependence  on  Jesus.  


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Jill’s  House  Mission  and  Vision  

Mission:  To  transform  families  in  Christ  by  loving  children  with  special  needs.  


…families  of  children  with  special  needs  will  enjoy  a  rhythm  of  frequent  respite,  

…children  with  special  needs  will  have  safe,  loving  places  to  play,  learn,  and  laugh  together,    

…God’s  people  will  be  known  for  their  passionate  remembrance  and  acceptance  of  those  whom  others  

forget  and  reject.        

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The Leadership Triangle"

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The  TacDcal  OpDon:    Aligning  People  

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Life  As  We  Know  It  

School  -­‐  Grades  

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Life  As  We  Know  It  

Work  -­‐  Performance  Appraisals  

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But  first,  a  word  from  our  aYorneys…  

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Legal  Disclaimer  (The  Fine  Print)  

Screen  Beans®  is  a  registered  trademark  of  A  Bit  BeYer  CorporaDon  

All  animaDons  are  licensed  through  the  AnimaDon  Factory  to  CoreClarity,  Inc.  www.animaDonfactory.com  

The  34  Clixon  StrengthsFinder  ®  theme  names  are  trademarks  of  Gallup,  Inc.  

TAG  ConsulFng,  LLC  is  not  affiliated  with  CoreClarity,  Inc.  

CoreClarity,  Inc.  is  not  affiliated  with  The  Gallup  OrganizaFon  ("Gallup  '')  and  that  Gallup  owns  all  right,  Ftle,  and  interest  in  all  of  its  trademarks  and  copyrights  relaFng  to  CliPon  StrengthsFinder  ®,  Gallup  ®,  StrengthsFinder  ®,  and  the  34  CliPon  StrengthsFinder  ®  theme  names.  

Gallup  does  not  cerFfy  any  external  consultants  to  interpret  CliPon  StrengthsFinder  ®  or  the  CliPon  StrengthsFinder  ®  themes  and  the  non-­‐Gallup  informaFon  being  presented  has  not  been  approved  and  is  not  sancFoned  or  endorsed  by  Gallup.  The  opinions,  views  and  interpretaFons  centered  on  CliPon  StrengthsFinder  ®  are  solely  the  opinions  of  CoreClarity,  Inc.    

Except  as  stated  herein,  all  other  materials  are  copyrighted  or  are  the  trade  or  service  marks  of  CoreClarity,  Inc.  and  cannot  be  used  without  the  express  wriXen  consent  of  CoreClarity,  Inc.    

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Don  O.  Clixon,  Ph.D.  

•  Known  as  “Father  of  Strengths  Psychology”  •  Wondered  what  makes  people  successful  -­‐  not  what  makes  them  fail  

•  50  years  systemaDcally  studying  excellence  •  2  million+  high-­‐performance  achievers  •  Asked  open-­‐ended  quesDons  •  1988-­‐1992  –  SRI  purchases  Gallup    •  1998  –  Marcus  Buckingham  

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Successful  people  understand  their  talents  and  strengths    

and  build  their  lives  upon  them.  

Successful  churches  don’t    just  accommodate    

differences  in  people,      they  capitalize  on  them.  

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How  Are  Talents  Developed?  •  42  days  axer  concepDon  

– First  brain  cell  formed  (neuron)  

•  Next  120  days  – Over  ½  million  neurons  created  every  minute  

– More  than  100  billion  in  all  

•  60  days  before  birth  – Neurons  start  trying  to  communicate  with  each  other  

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How  Are  Talents  Developed?  •  Between  0-­‐3  years  of  age  

–  Each  neuron  creates  approx.  15,000  synapDc  connecDons  

•  Age  3  –  Nature  &  nurture  step  in  –  Reinforced  connecDons  (talents);  ignored  connecDons  (not  talents)  

•  By  age  16  –  Half  of  network  is  gone  –  and  they  are  actually  smarter!  

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What  is  the  difference  between  talents  and  strengths?  

Talent  Naturally  recurring  paYern  of  thought,  feeling  or  

behavior  that  can  be  producDvely  applied  

Strength  =  Talent  +  Use  +  Skills  +  Knowledge  

Strength  Consistent,  near  perfect  performance    

in  an  acDvity  you  love  doing  

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Clixon  StrengthsFinder®  

•  IdenDfied  34  prevalent  talent  themes  •  More  than  33  million  potenDal  combinaDons  

•  PosiDve  language  to  describe:  – How  we  think  – Why  we  behave  in  certain  ways  

– What’s  great  about  us!  


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The  34  Talent  Themes  Achiever Connectedness Futuristic Maximizer

Activator Consistency Harmony Positivity

Adaptability (Fairness) Ideation Relator

Analytical Context Includer Responsibility

Arranger Deliberative (Inclusiveness) Restorative

Belief Developer Individualization Self-Assurance

Command Discipline Input Significance

Communication Empathy Intellection Strategic

Competition Focus Learner Woo

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Categories  of  Talents  

•  Connect  –  used  to  create,  develop  and  sustain  relaDonships  with  others  over  Dme  

•  Reflect  –  involves  the  way  people  gather,  process  and  make  decisions  with  informaDon  and  mental  images  

•  Energize  –  the  way  one  pushes  oneself  toward  results  

•  Mobilize  –  used  to  moDvate  others  to  acDon  

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The  CoreClarity®  Key    

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•  2  Dmes  the  number  of  Strategics  -­‐  5  out  of  11  -­‐  hard  to  get  mulDple  Strategics  to  agree  on  the  goals.  

•  3.5  Dmes  the  number  of  Achievers  -­‐  5  out  of  11  -­‐  same  problem.  

•  1.5  Dmes  the  number  of  Relators  -­‐  5  out  of  11  -­‐  each  one  has  a  different  set  of  rules  about  who  they  trust.  


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•  3.5  Dmes  the  number  of  AcDvators  -­‐  5  out  of  11  -­‐  each  one  wants  to  take  acDon  on  different  things.  

•  6  Dmes  the  number  of  Self-­‐Assurance  4  out  of  11  -­‐  each  one  thinks  they  are  the  measure  of  what  is  right.  Can't  be  told  what  to  do.  

•  3  Maximizers  -­‐  passionate  and  uncompromising.  


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•  2  with  CompeDDon  -­‐  not  a  desire  to  win  -­‐  but  a  need  to  win  and  hate  to  lose.  

•  1  Significance  -­‐  wants  recogniDon,  to  be  in  charge  and  to  only  do  things  that  are  big.  

•  1  with  Focus  -­‐  once  locked  on  the  target  will  not  let  go.  



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•  0  -­‐  PosiDvity  •  0  -­‐  Woo  

•  0  -­‐  Harmony  

•  1  -­‐  Empathy  (probably  taking  Prozac)  


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The  Results?  1/29/11  Amazing  things  have  happened  here  at  our  church  over  the  last  few  years.    You  came  

approximately  2  years  ago.  At  that  Dme  I'm  not  sure  I  understood  we  had  any  problems  or  even  what  you  were  trying  to  do.    I  remember  when  you  lex  that  I  felt  like  things  were  finished  and  that  we  were  lex  somewhere  in  midair.    Now  axer  two  years,  I  believe  that  your  impact  was  enormous.  Not  so  much  the  actual  events  as  the  hand  grenade  that  broke  things  up  around  here.    All  kinds  of  things  have  happened  for  good  on  our  leadership  team.    Gradually  the  new  team  began  to  take  over.  We  are  younger,  more  hungry,  and  more  excited  then  any  team  I've  ever  had.  

Overall  I  think  we're  in  the  best  place  we've  ever  been  and  were  actually  beginning  our  new  “S”  curve.  I  have  vision  and  focus  for  the  next  10  years.  I  keep  hearing  God  say  the  best  is  yet  to  come.  

 I  realize  this  is  a  very  brief  version  of  all  that  has  happen.  However  I  want  you  to  know  

how  appreciaDve  I  am  of  the  work  you  did  for  us.  You  began  a  major  process  of  opening  my  eyes  and  causing  me  to  look  deeply  into  what  I  was  doing  with  my  role  as  senior  leader.    It  is  amazing  also  how  you  worked  with  (key  lay  leader)  to  help  us.    Blessings!!!  

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Learner  “The  journey  from  ignorance  to  

confidence  begins  with  one  course.”  

Database  29  %  

 “I  crave  the  process,  not  necessarily  the  result.”    

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Intellec1on  “I  like  to  think.”  


Database  11  %  

 “I  need  my  solitude.”    

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Harmony  “Let  your  fric1on  generate  light,    

not  heat.”  

 “Live  and  let  live.”    

Database  18  %  

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Input  “I  collect:  therefore,  I  know.”  


Database  20  %  

 “Inquiring  minds  want  to  know!”    

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“I  am  driven.    Every  day  starts  at  zero  and  I  have  to  accomplish  something!”  

Database  32  %  

Achiever  “I  call  it  my  divine  restlessness.”  


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Who  Am  I?  

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John  Mahon  

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Okay,  but  I’m  SDll  Stuck  

•  I’ve  got  a  clear  vision  and  strategy.  •  I’ve  put  people  living  their  strengths.  •  But  something  is  sDll  wrong!  


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The Leadership Triangle"

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The  fundamental  task  of  

leadership  is  to  disDnguish  between  what  needs  to  be  preserved  and  what  needs  to  change….  

Preserve  Change  

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Know  Who  You  Are  

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Lots  of  Types  of  Codes  

•  Zoning  codes  •  Health  codes  •  Secret  codes  •  Zip  codes  •  Source  codes  •  Morse  code  

•  GeneDc  code  

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OrganizaDonal  Codes  

The  invisible  rules  that  define  us  as  a  collecDve  –  defined  by:  

•  The  passions  of  our  heroes;  •  The  myths  that  have  become  larger  than  life;  

•  The  tradiDons  that  we  pass  on;  •  Decisions  that  helped  us  move  through  a  transiDon;  

•  Visuals  that  represent  us  to  the  world.  

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What  Do  You  Think  Of?  

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What  About  with  BK?  

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And  Now?  

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Worst  Training  Idea?  

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Worst  Ad  Campaign?  

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The  HP  Way  

 “The  essence  of  the  idea,  radical  at  the  Dme,  was  that  employees'  brainpower  was  the  company's  most  important  resource.    One  of  the  first  all-­‐company  profit-­‐sharing  plans...  gave  shares  to  all  employees...  among  the  first  to  offer  tuiDon  assistance,  flex  Dme,  and  job  sharing...  Today,  the  behavior  of  the  two  founders  remains  a  benchmark  for  business..."    Business  Week  

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Key  AcDviDes    




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•  Two  people  observing  the  same  event  see  different  things  based  on  their  past  experiences  and  perspecDves.  

•  Get  on  the  balcony.    Gain  distance.    Look  for  paYerns.      

•  Avoid  jumping  to  interpretaDon  too  quickly.  

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•  Hold  onto  more  than  one  interpretaDon  at  a  Dme.    An  interpretaDon,  even  a  good  one,  is  always  a  guess.  

•  Always  quesDon  the  prevailing  interpretaDon.    Its  usually  wrong.  

•  Look  for  the  most  deeply  held  values  and  loyalDes  that  are  at  stake.  

•  Experiment  unDl  you  find  one  that  resonates.  

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•  Take  into  account  resources  and  capacity.  •  Experiment  and  take  smart  risks  smartly.  

•  Engage  above  and  below  the  neck.  Leadership  is  necessary  when  logic  is  not  the  answer.  

•  Connect  to  purpose.  

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The  Tenacity  of  the  Status  Quo  

•  Over  Dme,  the  structures,  culture,  and  defaults  that  make  up  an  organizaDonal  system  become  deeply  ingrained,  self-­‐reinforcing  and  very  difficult  to  reshape.      

•  Most  organizaDons  get  trapped  because  these  ways  worked  in  the  past.      

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Recognize  Defaults  

•  Defaults  are  ways  of  looking  at  situaDons  that  make  people  comfortable  and  have  worked  in  the  past.  

•  They  can  blind  people  to  a  wider  array  of  soluDons  and  ideas  that  could  create  more  value.      

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How  You  Know  Its  TransformaDonal  

•  You  have  a  cycle  of  failure.  •  Dependence  on  authority.  •  Complaints  are  increasingly  used  to  describe  the  current  situaDon.  

•  Rounding  up  the  usual  suspects  to  solve  the  problem  hasn’t  worked.  

•  Increasing  conflict.  

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Four  Types  of  AdapDve  Challenges  

•  Gap  between  espoused  values  and  behavior  •  CompeDng  commitments  

•  Speaking  the  unspeakable  •  Work  Avoidance  

– DistracDng  – Blaming  

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The  Transforming  Church  Index  

•  Community  –  Shared  Lives  

•  Code  –  Shared  IdenDty  •  Calling  –  Shared  Leadership  

•  Cause  –  Shared  Mission  •  Change  –  Shared  TransformaDon  

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The  Five  AdapDve  Issues  

•  Community  vs.  Consumerism  •  Code  vs.  Mimicry  

•  Shared  Leadership  vs.  Top-­‐down  Leadership  •  Outward  vs.  Inward  •  ReinvenDon  vs.  Maintenance  

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Managing the Process"•  Do  it  at  a  rate  that  people  can  tolerate.  

Low Anxiety

Moderate Anxiety

High Anxiety

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Authority Zone (Meeting Expectations) - Fix Technical Problems - Establish Basic Order

- Manage the Tasks

Leadership Zone

Competing Values

Power Zone





l Intentional

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Embracing Conflict"•  Conflict  is  your  friend.    It  means  you’re  exercising  leadership.  

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Red  Zone/Blue  Zone  

Healthy  Conflict  Personalized  Conflict  

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1.  Data  

2.  Filtering  

3.  InterpreDng  

4.  EmoDng  

5.  AcDng  

6.  ReacDng  

7.  DistracDng  

The  Red  Zone  Cycle  

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Red  Zone  /  Blue  Zone  

•  EmoDonally  charged  •  Personalized  conflict  •  Unresolved  issues  in  self  •  DisproporDonate  intensity  •  Conflict  is  unsolvable  •  Its  never  about  the  other  


•  Values  are  in  conflict  •  About  issues  •  Self-­‐awareness  is  key  •  ProporDonate  intensity  •  Conflict  is  solved  •  Its  never  about  “me”  

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Issue Message Positive Negative

Survival "I must take care of myself.” Responsible Lack of trust


"I will do anything to be

loved and accepted by


Service-oriented Rescuers

Control "The world is a

threatening place.”

Strong Walled-off


"I am loved only on the

basis of my performance.”

Achievers Perfectionist

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The  Leadership  Triangle  Presbytery  of  the  Cascades  

Kevin  Ford  

October  2011  
