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PRESENTATION OF THEMATIC CALLS (transport, climate ... › sites › default › files › news ›...

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Dalibor Drljača PRESENTATION OF THEMATIC CALLS (transport, climate/ environment, ICT, food)

Dalibor Drljača

PRESENTATION OF THEMATIC CALLS (transport, climate/environment, ICT, food)

ü  General openness: All projects can include international partners (participant or third party)

ü  Targeted opening: In certain topics in calls for proposals, inclusion of international partners may be encouraged or required

ü  Flagship initiatives: Specifically devoted to INCO

Horizon 2020: Open to the World

International Cooperation Strategy: Enhancing and focusing EU international cooperation in Research

and Innovation

International cooperation

Mainstreamed across H2020

Strengthen the European Union’s excellence and competitiveness (growth and jobs)

Support the European Union’s external policies

Tackle global societal challenges

Benefits of International

research access to knowledge

open up markets

sharing expertise

improve research quality

science diplomacy

higher global profile

Dalibor Drljača

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy (Part 9)


Horizon 2020 Pillar: Societal Challenges 2 (SC-2)

Work Programme 2018-2020 Part 9.: Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research

and the bioeconomy

Main call groups:

Sustainable Food Security (SFS) total 35 topics

Blue Growth (BG) total 9 topics

Rural Renaissance (RUR) 13 topics

57 topics in


943 MEUR total buget

TOPIC TITLE: Genetic resources and pre-breeding communities (SFS-28-2018-2019-2020 )

RIA Call opening: 16 Oct 2018

Deadline: 23 Jan 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Sep 2019

Projects starting October 2019!!!

Subtopic A: 3 MEUR budget/project Subtopic B: 7 MEUR/project Subtopic C (in 2020): to be defined

total budget: RIA: 14 MEUR


CHALLENGE: • Genetic resources (GenRes) hold the key to the adaptation of plants and animals to a changing and more variable climate, yet their diversity remains largely underused. Access to resources is often limited by the quality of the material and the information provided by the various conservation sites. There is a need to expand and improve the preservation as well as the use of plant and animal GenRes in farming and forestry.

SCOPE(Proposals should address the following activities:)

• Activities will address processes, tools and know-how associated with a dynamic management and documentation of GenRes collections (both ex-situ and in-situ, as appropriate), development and testing of a range of solutions to enhance quality and efficiency of operations and services across collections. Major efforts should go into capturing and characterising the genetic diversity in germplasm and revealing novel information to users, including acquiring of comprehensive and more precise genotypic and phenotypic information on GenRes material etc.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• help establishing high quality, harmonised standards for the management and description of GenRes across Europe (and beyond);

• increase the quantity and quality of data in established information systems for crop, forest and animal GenRes;

• promote innovative ways of sharing resources and services between genebanks/in-situ conservation sites in Europe and beyond;

• develop methods and tools for greater insight into the characteristics and the value of collections;

• create novel services for users within and outside the conservation communities.

TOPIC : Anti-microbials and animal production (SFS-11-2018-2019)

Two stage RIA Call opening:

16 Oct 2018

Deadline: 28 Mar 2019

2nd stage on 04 Sept 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – Dec 2019 and May 2020

Projects starting January 2020!!!

Up to 6 MEUR budget/project

6 MEUR total budget


• With the widespread use of anti-microbials recenetly, the World is increasingly confronted with the emergence and spread of microbes that resist anti-microbial treatment. Addressing AMR is a cross-sectorial issue, requiring action by different policy areas, stakeholders and policy makers. The agriculture is a main target for action. In line with the EU animal health strategy alternative strategies to anti-microbials need be developed.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Activities shall focus on developing and testing new, efficient and targeted alternatives to anti-microbials in farmed animal production - any type of alternative intervention measures. Basic research on gut microbiome should not be covered under this topic. Proposals should take into account the guidelines, standards and legislation in the field, to facilitate the marketing of the measures the project will identify. Proposals should fall under the concept of 'multi-actor approach', involving at least representatives of practitioners of the feed/feed additives and pharmaceutical industries.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• The funded activities will contribute to the fight against anti-microbial resistance arising from farmed animal production. More specifically they will help develop alternative intervention measures from technology readiness levels (TRL) 5-6 to TRL 7.

• The funded activities will contribute to improved animal disease prevention and control, reduced production losses and improved resource-use


TOPIC : New and emerging risks to plant health (SFS-05-2018-2019-2020)

Two stage RIA Call opening:

16 Oct 2018

Deadline: 28 Mar 2019

2nd stage on 04 Sept 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – Dec 2019 and May 2020

Projects starting January 2020!!!

Up to 7 MEUR budget/project

7 MEUR total budget


• While new pests and diseases are likely to arise, existing ones might become more severe as a result of intensification, climatic variations and changes in agricultural and forest management practices. They can have a significant impact on agricultural and forest productivity. Appropriate and rapid responses from decision-makers need to be informed by scientific knowledge which addresses pest and disease management in a comprehensive manner.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Proposals will target one or more new or emerging plant pests and/or diseases (regulated or non-regulated, introduced or native) that are causing, or likely to cause, significant (socio-)economic and/or environmental losses to EU agriculture/forestry.

• Proposals will increase knowledge of the biology, development and spread of pests/diseases, improve methods and strategies for early detection, prevention and control as well as enlarge the range of tools for integrated and sustainable pest/disease management. International cooperation is encouraged.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• the understanding of drivers of plant pest/disease emergence including the influence of climate change;

• the development of efficient tools for the prevention, detection and control of pests/diseases;

• the development of environmentally sound solutions for pest/disease management in farming and forestry in line with the principles of Integrated Pest Management;

• the reduction of economic, social and/or environmental losses by the farming/forestry sector;

• support for relevant EU plant health policies.


TOPIC : Food Cloud demonstrators (DT-SFS-26-2019)

Single-stage IA Call opening:

16 Oct 2018

Deadline: 23 Jan 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Sep 2019

Projects starting October 2019!!!

10 MEUR budget/project

10 MEUR total budget

• The move towards a Food Cloud would accelerate and support the ongoing transition to a more Open Science and Open Innovation model for food and nutrition systems. Although the components needed to create a first generation Food Cloud are largely there, they are fragmented, spread over EU Member States and across different scientific communities, and lack interoperability.

• There is a lack of widespread awareness of the value of open research data and of incentives and possibilities for data sharing and no dedicated and mandated effort or instrument to co-ordinate EOSC-type activities within the area of FNS research.


• Proposals shall advance the EOSC by building and implementing Food Cloud demonstrators, ensuring their long term sustainability, address the federation, networking and co-ordination of research infrastructures and scientific clouds for the purpose of increasing data findability, accessibility interoperability, and reusability improving the services provided to research communities and facilitating re-use of data by a wider user community.

• Particular attention shall be paid to reducing fragmentation of existing governance models, stimulate collaboration between researchers in the food and nutrition domain and ICT/data specialists. Proposals shall also rely on effective global standards, and build on best practices regarding governance and financing.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• By 2025, improved data management tools, practices and skills in selected scientific areas that relate to FNS based on better understanding between e-infrastructure providers/operators and scientific domain specialists/users;

• Also by 2025, a proven governance and business model for the Food Cloud based on best practices, on broadly supported policy choices, and on effective global standards;

• By 2030, improved data management skills, and increased awareness of the benefits of open research data among FNS researchers;

• Increased data sharing and re-use among FNS researchers.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)




Dalibor Drljača


Horizon 2020 Pillar: Societal Challenges (SC4)

Work Programme 2018-2020 Part 11: Smart, green and integrated


Main call groups:

Mobility for Growth (MG) total 30 topics

Digitising and Transforming European Industry and Services:

Automated Road Transport (DT-ART) total 6 topics

Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Green Vehicles

(LC-GV) 9 topics

45 topics in


945 MEUR total buget

TOPIC TITLE: InCo flagship on “Urban mobility and sustainable electrification in large urban areas in developing and emerging economies” (LC-GV-05-2019)

Single-stage IA Call opening:

04 Dec 2017

Deadline: 24 Apr 2018 Time to Grant:

8 months – Dec 2018

Projects starting January 2019!!!

15-18 MEUR buget/project

18 MEUR total buget


• urbanisation requires integrated mobility solutions that bring together technology opportunities with local and national policy, including land use and mobility planning. Efficient transport and mobility, based on a balanced mix of public and private transport and dependent on the characteristics of each city, is and will continue to be the backbone of cities’ growth and competitiveness.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Development of a toolbox for E-mobility management strategies, focusing on smart deployment and operation of vehicles, in particular electrified vehicle, to increase mobility and energy efficiency, emission reduction and user acceptance of electrified vehicles

• Innovative concepts for electrified road public transport (passenger and freight) as a contribution to a wider sustainable mobility concept and seamless mobility, through the comparative demonstrations activities and pilots in cities

• Implementation concepts to scale up the demonstration activities and exploration of the sustainable mobility planning in the city transformation process

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Capability to quantify the potential reduction of greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions as well as traffic congestion (in line with the objectives set by the COP21 and the New Urban Agenda)

• Reference models of the mobility system to provide a basis in order to assess the ability to replicate sustainable concepts by demonstrating the short- and long-term benefit for the stakeholders involved

• A basis for strengthening the collaboration of the European Union with Asia, Latin America and Africa, as a starting point for common future legislative efforts and new business opportunities for innovative entrepreneurs.

TOPIC : Logistics solutions that deal with requirements of the 'on demand economy' and for shared-connected and low-emission logistics operations (LC-MG-1-10-2019)

Two-stage RIA Call opening:

05 Sep 2018

1st stage deadline: 16 Jan 2019

2nd stage deadline: 12 Sep 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – May2020

Projects starting June 2020!!!

2-4 MEUR buget/project

10 MEUR total buget


• There is a huge increase in demand for new logistics solutions that deal with the requirements of the 'on demand economy' and incorporate opportunities for shared, connected and low-emission logistics operations. Research is needed on how to prioritize and combine a number of competing interests from the private side and public (policy) side.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Developing value cases for integrated systems of logistics/ freight operations in urban, metropolitan and peri-urban areas, such as TEN-T urban nodes and consolidation centres in urban areas.

• Addressing (and planning for) the integration of low-emission, and possibly connected (automated) delivery vehicles (e.g. cargobikes, drones) in urban logistics.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Actions will result in a clear understanding of cost effective (non-vehicle technology based) strategies, measures and tools to achieve essentially zero emission city logistics in major European urban centres by 2030.

• Actions will deliver new tested, demonstrated practices and solutions for better cooperation between suppliers, shippers and urban/regions policy makers (planners). These actions should clearly provide inputs for the preparation and implementation of Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs) and/or Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and other planning (private and public side) tools, such as big data and real-time traffic management.


TOPIC : Ship emission control scenarios, marine environmental impact and mitigation (MG-BG-02-2019)

Single-stage RIA Call opening:

04 Dec 2018

Deadline: 24 Apr 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Dec 2019

Projects starting Jan 2020!!!

Up to 8 MEUR buget/project

8 MEUR total buget


• Increasingly strict emission standards are mainly focussed on SOx, but in future, reflecting health concerns, increasingly strict limits are likely to address NOx and particulate matter. The principal challenge is to better understand the comprehensive environmental impacts from the wide scale adoption of a range of potential emission reduction solutions together with any secondary effects on the on the marine environment.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Assess the emission reduction technologies and designs which may be deployed, considering cost benefits. • To consider possible scenarios for the wide scale adoption of different emission control technologies • To assess the environmental impact on the marine environment in the medium and long term including

consideration of any potential bio accumulation. • Considering SOx, NOx and particulate matter, assess and propose sustainable cost effective emission

reduction strategies and technologies

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Activities will provide comprehensive information concerning the predicted dispersion of discharges from shipping and any long term environmental impact.

• Identify the most effected locations, a sound science basis for future policy decisions, a valuable open data and modelling resource.

• Facilitate cooperation between industry and environmental scientists with contribution to UN's Sustainable Development Goals 14 to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds.


TOPIC : Human centred design for the new driver role in highly automated vehicles (DT-ART-03-2019)

Single-stage RIA Call opening:

04 Dec 2018

Deadline: 24 Apr 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Dec 2019

Projects starting Jan 2020!!!

4-8 MEUR buget/project

8 MEUR total buget


• Solutions need to be developed and they have to ensure both a safe transfer between use cases with different automation levels and that drivers always have a very clear understanding about the degree of automation enabled in each situation.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Proposals should focus on the design of safe human-machine interfaces for vehicles with highly automated driving functions and the safe and controlled transfer between use cases of different SAE automation levels (between level 4 to/from levels 3 or 2) for all types of drivers.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Innovative solutions, concepts and algorithms for a safe human-machine interface of highly automated driving functions and for safe and controlled transfer between use cases of different automation levels.

• Reduction of risks for driver behaviour related incidents by ensuring that drivers/operators are adequately alerted, made aware and engaged when the highly automated vehicle encounters situations or use cases that it cannot handle and thus will turn to lower automation levels.

• The research will help achieve the European Transport White Paper "Vision Zero" objective by preventing road accidents caused by human errors. Once on the market the developed concepts and solutions will also contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 3


TOPIC : Developing and testing shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicle fleets in urban areas for the mobility of all (DT-ART-04-2019)

15-30 MEUR buget/project

30 MEUR total buget

Single-stage IA Call opening:

04 Dec 2018

Deadline: 24 Apr 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Dec 2019

Projects starting Jan 2020!!!


• In order to accelerate the uptake of high quality and user oriented mobility services, based on shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicles, there is a need for demonstrating these services in real life conditions to test the performance, safety and viability of these systems and services and to prove that they are attractive for and accepted by users. Furthermore, the potential impacts on reducing CO2 emissions and pollutants, safety and overall transport system costs need to be assessed.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Design innovative shared, connected, cooperative and automated vehicle concepts (road vehicles at SAE level 4 and higher combining automated urban delivery and people transportation should be addressed) based on holistic modelling solutions.

• Test robustness, reliability and safety of shared highly automated vehicle fleets (electrified vehicles).

• Make the best use of EGNOS and Galileo ( to improve the vehicle positioning availability and reliability). • Identify and provide for the needs of vulnerable road users resulting from this new automated/mixed

environment (use of standard & highly automated vehicles). • To enhance the optimised use of big data in (road) transport for implementing smart and safe

mobility solutions, innovative traveller services and (city) traffic management. • Fulfil all security requirements to protect the shared automated vehicles to any threats.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Proposals will test the overall mobility impact. • Proposed actions will help to reduce the total number of passenger cars and goods km in cities, overall

CO2 emissions and energy consumption. • They will also support the accelerated deployment of electrified vehicles for shared automated mobility

services and integrated strategies for a smart and multi-modal mobility system and urban development.


Dalibor Drljača

SPECIFIC CHALLENGE 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw Materials (PART 12)


Horizon 2020 Pillar: Societal Challenges 5 (SC5)

Work Programme 2018-2020 Part 12: Climate action, environment,

resource efficiency and raw materials

Main call groups:

Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: climate action in support of the Paris Agreement

(LC-CLA) total 8 topics

Greening the economy in line with the Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs) (SC5) total 21 topics

29 topics in


1.100 MEUR total buget

TOPIC TITLE: The changing cryosphere: uncertainties, risks and opportunities (LC-CLA-07-2019)

CSA/RIA Call opening: 14 Nov 2018

Deadline: 19 Feb 2019 (CSA)

19 Feb 2019 (RIA 1st stage)

Time to Grant: 8 months – Oct 2019

Projects starting November 2019!!!

buget/project: CSA - 2 MEUR RIA 5-6 MEUR

total buget: CSA – 2 MEUR RIA – 39 MEUR

Proposals shall include at least two participants from third countries !!!


• The 'Arctic amplification' of global warming is putting pressure on the ecosystems and communities of the region and having an impact at global level as well. The Arctic's fragile natural ecosystems and societies are under serious threat, and additional human activities, linked to the new economic opportunities that are made possible by climate change, are putting additional pressure on them.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Actions should aim at developing innovative approaches to address only one of the following sub-topics:

• a) Sea-level changes (RIA) 8-10MEUR/project • b) Changes in Arctic biodiversity (RIA) 5-6MEUR/project • c) Sustainable opportunities in a changing Arctic (RIA) 5-6MEUR/project • d) Arctic standards (CSA) 2 MEUR/project

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• the implementation of the new integrated EU policy for the Arctic (RIA) • the IPCC assessments and other major regional and global initiatives (RIA) • enhanced engagement of and the interaction with residents from local communities(RIA)

• enhanced stakeholder capability to operate in cold climate environments (CSA) • better servicing of the economic sectors that operate in the Arctic (e.g. shipping, tourism)(CSA)

• promoting sustainable Arctic opportunities arising from climate change and supporting the leverage of regional (EU) funds into these opportunities (CSA)

RIA 2-stage Call opening: 14 Nov 2018

1st stage deadline: 19 Feb 2019

2nd stage deadline: 4 Sep 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – Oct 2019

Projects starting Nov 2019!!!

3-7 MEUR buget/project

30 MEUR total buget

TOPIC : New solutions for the sustainable production of raw materials (SC5-09-2018-2019)



• EU is confronted with a number of technological and environmental challenges along the entire production value chain of primary and secondary raw materials. There is also a need for very innovative and sustainable raw materials production solutions at lower TRLs to bring the next 'digital generation' to the raw materials field.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• All actions should develop sustainable and resource-efficient solutions through industrially- and user-driven multidisciplinary consortia covering the relevant value chain of non-energy non-agricultural raw materials

• Actions should aim at developing innovative approaches to address only one of the following sub-topics:

• a) Breakthrough concepts and solutions for sustainable exploration, mining and/or processing (2018)

• b) Digital mine (2019) • c) Recovery of metals and minerals from sea resources (2019)

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:) • safeguarding environmental sustainability (including better energy and water efficiency and a reduction in waste, wastewater and emissions) and improving significantly the health and safety performance of the solutions provided throughout the whole life cycle considered;

• creating a lower TRL technology base for radical innovations within the next decades in the sectors concerned that would help unlock substantial reserves of new or currently unexploited resources within the EU;

• in the longer term, improving the economic viability of operations and enhancing the competitiveness of, and creating added value and new jobs in raw materials producing, equipment manufacturing, ICT and/or downstream industries.

TRL 3-5

TOPIC : Understanding water-energy- food nexus and streamlining water-related policies (LC-CLA-14-2020)

CSA/RIA ??? Call opening: ??? 2019

1st stage deadline: ??? 2019

2nd stage deadline: ??? 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – ???

Projects starting ??? 2020!!!

??? buget/project

??? MEUR total buget


TOPIC : Enhanced natural treatment solutions for water security and ecological quality of water in cities (international cooperation) (SC5-25-2020)


CSA/RIA ??? Call opening: ??? 2019

1st stage deadline: ??? 2019

2nd stage deadline: ??? 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – ???

Projects starting ??? 2020!!!

??? buget/project

??? MEUR total buget

Dalibor Drljača

Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Section 5.i.: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES


Horizon 2020 Pillar: Leadership in enabling and

industrial technologies

Work Programme 2018-2020 Part 5.i.: Information and Communication


Main call groups:

Information and Communication Technologies

(ICT) total 35 topics

Digitising and Transforming European Industry and Services: Automated

Road Transport (DT-ICT) total 13 topics

Cybersecurity (SU-ICT) 4 topics

EU-Japan + EU-Korea Joint Calls 2+2 topics

56 topics in


1.738 MEUR total


TOPIC TITLE: Electronic Smart Systems (ESS) (ICT-07-2018 )

RIA/IA/CSA Call opening: 31 Oct 2017

Deadline: 17 Apr 2018 Time to Grant:

8 months – Dec 2018

Projects starting January 2019!!!

RIA: 2-4 MEUR buget/project IA: up to 8 MEUR/project CSA: up to 1 MEUR/project

total buget: RIA: 39 MEUR



• To develop and validate a new generation of cost-effective ESS technologies integrating hardware technologies across multiple fields eg, multimodal sensing, actuating, advanced processing, and secure wireless transmission (to network or local infrastructures). Access to advanced electronics technologies by SMEs and academia is a complementary challenge supporting digitisation of industry.

SCOPE(Proposals should address ONE of the following activities:)

• a)Technological breakthroughs for future ESS leading to further miniaturisation, new functionalities, improved power consumption, autonomy, adaptation and reliability, and secure operation in real environments (RIA)

• b)Advances in bio-electronics smart systems (RIA) • c)Innovation Action on Access to Nanoelectronics and Electronics Smart Systems (IA) • d)Support Action on Electronics (CSA)

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• European Technology leadership in ESS and bio-electronics systems performances • Improving ESS manufacturing capabilities in Europe, • Increasing ESS and bio-electronics systems Market penetration, • Creating new opportunities for digitisation in traditional sectors and improving user acceptance

• Attract new users (a substantial number), from industry and academia, to advanced technologies.

• Increased industrial investments and open innovation marketplace for ESS and bio-electronics technologies.

• Stimulating the involvement of industry in longer term research and innovation activities.


TOPIC : Unconventional Nanoelectronics (ICT-06-2019)

Single stage RIA Call opening:

16 Oct 2018

Deadline: 28 Mar 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Dec 2019

Projects starting January 2020!!!

2-4 MEUR buget/project

30 MEUR total buget


• The challenge is to maintain Europe's position at the forefront of advanced nanoelectronic technologies developments. This is essential to ensure strategic electronic design and manufacturing capability in Europe. Advanced nanoelectronics technologies enable innovative solutions to industrial and societal challenges.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• The focus should be on demonstrating new concepts at transistor or circuit level based on materials, computing unit architecture (transistor or beyond) as well as at circuit level

• The concept validation should be addressed in a controlled environment at a limited scale (laboratory, research line) amenable to transfer to larger scale developments in industrial environments (pilot lines, etc.).

• Innovative concepts include, but are not limited to, the design, processing and integration of devices based on new approaches expected to prove the industrial relevance

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Identify applications likely to benefit from the intended approach with indication of key parameters (power, energy-efficiency, size, frequency, and cost) and quantitative targets to be achieved (figures of merit).

• Contribute to the mid-term viability of the European Nanoelectronics industry ensuring that new technologies with high potential for computing emerge in time to be taken up by industry.

• Sustain the technological integration requirements by focussing on challenging 3D integration issues as well as for electronics at cryogenic temperature.

• Contribute to the European industry capability to design advanced circuits for its needs.


TOPIC : Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries (ICT-19-2019)

RIA/CSA Call opening: 16 Jul 2018

Deadline: 14 Nov 2018 Time to Grant:

8 months – Jul 2019

Projects starting Avg/Sep 2019!!!

buget/project: RIA:10-15 MEUR

CSA: up to 2 MEUR

total buget: RIA: 90 MEUR CSA: 2 MEUR


• get the European 5G Vision of "5G empowering vertical industries“ closer to deployment with innovative digital use cases involving cross industry partnerships - requires technological and business validation of 5G end to end connectivity and associated management.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• a. Trials of various scales, depending on the target technology, in view of demonstrating that performance conforming to 5G PPP KPIs requirements are met in the context of specific vertical use cases.

• b. Coordination and Support Actions shall liaise with the 5G RIA and IA actions to exploit synergies for: Management and orchestration of 5G PPP project cooperation, Proactive support to key international co-operation activities, Monitoring of the openness, fairness and transparency of the PPP process, Maintenance of the "5G web site"

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Validated core 5G technologies and architectures (RIA) • Viable business models for innovative digital use cases tested and validated (RIA) • Impactful contributions towards standardisation bodies (RIA) • Validation of relevant KPIs and Europe 5G know how showcasing (RIA) • Organisation of the 5G PPP as a programme (CSA) • Maximised output and exploitation of 5G PPP project results (CSA) • Constituency building and stakeholder support(CSA)


TOPIC : Digital technologies for improved performance in cognitive production plants (DT-SPIRE-06-2019)

Single-stage IA Call opening:

16 Oct 2018

Deadline: 21 Feb 2019 Time to Grant:

8 months – Oct 2019

Projects starting Nov 2019!!!

6-8 MEUR buget/project

32.9 MEUR total buget

Work Programme Part: Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

• Changes in the production process need to be detected and the system needs to be able to respond to these dynamic fluctuations, by adapting the production to stay within the target ranges of production costs and rate, as well as those of and sustainability parameters. A fully up-to-date interactive and self-learning process control integrated with management tools is essential to obtain an optimal efficiency, while maintaining adequate flexibility of the system in regard to changing feedstock, energy sources and product demand.


• Proposals need to develop new technologies to realise cognitive production plants, with improved efficiency and sustainability, by use of smart and networked sensor technologies, intelligent handling and online evaluation of various forms of data streams as well as new methods for self-organizing processes and process chains. Furthermore, proposals should cover the full digital transformation of a complete plant or site(s) including e.g. data acquisition, communication, automation, analytics, modelling, prediction and standardisation of relevant data interfaces.

SCOPE(Proposals should address all of the following activities:)

• Show potential for improved performance in cognitive production plants; • Increased production performance, energy and resource consumption, or waste or by-

products production will be significantly improved by more than 20%. The targets should be quantified in the proposal and validated during the execution of the demonstration;

• Project outcomes should demonstrate a positive environmental impact, by reducing CO2 emissions compared to the state of the art and in the scale relevant for the different applications;

• Effective dissemination of major innovation outcomes to the current next generation of employees of the SPIRE sectors, through the development, by education/training experts, of learning resources with flexible usability. These should be ready to be easily integrated in existing curricula and modules for undergraduate level and lifelong learning programmes.

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)



TOPIC : Extreme scale computing technologies, methods and algorithms for key applications and support to the HPC ecosystem (FETHPC-02-2019)

Work Programme Part: Future and Emerging Technologies

RIA/CSA Call opening: 7 May 2019

Deadline: 24 Sep 2019

Time to Grant: 8 months – May 2020

Projects starting June 2020!!

buget/project: RIA: 5-10 MEUR

CSA: up to 4 MEUR

total buget: RIA: 64 MEUR CSA: 4 MEUR


• To develop world-class extreme scale, power-efficient and highly resilient High Performance Computing and data technologies, and to provide support for a sustainable exascale HPC ecosystem in Europe, enabling collaborations among the relevant stakeholders.

SCOPE(Proposals should address at least ONE of the following areas:)

• System software and management, addressing adaptive and dynamic scheduling (RIA) • Programming environments, reducing programming complexity and increasing scalability (RIA) • I/O and storage environment for data-centric extreme scale computing addressing overall system

performance predictability(RIA) • Data-intensive supercomputing and emerging HPC use modes addressing efficient implementation of

established Big Data software frameworks and workloads (RIA) • Mathematical methods and algorithms for extreme scalability of computing and data with impact in system

energy reduction and resilience (RIA) • coordinate and promote the European HPC strategy (CSA) • produce roadmaps for HPC technology and applications (CSA) • build and maintain relations with other relevant international HPC activities (CSA) • support the generation of young talent (CSA)

IMPACT (Proposals are expected to contribute to:)

• Contribution to the realisation of the ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda (RIA)(CSA) • Addressing important segments of the broader and/or emerging HPC markets (RIA) • Strengthening competitiveness and leadership of European industry & science (RIA) (CSA) • European excellence in mathematics and algorithms for extreme scale HPC systems (RIA) • Structuring the efforts of stakeholders for implementing the European HPC strategy (CSA) • Reinforced cooperation in international endeavours on HPC (CSA)


The new Horizon 2020 Work Programme and Calls for 2018/2020

are open for application!



Non-EU Expert Evaluators Needed! https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/


Thank you!

#InvestEUresearch www.ec.europa.eu/research
