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Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06

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  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    Marketing Principles and Planning

    Lecture: International Master

    Semester 2

    Summer 2011

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    An International Perspective

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    Customer Relationship Management

    Presentation Topics

    . as cs o : erspec ve an equ remen s

    (Christian(). e o e o us omer a s ac on easuremen w n

    CRM (Britz, Fuchs..)

    . omp a n anagemen : ances w n a -Environment (Derich, Metz und Stass)

    . - Hans Lauer et al.

    . .

    6. Dialogue Marketing/Closed Loop Marketing Martyna et al.

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


    7. CRM Tools

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    1. Basics of CRM: Perse ective andRequirements

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    e n t on an components o

    CRM as part of overall company strategy


    Development and forms/configurations of CRM

    Idea of Market Segmentation

    Customers varying in value/Calculations of Customer Value(Customer-Lifetime-Value)

    international basis

    Organisational requirements Forms of implementation (overview)

    Reasons for failed CRM projects

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    2. The Role of Customer Satisfactioneasuremen w n

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    Definition of Customer Satisfaction (CS)

    Theories on CS Strength/boundaries of CS / pros and cons

    CS as a driver of loyalty/driver of profit

    International differences in measuring CS International examples of CS orientation

    Net-Promotor score (concept, measurement, application

    and evaluation) Linking CS results to CRM (segment-based or individual


    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    3. Com laint Mana ment: Chances within aCRM-Environment

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    Definition(s) of Complaints, voiced and unvoiced

    complaints a ue o omp a n s, comp a n sa s ac on

    International Differences in Complaint Behavior and

    Effect of Complaint Handling on customer loyalty?

    Issues in International complaint management,


    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

    , ..,


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    4. Constructin Lo alt /Reward Pro rams(stand-alone)

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    Forms of lo alt /reward ro rams

    Conceptual issues: Objectives, Required data base, cost, benefit,

    benefits to the customers (material, financial, emotional, ...) pp ca ty an unct ona t es

    currency and value of it (internal/external view)

    Bonus- vs. status programs

    Bonusses/rewards (of own company, of others), material/financial,non-material,

    Different forms of rewards for motivating different behavior

    , , ,

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    5. Issues in National and InternationalPartnering Programs

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    oncept o partner ng programs

    Advantage/Disadvantage of Stand-alone versus partnereingro rams/Pros and Cons/ Suitabilit for certain industries?

    What to contribute what to get

    Joint data base?

    Perception from the customers point of view? currency and value of it (internal/external view)

    Bonus- vs. status programs

    Bonusses/rewards of own com an of others material/financialnon-material

    Different forms of rewards for motivating different behaviors

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    . a ogue ar e ng ose oop ar e ng

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06



    Planning and analyzing marketing measures,mp emen a on, con ro ng, mo ca on o measures

    Personalized/segmentspecific promotions/campaigns:, - ,

    response measurement


    -(mail, call, email, mobile, sms marketing)

    Inbound- vs. Outbound Communication

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

    Sales Management and Tools 15

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    . - oo s

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master

  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    Typical functionalities of CRM-Tools: Customer data

    base, analytical CRM, campaign management,, , ,

    Market overview CRM-tools

    Trends (voice of the customer, social media, self service,

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


  • 8/2/2019 Presentation Topics 2011 Part 2 Update 19.06


    era ure

    , ., , . .Instrumente fr ein erfolgreiches CRM, (aktuelle Auflage), Wiesbaden.

    Frst, A. (2005): Beschwerdemanagement Gestaltung und Erfolgsauswirkungen, Wiesbaden.

    e m e, ., e e , . ., ange ma er, . rsg. : e t ves ustomer e at ons pManagement Instrumente, Einfhrungskonzepte, Organisation, (aktuelle Auflage),


    Hippner, H., Wilde, K. D. (Hrsg.): Grundlagen des CRM Konzepte und Gestaltung, (aktuelleAuflage), Wiesbaden.

    Homburg, Ch. (Hrsg.) (2008): Kundenzufriedenheit - Konzepte, Methoden, Erfahrungen,7. Auflage, Wiesbaden.

    Homburg, Ch., Frst, A. (2005): How complaint handling drives customer loyalty: an analysis of

    the mechanistic and the organic approach, Journal of Marketing, 69, 3, 95-114.

    Homburg, Ch., Schfer, H., Schneider, S. (2007): Sales Excellence: Vertriebsmanagement mitys em, . u age, es a en.

    Humby, C., Hunt, T., Philipps, T. (2007), Scoring points : how Tesco continues to win customer loyalty, 2nd ed. London

    Stauss, B., Seidel, W. (aktuelle Auflage): Complaint Management: The Heart of CRM,

    Prof. Dr. T.KnigInternational Master


    Exeter, UK.
