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5/2/2016 1 Fluid and Electrolytes Body Fluids Body water and dissolved substances Cells need a stable environment to function Body Fluids Body water content Infants 73% or more water Adult males ~60% water Adult females ~50% water Higher fat content & less skeletal muscle mass Water content declines with old age ~45% Fluid Compartments Total body water ≈ 40 L Where is it all?? 1. Intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment 2/3 (25 L) 2. Extracellular fluid (ECF) compartment 1/3 (15 L) a. Plasma: 3 L b. Interstitial fluid (IF): 12 L c. Other ECF Lymph, CSF, humors of the eye, synovial fluid, serous fluid, gastrointestinal secretions Figure 26.1 Total body water Volume = 40 L 60% body weight Extracellular fluid (ECF) Volume = 15 L 20% body weight Intracellular fluid (ICF) Volume = 25 L 40% body weight Interstitial fluid (IF) Volume = 12 L 80% of ECF Fluid Compartments Intracellular fluid Metabolic reactions Homeostasis essential to health
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Fluid and Electrolytes

Body Fluids

• Body water and dissolved substances

– Cells need a stable environment to function

Body Fluids

• Body water content

– Infants

• 73% or more water

– Adult males

• ~60% water

– Adult females

• ~50% water

– Higher fat content & less skeletal muscle mass

– Water content declines with old age

• ~45%

Fluid Compartments

• Total body water ≈ 40 L

• Where is it all??

1. Intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment

• 2/3 (25 L)

2. Extracellular fluid (ECF) compartment

• 1/3 (15 L)

a. Plasma: 3 L

b. Interstitial fluid (IF): 12 L

c. Other ECF

• Lymph, CSF, humors of the eye, synovial fluid, serous fluid,

gastrointestinal secretions

Figure 26.1

Total body water

Volume = 40 L

60% body weight Extracellular fluid (ECF)

Volume = 15 L

20% body weight

Intracellular fluid (ICF)

Volume = 25 L

40% body weight

Interstitial fluid (IF)

Volume = 12 L

80% of ECF

Fluid Compartments

• Intracellular fluid

– Metabolic reactions

– Homeostasis essential to health

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Fluid Compartments

• Extracellular fluid



• Route in and out of cell

�Osmosis is the primary force for movement

• Lubricant

• Solvent

• Acid-base balance

Figure 26.3





fluid in tissue cells


plasmaO2 CO2 H2O,





O2 CO2 H2O Ions Nitrogenous







Figure 26.2

Na+ Sodium

K+ Potassium

Ca2+ Calcium

Mg2+ Magnesium

HCO3– Bicarbonate

Cl– Chloride






Blood plasma

Interstitial fluid

Intracellular fluid

Composition of Body Fluids

• ECF and ICF composition varies


• All similar, except higher protein content in plasma

�Major cation: Na+

�Major anion: Cl–


• Low Na+ and Cl–

• Major cation: K+

• Major anions: proteins and HPO4–

Composition of Body Fluids

• Electrolytes

– Dissociate into ions in water

• Measure the number of electrical charges in a liter

– Milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L)

Water Balance

• Water intake = water output = 2500 ml/day

– Water intake

• Gastrointestinal tract = 1,500 ml/day

• Absorbed from food = 750 ml/day

• Metabolism = 250 ml/day

– Water output

• Evaporation = 200 ml/day

• Exhaled breath = 700 ml/day

• Gastrointestinal tract = 100 ml/day

• Urine = 1,500 ml/day

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Figure 26.4

Feces 4%

Sweat 8%

Insensible losses

via skin and

lungs 28%

Urine 60%

2500 ml

Average output

per day

Average intake

per day

Beverages 60%

Foods 30%

Metabolism 10%

1500 ml

700 ml

200 ml

100 ml

1500 ml

750 ml

250 ml

Regulation of Water Intake and Loss

• Carefully regulated

– Influences blood pressure and cytoplasmic volume

Regulation of Water Intake and Loss

• Obligatory water loss

– Expired air, perspiration, fecal moisture, urine output (minimum


• Independent of hydration status!

Regulation of Water Intake and Loss

• Thirst mechanism

– Driving force for water intake

• Response may be modified by behavior

– Hypothalamic thirst center osmoreceptors stimulated by

• Increased plasma osmolality of 2–3%

• Substantial decrease in blood volume or pressure

– Results in reduced salivary gland function

• Dry mouth

• Sensation of thirst

Regulation of Water Intake and Loss

• Drinking water → inhibition of the thirst center

• Inhibitory feedback signals include

– Relief of dry mouth

– Activation of stomach and intestinal stretch


Figure 26.5

(*Minor stimulus)

Granular cells

in kidney

Dry mouth




in hypothalamus


thirst center

Sensation of thirst;

person takes a


Water absorbed

from GI tract

Angiotensin II

Plasma osmolality

Blood pressure

Water moistens

mouth, throat;

stretches stomach,




Initial stimulus


Reduces, inhibits

Increases, stimulates

Physiological response

Plasma volume*


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Regulation of Water Intake and Loss

• Endocrine function


• Increases water reabsorption = reduces blood osmotic


• Hypothalamic osmoreceptors trigger or inhibit release

• Released in response to:

– Increases in blood osmolarity (primary trigger)

– Large changes in blood volume or pressure

» e.g. fever, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, burns

Regulation of Water Intake and Loss

• Endocrine function

– Aldosterone

• Increases reabsorption of sodium, chloride, and water

– Increases blood volume = increases blood pressure

– No change in blood osmotic pressure because water and sodium

move together

• Released in response to decreases in blood pressure

Fluid Shifts

• Extracellular fluid distribution is dynamic

• Interstitial fluid formation is continuous

Regulation of ECF Movement

• Movement from capillaries mediated by

hydrostatic and osmotic pressures

• Fluid distribution is a balance of forces

– Capillary hydrostatic

– Interstitial osmotic

– Interstitial hydrostatic

– Capillary osmotic

Figure 19.17

HP = hydrostatic pressure• Due to fluid pressing against a wall

• “Pushes”

• In capillary (HPc)• Pushes fluid out of capillary

• 35 mm Hg at arterial end and

17 mm Hg at venous end of

capillary in this example

• In interstitial fluid (HPif)• Pushes fluid into capillary

• 0 mm Hg in this example

OP = osmotic pressure• Due to presence of nondiffusiblesolutes (e.g., plasma proteins)

• “Sucks”

• In capillary (OPc)• Pulls fluid into capillary

• 26 mm Hg in this example

• In interstitial fluid (OPif)• Pulls fluid out of capillary

• 1 mm Hg in this example



Interstitial fluid

Net HP—Net OP


Net HP—Net OP



NFP (net filtration pressure)is 10 mm Hg; fluid moves out

NFP is -8 mm Hg;fluid moves in

















Remember this?


• Atypical accumulation of interstitial fluid

� Causes

� Increased flow of fluid out of the blood or impaired lymphatic drainage

� ↑ Blood pressure

� ↑ Proteins in interstitial fluid

� ↓Plasma proteins

� Lymphatic obstruction

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• ↑ Blood pressure

� More tissue fluid at arteriolar end of capillary

� Hypertension

• ↑ Proteins in interstitial fluid

� Decreases osmotic return of water into venous end of capillary

� Inflammation

� Allergic reaction


• ↓ Plasma proteins

� Decreases osmotic return of water into venous end of capillary

� Liver disease

� Kidney disease

� Malnutrition

• Lymphatic obstruction� Parasites

� Elephantiasis

� Tumor


• Fluid loss exceeds fluid intake

– Extracellular osmolarity exceeds intracellular


• Fluid moves into ECF compartment

– Cell volume reduction = compromised function


• Fluid loss exceeds fluid intake

– Causes

• Hemorrhage, severe burns, prolonged vomiting or

diarrhea, profuse sweating, water deprivation, diuretic


– Symptoms

• Thirst, dry flushed skin, oliguria

– Consequences

• May lead to weight loss, mental confusion, hypovolemic

shock, and electrolyte imbalances

Figure 26.7a

1 2 3Excessive

loss of H2O

from ECF

ECF osmotic

pressure risesCells lose

H2O to ECF

by osmosis;

cells shrink

(a) Mechanism of dehydration

Hypotonic Hydration

• A.K.A. Water intoxication

– Causes

• Renal failure or rapid excessive water intake

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Hypotonic Hydration

ECF is diluted


Net osmosis into tissue cells

Swelling, perhaps bursting of cells

Severe metabolic disturbances

(nausea, vomiting, muscular cramping, cerebral edema)

Possible death

Figure 26.7b

3 H2O moves

into cells by

osmosis; cells swell

2 ECF osmotic

pressure falls

1 Excessive

H2O enters

the ECF

(b) Mechanism of hypotonic hydration


• Salts, acids and bases

• Balance must be maintained between…

– Ingestion to add materials

– Excretion to remove materials

• Kidneys play a key role


• Importance of electrolytes

– Controlling fluid movements

– Excitability of cells

– Membrane permeability

In addition to these general considerations,

each electrolyte has its own specific physiological



• Pica

– Eating non-food substances, often due to mineral


• Examples: Consumption of chalk, clay, match tips

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Membrane Potential Membrane Potential

• Polarized across resting membrane

– Inside negative relative to outside

– Nerst equation allows us to calculate the potential

across the membrane for any single ion

Membrane Potential

• Depolarization

– Reduced membrane potential

• Smaller stimulus needed to reach threshold

• Hyperpolarization

– Increased membrane potential

• Larger stimulus required to reach threshold

Membrane Potential

• Calcium and magnesium are normally non-


– Changes in distribution do not directly affect

membrane potential

• Changes in concentration influence sodium

channel permeability

Membrane Potential

Hyperpolarized Depolarized

Hyponatremia Hypernatremia

Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia

Hypercalcemia Hypocalcemia

Hypermagnesemia Hypomagnesemia

Hyperchloremia Hypochloremia


• Major extracellular cation

– Normal: 135-145 mEq/L

– Na+ leaks into cells and is pumped out against its electrochemical gradient

• Primary roles

– Necessary for impulse transmission

• Nervous and muscle tissue

– Primary regulator of ECF volume

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• Variations in Na+ can alter ECF volume

– Imbalances summary

• Hypervolemic hyponatremia

– Gain of water only (dilutes sodium)

• Hypovolemic hyponatremia

– Loss sodium first then water follows (more sodium lost)

• Hypervolemic hypernatremia

– Gain of sodium and water (more sodium gained)

• Hypovolemic hypernatremia

– Loss of sodium and water (more water lost)


• Hyponatremia

– Hypervolemic

• Replacing water (not electrolytes) after perspiration

• Freshwater near-drowning

• Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion (SIADH)

• Renal failure

– Hypovolemic

• GI disease (decreased intake, loss through vomiting and diarrhea)

• Aldosterone deficiency (Addison’s)

• Diuretics


• Hyponatremia

– Symptoms

• Feeling of “impending doom”

• Abdominal cramps

• Nausea and vomiting

• Anorexia

• BP changes

• Cellular swelling

• Cerebral edema possible

– Lethargy, confusion

– Muscle twitching or convulsions


• Hypernatremia

– Not as common

– Unconscious or confused patients higher risk

• Hypervolemic

– Saltwater near drowning

– Excessive salt intake

– Hyperaldosteronism

• Hypovolemic hypernatremia

– Decreased fluid intake

– Excessive water loss (fever)




�Reduced interstitial fluid

�Dry sticky mucous membranes, intense thirst, dry tongue

�Reduced perspiration

�Flushed skin

�Cerebral cellular dehydration

�Lethargy, muscle weakness, twitching, seizures

�Severe cases: disorientation, delusions, hallucinations

�Altered neuromuscular activity

�Muscle weakness, twitching

�Low blood volume

�Hypotension, tachycardia


• Major intracellular cation

– Normal range 3.5-5.5 mEq/L

– Normal kidney function required for balance

• Importance

– Affects RMP in neurons and muscle cells

• Especially cardiac muscle

– Maintenance of cellular volume

– pH regulation

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• Regulation

– Aldosterone

• Stimulates K+ secretion and Na+ reabsorption

– Dietary sources

• Very important since potassium is poorly stored in the



• Acid-base balance

– H+ shifts in and out of cells in response to pH

• Leads to corresponding potassium shifts in the opposite

direction to maintain cation balance

• Shifts may cause changes in ECF potassium levels


• Hypokalemia

– Causes

• GI losses

– Intestinal fistula, NG suctioning, vomiting, diarrhea

• Redistribution

– Alkalosis, insulin administration

• Medications

– Diuretics, natural licorice (mimics aldosterone), steroids, certain drugs (amphotericin B is an antifungal)

• Disorders

– Hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s, acute renal failure, alcoholism, liver disease


• Hypokalemia

– Symptoms

• Slowed smooth muscle contraction

– Anorexia, constipation, GI distention

• Slowed skeletal muscle contraction

– Muscle weakness, cramping, paralysis

• Decreased myocardial contraction

– Dysrhythmias, hypotension, weak pulses


• Hyperkalemia

– Causes

• Retention disorders

– Renal failure (↓ GFR), Addison’s disease, hypoaldosteronism,

transfusion with old RBCs (potassium is released as RBCs


• Releases of intracellular potassium

– Acidosis, trauma, severe burns, severe infection

• Excessive administration

– Oral or IV


• Hyperkalemia

– Symptoms

• GI effects

– Nausea, explosive diarrhea, intestinal colic, cramping

• Musculoskeletal effects

– Paresthesia (“pins and needles” sensation), muscle weakness,

muscle cramps, paralysis

• Cardiac effects

– Dysrhythmias (arrhythmias), hypotension, cardiac arrest,

conduction abnormalities, ectopic foci

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�ECF levels closely regulated

�8.5-10.5 mg/dl

�Nerve and muscle function

�Blood clotting

�Tissue development

�Enzyme activation


• Distribution

– Most is stored in bone

– Serum

• Ionized form is active form (50%)

• Plasma protein bound pH determines equilibrium



– Influences Ca2+ in bone, kidneys, and GI tract

– Released when plasma Ca2+ concentration is low

• Activates osteoclasts

– Release calcium and phosphate from bone

• Stimulates intestinal Ca2+ uptake

• Increases renal tubule reabsorption

• Calcitonin

– Inhibits osteoclasts

– Not as important in humans as PTH

Figure 16.12




Hypocalcemia (low blood Ca2+) stimulates

parathyroid glands to release PTH.

Rising Ca2+ in

blood inhibits

PTH release.

1 PTH activates

osteoclasts: Ca2+

and PO43S released

into blood.

2 PTH increases

Ca2+ reabsorption

in kidney


3 PTH promotes

kidney’s activation of vitamin D,

which increases Ca2+ absorption

from food.


Ca2+ ions

PTH Molecules

Calcium is reabsorbed

In the kidney and

phosphate is selectively



• Hypocalcemia

– Causes

• Inactive parathyroid glands

• Removal of parathyroid glands

• Low dietary calcium

• Renal failure

• Reduced intestinal absorption


• Hypocalcemia

– Symptoms

• Increased nerve cell permeability and excitability

– Tetany, carpopedal spasms, convulsions, seizures

• Tingling in fingers, mouth and feet

• Trousseau’s sign

• Cardiac arrhythmias

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• Hypercalemia

– Causes

• Overactive parathyroid gland

• Excess vitamin D intake

• Acidosis

• Leukemia


• Hypercalemia

– Symptoms

• Decreased neuromuscular excitability

– Muscle weakness

– Poor coordination

• Anorexia

• Constipation

• Renal calculi

• Cardiac arrest


• Second most abundant intracellular cation– 1.5 – 2.5 mEq/liter

– Activates many enzyme systems

– Carbohydrate and protein metabolism

– Important to neuromuscular function

• Location– Skeleton

– Intracellularly• Heart, skeletal muscle, liver

– Serum• Ionized and protein bound


• Hypomagnesemia

– Causes

• Critical illnesses

• Alcohol withdrawal

• Malnutrition followed by nourishment

• Severe GI fluid losses


• Hypomagnesemia

– Symptoms

• Hyperexcitability with muscular weakness

• Tremors

• Athetoid movements

• Tetany

• Laryngeal stridor

• Mood alterations

• Cardiac arrhythmias


• Hypermagnesemia

– Causes

• Renal failure

• Untreated DKA

• Excessive administration

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• Hypermagnesemia

– Symptoms

• Acute elevations

– Depresses CNS

• Mild elevation

– Vasodilation → hypotension

• Moderate to high elevations

– Lethargy, dysarthria (unclear articulation of speech), drowsiness

– Loss of deep tendon reflexes

– Muscular weakness


• Normal 2.5-4.5 mg/dl

– Phosphorus essential to mitochondrial function,

RBCs, and nervous system function


• Hypophosphatemia

– Causes

• Hyperventilation

• Alcohol withdrawal

• Poor dietary intake


• Major thermal burns


• Hypophosphatemia

– Symptoms

• Neurologic symptoms

– Irritability, apprehension, weakness, numbness, paresthesia,

confusion, seizures, coma

• Tissue anoxia

• Infection

• Muscle pain




�Renal failure


�Excessive dietary intake

�Muscle necrosis


�Altered mentation and cardiac abnormalities

Acid-Base Balance

• Mechanisms that control acid-base homeostasis

– Acids and bases continually enter and leave body

– Hydrogen ions also result from metabolic activity

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Acid-Base Balance


�Hydrogen ion donors

�Dissociation = H+ and a conjugate base


�Hydrogen ion acceptors

pH determined by hydrogen ion concentration

Acid-Base Balance

�Strong acids

�Dissociate completely in water

�Can dramatically affect pH

�Weak acids

�Dissociate partially in water

�Efficient at preventing pH changes

Figure 26.11

(a) A strong acid such as

HCI dissociates

completely into its ions.

(b) A weak acid such as

H2CO3 does notdissociate completely.

H2CO3HCI Acid-Base Balance

�Chemical buffer

�System of two or more compounds that act to

resist pH changes when acid or base is added

�Usually consist of a weak acid and its conjugate base

Acid-Base Balance

• Mechanisms for neutralizing or eliminating H+

1. Sodium bicarbonate – carbonic acid buffer system

2. Phosphate buffer system

3. Hemoglobin-oxyhemoglobin system

4. Protein buffer system

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Sodium bicarbonate-carbonic acid

• Mixture of H2CO3 (weak acid) and NaHCO3

– NaHCO3 � Na+ + HCO3- (conjugate base)

• Buffers ICF and ECF

• Present in all body fluids

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Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Sodium bicarbonate-carbonic acid

• If acid is added:

– HCO3– ties up H+ and forms H2CO3

» Example: HCl + NaHCO3 → H2CO3 + NaCl

» Prevents accumulation of H+

» pH decreases only slightly

– H2CO3 is easily converted to CO2 and H2O

» Removed by respiratory system

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Sodium bicarbonate-carbonic acid

• If base is added

– Causes H2CO3 to dissociate and donate H+

» H+ ties up the base (e.g. OH–)

» Example: NaOH + H2CO3 → NaHCO3 + H2O

» OH- does not accumulate

» pH rises only slightly

– H2CO3 supply is almost limitless from CO2 produced by cellular


Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Sodium bicarbonate-carbonic acid

• Normal body processes tend to acidify blood

– More base is needed

– Normal ratio is 20:1 (NaHCO3:H2CO3)

– Produces pH of 7.4

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Sodium bicarbonate-carbonic acid

• Plasma bicarbonate highly regulated by kidneys

• Plasma carbonic acid regulated by lungs

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Phosphate buffer system

• Takes place in kidney tubular fluids and RBC’s

• Action is nearly identical to the bicarbonate buffer

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Phosphate buffer system

• Components are sodium salts of:

• Dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4–)

– Weak acid

• Monohydrogen phosphate (HPO42–)

– Conjugate base

• Effective buffer in urine and ICF (RBCs)

– Where phosphate concentrations are high

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Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Phosphate buffer system

• Addition of acid

– HCl + Na2HPO4 → NaH2PO4 + NaCl

• Addition of base

– NaOH + NaH2PO4 → Na2HPO4 + H2O

Both reactions prevent large changes in pH

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Hemoglobin-oxyhemoglobin buffer system

• Second buffer in RBCs

• Don’t need to know any more details for our purposes

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Protein buffer system

• Most abundant buffer of the body

• Active over wide pH range

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Protein buffer system

• Protein molecules are amphoteric

– Can function as both acids and bases

• When pH rises

– Carboxyl (COOH) groups release H+

• When pH falls

– NH2 groups bind H+

Acid-Base Balance

• Buffers

– Protein buffer system

• A single protein molecule may function as an acid or a


– Depends upon the pH in the solution

Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory and renal regulation

– Respiratory regulation

• Regulates CO2 and H+

– Renal regulation

• Three actions

1. Acidification of urine

2. Reabsorption of bicarbonate

3. Buffering effects of phosphate and ammonia in filtrate

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Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory acidosis

– Carbonic acid excess, distinguished by CO2

– Conditions which impair ventilation

• Drug overdose (sedatives)

• Chest or head injuries

• Pulmonary edema

• Sudden airway obstruction


Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory acidosis

– Compensation by kidneys

• Work to reestablish 20:1 ratio of bicarbonate : carbonic


– Kidneys increase formation of NaHCO3 and excretion of

ammonium ion

– Example

pH = 7.30 pCO2 = 55 HCO3- = 27

Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory acidosis

– Temporary disturbance

• Increased respiratory rate

– Signs and symptoms of respiratory acidosis

• Dilation of cerebral blood vessels

• Cerebral edema and depressed CNS

• Increased acid and ammonia in urine

• Hyperkalemia

• Arrhythmias

Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory alkalosis

– Carbonic acid deficit, characterized by fall in CO2

– Causes of hyperventilation

• Anxiety

• Early COPD

• Early aspirin toxicity

• Excessive mechanical ventilation

• High altitude

Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory alkalosis

– Compensation involves

• HCO3- excretion

• H+ retention

– Example

pH = 7.48 pCO2 = 30 HCO3- = 20

Acid-Base Balance

• Respiratory alkalosis

– Symptoms

• Cerebral vasoconstriction

• Lightheadedness

• Lack of ability to concentrate

• Tingling in hands and feet

• Carpopedal spasms

• Altered consciousness

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Acid-Base Balance

• Metabolic acidosis

• Loss of base

– Kidney disease

– Severe diarrhea or prolonged vomiting

• Excess acid accumulation

– Diabetes

– Lactic acid

– Impaired renal excretion

Acid-Base Balance

• Metabolic acidosis

– Respiratory compensation

• Hyperventilation to blow of CO2

– Kussmaul (deep, labored, fast) breathing

– Renal compensation

• If possible

– Reabsorb NaHCO3 and secrete H+ and NH4+

– Example

pH = 7.32 pCO2 = 29 HCO3- = 17

Acid-Base Balance

• Metabolic acidosis

– Signs and symptoms

• Headache, nausea, vomiting

• Confusion and drowsiness

• Increased respiratory rate and depth

• Hyperkalemia

– Colic, diarrhea, muscular weakness, tingling and numbness in


• Hypercalcemia

– More calcium is ionized

Acid-Base Balance

• Metabolic alkalosis

• Excess accumulation of base

– Increased consumption (antacid abuse)

• Depletion of acid

– Excessive vomiting, gastric suction, diuretics

Acid-Base Balance

• Metabolic alkalosis

– Compensation

• Respiratory

– Hypoventilation

» Hypoxic drive of chemoreceptors limits this response

• Kidneys

– If possible

» Secretes NaHCO3 and retains H+

– ExamplepH = 7.50 pCO2 = 50 HCO3

- = 32

Acid-Base Balance

• Metabolic alkalosis

– Signs and symptoms

• Tingling of fingers and toes

• Dizziness

• Tetany

• Carpopedal spasms

Signs mainly due to decreased ionized calcium

and increased membrane permeability
