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OBSOLETE AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGY Marion Bush EDUC-7108 Emerging and Future Technology Dr. David Thornburg Walden University
  • 1. Marion BushEDUC-7108 Emerging and FutureTechnologyDr. David ThornburgWalden University

2. In the 1940s the first overhead projector were used by police for criminal profiles andthe U.S Army for military training. Roger Appledorn invented the modern overheadprojector in the 1960s. It was a flop until he reached out to businesses and teachersacross the country in order to increase the sales of the product and by the 1960s and70s it was used by many businesses and classrooms. 3. The Elmo Projector is a document camera that displays objects anddocuments that are not transparent. The Elmo digital camera displaymore than just documents but can be used to display three-dimensionalobjects. 4. Enhances: What does this technology do that is new?Obsoletes: What does this technology replace?Retrieves/rekindles: What does this technology bring to mind(or retrieve) from the past?Reverses: What might replace this technology in the future, orwhat might it cause to occur?Enhances RetrievesReversesObsolete (Microsoft Corp., 2007) 5. Obsolete Technology EnhanceReversePresent still objects Technology that is smallerPresent transparenciesTakes up less spacePre-printed material that can bewritten on with a pen that washes off.Enlarges printEnlarges objects Overhead Projector(Google, 2011) ObsoleteRetrieve Opaque projectorThe use of transparenciesThe slide projectorPre-printed material and objects BlackboardMovie projectors Chalkboard Dry eraser board 6. Emerging Technology TetradEnhanceReverseDisplay documents A technology that is smallerPresent textbook material and other but with more advance functions.objects on a screenPresent presentations and smalltextMovable objects Elmo ProjectorRetrieve ObsoleteOverhead projectorOverhead projectorOpaque projectorDry eraser boardBlackboardChalkboard 7. Name Title SchoolInterview DateVonda Hubbard Technology Specialist Bainbridge High SchoolOctober 4, 2011Decision-MakerDonna McGlincyTeacherBainbridge High School October 5, 2011End UserBernice Jackson TeacherWest Bainbridge Elementary October 5, 2011 SchoolEnd User 8. 1.What was the purpose of the overhead projector in the classroom?2. Was the overhead projector something that teachers accepted willingly at the time?3. What were the disadvantages of the overhead projector?4. What does the Elmo projector do that is new (enhance)?5. What does it make obsolete?6. What does it rekindle from the past?7. What does it represent for the future technologies of this kind?8. What purpose does the Elmo projector serve in todays classrooms that the overhead does not serve? (Microsoft Corp., 2007) 9. 9. What are some of the advantages the Elmo projector?10. What are some of the features of the Elmo projector that are usedby teachers?11. What are benefits and disadvantages of this technology?12. How do teachers feel about this technology?13. In what way are they provided with information and lessons forthis technology?14. What other technologies work with the Elmo projector?15. What direction is the Decatur County Board of Education taking inregards to this technology? (Microsoft Corp., 2007) 10. The overhead projector was very important in the classroom for displaying information so thatall students could see at one time and it saved the teacher from having to write all thisinformation on the chalkboard. Also, the information could be stored for future use whereas ifit had been written on the chalk board it would have to erased and then rewritten if neededlater.Yes. Teachers thought that it was an amazing technology because it saved them the time ofhaving to write or draw figures. Objects and other material on the chalkboard.Some of the disadvantages of the overhead projector were that it could only display stillobjects and transparencies . Also, as for its size, it was a large and bulky type of equipmentThat took up a lot of space.The Elmo can do a lot of things that the overhead could not such as display live and in colorobjects that brings the presentation to life, display in 3D dimension, and can display differenttypes of documents that do not have to be transparent and textbook material. 11. The Elmo projector makes the overhead projector, slide projector and opaque projectorobsolete.The Elmo projector rekindles the Overhead projector, chalk board, and blackboardfrom the past.The Elmo projector represents an increase in students learning and achievement. It isa technology that is valuable to teachers because it will save them time, resources andlet them create an environment where students work is used in the creative process.Anything that is put under the camera can be depicted and it is versatile.It brings life to a presentation and creates a more engaging and healthy learningenvironment for all the students. (Microsoft Corp., 2007) 12. The Elmo projector can display pictures in color, demonstrate a new technique anddisplay a book for everyone to view.Teachers feel great about it using the Elmo and uses it in the classroom as part oftheir instruction for demonstrating informationIt can be used to teach students how to do certain things such as writing or forminglettersTeachers really feel good about this technology because for one thing it saves themthe time of having to write and erase material which is time consuming.The can have material that comes with the lesson textbooks as well as go online togather information.The Decatur County school system has adopted the Elmo projector by providing allschools in the system with an Elmo projector. 13. Evolutionary TechnologyRhymes of HistoryDisruptive TechnologyScience Fiction:Increasing Returns:Red Queens: 14. Overhead Projector was: First used by the police for criminal profiles and by the U.S Army for militarytraining. In the 1940s. The overhead projector became popular when Roger Appledorn introduced it toteachers in the 1960s. A major manufacturer of the overhead projector was acompany called 3M (Wikipedia, 2011). Teachers used it for instruction in order to deliver their lessons through the use oftransparency paper. In the 1980s and 90s, teachers used the overhead projector to presentmaterial to students in their classrooms.(Google, 2011) 15. It helped teachers to present pre-printed material and saved them timefrom having to write this material on the blackboard.Emerged from the opaque projector.More beneficial in presenting material than the opaque projector.It was more beneficial than the opaque projector in presentingmaterial and information.The overhead projector did not require as much preparation as theslide projector required. 16. (Google, 2011) 17. Emerging Technology Elmo Projector Is a document camera that displays objects that are not translucent(WiseGEEK, 2011) and was first developed in the 1980s but arrivedaround the early 1990s because of the need for the display of informationand material without using transparencies. Could be used in other areas other than just education such asbusiness, training, and museums. (Google, 2011) 18. Overhead ProjectorThe opaque projector came before the overhead projector.The opaque projector was invented in 1911 which displayedimages through a bright light on non-transparent objects. 19. Overhead ProjectorElmo Projector The overhead projector brings back The Elmo projector reminds us of thethe thought of the use of chalk board overhead projector but a better sourceor blackboard, opaque projector, slidefor presenting information andprojector and the movie projector. material. Material used on the overhead The Elmo projector has changed theprojector could be saved for later useway that students learn in thebut could not once it is erased off the classroom through the use ofblackboard. interactive presentations ofinstructional material.(Google, 2011)(Google, 2011) 20. Overhead ProjectorElmo ProjectorThe overhead projector was a disruption The Elmo projector was a disruption forto the opaque projector. It pushed thethe overhead projector . This was due toslide and opaque projectors into becomingall the different types of features that itobsolete. offered such as displaying 3-dimensionalobjects, pages from textbook or booksand artwork. (Google, 2011) (Google, 2011) 21. Overhead Projector Elmo Projector Was not influenced by Theinterest in the wayscience fiction when it people display imagesemerged.might have been sparked Science fiction has played aby science fiction.part in making it obsoletebecause of videos and other3-D projectors 22. Overhead ProjectorIn its day in education, the overhead projector experiencedincreasing returns when teachers used transparencies insteadof making copies of material to pass out to the students. 23. Elmo ProjectorThe Elmo projector is becoming a part of every classroomwith the obstacle being its cost seeing the increasingreturns.It is in competition with the interactive white board andother computer projection presentations and digital displayor presentation technology.(Google, 2011) 24. Overhead Projector Elmo ProjectorThe overhead projector and The Elmo projector whenthe opaque projector did not compared to the overheadcompete. projector competed for a place in education. (Google, 2011)(Google, 2011) 25. Elmo Projectors Future is based on thefollowing: Lower cost A smaller technology Provide clearer images Bring a classroom presentation to life. 26. Google. (2011). Blackboard. Retrieved fromhttp://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+papers+copied&hl=en&rlz=1R2TSNA_enUS411&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=32HITp2IMI-gtwev3oGtDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=447Google. (2011). Elm o projector. Retrieved fromhttp://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+papers+copied&hl=en&rlz=1R2TSNA_enUS411&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=32HITp2IMI-gtwev3oGtDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=447Google. (2011). Movie projector, Retrieved fromhttp://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+papers+copied&hl=en&rlz=1R2TSNA_enUS411&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=32HITp2IMI-gtwev3oGtDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=447Google. (2011). Opaque projector. Retrieved fromhttp://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+papers+copied&hl=en&rlz=1R2TSNA_enUS411&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=32HITp2IMI-gtwev3oGtDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=447Google. (2011). Overhead projector. Retrieved fromhttp://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+papers+copied&hl=en&rlz=1R2TSNA_enUS411&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=32HITp2IMI-gtwev3oGtDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=447 27. Google. (2011). Slide projector. Retrieved fromhttp://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+papers+copied&hl=en&rlz=1R2TSNA_enUS411&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=32HITp2IMI-gtwev3oGtDA&sqi=2&ved=0CFgQsAQ&biw=1093&bih=447Microsoft Corp. (2007). Clipart.Microsoft Corp. (2007). SmartArt.Wikipedia (2011). Overhead projector.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overhead_projectorWiseGeek. (2011). What is an elmo projector? Retrieved fromhttp://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-elmo-projector.htm
