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Presentation_Thomas W_ECO_Wireless Medical Frequencies 18 Jan 2012

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CEPT ECC Activities on Spectrum Needs for Wireless Medical Applications Thomas Weber, Spectrum Management EC Consultation Workshop mHealth in a Socio-economic Context 18 January 2012 
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CEPT ECC Activities on Spectrum Needs for

Wireless Medical ApplicationsThomas Weber, Spectrum ManagementEC Consultation Workshop mHealth in a Socio-economic Context 

18 January 2012 

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• Wireless medical application frequencies

• ERC Recommendation 70-03 Annex 12

• 401-406 !" applications

• #rioritisation 401-406 !"

• $t%er &ireless medical applications

• W%ere to find information

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Wireless Medical Applications - re!uencies

• 'requencies for &ireless medical implant communication s(stems are

identified in ERC Recommendation 70-03 Annex 12)

• Wireless edical implant communications are re*ulated +( ERCRecommendation 70-03 ,Annex 12 and +( EC .ecision 2006/771/EC ,or its

4t% update respectiel() A permanent mandate to t%e CE# for updatin*

t%e tec%nical annex of EC .ecision 2006/771/EC exists ,currentl( t%e t%

update is an on*oin* action)

• $t%er frequencies under *eneral aut%orisations ,license-exempt can also +eused for medical &ireless applications suc% as non-specific R.

frequencies for Wide+and .ata (stems ,e)*) RA/R5A/W5A

frequencies or t%e *eneric W8 re*ulation) 9n addition ot%er radio

applications: re*ulations can of course also +e used)

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E"C "ecommendation #$-$% Anne& '(ACT)*E ME+)CA )MPANTS AN+ TE)" ASS.C)ATE+ PE")PE"AS

re!uenc/ 0and Po1er 2 Magnet ic ie ldSpectrum access and

mitigation re!uirements


spacingECC2E"C +ecision Notes

a 402-40 !" 2 ;W e)r)p) ee ote 3 2 <!" ERC/.EC/,0117 or 3ltra o1 Po1er Active Medical )mplants covered b/ theapplicable harmonised standard4

)ndividual transmitters ma/ combine ad5acent channels forincreased band1idth up to %$$ 674

a' 401-402 !" 2 ;W e)r)p) 58 or dut( c(cle =0)1>,see note 2

2 <!" or 3ltra o1 Po1er Active Medical )mplants and accessoriescovered b/ the applicable harmonised standard and not c overed

b/ band a4

)ndividual transmitters ma/ combine ad5acent (8 67 channels forincreased band1idth up to '$$ 67 9see note ':4

a( 40-406 !" 2 ;W e)r)p) 58 or dut( c(cle =0)1>,see note 2

2 <!" or 3ltra o1 Po1er Active Medical )mplants and accessoriescovered b/ the applicable harmonised standard and not c overedb/ band a4

)ndividual transmitters ma/ combine ad5acent (8 67 channels forincreased band1idth up to '$$ 67 9see note ':4

b ?-31 <!" 30 d8;A/m at 10m @ 10> o spacin*   The application is for  3ltra o1 Po1er Active Medical )mplants/stems using inductive loop techni!ues for telemetr/ purposes

c 31-600 <!" - d8;A/m at 10m @ 10> o spacin*   The application is for animal implantable devices4

d 30)0-37)


1 mW e)r)p) @ 10> o spacin*   The application is for 3ltra o1 Po1er medical membraneimplants for blood pressure measurements4

e 12)-20)0!"

-7 d8;A/m at 10m @ 10> dut( c(cle o spacin*   The application is for 3P active animal implantable devices93P-A)+:, limited to indoor onl/ applications4

The ma&imum field strength is specified in a band1idth of '$674

The transmission mas6 of 3P-A)+ is defined as follo1s; %d0band1idth %$$ 67

'$d0 band1idth <$$ 67

($d0 band1idth ( M74

f  (=<%48-(8$$M7

'$ d0m e4i4r4p 0T>AA and ? '$@ dut/c/cle4

See Note %

'M7   or o1 Po1er Active Medical )mplants and associatedperipherals, covered b/ the applicable harmonised standard4

)ndividual transmitters ma/ combine ad5acent channels on ad/namic basis for increased band1idth higher than ' M74

Peripheral units are for indoor use onl/4

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=$'-=$ M7 Active Medical )mplants Applications

'ooter cop( %ere

• Currentl( tec%nolo*( in t%e 401 !" to 406 !" +and is utilised in cardiac

deices suc% as pacema<ers t%at control t%e r%(t%m of %eart contractions

defi+rillators t%at reco*nise an a+normall( %i*% %eart rate and delier a %i*%-

ener*( pulse to restore a more natural r%(t%m and com+ination deices t%atcan do +ot% of t%e a+oe )

• 401 !" to 406 !" +and is used for initial pro*rammin* of t%e 5#-A9

transferrin* dia*nostic information from t%e 5#-A9 and monitorin* in t%e

patients %ome)

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• 9n addition to Cardiac R%(t%m applications t%e follo&in* applications ma( also

utilise t%ese 'requenciesB• 1 eurolo*ical stimulator implants) .eep 8rain timulation ,.8 is an example of t%is t(pe of

implant &it% deices %ain* periods of relatiel( %i*% dut( c(cle operation)

• 2 .ata collection s(stems) #orta+le deices for recordin* dia*nostic data sent from an implant)!eart patients suc% as t%ose &%o %ae experienced recent periods of arr%(t%mia could &ear t%ese


• 3 8od(-&orn sensor,s communicatin* to an implanted deice for t%e treatment of neurolo*ical

disorders) %ese s(stems ma( require continuous or near continuous telemetr( operation)

• 4 edical s(stems to dia*nose and treat a &ide ariet( of medical conditions ,dia+etes

*astrointestinal disorders neurolo*ical conditions t%at utilise implanted sensors and perip%eral

deices) %ese s(stems &ill %ae a ran*e of operatin* scenarios &it% &idel( ar(in* dut( c(cles)

•$t%er medical implant deices t%at delier dru*s to t%e patient and deices t%at stimulate neres tocontrol pain are under deelopment and exploit ne& sensor tec%nolo*() 'or example semi-permanent

*lucose sensors %ae +een deeloped t%at permit +lood *lucose leels to +e monitored oer extended

periods of time and transmitted to internal and external insulin pumps to adust insulin leels Don

demandD) i*nificant adances in neural stimulation to control ot%er&ise uncontrolla+le reflex muscular

reactions from diseases suc% as #ar<insons and ot%er +rain disorders %ae +een deeloped) till ot%er

neural implant tec%nolo*ies are used to control incontinence and pain +( appl(in* an electrical stimulus

to t%e %uman nerous s(stem)

=$'-=$ M7 Active Medical )mplants Applications9)):

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Prioritisation in =$'- =$ M7

• ECC in .ecem+er 2011 adopted an amended ersion of ERC .ecision ,0117 on

5#-A9 communication s(stems operatin* in t%e frequenc( +and 401-406 !")

• .ecides-4 of t%is ERC .ecision defines t%at protection of 5#-A9 communication

s(stems from s%ort ran*e deice applications s%all +e ensured in t%e 401-406 !"

frequenc( +and) %is proision is releant especiall( &it% re*ard to future R.

applications different from 5#-A9 in t%e +and 401-406 !")

• uc% deices operatin* in t%ese +ands are in t%e mar<et in *reat num+ers for usa*e

at medical premises and also at %omes ,e)*) %ome monitorin* of t%e implant)

$utdoor usa*e is also not excluded)

• ECC made also clear t%at t%e +ands s%ould %o&eer not +e excluded a-priori for

ot%er R. applications t%an medical +ut compati+ilit( studies s%ould +e conductedand s%ould proe coexistence +efore acceptance of an( ot%er future R. application)

• ECC is furt%er considerin* t%e possi+le impact of t%e amended ERC .ecision on t%e

current re*ulation and also t%e relation +et&een ot%er different R. applications)

%e outcome of t%ese considerations &ill +e proided in t%e context of future updates

,t% update of t%e EC .ecision 2006/771/EC)

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.ther medical 1ireless applications

•  Anot%er application is usa*e for 5# - A9 ,ltra-5o&-#o&er-Actie-edical-

9mplants are mem+rane medical implants operatin* in t%e frequenc( ran*e

from 30 !" to 37 !") 9t defines t%e radio-communication lin< +et&een

t%e implanted mem+rane deice t%e associated transmitter to actiate andpo&er t%e mem+rane and to t%e associated receier for re*isterin* t%e +lood

pressure data)

• ECC discusses a proposal to desi*nate frequencies in t%e ran*e 2360-200

!" to 8As ,edical 8od( Area et&or< (stems to +e used in

%ospitals at %ome or +( am+ulances) A re*ulation in t%e A from t%e 'CC is

also under deelopment)• edical Wireless applications could also +e a candidate for *eo-location

+ased !' or !' F&%ite-spaceG frequenc( usa*e ,F%i*%-endG application)

ECC %as started to discuss t%e deelopment of frequenc( re*ulation) an(

ot%er countries do as &ell)

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Where to find information

• E'9 .ata+ase ,&&&)efis)d<B one can searc% and compare t%e re*ulations

from 37 European countries also on medical &ireless applications) %e

data+ase contains all t%e related documents ,EC .ecision ECC/ERC

.ecisions and Recommendations E9 R.ocs and !armonised Europeantandards see under European Common Allocation a+le ECA &%ic% is

inte*rated in t%e E'9 data+ase)

• 9nformation a+out t%e E9-ECC-EC #rocessB %ttpB//

&&&)cept)or*/ecc/a+out-ecc/ecc-etsi   ,in case of ne& %armonisation

measures needed

• EC$B see under %ttpB//&&&)cept)or*/eco/a+out-eco

• 9nside t%e ECC it:s mainl( t%e WH' R./H and WHE E24 dealin*

&it% medical &ireless applications ,&&&)cept)or*)

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%omas We+er 

pectrum ana*ement


elB L4 33 I? 63 12



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elB L4 33 I? 63 00

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