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President P&C Lisa Waite

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"Excellence, opportunity and success in a caring learning environment" Avoca Drive Kincumber 2251 Ph: 43691544 Fax: 43692963 Email: [email protected] Website: kincumber-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 1 - Week 6 P & C meet LAST Monday each MONTH, 7.00pm Thursday 3rd March, 2011 FROM THE PRINCIPAL : This week: Parents - play your part please Attendance & absences Kincumber High School Evening of Excellence Parent’s help needed As a society we are becoming increasingly aware of the long term effects of bullying. Parents rightly have high expectations that their local school is a place of learning and free from harassment, discrimination and bullying. We have welfare policies and procedures in place to address these expectations by both promoting high standards of behaviour and accountability for actions. When parents are supportive of the school’s expectations and responses to breaches of them, the likelihood of maintaining a school climate of care, commonsense courtesy and cooperation is greatly enhanced. This support includes ensuring your child wears school uniform, has a healthy breakfast before school, is punctual to school, understands that parents and school staff agree on behaviour expectations and is provided with adequate supervision outside of school hours. Despite several newsletter notifications of the threat to students from cyber bullying from social networking sites such as Facebook, some incidents of completely unacceptable bullying behaviour have been reported to me this week. The NSW DET blocks access to these sites when students are at school using the internet. I cannot stress strongly enough that no student at Kincumber Public School is thirteen and, therefore, should not have a Facebook account of any sort. Parents - the ball is in your court and the responsibility clearly yours and we ask you to play your part in our attempt to eliminate bullying. Attendance & Absences Punctuality and regular attendance at school are factors that enhance academic success. Please try to avoid children having days off for shopping, birthdays, holidays or “Mondayitis”. Naturally, children who are ill should stay home until well. If your child is absent you can notify the school by telephone on the day/s of absence or send a note of explanation on your child’s return. From time to time, teachers may phone or send a letter home to follow up an absence as this is a policy of the NSW DET. When children are late to school please either send a note explaining the absence or accompany your child to the office to report the reason. Without these approved explanations from an adult, each incident of lateness is recorded as unexplained. Last year our school attendance rate improved. Our goal for this year is to improve punctual arrival to school - a great organisational skill to learn for later life. Any arrival to school after the bell goes at 8:50 is considered late. Kincumber High School Evening of Excellence Last night I attended Kincumber High School’s annual presentationtheir Evening of Excellence. It was great to see former students of Kincumber Public School being recognised for their outstanding achievements. Included in the list of former students were: Libby Jones, Nikki and Ben Sillato, Daniel Clague, Serena Delbello, Christian Turner, Shay Chant, Ashleigh Maljevac, Brooke and Mitchell Farag, Thomas Johnston, Tyler Cochran, Geoffrey McCarey, Karli Perry, Henry Soundy, Jay Dunlop, Jasmin Ruperez, Kara Moore, Rhys Schofield, Lana Towgood, Nathan McIntosh, Jayden Priest, Wade Eames, Daniel McCallum and Ben Senior. This is an impressive list and teachers at Kincumber Public School are proud to have set the foundations for your success at our local high school. Have a great week at our great school! Trish Peters Principal President P&C Lisa Waite YMCA OOSHC 0408 658 187 March 2011 ASSEMBLY ROSTER Parents are welcome to attend School Assembly on: Friday March 4 - Primary - 12.2pm item 3T - Clean Up Australia School’s Day Monday 7 - District Swimming Carnival - Futsal March 14 - Uniform shop sale 2.00pm - 3.00pm March 23 - P&C Fundraiser-Crazy Sock Day- Chocolate Donation Monday 28 - P&C AGM 7.00pm KH Paige Lopez 1EL Tomas Geaghan 2C Brendon Nunn 3M Canley Chau KL Bella Evans 1G Zane Kirkman 2M Drew Wicks 3T Brody Upton KM Jack Fryer 1K Hamysh Montgomery 2N Jordan Mahler 3W Megan Wilkinson K/1W Kandace O’Neil 1S Dylan Jackson 3G Jade McGregor Library Jai Menser 1D Holly Birchall 2A Caitlin Fuchs 3K Jordan Belgrove

"Excellence, opportunity and success in a caring learning environment"

Avoca Drive Kincumber 2251 Ph: 43691544 Fax: 43692963

Email: [email protected]

Website: kincumber-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 1 - Week 6 P & C meet LAST Monday each MONTH, 7.00pm Thursday 3rd March, 2011


This week:

Parents - play your part please

Attendance & absences

Kincumber High School Evening of Excellence

Parent’s help needed

As a society we are becoming increasingly aware of the long term

effects of bullying. Parents rightly have high expectations that their local school is a place of learning and free from harassment,

discrimination and bullying. We have welfare policies and

procedures in place to address these expectations by both

promoting high standards of behaviour and accountability for actions. When parents are supportive of the school’s expectations

and responses to breaches of them, the likelihood of maintaining a

school climate of care, commonsense courtesy and cooperation is greatly enhanced.

This support includes ensuring your child wears school uniform, has a healthy breakfast before school, is punctual to school,

understands that parents and school staff agree on behaviour

expectations and is provided with adequate supervision outside of

school hours.

Despite several newsletter notifications of the threat to students

from cyber bullying from social networking sites such as Facebook, some incidents of completely unacceptable bullying behaviour have

been reported to me this week.

The NSW DET blocks access to these sites when students are at

school using the internet. I cannot stress strongly enough that no

student at Kincumber Public School is thirteen and, therefore,

should not have a Facebook account of any sort. Parents - the ball is in your court and the responsibility clearly yours and we ask you

to play your part in our attempt to eliminate bullying.

Attendance & Absences

Punctuality and regular attendance at school are factors that enhance academic success. Please try to avoid children having days

off for shopping, birthdays, holidays or “Mondayitis”. Naturally,

children who are ill should stay home until well.

If your child is absent you can notify the school by telephone on the

day/s of absence or send a note of explanation on your child’s


From time to time, teachers may phone or send a letter home to

follow up an absence as this is a policy of the NSW DET.

When children are late to school please either send a note

explaining the absence or accompany your child to the office to

report the reason. Without these approved explanations from an adult, each incident of lateness is recorded as unexplained.

Last year our school attendance rate improved. Our goal for this year is to improve punctual arrival to school - a great

organisational skill to learn for later life. Any arrival to school after

the bell goes at 8:50 is considered late.

Kincumber High School Evening of Excellence

Last night I attended Kincumber High School’s annual

presentation—their Evening of Excellence. It was great to see former students of Kincumber Public School being recognised for

their outstanding achievements.

Included in the list of former students were:

Libby Jones, Nikki and Ben Sillato, Daniel Clague, Serena Delbello,

Christian Turner, Shay Chant, Ashleigh Maljevac, Brooke and

Mitchell Farag, Thomas Johnston, Tyler Cochran, Geoffrey McCarey, Karli Perry, Henry Soundy, Jay Dunlop, Jasmin Ruperez, Kara

Moore, Rhys Schofield, Lana Towgood, Nathan McIntosh, Jayden

Priest, Wade Eames, Daniel McCallum and Ben Senior.

This is an impressive list and teachers at Kincumber Public School

are proud to have set the foundations for your success at our local high school.

Have a great week at our great school!

Trish Peters


President P&C

Lisa Waite


0408 658 187

March 2011


Parents are welcome to attend School Assembly on:

Friday March 4 - Primary - 12.2pm item 3T - Clean Up Australia School’s Day

Monday 7 - District Swimming Carnival - Futsal

March 14 - Uniform shop sale 2.00pm - 3.00pm

March 23 - P&C Fundraiser-Crazy Sock Day- Chocolate


Monday 28 - P&C AGM 7.00pm

KH Paige Lopez 1EL Tomas Geaghan 2C Brendon Nunn 3M Canley Chau

KL Bella Evans 1G Zane Kirkman 2M Drew Wicks 3T Brody Upton

KM Jack Fryer 1K Hamysh Montgomery 2N Jordan Mahler 3W Megan Wilkinson

K/1W Kandace O’Neil 1S Dylan Jackson 3G Jade McGregor Library Jai Menser

1D Holly Birchall 2A Caitlin Fuchs 3K Jordan Belgrove

The P&C is looking for a volunteer to organise the school discos this year as

our previous organiser is no longer able to fulfill this role. Please contact me

on 0405207170 or [email protected] if you are able to do this. Infor-

mation from previous discos will be made available to assist you.

There are a couple of fundraising items that we would like to draw your at-

tention to:

Lemon Tree Framing - If you purchase anything from Lemon Tree Framing

they will donate 10% of your purchases to the school if you mention the

school prior to purchase.

Aussie Farmers Direct - This is a home delivery service where you can pur-

chase dairy products, bread, meats and more. We are registering the school as

one of their organisations which you can choose to have 2% of the value of

your purchases donated to. This money comes directly from the company to

the school. Further information will be available very soon.

We will be selling the Entertainment books again this year as it provided over

$750 for the P&C. When the books are sent home please return the book or

payment as soon as possible.


Lisa Waite (P&C President)

Congratulations to all students for their wonderful behaviour and tremendous

efforts at our recent school swimming carnival. We would like to thank Lauren

Richardson, Kel and Cate Butcher, Debbie Tucker and Kelly Angelo for their

outstanding timing skills. Your help was much appreciated.

A further congratulations to the following children who have made it to the

BWPSSA carnival next Monday: Damien McCarey, Henry Parkins, Nic Duell-

Ferguson, Daniel Titus, Luke Holder, Campbell Gillies, Brodie McGregor, Rylie

Lewis, Cody McLean, Caitlin Fuchs, Ellie Richardson, Chloe Casey, Rhianna

Scott, Georgia Lee, Monique Pym, Teagan Powell, Millee Powell, Amelia

Gillies, Natalia Wilson and Kirra Brown.

Congratulations to Luke Cassidy for making it into the Sydney North Basketball


Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Matchett

Any old mobile phones?

You can assist canteen help young Australians survive cancer and also get amaz-

ing educational products for our school just by donating any old phones.

Old phones may be left at the office for collection.

Noelene Conacher

Swim, Swim, Swim! The clock struck nine

So I stood in line

We caught the bus

With a big day ahead of us

123 the buzzer went

And into the pool the swimmers were sent

Swim! Swim! Swim! we cheered for joy

The finishline was near Oh boy! Oh boy!

My swimming race was soon to come

My legs were quickly going numb

Next thing I knew I was on the block

Rapidly going into shock

I looked down into the chlorinated crystal

That was when Mrs Wardlaw blew the pistol

I fell in the pool

And looked like a fool

I flapped around like a crazy galah

I definitely didn’t look like a star

Yes I came last but I still had a blast

And so dear reader I hope you see

That this is the swimming carnival perspec-

tive from me.

By Meghan, Monique, Seanne, Dominique


Water is splashing

Kids are clapping

People are lapping

Diving smoothly

Houses are chanting

Everyone is cheering

Belly flopping

People are dropping

We gotta beat the re-

cord time

Come on let’s go, let’s

do it!!

Swimming fast let’s not

be last

To lead the way

We all yell YAY!!!


The 28th of Feb rolls around,

The team houses are perfecting their sound.

At the start of the race people stare,

While all eager swimmers prepare.

The water is cool and calming,

But nothing can be more alarming!

When the horn buzzer goes off,

The swimmers dive off their blocks.

To the end of the pool they do swim,

I really wonder who will win!

On the bus ride home to school,

I thought to myself, swimming is pretty


At the end of the day I’ve had fun,

And now my swimming dreams have be-


By Carys, Ella & Anna

Buzzer going then people diving,

Children in the pool swimming ,

Trying hard to keep on kicking,

Moving arms to keep on splashing,

Doing what is needed for winning.

People on the stands chanting,

Making their friends happy by waving,

Telling them to keep on going,

Helping encourage them by cheering,

And all the time keep on calling.

Making sure records are breaking.

By Jarred and Jacob

Swimming Day

I was nervous out of my mind

People seated from behind

The water’s cold people say Hope I don’t come home with flu today

Beep!! Swam for my life, swam at my pace

Guess what position I came I came last place

Kick and a splash


Hit my head on the wall

I feel so tired, feel like fainting on the floor I feel like I need to cry

At least I finished the race

I believed myself all the way Hip-hip hurray.

By Neil, Cody, Andrew, Dexter

Houses Chanting

People Cheering

Swimmers Splashing

Divers Lashing

Sirens Wailing

And it’s Hailing



Hard and Fast

None of us will

Come LAST!!!



MONDAY 7 March Naree




FRIDAY 11 March Lee, Brenda

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Could you please advise the office if there are any

changes to:

Home address

Telephone numbers

Emergency Contact details

Thank you

LIONS CLUB OF WYOMING Inc. INFORMATION ON THE HART WALK The Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation is very proud to have assisted over 1,000 Australian children to be fitted with the Hart Walker.

What is the Hart Walker It is a walking aid, which allows children with severe physical disabilities, especially those with cerebral palsy, to learn to stand and to experience hands free walking. The walker is a customised, orthotic walking frame. It allows children to experience walking often for the first time. As well as providing hands free mobility the walker can also lead to a number of other health and social benefits. Parents have re-ported it can improve general fitness, build strength, muscle control, balance and co-ordination. As one mother said, it was the first time her child had felt the wind on her back. The Hart Walker was developed by David Hart a trained medical engineer working in the United Kingdom. Cost of the Hart Walker The cost to supply the Hart Walker and shoes is $11,620 plus $1000 per year for ongoing maintenance. HELP US HELP MORE CHILDREN TO FEEL THE WIND ON THEIR BACK

Thank you

The Piano Diaries Event & Raffle Details:

First Prize: One night’s accommodation for two at The Menzies Hotel in Syd-

ney and a $100 voucher for The Piano Bar. This prize has been kindly do-

nated by The Erina Harvey World Travel Group.

Second Prize: Dinner for two at The Yellow Piano Wyoming, courtesy of

Trevor at The Yellow Piano.

Third Prize: Five piano lessons with local music teacher and great friend of

our school, Narelle Jones.

Fourth Prize: A wall clock, with a piano face, donated by Macron Music at


Fifth Prize: A copy of ‘The Piano’ signed by director Jane Campion.

There is also a fabulous support act. Naomi Jones (an ex-PBPS student) and

Elissa Koppen, who lives in Killcare and is now attending the Sydney Conser-

vatorium High School will bring you a selection of original compositions and

traditional folk music from around the world played on violin, flute, whistles

and percussion.

Where: Wagstaffe Hall

When: Saturday 5th March 2011

Time: 7:30pm for 8:00pm

Cost: $35pp (includes 2 glasses of wine/soft drink). Seating in tables of


Tickets: Available at Pretty Beach Public School during school hours.

Limited tickets at door.

Nibbles: Cheese Plate $10; Potato Chip $2

Be quick - Tickets are limited.

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Kincumber Public School does not endorse the products or services of any advertiser. No responsibility is accepted for the information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.



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