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President: Prof. AlbERTo bosi - Ematologialasapienza.it · 12.05 Gaucher: new diagnostic and...

Date post: 21-Aug-2020
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PRESIDENT Prof. Alberto Bosi Hematology Department AOU Careggi University of Florence SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT Elisabetta Antonioli, Valentina Carrai, Stefania Ciolli, Giacomo Gianfaldoni, Luigi Rigacci, Barbara Scappini Hematology Department AOU Careggi University of Florence MEETING LOCATION Aula Magna - 1° Piano Rettorato University of Florence P.zza San Marco 4 - Firenze ECM / CME ACCREDITATION ECM has been required for the following professional figures: Hematologists, Oncologists, Biologists, Pharmacists, Biomedical Laboratory Technicians and Nurses Registration is free of charges and has to be done online from the website www.mitcongressi.it section: IX INTERNATIONAL FLORENCE MEETING ON HEMATOLOGY TARGET THERAPY Provider and Logistic Secretariat MI&T Srl Viale Carducci, 50 - 40125 Bologna Tel. 051 220427 - 335 5918811 [email protected] - www.mitcongressi.it TARGET THERAPY APRIL 20-21, 2017 President: Prof. ALBERTO BOSI SILVER GOLD UNRESTRICTED GRANT BY
Page 1: President: Prof. AlbERTo bosi - Ematologialasapienza.it · 12.05 Gaucher: new diagnostic and therapeutic aspects M. D. Cappellini 12.25 Primitive immune cytopenias W. Barcellini 12.45

PresidentProf. Alberto BosiHematology Department AOU Careggi University of Florence

scientific secretAriAtelisabetta Antonioli, Valentina carrai, stefania ciolli, Giacomo Gianfaldoni, Luigi rigacci, Barbara scappiniHematology Department AOU Careggi University of Florence

MeetinG LocAtionAula Magna - 1° Piano Rettorato University of Florence P.zza San Marco 4 - Firenze

ecM / cMe AccreditAtioneCM has been required for the following professional figures: Hematologists, oncologists,Biologists, Pharmacists, Biomedical Laboratory technicians and nurses

registration is free of charges and has to be done online from the website www.mitcongressi.it section: IX INTeRNATIONAL FLOReNCe MeeTING ON HeMATOLOGYtArGet tHerAPY

Provider and Logistic secretariat

Mi&t srl Viale Carducci, 50 - 40125 BolognaTel. 051 220427 - 335 [email protected] - www.mitcongressi.it


President: Prof. AlbERTo bosi




Page 2: President: Prof. AlbERTo bosi - Ematologialasapienza.it · 12.05 Gaucher: new diagnostic and therapeutic aspects M. D. Cappellini 12.25 Primitive immune cytopenias W. Barcellini 12.45

9.00 Authorities and Introduction A. Bosi

SeSSION 1 cHronic MYeLoid LeUKeMiA Chairs G. Specchia, F. Pane 9.15 optimizing frontline tKi G. Saglio 9.45 treatment switch P. E. Westerweel10.15 tKi and selected complications M. Bocchia10.45 treatment free remission M. Baccarani 11.15 Discussion

11.30 Coffee Break

SeSSION 2 non neoPLAstic diseAses Chairs V. De Stefano, G. Castaman11.45 PnH Monoclonal Antibodies today and perspectives R. Notaro12.05 Gaucher: new diagnostic and therapeutic aspects M. D. Cappellini12.25 Primitive immune cytopenias W. Barcellini12.45 secondary immune cytopenias C. Dearden13.05 Discussion

13.20 Light Lunch

SeSSION 3 AcUte LeUKeMiAs Chairs A. Rambaldi, S. Amadori14.30 tKi in Ph1+ ALL R. Foa15.00 the optimal target in B-ALL N. Gokbuget15.30 fLt-3 inhibitors in AML J. Sierra

16.00 Coffee Break

16.15 chimeric Antigen receptor (cAr) t therapy in leukemias M. Schmitt16.45 retinoic Acid and Arsenic trioxide F. Lo Coco17.15 Discussion

SeSSION 4 MULtiPLe MYeLoMA Chairs M. Petrini, M. Gobbi 9.00 check-point inhibitors M. Boccadoro 9.30 Monoclonal antibodies P. Moreau10.00 Proteasome inhibitors A. Corso10.30 immunomodulants Agents N. Lehners11.00 Discussion

11.15 Coffee Break

SeSSION 5 cHronic LYMPHocYtic LeUKeMiA Chairs A. Cuneo, M. Musso11.30 Monoclonal Antibodies P. Cramer12.00 Pi3K inhibitors P. Ghia12.30 BtK inhibitors M. Spaargaren13.00 Bcl-2 inhibitors D. Rossi13.30 Discussion

13.45 Light Lunch

SeSSION 6 non HodGKin LYMPHoMAs Chairs R. Fanin, G. Semenzato14.45 Monoclonal Antibodies (unconjugated and conjugated) G. Gaidano15.15 immunomodulants Agents and other inhibitors A. Davies15.45 cAr-t therapy: clinical Protocols N. Biagi 16.15 Discussion

16.30 Coffee Break

SeSSION 7 HodGKin LYMPHoMAs Chairs G. La Nasa, A. Olivieri16.45 Monoclonal Antibodies F. Keil17.15 check-point inhibitors and other inhibitors L. Rigacci17.45 Bcl-2 expression in patients with classical Hd A. Cuccaro18.15 Discussion

18.30 Summing up and Conclusions A. Bosi

Sergio Amadori ROMeMichele Baccarani BOLOGNAWilma Barcellini MILANNicola Biagi MONzAMario Boccadoro TURINMonica Bocchia SIeNAAlberto Bosi FLOReNCeMaria D. Cappellini MILANGiancarlo Castaman FLOReNCe Alessandro Corso PAVIAPaula Cramer COLOGNe- DAnnarosa Cuccaro ROMeAntonio Cuneo FeRRARAAndrew Davies SOUTHAMPTON - UKValerio De Stefano ROMeClaire Dearden LONDON - UKRenato Fanin UDINeRobin Foa ROMeGianluca Gaidano NOVARAPaolo Ghia MILANMarco Gobbi GeNOANicola Gokbuget FRANKFURT - DFelix Keil WIeN -AGiorgio La Nasa CAGLIARINicola Lehners HeIDeLBeRG - DFrancesco Lo Coco ROMePhilippe Moreau NANTeS - FMaurizio Musso PALeRMORosario Notaro FLOReNCe Attilio Olivieri ANCONAFabrizio Pane NAPLeSMario Petrini PISAAlessandro Rambaldi BeRGAMOLuigi Rigacci FLOReNCe Davide Rossi BeLLINzONA -CHGiuseppe Saglio TURINMichael Schmitt HeIDeLBeRG - DGiampietro Semenzato PADUAJorge Sierra BARCeLONA - eMarcel Spaargaren AMSTeRDAM - NLGiorgina Specchia BARIPeter e. Westerweel DORDReCHT - NL

APriL 20, 2017

APriL 21, 2017


