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President’s Letter · Meredith Sarkees. Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reports indicating an...

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1 Because equity is still an issue! ~~Volume 83, Number 10~~Jan./Feb./Mar.2016 President’s Letter It is “trite but true” – time flies! It is amazing that we have already completed 4 meetings—and only have 4 remaining! Read about the programs for February 6 and March 5 (both Saturdays) in this newsletter – we thank Sara and Sandy for working diligently to bring you interesting programs. You have many opportunities to support the Branch and AAUW February through May! Our big fundraiser is the Spring Luncheon, Saturday, April 16 th . Last year, due to many of you inviting guests, we sold 127 tickets(wow)! Can we surpass 127 this year? Plan to attend, make ‘your guest list’ – and if you belong to other groups, spread the word (carry copies of the flyer in your purse). The AAUW-IL Convention is April 29-30 in Schaumburg. Sign-up… learn more about your organization and meet your state leaders! (See details within the newsletter.) Attend one or more of the program meetings! Say “yes” to an office or chair position! Marlene Boncosky, Co-President Feb. 6 th . meeting Members of both morning and evening book groups will discuss with us, A House in the Sky, a recommended Adelante! book for the month of April. The book is a memoir of the author’s time held as a captive for 459 days at the hands of Somali Islamist rebels. 10:00 am – refreshments 10:30 am – meeting 11 am – Program March 5 th . meeting is a presentation of the STEM program that is now in its second year in Dist. 47. Jean Bevevino(Assist. Superintendent of Student Learning) and others will discuss what is being done in the schools, as well as a possible demonstration of what the students are doing in class. 10:00 am – refreshments 10:30 am – meeting 11 am - Program
Page 1: President’s Letter · Meredith Sarkees. Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reports indicating an ending checkbook balance of $4868.07. This reflected a deposit of $24.60 from the change


Becauseequityisstillanissue!~~Volume83,Number10~~Jan./Feb./Mar.2016President’sLetterIt is “trite but true” – time flies! It isamazingthatwehavealreadycompleted4meetings—and only have 4 remaining!Read about the programs for February 6and March 5 (both Saturdays) in thisnewsletter–wethankSaraandSandyforworkingdiligentlytobringyouinterestingprograms.You have many opportunities to supportthe Branch and AAUW February throughMay!

• Our big fundraiser is the SpringLuncheon,Saturday,April16th.Lastyear, due to many of you invitingguests, we sold 127 tickets(wow)!Canwesurpass127thisyear?Planto attend, make ‘your guest list’ –and if you belong to other groups,spread the word (carry copies oftheflyerinyourpurse).

• The AAUW-IL Convention is April29-30 in Schaumburg. Sign-up…learn more about yourorganization and meet your stateleaders! (See details within thenewsletter.)

• Attendoneormoreoftheprogrammeetings!

• Say “yes” to an office or chairposition!










Page 2: President’s Letter · Meredith Sarkees. Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reports indicating an ending checkbook balance of $4868.07. This reflected a deposit of $24.60 from the change


AAUWC.L.AreaBranchMinutesforNovember2,2015Co-PresidentVelDysartcalledthemeetingtoorder at 7:30pm. Marlene Boncosky had agametoseewhocouldopenanAAUWcreditcard case. Those with strong thumbssubmittedtheirnamesforadrawing.Minutes of the October meeting wereapproved. Treasurer’s report indicated anendingbalanceof$4843.47afteraninsurancebillof$185waspaidaswellasa$40speakerfee.Sara Amrein updated the members onpossible theme and speakers for our Aprilfundraiser. We may go with a 1920’s themewith jazz musicians. Barb Pagano had noreport on guests or new members. KathySalzmann reminded members to read thenewsletter for public policy information. PatLutzenkirchensaidshehadalreadyreceivedadozen responses to the phantom letter andencouraged everyone to participate in theDecemberbakesale.Marlene gave an update on progress forplanningthespringfundraiserandintroducedthosewhohaveagreedtochairsectionsoftheevent.Thenextmoviecooperativeeventwiththe Crystal Lake public library will be Feb.25th. at 6pm. Sand Hall said the deadline fortheFeb./MarchnewsletterwillJan.15th.SusanFugleberg circulated a petition from theLeagueofWomenVoters about re-districtinginthestate.Velthankedthehostessesfortheevening.Sheread a thank-you note from Brenda Stiff forour support of the Education toEmpowerment Scholarship program. On Jan.30, the annual networking luncheon willfeature retired Army Colonel JillMorganthaler.SandiHallhasheardherspeakand highly recommended members attend.The luncheon is $40 andMarlenewill collectchecks.ThedeadlineisJan.23rd.Themeetingwasadjournedat7:52pm.JudyThornton~Secretary2015-16BranchDirectoriesIfyoudonothaveyournewdirectory,contactBarbPagano. Ifyour informationneeds tobecorrected,contactCindyHovi

AAUW C.L. Area Branch Minutes forDecember7,2015Co-president Marlene Boncosky called themeeting to order at 7:30pm. She thankedSandi Hall and her committee for therefreshments. Approval of the minutes wasskipped as they have not yet been in thenewsletter.Barb Pagano introduced our new memberSandy Hill who has moved to our area fromSpringfield, IL, where she was a branchmember and her daughter Amy Collins. Shealso introduced two guests, neighbors ofMeredithSarkees.Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reportsindicating an ending checkbook balance of$4868.07. This reflected a deposit of $24.60from the change for change jar and a $10expense for documents submitted to JesseWhite.Plans for the April 16th. fundraiser are still aworkinprogress.Marleneislookingforaco-chairtohelpLauriePohlwiththeraffle.Sara Amrein talked about the Februarymeetingwhichwillbeabookdiscussion.Thetwo book groups will facilitate the program.Sarahasordered20copiesof“AHouseintheSky” from the Crystal Lake Library, and shewill check them out and all books will beavailableataSara’shome.Our joint project with the library, Reel Life,will show the film “Far from the MaddingCrowd” on Thursday, Jan. 28. Marlene hasforms for the networking luncheon Saturday,Jan.30.Checksfor$40areduebyJan.15.Newsletterarticlesaredueby Jan.15 for theFebruary/Marchissueofthenewsletter.Pat Lutzenkirchen thanked members forcontributions to the phantom letter appeal.Shesaidwetoppedourpreviousletterby$5.Shethankedeveryonewhobakedforthebakesaleandthosewhopurchasedbakedgoodsaswell.Marlene reminded members to put chairsaway.Sheadjournedthemeetingat7:45pm.JudyThornton~Secretary

Page 3: President’s Letter · Meredith Sarkees. Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reports indicating an ending checkbook balance of $4868.07. This reflected a deposit of $24.60 from the change


PublicPolicyThe following is from the January AAUWWashingtonUpdate.This year,we’ll continuetomakeprogressfortheworkingworld,withbetter policies on paid leave and higherminimumwage laws in the states, aswell asimproved federal overtime rules and bettercompensation data reporting that will helpclosethepaygap.Thenewyearisanoptimaltime to build upon themomentum of 2015’saccomplishments. Recently approved localandstatelawstoraisetheminimumwagearea positive development in our fight to raisethefederalminimumwage.Duringanelectionyear,itwillbecriticaltomakesurethatotherAAUWpolicyprioritiessuchaspaidsickleave,high quality public education, access to birthcontrol, and equal pay are also discussed inthepolitical debates.TheAAUWActionFundCapitol Hill Lobby Corps will continueadvocating for legislation to address campussexualassault,improvetheclimateforwomenin STEM, and open up more career andtechnicaleducationoptionsforgirls.KathySalzmann~PublicPolicyReelLifeThe 3rd movie for “Reel Life”, our joint pilotmovieprojectwiththeCrystalLakeLibraryis“FarFromtheMaddingCrowd”,Thursday,Jan.28,6:00pm.





isApril28(movieTBA).CallingTreePleasereviewtheCallingTreeinthebackof our new directories. Itwill be used toshare information and to alert you ofmeetingcancellations.

SpringLuncheonOur annual luncheon will be Saturday,April16,attheCrystalLakeCountryClub.Programdetailswillbeannouncedat theBranchmeeting Feb. 6! Chairpersons arein place-sign up for a committee at afuture Branch meeting or contact therespectivechairpersonbelow.GeneralChair:MarleneBoncoskyEntertainment:SaraAmrein,BarbPaganoPrograms:CathyCarltonPublicity:BettySchmidtCenterpieces:SandiHallTickets:RosemaryMurrayRaffle:LauriePohl,LindaMeyerYourDues&TheIRSAAUWnationalduesfor2015were$49–ofthisamount,$46istaxdeductible{$3isnottaxdeductiblebecauseitsupportstheAAUW Action Fund’s Section 501(c)(4)Lobby Corps and get out the voteactivities.} Branch and state dues are nottaxdeductible.ElginAAUWBrunchThe annual Women’s History MonthBrunchwill be held from10 to 12:30 onSat. March 12, in the Business CenterDiningRoomatElginCommunityCollege.Featured will be museum curatorElizabeth Carlson’s talk…”The Rise andFall ofWomen’s Underwear”. Tickets are$15. Contact Marlene Boncosky ifinterestedinattending–wecancarpool.(815-459-3313)*Raffle Items: We will not be solicitingbusinesses for donations for this fundraiser.We will again rely on donations frommembers – in past years, many have beenvery generous! Donor sign-up will be atmeetings Feb. 6 and Mar. 5. Items may bedropped off between Apr. 2 and 9 at twohouses: Carol Heisler’s (815-455-1473) orLaurie Pohl’s(815-459-9462). Please call in

Page 4: President’s Letter · Meredith Sarkees. Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reports indicating an ending checkbook balance of $4868.07. This reflected a deposit of $24.60 from the change


advance to make sure they will be home. (Ifyouritemisperishable,notifyCarolorLauriethatyouneedtotakeittotheclubonthe16th.yourself).SocialCommitteesThis year a few refreshment chairs haveencountered some problems with not manyon their committee being able to help – thusthechairshadtospendmoreontheirownfortreatsandsupplies.Sinceourmembershiphasdropped, the monthly committees have fewmembers. After discussion, the boardrecommends the chair, based on number ofcommittee members participating, couldreduce food accordingly. We recommendcoffee, tea and water only(soft drinksoptional), along with cookies and bars(addeitherfruitorcheeseplateifenoughhelpers–nuts/candyoptional).StateConventionThe AAUW-IL Conventionwill be April 29 to30 in Schaumberg. Since it is close by thisyear, we hope many will consider attending.Youhave thechoiceofattendingonlyonSat.forthebusinesssessionsoralsoattendingonFri. night to participate in supper and thecasualevents.WatchfortheemailwithSpringIssue ofAAUW Illinois LINK,whichwill havedetailsandtheregistrationform.InterestGroupsBridgeGroupNewsThe bridge group will not meet in February,butwillresumeplayonMarch17at6:30pmat thehomeofBettySchmidt(Pleasenote thechange of location). Any player who cannotcome on that date should arrange for asubstituteandletBettyknowwhothesubwillbe.~KathyDaltonEveningBookGroup(7pm)The bookclubs will present at the AAUWmeeting in Feb. Several members will sharethebookandthegroupwillhaveadiscussion.Feb.25th.–LoisSoderberg–LeavingTimebyJodiPiccoultMar.24–LindaRiggs–GoSetAWatchman-HarperLeeHappyReading!~LoisSoderberg

MorningBookGroupMeets forbreakfast at9:30amatColonialCaféonRt.14thesecondTues.ofeachmonth,Feb.9:-CirclingtheSunbyPaulaMcLain~JeanHopkinsBuncoTBA~RosemaryMurrayGreatDecisionsWewill continue our group discussions from theForeign Policy Ass. 2015 “Great Decisions” book.Our topic for Sept. if very timely: Syria’s RefugeeCrisis”Guests are alwayswelcome& you alsomaywantto visit & see if this activity is one in which youwishtobeinvolved.We meet every 3rd. Wed.(except the month ofDec.).Ourmeetingsareusuallyheldat thehomesof members beginning at 9:30am. The hostess’sservelightmorningfoods&beverages.~VelDysart-#815-459-2299Remembrance:Ifyouknowofamemberwhoisillorhasadeath in the family, notify SandyGreenwood.Attention:SandyMoser’snewaddress:8201PennyLaneRichmond,IL60071Cell#224-210-8402(Shedoesnothaveahomephone) Happy Birthday!

Feb. – Ann Dahm, Jean Hopkins, Meredith Sarkees, Judy Thornton Mar. – Sandy Greenwood, Joan Prather, Rita Ungvarsky

Page 5: President’s Letter · Meredith Sarkees. Cindy Hovi provided treasurer reports indicating an ending checkbook balance of $4868.07. This reflected a deposit of $24.60 from the change


Jan.25,7pm:Boardmeeting@KathySalzmann’sJan.28,6pm:ReelLifemovie@CLLibraryJan. 30: District Networking Luncheon inDeerfieldFeb.6,10:30am:BranchMeetingFeb.9,9:30amBookGroup@ColonialFeb. 22, 7pm: Board meeting @ JudyThornton’sFeb. 25, 7pm: PM Book Group @ LoisSoderbergsMar.5,10:30am:BranchmeetingMar.17,6:30pm:Bridge@BettySchmidt’sMar.24,7pm:PMBookGroup@LindaRigg’sMar.28,7pm:Boardmeeting(hostTBA)LookingAhead:April9:AAUWScholarsBrunch,LambsFarm-LibertyvilleApril16,2016:AnnualLuncheon,CrystalLakeApril29-30:AAUW-ILConvention-BloomingtonReminder: Newsletters for this comingyear will be 2-month issues. In 2016Feb./March, April/May. will be the nexttwo issues. Jan. 15th. is the deadline forarticlessenttoSandiHall.

“If you’re old, don’t try to changeyourself,changeyourenvironment”B.F.Skinner

ProgramsSat.Feb.6:TheAM&PMBookGroupswill leadadiscussionof thebook”AHouse in theSky”byAmandaLindout10am-Gather,10:30am-meeting,11am-programSat.Mar.5:JeanBevivino,Asst.Super.OfDist.#47will discuss what is being done in thedistrictschoolsregardingSTEM.MeetingsareheldattheSeniorServiceCenterunlessotherwisestated.WoodstockSt.,CrystalLake,IL.AAUW, founded in1881, is open to allgraduates who hold an associate,equivalent, or higher degree from aregionally accredited college oruniversity.MissionStatementAAUW advances equity for women andgirls through advocacy, education,philanthropy,andresearch.VisionStatementAAUW empowers all women and girls toreachtheirhighestpotential.DiversityStatementIn principle and practice AAUW valuesand seeks a diverse membership. Thereshallbenobarrierstofullparticipationinthis organization on the basis of gender,race, creed, age, sexual orientation,nationalorigin,disabilityorclass.AAUW-CrystalLakeAreaBranch,Inc.3706OakRidgeRoadCrystalLake,IL60012-1615
