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President's trophy boat race 2016 - Ashtamudi

Date post: 08-Jan-2017
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Come November and Kollam city becomes inundated with people who have travelled from far and near. It is that time of the year when the waters of the Ashtamudi Lake get thrashed by the enthusiastically pumping paddles of hundreds of oarsmen.

The sight of the amazingly long and slim snake boats all lined up at the starting point with each contesting team wearing a uniform color, sets the adrenaline thumping, even as the wait stretches on for the formalities to be over with. The sudden frenzy in the water as the race starts is a sight to behold and better not enjoyed through the screen of a mobile phone as you attempt to take memorable pictures; just enjoy the real moment of action! It’s an unbelievable sight to see so many huge black crafts slicing through the pristine waters in perfect unison to the fast-paced rhythm of through the pristine waters in perfect unison to the fast-paced rhythm of the vanchipattu (the boatmen’s song). The crowds also sing the song to egg on the oarsmen.

Aside from the President’s trophy, an additional ever-rolling trophy was also instituted this year in the memory of Lance Naik B. Sudheesh who was killed in an avalanche at Siachen this February.

Source: http://theraviz.com/presidents-trophy-boat-race-ashtamudi.php
