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PRESS KIT - Imagination Productions

Date post: 19-Mar-2022
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First Lt. Eden Adler

Eden is a com-

mander in the

101st Paratrooper

B r i g a d e b a s i c

training base. At 21,

he is directly responsible for the

lives, safety and operational effec-

tiveness of 42 recruits and three

sergeants. The son of an American

mother and a Yemeni father, he

grew up in the Western Galilee

town of Kfar Vradim.


Sergeant Coral Amarani

Coral is from the

affluent seaside

neighborhood of

Herzliya Pituach.

An only child, she

originally planned

on evading army service but changed

her mind at the end of high school.

She is now a drill sergeant at Michvei

Alon, a pre-basic training program

that helps soldiers successfully

integrate into the IDF. She is

responsible for the basic military

training, education and welfare of

twelve soldiers, many of whom come

from foreign countries.

Private Mekonan Abeba

Mekonan is in basic

training with the

101st Paratrooper

Brigade. At age 12,

Mekonan emigrated

from Ethiopia.

Hours before boarding the plane

for Israel, his father passed away,

hurling the family into a tumultuous

period of grief and having to cope

with the unknown in a new land.

Mekonan is being raised by his

mother in a two-room apartment

in Bnei Brak, which he shares with

nine other family members.

Private Oren Giladi

A lone soldier

from Switzerland,

Oren is doing basic

training with the

101st Paratrooper

Brigade in the

Negev Desert. He left Israel at the

age of five and voluntarily returned

at the age of 18 to fulfill his military

service. When on leave, he lives with

his “adopted” family in Ramat Gan.

One of his best friends is Mekonan

Abeba, whom he met on the bus while

traveling from Michvei Alon to the

paratrooper base.

Private Elon Kohan

Elon is a second-

generation Israeli,

the grandson of

refugees who fled

from Nazi Europe

to South America

and later emigrated to Israel. Elon

was raised in Ashdod. As the oldest

of three siblings, he is the first to be

drafted into the army, and this has

been a major milestone for both him

and his family.


Beneath the Helmet: From High School to the Home Front is a new feature-

length documentary film from Jerusalem U, the creators of the PBS-

featured documentary Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference.

Beneath The Helmet is a coming-of-age story that highlights five young

Israeli high school graduates, who are drafted into the army to defend

their country. At the age of 18, away from their homes, family and friends,

these young individuals undergo a demanding journey, revealing the core

of who they are and who they want to be.

The filmmakers were granted an unprecedented access into the lives of

these young people, which allowed them to create a unique and intimate

documentary that brings to the screen rarely seen human faces to the

men and women who are the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces.







Baruch Goldberg Co Producer and Writer

Goldberg was a writer on the acclaimed documentary Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference and a researcher for several other documentaries. Goldberg received his B.F.A. in Playwriting & Theatre Studies from The Theatre School at DePaul University and spent several years working in Chicago theatre.

Wayne Kopping Director and Editor

Kopping is an experienced and respected filmmaker, whose documentaries have been seen by over 40,000,000 people worldwide. He recently directed and edited Jerusalem U’s PBS release Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference.

Wayne’s work has been featured on CNN and Fox News, as well as in The New York Times and countless other publications and blogs.

Oren Rosenfeld Co-producer

Rosenfeld was born in Jerusalem. He is a photojournalist who has covered major news events around the world, including Operation Protective Edge in Gaza this summer. He has produced, directed and filmed documentaries and investigative reports with the BBC, National Geographic, the History Channel and many others.

Raphael Shore Executive Producer

Raphael Shore is an accomplished filmmaker, and Founder and CEO of Jerusalem U, a cutting-edge, film-based nonprofit organization created to transform Jewish and Israel education.

Shore has produced several highly acclaimed documentaries including his PBS film, Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference. Shore also produced the ground breaking, award winning documentary film Honor Diaries.

Rebecca Shore Producer and Writer

Shore was a writer on the widely-viewed documentary Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference. This popular film was screened on PBS across the United States. She is an artist, educator and lecturer.





Aviv Regev Lieutenant

As a deputy platoon commander in the 101st Paratrooper Brigade, Aviv was responsible for the safety and logistical needs of his soldiers. He grew up in the Golan Heights and spent several years in New Jersey when he was a child. At 23, he was in charge of 120 soldiers and was Eden Adler’s direct commander. Having now completed his army service, Aviv will be commencing studies at the Technion in Haifa.



MIRI BEN-ARI is a Grammy Award-winning violinist/producer/humanitarian, UN Goodwill Ambassador of Music to the United Nations Associations Brazil and Global Brand Ambassador for Harman Kardon. Originally from Israel, she has created her own unique sound - a revolutionary fusion of classical soul and dance music.

She has helped sell millions of records by collaborating with other Grammy Award-winning artists such as Kanye West, Jay Z, Wyclef Jean, Alicia Keyes, Wynton Marsalis, Britney Spears, Maroon 5, Donna Summer, Janet Jackson and Armin van Buren.

Ben-Ari has been the face of many promotional campaigns, including: Reebok, Vodafone, Pepsi, Coca-Cola and Harman Kardon. She has performed for US President Barack Obama, Israel President Shimon Peres and was honored by First Lady MichelIe Obama as a Remarkable Woman, Jewish Federation and co-founder and CEO of Gedenk (GedenkMovement.org).

For more information about Miri Ben-Ari visit: www.miribenari.com


Music Scoring and Production

JERUSALEM U ENGAGES millions of people across the globe with our award-winning films.

EDUCATES young Jews by providing exceptional educational programs that inspire a

deeper connection to Israel and Judaism.

EMPOWERS the best and brightest Millennials to advocate for Israel and to develop groundbreaking

solutions for the needs of the Jewish people.

Jerusalem U creates and distributes innovative and stimulating films and film-based educational programs with the goal of making young Jews feel proud of being Jewish and emotionally connected to Israel.

Jerusalem U’s previous film, ‘Israel Inside’, hosted by world-renowned former Harvard lecturer Dr. Tal Ben Shahar, examines the core characteristics that enable Israelis to overcome challenges and turn a barren desert into a flourishing nation. This award-winning documentary film has been seen by over 2 million people, in 28 countries, and featured on PBS, Comcast on Demand and El Al flights to Israel.


For more info contact:

Electronic Press Kit available at: BeneathHelmet.com/EPK

Karean PeretzEmail: [email protected]: +972-53-533-0369Mobile: +1-646-335-0280
