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Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

Date post: 02-Jun-2018
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  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    The most common discomfortFound in about 70- 65 % of allPregnant women

    Caused by hormonalchanges (higher level ofcirculating Estrogen) that decrease themotility of the intestines.

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    Take small frequent mealsTake dry carbohydrates (crackers, toast with jam/jelly) 30mins. Before getting out of the bedavoid spicy and fatty foodsPepper mint tea and ginger tea Increase fluids, but best tolerated b/w meals.

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    CAUSES:Decreased peristalsis poor tone of the cardiac

    sphincter of the stomach causes

    easy esophageal reflux of acidic gastric secretions,resulting in burning sensationPoor digestive ability

    PREVENTION: Take small frequent mealsRefrain from taking indigestible, fatty and spicy food

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    Maintain an upright position: assume a 30 cm head- of head elevation bend from the knees and not from the waist whenpicking objects from the floor. take meals in an upright position and remain upright 3-4hours after refrain from taking gas-forming foods (cabbage, turnips,cucumber, onions, and cauliflower) to neutralize gastric acidity Amphogel may be taken asprescribed by the physician.

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    Pressure on the bladder by the gravid uterus in the firstand third trimesters. MANAGEMENT:Increase fluid intake to replace losses axcept beforebedtime to prevent nocturiaUse perineal pad to absorbed leakageFlush the perinium every other voiding

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    Pressure on bowels exerted by the gravid uterusRelaxing effect of hormones on the intestinal tractDecreased physical exerciseOral iron (assess frequency bowel movement if

    taking iron preparation because it is constipating)

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    PREVENTION:Increased fluid intake. Take a minimum of 6-8 glasses adayIncreased roughage or bulk in diet Have 3-4 servings offruits and vegetables daily. Dried fruits like raisins,prunes which are high in fiber and are good sources ofironDefecate regularly

    Have regular exercise; walking is the best

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    MANAGEMENT: Avoid spicy foods for comfortIce packs or warm sitz bath may be tried to help promotecomfortProlapsed hemorrhoids are lubricated and may bereplaced gently

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    CAUSES: calcium and phosphorus imbaMuscle fatigue

    Pressure on the nerves supplying the lowerextremities

    PREVENTION: Increased dietary intake of calcium. Four glasses

    of milk a day provides the daily calciumrequirement of 1,200 mg

    Avoid fatigue of leg muscle: change positionfrequently

    No constricting garters

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    CAUSES:ConstipationIncreased intra- abdominal pressure from frequent/heavy liftingPressure on the rectal region/ veins by the gravid uterus

    PREVENTION: Avoid straining during bowel movement Avoid lifting heavy objects

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    CAUSES:The pressure exerted by the

    gravid uterus on thebig blood vessels on the rightside impedes venous return. The

    reduce venous return results in reduced cardiac output causing hypotension and leading tofeelings of light-headedness , dizziness and faintness.


    gradual position changes left side-lying position in bed; the left lateral recumbent is thebest position for pregnant women in third trimester and inlabor

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    CAUSES: pressure on the pelvic girdle prolonged standing or sitting constricting garters

    PREVENTION avoiding prolonged sitting and standing wear comfortable shoes; avoid round garters elevate legs against the wall for 30 mins. At night.

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    pressure on the diaphragm exerted by the gravid uterus,especially in the third trimester: more before lighteningand relieved by lightening.

    PREVENTION: assume a semi- fowlers position instead of a supineposition in the bed, especially in the third trimester,before lightening.

    wear loose clothes and bra have frequent rest periods

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    elevated levels of estrogen stimulate increased activityof cervical glands, resulting in the production of whitish,mucoid, and non-foul vaginal discharge, calledleukorrhea .

    MANAGEMENT: flush perineum after every voiding wear cotton perineal pad for more comfort

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    CAUTION: itchiness (pruritis), burning sensation, and abnormalcharacteristics of discharges indicate vaginal infection.

    whitish, cheesy discharge with local irritation is due tofungus Candida albicans, which causes moniliasis thatmay cause oral thrush in the newborn if infection is nottreated before birth.

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


    yellowish, profuse, purulent discharge with burningsensation or vulvar itching is due to the bacteriumNeisseria gonorrheae that may cause opthalmianeonatorum in the neonate if not treated and if the

    newborn did not receive Credes prophylaxis.

    green, frothy discharge and a friable erythematouscervix, which are classic presenting features of

    infection, are rarely seen in Trichomonas vaginalisinfection. Douching is not necessary

  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy


  • 8/10/2019 Preventing Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

