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Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery Summary of a Joint Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Society for Maternal- Fetal Medicine, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Workshop Catherine Y. Spong, MD, Vincenzo Berghella, MD, Katharine D. Wenstrom, MD, Brian M. Mercer, MD, and George R. Saade, MD With more than one third of pregnancies in the United States being delivered by cesarean and the growing knowledge of morbidities associated with repeat cesar- ean deliveries, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Insti- tute of Child Health and Human Development, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists convened a workshop to address the concept of preventing the first cesarean delivery. The available information on maternal and fetal factors, labor management and induction, and nonmedical factors leading to the first cesarean delivery was reviewed as well as the implications of the first cesarean delivery on future reproductive health. Key points were identified to assist with reduction in cesar- ean delivery rates including that labor induction should be performed primarily for medical indication; if done for nonmedical indications, the gestational age should be at least 39 weeks or more and the cervix should be favor- able, especially in the nulliparous patient. Review of the current literature demonstrates the importance of adher- ing to appropriate definitions for failed induction and arrest of labor progress. The diagnosis of “failed induc- tion” should only be made after an adequate attempt. Adequate time for normal latent and active phases of the first stage, and for the second stage, should be allowed as long as the maternal and fetal conditions per- mit. The adequate time for each of these stages appears to be longer than traditionally estimated. Operative vag- inal delivery is an acceptable birth method when indi- cated and can safely prevent cesarean delivery. Given the progressively declining use, it is critical that training and experience in operative vaginal delivery are facilitated and encouraged. When discussing the first cesarean delivery with a patient, counseling should include its effect on future reproductive health. (Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:1181–93) DOI: http://10.1097/AOG.0b013e3182704880 C esarean delivery is the most commonly performed major surgery in the United States. Approxi- mately one in three pregnancies is delivered by cesar- ean, accounting for more than 1 million surgeries each year. 1 In 2007, 26.5% of low-risk women giving birth for the first time had a cesarean delivery. 2 The Healthy People target for 2020 is a cesarean delivery rate of 23.9% in low-risk full-term women with a singleton, vertex presentation. This is much higher than the never achieved target cesarean delivery rate of 15% for Healthy People 2010. 3 The appropriate rate of From the Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Insti- tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown Alpert School of Medicine, Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island; the Depart- ment of Obstetrics & Gynecology, MetroHealth Medical Center Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas; and the Publications and Executive Committees of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Washington, DC. This article is an executive summary of a Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists workshop that was held February 78, 2012, in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Spong, Associate Editor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, was not involved in the review or decision to publish this article. Corresponding author: Catherine Y. Spong, MD, Chief, Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, NICHD, NIH, 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 4B03 MSC 7510, Bethesda, MD 20892; e-mail: [email protected]. Financial Disclosure The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest. © 2012 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISSN: 0029-7844/12 VOL. 120, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2012 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 1181 Current Commentary

Preventing the First Cesarean DeliverySummary of a Joint Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute ofChild Health and Human Development, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and American College of Obstetricians andGynecologists Workshop

Catherine Y. Spong, MD, Vincenzo Berghella, MD, Katharine D. Wenstrom, MD, Brian M. Mercer, MD,and George R. Saade, MD

With more than one third of pregnancies in the United

States being delivered by cesarean and the growing

knowledge of morbidities associated with repeat cesar-

ean deliveries, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Insti-

tute of Child Health and Human Development, the

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and the American

College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists convened

a workshop to address the concept of preventing the first

cesarean delivery. The available information on maternal

and fetal factors, labor management and induction, and

nonmedical factors leading to the first cesarean delivery

was reviewed as well as the implications of the first

cesarean delivery on future reproductive health. Key

points were identified to assist with reduction in cesar-

ean delivery rates including that labor induction should

be performed primarily for medical indication; if done

for nonmedical indications, the gestational age should be

at least 39 weeks or more and the cervix should be favor-

able, especially in the nulliparous patient. Review of the

current literature demonstrates the importance of adher-

ing to appropriate definitions for failed induction and

arrest of labor progress. The diagnosis of “failed induc-

tion” should only be made after an adequate attempt.

Adequate time for normal latent and active phases of

the first stage, and for the second stage, should be

allowed as long as the maternal and fetal conditions per-

mit. The adequate time for each of these stages appears

to be longer than traditionally estimated. Operative vag-

inal delivery is an acceptable birth method when indi-

cated and can safely prevent cesarean delivery. Given the

progressively declining use, it is critical that training and

experience in operative vaginal delivery are facilitated

and encouraged. When discussing the first cesarean

delivery with a patient, counseling should include its

effect on future reproductive health.

(Obstet Gynecol 2012;120:1181–93)

DOI: http://10.1097/AOG.0b013e3182704880

Cesarean delivery is the most commonly performedmajor surgery in the United States. Approxi-

mately one in three pregnancies is delivered by cesar-ean, accounting for more than 1 million surgeries eachyear.1 In 2007, 26.5% of low-risk women giving birthfor the first time had a cesarean delivery.2 The HealthyPeople target for 2020 is a cesarean delivery rate of23.9% in low-risk full-term women with a singleton,vertex presentation. This is much higher than thenever achieved target cesarean delivery rate of 15%for Healthy People 2010.3 The appropriate rate of

From the Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, Eunice Kennedy ShriverNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Insti-tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jefferson Medical College of ThomasJefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; the Division of Maternal-FetalMedicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Brown Alpert School ofMedicine, Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island; the Depart-ment of Obstetrics & Gynecology, MetroHealth Medical Center Case WesternReserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine,Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Texas Medical Branch,Galveston, Texas; and the Publications and Executive Committees of the Societyfor Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Washington, DC.

This article is an executive summary of a Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine,Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and HumanDevelopment, and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists workshopthat was held February 7–8, 2012, in Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Spong, Associate Editor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, was not involved inthe review or decision to publish this article.

Corresponding author: Catherine Y. Spong, MD, Chief, Pregnancy andPerinatology Branch, NICHD, NIH, 6100 Executive Boulevard, Room 4B03MSC 7510, Bethesda, MD 20892; e-mail: [email protected].

Financial DisclosureThe authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.

© 2012 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Publishedby Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.ISSN: 0029-7844/12


Current Commentary

cesarean delivery is not easily determined because itvaries according to multiple factors. Although “casemix adjustment” for these factors has been proposed,there are limited data on which variables should beincluded in the adjustment when evaluating variationsbetween individuals or institutions. The primary cesar-ean delivery is defined as the first cesarean delivery.Given its effect on subsequent pregnancies, an under-standing of the drivers behind the increase in primarycesarean delivery rates, and renewed effort to reducethem, may have a substantial effect on health care.

Although the dramatic rise in the rate of cesareandelivery since 1995 is attributable in part to an increasein frequency of primary cesarean deliveries, it is alsothe result of a decline in attempted trials of labor aftercesarean delivery. Of U.S. women who require aninitial cesarean delivery, more than 90% will havea subsequent repeat cesarean delivery. Not only doescesarean delivery increase the risk of maternal compli-cations in the index pregnancy, including intraoper-ative complications, it has serious implications forfuture gestations. Adhesions of the uterus, bowel, andbladder can result in trauma at surgery, whereasabnormal placentation (placenta previa, accreta, incre-ta, percreta) and uterine rupture can be catastrophic forboth mother and neonate.4 Given the risks associatedwith the initial cesarean delivery and its implications forsubsequent pregnancies, the most effective approach toreducing overall morbidities related to cesarean deliv-ery is to avoid the first cesarean delivery. Incidences ofmaternal as well as perinatal morbidity and mortalityshould be kept to the lowest level achievable.

To synthesize the available information regardingfactors leading to the first cesarean delivery, includingobstetric, maternal, and fetal indications for cesareandelivery, labor management and induction practices,and nonmedical factors, the Eunice Kennedy ShriverNational Institute of Child Health and Human Devel-opment (NICHD), the Society for Maternal Fetal Med-icine, and the American College of Obstetricians andGynecologists convened a workshop on February 7–8,2012. Workshop participants also reviewed the implica-tions of the first cesarean delivery on future reproductivehealth and considered recommendations for practice,opportunities for patient and community education,and potential areas for research with the goals of deter-mining the scope of the problem and identifying oppor-tunities to reduce unnecessary first cesarean deliveries.


There are numerous obstetric, fetal, and maternalindications for primary cesarean delivery, some of

which may be preventable (Table 1). Importantly,there are very few absolute indications for cesareandelivery such as complete placenta previa, vasa pre-via, or cord prolapse. Most indications depend on thecaregiver’s interpretation, recommendation, or actionin response to the developing situation, thereforemaking them modifiable and likely target to lowerthe cesarean delivery rate (Tables 2–4). Although eachindividual indication for cesarean delivery makesa finite contribution to the overall primary cesareandelivery rate, a measurable reduction could result ifconcerted interventions were adopted to avoid eachand all unneeded surgeries.

Patient and physician attitudes as well as theirperceptions regarding the risks of vaginal deliverycompared with cesarean delivery are other potentiallymodifiable factors. Undue concern about vaginaldelivery coupled with relative indifference regardingthe risks of cesarean delivery may lead to a decisionthat is not based on clinical evidence. Whenevercesarean delivery is planned or performed, the patientshould be advised of the short- and long-term risksand benefits of the surgery both for herself and heroffspring, in the present and future. The corollary isthat the risks associated with vaginal delivery shouldbe presented in an objective and unbiased manner.The indication for the surgery should be included inthe consent and documented in the patient record.A cesarean delivery that is performed without anaccepted indication should be labeled as such, ie,“nonindicated cesarean delivery.” The term “electivecesarean delivery” should be avoided.5

Table 1. Major Indications for Primary CesareanDelivery

Stage Indication %

Prelabor Malpresentation 10–15*Multiple gestation 3Hypertensive disorders 3Macrosomia 3Maternal request 2–8

In labor First-stage arrest 15–30*Second-stage arrest 10–25Failed induction 10Nonreassuring fetal heart rate 10

Some indications may occur both prelabor and in labor.* Percentage of all cesarean deliveries that have this as a primary

indication.Data from Zhang J, Troendle J, Reddy UM, Laughon SK, Branch

DW, Burkman R, et al. Contemporary cesarean deliverypractice in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol2010;203:326.e1–10; and Barber EL, Lundsberg LS, BelangerK, Pettker CM, Funai EF, Illuzzi JL. Indications contributing tothe increasing cesarean delivery rate. Obstet Gynecol2011;118:29–38.

1182 Spong et al Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

In addition to monitoring and providing feed-back to clinicians regarding their indications for andrates of primary cesarean deliveries, institutionsshould identify those occurring without an acceptedmedical indication. Of those with specific indications,attention should be paid to cesarean deliveriesoccurring after labor inductions, those labeled as for“nonreassuring fetal status,” and those occurring forlabor arrest or “failed induction” without meetingaccepted criteria (Table 5). A classification system isneeded to track cesarean deliveries, compare ratesbetween practices and over time, perform audits, pro-vide feedback, and identify areas for potential inter-vention.6 Although not uniquely designed forprimary cesarean deliveries, the Robson classificationis an example of a simple method that allows com-parison of cesarean delivery rates between practicesas well as over time.7–9


Antepartum and intrapartum management decisionscan have a profound effect on the individual patient’slikelihood of cesarean delivery. The decision to

induce labor for medical or nonmedical indications,labor management style, the diagnosis and manage-ment of arrest disorders in the first and second stagesof labor, the use of labor neuroaxial anesthesia, theuse of operative vaginal delivery, and evaluation offetal factors as well as nonmedical indications mayaffect the potential for successful vaginal delivery.

Induction of Labor

The overall likelihood of vaginal delivery is lowerafter labor induction than after spontaneous labor,especially when labor induction is attempted ina nulliparous woman with an unfavorable cervix.Institutions should have a clear policy regarding laborinduction, including a list of acceptable indications,and should specify the definitions of a favorablecervix, options for cervical ripening in the presenceof an unripe cervix, oxytocin infusion protocols, andcriteria for the diagnosis of failed induction. Laborinduction with an unfavorable cervix should not beundertaken unless delivery is indicated for clearmaternal or fetal benefit. Any time induction isundertaken, it should be clear that the goal is vaginaldelivery.

Table 2. Selected Potentially Modifiable Obstetric Indications for First Cesarean Delivery


Effect on Preventionof First Cesarean

Delivery† Preventive Strategies

Failed induction Limited Large See Table 5 and Figure 1Arrest of labor Limited Large See Table 5 and Figure 3Multiple gestation High Small Prevent multiple gestations: encourage single embryo

transferSafe trial of labor: training for vaginal twin delivery,simulation for cephalic version, or breechextraction of second twin

Preeclampsia High Small Education: preeclampsia is not an indication forcesarean delivery

Prior shoulder dystocia Limited Small Improved documentation as to prior shoulder dystociaEducation regarding risk of recurrence based onestimated fetal weight

Prior shoulder dystocia is not an absolute indicationfor cesarean delivery

Prior myomectomy Limited Small Improved documentation of prior myomectomyEducation regarding impact of myomectomy ondelivery

Prior third-degree or fourth-degreelaceration, prior breakdown ofrepair, fistula

High Small Education: not an absolute indication for cesareandelivery

Education: limited ability to predict recurrenceMarginal and low-lyingplacentation

High Small Education: attempt at vaginal delivery acceptable aslong as placenta is 1 cm or more from internal os38

* Diagnostic criteria accuracy: how readily and accurately cases can be diagnosed. For example, the ability to diagnose multiple gestationsis high, whereas the ability to identify all cases of shoulder dystocia is limited as a result of subjectivity of the definition.

† Effect on prevention of first cesarean delivery: large means that modification of indication (eg, arrest of labor) could lead to a largedecrease in cesarean deliveries. Small means that modification of indication (eg, prior shoulder dystocia) could lead to a small decreasein cesarean deliveries.

VOL. 120, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2012 Spong et al Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery 1183

Because an unfavorable cervix can negativelyaffect the labor course and increase the potential forcesarean delivery, this factor should be considered indecision-making regarding the method of labor induc-tion. However, the decision for induction should beconsidered first and should be separate from thedecision about whether to use cervical ripening.

Pragmatically, although the potential maternal andfetal risks related to induction with an unfavorablecervix should be incorporated into the overall risk–benefit evaluation when considering medically indi-cated labor induction, the decision to proceed withinduction should be made independent of the condi-tion of the cervix and based on the specific indication

Table 3. Selected Potentially Modifiable Fetal Indications for First Cesarean Delivery


Effect on Prevention of FirstCesarean Delivery† Preventive Strategies

Malpresentation High Large External cephalic versionNonreassuring antepartum orintrapartum fetal surveillance

Moderate Large Education regarding correct interpretationand management (Fig. 2)

Confirmatory tests (eg, scalp stimulation)Intrauterine resuscitative measures (eg, IVF,position change, oxygen, etc)

Macrosomia Limited Small Screen for and treat diabetes; limit weightgain in pregnancy

Malformations, eg, NTD, SCT,EXIT procedure, hydrops

Moderate Small Anecdotal for indicationEducation: cesarean delivery not indicatedfor abdominal wall defects

Multidisciplinary education ofsubspecialists and counseling of patients

IVF, in vitro fertilization; NTD, neural tube defects; SCT, sacrococcygeal teratoma; EXIT, ex utero intrapartum treatment.* Diagnostic criteria accuracy: how readily and accurately cases can be diagnosed. For example, the ability to diagnose malpresentation is

high, whereas the ability to identify macrosomia is limited. Moderate accuracy is between high and limited.† Effect on prevention of first cesarean delivery: large means that modification of indication (eg, malpresentation) could lead to a large

decrease in cesarean deliveries. Small means that modification of indication (eg, malformations) could lead to a small decrease incesarean deliveries.

Table 4. Selected Potentially Modifiable Maternal Indications for First Cesarean Delivery




Effect onPrevention ofFirst Cesarean

Delivery† Preventive Strategies

Obesity (BMI greater than or equal to30 kg/m2)

High Small Weight loss preconception, and limited weightgain in pregnancy

Education: obesity is not an indication for cesareandelivery and is a poor predictor of cesareandelivery

Infection (HSV, HCV, HIV) High Small HIV treatment to minimize viral loadCardiovascular disease (acuteHTN crisis, cardiomyopathy,pulmonary HTN, cerebralaneurysm, CVA)

High Small Education: not an independent indication forcesarean delivery

Inadequate pelvis Limited Small Education: in general, not an indication forcesarean delivery

Request (no maternal, obstetric,or fetal indication)

Not applicable Small Education of patient and provider regarding acutecomplications and long-term risks, benefits, andeffect of cesarean delivery on mother andnewborn; specific education on fear of labor

BMI, body mass index; HSV, herpes simplex virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HTN, hypertension; CVA,cerebrovascular accident.

* Diagnostic criteria accuracy: how readily and accurately cases can be diagnosed. For example, the ability to diagnose infection is high,whereas the ability to identify inadequate pelvis is limited as a result of subjectivity of the definition.

† Effect on prevention of first cesarean delivery: small means that modification of indication (eg, infection) could lead to a small decrease incesarean deliveries.

1184 Spong et al Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

(s). There is no single definition used to differentiatea favorable (“ripe”) from an unfavorable (“unripe”)cervix whether in research or in clinical practice. Ingeneral, the Bishop’s score has most often been usedto describe cervical ripeness. A Bishop’s score greaterthan 8 generally confers the same likelihood of vagi-nal delivery with induction of labor as that after spon-taneous labor and thus has been considered toindicate a favorable cervix.10 Conversely, a Bishop’sscore of 6 or less has been used to denote an unfavor-able cervix in many studies and has been associatedwith a higher risk of cesarean delivery when labor isinduced compared with spontaneous labor. Becausethe Bishop’s score was originally developed to predictthe likelihood of multiparous women at term to enterspontaneous labor, making it less predictive of out-come after labor induction in nulliparas, the effectsof maternal parity and gestational age were also con-sidered during the workshop. Cervical ripening maybe considered when there is a medical indication forinduction. Because inductions without medical indica-tion should not be done with an unripe cervix, cervi-cal ripening would not be an option (Fig. 1). Althoughcervical ripening agents have generally not been dem-onstrated to reduce the likelihood of cesarean deliveryin prospective interventional trials, their use can affectthe duration of labor.

Because the goal of labor induction is vaginaldelivery, adequate time to enter into or progress inlabor should be allowed, provided the mother andneonate are stable. The prudent use of labor induc-

tion, and the expectation that well-defined criteria bemet before cesarean delivery is performed for failureof induction or failure of progress in labor, mayactually prevent many unnecessary first cesareandeliveries. During this evaluation, it is important todifferentiate between “failed induction” and “arrest oflabor” in the first stage. The diagnosis of failed induc-tion should be reserved for those women who havenot achieved regular (eg, every 3 minutes) contrac-tions and cervical change after at least 24 hours ofoxytocin administration with artificial membrane rup-ture if feasible (after completion of cervical ripening, ifperformed; Table 5; Fig. 1). Studies have shown thatmore than half of the women undergoing labor induc-tion remain in the latent phase for at least 6 hours, andnearly one fifth remain in the latent phase for 12 hoursor longer.11 In a multicenter study, nearly 40% of thewomen still in the latent phase after 12 hours of oxy-tocin and membrane rupture successfully deliveredvaginally. These data suggest that induction shouldnot be defined to have failed in the latent phase unlessoxytocin has been administered for at least 24 hoursor for 12 hours after membrane rupture.12,13 Numer-ous approaches to induction and cervical ripeninghave been published, and no single approach is con-sidered superior to all others. Individual circumstan-ces should be considered for each patient. Thealgorithm offered in Figure 1 provides a generalapproach once the decision has been made to proceedwith labor induction.

There is much debate as to how long inductionshould be allowed to continue and whether it isappropriate to “rest” the patient who does not progressafter 12 or more hours of induction but who does nototherwise have a maternal or fetal reason for immediatedelivery. In cases in which induction is undertaken for

Table 5. Definitions of Failed Induction and ArrestDisorders

Failed induction of laborFailure to generate regular (eg, every 3 min) contractions

and cervical change after at least 24 h of oxytocinadministration, with artificial membrane rupture iffeasible

First-stage arrest6 cm or greater dilation* with membrane rupture and no

cervical change for4 h or more of adequate contractions (eg, .200

Montevideo units) or6 h or more if contractions inadequate

Second-stage arrestNo progress (descent or rotation) for

4 h or more in nulliparous women with an epidural3 h or more in nulliparous women without an epidural3 h or more in multiparous women with an epidural2 h or more in multiparous women without an epidural

* Since women may still be in latent labor, additional time andinterventions may be needed in order to diagnose an arrest ofactive labor before 6 cm dilatation (see Figure 1 for suggestedmanagement).

Box 1. Quality Measures to Track and ProvideFeedback for Each Obstetrician–GynecologistPhysician*

� Rate of nonmedically indicated cesarean delivery

� Rate of nonmedically indicated induction

� Rate of labor arrest or failed induction diagnosed with-out meeting accepted criteria

� Rate of cesarean deliveries for nonreassuring fetalheart rate by Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Insti-tute of Child Health and Human Developmentcategory14

*For singleton gestation, vertex presentation, at 37 0/7 to 41 6/7weeks of gestation.

VOL. 120, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2012 Spong et al Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery 1185

specific maternal or fetal conditions that can worsenwith time, stopping the induction is not an appropriateoption. Examples of such cases include preeclampsia,fetal growth restriction, diabetes, and ruptured mem-branes. On the other hand, induction is sometimesundertaken when neither the maternal nor fetal condi-tion is expected to deteriorate rapidly. An example isinduction at 41 weeks of gestation. Despite this beinga common obstetric dilemma, guidance available fromprofessional organizations does not provide clarity.15–17

Published trials allowed cervical ripening over a periodranging from a single dose to several doses over days.In a trial of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Net-work, the study design specified at least 24 hours fromstart of oxytocin before declaring a failed induction. Alltrials have found good outcomes in the induction groupdespite waiting for at least 24 hours before failed induc-tion was declared. It is also important to note that in allinduction trials, rupture of membranes was undertakenas soon as feasible and safe. Based on this indirect evi-dence, it is considered appropriate to temporize beforedeclaring that an induction has failed in women beinginduced for conditions that are not likely to worsen with

time and whose membranes remain intact (Table 5;Fig. 1). An arrest disorder should not be confused withfailed induction. The diagnosis of an arrest disorder inwomen undergoing induction should not be madeunless the woman has entered the active phase of labor,requiring that there be documented cervical changepreceding the arrest in dilation (Table 5). Once 6-cmcervical dilation is reached and the active phase isentered, labor progress during induction is similar tothe patient in spontaneous labor. However, the dura-tion of the phase before 6-cm dilation is longer inwomen undergoing induction.17


It has been suggested that the widely varying rates ofcesarean delivery among health care providers may bethe result of different labor management styles. Admis-sion of women in the early latent phase of labor (eg,less than 3 cm dilated) has been associated with highercesarean delivery rates. However, it is unclear whetherthe admission in early labor itself increases the risk forcesarean delivery or if women requiring admissionearlier in labor are actually more likely to have an

Rupture of membranes

Inadequate contractions; no cervical change

for at least 6 hours

No cervical change despite adequate contractions for at

least 4 hours

Consider cesareandelivery

Cervical change

Continue labor

At least 6 cm Less than 6 cm


At least 3 cm

Rupture of membranes safe and feasible

Rupture of membranes not safe or not feasible

Administer oxytocin at least 24 hours

Contractions at least every 3 minutes for at least 6 hours,

but no further cervical change

Cervical change from baseline

Oxytocin with regular frequent contractions

Rupture of membranes not safe or not feasible

Consider cesareandelivery

Rupture of membranes safe and feasible

Rupture of membranes not feasible

Consider double setup for attempted rupture

of membranes

Rupture of membranes not safe or not feasible

No cervical change from baseline

Rupture of membranes not safe or not feasible

Less than 3 cm; fetalheart tracing reassuring;

patient stable

Options:Mechanical cervical ripening

Pharmacologic cervical ripening with alternate agent

Consider resting patient overnight

Fig. 1. Algorithm for induced labor.

Spong. Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2012.

1186 Spong et al Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

abnormal labor course (eg, abnormal contractionpattern resulting in excessive pain and slower progressin early labor, foreshadowing a subsequent arrestdisorder). Hospital admission does provide more timeto monitor labor progress and fetal well-being as wellas to implement interventions to facilitate labor.However, early admission could also give the impres-sion of a long labor and result in earlier abandonmentif progress is not deemed adequate or because ofpressure from the patient or family. Although it isprudent to avoid unneeded admissions (eg, before 3cm of dilatation) and interventions (eg, augmentation,artificial membrane rupture), there is limited informa-tion regarding the direct effect of these practices onprimary cesarean delivery rates.

Provider type (eg, physician, certified nurse mid-wife) may also be related to labor outcomes. Whetherthis relationship is causal or merely by association isnot clear.19–21 It is possible that differences in the char-acteristics and expectations of women seeking differ-ent health care provider types may also affect theoutcome; for example, the woman interested in deliv-ering with a midwife or other low-risk health careprovider may have an inherently different risk ofcesarean delivery than one who prefers the care ofan obstetrician or maternal-fetal medicine subspecial-ist. Despite this, the same defined criteria for laborarrest and prolonged labor should be used regardlessof health care provider or patient type.


The concept of a prolonged or “protracted” first orsecond stage of labor should be considered distinctfrom that of an arrest disorder. Progress in the firststage should not be based solely on cervical dilationbut must also take into consideration change in cervi-cal effacement and fetal station. Similarly, progress inthe second stage involves not only descent, but alsorotation of the fetal head as it traverses the maternalpelvis. Recognition of arrest of labor in the first orsecond stage of labor (Table 5) provides an opportu-nity to reassess the maternal and fetal condition, tocounsel the woman about the ongoing potential forsuccessful vaginal delivery, and to address the mater-nal and perinatal risks of continued labor. However,“protracted labor” alone should not be the soleindication for an operative vaginal or cesareandelivery if progress is being made and the maternaland fetal status are reassuring.

Although the timing of labor onset in the patiententering spontaneous labor at home may be less clear,and the progress of labor before arrival to the hospitalcannot be accurately assessed, there is no reason to

differentiate between the diagnostic criteria for arrestdisorders that occur after spontaneous labor comparedwith labor induction. Pragmatically, arrest disorders inspontaneously laboring women are defined by clinicalfindings noted after admission. In both spontaneous aswell as induced labor, the diagnosis of an arrestdisorder should not be made before the patient hasentered into the active phase. The definitions of arrestdisorders outlined in Table 5 vary somewhat frompublished criteria10 in recognition of more recent find-ings regarding labor progress that challenge our long-held practices based on the Friedman curve. Forexample, the acceleration phase in active labor maynot begin until approximately 6-cm dilation ratherthan the previously recognized 4-cm cutoff, and mul-tiparous women appear to have a steeper accelerationphase than previously thought.22

Data needed to establish the normal range for theduration of the latent phase are not readily availablebecause the onset of the latent phase in most womenin spontaneous labor occurs outside the hospital andtherefore cannot be accurately determined. Availableevidence suggests that the duration of the latent phaseis not different between nulliparous and multiparouswomen, a finding that contrasts with the overall lengthof the first and second stages of labor.22 Based on datafrom the safe labor consortium, nulliparous women inspontaneous labor entering the hospital have a medianduration of 6 hours (95th percentile of 15.7 hours) toreach the active phase of labor (6-cm dilation) if theyenter the hospital at 2-cm dilation, and 4.2 hours (95th

percentile 12.5 hours) if they enter at 3 cm.22 Nullip-arous women admitted in spontaneous labor witha cervix between 2 and 4 cm may not change theircervix for up to 7 to 6 hours, respectively.22

The safe labor consortium analyzed the durationof labor in 62,415 women with a term singletonpregnancy and a normal outcome and developedcontemporary partograms for labor.22 Labor in nul-liparous women took longer than expected based onthe Friedman curves. The investigators found thatlabor can take more than 6 hours to progress from4 cm to 5 cm and more than 3 hours to progress from5 cm to 6 cm. The median duration of the activephase, from 6 cm to complete cervical dilation, was2.1 hours in nulliparous women and 1.5 hours inmultiparous women, with 95th percentiles of 8.6 hoursand 7.5 hours, respectively. The median and 95th per-centiles for the cervical change before 6 cm are sim-ilar for nulliparous and multiparous women. After 6cm, multiparous women had a slightly faster laborthan nulliparous women. These data suggest that thehistorical criteria defining normal labor progress—

VOL. 120, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2012 Spong et al Preventing the First Cesarean Delivery 1187

cervical change of 1.2 cm/h for nulliparous womenand 1.5 cm/h for multiparous women—are no longervalid.

As for the second stage of labor, the data from thesafe labor consortium showed the median duration(95th percentile) with epidural analgesia to be 1.1 (3.6),0.4 (2.0), and 0.3 (1.6) hours for nulliparous, primipa-rous, and multiparous women, respectively, and 0.6(2.8), 0.2 (1.3), and 0.1 (1.1) hours without an epidural.21

Table 6 shows the median and 95th percentile durationfor each centimeter change in nulliparous women inspontaneous labor.


Although it has been suggested that the use ofneuraxial analgesia (epidural, spinal, or combinedspinal–epidural) may prolong the latent phase ofspontaneous labor, numerous trials have failed to findan increase in cesarean delivery with neuraxial anal-gesia either during labor induction or after spontane-ous labor.23–25 As such, neuraxial analgesia should notbe withheld or delayed because of concerns regardingthe risk of cesarean delivery.


Forceps and vacuum-assisted operative vaginal deliv-ery may avert a cesarean delivery when maternalexpulsive forces are inadequate or expedited deliveryis needed.26 Many studies, including some that fol-lowed the offspring up to 18 years of age, have dem-onstrated that neonates delivered by operative vaginaldelivery typically have a normal newborn transitionperiod and normal long-term outcomes.27–30 Compar-ing the reported rates of cesarean delivery with oper-ative vaginal delivery among U.S., Canadian, andEuropean practices, it becomes clear that higher ratesof operative vaginal delivery are often associated withlower cesarean delivery rates, and vice versa.Although plausible, a cause-and-effect relationshiphas not been established.

Although operative vaginal delivery is acceptablein appropriate circumstances, it requires an operatorwho understands the indications and prerequisites andis skilled in the technique. For this reason, thediminishing training and experience in operativevaginal delivery nationally is of concern. Importantsteps in providing initial training and in maintainingskills include not only increased supervised trainingduring residency and supplemental training and skillmaintenance simulations, but recognition by bothpatients and physicians that operative vaginal deliveryis safe and can reduce perinatal morbidities when

performed by an experienced health care practitioner.Training programs should have readily availableskilled operators to teach these procedures andmechanisms in place to provide training, includingin actual cases as well as by simulation.


Electronic fetal heart monitoring remains the main-stay for assessment of fetal status during labor and isoften used to decide on the mode of delivery ina complicated pregnancy (Fig. 2). Continuous intra-partum fetal heart rate monitoring has been used inmore than 85% of deliveries in the United States formore than a decade.31 However, despite the expec-tation that continuous intrapartum fetal heart ratemonitoring would improve perinatal outcomes andthe concomitant rise in cesarean deliveries, there hasbeen no reduction in the rate of cerebral palsy sinceits introduction in the United States and elsewhere.Although studies have found no benefit of continu-ous monitoring over intermittent auscultation in low-risk women, intermittent auscultation requires one-to-one nursing throughout labor and may not beappropriate in high-risk women or when there arefetal heart rate abnormalities detected by ausculta-tion. Although it is reasonable to provide intermit-tent auscultation for low-risk women, guidelinesdefining appropriate candidates, the required fre-quency of auscultation, and criteria for conversionto continuous fetal heart rate monitoring should bein place and enforced.

Important limitations in the interpretation ofcontinuous fetal heart rate monitoring include con-siderable interobserver variability in the identificationof fetal heart rate patterns likely to be associated with

Table 6. Duration of Each Centimeter Change inCervical Dilatation for NulliparousWomen With Spontaneous Onset ofLabor*

Cervical Change (cm) Median (h) 95th Percentile (h)

3–4 1.8 8.14–5 1.3 6.45–6 0.8 3.26–7 0.6 2.27–8 0.5 1.68–9 0.5 1.49–10 0.5 1.8

* Modified from Zhang J, Landy HJ, Branch DW, Burkman R,Haberman S, Gregory KD, et al. Contemporary patterns ofspontaneous labor with normal neonatal outcomes. ObstetGynecol 2010;116:1281–7.

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fetal acidosis and the fact that many patterns havea low positive predictive value for adverse outcomes.In 2008, the NICHD revised the guidelines forinterpretation of fetal heart rate patterns, creatinga three-tiered interpretation system. Category I fetalheart rate tracings are strongly predictive of normalfetal acid-base status and are considered “normal.”Category III fetal heart rate patterns are predictiveof abnormal fetal acid-base status at the time of obser-vation and are considered “abnormal.” The interme-diate Category II fetal heart rate patterns includethose that cannot be classified as Category I or III.14

The NICHD recommendations do not specify anyparticular intervention for Category I tracings butdo support prompt evaluation of Category III heartrate patterns. Although interventions to resolve anabnormal Category III fetal heart rate pattern mayhelp to avoid unneeded cesarean delivery, expedi-tious delivery is recommended if these efforts areunsuccessful (Fig. 2). The intermediate CategoryII fetal heart rate pattern requires a heightenedlevel of attention but does not by itself requireimmediate delivery; rather, evaluation and con-tinued surveillance and re-evaluation are recom-mended. Maneuvers to improve uteroplacentalperfusion (eg, adjustment of oxytocin infusionrate, administration of maternal oxygen, changeof maternal position, treatment of maternal hypo-tension) may result in reversion to a Category Ipattern.

Fetal heart rate acceleration in response to fetalscalp stimulation is supportive evidence suggestingthe absence of metabolic acidemia. Although fetalscalp sampling was previously used to determinescalp microcapillary pH, the hardware needed forbedside fetal scalp pH assessment is no longer readilyavailable in the United States. The efficacy of otherancillary technologies (eg fetal pulse oximetry, fetalelectrocardiographic ST-segment analysis, computer-ized fetal heart rate pattern interpretation) to improveneonatal outcome has not been confirmed. Until addi-tional effective technologies become available, it is un-likely that the rate of cesarean delivery for fetal heartrate abnormalities will be reduced substantially.

It is important to remember that any test thatdepends on human interpretation will be subject tothe pressures exerted on the individual making thedecision and the individual’s responses to the envi-ronment. This will lead to either higher false-nega-tive or higher false-positive test results dependingon whether the decision-maker fears more theimplications of a mistaken diagnosis or the implica-tions of missing a diagnosis, respectively. In the caseof electronic fetal monitoring, the major implicationof a false-positive interpretation is a potentiallyunnecessary operative delivery, but the implicationof a false-negative interpretation is an adverse out-come for the fetus, along with its associated conse-quences to the decision-maker and hospital. Evenif one believes that continuous fetal heart rate

FHR accelerations or moderate FHR


Evaluation and surveillance;

confirmatory test (forexample, scalp


Category I

Assessment of intrapartum FHR tracing

Routine management

Category IIICategory II*

Absent FHR accelerations and absent or minimal

FHR variability

Continue surveillance and intrauterine

resuscitative measures†

Intrauterine resuscitativemeasures†

If not improved orFHR tracing progresses

to Category III, consider delivery‡

If not improved,consider prompt


Start intrauterineresuscitativemeasures†;

prepare for delivery

Fig. 2. Assessment of intrapartumfetal heart rate monitoring. *Giventhe wide variation of fetal heart rate(FHR) tracings in Category II, thisalgorithm is not meant to representassessment and management of allpotential FHR tracings but provide anaction template for common clinicalsituations. †Intrauterine resuscitativemeasures may include oxygen sup-plementation, position change, intra-venous fluids, stopping oxytocin,tocolysis, and amnioinfusion. ‡Timingand mode of delivery based on feasi-bility and maternal-fetal status. Modi-fied from Management of intrapartumfetal heart rate tracings. Practice Bul-letin No. 116. American College ofObstetricians and Gynecologists. Ob-stet Gynecol 2010;116:1232–40.

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monitoring may have prevented some adverseoutcomes, the evidence is overwhelming that ithas caused many more unnecessary interventionsoverall. The result is a rise in cesarean deliveryrates, which has led to an increased incidence ofsubsequent placenta accreta and associated mater-nal morbidities and mortality. When discussingcontinuous fetal heart rate monitoring, the fetuswho was “saved” is frequently held as proof ofbenefit of this technology, but the many morewomen who underwent unnecessary procedures,had significant morbidity or even died as a resultof a false-positive interpretation are rarely mentioned.Importantly, the fact that the risks of cesarean deliveryare cumulative over future pregnancies is frequentlyoverlooked.

Given that interpretation of the fetal heart ratecan be subjective, it is important that hospitalsinstitute some form of quality control for operativedeliveries with nonreassuring fetal heart rate as theindication (Box 1). Including the fetal heart ratecategory in the indication should be expected. Inthe case of an indication with a Category II pattern,confirmatory testing, if any, should be documented,such as a negative response to scalp stimulationor minimal variability. Regular audits and reportscan be provided to the staff with the rates of oper-ative deliveries according to indications and stageof labor.


The relative safety of cesarean delivery has loweredboth patient and physician apprehension regardingthe risk of such surgery, especially in the face ofborderline fetal heart rate abnormalities, protractedlabor or arrest disorders, or after the development ofobstetric or medical complications. In general, theusual concerns regarding major surgery do not seemto apply as emphatically to cesarean delivery as toother operations. This is most evident among patientsrequesting a nonmedically indicated cesarean deliveryand physicians who acquiesce to such requests.Patient perception and education, societal attitudes,and social media all play a role.32 In addition to con-sidering the risk of the first cesarean delivery, physi-cians and patients should be made aware of thepotential complications resulting from repeated sur-geries both for the mother (eg, adhesions, bowel orbladder trauma, abnormal placentation includingplacenta accreta, uterine rupture, hysterectomy) andthe fetus (eg, delayed delivery resulting from exten-sive adhesions).

Box 2. Key Points

� A cesarean delivery that is performed without anaccepted indication should be labeled as such, ie,“nonindicated cesarean delivery.” The term ”electivecesarean delivery” should be avoided.

� Labor induction should be performed only for medicalindication; if done for nonmedical indications, thegestational age should be 39 weeks or more, and thecervix should be favorable (Bishop score more than 8),especially in the nulliparous patient.

� The diagnosis of failed induction should only be madeafter an adequate attempt. Failed induction is definedas failure to generate regular (eg, every 3 minutes)contractions and cervical change after at least 24hours of oxytocin administration with artificial mem-brane rupture if feasible.

� Adequate time for normal latent and active phases ofthe first stage, and for the second stage, should beallowed unless expeditious delivery is medically indi-cated (Table 5; Figs. 1 and 3).

� In the presence of reassuring maternal and fetal sta-tus, the diagnosis of arrest of labor should not bemade until adequate time has elapsed. This includesgreater than 6 cm dilation with membrane ruptureand 4 or more hours of adequate contractions(eg, greater than 200 Montevideo units) or 6 hoursor more if contractions inadequate with no cervicalchange for first-stage arrest. For second-stage arrest,no progress (descent or rotation) for more than 4hours in nulliparous women with an epidural, morethan 3 hours in nulliparous women without an epi-dural, more than 3 hours in multiparous women withan epidural, and more than 2 hours in multiparouswomen without an epidural should be considered,with no cesarean delivery for this indication beforethese time limits (Table 5).

� Intermittent auscultation, done appropriately, is anacceptable method for labor management in low-riskpatients without heart rate abnormalities.

� In the patient with moderate fetal heart rate variability,other findings have little association with neurologicdamage or acidosis.

� Medically indicated operative vaginal delivery isan acceptable birth method. Given the currentrates, it is critical that training and experiencein operative vaginal delivery are augmented andencouraged.

� Doctors who are salaried and participate in profit-shar-ing, thus reducing the financial incentive to limit thetime spent managing labor, have lower cesarean deliv-ery rates.

� When discussing the first cesarean delivery witha patient, counseling should include its effect on sub-sequent pregnancy risks such as uterine rupture andplacental implantation abnormalities including pla-centa previa and accreta.

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Institutional factors, such as time constraints forscheduling on the labor and delivery unit, varyingoperating room staff availability, and the inability tosupport prolonged inductions with resources andspace that may be scarce all play a role in thedecision to proceed to cesarean delivery. Physicianfactors such as fatigue, workload, and anticipatedsleep deprivation likely also affect decision-making.Several studies have suggested that cesarean deliveryrates are influenced by the “leisure incentive”; whenthe health care provider can go to sleep or go homeafter the delivery, the cesarean delivery rate, espe-cially cesarean deliveries performed for “dystocia”(prolonged or dysfunctional labor) and “fetal intoler-ance of labor,” increases.33,34 Financial incentivesand disincentives related to work efficiency and staff-ing workload may also tilt the scale toward moreliberal performance of scheduled cesarean deliveries.Given the time required to monitor a complicatedlabor, there is a financial disincentive to perseverewhen labor does not proceed efficiently or if border-line fetal heart patterns are present. Evidence sug-gests that doctors who are salaried and participatein profit-sharing, thus reducing the financial incen-tive to limit the time spent managing labor, havelower cesarean delivery rates.14

The current medical–legal climate has also madewaiting for a vaginal delivery less attractive to manyphysicians when labor is not proceeding smoothly. Inmany centers, the number of cesarean deliveries per-formed for “nonreassuring fetal status” has increasedmore than any other indication despite the fact thatthe number of women classified as high risk has notincreased concomitantly.35,36 All of these factors arecompounded by the belief among many patients thatcesarean delivery is safer for the fetus.37

Patient expectations, the medical–legal climate,and practice patterns regarding intrapartum manage-ment need to be addressed if the rate of primarycesarean delivery is to be reduced. Importantly, themisperception among reproductive-age women thatlabor and vaginal delivery can harm the neonate,whereas cesarean delivery ensures a normal out-come, must be recognized and corrected. Given theimplications of primary cesarean delivery on bothpregnancy complications and subsequent deliveries,it is important to institute practice management thatlimits performance of the first cesarean delivery(Table 5).


Although numerous factors contribute to the primarycesarean delivery rate, the clinician’s ability to modifysome of these and mitigate others is the first steptoward lowering the primary cesarean delivery rate(Tables 2–5; Box 2). The available information onmaternal and fetal factors, labor management andinduction, and nonmedical factors leading to the firstcesarean delivery as well as the implications of thefirst cesarean delivery on future reproductive healthare reviewed and critical key points were identified(Box 2). The implications of a cesarean delivery rateof 30% or more have tremendous effects on the med-ical system as well as on the health of women andchildren. It is essential to embrace this concern andprovide guidance on strategies to lower the primarycesarean delivery rate. Education regarding the nor-mal labor course and the implications of first cesareandelivery may allow women and their health care pro-viders to avoid practices that increase the potential forunneeded first cesarean deliveries.

Rupture of membranes

No cervical change despite adequate contractions for at

least 4 hours

Consider cesareandelivery

Cervical change

Continue labor

No cervical change Cervical change

Continue labor

At least 6 cm

Supportive care†

No cervical change Cervical change

Continue labor

3–5.9 cm

Spontaneous labor*

Inadequate contractions; no cervical change

for at least 6 hours

Fig. 3. Algorithm for spontaneouslabor. *Consider outpatient manage-ment of uncomplicated labor until atleast 3 cm dilated or fetal membranerupture occurs. †Continued observa-tion in latent phase, with augmenta-tion as indicated. Discharge may beappropriate if labor subsides, mem-branes remain intact, and maternaland fetal status remain stable.

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