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Primary School COVID-19 Return to School Risk Assessment...

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St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School COVID-19 Return to School Risk Assessment Daily Timeline May 2020
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St. Michael’s Catholic Primary School

COVID-19 Return to School Risk Assessment

Daily Timeline

May 2020

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Overview This is a dynamic risk assessment out-lining the key measures that our school is putting in place to ensure the safety and health of all of our pupils and staff following our phased return to school from 1st June 2020. This has been produced in adherence to the Department for Education’s guidance documents:

What parents and carers need to know about schools and other

education settings during the coronavirus outbreak

Actions for educational and childcare settings to prepare for wider

opening from 1 June 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education

and childcare settings

The plan is subject to change as a consequence of renewed advice from Public Health

England, (PHE), UK Government and Department for Education and any other relevant body.

The Government will confirm that schools are to reopen on 1 June in an announcement on

29 May.

The plan has been agreed by the Local Governing Board of St. Michael’s Catholic School

and the CEO of Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust.

The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust Board of

Directors want to assure all families that all of our schools

and staff are working hard to ensure that your child is not

only provided with the best possible support, guidance and

provision during these very unsettled times but is also kept

safe and well. The Head Teacher of each school has

completed a Trust wide Risk Assessment, designed to reflect

the individual needs and circumstances of each school. Our

Head Teachers, with the full support of the Board, will be

making decisions and plans about what happens in each

school on a day-to-day basis based on their own

information, requirements and provision.

The plan will be continually reviewed by senior leaders and governors, and

it will be amended as appropriate.

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To make it possible for St. Michael’s to open its doors to children in all designated year groups (Reception, Year 1 and 6) and key workers’ children, we have decided to implement the following re-opening strategy. This will take effect from Monday, 1st June and run for two school weeks. We will review its success at the end of week 1 and consider our options for wider opening from Monday 15th June.

Reception and Year One children will alternate weeks, with each group attending for one

week at a time.

Reception Class children will attend school on the week beginning Monday 1st June and

alternate weeks thereafter.

Year One children will attend school on the week beginning Monday 8th June and alternate

weeks thereafter.

Year 6 children will attend every week from Monday 1st June.

Please note, school will close at 12:45pm each Friday, except for the children of key workers.

School will continue to be open for the children of key workers and vulnerable children from all other year groups. (8:30am- 3:15pm) During this time we will be unable to provide any wraparound care, including breakfast club and after school club. The arrival and departure times are as follows:

Year group Arrival Departure Reception/Year 1 9.00pm 2:45pm (Fridays 12:30pm)

Year 6 8.45am 3.00pm (Fridays 12:45pm)

Children of Key Workers 8.30am 3.15pm

Please see the rick assessment below for details of arrival and departure.

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General risk assessment:

Section Potential Risk(s)

Risk prevention measure(s)

1 Spread of the virus

COVID-19 Symptoms: If at any time, your child or a member of your household

begins to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 (persistent cough and/or high temperature), you must inform the school immediately.

If during the school day, a child begins exhibiting these

symptoms, they will immediately be isolated in a well ventilated room. Parents/carers will be instructed to collect their child from the main school office immediately.

Parents must adhere to the guidance set out below

ensuring that they do not arrive too early for drop off or pick up time slots. This will help us enormously with ensuring safe social distancing.

Personal hygiene:

Children should wear comfortable, loose fitting and weather appropriate clothing to school. Uniforms are not appropriate at this time. See section K (page 13)

Hand washing - facilities with soap available in every room utilised for children. See hand washing guidance.

Hands to be dried using paper towels. Towels to be disposed of in readily accessible bins (no push lids) See guidance

Hand sanitising units in any space where hand washing facilities are unavailable. -Ensure liquid is evaporated before touching any surfaces - children are trained to wave hands around before touching any surfaces. See guidance

Encourage staff to report any problems and carry out skin checks as part of the skin surveillance programme. See guidance

Daily reminders to all children about hygiene. Follow ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’. Regular reminders to try and avoid touching face, eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.


Ensure all doors (except those which act as prevention of greater risk (e.g. fire/abduction) are kept propped open to negate the need for pupils and staff to use door handles.

Weather permitting, ensure windows are left open to increase ventilation.

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Weather permitting, utilise the outdoor space for learning, remembering to continue to enforce social distancing guidance.

Only staff members operate light switches. Ensure hands are washed/sanitised immediately after.

Learning/Classroom environment: Limit use of ICT equipment- when using ipads, children

will always use the same device which they will wipe down before and after use

No formal PE lessons. In fine weather, teachers may choose to utilise the outdoor space for games that allow for social distancing.

No visitors will be allowed on site. This includes regular PE coaches.

There will be no assemblies. Shouting/singing is prohibited to prevent unnecessary

transmission of saliva. Staff:

Staff room limited to 3 people at any one time

The following risk assessment is set out in chronological order to track a ‘typical’ day following the planned return to school. Please read this very carefully and refer to it regularly.

Section Time Potential Risk(s) Risk prevention measure(s)

A From 7:30am and no later than 8:20am

Staff arrival at school

Car parking bays mapped out to ensure optimal proximity.

Staff to be aware of each other when exiting vehicles

Staff to enter through main school office

Staff to wash their hands on entering the building

Encourage use of hand-sanitising units placed at every entry/exit point

B 8:30am Key worker children to enter school via the hall door.

Children must be accompanied by one adult only.

Accompanying adults should exit the site as soon as their child has entered the school building.

Children enter the building through hall fire doors (situated in the staff carpark).

Pupil entry to be marshaled by teacher to ensure social distancing (2m rule) is adhered to.

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Pupils wash hands/use hand sanitiser upon entrance to school

Pupil to keep a coat/bag at their designated work space in the hall.

C 8:45am Year 6 children arrive at school

Year Six children must be left at the school gate to walk on to the yard unaccompanied. A staff member will be on the yard to ensure safe entry to school.

Children to enter building through KS2 fire doors (situated at the side of the building). Prior to opening, parents will be made aware of which door their child should use.

Pupil entry to be marshaled by teacher to attempt to ensure social distancing (2m rule) is adhered to.

Pupils wash hands/use hand sanitiser upon entrance to school

Pupils keep coat/bag at their individually designated desk

D 9:00am Reception/Year 1 children arrive at school

Children must be accompanied by one adult only.

Accompanying adults should exit the site as soon as their child has entered the school building.

Children enter the building through KS1 fire doors. Prior to opening, parents will be made aware of which door their child should use.

Pupil entry to be marshaled by teacher to attempt to ensure social distancing (2m rule) is adhered to.

Pupils wash hands/use hand sanitiser upon entrance to school

Pupils keep coat/bag at their individually designated desk

E (1) Lesson time (Reception/Y1)

Pupils in close proximity to one another - risk of spreading virus

Children in Reception Class and Year One are coming to school on a week on/week off basis during this period.

The class that is in school will be separated into groups of ten with two adults responsible for their needs throughout the day.

Each group of up to 10 pupils will be designated their own classroom within KS1/EYFS area of school.

Children will be directed to activities by teachers. There will be very limited free play.

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Pupils to be situated at desks spaced to allow adherence to 2m social distancing guidance.

Each child to be provided with individual stationery to be kept at their designated desk.

Children remain at desks - no carpet time.

There will be no access to wet play/sand play.

Children will be encouraged to use the toilet facilities individually and independently.

Hand washing and use of hand sanitising units will be encouraged throughout the day

Soft-furnishings and unnecessary equipment will be stored out of reach of pupils.

Each group of 10 pupils will have a designated outdoor space for play and outdoor learning when appropriate.

E (2) Lesson time (Year 6)

Pupils in close proximity to one another - risk of spreading virus

Pupils to be taught in the current Year 6, 5 and 4 classrooms.

Pupils to be situated at desks spaced to allow adherence to 2m social distancing guidance.

Each child to be provided with individual stationery to be kept at their designated desk.

Children remain at desks unless instructed by the class teacher.

Children encouraged to use toilet facilities independently as required.

Hand washing and use of hand sanitiser to be encouraged throughout the day.

Access to the outside is via the fire door.

Soft-furnishings and unnecessary equipment will be stored away.

E (3) Lesson time (key worker children)

Pupils in close proximity to one another - risk of spreading virus

Pupils to be taught in the Hall. Pupils to be situated at work

stations (desks/mats)spaced to allow adherence to 2m social distancing guidance.

Siblings can share a space. Each child to be provided with

individual stationery to be kept at their designated desk.

Children remain at desks unless

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instructed by the class teacher. Children will use the disabled toilet. Children will be encouraged to

toileting facilities individually and independently.

Hand washing and use of hand sanitising units will be encouraged throughout the day

Soft-furnishings and unnecessary equipment will be stored out of reach of pupils.

Access to the outside will be via the hall fire door and through the side gate to the yard.

F (1) 9:35am- 9:55am

Key Workers’ children Play time.

Access to the outside will be via the hall fire door and through the side gate to the yard.

Children use toilet facilities before going outside.

Children are provided with a range of play equipment to be washed after each use.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance.

Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

F(2) 10.00am-10:20am

1st group playtime-10 children from R/Y1 10 children from Y6

Access to the playground will be via the fire doors in each classroom

Each group of ten will have a designated area to play

Children use toilet facilities before going outside.

Children are provided with a range of play equipment to be washed after each use.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance.

Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

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F(3) 10:25am-10:45am

2nd group playtime-10 children from R/Y1 10 children from Y6

Access to the playground will be via the fire doors in each classroom

Each group of ten will have a designated area to play

Children use toilet facilities before going outside.

Children are provided with a range of play equipment to be washed after each use.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance. Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

F(4) 10:50am-11:10am

3rd group playtime-10 children from R/Y1 10 children from Y6

Access to the playground will be via the fire doors in each classroom

Each group of ten will have a designated area to play

Children use toilet facilities before going outside.

Children are provided with a range of play equipment to be washed after each use.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance. Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

G (1) 11:30am-12:00pm (play 11:45m)-12:00pm

Lunch- Key worker children

All children to eat their lunch in their hall or directly outside the fire door, weather permitting.

Parents should try to ensure that their child can independently access different component parts of their lunch (e.g. they can open tupperware boxes or yoghurt pots etc)

Staff will be provided with protective gloves and aprons to assist children where necessary.

All children will wash their hands before and after eating.

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Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance.

Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

G (2) 11:45am-12:15pm (play 12:00pm)-12:15pm

Lunch- 1st group -10 children from R/Y1 10 children from Y6

All children to eat their lunch in their classrooms or directly outside the fire door, weather permitting.

Parents should try to ensure that their child can independently access different component parts of their lunch (e.g. they can open tupperware boxes or yoghurt pots etc)

Staff will be provided with protective gloves and aprons to assist children where necessary.

All children will wash their hands before and after eating.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance.

Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

G (3) 12:00pm-12:30pm (play 12:15pm-12:30pm)

Lunch- 2nd group -10 children from R/Y1 10 children from Y6

All children to eat their lunch in their classrooms or directly outside the fire door, weather permitting.

Parents should try to ensure that their child can independently access different component parts of their lunch (e.g. they can open tupperware boxes or yoghurt pots etc)

Staff will be provided with protective gloves and aprons to assist children where necessary.

All children will wash their hands before and after eating.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of

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supervising staff. Staff to encourage children to

adhere to social distancing guidance.

Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

G(4) 12:15pm-12:45pm (play 12:30pm-12:45pm)

Lunch- 2nd group -10 children from R/Y1 10 children from Y6

All children to eat their lunch in their classrooms or directly outside the fire door, weather permitting.

Parents should try to ensure that their child can independently access different component parts of their lunch (e.g. they can open tupperware boxes or yoghurt pots etc)

Staff will be provided with protective gloves and aprons to assist children where necessary.

All children will wash their hands before and after eating.

Children to be designated individual play spaces within visibility of supervising staff.

Staff to encourage children to adhere to social distancing guidance.

Children use hand sanitiser when entering the building and wash hands as directed by members of staff.

H (1) 2:45pm (12:30pm on Friday)

Reception/Year 1 children collection

Children wash hands before exiting school.

Parents wait for collection at clearly marked 2m intervals along the entrance pathway.

Children to be picked up one at a time from the KS1 door and to leave the school grounds as quickly as possible

Staff placed at entrance to school to supervise and ensure adherence to social distancing guidance.

H (2) 3:00pm (12:45 on Fridays)

Year 6 children collection

Children wash hands before exiting school.

Children will be escorted to the main gate by a member of staff,

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observing social distancing rules. Those with permission to walk

home will still be allowed to do so. Parents collecting children should

wait near to the main gate, whilst maintaining social distancing

Staff placed at entrance to school to supervise and ensure adherence to social distancing guidance.

H (3) 3:15 Key workers’ children collection

Children wash hands before exiting school.

Parent/carer to collect from hall doors.

Parents to observe social distancing rules on collection

I 3:10pm onwards

Risk of spreading virus in the home

Children to undress upon entering home, placing child’s clothes either immediately into the washing machine or placing them in a separate washing/carrier bag.

Children to wash thoroughly either in the shower or using a sink (avoiding unnecessary contact with taps etc).

Ensure any containers for drinks/food are cleaned in hot soapy water.

J 3:30pm onwards

Staff departing site

Staff to exercise caution upon leaving the site as in section A(1).

Upon arrival at home, carry out directions mapped out in section I.

L(1) 3:30pm- 6:00pm

School cleaning to prevent risk of virus spreading

All classrooms to be cleaned thoroughly including:

o All tables, chairs (including legs)

o All hard surfaces o Vacuuming throughout o Doors, frames and handles o Sinks o Replenishment of paper

towels o Emptying bins

Toilets External door handles and gate



School closes

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* Children who are entitled to free school meals (including those children eligible for universal free school meals in Nursery, Reception and Year 1) can opt for a school packed lunch.

Things parents and carers should also be aware of:

This will not be school in the traditional sense. It will take some time for pupils, staff and parents to adapt to these changes.

Your child’s mental health and well-being are our number one priority. Despite the strict regulations around social distancing and virus control, our focus will be on tending to your child’s emotional needs - especially during this two-week period.

We will slowly reintroduce academic learning but not a defined pace. Children will not receive any written feedback about any work that they

do. Teachers will endeavour to provide constructive verbal feedback throughout the day.

Parents of children at home should continue to check in on a daily basis via Class Dojo.

Teacher engagement/feedback via Class Dojo and/or Google Classroom will be limited.

This risk assessment is under constant review.
