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1 Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Internship Report at [Saudi Aramco] Reporting Period: [16/06/2012 - 08/08/2012] Submitted by: [Rakan Abdulaziz Al-Ghoufaili] [200600725] [submission date (15/09/2012)] Mechanical Engineering Department Summer 2012


Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


[Saudi Aramco]

R e p o r t i n g P e r i o d :

[16/06/2012 - 08/08/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

[ R a k a n A b d u l a z i z A l - G h o u f a i l i ]

[ 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 2 5 ]

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e ( 1 5 / 0 9 / 2 0 1 2 ) ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012



This report is about my work experience in Saudi Aramco last summer. During this

period I have worked for two months in Loss Prevention Department. This department

develops corporate safety policy, standards, and processes, including the Saudi

Aramco Safety Management System. This department is also responsible for

providing safety engineering services, oversight, and support throughout each

business area. The information has been obtained from my participation in the Safety

Inspections, and the experience that I got from the site visit and the safety meeting that

I attended. This training helped me to know the safety standers and how to provide

safety for the facilities, equipment, and work areas to detect and correct unsafe

practices and conditions.



First and foremost, I would like to thank the Supervisor of General Service Unit Eng.

Fahad Al-Qashaneen, Loss Prevention Engineer Abdulkarem Al-Humaidan, and all the

employees in the Loss Prevention Department especially the General Service Unit

employees for being very cooperative and helpful with me as a coop student, also for

providing necessary information regarding the work and for their support in

completing my training period.


Table of Content


Abstract 2

Acknowledgments 3

Table of contents 4

Introduction 5

The Company 5

Activities and responsibilities 7

Major tasks or projects 9

Conclusion 11

References 12

Appendix A 13

Appendix B 14

Appendix C 15

Student Log Sheet 16

Student Feedback Form 17

Progress Technical Reports 19



The aim of Internship program is gain field experience in areas related to my major.

That what I got during my Internship program. I practiced communication skills,

critical thinking and technical problem solving methods to execute engineering

projects in an industry setting. I learned to apply theoretical engineering skills

gained in academia into real-world engineering problems. I Learned business,

financial and economic aspects of field engineering practice. In this report I will talk

about the company that worked in which is Saudi Aramco and The department in

which I worked. I will provide the activities and responsibilities I have done during

my Internship program. Then I will mention the Major tasks or projects that I did

and the objective of this tasks.

The Company

Aramco History:

The roots of Saudi Aramco go back nearly seven decades. In 1933, shortly after Saudi

Arabia was unified, the Government granted a concession to Standard Oil of

California who recognized the potential of oil as a valuable export commodity and a

source of revenue to begin building our nation. Standard Oil of California, the parent

company of Chevron, was joined later by several other major oil companies and the

venture became known as Aramco - the Arabian American Oil Company. In 1938,

after five long years of exploration, oil was discovered in commercial volume when a

well named Dammam Number 7, near today's headquarters in Dhahran, began to flow

-- and ushered in a new era for Saudi Arabia. Things moved quickly, and in 1939

King 'Abd al-'Aziz visited Ras Tanura to inaugurate the first shipload of Saudi crude

oil ever exported. The young Kingdom was now officially launched into the

international petroleum industry.

Corporate Mission:

Saudi Aramco's mission as an integrated international company is to engage in all

activities related to the hydrocarbon industry, on a commercial basis and for the

purpose of profit.


The company is continuously striving to maximize profitability by focusing on

achieving maximum returns from Company assets. Maximizing profitability entails


both revenue enhancement and cost reduction. The Company can achieve revenue

enhancement through the capture of new business opportunities related to its core oil

and gas business, enhancement of efficiency and effectiveness in conducting business

and optimization of the business portfolio. The Company can lower the total cost of

production by prudent management of resources, capturing synergies and leveraging

existing investments in people, processes and technology. The overall return on assets

will be maximized by reducing cost, enhancing facilities utilization and identifying

equipment inefficiencies to increase capacity, availability and yield.


This objective focuses on the Company’s ability to meet global and national

commitments for both Oil and Gas. This objective can be achieved through

enhancements in reserves and production capabilities, operational reliability of

facilities, and improvements in logistics. The Company will intensify its efforts to

grow the Kingdom’s hydrocarbon reserves and continually upgrade its operational and

logistical capabilities. At the same time, the Company recognizes that reliability and

maintainability are increasingly important elements in its day-to-day business. In

order to remain a reliable supplier of Oil and Gas and achieve world class operational

excellence, efforts will be made to systematically measure, analyze and improve

drivers of key operational metrics.


One of the most important factors of Saudi Aramco’s success is its ability to attract

and retain highly skilled and motivated workforce to meet its current and future work

requirements. The Company needs to carefully rethink its future labor needs and what

it is doing today to attract and develop top talent and ensure leadership for the future

in light of changing demographics, an aging workforce, global sourcing for new

workforce members, changing business models and increasing complexity of


About my Department (Loss Prevention Department)

The Loss Prevention Department develops corporate safety policy, standards, and

processes, including the Saudi Aramco Safety Management System. Focusing on

implementing and improving effective loss control programs, this department is also

responsible for providing safety engineering services, oversight, and support

throughout each business area.

Loss Prevention department divided into units, each unit has areas to cover:


• Industrial Unit: this unit cover aviation department, mechanical shop

transportation, heavy equipment, research and development center, inspection

department, communication department, and power operation.

• Eastern Distribution Unit: Distribution (Bulk plant), and Domstic Sales.

• Exploration and Development Unit: Drilling and Workover, and Pipelines.

• General Service Unit: Office service dep., material service dep., medical

dep. Saudi Aramco schools, Industrial security dep., Fire protection dep.,

Environmental dep., Central Community Svcs dep., Utilities dep., Industrial

Training dep., and many other departments buildings in Saudi Aramco.

Activities and responsibilities

The first two weeks was an orientation week. I had an overview of the divisions

and the unit of Loss prevention Department. To get an overview about how the

things work in this department, and to know the work that each unit covered. In

Saturday 23/6, I had an overview of the general service unit, and we did some

inspections in Al-Midra building, North Park, and Materials Service

Department. In Sunday 6/24, I had an overview of Industrial Unit activities. In

Monday 6/25, I had an overview of Eastern Distribution Unit. In 6/26, I had an

overview of Project support Group Unit activities. In Wednesday 6/27 I had an

overview of Exploration and Development Unit, and they took me with them to

the Dammam Ground Water Survey, and I will provide to you the data collected

in the appendices.

My planed work for the period from 30/6/2012 to 11/7/2012 was to participate to in

Quarterly Safety Inspections (QSI), and work permit at some departments I will

mention it below. Also have an introduction to the preparation of QSI report, and

introduction to Safety Management System (SMS), Loss prevention Department

General instructions (GIs), and Construction Safety Manual.

This is the also a list of work done in last two weeks:

1) Quarterly Safety Inspections at Material Planning and Systems Department.

2) Quarterly Safety Inspections at Drilling and Workover Department.


3) Overview on Construction Site Safety Program and Hazard Identification


4) Work Permit at Industrial Training Center.

5) Site visit and overview about the basics of scaffolding safety.

6) Site visit to the Excavations of the Dhahran District Cooling Project.

7) Fire drill at the Tower Building.

8) Participate in meeting about the 220 V Wiring Configuration at Saudi Aramco.

Find listed below, highlight for the rest of activities I have done during my

training period:

Infractions at Dhahran Bulk Plant Tank Farm Contractors Laydown Yard

DHALPD conducted a job site inspection of a contractor’s (ALASCO) lay down yard

facility located at Dhahran Bulk Plant Tank Farm area. We noted several infractions

including storing excess combustible materials next to a welding area, improper

storage of gas cylinders, and several other fire hazards. We also noted that the

contractor did not post the required material safety data sheets, the presence of

unlabeled chemical containers, poor housekeeping, and no project identification sign

at the main entrance of the site. Written recommendations regarding the above issues

were forwarded to Eastern Regions Distribution Department’s management.

Infractions at District Cooling Project Contractor Laydown Yard

DHALPD observed many safety infractions over the course of several site visits to the

District Cooling Project contractor laydown yard. We noted a less than adequate yard

layout, poor fire prevention equipment maintenance, a lack of adequate dust control

and no approved traffic flow plan. We also observed unsafe practices within the yard

such as congested storage areas, improper storage of flammable and combustible

materials. Our findings were entered into the site safety log book and were also

communicated to Utilities Department and the contractor during the weekly project

progress meeting. We recommended temporary closure of the laydown yard until the

outstanding items are rectified.


Work Permit Infractions at Dhahran District Cooling Project Sites

DHALPD conducted work permit reviews at Dhahran District Cooling project sites

within Dhahran community. We noted infractions such as work permit receiver or

delegate not at the work site, improper storage of flammable materials, lack of

excavation barricades, and workers standing at the edge of excavations that were not

barricaded. We notified Utilities Department and contractor representatives of these

infractions and advised that immediate corrective measures be taken. Furthermore, all

infractions were discussed during the contractor weekly safety meeting.

Safe Operations Committee Meetings

DHALPD attended the Safe Operations Committee (SOC) meetings held at EXPEC

Network Operations Department and Materials Planning & Services Department. We

presented and promoted the information related to the “Injury Prevention Workshop

for Non-Industrial Supervisors”. We also presented an “SOC Overview” topic and

encouraged the management of the two departments to align their SOCs with SMS

element #1.

Major tasks or projects

The major task I participated in is the Quarterly Safety Inspections (QSI). To provide

guidelines relative to Saudi Aramco requirements to conduct Quarterly Safety

Inspections (QSI) of facilities, equipment, and work areas to detect and correct unsafe

practices and conditions.


1) Proponent Department:

It shall be the responsibility of the proponent departments to plan, conduct

and document QSIs for their facilities.

The proponent department shall appoint an inspections team chairman and

members with appropriate qualifications and experience. The inspection

team should include the supervisor or foremen of the facility to be

inspected. It is recommended that the proponent manager and division

head attend at least one of the quarterly inspections per year of each

facility within their jurisdiction.

The proponent department shall be responsible for implementing the

recommendations resulting from quarterly safety inspections. This


implementation shall be completed, preferably before the next quarterly


2) Loss Prevention Department:

The area Loss Prevention office will support operating departments in

developing and implementing their local QSI process.

Participate in all operating departments' QSIs for hydrocarbon handling

facilities and a minimum of two QSIs per year for other support facilities.

3) Inspection Procedure:

Each inspection team will review the previous quarter’s inspection report as a

guideline and to confirm that the recommendations have been implemented.

Inspection teams should use checklist as an aid during inspections.

The inspection team members will report unsafe conditions, unsafe acts,

housekeeping deficiencies, and other observations to the inspection team

chairman. The team members may also suggest corrective actions.

After noting the deficiencies, hazards or other deviations, and suggestions for

corrective actions (if any), the team chairman shall make a report in writing to

the division head of the facility. A copy of this report shall be sent to the area

Loss Prevention superintendent.

4) Corrective Action and Follow-up

The proponent division head shall initiate corrective action as soon as

possible. He will consult the area Loss Prevention office, when necessary.

The proponent division head shall ensure that a proper follow-up system is

maintained. The area Loss Prevention office will monitor proponent follow-up

on major or high risk recommendations.4.3 Where a serious hazard to life or

property exists, it shall be controlled immediately.

Quarterly Safety Inspections:

1) 2nd Quarter 2012 Safety Inspection which was conducted on 7/7/2012 at Dammam

Furniture Warehouse-C. (See Appendix A)

2) 3rd quarter 2012 Safety Inspection which was conducted on July 10, 2012 in North

Park 3300, 3301 & 3302 BUILDINGS. ( See Appendix B)


3) 3rd Quarter 2012 Safety Inspection for its facility at North Park 1- Building

3300(Third Floor: Wing C&D) in Dhahran. (See Appendix C)


I would to conclude by saying that it was great experience by working in safety field.

Working in Loss Prevention Department by doing all its Activities and responsibilities

day to day, Safety inspections, and a Safe Operations Committee, all these helped me

to know the safety standers and how to applied it in the plant and office. I learned how

to provide safety condition for the facilities, equipment, and work areas to detect and

correct unsafe practices and conditions.



Saudi Aramco, Construction Safety Manual, October 2011

Saudi Aramco General Instruction Manual:

GI 5.002, Loss Prevention Policy Implementation, 2011

GI 5.007, GI 5.002, Loss Prevention Policy Implementation, 2008

GI 6.011, Quarterly Safety Inspections, 2009

Saudi Aramco, https://portal.aramco.com/portal/index.html


Appendix A

2nd Quarter 2012 Safety Inspection which was conducted on 7/7/2012 at

Dammam Furniture Warehouse-C.


Appendix B

3rd quarter 2012 Safety Inspection which was conducted on July 10, 2012 in

North Park 3300, 3301 & 3302 BUILDINGS


Appendix C

3rd Quarter 2012 Safety Inspection for its facility at North Park 1- Building

3300(Third Floor: Wing C&D) in Dhahran.



Student Feedback Form

Please fill in the form carefully and ensure that it is attached at the back of your Final Technical Report before uploading onto the Blackboard for your Advisor to grade.

Name of Student: Rakan Abdulaziz Al-Ghoufaili

Student ID: 200600725

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Period of internship: June 16 to August 8, 2012

Company Name: Saudi Aramco

Department student was attached to:

Loss Prevention Department

Describe briefly your work experience: Ii

I worked in Saudi Aramco, at Loss Prevention Department. This department is responsible of the safety in the company. I participated in Safety Inspections, and I did many site visits and attended safety meetings. This training helped me to know the safety standers and how to provide safety for the facilities, equipment, and work areas to detect and correct unsafe practices and conditions.

Was nature of work assigned challenging? Yes

Was your work environment satisfactory? Yes

Was the work technical in nature? Yes

Were you treated as a member of a professional team? Yes

Were you able to learn from others? Yes

Were you able to talk to your supervisor when needed? Yes

Would you recommend that we continue to assign students to this company in future?


Would you work for this company after graduation? Yes

Overall, how do you rate the company in providing you

with this training? Excellent


What new knowledge or skill have you acquired as a result of this internship?

providing safety for the facilities, equipment, and work areas to detect and correct unsafe

practices and conditions.

Which courses, if any, have helped you in learning the new knowledge, skills and technologies needed to do your work?

Nothing, because my work was about Safety.

What would have better prepared you forth is semester's work?

Suggest ways in which you think the Internship Program, as a whole can be improved:

No suggestions.

Date: August 8, 2012

Signature of Student:


Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Progress Report


[Saudi Aramco]

R e p o r t i n g P e r i o d :

[16/6/2012 - 27/6/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

[ R a k a n A . A l - G h o u f a i l i ]

[ 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 2 5 ]

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e ( 2 9 / 6 / 2 0 1 2 ) ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012



I am a summer student in SAUDI ARAMCO, in Loss Prevention Department.

This department is dealing with the safety of facilities, equipment, and work

areas to detect and correct unsafe practices and conditions. In last two weeks I

had an orientation schedule. Each day in last week was specified to one of the

units in loss prevention department. Also I participated in some inspections and

went to the field. To get an overview about how the things work in this

department, and to know the work that each unit covered.


The Loss Prevention Department develops corporate safety policy, standards,

and processes, including the Saudi Aramco Safety Management System.

Focusing on implementing and improving effective loss control programs, this

department is also responsible for providing safety engineering services,

oversight, and support throughout each business area.

Loss Prevention department divided into units, each unit has areas to cover:

Industrial Unit: this unit cover aviation department, mechanical shop

transportation, heavy equipment, research and development center,

inspection department, communication department, and power


Eastern Distribution Unit: Distribution (Bulk plant), and Domstic Sales.

Exploration and Development Unit: Drilling and Workover, and


General Service Unit: Office service dep., material service dep.,

medical dep. Saudi Aramco schools, Industrial security dep., Fire

protection dep., Environmental dep., Central Community Svcs dep.,

Utilities dep., Industrial Training dep., and many other departments

buildings in Saudi Aramco.

- The starting day of training: 16-June-2012.

- Name of company: Saudi Aramco.

- Name and contacts of training supervisor:


Fahad M. Al-Qashaneen

Tel.: (966 3) 8729595

Email: [email protected]

-Company training schedule:

This schedule was for the last week.

-The training assignment schedule for coming weeks has changed, and I will

provide to you as soon as I get it.


Last week was an orientation week. I had an overview of the divisions and the

unit of Loss prevention Department. To get an overview about how the things

work in this department, and to know the work that each unit covered. In

Saturday 23/6, I had an overview of the general service unit, and we did some

inspections in Al-Midra building, North Park, and Materials Service

Department. In Sunday 6/24, I had an overview of Industrial Unit activities. In

Monday 6/25, I had an overview of Eastern Distribution Unit. In 6/26, I had an

overview of Project support Group Unit activities. In Wednesday 6/27 I had an

overview of Exploration and Development Unit, and they took me with them to

the Dammam Ground Water Survey, and I will provide to you the data collected

in the appendices.



*But they will change this training assignment schedule. And I will provide the new

schedule to you as soon as I get it.


This is the Dammam Ground Water Survey status at Wednesday 27th-

The current depth right now is 40.5 m below ground level and Drilling rate is 0.3 per

hour. Partially lost circulation at 36-40.5 m depth.

Lithology 37-40.5 m

40% Dolomitic Limestone: tan, light brown, microcrystalline, to fine grain, soft to

moderately hard, anhydritic in part, nil to low porosity. No Hydrocarbon

contamination show.

60% Limestone: tan, white, microcrystalline, soft, argillaceous in part, anhydritic in

part, nil porosity. No Hydrocarbon contamination show.

Trace Anhydrite: white, off white, soft, microcrystalline

Today plan

Fix the barricades around the Rig Site

Continue drilling


Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Progress Report


[Saudi Aramco]

R e p o r t i n g P e r i o d :

[30/6/2012 - 11/7/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

[ R a k a n A . A l - G h o u f a i l i ]

[ 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 2 5 ]

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e ( 1 3 / 7 / 2 0 1 2 ) ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012



In the last two weeks from June 30 until July 13, I had many activities that I did

during this period. I have been introduced to the field survey and I had a site visit to

some projects in Saudi Aramco. I participated to the schedule of Quarterly Safety

Inspections (QSI), and Work Permit at some departments I will mention it later in this

report. Also I had an introduction to the preparation of QSI report, and introduction to

Safety Management System (SMS), Loss prevention Department General instructions

(GIs), and construction Safety Manual and Overview on Construction Site Safety



Quarterly Safety Inspections (QSI)

To provide guidelines relative to Saudi Aramco requirements to conduct Quarterly

Safety Inspections (QSI) of facilities, equipment, and work areas to detect and correct

unsafe practices and conditions.


4) Proponent Department:

It shall be the responsibility of the proponent departments to plan, conduct

and document QSIs for their facilities.

The proponent department shall appoint an inspections team chairman and

members with appropriate qualifications and experience. The inspection

team should include the supervisor or foremen of the facility to be

inspected. It is recommended that the proponent manager and division

head attend at least one of the quarterly inspections per year of each

facility within their jurisdiction.

The proponent department shall be responsible for implementing the

recommendations resulting from quarterly safety inspections. This

implementation shall be completed, preferably before the next quarterly



5) Loss Prevention Department:

The area Loss Prevention office will support operating departments in

developing and implementing their local QSI process.

Participate in all operating departments' QSIs for hydrocarbon handling

facilities and a minimum of two QSIs per year for other support facilities.

Work permit System:

The Work Permit System incorporates procedures commonly used in industrial

facilities to ensure that necessary communication takes place and hazards are

controlled. Saudi Aramco's restricted areas are potentially hazardous. However,

knowledgeable people using proper procedures can perform work tasks efficiently and

safely. The Saudi Aramco work permit procedure is important in maintaining a safe

work environment and is a requirement for all Saudi Aramco jobs in restricted areas.

Work permits must be obtained from the appropriate operations supervisor before

excavation work is started in any Saudi Aramco facility, including residential areas

and roadways, and in any place where the presence of underground/utility

obstructions is known or suspected. Outside of clearly defined responsibility areas,

work permits shall be obtained from the Superintendent, Utilities and the

Communications Foreman, Oil and Gas Dispatch Unit or their delegated

representatives. A Confined Space Entry Work Permit is a second work permit and is

required for trenches deeper than 1.2 meters (4 feet).


My planed work for the last two weeks was to participate to in Quarterly Safety

Inspections (QSI), and work permit at some departments I will mention it below. Also

have an introduction to the preparation of QSI report, and introduction to Safety

Management System (SMS), Loss prevention Department General instructions (GIs),

and Construction Safety Manual.


This is the also a list of work done in last two weeks:

9) Quarterly Safety Inspections at Material Planning and Systems Department.

10) Quarterly Safety Inspections at Drilling and Workover Department.

11) Overview on Construction Site Safety Program and Hazard Identification


12) Work Permit at Industrial Training Center.

13) Site visit and overview about the basics of scaffolding safety.

14) Site visit to the Excavations of the Dhahran District Cooling Project.

15) Fire drill at the Tower Building.

16) Participate in meeting about the 220 V Wiring Configuration at Saudi Aramco.



Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Progress Report


[Saudi Aramco]

R e p o r t i n g P e r i o d :

[14/7/2012 - 25/7/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

[ R a k a n A . A l - G h o u f a i l i ]

[ 2 0 0 6 0 0 7 2 5 ]

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e ( 2 7 / 7 / 2 0 1 2 ) ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012



In the last two weeks from July 14 until July 25, I had many activities that I did

during this period. I have been introduced to the field survey and I had a site visit and

did inspections in the plants of Saudi Aramco. I participated to the schedule of

Quarterly Safety Inspections (QSI), and Work Permit at some departments I will

mention it later in this report. I attended a Safe Operations Committee (SOC)

Meetings in some departments. I participated to site inspection and conduct work

permit survey at Dhahran District Cooling Project. In this report I will provide a listed

of highlights for these last two weeks.



The safe processing and movement of oil from underground to ship or transmission

pipeline is the primary Saudi Aramco objective. Any construction operation which

could affect the safety of oil processing and movement must be planned and

performed in accordance with the operating procedures of the area in which the job is


Every plant area in Saudi Aramco operations has a specific set of operating

instructions and the operating supervisor for that area has full responsibility for safety

precautions. With this responsibility, he also has authority to issue work permits and

stop any work if it is not in accordance with proper procedures.

It is therefore necessary for anyone expecting to work in an area where oil or gas is

handled to know the rules and regulations and obey them.

Failure to follow the operating rules can result in not only destruction of Saudi

Aramco property but also death of construction and operating personnel. This type of

disaster must be prevented.


Contractor Site Safety Program (CSSP)

Contractor shall properly plan and establish job-specific safe work procedures for all

contracted work. For long form capital project construction contracts where SA

Project Management is the proponent or as requested in writing by the SAPO, the

contractor shall develop, implement and adhere to a job-specific contractor site safety

program (CSSP) that conforms to the requirements of the contract, this document and

all other applicable SA safety requirements. If requested by the SAPO, the contractor

shall submit a supplementary detailed safety plan as may be needed before starting a

new major phase of work.

Hazard Identification Plan (HIP)

For all SA contracts (e.g., long form, mid form and short form contracts), the

contractor and/or their subcontractor(s) shall develop, implement and adhere to a

contract-specific HIP. The HIP shall list all tasks/activities associated with the

contracted work, potential hazards of each activity and control measures to mitigate

these hazards. The contractor’s HIP shall identify all potential hazards associated with

the work to be performed. The HIP shall not be a list of generic hazards.


Infractions at District Cooling Project Contractor Laydown Yard

DHALPD observed many safety infractions over the course of several site visits to the

District Cooling Project contractor laydown yard. We noted a less than adequate yard

layout, poor fire prevention equipment maintenance, a lack of adequate dust control

and no approved traffic flow plan. We also observed unsafe practices within the yard

such as congested storage areas, improper storage of flammable and combustible

materials. Our findings were entered into the site safety log book and were also

communicated to Utilities Department and the contractor during the weekly project

progress meeting. We recommended temporary closure of the laydown yard until the

outstanding items are rectified.


Work Permit Infractions at Dhahran District Cooling Project Sites

DHALPD conducted work permit reviews at Dhahran District Cooling project sites

within Dhahran community. We noted infractions such as work permit receiver or

delegate not at the work site, improper storage of flammable materials, lack of

excavation barricades, and workers standing at the edge of excavations that were not

barricaded. We notified Utilities Department and contractor representatives of these

infractions and advised that immediate corrective measures be taken. Furthermore, all

infractions were discussed during the contractor weekly safety meeting.

Safe Operations Committee Meetings

DHALPD attended the Safe Operations Committee (SOC) meetings held at EXPEC

Network Operations Department and Materials Planning & Services Department. We

presented and promoted the information related to the “Injury Prevention Workshop

for Non-Industrial Supervisors”. We also presented an “SOC Overview” topic and

encouraged the management of the two departments to align their SOCs with SMS

element #1.






