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Princioles of Automation Ronaldo

Date post: 07-Jul-2018
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Industrial Techniques



  Topics Pages

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Acknowledgement iIntroduction ii

Electrical 1

Mechanical 2

Controls and Circuits 3

Hydraulics 4Pneumatics (Air) 5

Sensors 6

Introduction to o!otics 7

"i!liogra#hy 8


$irst I will acknowledge my Hea%enly $ather &or li&e and the o##ortunity to research an

write this #a#er' A s#ecial thank you to Ms' ee teacher o& Industrial Techniques'

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In this #ro*ect we will learn that automation is the #rocess o& making di+cult ta

sim#ler which reduces the length o& time &rom a manual #rocess' The electronic system

also im#ortant and is #ro%ided !y electronic signals as too with the mechanical system is

set o, a motion to mo%e a load where!y the &orce a##lied to the load is the out#ut o& th

mechanical system'

All our tools and machines need a##ro#riate control to work otherwise it will !e

di+cult to -nish each designated tasks #ro#erly there&ore we need control systems to guid

instruct and regulate our tools and machines' The #a#er &urther introduced the use o&

#neumatic systems which the use is %ery e.tensi%e' The range o& hydraulics e.tend to

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mechanical de%ices such as &ans and gas tur!ines the air is -rst #ressuri/ed to gi%e energy

in the cylinder then signals are in#utted into the system through the use o& switches'

A sensor is a ty#e o& transducer sensors that #ro%ides %arious ty#es o& out#ut !ut

mainly uses electrical or o#tical signals and ro!ots can !e controlled !y a human o#erator

sometimes &rom a great distance !ut due to increased technology most ro!ots are controll

!y com#uters'



Electronic systems can carry out many di,erent tasks such as generating sound

transmitting in&ormation and dis#laying %ideo' An electronic system is a system that em#lo

electronic signals to control de%ices such as radios calculators %ideo game machines

mo!ile #hones #orta!le com#uters'

 The in#ut o& an electronic system is #ro%ided !y electronic signals a&ter the #rocessin

stage they generate out#ut signals which control the o#eration o& %arious de%ices such as


Common e.am#les o& electronic de%ices include semi0conducting diode transistors

ca#acitors that which are usually welded onto electronic circuit !oards'

Electronic System

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A mechanical system is a de%ice made u# o& %arious mechanical #arts where!y its

in#ut is #ro%ided !y an e,ort' 2nce the e,ort is a##lied it can set o, a motion to mo%e a

load the &orce a##lied to the load is the out#ut o& the mechanical system' Some e.am#les

mechanical systems include le%ers gears and sha&ts'

See e.am#les !elow o& mechanical systems'

(a) Can o#ener (!) Corkscrew

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$ig' 1 E.am#les o& mechanical systems


Controls and Circuits

A control system is a system that controls other systems' It is a de%ice or set o&

de%ices that manages commands directs or regulates the !eha%ior o& other de%ice(s)

or system(s) to achie%e desired results a control system is a system

which controls other system' Common control systems include mechanical electronic

#neumatic and com#uter aided systems' A system usually contains three main #arts4 in#ut

#rocess and out#ut'

A control system in which the control action is totally inde#endent o& out#ut o& the

system then it is called o#en loo# control system. Manual control system is also an o#en loo

control system' See image !elow which shows the !lock diagram o& control system (o#en

loo# control system) in which #rocess out#ut is totally inde#endent o& controller action' 

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A circ

is a source &


such as !atteries that #ro%ides electrical energy in the circuit'

Also it allows &or electrons to tra%el inside cords to its desired

out#ut' I& the circuit is incom#lete it is useless'



Hydraulics is related to science and technology which #articularly concerns with the

con%eyance o& liquids through #i#es and channels as a source o& mechanical &orce or contro

Princi#les o& hydraulics a##ly to gases in cases in which %ariations in density are small

!ecause o& this the range o& hydraulics e.tend to mechanical de%ices such as &ans and gas

tur!ines and to #neumatic control systems'

 There are -%e elements in hydraulic0#ower systems4

The driver

•  The pump

• The control valves

•  The motor

•  The load

Picture o& Hydraulics

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Pneumatics (AI)

A #neumatic system is a system that uses com#ressed air to trans#ort and control

energy' The air is -rst #ressuri/ed to gi%e energy in the cylinder then signals are in#utted

into the system through the use o& switches' A&ter which air is trans&erred through sealed

#i#es to the #neumatic #arts &or #rocessing'

Also the &orce #roduced !y the #neumatic #arts is used to -nish the assigned task' It

is said that the use o& #neumatic systems is %ery e.tensi%e &or e.am#le controlling the

mo%ement o& train doors the o#eration o& automatic #roduction lines and mechanical


Picture o& a Pneumatic System

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A sensor is a ty#e o& transducer sensors that #ro%ides %arious ty#es o& out#ut !ut

mainly uses electrical or o#tical signals' Sensors can !e classi-ed into analog sensors and

digital sensors howe%er there are a &ew ty#es o& sensors that are used in electronic

a##lications &or e.am#le ultra sonic sensors #ressure sensors tem#erature

sensors I sensors #ro.imity sensors and touch sensors are &requently used in most o& th

electronics a##lications'

Image o& a Sensor System

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Introduction to o!otics

 There are as se%eral di,erent ty#es o& ro!ots to #er&orm %arious tasks on a daily !asi

A o!ot is a machine designed to mo%e one or more tasks re#eatedly with #recision and

s#eed this makes it easier &or the automated #rocess'

o!ots can !e controlled !y a human o#erator sometimes &rom a great distance !ut due to

increased technology most ro!ots are controlled !y com#uters'

Picture o& a o!ot

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