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Prioritizing Emerging Contaminants and Control Strategies

Date post: 14-Jan-2015
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Emerging contaminants in the Great Lakes present a new threat to human and ecological health due to chal- lenges associated with tracking and understanding their impacts. The workshop presenters will discuss how large water and wastewater utilities approach the issue of emerging contaminants, highlight the challenges, and provide recommendations for future action. This presentation was given by Olga Lyandres, Research Manager, Alliance for the Great Lakes.
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Priori%es for Protec%ng the Great Lakes against Emerging Chemical Pollutants Healing Our Waters – Great Lakes Restora5on Conference Milwaukee, WI September 11, 2013 Olga Lyandres Research Manager [email protected]
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Priori%es  for  Protec%ng  the  Great  Lakes  against  Emerging  Chemical  Pollutants  

Healing  Our  Waters  –  Great  Lakes  Restora5on  Conference  Milwaukee,  WI  

September  11,  2013  

Olga  Lyandres    Research  Manager  [email protected]  

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A  Community  that  Cares  for  the  Great  Lakes  

•  Individuals  •  Businesses  •  Elected  officials  •  Teachers  and  students  •  Environmental  advocates    •  Policy  leaders  •  Recrea5onal  enthusiasts  •  Civic  organiza5ons  

The  Alliance  is  the  only  independent  policy  organiza5on  working  solely                                    to  improve  the  Great  Lakes  every  day.  


Formed  in  1970,  the  Alliance  for  the  Great  Lakes  is  the  oldest  independent  Great  Lakes  ci5zens'  organiza5on  in  North  America.    Our  community  today  includes…  

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The  Alliance  at  a  Glance  Mission    

 To  conserve  and  restore  the  world's  largest  freshwater  resource  using  policy,  educa5on  and  local  efforts,  ensuring  a  healthy  Great  Lakes  and  clean  water  for  genera5ons  of  people  and  wildlife.  

Core  Issues  –  Clean  water  –  Sustainable  water  use  –  Ecosystem  restora5on  –  Emerging  threats  –  Invasive  species  –  Educa5on  –  Civic  and  youth  par5cipa5on,  e.g.  Adopt-­‐


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Public  Health  and  Environmental  Threats  

•  Endocrine  disrup5on  •  Toxicity  of  metabolites  and  

byproducts  •  Resistant  bacteria  •  Bioaccumula5on  in  aqua5c  

food  webs  •  Low-­‐level  chronic  exposure  •  Synergis5c  effects  of  chemical  


Limited  informa%on  on  fate,  persistence,  epidemiological  and  ecological  effects,  for  mixtures  of  chemicals  and  their  byproducts  

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Clean  Water  and  Emerging  Contaminants  

 Alliance’s  goals  include:  

–  Curbing  unintended  drug  releases  into  the  environment  

–  Suppor5ng  further  research  and  monitoring  of  contaminants’  fate  and  impact  in  the  Great  Lakes  

–  Evalua5ng  methods  to  op5mize  removal  efficiencies  in  water  and  wastewater  treatment  systems  

–  Priori5zing  chemicals  of  concern  for  control  

–  Advoca5ng  for  comprehensive  chemical  management  reform  

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Great  Lakes  water  cycle:    mul5tude  of  point  and  diffuse  sources  

•   The  Great  Lakes  and  their  tributaries  serve  as  receiving  waters  for  1,448  municipal  facili5es  discharging  4.8  billion  gallons  of  effluent  daily  and  2,393  industrial  facili5es  repor5ng  to  the  EPA’s  Toxic  Release  Inventory  

•   85,000  chemicals  in    the  Toxic  Substance    Control  Act  inventory      • 20,000  registered  pes5cide  products  

• 56,000  pharmaceu5cals  for  human  use  

•   1,000  for  veterinary      use  

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Survey  of  water  u5li5es  in  the  Great  Lakes  basin  

•  Developing  monitoring  programs  •  Characterizing  removal  efficiencies  •  Educa5ng  customers  •  Coordina5ng  with  one  another  

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Local  efforts  

•  Drinking  water  suppliers  –  voluntary  monitoring  of  hundreds  of  compounds    –  Milwaukee  Water  Works  –  City  of  Chicago,  Department  of  Water  Management  –  Central  Lake  County  Joint  Ac5on  Water  Agency  –  City  of  Wyoming,  Water  U5lity  

•  Wastewater  Treatment  facili5es  –  monitoring  of  receiving  waters  and  wildlife,  treatment  op5miza5on  –  Metropolitan  Water  Reclama5on  District  of  Greater  Chicago  –  Milwaukee  Metropolitan  Sewer  District  –  City  of  Wyoming,  Wastewater  U5lity  

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Priori5za5on  of  chemicals  of  concern  

Kumar,  A.,  Xagoraraki,  I.,  2010.  Pharmaceu5cals,  personal  care  products  and  endocrine-­‐disrup5ng  chemicals  in  U.S.  surface  and  finished  drinking  waters:  A  proposed  ranking  system.  Science  of  The  Total  Environment  408,  5972–5989.  

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Top  20  ranked  chemicals  of  emerging  concern    

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•  Priori5za5on  is  necessary  to  address  chemicals  of  emerging  concern  

•  Ongoing  research  needed  to  understand  environmental  fate  and  effects  

•  Interim  control  strategies  –  Water  treatment  –  Collabora5on  among  water  u5li5es  –  Proper  disposal  

•  Long  term  control  strategies  –  Pollu5on  preven5on  approach  –  Behavior  change  

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Contact  Us  

www.greatlakes.org      Email  us:  [email protected]    Call  us:    1-­‐312-­‐445-­‐9749        

Photo  by  David  Riecks  
