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Prison S ystem i n Latvia ___________________________

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Prison S ystem i n Latvia ___________________________. Ilguciema prison Social Rehabilitation Department s enior inspector , psychologist Mg.psych. Nataļja Dimarska 9 of March, 2012. The Structure of the Latvian Prison Administration. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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1 Prison Prison S S ystem ystem i i n Latvia n Latvia ___________________________ Ilguciema prison Social Rehabilitation Department senior inspector, psychologist Mg.psych. Nataļja Dimarska 9 of March, 2012
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Prison Prison SSystem ystem iin Latvian Latvia


Ilguciema prison Social Rehabilitation Department

senior inspector, psychologist Mg.psych. Nataļja Dimarska

9 of March, 2012

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The Structure of the Latvian Prison Administration

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The Latvian Prison Administration The Latvian Prison Administration Subordination StructureSubordination Structure

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NumberNumber of of PPrisoners (01.01.2012.)risoners (01.01.2012.)

• Total number - Total number - 66561561

- - 44511511 sentenced sentenced - 20352035 under pre-trial detention under pre-trial detention - 15 under arrest15 under arrest

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Length of Length of SSentences (entences (IImprisonment)mprisonment)

Average length of imprisonment in Latvia - 7,5 years

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NumberNumber of of SSentenced entenced PPrisoners risoners BBy y AAge ge GGroups (01.01.2012.)roups (01.01.2012.)

Under 18 years old - 24 18-21 years old – 255 persons 22-25 years old - 693 persons 26-30 years old - 957 persons 31-40 years old - 1424 persons 41-50 years old - 773 persons 51-60 years old – 318 persons Older than 61 years old (seniors) - 82 persons

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The The DDynamics of ynamics of IIncreasing ncreasing QQuantity of uantity of SSentenced entenced PPersons ersons OOlder lder

than 61 than 61 YYears ears OOldld

60 62 6371 73



2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

quantity of sentecedseniors

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The The PPercentage ercentage PProportion of roportion of SSentenced entenced SSeniors in eniors in RRelation to elation to

AAll ll PPopulation of opulation of PPrisonersrisoners


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

percent of seniors(> 61y.o.)

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Possibilities of Resocialization



-paid;- free

Solving of social problems

Psychological help&care

Orginizing of spare time activities

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Resocialization Resocialization PPerformance erformance in in 20112011

27872787 of prisoners were involved into education activities (43%43% from all population of prisoners )

1224 of prisoners were employed (21,45% from all population of prisoners (commercial working places – 11,23%, prison domestic servants – 10,26%)

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RResocialization esocialization PPerformance erformance in in 20112011

32% of all population of prisoners were involved into psychological treatment activities

59% of all population of prisoners were involved into activities of solving social problems

35% of all population of prisoners were involved into organized spare time activities.

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Resocialization Programs in 2011

31 resocialization programs were carried out :14 social rehabilitation programs17 programs of social behavior correction

Additionally 10 programs of Christian education were carried out.

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Resocialization Activities For Prisoners Over 50 Years Old

Ilguciema Ilguciema female prison female prison & & wwoommeenn resourceresource center “Marta”.center “Marta”.

January 2012January 2012

““MMutual self-helputual self-help c correction groups in Latvian orrection groups in Latvian regions and Iļģuciema prison.regions and Iļģuciema prison. (Self-help groups – Let’s help each other!)”(Self-help groups – Let’s help each other!)” for seniorfor seniorss. .

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AimAim of the Project of the Project

To promote development of ability to join a society in adaptive way and to form a healthy way of life, correcting senior-females’

self-perception, motivation, behavioral models and strategies by methods and techniques of the self-help groups in Latvian regions and in Iļģuciema female prison.

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• Target group – females in senior age, who are under risk of social isolation and poverty.

““MMutual utual SSelf-elf-HHelp elp CCorrection orrection GGroup in roup in IlgIlguciema uciema FFemale emale PPrison. rison.

(Self-(Self-HHelp elp GGroup – Let’s roup – Let’s HHelp elp EEach ach OOther!)”ther!)”

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““MMutual utual SSelf-elf-HHelp elp CCorrection orrection GGroup roup in in IlgIlguciema uciema FFemale emale PPrison. rison.

(Self-(Self-HHelp elp GGroup – Let’s roup – Let’s HHelp elp EEach ach OOther!)”ther!)”

• Duration – 3 months and 6 months• Criteria of selection for participation: - age - voluntary involvement - length of term

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GroupGroup Process Process

11 - sentenced woman in senior age.Group leader.Group leader assistant.

Group meeting – once a week.Length of meeting - 2 hours.

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Group’s General RulesGroup’s General Rules

Confidentiality Tolerance and acceptance Supportive attention to the person who is speaking Using "I" statements To share, not to give advice Avoid making judgments The right to speak & the right to remain silent The right to ask questions & the right to refuse to answer Avoid side conversations and interrupting Not discussing those group members who are not present

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GroupGroup Process ProcessOnly the individual can take the actions to bring change into her

life, but a unique strength in group membership can help a person to mobilize her energies and

attain a sense of well-being.

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GGroup’s roup’s IInitial nitial FFocusocus

Share the feelings and experiences.Discuss new ways to solve old problems.Find ways to reduce stress and anxiety.Exchange information and resources.

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Knowing Knowing That TThat They hey AAre re NNot ot AAlonelone......

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Enjoy Your Life !!!

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Thank Thank YYou ou FFor or Your AYour Attention!ttention!
