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Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical...

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Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11.2016 7 november 2016 Koosolekul toimub klubi tegemiste arutelu DG Markku Stenvall Kuberner 2016-17 Espoo Meri Rk Enn Rand Pärnu Rotary Klubi president Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa Mere pst 7, Pärnu www.parnurotary.ee John F. Germ Rotary International President 2016-17 Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA 14 november 2016 Klubi koosolekul teeb ettekande Margus Luih
Page 1: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11.2016

7 november 2016

Koosolekul toimub klubi tegemiste arutelu

DG Markku Stenvall Kuberner 2016-17

Espoo Meri Rk

Enn Rand Pärnu Rotary Klubi


Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa Mere pst 7, Pärnu www.parnurotary.ee

John F. Germ Rotary International President 2016-17

Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

14 november 2016

Klubi koosolekul teeb ettekande Margus Luih

Page 2: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,


Kuu Sündmus Vastutaja

Nov Rotary Foundation Month

E 7 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas, klubi tegevuse arutelu E.Rand

E 14 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne M.Luih

E 21 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja OÜ Ursus külastus E.Luur

E 28 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne T. Markson

Dets Disease Prevention and Treatment Month

E 5 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne J.Meeksa

E 12 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne I.Pinsel

E 19 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne K.Puusild

L 31 Koosviibimine Valgre skulptuuri juures J.Feofanov & E.R.

12.november TOOMAS RAPP 3.detsember KARMO VUNK

16.detsember MARGUS LUIH





Page 3: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Head klubivennad, tervitan teid kõiki!

Tundub, nagu talv olekski käes. Esimene lumi ei taha ära sulada. Aga mardipäevgi pole veel olnud. Täna käisin oma väikese pojaga künkal kelgutamas, sai küll ja veel. Koduaias on meil juba lumest memm ja koobas. Reesõitu veel teha ei saa, sest metsateed on vähese lumega ja maapind alles pehme. Hea, et Audru jooksu saime eelmisel pühapäeval ilusa ilmaga tehtud! Kuna korrigeerisime selle aasta koosolekute ettekannete kava toimub järgmisel koosolekul klubi jooksvate tegevuste ja plaanide arutelu. Täiendavalt räägivad oma tegemistest kaks uut klubisse pürgijat, Kalver ja Siim. Neilt on tulnud ka liitumisavaldused ja juhatus tegeleb sellega. Meie aastateo, Kõpu kiriku peatorni kapitaalremont on lõppenud. Olin ise juures, kui plekksepp Sergei paigaldas ümarale kuplile viimast plekipaani ja hakkas seda kokku valtsima. Juba uuel nädalal oodatakse teda tööle Stockholmi kesklinna. Valmis on saanud suur töö. Töö, mis jääb meid meenutama. Tänud neile, kes juba on jõudnud lisaks klubi ühispanusele tegu toetada! Veel on võimalik seda teha! Meie koduleht on uuenemisel. Peale häkkerite rünnakut võtab omajagu aega, et kõik korralikult tööle hakkab, Joomla uuendatud versioonis. Sellele nimel tegutsen koos Jüri Feofanovi, Piret Sassi ja Rein Toodu ettevõtte sekretäri Nataliaga. Loodan, et varsti on vigased asjad parandatud ja saame täiendused lisada. Eelmise koosoleku lõppedes kogunes pisut laienenud juhatus koosolekule. Arutati klubiga liitumise soove ja aastateo finantseerimise küsimust. Juhatus kohtub ja vestleb kahe nädala jooksul liitumise avalduse esitanutega. Suur tänu varasematele presidentidele nõuannete eest! Klubiga liituda sooviv Siim kutsub meid 10.novembril lühifilmi Kalevipoja Kangelasjooks esilinastusele Apollos. Tema ja Kristjan on sellega tihedalt seotud. Lisan kutse manusesse. Lugupidamisega

Enn Rand

Page 4: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Teave sekretärilt. Head klubivennad, et uut klubi bülletääni toimetada vajan õigeaegselt teie infot oma ettekannete asjus. Kui võimalik, siis lühikokkuvõtet ettekandest ja informatsioon ettekandja kohta. Ja ideid!

Palun kõigil tasuda jooksvad klubiliikme maksud. HAAPSALU ROTARY KLUBI XV PÕDRAJAHT, laupäeval 12. novembril 2016 kell 09.30

Koht: Martna JS jahimaja, Kirimäe küla, Taebla vald, Läänemaa.

Kutsutud on nii kütid kui ajajad.

Tartu Hansa Rotary Klubi korraldab järjekordse heategevuskontserdi 12. novembril Pauluse kirikus. Klubi toetab juba kümmekond aastat andekaid noori. Ilves Sistersi kontsert on tore kingitus isadepäevaks! 26. novembril, algusega kell 19 toimub Gloria restoranis Tallinn Reval RC charterpidu. Eelkutse on

teile jagatud. President pr.Kristel Voltenberg.

Rotary XII talvepäevad toimuvad 13-15.01.2017 Otepääl, Tehvandi spordikeskuses.

Aastateo info. President kutsub kõikki toetama klubi aastategu rahaliselt! Projekti maksumus 16920 eur. Klubi arvelt finantseeritakse projekti 4000 euroga. Lisaks on 19 klubiliiget panustanud kontole 9700 eurot. Koguda on jäänud veel 3220 eurot.

Praegused toetajad, meie kontole:

1000 euroga 500 euroga 200 euroga muu summa

AS Japs (Arved Soovik) Ivo Aulik Arne Kalbus Üllas Tankler

OÜ Adminton (Jüri Feofanov) Karmo Vunk Mati Sooaru Allar Raja

OÜ Metsagrupp (Urmas Rahnel) Jüri Lebedev Mati Tiimus

Ervin Luur Toomas Rapp Aivar Pärna

Tiit Talvaru OÜ Flexoil (Riivo Eensalu)

Enn Rand Kalle Lahe

Toomas Kivimägi

Väino Hallikmägi

Page 5: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Viimase paani sobitamine.

Remonditud on kõik viis torni, keskmine-suurim on Pärnu Rotary RC finantseeritud.

Page 6: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Jutuks tulevad nii jooksvad kui põhimõttelised küsimused.

Uued klubiga liituda soovijad Siim ja Kalver tutvustavad end veelkord.

Klubi liikmetel on võimalik avaldada arvamust töö paremaks korraldamiseks ja huvitavamaks


Klubiliikmete ettpanekud NF juhatusele ja nõukogule stipendiumide kogumiseks ja jagamiseks. Klubiliikmete ettepanekud kodulehe asjus.

Esmaspäev, 7. november 2016

Koosolekul arutame klubi tegevusega seonduvat.

Page 7: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Avamine kell 12. Kohal oli 19 liiget. Kohaloleku protsent 50 . Külalised: Siim Tõnismäe, Kalver Tammik ja ettekande teinud pr. Tiina Kuuler President avas koosoleku, protokollis sekretär. Tervitasime aplausi saatel klubivendi Ervinit ja Ergot sünnipäevade puhul. Mõlemad täiendasid meie klaaskassa sisemust krabisevaga. President tegi kokkuvõtte Türil toimunud ERK koosolekust ja Audru jooksust. Sel korral klubi esindajd kahjuks Tartu Toome RC charterpeol ei osale. President andis Jüri Lebedevile üle raamitud metallplaadil tänukirja klubi aastateo toetamise eest. Jüri F kutsus klubi üritustest ja tegemistest aktiivsemalt osa võtma. Seda ka uutel klubiga liitujatel. Jüri tegeleb ka Haapsalu Rotaryjahil osalemise organiseerimisega. Võtke ühendust huvilised. Jüri Lebedevi kutsel tegi ettekande kodumaise veini tootja Tiina Kuuler. Tema nõuannete ja isiklike kogemuste jagamise saatel degusteerisime kolme veini Valgejõe Veinivilla toodangust. Huvitava elamuse jättis pohlavein.

Esmaspäev, 31. oktoober 2016

Page 8: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,
Page 9: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,


Through the generosity of people like you, our work has made a difference in the lives of

millions around the world. Your gift to The Rotary Foundation allows us to improve

communities by promoting peace, preventing disease, bolstering economic development, and

providing clean water and sanitation.

You can choose to make a one-time gift, or enroll in Rotary Direct, Rotary's recurring giving

program, to support our efforts year round.



Clem Renouf, RI president-elect, introduced the 3-H program to an enthusiastic audience at the

1978 convention in Tokyo

Page 10: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

In 2016-17, The Rotary Foundation turns 100. That's a century of helping Rotary members

change lives and improve communities all over the world.

Throughout the year we're posting excerpts from "Doing Good in the World: The Inspiring Story

of The Rotary Foundation's First 100 Years." You can purchase the book at shop.rotary.org.

To learn more about the Foundation's centennial and find tips and resources for celebrating,

visit www.rotary.org/foundation100.

From Chapter 7



In its sixth decade, The Rotary Foundation took a significant turn that set the stage for Rotary's

landmark PolioPlus program. The story is best told by Rotarian Clem Renouf, who after serving

as a pilot in World War II settled down in the small Queensland, Australia, town of Nambour as

an accountant. In 1949, he joined the Nambour Rotary Club as a charter member, serving later as

club president, then in 1965 as district governor. He went on to serve on the RI Board of

Directors and was elected RI president for 1978-79.

Renouf had been well prepared for the opportunity to be district governor. On his way to

training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India,

which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia, India, and the United States. Rotary was

then entering an era of reaching out through Matching Grants and GSE.

While Renouf was preparing to become president, a friend from his days on the RI Board, Mike

Pedrick, told him of a medical project in South America that attracted volunteer physicians. At a

Rotary Institute in Pittsburgh, Renouf had seen Rotarian Dr. Robert Hingson demonstrate his

"peace gun," a remarkably efficient tool for mass immunization against communicable diseases.

All these experiences were coming together in his mind in February 1978, when Renouf, then

president-elect, attended what would turn out to be one of the most important Board meetings

in Rotary history. RI President Jack Davis, of Bermuda, had invited Hingson, founder and medical

director of the Brother's Brother Foundation, to speak to the Board about his peace gun. A tool

that enabled serum to enter the skin under high pressure, the peace gun could immunize a

thousand people per hour — a vast improvement for mass immunizations over the traditional

single-use syringe. Hingson spoke persuasively of the work of his foundation, demonstrated his

peace gun, and suggested a closer relationship between Rotary and the work of Brother's

Brother in childhood immunization.

Page 11: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

Davis then raised the question of a special campaign to commemorate Rotary's 75th

anniversary, just two years away. He challenged the Board to come up with an idea that would

make a major impact during that anniversary year. Davis had a special passion for child health in

developing countries. With the Year of the Child coming up in 1979, followed by the UN-

designated "Decade of the Child" in the 1980s, Davis asked: "Might we launch such a program

emphasis at the 1978 convention [to wipe out childhood diseases]?"

That evening, President-elect Clem Renouf worked late into the night and penned a proposal to

launch a two-year 75th Anniversary Fund that could support international service projects too

large for any single club or district to undertake. It would also encourage Rotarians to become

personally involved by volunteering their time and talents to the projects.

When the board reconvened the next morning, President Davis read the proposal and liked it,

and he proceeded to read it to the rest of the Board. The Board approved the program, and Davis

promised to introduce it to the Rotary world at the upcoming convention in Tokyo.

by David C. Forward


The Rotary Foundation turns 100 in 2016-17! Our Foundation stands at the forefront of

humanitarian service, having supported thousands of projects to provide clean water, fight

disease, promote peace, and provide basic education — as well as the historic project dedicated to

eradicating polio worldwide.


The Rotary Foundation turns 100 in 2016-17! Our Foundation stands at the forefront of

humanitarian service, having supported thousands of projects to provide clean water, fight

disease, promote peace, and provide basic education — as well as the historic project dedicated to

eradicating polio worldwide.

Page 12: Pärnu, nr 6 (46 ) 6.11 · training at Lake Placid, New York, USA, in 1966, he visited a medical facility in Vellore, India, which had gained support from Rotarians in Australia,

President Enn Rand Past President Urmas Rahnel

1 Sekretär Riivo Eensalu 2 Sekretär Toomas Rapp

1 Meister

2 Meister

Karmo Vunk

Rein Toodu

Avalike suhete

komitee esimees Jüri Feofanov

Varahoidja Mait Talvoja Noorsoovahetuse asjur Kristjan Puusild



Esimees Mati Tiimus Esimees Henn Vallimäe

Liige Kristjan Puusild Liige Ivar Pinsel

Liige Arvo Villmann Liige Riho Sillaots

Arvo Villmann (2 kordne) Ervin Luur

Mati Sooaru Kalle Lahe

Jüri Feofanov (2 kordne) Jüri Lebedev

1993 - 1994 Kalle Lahe 1994 - 1995 Jüri Lebedev 1995 - 1996 Jaan Laur 1996 - 1997 Vello Järvesalu 1997 - 1998 Väino Moor 1998 - 1999 Peeter Volkov 1999 - 2000 Arne Kalbus 2000 - 2001 Aivar Pärna

2001 - 2002 Margus Viira 2002 - 2003 Mati Sooaru 2003 - 2004 Arvo Vilman 2004 - 2005 Üllas Tankler 2005 - 2006 Ivo Aullik 2006 - 2007 Andres Ringo 2007 - 2008 Mati Tiimus 2008 - 2009 Ervin Luur

2009 - 2010 Margus Luih 2010 - 2011 Jüri Feofanov 2011 - 2012 Andres Laanemets 2012 - 2013 Rein Toodu 2013 - 2014 Arved Soovik 2014 - 2015 Väino Hallikmägi 2015 - 2016 Urmas Rahnel

Rotary District 1420

Piirkonna Kuberner – Markku Stenvall

Pärnu RC juhatus ja ametnikud 2016/17



Rotary info: www.rotary.org www.rotary.ee

http://d1420.rotary.fi/ www.parnurotary.ee
