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Overview Probing stem cell behavior using nanoparticle-based approaches Sahishnu Patel and Ki-Bum Lee Stem cells hold significant clinical potential to treat numerous debilitating diseases and injures that currently have no treatment plan. While several advances have been made in developing stem cell platforms and methods to induce their differentiation, there are two critical aspects need to be addressed: (1) efficient delivery of nucleic acids and small molecules for stem cell differentiation, and (2) effective, noninvasive, and real-time tracking of transplanted stem cells. To address this, there has been a trend of utilizing various types of nanoparticles to not only deliver biomolecules to targeted site but also track the location of transplanted stem cells in real time. Over the past decade, various types of nanoparticles, including magnetic nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles, quantum dots, and gold nanoparticles, have been developed to serve as vehicles for targeted biomolecule delivery. In addition of being biocompatible without causing adverse side effect to stem cells, these nanoparticles have unique chemical and physical properties that allow tracking and imaging in real time using different imaging instruments that are commonly found in hospitals. A summary of the landmark and progressive demonstrations that utilize nanoparticles for stem cell application is described. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. How to cite this article: WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 2015, 7:759–778. doi: 10.1002/wnan.1346 INTRODUCTION S ince the last 15 years, there has been significant progress in the field of stem cell biology, and as a result, patients suffering from terminal diseases or traumatic injuries have new hope for a poten- tial therapy. 1 The field of stem cell biology and stem cell-based regenerative medicine has been rapidly advancing as a promising therapy to treat debilitat- ing diseases and injuries caused by the loss of termi- nal cells. 2 It is because stem cells are known for their potential to repair and/or replace damaged tissue. Stem cells are undifferentiated and multipotent cells that can differentiate into specialized cells based on intrinsic or external cues that manipulate their genetic code. 3 Differentiation of stem cells into spe- cific lineages relies on expression patterns of spe- cific genes. In normal human development, stem Correspondence to: [email protected] Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, USA Conflict of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest. cell differentiation is innately guided by expression of intrinsic cues. But forced stem cell differentia- tion to selectively control fate requires external cues such as a specific microenvironment or delivery of differentiation-inducing factors. 48 It has long been a vision for scientists to con- trol stem cell behavior and fate as required for various clinical applications, and several methods to exter- nally regulate stem cell fate have been developed. The long-term goal is to harvest stem cells from patients, and through the use of various external cues, to gen- erate specialized cells for implantation back into the patients. Even though progress has been made, the use of conventional methods to induce differentiation, such as viral vectors, DNA plasmids, small molecules, and a combination of thereof, has specific limitations. Hence, researchers have been exploring alternatives, and as a result, the field of nanotechnology has signif- icantly advanced for biological applications. Nanotechnology has recently emerged as an exciting field of research involving the use of nanoscale materials for various applications includ- ing stem cell biology. Because of the extremely Volume 7, November/December 2015 © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 759
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Probing stem cell behavior usingnanoparticle-based approachesSahishnu Patel and Ki-Bum Lee∗

Stem cells hold significant clinical potential to treat numerous debilitating diseasesand injures that currently have no treatment plan. While several advances havebeen made in developing stem cell platforms and methods to induce theirdifferentiation, there are two critical aspects need to be addressed: (1) efficientdelivery of nucleic acids and small molecules for stem cell differentiation, and (2)effective, noninvasive, and real-time tracking of transplanted stem cells. To addressthis, there has been a trend of utilizing various types of nanoparticles to not onlydeliver biomolecules to targeted site but also track the location of transplantedstem cells in real time. Over the past decade, various types of nanoparticles,including magnetic nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles, quantum dots, and goldnanoparticles, have been developed to serve as vehicles for targeted biomoleculedelivery. In addition of being biocompatible without causing adverse side effect tostem cells, these nanoparticles have unique chemical and physical properties thatallow tracking and imaging in real time using different imaging instruments thatare commonly found in hospitals. A summary of the landmark and progressivedemonstrations that utilize nanoparticles for stem cell application is described. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

How to cite this article:WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 2015, 7:759–778. doi: 10.1002/wnan.1346


Since the last 15 years, there has been significantprogress in the field of stem cell biology, and

as a result, patients suffering from terminal diseasesor traumatic injuries have new hope for a poten-tial therapy.1 The field of stem cell biology andstem cell-based regenerative medicine has been rapidlyadvancing as a promising therapy to treat debilitat-ing diseases and injuries caused by the loss of termi-nal cells.2 It is because stem cells are known for theirpotential to repair and/or replace damaged tissue.

Stem cells are undifferentiated and multipotentcells that can differentiate into specialized cells basedon intrinsic or external cues that manipulate theirgenetic code.3 Differentiation of stem cells into spe-cific lineages relies on expression patterns of spe-cific genes. In normal human development, stem

∗Correspondence to: [email protected]

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The StateUniversity of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, USA

Conflict of interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest.

cell differentiation is innately guided by expressionof intrinsic cues. But forced stem cell differentia-tion to selectively control fate requires external cuessuch as a specific microenvironment or delivery ofdifferentiation-inducing factors.4–8

It has long been a vision for scientists to con-trol stem cell behavior and fate as required for variousclinical applications, and several methods to exter-nally regulate stem cell fate have been developed. Thelong-term goal is to harvest stem cells from patients,and through the use of various external cues, to gen-erate specialized cells for implantation back into thepatients. Even though progress has been made, theuse of conventional methods to induce differentiation,such as viral vectors, DNA plasmids, small molecules,and a combination of thereof, has specific limitations.Hence, researchers have been exploring alternatives,and as a result, the field of nanotechnology has signif-icantly advanced for biological applications.

Nanotechnology has recently emerged asan exciting field of research involving the use ofnanoscale materials for various applications includ-ing stem cell biology. Because of the extremely

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small scale of nanotechnology, ranging from 1 to1000 nm, the potential of nanotechnology-basedapplications appears limitless. Researchers from mul-tidisciplinary fields have integrated expertise frominorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, material sci-ence, engineering, and stem cell biology to developvarious nanoplatforms and devices for manipulatingstem cell behavior.9 In fact, over the past 10 years,the number of publications involving nanotechnologyand stem cell biology has grown exponentially. Thisis because of the great potential that stems from itsamazing intrinsic qualities and widespread applicationpotential.

There are two primary modes through whichnanotechnology can regulate stem cell fate: (1) fabrica-tion of nanoscale surfaces to mimic the various naturalthree-dimensional (3D) microenvironment of cells and(2) delivery of nanoscale materials to selectively targetintracellular pathways.9,10 The cellular microenvi-ronment in the body is a 3D dynamic process thatcannot be effectively replicated in the traditional cellculture dishes. However, various nanoscale scaffoldsand nanopatterned substrates with variable surfaceroughness and porosity have been fabricated to moreeffectively replicate the in vivo niche.11 As a result,this not only provides insight into mechanistic studiesto probe stem cell signaling pathways that inducedifferentiation but also a novel method to induce dif-ferentiation by mimicking the microenvironment.12

Moreover, in an alternative approach, researchershave developed nanomaterials that can be usedas intracellular deliver vehicles to introduce specificsmall molecules and biomolecules into cells. The smallmolecules that are delivered can selectively activateand regulate specific signaling pathways in stem cellsto induce targeted differentiation. These nanomateri-als can be of different shapes, sizes, and compositions,and thus they can be tuned for specific applications.

While several types of nanomaterials have beendeveloped as deliver agents, the most prominentand widely used are nanoparticles. Nanoparticles aresmall, spherical materials that can range in size from2 to 500 nm, and the most widely used types ofinorganic nanoparticles include magnetic nanoparti-cles (MNPs), gold nanoparticles, silica nanoparticles(SNPs), and quantum dots (QDs) (Figure 1). Each ofthese nanoparticles not only have the ability to carryspecific small molecules into the cells but also havemultifunctional properties such as contrast imaging,surface porosity, and magnetic capabilities for a syn-ergistic effect to track and regulate stem cell behavior.Moreover, these nanoparticles are generally biocom-patible with minimal side effect or cytotoxicity, thusallowing them to be used as safe delivery agents.13

Because certain compositions of gold nanoparticlesand MNPs have been approved by the FDA for clinicalapplications, there is a surge of using these nanopar-ticles for stem cell differentiation with potential fortranslation into the clinic.14


The first step for utilizing nanoparticle-based deliv-ery of small molecules and exploiting their multifunc-tional properties for stem cell application involvesefficient uptake of nanoparticles into the cell.15 Stemcells tightly regulate movement of cargo through theplasma membrane, and hence, a major challenge is theefficient intracellular uptake of nanoparticles. Becausenanoparticles are comprised of inorganic compounds,the cell does not readily allow them to enter. How-ever, the cell has an endocytosis mechanism to allowlarge substances and cargo, such as nanoparticles, toenter the cell.16 Endocytosis is an energy-dependentprocess by which cells engulf substances on the cellsurface and shuttle them into the cytoplasm. Specif-ically, as the nanoparticles near the surface of thecells, they can bind to the cell surface receptors—ifthe nanoparticle is functionalized with such bindingmoieties—which signals the cell to change the confor-mation of the plasma membrane by forming a cav-ity through which the nanoparticles can enter. Thenthe plasma membrane cavity completely engulfs thenanoparticle and enters the cytoplasm. This process ofendocytosis is ubiquitous for almost all adherent celltypes. Endocytosis is divided into four categories withslightly different mechanisms to shuttle different-sizedforeign substances into the cell: clathrin-mediatedendocytosis, caveolae, micropinocytosis, and phago-cytosis. Depending on the size and surface makersof the nanoparticle, one of these mechanisms allowsnanoparticle uptake into the cell17,18 (Figure 2).

To facilitate the process of nanoparticle endocy-tosis, it is critical for nanoparticles to be functionalizedwith surface ligands that can bind to specific cellsurface receptors. Cellular uptake dynamics fornanoparticle uptake is greatly dependent on the sizeof the nanoparticle and the peptides present on thesurface.19 Cell-penetrating peptides are a class ofpeptides that are specifically designed and conju-gated on nanoparticles to enable plasma membranepenetration.17,20 With the use of cell-penetratingpeptides and nuclear localization signal peptides, it ispossible to engineer nanoparticles to not only crossthe plasma membrane but also the nuclear membraneto gain entry inside the nucleus.21,22 Moreover, thesize of nanoparticles has been demonstrated to play asignificant role in both plasma membrane and nuclear

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(iron oxide)



Core shell







Surface functionality


2 , —CO

OH, —


3 )




Nanoparticle size



l molecules



ical p




Surface chemistry

FIGURE 1 | Designing nanoparticles for stem cell applications. The physical properties of nanoparticles can be selectively designed for specificapplications based on the material composition and physical properties. Nanoparticles can be made functionally active depending on the surfacechemistry and the functional biomolecules. Nanoparticles are highly tunable and have a modular chemistry, thus enabling their application for desiredstem cell applications. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 15. Copyright 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry)

membrane uptake. Studies have shown that nanopar-ticles ranging from 10 to 100 nm can enter the cell,with an optimal nanoparticle diameter of 50 nm formaximum uptake.23 Therefore, depending on theapplication, the size of the nanoparticles must be opti-mized. Furthermore, the chemical properties of ligandspresent on the nanoparticle surface also play a criticalrole in cellular uptake. Properties such as solubility,pH, and hydrophobicity influence cellular uptake.24,25

When nanoparticles are incubated in biologicalfluid, such as cell culture media, proteins bind to theligands on the nanoparticle surface to form what iscalled a protein corona, which can critically influencethe interaction of nanoparticles with cells.26 The pro-tein corona has been recently demonstrated to playa striking role in nanoparticle uptake.27 The conceptof protein corona suggests that the mix of over 300proteins, which are found in serum-containing culturemedia, rapidly adsorbs on the nanoparticle surfacewithin a few minutes, and the interaction of theseproteins with the cell surface enables uptake.28,29

Even though several membrane-penetrating pep-tides have been developed and demonstrated to be

efficient, the formation of the protein corona and itsexact mechanism, which is still unclear, may play asignificant role.


Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are a class ofnanoparticles, comprised of magnetic materialssuch as iron, cobalt, nickel, and zinc, which can bemanipulated with a magnetic field.30 MNPs are spher-ical in shape and range in size from 10 to 100 nm,and their composition can have a mixture of variousmetals, such as Fe3O4, Fe2O3, NiFe2O4, and FeCo,that result in different magnetic properties.31 MNPshave desirable physiochemical properties, biologicalinertness, high stability in physiological conditions,and excellent magnetic properties that allow fornoninvasive imaging and enhanced cellular uptake,thus establishing MNPs as excellent carriers of smallmolecules and biomolecules.32,33 The primary advan-tage of MNPs is their unique magnetic properties, andtherefore, researchers have exploited these features

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Direct penetration

Endosomal escape



CytoplasmClathrin- and caveolae-independent endocytosis(–90 nm)

Macropinotcytosis(>500 nm)

Clathrin-mediatedendocytosis (–120 nm)

Caveolae-mediatedendocytosis (–60 nm)




FIGURE 2 | Cellular uptake mechanisms. Cells have various energy-dependent mechanisms for allowing extracellular cargo inside. Depending onthe size of the cargo, processes such as caveolae mechanism are induced for small cargo, clathrin mechanism for intermediate cargo, andmacropinocytosis for large cargo, are utilized by the cell. Because nanoparticles can vary in size ranging from 5 to 500 nm, different mechanisms areutilized by the cell to enable nanoparticle entry. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 17. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society)

by employing MNPs for three specific applications instem cell biology: (1) enhanced delivery owing to mag-netofection (magnet-facilitated delivery),34 (2) stemcell tracking using various imaging techniques,35,36

and (3) magnetically guiding stem cells to targetedsites in vivo.

Magnetically Facilitated Deliveryfor Enhanced Stem Cell DifferentiationTraditional methods to deliver MNPS typically requirecell-penetrating peptides present on the nanoparticlesurface or transfection reagents; but increasing thetransfection efficiency so that more MNPs enter thecell without compromising viability is a challenge. Theunique magnetic properties of MNP enable enhanceddelivery owing to magnetofection, a technique thatinvolves incubating MNPs in cell culture and placinga magnet underneath to generate a magnetic field that‘pulls down’ the MNPs onto the cell surface.34,37 As aresult, significantly more MNPs enter the cell and cellviability is not compromised through this process.

Recently, Lee and coworkers used amagnetofection-based approach to efficiently deliv-ery MNPs into neural stem cells (NSCs) to induceneuronal differentiation.38 They used zinc-dopedMNPs, ZnFe2O4, as a core and synthesized a goldshell to develop a magnetic core–shell nanoparti-cle (MCNP) (Figure 3(a)–(c)). The purpose of theouter gold shell is to increase biocompatibility,enable multiple biomolecules to anchor onto a singlenanoparticle, and prevent free radical formationfrom the MNP core. Specifically, the MCNPs werefunctionalized with a linker molecule to increasewater solubility. Then the polyamine was coatedto make the surface positively charged and then asmall-molecule nucleic acid called siRNA, whichrepresses gene expression, was electrostatically con-jugated on the surface (Figure 3(a)). First, deliveryproperties were tested using magnetofection, whichrevealed that green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeledNSCs exposed to a magnet for just 30 min signifi-cantly increased the transfection efficiency. Moreover,magnetofection-based delivery of MCNP showed aremarkable downregulation in GFP when compared

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MCNP Water-solubleMCNP



MCNP-control siRNA (+MF)

siRNAor pDNA



Time of incubation (h)



ol (o







ol (o






P (



+ s




P (



+ s




P k




n (









1 2 3 4 5 6

Au (outershell)

ZnFe2O4(MNP core)








10 2 O












8 OH



MCNP-control siRNA

X-tremeGENE-control siRNA

MCNP–nucleic acidcompolex




Magnetically facilitated (MF)siRNA delivery using MCNPs





Noble metaloutershell

(a) (e)

(b) (d)





NSCsNeurons (TUJ1+)




FIGURE 3 | Magnetic core–shell nanoparticles (MCNPs) for stem cell differentiation and imaging. (a) Schematic of MCNPs functionalized withmercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) followed by electrostatic conjugation of polyamide and nucleic acids for regulating gene expression in stem cells. (b)A representative image showing that MCNPs with a composition of ZnFe2O4 are attracted to a magnet. (c) TEM image of MCNPs (scale bar= 10 nm).(d) MCNPs were incubated in green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled rat neural stem cells (rNSCs) and exposed to magnetofection (MF). Theresulting GFP knockdown was quantified and is directly correlated to the gene-regulating efficiency of the MCNPs. The greater the GFP knockdown,the greater its effect. (e) Schematic of rNSCs undergoing MF with MCNPs coated with nucleic acids targeting specific stem cell differentiation. (f)Immunofluorescence images showing the differentiation into neurospecific lineages with particular markers, TUJ1 (neuronal), GFAP (glial cells), andMBP (oligodendrocytes), based on the type of nucleic acid delivered. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 38. Copyright 2013 John Wiley and Sons)

with MCNPs delivered using conventional methods(Figure 3(d)). Then the MCNP was utilized for thedelivery of siRNA to control neuronal differentiationof NSCs, which revealed that NSCs can be selectivelydifferentiated to either neurons or oligodendrocytesin an efficient and nontoxic manner (Figure 3(e) and(f)). Furthermore, the gold shell enabled dark-fieldimaging to confirm the presence of MCNPs insidethe NSCs. This was the very first demonstration toshow the utilization of MNPs for the delivery of smallmolecules into stem cells to induce differentiation.

MNPs for Stem Cell Labeling and TrackingThe second utilization of MNPs for stem cell-basedapplication is stem cell tracking. The end goal for anystem cell-based research is successful transplantationinto diseased or injured patients for regeneration. Forthis, one important criterion is to track the location

of the cells after transplantation, ideally in a safe andnoninvasive manner. For this purpose, MNPs can beused for stem cell-based therapies to track stem cellmigration and localization in vivo because of theirunique magnetic properties that enable imaging tech-niques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).39

Among the available in vivo imaging techniques appli-cable for stem cell monitoring, MRI is particularlypromising because it can provide high spatial resolu-tion without compromising the patient’s care. Stemcells, especially, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), havebeen increasingly utilized for in vivo transplantation,and it is highly desired to track the location of thesetransplanted MSC in real time.40–42 For this purpose,MNPs can be loaded into MSCs before transplanta-tion, and their location can be imaged in real timeusing MRI. For example, rat MSCs (rMSCs) secretingneurotrophic factors were labeled with MNPs andtransplanted into Huntington’s disease rat models.43

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y 0


y 8


y 1


FIGURE 4 | Tracking transplanted stem cells using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in vivo. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were loaded withmagnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and transplanted into rat brains. The loaded MSCs migrate toward the cortical lesion. (a–c) Time course of weightedMRI of rats that were induced with cortical damage. (d) Axial three-dimensional images showing accumulation of MSCs in the cortex and striatum.(e) Enlargement of the white box in (d). Throughout the time period, high-resolution MRI revealed that cells migrated along the distant route towardthe lesion. The black circles represent the location of the induced lesion. White arrows point to MNP-loaded MSCs. (Reprinted with permission fromRef 43. Copyright 2008 John Wiley and Sons)

After 18 days, the animals were sacrificed and theirbrains were imaged to access the migratory path of thetransplanted cells. High-resolution 2D and 3D MRIrevealed that the transplanted cells migrated alonga distant route toward the lesioned site (Figure 4).This confirmed that MSCs can not only seek lesionedregions in vivo but also that MNP-labeled cellscan be tracked via noninvasive MRI even 18 dayspost-transplantation. On the basis of this study, it isevident that MNPs are an invaluable tool for trackingstem cells.

In another exciting application of MNPs formonitoring stem cell migration in vivo, NSCs wereextracted from patients suffering from traumatic braininjury, and these NSCs were labeled with MNPs.44

Then, approximately 50,000 of these MNP-labeledNSCs were transplanted into the brain injury site. Byutilizing MRI over a 10-week period, the progressionand migration of the MNP-labeled NSCs was tracked,and reveled migration from the injection sites towhite and gray matter. This phenomenon was notobserved in patients who received unlabeled cells.Furthermore, it was confirmed that the magneticsignal was indeed from the MNP-labeled NSCs, andnot macrophages that engulfed the NSCs, throughdouble fluorescent imaging. It is evident that MNPsare great contrast agents for real-time imaging for stemcell therapies; however, there is one drawback thatneeds to be addressed. MNP-labeled cells transplantedinto the body may not discriminate between labeleddead and live cells. Therefore, if the MNP-labeled

cells die after being transplanted, the signal fromthe MNPs inside the cells will still persist. To testthis effect, mice were transplanted with MNP-labeledMSCs and MNP-labeled dead MSCs in the spinalcord, and after 6 weeks, MRI detected a persistentsignal from both conditions.45 This implies that evenif cells can be tracked in vivo using MNPs andMRI, an alternative method such as fluorescenceimaging has to be utilized to confirm the viability oftransplanted cells.

Externally Guiding Transplanted Stem Cellsto the Target Site In VivoEven after stem cells are transplanted in vivo, thereis no guarantee that they migrate or localize to thearea of the diseased or injured site. This limits the fullpotential of stem cell for regenerative medicine appli-cation in vivo. Hence, researchers are exploiting themagnetic properties of MNPs to selectively and exoge-nously guide transplanted stem cells to the lesionedsite where stem cells are required. For example, inone recent study, MNPs were coated with a polyethy-lene glycol to increase biocompatibility and deliveredto human MSCs (hMSCs).46 Then it was confirmedthat these MNPs localize in the hMSC lysosomes andare not toxic to cells for a prolonged period. Thenthey tested the response of MNP-loaded hMSCs underboth static and nonstatic conditions. Under static con-ditions, the MNP-loaded hMSCs were plated overan array of magnets for 4 h, which caused the cells

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Magnet array


Flow Magent

Out/in = % Out/in = 35.1% Out/in = 66.5%

30 �L/min

300 �L/min

900 �L/min

OutflowMagent Magent No magentInflow

Q = 30 �L/minVmean = 0.7 cm/s

WSS = 2 dynes/cm2

Q = 300 �L/minVmean = 7 cm/s

WSS = 19 dynes/cm2

Q = 900 �L/minVmean = 21 cm/s

WSS = 2 dynes/cm2

X (m)

Y (


x 10–3

x 10–3 Magnetic field




Min = –29

Max = 1634

Color Bar

Min = 82

Max = 1165






















4 h 3 days


FIGURE 5 | Guiding in vivo localization of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) using external magnets. (a) To demonstrate that MNPs are preciselycontrolled by the location of a magnetic field, a magnet array with spherical patterns was placed underneath a solution of MNPs, and resulted inMNPs localizing to locations of highest magnetic strength. (b) To simulate MNPs flowing in the bloodstream, a MNP solution passed through the tubewith a magnet underneath and the localization of the MNP (red) is dictated by the flow rate of the solution. (c) MNPs were intravenously injected intothe distal portion of the mouse tail vein while a magnet was placed at the injection site. High signal in the tail vein of the mice with the magnetconfirms that localization of MNPs can be externally controlled by a magnet. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 46. Copyright 2013 John Wiley andSons)

to accumulate in the sites with the highest magneticgradient (Figure 5(a)). Using mathematical modelsto mimic the bloodstream, the response of hMSCswas tested, and revealed that MNPs accumulated inthe region of highest magnetic strength (Figure 5(b)).More interestingly, the MNP-loaded hMSCs wereinjected into the tail vein of mice, with a magnetplaced on the proximal portion, which resulted inover a sixfold increase of accumulation of hMSCs inthe tail (Figure 5(c)). This result has immense impli-cations for in vivo experiments because transplantedcells loaded with MNPs can now be guided to thetarget site using external, noninvasive methods suchas a magnet. Stem cell transplantation for regener-ative medicine is a highly promising and pursuedfield of research, and MNPs provide an effective andnoninvasive method to track their progression andprecise location in vivo.


Silica nanoparticles (SNPs) are a class of nanopar-ticles comprised of SiO2 and are used extensivelyfor biomedical applications.47 Their inert properties,small and tunable diameters, and biofunctional capa-bilities make SNPs an attractive nanomaterial for bio-logical applications. In fact, in 2011, an investiga-tional new drug application for exploring SNPs fortargeted molecular imaging was approved by the USFood and Drug Administration for an in-human clin-ical trial, thus highlighting SNPs as an effective plat-form with potential for clinical translation.48

SNPs can be categorized into two majorcategories: nonporous (solid) SNPs and meso-porous SNPs. Nonporous SNPs are solid, smoothnanoparticles and deliver biomolecule cargo through

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encapsulation within the SNP or through conjugationof biomolecules on the surface.49 On the other hand,mesoporous SNPs contain numerous pores (2–50 nmin size) on the surface that can hold biomoleculepayloads for delivery.50 The pores are ‘capped’with a gatekeeper molecule which functions to pre-vent the release of the payload until the gatekeepermolecule is degraded by intracellular enzymes oropened through external stimuli signals that alterthe molecule conformation, thus allowing controlledrelease of biomolecule payload.50 The release pro-file of nonporous SNPs is controlled by the linkermolecules or degradation of the silica matrix. Non-porous SNPs can be synthesized in various sizes andthe pore size in mesoporous SNPs can be easily tunedbased on the synthetic protocol. Both nonporous andmesoporous SNPs have found their niche in stemcell biology for various applications including stemcell differentiation, stem cell imaging, and in vivoreal-time stem cell tracking.

Nonporous SNPs for Stem Cell Imagingand DifferentiationNonporous SNPs have a great multifunctional surfacethat enables conjugation of active biomolecules fordelivery into stem cells.51 As a result, SNPs havebeen demonstrated to deliver differentiation-specificmolecules into stem cells for inducing differen-tiation and conversion into desired lineages. Inone demonstration, SNPs were functionalized withinsulin and delivered to rMSCs to induce adipogenicdifferentiation.52 Specifically, researchers first showeda systemic study confirming the biocompatibility ofthe SNPs with rMSCs that revealed high biocompat-ibility. Furthermore, high-resolution imaging showedthat internalization of SNPs by rMSCs had no effecton the cellular structure of organelles. When theSNP–insulin conjugates were delivered to rMSCs,successful differentiation into adipogenic tissue wasobserved, thus demonstrating that the biologicalactivity of insulin was not affected by conjugationto SNP. Hence, SNPs can be established as effectivebiocompatible carriers of molecules to induce stemcell differentiation. Furthermore, this result is inconjunction with other studies showing that SNPs aresafe for prolonged internalization inside the cells.53,54

In addition to their multifunctional surface capa-ble to delivering biomolecules into stem cells, SNPshave unique intrinsic properties that make them espe-cially attractive for stem cell transplantation applica-tions. SNPs can be detected and visualized using ultra-sound owing to their high impedance mismatch.55

Ultrasound is a promising tool for stem cell therapybecause of its high resolution, low cost, and high depth

penetration. Moreover, ultrasound is readily availableto clinicians and easy to use, thus making it appli-cable for stem cell tracking after implantation. Onelandmark demonstration using ultrasound and SNPsfor live stem cell tracking showed the effectivenessof this technique, wherein researchers encapsulated300 nm SNPs with a fluorescent dye and the ele-ment gadolinium to enhance MRI contrast and ultra-sound imaging56 (Figure 6(a)). These SNPs were thendelivered to hMSCs, and imaging showed intracel-lular aggregation of SNP, which actually enhancedthe ultrasound signal without influencing cell behav-ior or metabolism. The SNP-loaded hMSCs madethem applicable for cell sorting through their fluo-rescence signal. The SNP-loaded hMSCs were thentransplanted into mouse model via injections, andafter only 11 seconds, researchers were able to useultrasound imaging to identify the exact locationof cells and assess the possibility of a mis-injection(Figure 6(b)). Furthermore, MRI was utilized afterthe ultrasound-guided delivery of SNP-loaded hMSCsinto mouse cardiac tissue. Compared with traditionalmethods, the SNP loading increased the ultrasoundand MRI contrast of labeled hMSCs by over 700 and200%, respectively. Even after 13 days of implanta-tion, the ultrasound signal and MRI contrast couldstill detect and identify the location of the trans-planted hMSCs (Figure 6(c)). Lastly, researchers per-formed a series of experiments to evaluate the impactof SNPs on hMSCs, and found that all cellular func-tions, including proliferation, cytokine expression,and metabolic activity, were unaffected. Overall, theuse of nonporous SNPs for stem cell tracking andstem cell differentiation is a highly promising areaof research with potential for translation into theclinic.

Mesoporous SNPs for Delivery ofDifferentiation-Specific Factors to Stem CellsThe second class of SNPs are mesoporous SNPs, whichhave pores on the surface in which biomolecules canbe embedded and later released into the cell. Takingadvantage of this unique feature, researchers demon-strated that differentiation-specific biomoleculescan be loaded in the pores to induce stem celldifferentiation.57 Bone morphogenetic proteins(BMPs) are factors that can induce osteogenic bonedifferentiation. Researchers embedded BMPs intomesoporous SNPs and delivered them into adipose-derived MSCs, with the goal that after the cells uptakethe mesoporous SNPs, BMPs would be released fromthe pores to induce differentiation. Histological stain-ing revealed successful osteogenic differentiation in

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(b) Preinjection Postinjection

























































Stem celltherapy

NP-labeledstem cell

SilicaNP Silica:


FITC: fluorescence

Gadolinium (Gd3+):MRI contrastInjection


300 nm





80 US



R2US = 0.99

R2MRI = 0.98

































I sig





00 0.5 1

SiNP-hMSCs (millions)








–1 9

Days postinjection





FIGURE 6 | Silica nanoparticles (SNPs) for tracking stem cells in vivo using ultrasound. (a) Schematic of SNPs embedded with FITC forfluorescence imaging and gadolinium for enhancing MRI contrast delivered to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and injected into rat heart tissue. (b)Ultrasound images of human MSCs (hMSCs) after intracardiac implantation in mice. The red arrow represents the bevel of the needle catheter. (c) MRIcontract images show enhancement of SNP accumulation. (d) Quantification of the MRI and ultrasound (US) signal as a function of number ofinjected SNP-loaded hMSCs. (e) Animals injected (on day 0, red dot) with hMSCs were monitored sequentially for 12 days postinjection. (Reprintedwith permission from Ref 56. Copyright 2013 The American Association for the Advancement of Science)

a highly efficient manner. Comparatively, controlstudies with BMPs delivered without mesoporousSNPs showed minimal differentiation.

Generally, stem cells are extremely sensitive tointracellular introduction of foreign inorganic mat-ter, especially embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Just thepresence of inorganic matter causes the stimulus ofunwanted signaling pathways that can disrupt nor-mal cells function and differentiation capacity. Buta research group recently demonstrated that deliv-ery of peptides using mesoporous SNPs does nothave any adverse side effects on ESCs and, instead,promotes targeted differentiation.58 The mesoporousSNPs were loaded with two peptides, Cintrofin andGliafin. Cintrofin has been shown to induce neu-ronal differentiation and promote survival, while Gli-afin has been shown to promote neurite outgrowth.When these two peptides were loaded into meso-porous and delivered into ESC-derived motor neuron(MN) precursor cells, differentiation into MNs that

exhibit neurite branching was observed. Moreover,these induced MNs displayed electrophysiologicalproperties with a resting membrane potential close tothe physiological range that would be driven to highspiking frequencies. Then, these ESCs were loadedwith mesoporous SNPs and transplanted into micemodels for in vivo differentiation and integration intothe mice neural network. After 2 weeks, the condi-tion with loaded mesoporous SNPs showed a neu-rite outgrowth and the volume of cells was almost10 times larger than control conditions that lackedSNP and peptides. After 2 months, the condition withmesoporous SNP-loaded ESCs showed extensive neu-rite arborizations and expression of prominent mark-ers such as choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), whilecontrol conditions showed minimal expression. Takentogether, these results suggest that co-transplantationof ESCs loaded with mesoporous SNPs can increasetransplant size, improve survival, and induce neuriteoutgrowth.

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Hepatocyte-like cells

HNF3β plasmid DNA










Flow cytometry














Mean flu


scence inte




Si upta

ke (





FMSN(+) control

for 1/128

FMSN(+) control

for 1/16















FIGURE 7 | Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (SNPs) for cell labeling and differentiating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). (a) Positivelycharged mesoporous SNPs were functionalized with an HNF3𝛽-plasmid-DNA (pHNF3𝛽) and delivered to iPSCs. The treated iPSCs showeddifferentiation capacity and differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells with mature functions within 2 weeks. (b) Comparing uptake efficiency ofdifferent charged mesoporous SNPs shows that positively charged SNPs have greatest uptake. (c) Immunofluorescence analysis for the expression ofhepatic markers HNF3𝛽 (green) and HNF4𝛼 (red) in iPSCs treated with loaded mesoporous SNPs. 1/16 and 1/128 refer to ratios of delivery (scalebar= 200 μm). (Reprinted with permission from Ref 59. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society)

The development of induced pluripotent stemcells (iPSCs) as a robust source of embryonic-likecells, with the ability to differentiate into almostany cell type, has opened the door for stem celltherapies with potential clinical translation. The firstever demonstration of using SNPs with iPSCs wasreported in 2013, wherein researchers evaluated thesensitivity of iPSCs to SNPs and the differentiationcapacity of iPSCs transfected with DNA-loaded SNPs(Figure 7(a)).59 First, because iPSCs are difficult totransfect and are extremely sensitive to foreign inor-ganic matter, the uptake dynamics of mesoporousSNP was evaluated. Three types of mesoporous SNPs

were tested, positively charged, negatively charged,and neutral, and the response to iPSCs was carefullyobserved and resulted in the identification that posi-tively charged mesoporous SNPs were more efficientlyinternalized by the iPSCs (Figure 7(b)). Next, to ensurethat the intracellular presence of mesoporous SNPs iniPSCs did not impair their function, metabolism, anddifferentiation capacity of iPSCs, various experimentswere performed and showed that cell proliferation,pluripotency, and in vivo teratoma formation were notaffected. In the final experiment, the mesoporous SNPswere loaded with an HNF3𝛽-plasmid-DNA, whichhas been shown to induce hepatocyte differentiation.

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The iPSCs transfected with these mesoporous SNPsloaded with HNF3𝛽 exhibited successful differentia-tion into functional hepatocyte-like cells (Figure 7(c)).These results not only demonstrate the potentialfor stem cell labeling using mesoporous SNPsbut also that they can act as efficient carriers ofdifferentiation-specific biomolecules into sensitivecells such as iPSCs and induce their differentiation.

Hybrid Silica–MNPs Enhance Stem CellTrackingSNP and mesoporous SNPs have a unique chemicaland synthetic property of being able to integrate withother types of metallic nanoparticle compositions suchas gold and iron oxide.42 These hybrid SNPs are fab-ricated with a gold shell and a SNP core, or SNPs canact as a shell around magnetic iron oxide nanoparti-cle cores.60 The added benefit of these hybrid SNPshas a synergistic effect in terms of biomolecule load-ing and contract imaging. A landmark study demon-strated the feasibility of incorporating a magnetic ironoxide nanoparticle inside SNPs for synergistic stemcell labeling. These hybrid SNPs were 50 nm in diam-eter, and when they are delivered to hMSCs, sufficientMRI is achieved.61 Furthermore, when these loadedhMSCs are transplanted into mouse model, MRI canalso detect their presence. Moreover, the differenti-ation capacity, proliferation, and viability of loadedhMSCs remain unaffected. Hybrid SNPs can have abig impact on translational medicine because of theirbiological inertness and synergistic modalities.


Quantum dots (QDs) are a class of multifunctional,fluorescent semiconductor nanoparticles that exhibitquantum mechanical properties of intrinsic emissionprofiles.62 QDs vary in size from 2 to 50 nm, and theemission properties of QDs are directly correlated toeither the size or chemical composition (Figure 8(a)).QDs have a broad excitation spectra and a narrowemission spectra. The QDs emit certain wavelengthsof fluorescent light, and thus are excellent nanoma-terials for noninvasive in vivo imaging and stem celltracking.63 Because QDs are excited by a single UVlight source and can emit different wavelengths offluorescent light, they are ideal tools for multipleximaging.64 Moreover, QDs are extremely resistantto photobleaching, meaning that they retain emis-sion intensity and brightness, even after long expo-sure times, and thus are excellent alternative to tra-ditional molecular dyes to imaging applications. In

recent years, the unique and photophysical propertieshave enabled researchers to broaden the applicationscope of QDs for stem cell applications because QDshave a multifunctional surface, which, in addition tofluorescent imaging, allows them to simultaneouslydeliver functional biomolecules. This combinatorialadvantage of QDs has propelled them for stem cellapplications.

QDs for ESCs LabelingThe most prominent stem cells with the highest in vivopotential are ESCs because of their wide differentia-tion capacity. Therefore, the number of stem cell trans-plantation studies involving ESCs has been increasing.One important criteria of implantation is to track thelocation of transplanted ESCs. For this purpose, QDshave emerged as promising probes of stem cell label-ing and imaging. But before utilizing QDs for stemcell application, it is critical to evaluate the effect andinfluence that QDs may have on stem cells, becausestem cell are generally sensitive to foreign matter andcan alter their metabolism which can adversely impacttheir differentiation capacity. Furthermore, traditionalQDs are synthesized using toxic elements such as cad-mium (Cd)- and selenide (Se)-based core, which candamage the cell even at low concentrations. However,the use of a ZnS shell prevents the release of the toxicCd elements, thereby circumventing the cytotoxicityissue.65 Therefore, it is important to test the effects ofQDs on stem cells. For this purpose, researchers testedthe behavior and pluripotent characteristics of ESCsand kidney stem cells when delivered with QDs.66

Results indicate that the native pluripotency markersof ESCs such as Oct4, the proliferation rate, and theviability of ESCs are unchanged by the presence ofQDs (Figure 8(b)). The differentiation capacity wasalso not influenced as QD-labeled ESCs were ableto effectively differentiate into the three germ layers,endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm, with the geneticexpression of lineage-specific being identical to dif-ferentiated ESCs lacking QDs (Figure 8(c) and (d)).Then, to confirm that the labeled ESCs did not excretethe QDs, which could potentially be uptaken by adja-cent cells, fluorescent imaging revealed that ESCs donot excrete the QDs and that transfer of QDs inco-cultures was minimal (Figure 8(e)–(g)). Finally, itwas determined that even if the ESCs die in culture,the QDs within are also not readily uptaken by adja-cent cells. Hence, on the basis of these results, we candeduce that QDs are relatively safe for stem cell appli-cations with minimal side effects.

In another demonstration, researchers soughtto evaluate the effect of QDs on ESC behaviorsand the feasibility of using QD-labeled ESCs for

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(a) (d) QD–























m d






tive g

enes e





tive O

























Bra Gata6

1 3

Days in culture










103 104 105










FIGURE 8 | Fluorescent quantum dots (QDs) for stem cell labeling and tracking. (a) QDs of different diameters (top row, nm) and the respectiveemission wavelength (bottom row, nm) are tunable fluorescent probes. (b) QDs incubated in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) show that pluripotentmakers such as Oct4 remain unaffected. (c) QD-treated ESCs can differentiate into three germ layers as evidenced by gene expression of each germlayer. (d) ESCs treated with QDs differentiate into germ layers after 4 days. (e–g) Co-culture of QDs-labeled kidney stem cells (KSCs) with greenfluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled KSCs (green) confirms that internalized QDs (red) are not transferred to adjacent cells. (h) Flow cytometry confirmsthis result. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 66.)

transplantation studies.67 To ensure that the pluripo-tency properties of ESCs were not affected by the pres-ence of QDs, they delivered the QDs to ESCs andtested pluripotency markers such as Oct4, and foundthat expression of these markers remained unchanged.Thus, QDs were established as safe agents for furtherESC studies. Then, six different types of QDs weredelivered to ESCs, and these QD-labeled ESCs wereinjected into the backs of nude mice (Figure 9(a)). Flu-orescent imaging revealed that using just a single UVlight source, the emission from the six QD-labeledESCs can be individually detected simultaneously.Finally, to test the prospects of utilizing QDs forlong-term stem cell tracking, different amounts ofQD-labeled ESCs were injected into nude mice and

successive imaging was performed for several weeks,which showed that QDs emit a strong and detectablesignal even 14 days postinjection (Figure 9(b) and (c)).This study opened the door for the use of QDs in stemcell research. For example, in another demonstration,bone-derived stem cells (BDSCs) were labeled withQDs and were injected into the retina to repair reti-nal injury.68 After transplantation, the location of theinjected stem cells could be tracked using fluorescentimaging.

Nontoxic Alternative QDs for Stem CellBiologyCombining different types of nanoparticles is aninteresting subset of research because it includes the

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(a) (b)

(c) Day 0 2 4



l sig




Exp. (m








3000 106


1 2 3 4 5 6


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

7 11 14 21 28











FIGURE 9 | Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) loaded with quantum dots (QDs) can be simultaneously imaged. (a) ESCs were labeled with six differentQDs and injected subcutaneously onto the backs of nude mice. These labeled ESCs could be imaged with good contrast with a single excitationwavelength. (b) Different number of QD-labeled ESCs, 104, 105, and 106, were injected into nude mice and signal was quantified and revealed thatthe signal of ESCs is proportional to number of cells injected. (c) To evaluate the clearance properties of labeled ESCs, mice were injected withQD-labeled ESCs and longitudinal imaging revealed that the QD signal can be detected up to 14 days. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 67.Copyright 2007 BioMed Central)

advantageous features from both nanoparticles on asingle construct. Furthermore, it is desirable to coatQDs with a specific type of nanomaterial to preventleeching of the toxic CdSe core. For this purpose, arecent demonstration showed that QDs can be coatedwith SNPs and still retain its fluorescence properties.69

A strong intracellular fluorescence signal confirmedthat the QDs were effectively uptaken and were ableto emit its signal. Moreover, it was determined that a4-h incubation time is the optimal time for maximaluptake of QDs in stem cells.

Another class of recently developed QDs iscalled graphene quantum dots (GQDs), which arecomprised of nanosized graphene sheets and haveintrinsic fluorescent properties.70 Graphene is a lat-tice of sp2-carbon sheets that has attracted signif-icant attention owing to its unique properties andvast potential for application in almost every fieldof research. When these graphene sheets are layeredtogether, nanosized GNPs can be created. The mostinteresting feature of GQDs is their ability to fluo-resce under a UV light source. Taking advantage ofthis, researchers recently developed a facile approachto synthesize large quantities of GQDs that are suit-able for stem cell applications.71 Specifically, GQDswere used to label various types of cells including neu-rosphere cells, pancreas progenitor cells, and cardiacprogenitor cells, in an effective manner without anycytotoxicity.

Lastly, conventional QDs are comprised of CdSe,which is quite toxic cells, and hence they are cappedwith an inert ZnS shell to prevent leaching of Cd orSe into the cells. However, it would be highly desir-able to replace these toxic elements altogether anduse inert elements while preserving the fluorescenceproperties of QDs. To this end, researchers have devel-oped a unique and facile method to synthesize QDscomprised of nontoxic elements using a sonochemi-cal approach.72 Specifically, QDs comprised of zinc,indium, silver, and sulfur (ZAIS-QDs) have been devel-oped, which were demonstrated to be nontoxic to stemcells (Figure 10(a)). Moreover, the most attractive fea-ture of ZAIS-QDs is that the emission profile can betuned based exclusively on the composition of thesestarting elements (Figure 10(b)). Hence, a large-scalelibrary of ZAIS-QDs was readily synthesized and sub-sequently transfected into hMSCs with high viability,and showed efficient uptake with a strong fluorescentsignal (Figure 10(c) and (d)). Moreover, the ZAIS-QDswere functionalized with a nucleic acid for simulta-neous gene regulation, thus demonstrating the multi-faceted properties of QDs.


The ability to use physical cues such as nanotopo-graphical cues, substrate patterns, and extracellular

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(b) (c)

Sodium diethyldithio-


Precursor powders of

varying compositions







0.0 0.2 0.4

Zn composition/mole ratio

0.6 0.8 1.0







ty (


In c












g c






25 50

QD conc. (μg/mL)



*** ***


Silver nitrate

Indium nitrate

Zinc nitrate

Stir at RT

1 h

5 min

Array of composition-

dependent ZAIS QDs




FIGURE 10 | Nontoxic quantum dots (QDs) for stem cell imaging and delivery of nucleic acids. (a) Novel synthesis of ZAIS (Zn, Ag, In, and S) QDsusing a sonochemical approach to tune emission properties based on the ratio of starting elements. (b) A library of ZAIS QDs synthesized by varyingelemental composition. (c) Cell viability of novel ZAIS QDs compared to conventional CdSe QDs shows that ZAIS QDs are nontoxic to humanmesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). (d) ZAIS QDs are effectively internalized by hMSCs and show a strong fluorescence signal, thus making ZAIS QDssuitable for stem cell tracking applications. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 72. Copyright 2012 John Wiley and Sons)

matrix (ECM) geometries to control stem cell fateis a highly promising area of research.11,73,74 Whilemost techniques discussed thus far have focused onthe delivery of nanoparticles, there is another appli-cation of nanoparticles involving surface topography.Instead of conjugating biomolecules onto nanoparti-cles for a forward transfection, a recently developedmethod involves fabricating an array of nanoparti-cles and then culturing stem cells directly on thesenanoparticles. The physical topographical cues andthe microsurface created by the nanoparticles can actto deliver biomolecules and to induce targeted differ-entiation and behavioral changes of stem cells.75

Nanoparticle Arrays to Deliver NucleicAcids for Stem Cell DifferentiationIn a recent landmark demonstration, researchers uti-lized a nanoparticle array to deliver hard-to-transfectbiomolecules such as small interfering RNA (siRNA),which effectively regulate gene expression, into NSCsto induce neuronal differentiation.76 SNP sizes varyingfrom 100 to 700 nm in diameter were assembled ona glass substrate using a facile centrifugation methodto fabricate the nanotopography-mediated reverseuptake (NanoRU) platform (Figure 11(a)). Then,siRNA molecules were electrostatically conjugatedon NanoRU. When NSCs were seeded on these

substrates, NSCs readily attached to the surface andextended their axons (Figure 11(b)). To test the effi-ciency, GFP-labeled NSCs were seeded on NanoRUthat was conjugated with siRNA specific for GFP. Theresults showed a remarkable trend of GFP knock-down as the size of the substrate nanoparticles becamesmaller, with 100 nm SNPs having the greatest GFPknockdown (Figure 11(c)). Thereafter, siRNA specificfor the Sox9 gene, which is responsible for regulatingneuronal differentiation, was conjugated on NanoRUand NSCs were seeded on top. The NSCs readilytook up the siRNA, and after just 7 days, successfulneuronal differentiation was induced (Figure 11(d)and (e)). The NanoRU platform was then comparedto traditional methods of siRNA delivery such ascommercially available reagents including Lipofec-tamine. NanoRU was more efficient and resultedin a significantly higher cell viability. Overall, theresearchers concluded that based exclusively on thenanotopography created by the nanoparticle array,nucleic acids could easy be transfected into stem cellsto regulate their differentiation.

Nanoparticle Arrays to Regulate NeuronalBehaviors of Stem CellsIn another study, the same authors modified the nan-otopography by incorporating a sheet of graphene

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Self-assembly ofnanoparticles using


No s






o s





No siRNA0





% o

f cells



g n


l m



% G








700 nm0










500 nm 300 nm 100 nm

Nanoparticle size (nm)







No NanoRU on NanoRUNanoRU









Cellular uptake ofsiRNA from NanoRU




in siRNA


FIGURE 11 | Nanotopography-mediated platform to deliver nucleic acids for stem cell differentiation. (a) Silica nanoparticles (SNPs) areassembled on a film and coated with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and nucleic acids (siRNA) to develop the nanotopography-mediated reverseuptake (NanoRU) platform. Neural stem cells (NSCs) cultured on this platform uptake the siRNA, which induces their differentiation into neurons. (b)Scanning electron microscopy image of neurons (brown) with extended axons cultured on NanoRU wherein the SNPs (blue) are visible. (c) Dependingon the size of the SNPs on the surface, the uptake rate of siRNA is affected, which is reflected by the difference in green fluorescent protein (GFP)knockdown. Nanoparticle with 100 nm diameter showed the highest efficiency. (d) Fluorescence images showing the differentiation of NSCs intoneurons using the NanoRU platform, and (e) the expression of the specific markers, Tuj1 (neuronal) and GFAP (glial cells), was quantified to reveal thatNanoRU is an effective platform to induce stem cell differentiation. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 76. Copyright 2013 Nature Publishing Group)

oxide on the surface of NanoRU to differentiate neuralprogenitor stem cells (hNPSCs)77 (Figure 12(a)).Remarkably, just owing to the influence of thesurface, the axons of the hNPSCs started to align(Figure 12(b)–(d)). The degree of alignment and effi-ciency of neuronal differentiation were the highestwhen hNPSCs were seeded on a surface containingboth SNPs and graphene oxide (Figure 12(e)). Fur-thermore, the results were reproduced on a flexiblepolymer, which can potentially be used for in vivoapplications (Figure 12(f)). Results show a similartrend of axonal alignment and increase differentiation.Conventional nanoparticle-based methods directlyconjugate biomolecules on nanoparticle surfaces for

forward delivery, but the method of generating abiocompatible platform for stem cells to grow is apromising approach because biomolecules are readilyuptaken with a synergistic effect of nanotopographicalcues to guide stem cell differentiation.


Nanoparticles represent a powerful and innovate classof materials for applications in stem cell biologyranging from small molecule delivery, imaging, andin vivo tracking. The field of nanotechnology andnanomedicine has made significant strides over the

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(e) (f)

Grapheneoxide (GO)

Neural stem cell

Control SiNP



iiiiii iv



Spinal cord injury


tract axons

Lowerspinal motor











TuJ1 (neuronal marker)

Gap43 (axonal marker)

Map2 (late-stage neuronal marker)

Synapsin (late-stage neuronal marker)




r e











100 μm180°





0° 180°





0° 180°





0° 180°





0°150 μm50 μm 100 μm 150 μm50 μm 100 μm 150 μm50 μm 100 μm 150 μm50 μm

Neuron derivedfrom hNSCs


Glial cell-derivedfrom hNSCs

Axonal sproutingwith synapse


Axonal sproutingwithout synapse


Stem cell transplantation


iii iv



Control 1 (glass) Control 2 (NPs)

Substrate A Substrate B Substrate C Substrate C

Control 3 (GO) EXP. (NPs+GO)

Neuronal differentiationand axonal alignment

FIGURE 12 | Axonal alignment and enhanced neural stem cell (NSC) differentiation on graphene–nanoparticle hybrid substrates. (a) Schematicdiagram depicting the influence of nanoparticle (NP) monolayers coated with graphene oxide (GO) on the alignment of axons extending from humanNSCs and their differentiation into neurons. (b–d) Aligned growth and extension of axons from differentiated hNSCs, and the compass plots showingthe variation in the angle of orientation and length of axons. (e) Quantitative gene expression results for early- and late-stage neuronal markersexpressed by the hNSCs differentiated on the different substrates, with the nanoparticle-hybrid condition having the maximal influence on expressionof neuron-specific genes. (f) Scheme depicting the significance of alignment and growth of axons from differentiating hNSCs. The hNSCs that can betransplanted into the injured region (lesion) of a spinal cord differentiate into neurons and glial cells (image on right). The axons from the neurons(derived from hNSCs) if aligned can hasten the recovery process. Our SiNP–GO hybrid structures can provide the ideal microenvironment to alignaxons that could potentially improve communication leading to rapid recovery of the injured spinal cord (image on left). (Reprinted with permissionfrom Ref 77. Copyright 2013 John Wiley and Sons)

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past decade, and now, several promising approachesare reaching in vivo and clinical therapies. In orderto effectively use nanoparticles for stem cell applica-tions, there are three requirements: high biocompati-bility, a multifunctional surface to enable conjugationof biomolecules, and properties to enable noninvasiveimaging. To this end, many different types of nanopar-ticle have been developed for stem cell applicationsincluding MNPs, SNPs, QDs, and hybrid nanopar-ticles that integrate multiple nanoparticles together.Each of these nanoparticles has its own unique prop-erties in terms of size, composition, biocompatibility,imaging capabilities, and possible side effects.

A majority of applications utilizing nanoparti-cles involve stem cell labeling and stem cell trackingin vivo. This is because nanoparticles have excellentintrinsic chemical and physical properties that allowefficient imaging after transplantation without anyadverse side effects on cells or patients. Perhaps, thegreatest feature that enables this is their small size,which allows them to remain inside the cells with-out causing any cellular damage. Furthermore, thereis another scope of application of nanoparticles thatinvolves delivery of nucleic acids and small molecules,which are otherwise difficult to deliver, into stem cellsfor differentiation. This opens up the door to test

almost any type of molecule, regardless if its physicaland chemical properties are not suitable for physio-logical environments. Furthermore, targeted deliveryinto specific intracellular organelles is achievable byadding targeting peptides on the nanoparticle surface.With all these advantages of nanoparticles, stem cellbiologists and clinicians have the ability to choose theproper nanoparticle for their specific application.

The major obstacle that is currently hinderingwidespread use of nanoparticle for clinical stem celluse is the possibility of nanoparticles accumulatingin organs and the possible side effects. Even thoughthe nanoparticles may be biocompatible, the effectof accumulating nanoparticles in specific organs aftertransplanting nanoparticles-loaded stem cells needs tobe addressed. With the recent development of hybridnanoparticles that have a synergistic and combina-torial effect in terms on delivery and imaging, thedevelopment of safer nanoparticles appears promis-ing. The future of utilizing nanoparticles for stemcell-based applications and clinical therapies is verybright. With a greater push for stem cell therapiesto treat numerous debilitating diseases and injuries,more resources are now geared toward developingtranslational nanoparticle-based platforms for stemcell medicine.


KiBum Lee acknowledges the NIH Director’s Innovator Award (1DP20D006462-01), NIH R21(1R21NS085569-01), New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord (CSR13ERG005), NSF CHE-1429062,CBET-1236508, and Busch Biomedical Grant Program for funding.

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