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Problem solving process quarter reflections

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Problem Solving Process Quarter 2 Reflections Sadhvi Darisipudi Professional Communications 4A 11/24/13
Page 1: Problem solving process quarter reflections

Problem Solving Process

Quarter 2 ReflectionsSadhvi Darisipudi Professional

Communications 4A 11/24/13

Page 2: Problem solving process quarter reflections

What did I learn?

I learned about the Problem Solving Process this quarter.

The Problem Solving Process is a six-step process that can be used to solve everyday problems.

It provides a method/technique that one can use to solve any problems, complex or simple.

I chose to do my Quarter Reflections on this topic because I felt like it would be something that I could use for the rest of my life, starting now.

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Step 1: Define the Problem

What is the problem? What is it that you must solve?

This is a very easy step in the Problem Solving Process.

You simply state the problem or what you need to fix/do.

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Example of Step 1

The Problem: My club (the art club) needs a way to raise money so that we can have enough money to buy supplies for our upcoming project (painting a mural).

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Step 2: Examine the Problem

Why is this problem occurring? Why am I not able to solve this problem

easily? In this part of the Problem Solving Process,

you must describe the root of the problem and why this is a problem that you must solve.

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Example of Step 2

This problem is occurring because our art club recently spent all of our funds on a party and now we do not have money to buy materials for the mural.

I am not able to easily solve this problem because the easy solution would have been using our funds, but we do not have any.

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Step 3: Develop a set of criteria to evaluate possible solutions

What must the solution achieve? What must the solution be able to do?

What are some things the solution cannot do? What is something it cannot be?

In this part of the Problem Solving Process, you must create a list of things your solution can and cannot be. This list will be used later on to evaluate solutions.

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Example of Step 3

Things the solution must do:- Must be a way to raise money

for my club- Must be practical Things the solution cannot be:- It cannot be illegal/ unethical- I cannot rely on the club fund

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Step 4: Brainstorm all the Potential Alternative Solutions

What are possible solutions to the problem? Brainstorm a list.

In this step of the Problem Solving Process, you must think of solutions to the problem. You do not necessarily have to use these solutions, they are just ideas.

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Example of Step 4

Possible solutions to raise money:- Hold a bake sale/ lemonade stand at

school- Sell all of the club members’ siblings- Sell paintings made from the very

little supplies we have left- Hold a gun up to a stranger and

demand money- Act like a hobo and beg for money

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Step 5: Assess all listed solutions

What are the pros or upsides of the listed solutions? What are the cons or downsides of the listed

solutions? Assessing the listed solutions helps narrow the

choices you have and will ultimately help find the ideal solution. It will help you see the pros and cons of each possible solution.

You can assess the possible solutions using the criteria developed in Step 3.

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Example of Step 5

I cannot sell the club members siblings or demand money at gunpoint because that is illegal.

I cannot act like a hobo because that is probably also illegal and is not practical.

This leaves holding a bake sale/ lemonade stand, or selling paintings made from the very little supplies we have left.

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Example of Step 5 (cont.) Pros and Cons of bake

sale/lemonade stand:- We would have to ask for

donations from the club members in order to have baked good or lemonade to sell.

- These types of sales at school tend to make lots of money.

Pros and Cons of selling paintings- The paintings may not be good

because we do not have many supplies left

- We do not have to ask for donations from the club members.

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Step 6: Determine the Best Solution

Which is the best solution of the listed ones? Why is it the best? What makes it the best? In this step of the Problem Solving Process,

you must choose a solution to the problem. It is important to understand why it is the best solution because you can then understand why the other ones were bad and this knowledge can be used when you must resolve similar problems.

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Example of Step 6

I think that the best solution to this problem is holding a bake sale or lemonade stand at school.

I say this because these methods have proven to raise a lot of money in the past and selling paintings is a new concept, so I cannot be sure that we will be able to make enough money.

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Why did I learn it?

I learned this because it is something that I will always need, both now and in the future.

I learned this so that I can better the methods that I already use to solve everyday problems.

I learned this so that I can improve myself and become a better problem-solver.

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What can I do with what I learned?

This information will come very useful in the future.

I will be able to use this techniques during my time at school, at work, in my personal life, etc.

The Problem Solving Process gives me an organized method to solve any problems which I will be able to use for the rest of my life.

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Works Cited Art Club. Digital image. Gallatin High School. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.


Bake Sale. Digital image. E-Patches and Crests. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <https://www.e-patchesandcrests.com/catalogue/patches/fundraising/S772_bakesale.jpg>.

Cartoon Character Painting Blank Slate. Digital image. Clker. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://www.clker.com/cliparts/V/s/K/O/Y/p/cartoon-character-painting-blank-slate-md.png>.

Chocolate Chip Cookies. Digital image. Becky Bakes. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://www.beckybakes.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/DSC_0004-3-500x500.jpg>.

Lemonade. Digital image. Timesunion.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://blog.timesunion.com/payitforward/files/2011/08/lemonade1.jpg>.

Money. Digital image. Freelance-Zone. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://freelance-zone.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/money.jpg>.

Paint Cans and Brush. Digital image. Jones Painting. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://www.wjonespainting.com/Paint_Cans_3.gif>.

"Problem Solving Process & Steps." Problem Solving Steps & Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/problem-solving/overview/overview.html>.

Problem Solving Process. N.p.: n.p., n.d. PDF. <http://ese.escambia.k12.fl.us/eval/psych/IST/Section%201-3%20Problem%20Solving.pdf>.
