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Problems Faced by Pakistan

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  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan



  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    Pakistan was established in 1947 and since its inception, it has been surroundedby countless issues. Despite it being rich on raw resources thus far Pakistan is adeveloping country with limited development in every era due to the problems itfaces. In the following text we will shed some light on some of the majorproblems faced today by Pakistan as a country.

  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    PovertyPovertyAccording to an analysisAccording to an analysisconducted by the governmentconducted by the governmentof Pakistan the poverty hasof Pakistan the poverty hasincreased roughly from 30%increased roughly from 30%to 40% during the pastto 40% during the pastdecade. Consider that ifdecade. Consider that if

    40%of a countrys population40%of a countrys populationis earning their life below theis earning their life below thepovertypoverty--line in which theline in which thepeople are deprived of basicpeople are deprived of basicnecessities of life such asnecessities of life such asclothing, shelter, food,clothing, shelter, food,education and medication,education and medication,

    such families and theirsuch families and theirchildren will be forced tochildren will be forced tothink of their survival only.think of their survival only.

  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    Low Literacy RateLow Literacy Rate

    Literacy is defined as persons aged 15 or above whoLiteracy is defined as persons aged 15 or above whocan read and write. According to this definition,can read and write. According to this definition,Pakistanis officially reported to have 50% literacyPakistanis officially reported to have 50% literacyrate. Which means half of its population is illiterate.rate. Which means half of its population is illiterate.

    With such family backgrounds, inflation, poverty andWith such family backgrounds, inflation, poverty andchild labor this rate is expected to increase in future.child labor this rate is expected to increase in future.Even for those who are termed as Literate are onlyEven for those who are termed as Literate are onlyable to read and write, which in todays technologyable to read and write, which in todays technologyoriented world is still considered as illiteracy. Majorityoriented world is still considered as illiteracy. Majority

    of the people forming the top controlling tier is almostof the people forming the top controlling tier is almostunaware of technologies and technical mindset. Thus,unaware of technologies and technical mindset. Thus,causing the country to adopt the new technologies at acausing the country to adopt the new technologies at asnails speedsnails speed.

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    Solution to IlliteracySolution to Illiteracy

    ImplementationImplementation instead ofinstead ofprojecting policies, should beprojecting policies, should befocused on. Allocation of fundsfocused on. Allocation of fundsshould be made easy fromshould be made easy fromprovinces to districts and thenprovinces to districts and then

    to educational institutes.to educational institutes.Workshops must be arrangedWorkshops must be arrangedforfor teachers.teachers. TechnicalTechnicaleducation must be given to alleducation must be given to all

    the classes. Education is thethe classes. Education is the

    only cure of theonly cure of the instabilityinstability in thein the

    state and can bring revolutionstate and can bring revolution

    through evolution,through evolution, by eradicatingby eradicatingthe social evilsthe social evils..

  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    Corruption & PoliticalCorruption & PoliticalInstabilityInstability

    Pakistan is suffering from a fatal problemPakistan is suffering from a fatal problemknown as Establishment. Every vitalknown as Establishment. Every vitaldepartment in Pakistan is controlled by thedepartment in Pakistan is controlled by theso called Establishment. Establishment is aso called Establishment. Establishment is anetwork of key positions in almost all thenetwork of key positions in almost all thedepartments in the country. This networkdepartments in the country. This networkprovides support and safe backing to theirprovides support and safe backing to their

    touts to ensure that they remain in control.touts to ensure that they remain in control.The roots of this establishment may veryThe roots of this establishment may verywell be deep inside underworld and secretwell be deep inside underworld and secretagencies of the dominating nations.agencies of the dominating nations.

    It is interesting to note that due to theIt is interesting to note that due to theinternational interference and manipulationinternational interference and manipulationthe very same people that we label asthe very same people that we label ascorrupt just sometime ago, blame andcorrupt just sometime ago, blame andrebuke, come back to govern us after arebuke, come back to govern us after acouple of years again and people welcomecouple of years again and people welcome

    them with open arms. A common Englishthem with open arms. A common Englishsaying goes as fool me once, shame on you,saying goes as fool me once, shame on you,fool me twice, shame on me.fool me twice, shame on me.

    This is probably also the main reason whyThis is probably also the main reason whythe political process in Pakistan is not let tothe political process in Pakistan is not let toprosper. Soon after its inception the sincereprosper. Soon after its inception the sincereand loyal politicians were removed from theand loyal politicians were removed from themain stream and only dummy agents andmain stream and only dummy agents andrubber stamps are put in place, while all therubber stamps are put in place, while all thedecisions are made outside the country.decisions are made outside the country.

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    Corruption is one of the biggest problems faced by the countryCorruption is one of the biggest problems faced by the country

  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    Electricity crisisElectricity crisis

    For years, the matter of balancing Pakistan's supply against theFor years, the matter of balancing Pakistan's supply against thedemand for electricity has remained a largely unresolved matter.demand for electricity has remained a largely unresolved matter.Pakistan faces a significant challenge in revamping its networkPakistan faces a significant challenge in revamping its networkresponsible for the supply of electricity.responsible for the supply of electricity.

    While the government claims credit for overseeing a turnaround inWhile the government claims credit for overseeing a turnaround in

    the economy through a comprehensive recovery, it has just failed tothe economy through a comprehensive recovery, it has just failed tooversee a similar improvement in the quality of the network foroversee a similar improvement in the quality of the network forelectricity supply. Contrary to Pakistani government and expatriateelectricity supply. Contrary to Pakistani government and expatriateclaims, Pakistan suffers from a massive electricity shortage.claims, Pakistan suffers from a massive electricity shortage.Electricity generation in Pakistan has shrunk by 50% in recent yearsElectricity generation in Pakistan has shrunk by 50% in recent yearsdue to an overreliance on hydroelectric power.due to an overreliance on hydroelectric power.

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    Electricity is often absent in most parts of the countryElectricity is often absent in most parts of the country

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  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan



  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    Major Causes ofUnemploymentMajor Causes ofUnemployment

    in Pakistan:in Pakistan:

    The basic cause of unemployment in Pakistan is its higher growthrate of population. Because of this reason government and otherinstitutions are failing to create sufficient job opportunities inPakistan

    Law and order situation in the country is also a big issue. Karachi is

    the business hub and the biggest city of Pakistan. However, due touncertainty and violence in the city investors are reluctant to invest.

    Political instability is another major reason for low or lack of jobs inPakistan.

    Our educational system is also guilty for mounting unemploymentrate among the educated youth because the approach of our youth

    towards career choice is unrealistic and unproductive. Lack of facilities and infrastructure in the energy sector alsoprevents the industrialists from setting up new industries in thecountry.

    Policy makers have not handled things in appropriate manners, as aresult jobs in Pakistan are less but job seekers are more than that.

  • 8/8/2019 Problems Faced by Pakistan


    TerrorismTerrorismThe whole world looks at Pakistan as aThe whole world looks at Pakistan as aland of terrorists. Main reason being anland of terrorists. Main reason being anexploitation through the religiousexploitation through the religiousleaders and reaction of the militaryleaders and reaction of the militaryoperations both internally as well asoperations both internally as well asexternally. China is getting 13 billionexternally. China is getting 13 billiondollars as foreign investment becausedollars as foreign investment becauseof its stable and investorof its stable and investor--friendlyfriendly

    environment where as even tourists areenvironment where as even tourists areafraid to visit Pakistan due to theafraid to visit Pakistan due to thesecurity concerns.security concerns.

    Even smaller countries like Romania andEven smaller countries like Romania andPhilippines are getting a lot of foreignPhilippines are getting a lot of foreigninvestments.investments.

    There needs to be a big shift in theThere needs to be a big shift in themind set. Pakistani people should movemind set. Pakistani people should move

    away from the clutches of the religiousaway from the clutches of the religiousfanatics and must realize what is bestfanatics and must realize what is bestfor them and their country.for them and their country.

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