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PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LENAWEE COUNTY, … Meeting Documents... · 2010. 12. 29. ·...

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PROCEEDINGS BOARD O F COMMISSIONERS LENAWEE COUNTY, MICHIGAN MELVIN RODESILER - Chairman M. M. Halley - Vice-Chaizman PA'TRICIA J. JOHNSTON- Clerk Published By Qrder Of the Board Len. Co. Printing Dept.



    MELVIN RODESILER - Chairman M. M. Halley - Vice-Chaizman PA'TRICIA J. JOHNSTON- Clerk

    Published By Qrder Of the Board

    Len. Co. Printing Dept.





    WAYS G MEANS: Brown, Benner, Fish, Zilke, Hull EQUALIZATION: Fish, Hull, Hammonhee, Whelan, Twiss, Zillce, Mac-

    key LENAWEE YOUTH CENTER G COURTS: Hull, ICackstetter, Halley COUNTY WELFARE: Griffin, Glaser, Twiss, Benner, Hammonhee SHERIFF'S ACCOUNTS: Benner, Brown, Halley DEPARTMENTAL: ICackstetter, Cartwright, Hauch ASSESSMENT ROL.LS G APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES: Twiss, Robaclt,

    Flippo, Griffin, Whelan, Ca rmigh t , Purkey, Ferris, Leon PUBLIC BUILDINGS G GROUNDS: Z ike , Mackey, Fish COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Glaser, Hammonhee, ICaclotetter,

    Whelan, Fish DRAINS G LAICE IEVEL.: Brown, Cartwright, Griffin PRINTING: FlipPo, Leon, Halley COUNTY LIBRARY: Hauch, Hull, Zillce LLGISLATIVE: Roback, Ferris, Hallcy COUNTY ROADS: Mackey, Roback, Hauch STOClC CLAIMS: Flippo, Purkey, Fenis EXTENSION COMMITTEE: Whelan, Cartwight, Griffin VETERANS' AFFAIRS: Robaclc, Glaser, L.eon COUNTY PLANNING G ZONING: Twiss, Mackey, Brown, Purkey, Glaser COUNTY AIRPORT: Hammonhee, Purkey, Hauch





    'Tuesday, January Sth, 1971

    'The Board of Commissioners of Lenawee County met a t the Court House in the City of Adrian on 'Tuesday, January S t h , 1971 for the purpose of organization.

    The Board was called to order by Patricia J. Johnston, County Clerk, and roll call was taken with the following members present: (20)

    District 1: M. M. Halley (ABSENT) Dishict 2: Ronald Brown District 3: Clarence Ferris, Jr. District 4: Hal Benner District 5: Roy Griffin District 6: Fay A. Whelan District 7: Richard L. Pwkey District 8: William E. Mackey Dish.ict 9: Stacy Zilke Dishict 10: Memill Hull District 11: Russel W. Roback Dishict 12 : Pilar Leon, Jr . District 13: Arthur L. Twia Distvict 14: Lewis Glasev District 15: Carl E. ICackstetter Disbict 16: Hugh Flippo District 17: Oscar F. Hauch District 18: Wayne Fish District 19: Lowell I

  • officers.

    Correspondence was read.

    Comm. Hull moved that the minutes for the December meeting be

    approved as received by the members in the mail. The motion carried.

    The Clerlr announced that tlle time had arrived for nominations for the office of Chairman of the Board for this calendar year. Comm. Twiss

    placed the name of Melvin Rodesiler in nomination. The same was se-

    conded. Comm. I(ac1tstetter moved that if there were no further nomina-

    tions that they be declared closed and the Clerk be instructed to casta unanimous ballot for Melvin Rodesiler as Chairman. Comm. Brown se-

    conded and the motion carried.

    The Clerk then hlrned the gavel over to the newly elected Chairman

    who addressed the Board briefly and then announced nominations wer'e in

    order for Vice.Chairman. Comm. Benner presented the name of M. M. I-laliey. Comm. I(ac1rstctter seconded. Comm. Roback presented the name of Hugh Flippo and Comm. Glaser seconded. Comm. Glaser moved that if there were no iurUler nominations that they be declared closed and the motion carried. The Chairman appointed Commissioners Brown and Roback as tellers and a secret ballot was had.

    During the tallying of the vote, District Judge ICerby introduced the newly appointed District Court Judge, C. Ralph ICohn, to the Board who made a few remarlrs.

    The Chairman reminded the old committees that they should meet and audit the December monthly bills for approval a t the next regular

    meeting and new committees would be announced a t that time.

    Comm. Robad< announced the result of tbc vote. M. M. Halley, 13 and Hugh Flippo, 7 and M. M. Halley was declared electedvice-chair- man.

    The Chairman introduced Lewis Ruesink, Chairman of the Michigan

    Townsliip Association who briefly addressed the Board.

    Comm. Glaser reminded (lie Board that the term of Fay Whelan on the Board of I-Iealth expires this month and reminded the chair that some-

    one should be appointed for a five year term a t the January Session. He

    also aslred for a meeting of the Health Committee immediately following

    this morning's session.

    Comm. Hull reminded the Board that the convention for State,

  • County and Iownsl~ip Officers was January 13, 14 and 15 and moved that the next regular meeting of this Board be changed to Tuesday, January

    12th a t 10 A.M. I l ~ e motion was seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Zillce moved that the Rules and Regulations covering the past Board be adopted to govan the present Board. Comm. Roback seconded

    and the motion carried.

    'The Chahman reminded the Board that the question of salaries should

    be taken up at the January Session. Comm. Hull moved that the Chair appoint a committee to look into this matter and present its' findings a t

    the January 12th meeting. A discussion followed and the motion canied.

    Comm. Roback moved that each individual member put their own

    opinion regarding salaries in writing and present same to this Committee

    for their consideration. The motion carried.

    Chairman Rodesilcr especially welcomed the new members to the

    Board and asked some of the older members to show them around the Court House and introduce them to the heads of the various departments to help

    acquaint them with their new job.

    On molion of Comm. Benner the Board took a recess until Tuesday,

    January 12th at 10 A.M. MELVIN RODBILER, Chairman


    Tuesday, January 12th, 1971

    The Board met pursuant to adjournment.

    ROLL CALL: A l l members present.

    At this tjme, Circuit Judge Rex B Martin, inlroduced the Rev. Virgil Oyer who will be tbe new Directo~ of the Voluniee~s in Probation. He is

    the former pastor of the Evangelical Mennonite Church, he addressed the Board briefly and then gave the Invocation.

    Comm. Roback moved that the minutes as mailed to each member

    of the Board be approved as received and the motion carried.

    The Chairman then announced the Committee assignments. (Seepage


    Comm. Brown from the Committee on Ways and Means reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hull moved the bills he paid

    and the motion carried.

  • Comm. Null from the Committee from Maurice Spear Campus rr-

    ported bacli claims and recommended payment. Comn~. Twiss moved the

    bill; be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Benner from the Sheriff's Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hauch moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. ZiUe from the Committee on Building and Grounds reported

    back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hull moved the bills

    be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Glaser from the Committee on Health and Contagious Dis-

    eases rcported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Kack- stetter moved the bills be paid and the motion carried. He then announ-

    ced that they had hired a new Health Director, Dr. Roy Highsmith, that would begin his duties April 15th, 1971. Also, that they had a new T.B. Consultant, Dr. Rodney Bentz and that the Environmental Engineer had le i t to go back to school to get his Master's Degee and they would be

    looking lor a replacement. He requested that the matter of an election of a member to t l ~ e Health Board be made a special order of business for this afternoon and the request was granted.

    Comm. Griffin from the Committee on Drains reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Halley moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. llalley reported back claims from the Printing Department

    and recommended payment. Comm. Maclcey moved the bills be paid ,

    and the motion canied.

    Comm. Nauch announced that Mrs. Risling was back driving the

    Bookmobile a t the library.

    Comm. Mackey from the Road Committee announced that Mr. Mills

    Swick had been chosen the new Chairman of the Road Commission a t a

    recent organizational meeting.

    Comm. Flippo from the Stock Claims Committee reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. ICackstetter moved the bills he paid and ilir motion carried.

    Comm. Whelan from the Extension Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be paid and

    the motion carried. He then requested that the petty cash in that depart- ment be raised to $25.00. Comm. ZiUce moved that this request be

  • granted and tbe motion carried.

    Comm. Roback asked for a meeting of the Veterans' Committee nf te~ this morning's session. Comm. Iwiss asked for a meeting of the Planning Committee.

    Comm. Hammonhee from the Airport Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hauch movgd the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hull from the Committee on Courts reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Mackey moved that the Board recess a t noon and reconvene a t 3 P.M. to allow all the members who cared to to attend the funeral of Arthur Eaton. The motion cawied.

    Comm. Zilke announced that a representative from Daverman Asso- ciates would be a t the February 10th meeting to bring the Board up to dnte on building plans. Comm. Zillce also announced that the State Social Services would be putting i n a refreshment stand in the main lobby to be manned by a disabled person. This installation a t the expense of the State and asked the Board for confirmation. Comm. Griffin moved that i t be allowed, the motion was seconded, a discussion followed and the motion carried. He then explained the law that made i t impossible to remove the ramp from the Veterans' Building enhance as had been requested.

    Comm. Roback invited all new members to tour the Veterans' Office during the noon recess.

    Comm. Hammonbee announced that when warmer weather arrived he would arrange for a tour of the airport facilities.

    Comm. ICackstetter from the Departmental Committee called atten- tion to the report on each commissioner's desk which was the yearly re- port of the County Clerk showing total amount of money handled during the calendar year of 1970 of $139,950.49. He then moved that the report be accepted and placed on file. Comm. Halley seconded and the motion ca~ried.

    Don Mitchell, the County Drain Commissioner, addressed the Board regarding the stahis of the various drain projects th~oughout the county and also referred to the copies of resolutions on each. Comm. Zilke then pre- sented the following resolution and moved its adoption:

    WHEREAS, the Lenawee County Drain Commissioner, being the duly

  • designnted County Agant fo? Act 342, Public Acts of 1939, as amended,

    bas made application !or State and Federal grants in aid of construction foi a wastewatei treatment plant: and a c o l l r c t ~ r sewerage sy3tem planned

    and designed to be installed i n and to serve the Village of Deerfield, L.enawee Counly, Michigan, further identified in State and Federal Re- cords as Rojec t No. WPC-Mich-1606, and

    WFEREAS, a federal and state grant offer was made on December 11,

    1970 in the amount of $406,945.00 represenling 5506 of Ule estimated

    eligible costs of $739,900.00 for conshuction of said sewage treatment

    worl{s project; 536,990.00 of the amount being federal grant offered re- presenting 596 of tl,c estimated eligible project costs, and

    WHEREAS, said state and federal grant offer was signed and accepted by the duly designated county agency on behalf of the County of Lenawce

    on Deceniber 15, 1970, and WHEREAS, a state g a n t of $187,684.00 was offered on December 21,

    1970 far the construction of collector sewers in said project identified as

    WPC-CS-89, under Act 159, Michigan Public Acts of 1969, AND WHEREAS, said state grant offer for collector sewers was signed

    nncl accepted by the duly designated county agency on behalf of the

    CorznLy of Lenawee on December 23, 1970, and

    WHEREAS, a resolution dated November 18, 1970 was adopted by

    this board authorizing the corunty agency to accept al l state and federal

    grant offers expected to be forthcoming for said project, NOW THEREFORE, be i t hereby resolved &at Donald E. Mitchell,

    L.enawee County Drain Commissioner, (he duly designated County Agency,

    is authorized to sign for andaccept the Federaland State grant funds in the amounts specified in the formal grant offers adjusted to conform with the

    amount autl~orized for actual costs of construction of that certain project Iwown as Lenawee County Sewerage System No. 2 (Village of Deerfield) WPC-Mich-1606 and WPC-CS-89. The motion carried by the following

    roll call vote: YEAS: Bem~er, Brown, Ca rmigh t , Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glaser, Griffin, Halley, Hammonhee, Hauch, Hull, I

  • identified in State and Federal recoids as Project WPC-Mich-1626, and WHEREAS, a federal grant offer in the amount of $24,150.00 was

    made on December 11, 1970, repiesenting 596 of the estimated eligible construction costs of said project, and

    WHEREAS, Said counly agency did sign and accept both Federal and State grant oIferers on December 28, 1970, and

    WHEREAS, a resolution dated November 18, 1970 was adopted by this board authorizing the county agency to accept all state and federal grant offers expected to be forthcoming for said project,

    NOW 'IWREFORE, be i t resolved that Donald E. Mitchell, Lenawee County Drain Commissioner, the duly designated County Agency,isau- ti~orized to sign for and accept the Fede~al and Stat? grant funds in the amounts specified in the formal @ant offers dated December 11, 1970 and December 15, 1970 and as may be later adjusted to conform with the a- mount authorized for actual cost of construction of that cc~ ta in pro,ject known as Lenawee County sewerage System (City of Hudson) WPC-Mich- 1626. ?he motion canied by the following roll call vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Cartwight, Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glaser, Griffin, Halley, I-Iam- montree, Hauch, Hull, I

  • conded, a discussion e-xplaining their function followed and the motion

    carried. .. -. Comm. M-&I& moved that the Board Chairman be notified of and

    invited to AL.1 special committee meetings called by the various chair-

    men. The motion carried.

    Comm. Flippo called for a report from the special commissioner's

    salary committee. Comm. Fish, as Cllairman announced that the other

    members were Commissioners I(ackstetter, Hauch, Purkey and Mackey and tllat they learned through the Prosecuting Attorney that any salary chai,ges would have to be made before the approval of the budget in Oct-

    ober and further t l ~ a t out of tlie tentative suggestions tlley had received

    only five bad sbown any desire to have the salaries changed, therefore, they were recommending no changes for the calendar year. Comm. Grif- f in moved that tile report of the Committee be accepted and that no

    changes be made a t tbis time but that the committee continue to function

    toward the next calendar year. The motion carried.

    On motion of Comm. Benner the Board toolr a recess until this after-

    noon a t 3 P.M.


    ROLL CALL: 18 members present. Commissioners Flippo, Hull and Maclrey absent.

    Comm. Benner then presented a resolution in honor of Leland Brighton

    for his years of service on the Welfare Board and moved that i t be placed on file and a copy sent to his family. The motion carried.

    The Chairman announced that the time for the special order having

    arrived, nominations for a five year term on the Health Board were in or-

    der. Comm. Glasei nominated Faye Whelan for this term. Comm. Ferris

    nominated Hugh Rippo. Comm. Brown moved that if there were no fur-

    ther nominations they be declared closed. The motion carried.

    The Chairman appointed Commissioners Roback and L.eon as tellers and a secret ballot was had. Comm. Leon reported Fay Whelan received

    12 votes, Hugh Flippo 4 votes and Willimn Macbey 1 vote and Faye Whe- Inn would be declared a member of the Healti1 Bozrd for a five year term.

    Comm. Robaclr from che Veterans Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved that Ole bills he paid

    and the motion carried. He then gave a report from Lhe Veterans' Office

  • ?he Chairman announced that a representative from Parkins, Rodgers and Parkins would be present at Ule February 10th meeting toexplain their latest summary on Law Enforcement.

    'The matter of Morris Rosenthal's term on the Planning Commission was discussed. Comm. Zilhe moved that the Chairman and the Chairman Pro-'Tem look into this matter of his continuing on the Commission even though he is no longer a County Commissioner and report a t the next meeting. d'he motion carried.

    I h e Clerk was requested to by and get a date for the next Dishict Meeting that is to be lleld in Branch County, a call to the County Clerk related that the tentative date is Februa~y 3rd in Coldwater.

    At this time Sheriff Germond addressed the Board and said the Deputy Dog Warden was Ralph Graham and other matters regarding dog laws were discussed. It is his intention to get copies of the law to theTownship Sup- ervisors to outline their responsibilities in these matters.

    On motion of Comm. Griffin theBoard took a recess until Wednesday, February 10th a t 10 A.M.



    Airport Printing Ways G Means Health Contagious Diseases 193.00 Buildings G Grounds 3,074.43 Drain 279.54 Justice G Coroner 362.00 Veterans 615.44 Extension 471.22 Stock 485.89 Civil Defense 34.10 Sheriff 4,020.27 Maurice Spear Campus 4,302.09 Stock (Dog Warden) 165.60

    Total $ 27.127.21


  • Wednesday, February 10t11, 1971

    The Board met pursuant to adjournment.

    ROLI. CALI: All members present.

    The Rev. C. N. Stevenson, Pastor of the First Christian Church gave the invocation.

    Comm. Twiss moved that the minutes as received by the Board be

    approved as presented.

    Correspondence was read.

    Comm. Halley moved that the Clerk continue to use her own judg-

    ment on sending flowers and remembrances to the sick and deceased as they relate to this Board. The motion canied.

    Comm. Zillce then introduced Mr. Dave Toulous, an architect from Daverman Associates who explained the preliminary plans they has pre-

    pared for a new Court House. A lengthy discussion followed.

    Comm. Brown fr.om the Ways and Means Committee reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved the bills be

    paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hull from the Committee from the Maurice Spear Campus

    reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved

    the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hull from d>e Committee on Courts reported back claims and

    recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be paid and the

    motioli carried.

    Comm. Bemer fi.om the Sl,eriffls Committee reported back claim?

    and bills for meals for the month of January, 1971 and recommended pay-

    ment. Comm. Rnkey moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Benncr &om the Civil Deieusc Committee then reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hauch moved the bills be paid and the motion carried. He then calledattention to the information

    on each commissioner's desk regarding Law Enforcement Planning Council

    and asked the members to study i t for discussion a t the afternoon session.

    Comm. Glaser from the Health Committee reported back claims and

    recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved the bills be paid and the

    motion carried.

  • Comm. Brown from the Committee on Drains reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Mackey moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Flippo f ~ o m the Committee on Printing reported back claims

    and ~ecommended payment. Comm. Benner moved the bills be paid and

    the motion carried.

    Comm. Flippo from the Stock Claims Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Ferris moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Wi~elan from the Extension Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Mackey moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hammanbee from the Airport Committee leported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hauch moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Brown presented the following resolutioi: and moved its adop- tion:

    BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF LENAWE COUNTY, MICHIGAN That the Board of County Commissioners of Lena- wee County, Michigan in accordance with the request of Donald E. Mit- chell, County Agent, hereby approves the sale of $226,000.00 County of Lenawee Waste Water Disposal Facility Bonds (City of Hudson Section) to First National Bank of Chicago, Illinois at a net interest of 4.3472396.

    Comm. Griffin seconded and the resolution passed by the following roll call vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Cartwright, Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glas-. er, Griffin, Halley, Hammonkee, Hauch, Hull, I

  • brief discussion followed.

    Comm. Hull moved that inasmuch as the Sheriff was now Dog War-

    den, t l~a t the Stocl< Claims Committee be abolished and this Committee be absorbed by tlie Sheriff's Committee. Comm. Brown seconded and a

    lengthy discussion followed including the legality of the sibation. Comm. Halley moved the motion be tabled, Comm. Twiss seconded and

    the motion carried.

    Comm. Brown then addressed the Board and moved that a special

    checking account be established for the Office of the Friend of Lhe Court

    in the amount of $350.00 to cover checks of insuificicnt funds until the Courts could find the lespondent and replace the money. Comm. Zillce

    seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Brawn then introduced Circuit Judge Martin who explained to tl)e Board that in order tocomply with the State Statute regarding divorces

    drat: i t was imperative that he have an exlia investigator and secretarial

    I>elp in the Friend oi the Court's Office for the preliminary home and fi-

    nancial reports tliat are needed before temporary orders and permanent

    judgments can be granted in his Court. Comm. Brown then moved that the 1971 Budget be amended to add $7,000.00 for an investigator for the

    balance of this year (full yewly salary to be $8,344.00) and $975.00

    exha clerk hire for the balance of the year in order to instigate this pro- gram. Comm. Twiss seconded and a discussion followed. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Cart- wright, Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glaser, Griffin, Halley, Hammontree,

    Hauch, Hull, ICackstetter, Leon, Mackey, Purkey, Roback, Rodesiler,

    Twiss, Wlielan and Zilke (21). NAYS: None.

    On motion of Comm. Hammonhee the Board took a recess until this

    afternoon a t 1:30 P.M.


    ROLI CALL: All members present.

    Comm. Roback from the Veterans' Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Hauch moved the bills be paid and tlie motion carried. He then called attention to the monthly report on each commissioner's desk. He remarked that the legislative Committee had contacted our four representatives and two senators to beep us inform- ed of happenings in Lansing and to attend our meetings whenever possible. Me had received replies from both Senator Fleming and Bursley and Re-

  • presentatives Folks and Mowat.

    Comm. Benner from the Committee on Marine reported backclaims and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Benner presented the following resolution and moved its adoption:

    WHEREAS, there is a demonstrated need fox the establishment of a permanent regional council of county and city governments to provide a forum for discussion and study of law enforcement and criminal justice, problems of muhral interest and concern, and to facilitate the formula- tion, development, coordination and execution of policies and programs for the solution of such problems; and

    WHEREAS, in order to develop the most economical and effective solutions for lawenforcement and criminal justice problems and yet retain maximum local autonomy, local units of government must demonstiate a willingness and an ability to plan and act cooperatively wid, other units of government in their region; and

    WHEREAS, where jointly administered programs appear to provide the most effective solutions to law enforcement and criminal justice pro- blems, joint planning and cooperation will be requited to qualify far available federal and state financial assistance programs; and

    WHEREAS, the Urban Coope~ation Act of 1967, being P.A. 1967, Ex. Sess., No. 7, authorizes the joint exercise by inter-local agreement behveen hyo or more public agencies of any power common to them; and

    WHEREAS, an irlterlocal agreement has been drafted and the govern-.

    mental entities which are eligible to become parties thereto posoess in common the power to study, discuss and execute programs to solve pro- blems in the area of law enforcement and criminal justice;

    NOW IEEREFORE BE I? RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lenawee, State of Michigan,

    SECTION 1. That said Lenawee County Board of Commissioners of the County of Lenawee, State of Michigan does hereby enter into and adopt the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH A REGION 2 LAW ENFORCEMEN? PLANNING COUNCIL and pledges its:support and cooperation to and with such other eligible counties, cities and villages as may from time to time also enter into the agreement.

    SECTION 2. That the Counly Cleric be and hereby is authorized and directed to fonva~'d certified copies of this resolution to all other eligible local units of government.

    Comm. Halley seconded and the motion carried.

  • Comm. Hull presented the following resolution and moved its adop-

    tion: WHEREAS, Mr. James Gerity, Jr. has presented to the County of

    Ienawee a building to be used as a County Museum to be sponsored and maintained by the Iennwce County Historical Society,

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That, we, the I.enawee County Board

    of Commissioners, assembled this tenth day of February, 1971 DO 1-ERE- BY WISI-I to thank Mr. James Gerity, Jr . , for his generous presentation of

    this buildi,,g which will he used as a museum for the good of al l the

    pecple of t l~ is County and many visitors from other counties and states.

    W e feel sure this will add to the continuing history and culture of this County.

    FLIRTHER BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to Mr . James Gerity, J r . and to the L,enawee County Historical Commission. Comm. Griffin seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hull then referred the committee to a resolution presented i n

    December, 1970 rrgardiug the Volunteers in Probation program whereby a

    part of the resolution was notconsidered and inorder to be eligible for any outside fnnds the resollition would have to be passed in full. He therefore moved that tbe December 9th resolution be amended t o include the iol- lowing paragraph:

    BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the proposed budget figure of $15,000.

    is to be interpreted as a commitment of Lhis county to pay 40% of the cast of establishment and operation of this new division for 1971 until the

    amount expended by this County reaches the said maximumof 515,000.00 and that said judges be authorized to apply for and receive grants for such establishment and operation. Comm. Fish seconded, adiscussion followed

    and the motion carried by voice vote.

    Comm. Flippo suggested that the Building and Grounds Committee

    have the old signs removed from the Commercial Bndc Building that now

    belongs to l be county and same will be done when the weathe? permits.

    Comm. Zilke from the Building and Grounds Committee reported

    back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Mackey moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Zilke from the Building and GroundsCommittee referred back to the morning discussion regarding a new Comt House and asked the

    members to study the information they had been given and be ready to discuss i t a t the regular March Meeting.

    The Chairman asked for a report from members who attended the 9th

  • District Meeting in Coldwater and Comm. Twiss remarked on the very fine presentation U~ey heard regarding pollution and several others gave their opinions. 1t was moved by Comm. Roback and seconded by Comm. 1-lauch that Ule matter be referred to the Planning Committee to have tile presentation made to the entire Board and make i t open to the public for viewing and discussion. The motion carried.

    The Chair announced Lhat Commissioners Hauch and Mackey would be representatives f ~ o m this group to the monthly meeting of theMichigan Township's Association meetings that are held the third Monday of each month a t the Palmpa Fire Hall.

    Comm. Brown inlroduced Mi. Dale Metty, Supervisor from Cam- bridge ?ownship that was a representative from the Michigan 'Township Group for this meeting.

    The Chair appointed Comm. Hull to the special fact finding com- mittee that had been operating within the Board attemptingtomake pro-

    jected plans for five to ten years into the future and expiessed the hope thaL they would be active.

    Mr. Mills Swick, Chairman of the Lenawee County Road Commission addressed the Board biiefly on tlie progress the road commission was mak- ing on Townsiiip Roads.

    The announcement was made tilere would have to be an appointment as County Civil Defense Duector to replace the late John Saling which would be done a t the f u m e date.

    Comm. Brown moved that the 1971 budget be amended to include a $3,600.00 item to be used for over-time for the Prosecuting Attorney (also part-time help) in connection with the extra work involved with Dis- tIict Court paper work. This matter was over-loolred at the regular bud- get session and U,is motion would co r~ec t that error. The motion was se- conded by Comm. Benner and the motion carried.

    Comm. Brown then introduced the Sheriff who explained that the budget as alloted him for 1971 for the purchase of new cars was not ade- quate and explained the reasons why, the life-time of the cars and a dis- cussion followed. Comm. Brown moved Ulat (he budget be amended to add $3,000.00 to this fund, Comm. Halley seconded and the motion caz- ried.

    Comm. Hull then addressed the Board regarding the new Iraffic Saie- ty School that would be operating out of the Vo-7ech School and in con-

  • junction with the Courts. The statutory members on the Board for this

    school are the Superintendent of the Intermediate School District, Mr. Milton Porter, Superintendent of the largest school district, Carlo Hein- ICennen, Prosecuting Attorney, Harvey l

  • Health Printine - Drain Buildine and Gi.ounds - Maurice Spear Campus 4; 352.88 Ways and Means 7,258.06 Extension 348.13 Civil Defense 34.10 Marine Law 33.15 Sheriff 16,982.52

    'Total $ 45,791.08


    Wednesday, March 10tl1, 1971

    The Board met pursuant to adjournment.

    ROLL CALL: 21 Members present.

    At this time the Rev. Warren Sheiman Gom t l~e Free Methodist Church, Adrian, Michigan gave the invocation.

    Comm. Griffin moved that the minutes as received by each member of the Commission be approved as presented. Comm. Purkey seconded and the motion carried.

    Communications were read, including tile resignation of John 11. l

  • for the year 1970 of $68,622.35 and moved that it be accepted and plac-

    ed on file. Comm. Hauch seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Kackstettei then presented the yearly report from the County Treasurer's Office, showing General Fund cash receipts of $475,269. 81, and County's Share of Tax Collections to the General Fund of $92,272.64 making a total of $568,242.45 and moved that i t be accepted and placed on file. Comm. Twiss seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Zilke from the Committee on Building and Grounds reported

    back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Malley moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Glaser from the Committee on Health and Contagious Dis-

    eases reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Flippo moved that the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Flippo irom the Printing Committee reported back claims and

    recommended payment. Comm. Leon moved the bills be allowed and the motion carried.

    Comm. Flippo from tlic Stock Claims Committee reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Whelan from the Extension Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Mackey moved the bills be paid and tile motion carried.

    Comm. Robnclr from the Veterans' Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Ieon moved the bills be paid and tile motion carried. I-te then requested a meeting with the Building and Grounds CommiLtee after the morning's session.

    Comm. Twiss asked for a meeting of tile County Planning Committee

    after Illis morning's session.

    Comm. Hammontree irom ihe Airport Committee reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Purkey moved the bills be allowed and tile motion carried. Me then referred to the copy of the rules and regulations for the airport that each Commissioner had on his desk and

    asked that they study i t and be ready to act on it a t the April session.

    Comm. Twiss addressed the Board regarding a Townrhip meeting he

    had attended and asked for comments from the Board as to the extent they felt the County should become involved in problemsat the Townslxip level.

  • A lengthy discussion followed with various members expressing their opin- ions.

    Comm. Zillre from the Building and Grounds Committee told the Board that there were some surplus generators fiom the old Maple Lane Manor and he moved that Madison and Palmyra Township each be given one to be used for emergencies anywhere in the County. Comm. Benne~ seconded and the motion canied.

    He then explained the vacant lot next to District Court, that is "un- improved" does not belong to the County but the owner was willing to rent it to the County for the yearly taxes and he moved that this offer be rejected. Comm. Mackey seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Zilke then announced that the air-conditioner a t the Jail had burned out and they had authorized the purchase of a new one.

    The Chairman introduced Rep. John Mowat, Jr. who blougl~t the Board up to date as to Ule latest legislation and matters before the legis- lature a t this time and urged them once again to keep him informed on their feelings regarding various bills so that he can more ably represent the


    At this time, Chairman Melvin Rodesiler presented anengaved gavel to past Chairman Brown for his year of se~vice on fie Board as a memento of the many times he had to use it.

    On motion of Comm. Brown the Board took a recess until this alter- noon at 1:30 P.M.


    ROLL CALL: 20 members present. Comm. Hammontree absent.

    Sheiiff Richard Gcrmond introduced Sgt. Milton Jury and M r . Charles Glennon who explained Lenawee County's status as to the Civil Defense Progcam and their suggeslions for immediate and future status. A lengthy question and answer period followed. Comm. Benner moved that Sheriff Richard Germond be appointed Interim Director of Civil Defense and be authorized to act as purchasing agent for surplus government property. Griffin seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Griffin then moved that the matter be referred tolhe Sheriff's Committee for further shldy and the motion carried.

    At this time Comm. Flippo moved that the following resolutionsas

  • read by the Clerk be adopted as presented:

    WHEREAS, the County of Ienawee has an active Civil Defense organ- ization eligible to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program, and

    WHEREAS, i t is a requirement that a resolution be adopted by the governing body specifically designating an individual to be responsible for

    accepting Federal Surpltls Property, sucll individual to be empowered with

    full authority to sign for Surplus Property, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, titat tllc IenaweeCounty Board

    of Commissioners, State of Michigan, hereby designates Sheriff Richard

    Cermond, Interi~n Civil Defense Director as the person responsible for nccepting Federal Surplus Properly, with the power and full auli~oiily to

    sign for such S~irplus Pioperry,

    That money is available to pay the service cl~arges on surplus proper-

    ty received. That Sheriff Richard Cerrnond is further Bereby authorized to direct

    the payment of such Surplus Properly service charges in order to complete

    each Wansaction. Comm. Hauch seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Bennec from the Sheriff's Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Glaser moved that the bills be allowed and the motion carried.

    Comm. Benner then reported bills relating to the Dog Warden ex-

    penses and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be allowed and the motion carried.

    Comm. Benner then reported back Civil Defense bills and recom- mended payment. Comm. ICacl~stetter moved the bills be paid and the

    motion carried.

    Comm. Brown from the Drain Committee reported back claimsand

    recommended payment. Cornm. Benner moved the hills be paid and the

    molion carried.

    Comm. Robaclc from the 1,egislative Committee referred to the copies of the legislative meeting and resolutions on each commissioners

    desk and a discussion was had of the various matters. Comm. L,eon moved atat the report be accepted and placed on file. Comm. Flippo seconded and the motion carried. Comm. Robacb then emphasized tbat it is im-

    portant that the Board as a body, beep Lansing informed as to their feel- ings if they want to get things accomplished.

    Comm. Claser referred to the resolution regarding prisoners and the

    state paying a share of their expenses, Comm. Ferris seconded and a dis-

  • cussion followed during which time She~iff Germond gave his thoughls on the subject. Comm. Ferris withdrew his second and Comm. Glaser with- drew his motion from the floor.

    Mr. Mills Swick, Chairman of the County Road Commission and En- gineer Ronald Lear passed out Lhe annual road report and it was agreed that the Board members would study this report and the presentation would be made a t the next ~egular meeting of the Board.

    Comm. Flippo then addressed tlie Board regarding the responsibility of the Stock Claims Committee and the fact that as Ci~airman of that Committee he felt all related hills should go to his Committee rather than part of them referred to the Sheriff's Committee. A discussion followed. Comm. Roback then moved that all Dog Wardell bills, as included in the county budget be referred to the Stock Claims Committee for approval. Comm. Leon seconded, a discussion followed and the motion failed by

    the following roll call vote: YEAS: Ferris, Flippo, Glaser, Hauch, Kack- stetter, Leon, Pukey, Robacll and 'Twiss (9). NAYS: Benner, Brown, Cartwight, Fish, Griffin, Holley, Hull, Mackey, Rodesiler, Whelan and Zilke (11). Absent: Hnmmontree.

    Comm. Flippo then moved that the Stock Claims Committee be made part of the Sheriff's Committee and no longer act as a separate committee. Comm. Glaser seconded and the motion failed for lack of support (213 vote ~equired according to the By-Laws) by the following roll call vote: YEAS: Flippo, Glase~, I

  • The Chairman announced that on March 16&, WJR Night Flight, L.enawee County would he featured.

    Comm. Mackey as a representative to the Michigan Township Assoc-

    iation Meeting, reported on the last meeting held and felt that these were vei y informative for the tol~nship officers.

    Comm. Zillre gave each Commissionel a floor plan for the part of

    the DisLrict Court Building vacated hy the plumbing shop and said his

    committee was in the process of taking bids on same.

    Comm. Rohacb reported on the increase of husillesa i n the Veterans' Affairs' Ofiice, and recommended an increase in pay for the Vetcram'

    Affairs Adminisbator.

    Comm. Twiss asked for a meeting of the Planning Commission after this morning's session.

    On motion of Comm. Benner the Board took a recess until M, APRIL 13th. 1971 at 9A.M.



    MARC11 CLAIMS, 1971

    Airport Claims $ 551.48 Printing 1,233.55 Drains 1,791.27 Veterans' Claims 934.60 Civil Defense 34.10 W a y G Means 6,330.19 Health Committee 1,668.11 Contagious Diseases 210.20 Buildinp and Grounds 8,501.72 Dog ~ c r d e n Sheriff Courts 200.00 Maurice Spear Campus 4,172.98 Extension 499.48 Stock 132.40

    Total $ 32,194.99


    Tuesday, April 13th, 1971

    Tile Board met pursuant to adjournment.

  • ROLL CALL: 20 members present. Abel Carhvrigbt absent.

    The invocation was given by Paul Mattausch, State President of the Baptist Youth Fellowship.

    The Clerlr read the following amendment to the March, 1971 min- utes: Ilie appointment of Hal Benner to fill the unexpired term of John I

  • Comm. Flippo from the SLock Claims Committee reported back

    claims and recolnmended payment. Comm. Prukey moved the bills be

    paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Whelan from the Extension Committee reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be paid and

    the motion carried.

    Comm. Roback from the Veterans' Affairs Committee reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Leon moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Cnmrn. liammontree from the Airport Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Purkey moved the bills be

    paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Halley commented on the Michigan Township Association

    meeting be had attended and that Comm. Glaser was there and made ap- propriate commenb on bellali of the Commissioners.

    Chairmnn Rodesiler h e n inixoduced Lewis RuesinA, President of the

    Michigan Township Association who announced their next meeling would

    be April 19th at 8 P.M. a t the Palmyia Fire Hall and the program pro- mises to be an interesting one.

    Comm. Roback commented on same resolutions he had received that would be given consideration by his Committee and placed before the

    Board for their consideration before this session i3 over.

    On motion of Comm. Glasei the Board tool< a recess until this arter-

    noon at 1:30 P.M.


    ROLL. CALL.: 18 members present. Absent: Cartwright, Roback and Rodesiler.

    The Chairman called attention to the resolution on each desk that

    they would like to consider during this session.

    Comm. Twiss reported on the progress of the Assessment Rolls Com- mittee, they are doing very well and a part of tlxe credit sbould go to

    John Brattin, Equalization Director and his excellent explanations.

    Comm. Glaser gave a report from t l ~ c Health Department and an- nounced they were compiling a new method for complaints.

  • Comm. H a u d ~ gave each Commissioner a copy of the Annual Report Gom the County Library activities for 1970.

    Comm. Leon remarked about the 9th Distiict Meeting i n Albion and he fel t this County should consider a Welfare Work Training Progam like they were using there. A discussion followed and the matter is being in- vestigated by the Welfare Committee.

    On motion of Commissioner Glaser the Board took a recess until to- morrow morning at 10 A.M.



    Wednesday, April 14th, 1971

    The Board met pursuant lo adjournment.

    ROLL CALL: 1 8 members present. Absent: Cathn'ight, Hauch and Roback.

    Comm. Hull moved that the minutes as presented to each member be accepted, the motion camied.

    Comm. Brown moved that the following Resolution covering Section I of the Rollin-Woodstock Drain be approved: A-1 WIiEREAS, Section 474, Chapter 20 of Act No. 40, Public Acts of Michigan, 1956, as amended (said Act being hereinafter referred to as the "Drain Code"), authorizes any county to obligate itself to advance out of is county funds sufficient moneys to make up any deficiencies in pay-

    ment of any assessment installment and interest pledged to the payment of bonds issued i n anticipation thereof under the provisiosof Chapter 20 of said Act if the Board of Supervisors (now Board of Commissioners) of the county has, as to any honds issued to finance a project petitioned for after June 6, 1961, adopted a resolution, by a two-thuds (213) vote of its members-elect, pledging the full faith and credit of the county for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on s u d ~ bonds; and A-2 WHEREAS, pursuant to petition filed by the 'Iuwrnhips of Rollin

    and Woodstock and the Village of Addison, Lenawee County, Michigan, pursuant to said Chapter 20 of the Drain Code, with the Drain Commis- sioner of the County of Lenawee on December 8, 1970, proceedings have been carried out by the Statutory Drainage Board of the County of Lena- wee for the financing and construction of an intra-county clrainage project designated "Roilin-Woodstock Sanitary Drain, Section 1 , " said project having been determined to be necessary for the public health; and

  • 12-3 WHEREAS, pwsuant to said proceedings, a special assessment

    roll has been prepared and duly confirmsd by the Drainage Board in the

    aggregate principal amount of $1,110,000.00, representing part of the

    estimated cost of the project, the balance of said estimated cost to be provided from grallts in the amount of $900,050.00, which assessments

    arc payable in annual installments over a period of twenty (20) years, commencing April 1 , 1973, by the Townships of Rollin and Woodstock

    and the Village of Addison, public corporations in the County of l.ena- wee, Michigan, each at-large, for benefits to the public health, nccord-

    ing to apportionment duly determined by the Drainage Board; said install- ments beaxing interest at the rate of six per cent ( 6 % ) per annnm, subject to adjnstme~,t as provided by law and in the resolution of the Drainage

    Board cnnfirrning the special assessment roll; and A-4 WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization providedin Section 474, Chapter 20 of the Drain Code, the Drainage Board, by resolution, has

    autlio~ized and provided for the issuance of bonds in anticipation of the

    collection of the aforesaid special assessments, slid bonds being designat-

    ed as ROLL.1N-WOODSTOCI< SANITARY DRAIN, SECTION 1 , DRAINAGE DISTRICT BONDS, in the aggregate principal sum of $1,110,000.00, dated as of April 1, 1971, bearing interest a t the rate or rates to be deter- mined upon public sale thereof, but in any event not exceeding the max- imum rate autltorized by lz.w, said bonds to mahwe serially, without op-

    tion of prior redemption, as follows:

    $30,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1973 and 1974; $35,000.00 May 1st of each ol the years 1975 and 1976;

    $40,000.00 May 1st of each of the yews 1977 and 1978;

    $45,000.00 May 1, 1979; $50,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1980 and 1981; $55,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1982 and 1983; $60,000.00 May 1 , 1984; $65,000.00 May 1 , 1985;

    $70,000.00 May 1 , 1986; $75,000.00 May 1st of each year from 1987 to 1992, inclusive;

    and A-5 WI-IEREAS, the drainage project designated as "Rollin-Woodstock

    Sanitary Drain, Section 1" is immediately necessary to protect and pre- serve the public health, and it is to the best interest of the County of

    Lenawee that said bonds be sold a t the lowest and most favorable interest

    cost possible to obtain which will result from a pledge of the full faith and credit of the Co~mty, as authorized by the provisions of said Section 474 of

    Chapter 20 of the Drain Code;


    1. That, pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lenawee does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and u e d i t of the Countyof Lcnawee for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds designated as "Rollin-Woodstock Sanitary Drain, Section 1, Drainage District Bonds," specified in the p~eamble hereto, when due; and, pursuant to said pledge, in the event that any public corporation specified in paragraph A-4 of the preamble hereto fails or neglects to ac- count to the County Treasurer of the County of Lenawee for the amount of its installments of assessments and interest for Rollin-Woodstock Sanitary Drain, Section 1, pledged for the payment of said bonds when due, the amount thereof shall be promptly advanced from County funds, and the County 'Treasurer is directed to immediately make such advancement to the extent necessary.

    2. In the event that, pursuant to said pledge of its full faith and

    u e d i t , the County of Lenawee advances out of County funds al l or any p a t of said pledged installments and interest, i t shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Lenawee, to take al l actions and proceedings and pwsue al l remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid.

    3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same conflict with the provisions of this renolution be and the same hereby are rescinded.

    The motion was seconded by Comm. Hull and c a ~ r i e d by the iollow- in roll call vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glaser, Griffin, Halley, Hammontree, Hull, Knckstetter, Leon, Mackey, Purkey, Rodesiler, Twiss, Whelan and Zilke (18). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Cart- wrigbt, klauch and Roback.

    Comm. Brown moved that the following Resolution covering Section 11 of the Rollin-Woodstock Drain be approved: A-1 WHEREAS, Section 474, Chapter 20 of Act No. 40, PublicActs of Michigan, 1956, as amended (said Act being hereinafter referred to as the "drain code"), authorizes any county to obligate itself to advance out of its county funds sufficient moneys to make up any deficiencies in pay- ment of any assessment installment and interest pledged to the payment of bonds issued i n anticipation thereof under the provisions of Chapter 20 of said Act if the Board of Supervisors (now Board of Commissioners) of the county has, as to any bonds issued to finance a project petitioned for after June 6, 1961, adopted a resolution, by a two-thirds (213) vote of its

  • members elect, pledging the full faith and credit of the county for the

    prompt payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds; and A-2 WI-IEREAS, pursuant to petition filed by the Townships of Rollin

    and Woodstock, Ienawec County, Michigan, pursuant to said Chapter 20

    of the Drain Code, with the Drain Commissioner of the County of 1.ena- wee on December 19, 1970, proceedings have been carried out by the Statutory Drainage Bonrd of the County of 1,enawee for the financing and conslructionof an inha-county drainage project designated "RoIIin-Wood-

    stock Sanitary Drain, Section 2 , " said project ]laving been determined to

    be necessary for the public health; and A-3 WHEREAS, pursunnt to said proceedings, a special assessment roll has been prepared and duly confirmed by the Drainage Board in the aggregate principal amount of $1,435,000.00, representing part of the

    estimlted cesl: of the project, the balance of said estimated cost to be

    provided from giants in tile amount of $514,015.00, wl~ich assessments are payable in annual installments over a period of tw-enty (20) years,

    commencing April 1 , 1973, by the Townships of Rollin and Woodstock, public corporations in the County of Lenawee, Michigan, l>otlx at-large,

    for benefits to the public health, according to apportionment duly deter-

    mined by Lhe Drainage Board; said insl:allments bea,ing interestat the rate

    of six per cent (696) per annum, subject to adjustment as provided by law

    and in the resolution df the Drainage Board confirming the special assess-

    ment roll; and A-4 WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization provided inSection474, Chapter 20 of the Drain Code, the Drainage Boaid, by resolution, has authorired and provided for the issuance of bonds in anticipation of the

    collection of the aforesaid special assessments, said bonds being designat-

    ed as ROI.1.W-WOODSTOCi< SANITARY DRADJ, SECTION 2, DRAIN- AGE DISTRICT BONDS, in the aggregate principal sum of $1,435,000.00, dated as of April 1, 1971, bearing interest at the rate or rates to be deter-

    mined upon public sale thereof, but in any event not exceeding the max-

    imum rate authorized by law, said bonds to mature serially, witliout op-

    tion of prior redemption, as follorvs: $40,000.00 May 1st of each of the yeas 1973 and 1974;

    $45,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1975 and 1976; $50,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1977 and 1978; $55,000.00 May 1, 1979; $60,000.00 May 1 , 1980; $65,000.00 May 1 , 1981;

    $70,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1982 and 1983; $75,000.00 May 1, 1984;

  • $85,000.00 May 1 , 1985; $90,000.00 May 1 , 1986; $95,000.00 May 1, 1987; 16100,000.00 May 1st of each year from 1988 to 1992, inclusive;

    and A-5 WHEREAS, the rlrainage project designated as "Rollin-Woodstock Sanitary Drain, Section 2" io immediately necessary to protect and pre- serve the public health, and it is to the best interest of the County of Lenawee that said honds be sold at the lowest and most favorable interest cost possible toobtain which will result from a pledge of the full faith and a e d i t of the County, as authorized by the provisions of said Section 474 of Chapte~ 20 of the Drain Code;


    1. That pursuant to the authori7.ation provided in Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code, tlle Board of Commissioners of Ule County of Lenawee does hereby irrevocably pledge the full faith and credit of the Countyof Lenawee for the prompt payment of the plincipal of and interest on the honds designated as "Rollin-Woodstock Sanitzy Drain, Section 2, Drainage Dirtlict Bonds," specified in Uie preamble hereto, when due; and, pursuant to said pledge, in tbe event that eithet public corporation specified in paagraph A-4 of the hereto fail$ or neglects to ac- count to tbe County 'T~easuve? of the County of Lenawee for the amount ot its il>?tallments of assessments and interest for Rollin-Woodstock Sanitary Drain, Section 2, pledged for the payment of said bonds when due, the amount thereof shall be promptly advanced from County funds, and the County Treasurer is d i~ected to immediately make such advancelnent to the extent necessary.

    2. In the event that, pursuant to said pledge of its full faith and credit, the County of Lenawee advances out of County funds all or any part of said pledged installments and interest, it sllall he the duty of the County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Lenawee, to take all actions and ~roceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbursement of such sums so paid.

    3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same con- flict with the provisions of this ~esolution be and the same conflict with the provisions of this resolution he and the same hereby are rescinded. Comm. Ferris seconded and the motion carried by the following roll call vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glaser, Griffin,

    Halley, Hammontree, Hull, Kackstetter, Leon, Mackey, Purkey, Rodc-

  • siier, Twiss, Whelan, and Zilke (18). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Cart- wright, Hauch and Robach.

    Comm. Ferris then moved that the following Resolution covering

    Section 111 of the Rollin-Woodstoclr Drain be approved:

    A-l WHEREAS, Section 474, Chapter 20 of Act No. 40, Public Acts

    of Michigan, 1956, as amended (said Act being hereinafter iefened to as

    the "Drain Code"), authorizes any county to obligate itself to advance out

    of its county fuads sufficient moneys to make up any deficiencies in pay-

    ment of any assessment i~ s t a l lmen t and interest pledged to the payment

    of bonds issued in anticipation thereof under the provisions of Chapter 20 of said Act if the Board of Supervisors (now Board of Commissioners) of

    the county has, as to any bonds issued to finance a project petitionedfor after June 1 , 1961, adopted a resolution, by a two-thirds (213) vote of its members-elect, pledging the full faith and credit of the county for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds; and

    A-2 WHEREAS, pursuant to petition filed by tbe Townships of Rollin

    and Woodstock, Lenawee County, Michigan, pursuant to said Clrapter 20

    of the Drain Code, with the Drain Commissioner of tlxe County of Lena- wee on December 19 , 1970, proceedings have been carried out by the

    Statutory Drainage Board of tile County of Lenawee for the financing and

    conslsuctionof an inhm-county drainage projectdesignated "Rollin-Wood- stock Sanitary Dxain, Section 3 , " said project having been determined to

    be necessary for the public health; and A-3 WIEREAS, pursuant to said proceedings, a special assessment roll has been prepared and duly confirmed by the Drainage Board in the

    aggregate principal amount of $3,940,000.00, representing port of the

    estimated cost of the project, the balance of said estimated cost to be

    pvovided from grants in the amount of $1,110,800.00, whicli assessments are payable in annual installments over a period of twenty (20) years,

    commencing April 1 , 1973, by the Townships of Rollin and Woodstoclr, public corporations in tlle County of L.enawee, Michigan, both at-large, for benefits to the public health, according to apportionment duly detei- mined by the Drainage Board; said installments bearing interest a t the

    rate of six per cent (696) per annum, subject to adjustment as provided by law and in the resolution of the Drainage Board confirming the special

    assessment roll; and A-4 WHEREAS, pursuant to the autl7orization providedin Section474,

    Chapter 20 of the Drain Code, the Drainage Board, by resolution, has

    authorized and provided for the issuance of bonds in anticipation of the

    collection of the aforesaid special assessments, said bonds being designat- ed as ROILIN-WOODSTOCI< SANITARY DRAIN, SECTION 3, DRAIN-

  • AGE DIS TRIC? BONDS, in the aggregate principal sum of $3,940,000.00, dated as of April 1 , 1971, bearing interest a t the rate 01 rates to be deter-

    mined upon public sale thereof, but in any event not exceeding the max- imum rate authorized by law, said bonds to mature serially, without op-

    tion of piior redemption, as follows: $100,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1973 and 1974; $115,000.00 May 1 , 1975; $125,000.00 May 1, 1976; $150,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1977 and 1978; $175,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1979 and 1980; $200,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1981 and 1982; $225,000.00 May 1st of each of the years 1983 and 1984; $250,000.00 May 1st of each year from 1985 to 1992, inclusive;

    and A-5 WHEREAS, the drainage p~.oject designated as"Ro1lin-Woodstoclr Sanitary Drain, Section 3 is immediately necessaly to protect and pre- serve the public health, and i t is to the best interest of the County of Lenawee that said bonds be sold a t the lowest and most favorable interest cost possible toobtain which will result from a pledge of the full faith and credit of the County, as authoiized by Ule provisions of said Section 474 of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code;


    1. That pursuant to the authorization provided in Section 474 o i Chapter 20 of tile Drain Code, the Board of Commi:;sione~o of the County of Lena-vvee does hereby ir~evocably pledge the full faith and ucd i t of the County of Lenawee for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds designated as "Rollin-Woodstock Sanitary Diain, Section 3, ha inage District Bonds," specified in tbe pteamble hereto, whm due; and, pursuant to said pledge, in the event that either public corporation specified in paragraph A-4 of the preamble hereto fails or neglects to ac- count to tbe County Treasurer of the County of Lenawee for the amount of its installments of assessments and interest for Rollin-Woodstock Sanitary

    Drain, Section 3, pledged for tile payment of said bonds when due, the amount thereof shall be promptly advanced from County funds, and the County T'ieasure~ is directed to immediately make such advancement to

    the extent necessary. 2. In the event that, pursuant to said pledge of its full faith and

    credit, tJle County of Lenawee advances out of County funds all or any part of said pledged installments and interest, it shall be the duty of the

  • County Treasurer, for and on behalf of the County of Lenawee, to take all actions and proceedings and pursue all remedies permitted or authorized by law for the reimbmement of such sums so paid.

    3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as the same conflict with the provisionsof this resolution beand the same hereby are rescinded.

    The motion was seconded by Comm. Benner and carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Ferris, Fish, Flippo, Glaser, Griffin, Halley, Hammoi~tree, Hull, I

  • ROLL CALL: 19 p~esent. ABSENT: Mackey and Roback.

    Comm. Fiippo from the Stockclaims Committee reported that i t was the ~ecommendation of his committee that the Sheriff be allowed to buy tranquilizer gun and equipmen1 for the useof the Dog Wardenand askedfor the opinion of the Board. Comm. Twiss moved that the gun be purchased and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hauch moved Uxat the report of the County Library for 1970 be accepted and placed on file. Comm. Griffin seconded and the motion cariied.

    Comm. Glaser gave a brief explanation of the Food Stanlp Program and it was agreed that a t the regular May Meeting someone from Lhe Social Services Department be present to explain this matter in full Lo tile Board members.

    The Chairman then inkoduced Ken Detloff from Parkim-Rodgers Planning Consultants for the County who gave a progress report and the things they are working on now. A discussion followed. 'The next County Planning Meeting will be Thusday, May 13th a t the Rollin 'Township Hall a t 7:30 P.M. Comm. Twiss again asked for a iuling on the function of the Committee that he is Chairmanof and a further discusiioi~ followed.

    Comm. Fish asked for a meeting of the Equalization Committee im- mediately following adjournment aud then moved that the Board take a reces; until Tuesday, April 20th at 10 A.M.



    Tuesday, April 20th, 1971

    ?he Board met pursuant to adjournment.

    ROLL CALL: 19 members present. l

  • To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of Lenawee County


    Your Committee on Assessment Rolls and Apportionment of Taxes, to

    whom were referred the rolls of the several cities and towmhips of Lena-

    wee County for 1971, respectfully report they have carefully footed the same. and find as follows:

    City of Adrian

    City of Hudson Cily of Morenci City of Tecumseh

    Adrian Township Blissiield Township

    Cambridge Township Clinton Township Deerfield Township

    Dover Township Fairfield Township

    Franklin Township Hudson Townsltip

    Macon Township Madison Township

    Medina Township

    Ogden Township

    Palmyra Township

    Raisin Township

    Ridgeway Township Riga Township

    Rollin Township Rome Township

    Seneca Township Tecumseh Township

    Woodstocl~ Township

    Lenawee County Total


    61,380,800 4,955,300 4,876,800


    13,202,090 13,115,850 14,609,700

    8,528,600 6,234,200 4,383,850 7,018,250 8,191,400 4,035,400 4,843,700

    18,756,750 4,603,650 7,808,400 8,936,800

    12,062,600 6,182,450 7,626,300

    11,161,350 4,315,100 4,796,200 3,997,950 8,849,300


    Personal 20,457,800 2,065,500 1,448,710


    945,800 3,487,281 1,222,400 9,831,100

    691,300 336,050

    1,051,250 502,300 516,300

    554,500 7,725,200

    167,421 425,500


    5,545,950 1,099,700 1,064,600

    929,227 205,650 339,100 363,637 699,600



    81,838,600 7,020,800 6,325,510


    14,147,890 16,603,131 15,832,100 18,359,700

    6,925,500 4,719,900 8,069,500 8,693,700 4,551,700 5,398,200

    26,481,950 4,771,071

    8,233,900 10,361,600 17,608,550

    7,282,150 9,690,900

    12,090,577 4,520,750 5,135,300 4,361,587 9,548,900


    Arthur Twis;, Chairman Abel Carhwight Clarence Ferris

    llugh Flippo Roy Griffin Pilar Leon, Jr.

    Richard Pmkey Russel Roback Faye Whelan

  • The Chairman introduced F . W. Van Weslrenen, President of the Adrian Area Chamber of Commeice who addressed the Board briefly re- garding the need for additional facilities at the County airportand the fact that they had had a chamber committee that had fully investigated the facts and would present a brief report. Several area business men were present and spoke briefly. Werner Somme~s, a member of the Ahport Comnlission introduced lames Carr, an engineer with the firm of Williams G Wertz, who presented a preliminary plan utilizing the property presently owrled by the Maple Lane Manor, to enlarge the present runway; to acco- modate the new small jets used in business and pleasme. A lengthy dis- cussion followed and many questions were answered.

    Comm. Hammontree presented the following resolution and moved its adoption:

    WHEREAS, Ule Lenawee County Airpa t Commission and the Lenawee County Airport Manager have for several months been engaged in the pre- paration and drafting of a new and revised set of Rules and Regulations

    governing the operation of tile Lenawee County Airport, and WHEREAS, said Rules and Regulations, in final draft form, have

    been prepared and submitted to each member of &is Board, and WHEREAS, it appear; that said Rule8 and Regulations aIe in proper

    form, and WHEREAS, it appears that said Rules and Regulations, as now pre-

    pared, a ccpy of said final draft being appended hereto and made a part of this Resolution, are necessary to the pioper use and enjoyment of said Airpo1,t facility by all legitimate users thereof,

    NOW THEREFORE, BE I? RESOLVED 'THAT said R~rles and Regula- tions of the Lenawee County Aupoit, as now promulgated, shall be and hereby are adopted, and

    BE IT FURTHER EESOLVED That the Clerk of Lenawee County, the Lenawee County Airport Commiojion, and the Lenawee County Airport Manager, be and hereby are empowered to accomplish tile timely and complete publication and printing of said Rules and Regulations, and fur- ther empowered to take such other and further steps as may be necessary in order that said Rules and ~ e ~ u l a t i o n s s l ~ ~ l l f o r ~ w i t h become effective.

    Comm. Glaser seconded and a discussion followed. Comm. Zilke moved that the portion of the resolution tllat refers to the rule 11100-2 be tabled for further study. The motion was seconded and carried by the following roll call vote: NAYS: Cartwright, Ferris, Flippo, Glaser, Grif- fin, Hammontree, Leon, Purkey, Iwiss (9). YEAS: Benner, Brown, Fish, Halley, Nauch, Hull, Mackey, Rodesiler, Whelan and Zilke (10). AB- SENT: Icackstetter and Roback. (SAID RULES PLACED ON FILE.)

  • The Board then voted on the passageof the remainder of the ndes and

    regulations and tile motion cailied.

    Comm. Brown called for a meeting of the Drain and Ways and Means

    Committees immediately following this meeting.

    On motion of Comm. Fisb the Board took a recess subject to the call of the Chair.

    MELVIN RODEIlER, Chairman


    Friday, April 30th, 1971

    The Board met pursuant to adjournment, in the Commissioners' Room

    at the Court N o ~ a e , Adrian, Michigan.

    ROLL CALL: All members present.

    Comm. Rohack led the Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to Lhe Flag.

    Comm. Robaclr moved that the minutes as provided for eacb Com- missioner he accepted, Comm. Leon seconded and the motion carried.

    The Chairman introduced Ronald L.ear, Lenawee County Road Engi-

    neer who referred to the printed report of 1970 for the Road Commission

    and explained various items that were expended last year and some pro-

    jected items for this year. A question and answer period followed. Comm. Zillce moved that the report be accepted and placed on file, Comm. Griffin seconded and the motion carried.

    The Chairman then introduced Mr. Galen Toms, Veterans' Affairs Director wlro gave their report for the year 1970, each Commissioner hav-

    ing a printed copy. He explained various aspects of his office, including

    the very high percentage of increase in activity. Comm. Twiss moved &at the report be accepted and placed on file, Comm. I.eon seconded

    and the motion carried.

    Comm. Fish, Chairman of the Equalization Committee, called at- tention to the report on each commissioner's desk and moved that the re- port of the Equalization Committee be accepted and placed on file, Comm. Hollcy seconded and a discussion followed. Comm. Glasei mov- ed that the report be tabled for fa ther consideration aL 1:30 P.M.,

    Comm. Flippo seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Zillre from the Building and Grounds Committee discussed

  • the matter of more parking for county employees and said they had a bid to grade and fill tile parking lot behind District Court and ~ s k e d the Board's opinion on this matter. Comm. Benner moved that this be done, Comm. Purkey seconded and the motion carried.

    Comm. Roback asked that the Chair see that tl~e Building and Grounds, Drain and Road Committees work together on the matter of the Maple Lane Manor property to utilize i t for county offices and the Chair agieed this would be done.

    Rep. Mowat was introduced as a guest.

    On motion of Comm. Flippo the Board took a recess until this after- noon at 1:30 P.M.


    ROLL CALL: All members present.

    Comm. Glaser moved chat the matter of the Equalization report be removed from the table. Comm. Griffin seconded and the motion car- ried. Several Commissioners gnve their opinions on this matter. The Chair called for a roll call vote on the motion to accept the Equalization report and make i t part of the record. 'The motion carried by the follow- ing 1011 cal l vote: YEAS: Benner, Brown, Carhvright, Fish, Griffin, Hal- ley, Hammonkee, Hauch, Hull, ICaclstetter, Purkey, Rodesiler, Twiss, Whelnn, Zilke (15). NAYS: Ferris, Flippo, Glaser, Leon, Mackey and Roback (6). (See Report On Page 40)

    Comm. Fish thanked his Committee for being so helpful and spending

    so many hours on the job.

    On motion of Comm. Hull the Board took a recess until Wednesday, May 12th, 1971 a t 1 0 A.M.



    APRIL CLAIMS, 1971

    h in t ing $ 2,053.15 Stock 1,183.39 Ways and Means 7,744.26 Veterans 692.42 Extension 634.35 Drain 646.57 Sheriff 7,762.31

  • 46 - LENAWEE COUNTY rATEMENT of acreage and valuation in the year 1912 made in accordance with Sectlolls 19.1.209 8 Compiled Laws of 1948 as last amended by Act No. 138 of the Public Acts of 1964.



    drian . . . . . . . . . . lissfield . . . . . . . . . ambridge. . . . . . . linton. . . . . . . . . . eerfield . . . . . . . . over . . . . . . . . . . . airfield. . . . . . . . . ranklin . .. . . . . . . udson . . . . . . . . . . Iacon . . . . . . . . . Iadison . . . . . . . . . [cdina . . . . . . . . . . gden . . . . . . . . . . aimyra . . . . .. . . aisin , . . . . . . . . :idgeway . . . . . . . :iga , . . . .. . . . . Lollin . . . . .. .... . :ome ........... eneca .......... 'ccumsell ... .. . . ioodstoclc . . . . . . .

    Valpation As Assessed Board of Review

    Rcal Personal

    Dollars Dollars

    13,202,090 945,800 13,115,850 3,481,281 14,609,100 1,222,400 8,528,600 9,831,100 6,234,200 691,300 4,383,850 336,050 1,018,250 1,051,250 8,191,400 502,300 4,035,400 516.300 4,843,100 554,500 18,156,150 7,125,200 4,603,650 167,421 7,808,400 425,500 8,936.800 1,424,800 12.062,600 5,545,950 6,182,450 1,099,100 8,626,300 1,064,600 11,161,350 929,227 4,315,100 205,650 4,196,200 339,100 3,997,950 363,631 8,849,300 690,800

    Total Valuation As Assessed

    Board of Resietv Dollars

    14,141,890 16,803,131 15,832,100 18,359,100 6,925,500 4,719,900 8,069,500 8,693,700 4,551,100 5,398,200 26,181,950 4,111,011 8,233,900 10,361,600 11,608,550 1,282,150 9,690,900 12,090,511 4,520,150 5,135,300 4,361,587 9,548,900

    Valuation As Real

    Estate Dollars

    13,196,184 13,115,850 14,609,100 8,528,600 6,234,200 4,383,850 1,122,139 8,191,400 4,035,400 4,843,100 18,156,750 4,603,650 1,808,400 9,119,508 13,821,128 6,169,183 8,626,300 11,663,611 4,315.100 4,796,200 4,181,434 9,247,519

    Equalized Personal Property Dollars

    945,800 3,487,281 1,222,400 9,831,100 691,300 336,050

    1,051,250 502,300 516.300 554.500

    1,125,200 161,421 425,500

    1,424,800 5,545,950 1,099,100 1,064,600 929,221 205,650 339,100 363,637 699,600

    Total Valuation

    As Equalized

    Dollars 1 14,141,984 16,603,131 15,832,lOb 18,359,100 6,925,500 4,719,900/ 8,113,989 8,693,100 4,551,100 5,398,200 26,481,950 4,111,011 8,233,900 10,544,308 19,373,018 7,869,483 9,690,900 12,592,838 4,520,150 5,135,300 4,551,071 9,941,119

    IITIES: ,drian . , . . . . . . .. 61,380,800 20,457,800 81,838.600 61,380,800 20,457,800 81,838,600 ludsqn. . . , . . . . . . . 4,055,300 2,065,500 7,020,800 4,855,300 2,065,500 7,020,800 lorenci. . . . . . . . . . 4,816,800 1,448,110 6,325,510 4,876,800 1,448,110 6,325,510 'ecuinseh ....... 20,186,600 12,421,800 33,208,400 20,186,600 12,421,800 33,208,400 'otals 'orCounty ..... 5216,259,390 15,522,476 351,181,866 281,182,506 75,522,416 356,104,982

    Office of the Board of Commissioners of Lenawee County: Adrian, Mich , April 30, 1971 1

    WE HEREBY CERTIFY Tliat tlre foregoing is a true statement of each torvnsllip in Uie: :ounty of Lenawee and of the value of the ieal estate and of the personal properly in each toivn- iirip and city in said county as assessed in the year 1911, and of tile aggregate valuation of the -eal estate and personal property in each township and city in said county as equaLized by he Board of Commissioners of said county on tile thirtieth day of April, 1971, a t a meeting of ;aid board held in pursuance of tile provisions of Sections 209.1-209.8 C.L. of 1948 as last amend- !d by Act 138 P.A. of l9G4. We flirtlrer certify Ulat said statement does not embrace any iroperly taxed under Acts 11, P A . 1951; 68 P.A. 1963 or Section 5 of AIticle IX of the Con- ititution of the State.

    MELVIN RODESII.ER Cliairman of Board of Cammissfoners PATRICIA J. JOHNSTON Clerkof Board of Commissioners

    Dated at Adrian, Wci~lgan Uiis thktieU1 day of April, 1911.

  • Building and Grounds $ 7,845.43 Civil Defense 34.10 Youth Center and Courts 4,008.83 Health 1,926.30 Contagious Diseases 30.00 Ahport 284.70

    Iota1 $ 34,845.81

    MAY SESSION, 1971

    Wednesday, May 12th, 1971

    I h e Board met pursuant Lo adjournment.

    ROLL CALL: All members present.

    The invocation was given by the Rev. G. P. Dobberfuhl, Pastor of the St. John's Lutheran Church.

    Comm. Flippo moved that the minutes as received by each member be approved. Comm. Pukey seconded and Llie motion ca~ried.

    Correspondence was read which included the resignation of Werner Sommers, Barry Brablec and Irving C. Shaw, J r , of the Lenawee County Airport Commission.

    Comm. Glaser inboduced Dr. Roy Highsmith the new Health Duect- or who then addressed the Boacd briefly.

    Comm. Brown from the Ways and Means Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved that the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Hull from the Committee on the Maurice Spear Campus re- ported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Glaser moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Griffin announced there would be two Pepresentatives fiom the Social Services Department to report on the issuing of food stamps and other welfare matters a t the afternoon session.

    Comm. Benner from the She~iff's Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Hull moved !he bills be paid and ehe motion carried.

    Comm. Glaser from the Committee on Health and Contagious Dis- eases ~eported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Leon moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

  • Comm. Flippo from the Committee on hint ing reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Leon moved t l ~ e bills be paid and

    the motion carried.

    Comm. Flippo from the Stock Claims Committee reported back

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Purkey moved the bills be

    paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Roback irom tlie Veterans' Affairs Committee reported hack

    claims and recommended payment. Comm. Halley moved the bills be

    paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Glaser referred hack to the correspondence of the resignation

    oi the entire Airport Commission and suggested some action be taken on

    this matter. A lengthy discussion followed. Comm. Glaser moved that the rules and regulations presented by the Airport Commission a t a prev- ious meeting be considered in their entirety. There was no second. The Chairman ruled this matter would be further considered a t the afternoon


    Probate Judge Glaser was inhoduced and he invited al l the Commis- sioners, their families and constihlenls to a dedication to be held a t 1:30

    P.M., May 23rd, of the new gymnasium facility at the Youth Center,

    there will also be a complete tour of tl>e other buildings.

    On motion o i Comm. llull tile Board took a recess until this afternoon a t 1:30 P.M.


    ROLI CALL: All members present.

    District Judge ICerby addressed the Board and explained the need for an additional probation officer in that Court, pointed out the numbers on

    probation and tile o t l~e i programs, including Traffic School that were be-

    ing handled from that department and be felt i t was important that tiley be allowed to hire one as soon as possible. Comm. Hull moved that the

    Judges, along with the Court's Committee be autimrized to hire cimther Probation Officer for District Court. Comm. Mackey seconded and the

    motion carried.

    Mrs. Margaret Brinkert was introduced from the Social Welfare De-

    partment and she gave a very comprehensive resime of the various types

    of relief handled from that department and the numbers of people present- ly on relief from Icnawee County. Shc then inhoduced Mrs. Wanda Rit-

  • tenhouse who then explained ihe Food Stamp Program. She referred to the fact that their rules and regulations are formulated by the Federal Government and listed the various matters taken into consideration before

    the stamps are issued. In April, 1971 there were 1,094 families, lepre- senting 4,035 people that were receiving these stamps in LcnaweeCounty. The Commissioners were invited to call a t theoffice a t any time concern- ing matters they did not understand regarding people fiom their commun- ities.

    Comm. Fish asked for a meeting of the EqualizationCommittee after this afternoon session.

    Comm. Hull fsom the Committee on Courts reported back claims

    and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Benner from the Committee on Civil Defense reported back claims and ~ecommended payment. Comm. Hauch moved the hills be paid and the motion carlied.

    Comm. Zilke from the Committee on Building and Grounds reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Griffin moved the bills be paid and the motion carried. Comm. Zilke then referred to the pro- blem they were having in Court with the noise from the air-conditioner making it impossible to record the court proceedings and the fact i t could not be run while court was in session made i t necessary to stop court at intervals to make i t bearable. He had a firm bid from the Frye Company

    in lo ledo that would guarantee tl~eir work and be moved that this matter be taken care of as soon as possible. Comm. Hull seconded and the mo- tion carried.

    Comm. Zilke then explained the progresr on the remainder of the building where the plumbing company used to he and said this same com- pany would guarantee results U~ere also and by the next meeting his Com- mittee would &y and have plans with an estimate on the entire remodel- ing job. A brief discussion followed on who would be using these offices. Ihe front office will be utilized by the Civil Department of the District Court and the balance of the offices probably the probation depwtment of

    Circuit Court.

    Comm. Brown from the Committee on Drains reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Benner moved the bil1s.b~ paid and the motion carried.

  • Comm. Hauch from the Library Committee announced that at a re- cent meeting of that Board, Comm. Zillce was elected Chairman, Comm.

    Mauch, Vice-chairman and Luella Reynolds, Secretary-Treasurer.

    Comm. Rohack fiom the 1,egislative Committee presented the fol-

    lowing resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, It is recognized that the present system of equalizing the

    tax rolls i n a County is not adequate, WHEREAS, there are only two classes of property at present that can

    be factored (Real and Personal),

    WHEREAS, The only way a factor can be levied is on the entire :unit

    tax roll which creates a hardship on those tax payers whose assessments

    are a t 5096 of true value, THEREFORE DE IT RESOL.VED That the Ienawee County Board of

    Commissioners go on record as supporting a change in the state statute to provide t h a t a County Equalization Committee be given the authority to

    levy a factor on any of the following classifications of property when i t is

    found that inequi1:ies exists, includiog a new classification to be added entitled "KJSORT. "

    REAL PERSONAL Agricultural Commercial Comrncrciai Utilities Industrial Indusbial Residential Residential Resort Resort

    BE IT FURTHER RRIOLWD That copies of this resolution be sent to our State Senators and Representatives, Michigan Association of Counties,

    Officers of the 9th District Organization and a i l other County Clerks. Comm. Ferris seconded, a brief discussion followed and the motion


    Comm. Robnck from the Veterans' Committee then commented on a problem they were having in tliat department with the use of the dis- clxarges 2s references for insurance salesmen, a matter of illegal represcn- tation has arisen and his Committee is working on a solution.

    Comm. Maclcey reported on the meeting of the Road Commission

    and the insurmountable repair jobs they had before them. Also, a plan was discussed for cooperation between the Road and Drain Commissions

    during the canstmction of the Rollin-Woodstock Drain. A lengthy discus-

    sion on the conditions of various roads followed. Comm. Pwkey inquired if t13e airport runway maintenance could be allocated to the County Road

    Commission and was informed they would not have time.

  • Comm. Whelan from the Extension Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. ICackstetter moved the bills be paid and the motion carried.

    Comm. Whelan then introduced John Comstock wlio addressed the Board regarding a need for a summer assistant for 4-H work. P~evious to this year, Michigan State University had always under-written Uiis em- ployment but lack of funds prevented it in 1971. He said they always ilire a Michigan State student who is a resident of Lenawee County and someone active in 4-H work, they have sucha younglady, SusanRies,who woiked last summer they would like to re-hire and the cost for the summer would be about $1,136.00. Comm. Whelan moved that $850.00 be al- lowed a t this time for this program and if not sufficient to be supplement- ed a t a later date. Comm. Mackey seconded and the motion carried.

    At this time the Chairman declared a recess, the Board to reconvene in 15 minutes.

    The Board reconvened a t 3:35 P.M.

    Comm. Robaclc from the Veterans' Affairs Office called attention to the report of that office that each commissioner had on his desk and the increase in activily from that department.

    Comm. Iwiss commented that che Chairman (Rodesiler) would be attending the meetings of the County Planning Commission as a member and would be ieporting to the Board as a whole making i t unnecessary for tile entire County Planning Committee to attend.

    The mattel was again brought up regarding the use of welfare zecipi-

    en& for county work and the matter was discussed briefly.

    Conim. Hammontrec from the Airport Committee reported back claims and recommended payment. Comm. Purkey moved the bills be allowed and the motion carried.

    Comm. Glaser became ill and had to leave the meeting, it was re- ported he was at the hospital but did not expect to be admitted.

    Comm. Brown announced there would be a three day school for Pro- secuting Attorneys conducted by the Federal
