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Processes, Threads, Synchronization CS 519: Operating System Theory Computer Science, Rutgers University Fall 2011

Processes, Threads, Synchronization

CS 519: Operating System Theory

Computer Science, Rutgers University

Fall 2011

2Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory


Process = system abstraction for the set of resources required for executing a program

= a running instance of a program

= memory image + registers (+ I/O state)

The stack + registers form the execution context

3Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process Image

Each variable must be assigned a storage class

Global (static) variables

Allocated in the global region at compile-time

Local variables and parameters

Allocated dynamically on the stack

Dynamically created objects

Allocated from the heap






4Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

What About The OS Image?

Recall that one of the function of an OS is to provide a virtual machine interface that makes programming the machine easier

So, a process memory image must also contain the OS










OS data space is used to store thingslike file descriptors for files beingaccessed by the process, status of I/Odevices, etc.

5Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

What Happens When There Are More Than One Running Process?









6Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process Control Block

Each process has per-process state maintained by the OS

Identification: process, parent process, user, group, etc.

Execution contexts: threads

Address space: virtual memory

I/O state: file handles (file system), communication endpoints (network), etc.

Accounting information

For each process, this state is maintained in a process control block (PCB)

This is just data in the OS data space

7Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process Creation

How to create a process? System call.

In UNIX, a process can create another process using the fork() system call

int pid = fork(); /* this is in C */

The creating process is called the parent and the new process is called the child

The child process is created as a copy of the parent process (process image and process control structure) except for the identification and scheduling state

Parent and child processes run in two different address spaces

By default, there is no memory sharing

Process creation is expensive because of this copying

The exec() call is provided for the newly created process to run a different program than that of the parent

8Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

System Call In Monolithic OS

kernel mode

user mode

id = fork()


code for fork system call


interrupt vector for trap instruction


in-kernel file system(monolithic OS)

9Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process Creation


fork() code




10Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Example of Process Creation Using Fork

The UNIX shell is command-line interpreter whose basic purpose is for user to run applications on a UNIX system

cmd arg1 arg2 ... argn

11Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process Termination

One process can wait for another process to finish using the wait() system call

Can wait for a child to finish as shown in the example

Can also wait for an arbitrary process if it knows its PID

Can kill another process using the kill() system callWhat all happens when kill() is invoked?

What if the victim process does not want to die?

12Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process Swapping

May want to swap out entire processThrashing if too many processes competing for resources

To swap out a processSuspend its execution

Copy all of its information to backing store (except for PCB)

To swap a process back inCopy needed information back into memory, e.g. page table, thread control blocks

Restore state to blocked or readyMust check whether event(s) has (have) already


13Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Process State Diagram

ready(in memory)

suspended(swapped out)

swap out swap in

14Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory


OS may need to “upcall” into user processes

SignalsUNIX mechanism to upcall when an event of interest occurs

Potentially interesting events are predefined: e.g., segmentation violation, message arrival, kill, etc.

When interested in “handling” a particular event (signal), a process indicates its interest to the OS and gives the OS a procedure that should be invoked in the upcall.

15Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Signals (Cont’d)

When an event of interest occurs, the kernel handles the event first, then modifies the process‘ stack to look as if the process’ code made a procedure call to the signal handler.

When the user process is scheduled next, it executes the handler first

From the handler, the user process returns to where it was when the event occurred






16Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Inter-Process Communication

Most operating systems provide several abstractions for inter-process communication: message passing, shared memory, etc

Communication requires synchronization between processes (i.e. data must be produced before it is consumed)

Synchronization can be implicit (message passing) or explicit (shared memory)

Explicit synchronization can be provided by the OS (semaphores, monitors, etc) or can be achieved exclusively in user-mode (if processes share memory)


Message Passing Implementation

two copy operations in a conventional implementation

x=1send(process2, &X)

receive(process1,&Y)print Y

process 1

process 2X


kernel buffers





Shared Memory Implementation

no copying but synchronization is necessary


print Y

process 1

process 2X



physical memory


19Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Inter-Process Communication

More on shared memory and message passing later

Synchronization after we talk about threads

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A Tree of Processes On A Typical UNIX System

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Process: Summary

System abstraction – the set of resources required for executing a program (an instantiation of a program)

Execution context

Address space

File handles, communication endpoints, etc.

Historically, all of the above “lumped” into a single abstraction

More recently, split into several abstractionsThreads, address space, protection domain, etc.

OS process management:Supports creation of processes and interprocess communication (IPC)

Allocates resources to processes according to specific policies

Interleaves the execution of multiple processes to increase system utilization

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Thread of execution: stack + registers (including PC)Informally: where an execution stream is currently at in the program and the method invocation chain that brought the execution stream to the current place

Example: A called B, which called C, which called B, which called C

The PC should be pointing somewhere inside C at this point

The stack should contain 5 activation records: A/B/C/B/C

Process model discussed thus far implies a single thread

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Why limit ourselves to a single thread?

Think of a web server that must service a large stream of requests

If only have one thread, can only process one request at a time

What to do when reading a file from disk?

Multi-threading model

Each process can have multiple threads

Each thread has a private stack

Registers are also private

All threads of a process share the code, the global data and heap

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Process Address Space Revisited











(a) Single-threaded address space (b) Multi-threaded address space

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Multi-Threading (cont)

ImplementationEach thread is described by a thread-control block (TCB)

A TCB typically containsThread ID

Space for saving registers

Pointer to thread-specific data not on stack

ObservationAlthough the model is that each thread has a private stack, threads actually share the process address space

There’s no memory protection!

Threads could potentially write into each other’s stack


Posix Thread (Pthread) API

thread creation and termination


pthread_exit(status)’ thread join

pthread_join(tid, &status); mutual exclusion


pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); condition variable



27Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Thread Creation


thread_create() code







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Context Switching

Suppose a process has multiple threads, a uniprocessor machine only has 1 CPU, so what to do?

In fact, even if we only had one thread per process, we would have to do something about running multiple processes …

We multiplex the multiple threads on the single CPU

At any instance in time, only one thread is running

At some point in time, the OS may decide to stop the currently running thread and allow another thread to run

This switching from one running thread to another is called context switching

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Diagram of Thread State

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Context Switching (cont)

How to do a context switch?

Save state of currently executing threadCopy all “live” registers to the thread control block

Restore state of thread to run nextCopy values of live registers from thread control block to registers

When does context switching take place?

31Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Context Switching (cont)

When does context switching occur?When the OS decides that a thread has run long enough and that another thread should be given the CPU

Remember how the OS gets control of the CPU back when it is executing user code?

When a thread performs an I/O operation and needs to block to wait for the completion of this operation

To wait for some other thread

Thread synchronization

32Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

How Is the Switching Code Invoked?

user thread executing clock interrupt PC modified by hardware to “vector” to interrupt handler user thread state is saved for later resume clock interrupt handler is invoked disable interrupt checking check whether current thread has run “long enough” if yes, post asynchronous software trap (AST) enable interrupt checking exit interrupt handler enter “return-to-user” code check whether AST was posted if not, restore user thread state and return to executing user thread; if AST was posted, call context switch code

Why need AST?

33Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

How Is the Switching Code Invoked? (cont)

user thread executing system call to perform I/O user thread state is saved for later resume OS code to perform system call is invoked I/O operation started (by invoking I/O driver) set thread status to waiting move thread’s TCB from run queue to wait queue associated with specific device call context switching code

34Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Context Switching

At entry to CS, the return address is either in a register or on the stack (in the current activation record)

CS saves this return address to the TCB instead of the current PC

To thread, it looks like CS just took a while to return!

If the context switch was initiated from an interrupt, the thread never knows that it has been context switched out and back in unless it looking at the “wall” clock

35Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Context Switching (cont)

Even that is not quite the whole story

When a thread is switched out, what happens to it?

How do we find it to switch it back in?

This is what the TCB is for. System typically has

A run queue that points to the TCBs of threads ready to run

A blocked queue per device to hold the TCBs of threads blocked waiting for an I/O operation on that device to complete

When a thread is switched out at a timer interrupt, it is still ready to run so its TCB stays on the run queue

When a thread is switched out because it is blocking on an I/O operation, its TCB is moved to the blocked queue of the device

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Ready Queue And Various I/O Device Queues

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Switching Between Threads of Different Processes

What if switching to a thread of a different process?

Caches, TLB, page table, etc.?Caches

Physical addresses: no problem

Virtual addresses: cache must either have process tag or must flush cache on context switch

TLBEach entry must have process tag or must flush

TLB on context switch

Page tableTypically have page table pointer (register) that

must be reloaded on context switch

38Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Threads & Signals

What happens if kernel wants to signal a process when all of its threads are blocked?

When there are multiple threads, which thread should the kernel deliver the signal to?

OS writes into process control block that a signal should be delivered

Next time any thread from this process is allowed to run, the signal is delivered to that thread as part of the context switch

What happens if kernel needs to deliver multiple signals?

39Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Thread Implementation

Kernel-level threads (lightweight processes)Kernel sees multiple execution contexts

Thread management done by the kernel

User-level threadsImplemented as a thread library, which contains the code for thread creation, termination, scheduling and switching

Kernel sees one execution context and is unaware of thread activity

Can be preemptive or not


User-Level Thread Implementation




thread 1pc




thread 2

thread stacks


41Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

User-Level vs. Kernel-Level Threads

Advantages of user-level threadsPerformance: low-cost thread operations (do not require crossing protection domains)

Flexibility: scheduling can be application specific

Portability: user-level thread library easy to port

Disadvantages of user-level threadsIf a user-level thread is blocked in the kernel, the entire process (all threads of that process) are blocked

Cannot take advantage of multiprocessing (the kernel assigns one process to only one processor)

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User-Level vs. Kernel-Level Threads














43Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

User-Level vs. Kernel-Level Threads

No reason why we should not have both

Most systems now support kernel threads

User-level threads are available as linkable libraries









44Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Kernel Support for User-Level Threads

Even kernel threads are not quite the right abstraction for supporting user-level threads

Mismatch between where the scheduling information is available (user) and where scheduling on real processors is performed (kernel)

When the kernel thread is blocked, the corresponding physical processor is lost to all user-level threads although there may be some ready to run.

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Why Kernel Threads Are Not The Right Abstraction

physical processor

kernel thread kernel


user-level threads

user-level scheduling

kernel-level schedulingblocked

46Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Scheduler Activations: Kernel Support for User-Level Threads

Each process contains a user-level thread system (ULTS) that controls the scheduling of the allocated processors

Kernel allocates processors to processes as scheduler activations (SAs). An SA is similar to a kernel thread, but it also transfers control from the kernel to the ULTS on a kernel event as described below

Kernel notifies a process whenever the number of allocated processors changes or when an SA is blocked due to the user-level thread running on it (e.g., for I/O or on a page fault)

The process notifies the kernel when it needs more or fewer SAs (processors)

Ex.: (1) Kernel notifies ULTS that user-level thread blocked by creating an SA and upcalling the process; (2) ULTS removes the state from the old SA, tells the kernel that it can be reused, and decides which user-level thread to run on the new SA

47Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

User-Level Threads On Top ofScheduler Activations

physical processor

scheduler activation



user-level threads

user-level scheduling

kernel-level schedulingblocked active

blocked active

Source: T. Anderson et al. “Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism”. ACM TOCS, 1992.

48Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Threads vs. Processes

Why multiple threads?

Can’t we use multiple processes to do whatever it is that we do with multiple threads?

Of course, we need to be able to share memory (and other resources) between multiple processes …

But this sharing is already supported by threads

Operations on threads (creation, termination, scheduling, etc..) are cheaper than the corresponding operations on processes

This is because thread operations do not involve manipulations of other resources associated with processes (I/O descriptors, address space, etc)

Inter-thread communication is supported through shared memory without kernel intervention

Why not? Have multiple other resources, why not threads?

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Thread/Process Operation Latencies

Operation User-level Thread


Kernel Threads


Processes (s)

Null fork 34 948 11,300


37 441 1,840

VAX uniprocessor running UNIX-like OS, 1992.

2.8-GHz Pentium 4 uniprocessor running Linux, 2004.

Operation Kernel Threads (s)

Processes (s)

Null fork 45 108


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ProblemThreads must share data

Data consistency must be maintained


The Critical Section Problem

When a process executes code that manipulates shared data (or resource), we say that the process is in its critical section (for that shared data)

The execution of critical sections must be mutually exclusive: at any time: only one process is allowed to execute in its critical section (even with multiple CPUs)

Each process must request the permission to enter a critical section

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Critical section: a section of code which reads or writes shared data

Race condition: potential for interleaved execution of a critical section by multiple threads

Results are non-deterministic

Mutual exclusion: synchronization mechanism to avoid race conditions by ensuring exclusive execution of critical sections

Deadlock: permanent blocking of threads

Starvation: execution but no progress


The Critical Section Problem

• The section of code implementing the request to enter a CS is called the entry section

• The critical section might be followed by an exit section

• The remaining code is the remainder section

• The critical section problem: to design a protocol that, if executed by concurrent processes, ensures that their action will not depend on the order in which their execution is interleaved (possibly on many processors)


Framework for Critical Section Solution Analysis

•Each thread executes at nonzero speed, but no assumption on the relative speed of n threads

•Structure of a concurrent thread:

•No assumption about order of interleaved execution

•Basically, a ME solution must specify the entry and exit sections

repeat entry section critical section exit section remainder sectionforever

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Requirements for Mutual Exclusion

• No assumptions on hardware: speed, # of processors

• Mutual exclusion is maintained – that is, only one thread at a time can be executing inside a CS

• Execution of CS takes a finite time

• A thread/process not in CS cannot prevent other threads/processes to enter the CS

• Entering CS cannot de delayed indefinitely: no deadlock or starvation


What about thread failures?

If all three criteria (ME, progress, bounded waiting) are satisfied, then a valid solution will provide robustness against failure of a thread in its remainder section (RS)

Because failure in RS is just like having an infinitely long RS

However, no valid solution can provide robustness against a thread failing in its critical section (CS)

A thread Ti that fails in its CS does not signal that fact to other threads: for them Ti is still in its CS

58Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Synchronization Primitives

Most common primitivesLocks (mutual exclusion)

Condition variables



NeedSemaphores, or

Locks and condition variables, or



Solutions for Mutual Exclusion

•software reservation: a thread must register its intent to enter CS and then, wait until no other thread has registered a similar intention before proceeding

•spin-locks using memory-interlocked instructions: require special hardware to ensure that a given location can be read, modified and written without interruption (i.e. TST: test&set instruction)

•OS-based mechanisms for ME: semaphores, monitors, message passing, lock files

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Mutual exclusion want to be the only thread modifying a set of data items

Can look at it as exclusive access to data items or to a piece of code

Have three components:

Acquire, Release, Waiting

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public class BankAccount{ Lock aLock = new Lock; int balance = 0;


public void deposit(int amount) {

aLock.acquire();balance = balance + amount;aLock.release();


public void withdrawal(int amount){

aLock.acquire();balance = balance - amount;aLock.release();


62Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Implementing Locks Inside OS Kernel

From Nachos (with some simplifications)public class Lock { private KThread lockHolder = null; private ThreadQueue waitQueue = ThreadedKernel.scheduler.newThreadQueue(true);

public void acquire() {KThread thread = KThread.currentThread(); // Get thread object (TCB)if (lockHolder != null) { // Gotta wait waitQueue.waitForAccess(thread); // Put thread on wait queue KThread.sleep(); // Context switch}else { lockHolder = thread; // Got the lock}


63Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Implementing Locks Inside OS Kernel (cont)

This implementation is not quite right … what’s missing?

public void release() {if ((lockHolder = waitQueue.nextThread()) != null) lockHolder.ready(); // Wake up a waiting thread


64Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Implementing Locks Inside OS Kernel (cont)

public void release() {boolean intStatus = Machine.interrupt().disable();

if ((lockHolder = waitQueue.nextThread()) != null) lockHolder.ready();


Unfortunately, disabling interrupts only works for uniprocessors.

65Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Implementing Locks At User-Level

Why?Expensive to enter the kernel

Parallel programs on multiprocessor systems

What’s the problem?Can’t disable interrupt …

Many software algorithms for mutual exclusionSee any OS book

Disadvantages: very difficult to get correct

So what do we do?

66Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Implementing Locks At User-Level

Simple with a “little bit” of help from the hardware

Atomic read-modify-write instructionsTest-and-set

Atomically read a variable and, if the value of the variable is currently 0, set it to 1




Hardware Solutions: Interrupt Disabling

•On a uniprocessor, mutual exclusion is preserved but efficiency of execution is degraded

• while in CS, execution cannot be interleaved with other processes in RS

•On a multiprocessor, mutual exclusion is not preserved

• CS is atomic but not mutually exclusive

•Generally not an acceptable solution

Process Pi:repeat disable interrupts critical section enable interrupts remainder sectionforever


Hardware Solutions: Special Machine Instructions

• Normally, an access to a memory location excludes other access to that same location

• Extension: designers have proposed machines instructions that perform two actions atomically (indivisible) on the same memory location (ex: reading and writing)

• The execution of such an instruction is also mutually exclusive (even with multiple CPUs)

• They can be used to provide mutual exclusion but need to be complemented by other mechanisms to satisfy the other two requirements of the CS problem (and avoid starvation and deadlock)


Test-and-Set Instruction

•A C++ description of test-and-set:

•An algorithm that uses test&set for mutual exclusion:

bool testset(int& i){ if (i==0) { i=1; return true; } else { return false; }}

Process Pi:repeat repeat{} until testset(b); CS b:=0; RSforever


Test-and-Set Instruction (cont.)

Shared variable b is initialized to 0

Only the first Pi that sets b enters CS

Mutual exclusion is preserved

•if Pi enter CS, the other Pj are busy waiting

When Pi exit CS, the selection of the next Pj that enters CS is arbitrary

No bounded waiting

Starvation is possible


Using xchg for Mutual Exclusion

•Shared variable b is initialized to 0

•Each Pi has a local variable k

•The only Pi that can enter CS is the one that finds b=0

•This Pi excludes all the other Pj by setting b to 1

Process Pi:repeat k:=1 repeat xchg(k,b) until k=0; CS b:=0; RSforever

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Atomic Read-Modify-Write Instructions

Test-and-setRead a memory location and, if the value is currently 0, set it to 1

Fetch-and-incrementReturn the value of of a memory location

Increment the value by 1 (in memory, not the value returned)

Compare-and-swapCompare the value of a memory location with an old value

If the same, replace with a new value


Mutual Exclusion Machine Instructions


Applicable to any number of processes/threads on either a single processor or multiple processors sharing main memory

It is simple and easy to verify

It can be used to support multiple critical sections


Mutual Exclusion Machine Instructions


Busy-waiting consumes processor time

Starvation is possible when a process leaves a critical section and more than one process is waiting.

DeadlockIf a low priority process has the critical

region and a higher priority process needs it, the higher priority process will obtain the processor just to wait for the critical region

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Implementing Spin Locks Using Test&Set

#define UNLOCKED 0

#define LOCKED 1



while (test-and-set(lock) == LOCKED);




lock = UNLOCKED;


76Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Implementing Spin Locks Using Test&Set

Problems? Lots of memory traffic if TAS always sets; lots of traffic when lock is released; no ordering guarantees. Solutions?

#define UNLOCKED 0

#define LOCKED 1



while (test-and-set(lock) == LOCKED);




lock = UNLOCKED;


77Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Spin Locks Using Test and Test&Set



while (1) {

while (lock == LOCKED);

if (test-and-set(lock) == UNLOCKED) break;





lock = UNLOCKED;

}Better, since TAS is guaranteed not to generate trafficunnecessarily. But there is still lots of traffic after a release.Still no ordering guarantees.


OS Solutions: Semaphores

Synchronization tool (provided by the OS) that does not require busy waiting

A semaphore S is an integer variable that, apart from initialization, can only be accessed through two atomic and mutually exclusive operations:



Avoids busy waiting

when a thread has to wait, the OS will put it in a blocked queue of threads waiting for that semaphore



•Internally, a semaphore is a record (structure):

type semaphore = record count: integer; queue: list of threads end;var S: semaphore;

•When a thread must wait for a semaphore S, it is blocked and put on the semaphore’s queue

•The signal operation removes (according to a fair policy like ,FIFO) one thread from the queue and puts it in the list of ready threads


Semaphore Operations

wait(S): S.count--; if (S.count<0) { block this thread place this thread in S.queue }

signal(S): S.count++; if (S.count<=0) { remove a thread P from S.queue place this thread P on ready list }

•S.count must be initialized to a nonnegative value (depending on application)


Semaphores: Observations

S.count >=0

the number of threads that can execute wait(S) without being blocked is S.count


the number of threads waiting on S is = |S.count|

Atomicity and mutual exclusion

no two threads can be in wait(S) and signal(S) (on the same S) at the same time (even with multiple CPUs)

The code defining wait(S) and signal(S) must be executed in critical sections


Semaphores: Implementation

•Key observation: the critical sections defined by wait(S) and signal(S) are very short (typically 10 instructions)

•Uniprocessor solutions:disable interrupts during these operations (ie: for a

very short period)

does not work on a multiprocessor machine.

•Multiprocessor solutions:use software or hardware mutual exclusion solutions

in the OS.

the amount of busy waiting is small.


Using Semaphores for Solving Critical Section Problems

For n threads

Initialize S.count to 1

Only one thread is allowed into CS (mutual exclusion)

To allow k threads into CS, we initialize S.count to k

Process Pi:repeat wait(S); CS signal(S); RSforever


Using Semaphores to SynchronizeThreads

We have two threads: P1 and P2

Problem: Statement S1 in P1 must be performed before statement S2 in P2

Solution: define a semaphore “synch”

Initialize synch to 0P1 code:



P2 code




Binary Semaphores

•Similar to general (counting) semaphores except that “count” is Boolean valued

•Counting semaphores can be implemented using binary semaphores

•More difficult to use than counting semaphores (eg: they cannot be initialized to an integer k > 1)


Binary Semaphore Operations

waitB(S): if (S.value = 1) { S.value := 0; } else { block this process place this process in S.queue }

signalB(S): if (S.queue is empty) { S.value := 1; } else { remove a process P from S.queue place this process P on ready list }


Problems with Semaphores

• Semaphores are a powerful tool for enforcing mutual exclusion and coordinate threads

• Problem: wait(S) and signal(S) are scattered among several threads

•It is difficult to understand their effects

•Usage must be correct in all threads

•One badly coded (or malicious) thread can fail the entire collection of threads



• Are high-level language constructs that provide equivalent functionality to semaphores but are easier to control

• Found in many concurrent programming languages

• Concurrent Pascal, Modula-3, uC++, Java...

• Can be implemented using semaphores



Is a software module containing:

•one or more procedures

•an initialization sequence

•local data variables


•local variables accessible only by monitor’s procedures

•a process enters the monitor by invoking one of it’s procedures

•only one process can be in the monitor at any one time



• The monitor ensures mutual exclusion

• no need to program this constraint explicitly

• Shared data are protected by placing them in the monitor

•The monitor locks the shared data on process entry

• Process/thread synchronization is done using condition variables, which represent conditions a process may need to wait for before executing in the monitor

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Condition Variables

A condition variable is always associated with a condition and a lock

Typically used to wait for a condition to take on a given value

Three operations:cond_wait(lock, cond_var)




Condition Variables

Local to the monitor (accessible only within the monitor)

Can be access and changed only by two functions:

•cwait(a): blocks execution of the calling thread on condition (variable) a

• the process can resume execution only if another process executes csignal(a)

•csignal(a): resume execution of some process blocked on condition (variable) a.

• If several such process exists: choose any one

• If no such process exists: do nothing

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Condition Variables

cond_wait(lock, cond_var)Release the lock

Sleep on cond_var

When awakened by the system, reacquire the lock and return

cond_signal(cond_var)If at least 1 thread is sleeping on cond_var, wake 1 up

Otherwise, no effect

cond_broadcast(cond_var)If at least 1 thread is sleeping on cond_var, wake everyone up

Otherwise, no effect


Posix Thread (Pthread) API

thread creation and termination


pthread_exit(status)’ thread join

pthread_join(tid, &status); mutual exclusion


pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); condition variable




Condition Variables (example)

thread 1pthread_mutex_lock(&lock);

while (!my-condition)




thread 2 pthread_mutex_lock(&lock);

my-condition = true;



96Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Producer/Consumer Example


lock(lock_bp)while (free_bp.is_empty()) cond_wait(lock_bp, cond_freebp_empty)buffer free_bp.get_buffer()unlock(lock_bp)

… produce data in buffer …



lock(lock_bp)while (data_bp.is_empty()) cond_wait(lock_bp, cond_databp_empty)buffer data_bp.get_buffer()unlock(lock_bp)

… consume data in buffer …




•Awaiting processes are either in the entrance queue or in a condition queue

•A process puts itself into condition queue cn by issuing cwait(cn)

•csignal(cn) brings into the monitor one process in condition cn queue

•csignal(cn) blocks the calling process and puts it in the urgent queue (unless csignal is the last operation of the monitor procedure)

98Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory


Lock A Lock B


99Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory


Lock A Lock B


100Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory


Lock A Lock B

Lock B Lock A

101Computer Science, Rutgers CS 519: Operating System Theory

Deadlock (Cont’d)

Deadlock can occur whenever multiple parties are competing for exclusive access to multiple resources

How can we deal deadlocks?Deadlock prevention

Design a system without one of mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption or circular wait (four necessary conditions)

To prevent circular wait, impose a strict ordering on resources. For instance, if need to lock variables A and B, always lock A first, then lock B

Deadlock avoidanceDeny requests that may lead to unsafe states (Banker’s algorithm)

Running the algorithm on all resource requests is expensive

Deadlock detection and recoveryCheck for circular wait periodically. If circular wait is found, abort

all deadlocked processes (extreme solution but very common)

Checking for circular wait is expensive
