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Procrastination Beats Prevention Timely Sufficient Persistence for Efficient Crash Resilience Faisal Nawab ,Dhruva R. Chakrabarti Terence Kelly Charles B. Morrey III CS Dept., UC Santa Barbara HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA ABSTRACT Preserving the integrity of application data across updates in the presence of failure is an essential function of com- puting systems, and byte-addressable non-volatile memory (NVM) broadens the range of fault-tolerance strategies that implement it. NVM invites database systems to manipu- late durable data directly via load and store instructions, but overheads due to the widely used mechanisms that en- sure consistent recovery from failures impair performance, e.g., the logging overheads of transactions. We introduce the concept of Timely Sucient Persistence (TSP) mech- anisms, which is relevant to both conventional and emerg- ing computer architectures. For a broad spectrum of fault- tolerance requirements, satisfactory TSP mechanisms typ- ically involve lower overheads during failure-free operation than their non-TSP counterparts; hardware and OS support can facilitate TSP mechanisms. We present TSP variants of programs representing two very dierent classes of shared- memory multi-threaded software that store application data in persistent heaps: The first employs conventional mutexes for isolation, and TSP substantially reduces the overhead of a fault-tolerance mechanism based on fine-grained logging. The second class of software employs lock-free and wait-free algorithms; remarkably, TSP is very easy to retrofit onto a non-resilient design and enjoys zero runtime overhead. Ex- tensive experiments confirm that TSP yields robust crash resilience with substantially reduced overhead. 1. INTRODUCTION Runtime failures such as process crashes, operating sys- tem kernel panics, and power outages can corrupt or de- stroy application data unless eective measures protect ap- plication data integrity. Both disk-based and main-memory database systems running on conventional hardware with volatile byte-addressed memory and non-volatile block stor- c 2015, Copyright is with the authors. Published in Proc. 18th Inter- national Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March 23-27, 2015, Brussels, Belgium: ISBN 978-3-89318-067-7, on OpenPro- ceedings.org. Distribution of this paper is permitted under the terms of the Creative Commons license CC-by-nc-nd 4.0 . age employ sophisticated techniques to preserve the integrity of application data across updates in the presence of fail- ures [13]. Unfortunately these techniques sometimes suer painful runtime overheads due to the performance charac- teristics of hard drives and solid state drives. Emerging hardware promises durability with greatly im- proved performance [14]. Byte-addressable non-volatile memory (NVM) is becoming available [1] and has en- abled new database system designs with improved perfor- mance [17, 21, 26]. NVM has sparked increased interest in main-memory databases that store all data in memory and directly manipulate durable data in persistent heaps via load and store instructions rather than through database or filesystem interfaces [25]. Such approaches oer supe- rior performance compared to disk- and SSD-based systems with comparable fault tolerance, but they suer noticeable overheads during failure-free operation [14]. We begin by introducing a conceptual framework that encompasses both conventional and emerging hardware. We then systematically characterize as a function of fault- tolerance requirements the circumstances under which run- time overheads may safely be postponed until failures actu- ally occur and/or eliminated outright, and we tailor the spe- cific measures taken to the available hardware. The result is the concept of Timely Sucient Persistence (TSP). Loosely speaking, a TSP fault-tolerance mechanism eschews costly preventive measures in favor of minimalist remediation when failure is imminent, which typically reduces runtime over- heads substantially. It furthermore helps us to identify new hardware and OS support to facilitate new fault tolerance mechanisms. We restrict ourselves in this paper to the con- text of a single computer, and the following types of failures: process crashes, kernel panics, and power outages. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec- tion 2 reviews emerging hardware architectures, describes corresponding fault tolerance mechanisms and application programming styles, and discusses how these new develop- ments relate to traditional fault-tolerance objectives. Sec- tion 3 defines Timely Sucient Persistence and describes how it can be implemented on both conventional and emerg- ing hardware. Section 4 presents two case studies illustrat- ing the benefits of TSP: In one case, TSP imbues a pro- gram with crash resilience while adding zero runtime over- head; in another case, TSP substantially reduces the runtime overhead of an existing fault-tolerance technique. Section 5 presents experimental results confirming both the fault tol- 689 10.5441/002/edbt.2015.70
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Procrastination Beats Prevention

Timely Sufficient Persistence for Efficient Crash Resilience

Faisal Nawab⇤,† Dhruva R. Chakrabarti†

Terence Kelly† Charles B. Morrey III†

⇤CS Dept., UC Santa Barbara †HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA

ABSTRACTPreserving the integrity of application data across updatesin the presence of failure is an essential function of com-puting systems, and byte-addressable non-volatile memory(NVM) broadens the range of fault-tolerance strategies thatimplement it. NVM invites database systems to manipu-late durable data directly via load and store instructions,but overheads due to the widely used mechanisms that en-sure consistent recovery from failures impair performance,e.g., the logging overheads of transactions. We introducethe concept of Timely Su�cient Persistence (TSP) mech-anisms, which is relevant to both conventional and emerg-ing computer architectures. For a broad spectrum of fault-tolerance requirements, satisfactory TSP mechanisms typ-ically involve lower overheads during failure-free operationthan their non-TSP counterparts; hardware and OS supportcan facilitate TSP mechanisms. We present TSP variants ofprograms representing two very di↵erent classes of shared-memory multi-threaded software that store application datain persistent heaps: The first employs conventional mutexesfor isolation, and TSP substantially reduces the overhead ofa fault-tolerance mechanism based on fine-grained logging.The second class of software employs lock-free and wait-freealgorithms; remarkably, TSP is very easy to retrofit onto anon-resilient design and enjoys zero runtime overhead. Ex-tensive experiments confirm that TSP yields robust crashresilience with substantially reduced overhead.

1. INTRODUCTIONRuntime failures such as process crashes, operating sys-

tem kernel panics, and power outages can corrupt or de-stroy application data unless e↵ective measures protect ap-plication data integrity. Both disk-based and main-memorydatabase systems running on conventional hardware withvolatile byte-addressed memory and non-volatile block stor-

c� 2015, Copyright is with the authors. Published in Proc. 18th Inter-national Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), March23-27, 2015, Brussels, Belgium: ISBN 978-3-89318-067-7, on OpenPro-ceedings.org. Distribution of this paper is permitted under the terms of theCreative Commons license CC-by-nc-nd 4.0.

age employ sophisticated techniques to preserve the integrityof application data across updates in the presence of fail-ures [13]. Unfortunately these techniques sometimes su↵erpainful runtime overheads due to the performance charac-teristics of hard drives and solid state drives.

Emerging hardware promises durability with greatly im-proved performance [14]. Byte-addressable non-volatilememory (NVM) is becoming available [1] and has en-abled new database system designs with improved perfor-mance [17, 21, 26]. NVM has sparked increased interest inmain-memory databases that store all data in memory anddirectly manipulate durable data in persistent heaps viaload and store instructions rather than through databaseor filesystem interfaces [25]. Such approaches o↵er supe-rior performance compared to disk- and SSD-based systemswith comparable fault tolerance, but they su↵er noticeableoverheads during failure-free operation [14].

We begin by introducing a conceptual framework thatencompasses both conventional and emerging hardware.We then systematically characterize as a function of fault-tolerance requirements the circumstances under which run-time overheads may safely be postponed until failures actu-ally occur and/or eliminated outright, and we tailor the spe-cific measures taken to the available hardware. The result isthe concept of Timely Su�cient Persistence (TSP). Looselyspeaking, a TSP fault-tolerance mechanism eschews costlypreventive measures in favor of minimalist remediation whenfailure is imminent, which typically reduces runtime over-heads substantially. It furthermore helps us to identify newhardware and OS support to facilitate new fault tolerancemechanisms. We restrict ourselves in this paper to the con-text of a single computer, and the following types of failures:process crashes, kernel panics, and power outages.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-tion 2 reviews emerging hardware architectures, describescorresponding fault tolerance mechanisms and applicationprogramming styles, and discusses how these new develop-ments relate to traditional fault-tolerance objectives. Sec-tion 3 defines Timely Su�cient Persistence and describeshow it can be implemented on both conventional and emerg-ing hardware. Section 4 presents two case studies illustrat-ing the benefits of TSP: In one case, TSP imbues a pro-gram with crash resilience while adding zero runtime over-head; in another case, TSP substantially reduces the runtimeoverhead of an existing fault-tolerance technique. Section 5presents experimental results confirming both the fault tol-

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erance properties and performance advantages of TSP in ourtwo case studies, and Section 6 concludes with a discussion.

2. NEW HARDWARE & SOFTWAREDatabase management systems are designed to survive

severe failures, e.g., power outages. When they run onconventional hardware with volatile DRAM memory, theymust therefore write data to block-addressed storage de-vices, which perform poorly for random writes. Write-aheadlogging and grouping partially mitigate the storage I/O bot-tleneck [13]. The need to synchronously commit such writesto block storage may limit overall database performance tostorage bandwidth [10]. Solid state drives (SSDs) enabledatabases with improved performance compared with disk-based designs [19]. However, SSDs still su↵er from the samefundamental drawback as HDDs: both kinds of storage de-vices require databases to synchronously commit data viaa relatively slow block I/O interface [19]. Main-memorydatabases are optimized for the case where all data fits inmemory [22]. To this end, systems such as HBase [9] andSilo [24] redesign recovery and locking mechanisms so as tominimize the impact of these bottlenecks. However, main-memory databases that have not been re-architected for thecase that all data fits in durable memory still su↵er fromthe I/O bottleneck of persisting on stable storage. Tradi-tional filesystems running on conventional hardware providean alternative means of manipulating durable data, but theysu↵er the same storage bottlenecks that a✏ict databases [4].

Byte-addressable non-volatile memory (NVM) has re-cently become available. Conventional DRAM is approach-ing density scaling limits [1], and the most promising re-placement technologies—phase change memory, spin-torquetransfer memory, and memristors—all happen to be non-volatile [26]. If any of these technologies architecturally sup-plants or supplements DRAM it will provide inherently non-volatile random-access memory (NVRAM). Meanwhile, hy-brid DRAM/flash memory DIMM packages backed by bat-teries or supercapacitors (NVDIMMs) implement NVM bypersisting the contents of DRAM to flash when power islost [14]. Non-volatile CPU caches have been proposed tocomplement NVM [28]. Another way to preserve the con-tents of volatile DRAM across utility power outages is to failover to an uninterruptible power supply, a traditional build-ing block of fault-tolerant systems [12]. Regardless of the un-derlying technology, all forms of NVM share several advan-tages over block-addressed storage devices. NVM is installedon the memory bus and enjoys access latencies and band-width comparable to DRAM. NVM is accessed at cache-linegranularity via load and store instructions. In contrastto the relatively coarse, slow, mediated updates o↵ered bydatabase and file systems atop block storage devices, NVMenables fast, fine-grained, direct updates by application soft-ware.

The potential of NVM has been explored in the contextof disk-based and main-memory databases [17, 21, 26] andfilesystems [5]. However the arrival of new forms of NVM hasalso renewed interest in a style of application programmingthat has long been possible but that has remained outsidethe mainstream until recently. Since the days of MULTICS,some operating systems have o↵ered application programsthe illusion that load and store instructions operate upondurable data [6]; file-backed memory mappings provide this

illusion on modern POSIX systems [23]. Atop such mecha-nisms it is possible to layer higher-level abstractions rangingfrom straightforward persistent heaps [18] to sophisticatedobject databases [27].

Compared with the more mainstream approach in whichapplications manipulate durable data via filesystem ordatabase interfaces, the “NVM style” of direct manipula-tion o↵ers several attractions. The most obvious is thatin-memory data structures and algorithms are sometimesmore convenient and more natural than the storage-orientedalternatives. A related issue is that translating between in-memory and serial data formats can be cumbersome. Trans-lation between serial and in-memory formats can also beslow and error-prone; parsers, for example, are notorious forharboring bugs.

Supporting fault-tolerant “NVM-style programming” inthe age of genuine NVM presents interesting new oppor-tunities and challenges. Failures that abruptly terminateprogram execution can leave application data in NVM in aninconsistent state, so the challenge is to ensure that recov-ery can always restore consistency to data that survives thefailure. Recent research has proposed transactional updatesof persistent heaps, where transactions are defined either ex-plicitly by the programmer [25] or are automatically inferredfrom the target program’s use of mutual exclusion primi-tives [2, 3]. In the latter approach, synchronously flushingUNDO log entries to NVM immediately before store in-structions execute enables recovery code to roll back trans-actions as necessary to restore the persistent heap to a con-sistent state, and such synchronous flushing adds noticeableoverhead during failure-free operation.

Fortunately, some characteristics of emerging hardwarework to our advantage when addressing specific kinds offailures. For example, the time and energy costs of flush-ing volatile CPU cache contents to the safety of NVM areminiscule compared to the corresponding costs of evacuat-ing data in volatile DRAM to block storage [14]—a crucialdi↵erence that helps enormously if we must quickly panic-halt a faulty OS kernel. In general, the key to finding thebest designs for meeting given fault-tolerance requirementson emerging hardware is to systematically consider the costsof moving data out of harm’s way and to devise contingencyplans that replace burdensome migrations during failure-freeoperation with guarantees of last-minute rescue. We shallsee that emerging architectures sometimes reward procras-tination handsomely.

3. TIMELY SUFFICIENT PERSISTENCEApplication requirements must distinguish tolerated fail-

ures from non-tolerated failures. Process crashes and ker-nel panics resulting from software or hardware errors arefrequently placed in the former category, as are power out-ages. Application requirements must furthermore specifywhat subset of critical application data must survive toler-ated failures. For example, requirements might declare thatthe entire state of a process is critical; more selective require-ments might instead deem the process heap to be critical butpermit thread execution stacks to be lost. Requirementsmight even designate di↵erent fault tolerance requirementsfor di↵erent subsets of application data. Requirements mustalso distinguish between fail-stop failures that abruptly haltprocess/thread execution and failures that first corrupt ap-


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plication data. For example, when a process on a POSIXsystem receives a SIGKILL signal, all threads merely halt;the same is sometimes true when a process triggers a trap,e.g., by executing illegal instructions. By contrast, memorycorruption errors in C/C++ programs often corrupt criticalapplication data.

Fault-tolerance strategies typically move data from placeswhere tolerated failures threaten corruption or destructionto places beyond the reach of tolerated failures; we respec-tively refer to such locations as vulnerable and safe. Safetycan be defined only with respect to fault-tolerance require-ments and is orthogonal to hardware characteristics suchas volatility. For example, ordinary volatile DRAM can besafe with respect to process crashes, but even hard disks maybe deemed vulnerable if we must tolerate catastrophes thatwipe out entire data centers. Finally, we must ask whetherwe have adequate notice of tolerated failures to move crit-ical data from vulnerable locations to safe ones. If so, wemay seek improved performance while still meeting fault-tolerance requirements by trading runtime guarantees thatcritical data is in a safe location for guarantees that the datawill be moved to safety should the need ever arise.

Timely Su�cient Persistence (TSP) describes fault-tolerance mechanisms that make such tradeo↵s. A TSP de-sign satisfies its requirements by moving a minimal amountof data (typically only critical data) to a location that isadequately safe (typically no safer) and does so in a timelymanner (typically “just in time”). For example, Whole Sys-tem Persistence [14] is an ingenious two-stage TSP designthat protects the entire state of a computer from power out-ages by flushes the contents of volatile CPU registers andcaches into volatile DRAM using residual energy stored inthe system power supply and then evacuating the contentsof DRAM into flash storage using energy stored in superca-pacitors. This design completely avoids any overhead duringfailure-free operation. Presently we shall consider other TSPdesigns that tolerate a wider range of failures (e.g., due tosoftware errors), that protect critical data more selectively,and that o↵er similarly attractive performance.

In our experience it is instructive to ask simple questionsabout the minimum support needed to satisfy given fault tol-erance requirements—if only just barely—and to ask what“hidden” support may be present in the hardware and sys-tems we are already using. Such exercises have more thanonce led the authors to insights that in turn informed im-proved TSP designs that, in retrospect, had been right un-der our noses but that we had overlooked before we beganto seek TSP solutions explicitly. For example, consider therequirement that critical data that is explicitly placed inmemory allocated through a special interface must surviveprocess crashes only. A naıve approach might begin withthe observation that physical memory allocated to a processis promptly reclaimed by the OS when the process crashes,with no opportunity for the process to rescue its contents.This line of reasoning might then conclude that crash tol-erance in this context requires preemptively (and perhapssynchronously) committing data to durable media duringfailure-free operation.

A better approach begins by asking what minimal degreeof “durability” su�ces to survive process crashes: POSIXcalls it “kernel persistence,” and files in memory-backedfilesystems have this property. We then consider what hap-pens when such a file is memory mapped into the address

space of a process that stores data into the mapping re-gion and then crashes. The modified physical memory pageframes corresponding to the mapping are also pages in thebacking file and are not reclaimed by the OS when the pro-cess crashes. Furthermore stored data in the CPU cacheat the time of the crash will eventually be evicted into thememory-backed file and meanwhile will be visible from thecache to any process that reads the file. Therefore if theprocess places critical data in memory corresponding to amemory-mapped file from a DRAM-backed file system, fol-lowing a crash the file will contain all data stored by theprocess up to the instant of the crash, and we obtain thisguarantee with no overhead during failure-free operation.(Our technical report provides additional detail and refer-ences on the interaction between process crashes and file-backed memory mappings [15].) Of course, additional mea-sures may be required to ensure that application data storedin the file can be restored to a consistent state following acrash; we consider two di↵erent ways of ensuring consistentrecoverability in Section 4. The important point is that seek-ing a TSP solution has gotten us halfway to our goal withzero runtime overhead.

Di↵erent kinds of failures call for di↵erent TSP designs.If we are required to tolerate kernel panics, for example, wemust arrange for the dying OS to flush volatile CPU cachesto memory. This su�ces to meet the requirement if memoryis non-volatile (or if the machine architecture preserves thecontents of memory across “warm reboots” [16]). If mem-ory is volatile and is not preserved across OS re-starts, thecontents of memory must be written to stable storage be-fore the panic’d OS shuts down the machine. An HP teamhas implemented the required support in the Linux kernel’spanic handler, which required a relatively small amount ofstraightforward code. Power outages admit a spectrum ofTSP designs ranging from mundane uninterruptible powersupplies to sophisticated and resourceful strategies for stor-ing and scrounging just enough energy to rescue criticaldata [14]. Emerging non-volatile memories can dramaticallyreduce the time and energy cost of keeping a machine run-ning long enough to rescue critical data after utility powerfails.

Conventional relational database management systems al-low the user to trade consistency for performance via config-uration parameters. For example, serializability and snap-shot isolation o↵er di↵erent performance and consistencyguarantees. TSP designs provide a wider range of appli-cations with analogous tradeo↵s among failure tolerationrequirements, hardware and system software support, andperformance during failure-free operation.

4. CASE STUDIESWe now consider in detail two approaches to ensuring con-

sistent recovery of application data in multi-threaded pro-grams that manipulate persistent heaps via CPU load andstore instructions. Both approaches share several featuresin common: the programming model is convenient, famil-iar, and readily implementable in mainstream programminglanguages such as C++; the programmer obtains accessto address space regions backed by durable media via aconventional memory allocation interface (e.g., malloc forC/C++); and the programmer assists recovery by ensur-ing that all live application data in the persistent heap are


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reachable from a heap-wide root pointer manipulated viasimple get_root() and set_root() interfaces. Finally, inboth approaches the application programmer must ensurethat concurrent threads access shared data in an orderlymanner, free of data races and other concurrency bugs. Inone of our approaches, multithreaded isolation depends uponconventional synchronization primitives (e.g., Pthread mu-texes); the other relies upon non-blocking algorithms. Wedescribe how TSP enables both kinds of multithreaded soft-ware to ensure consistent recovery of the persistent heapwithout high-latency CPU cache flushing during failure-freeoperation.

Implementations of both approaches on emerging archi-tectures featuring NVRAM or NVDIMM memory o↵er sub-stantial advantages, but implementation on conventionalhardware (volatile DRAM and block-addressed storage) isalso possible. To tolerate process crashes only, it su�cesto ensure that the persistent heap is backed by a memory-mapped file in an ordinary filesystem or even a file in aDRAM-backed file system (e.g, /dev/shm). To tolerate ker-nel panics, the kernel must flush volatile CPU caches tomemory; if the latter is volatile, memory regions correspond-ing to persistent heaps must be written to durable storage.To tolerate power outages, su�cient standby power mustbe available to flush CPU caches and move persistent heapdata to durable media. As noted in Section 1, NVRAM andNVDIMMs dramatically reduce the time and energy cost oftolerating both kernel panics and power outages.

Sections 4.1 and 4.2 describe the principles underlying thetwo approaches; Section 5 describes corresponding imple-mentations and our empirical evaluation of their correctnessand performance overheads.

4.1 Zero-Overhead Atomic UpdatesThis section presents the remarkable observation that a

well-known class of multi-threaded isolation mechanisms,together with TSP, guarantee consistent recovery fromcrashes without the need for any additional mechanisms orprecautions whatsoever.

Following the terminology of Fraser & Harris [8], we saythat an algorithm that ensures orderly multi-threaded ac-cess to shared in-memory data is non-blocking if the suspen-sion or termination of any subset of threads cannot preventremaining active threads from continuing to perform cor-rect computation. Non-blocking algorithms cannot employconventional mutual exclusion because a mutex held by aterminated thread will never be released, which prevents allsurviving threads from accessing data protected by the mu-tex. Threads in non-blocking algorithms typically employatomic CPU instructions such as compare-and-swap to up-date shared memory while precluding the possibility thatother threads may observe inconsistent states of applicationdata. Lock-free algorithms, a special case of non-blocking al-gorithms, o↵er the stronger guarantee that forward progressoccurs even in the presence of contention for shared data.Wait-freedom is yet a stronger guarantee that a boundednumber of operations is needed to complete an operation.All wait-free algorithms are lock-free. We employ lock-freeand wait-free sub-species of non-blocking algorithms, usingthe latter term for brevity. One additional definition helpsus to reason about the e↵ects of crashes: Following Pelleyet al. [20], we imagine a thread called the recovery observerthat is created at, and observes the state of program memory

at, the instant when all other threads in a program abruptlyhalt due to a crash.

Consider a program whose application-level data residesin a persistent heap and is manipulated with a non-blockingalgorithm. The heap is furthermore updated in TSP fash-ion, i.e., in the event of a crash due to any tolerated failure,data in volatile locations (e.g., CPU caches or DRAM) willbe flushed to durable media (NVRAM/NVDIMMs or sta-ble storage) as necessary. We shall see that under theseassumptions, a crash cannot prevent consistent recovery ofthe application data in the persistent heap.

Consider a crash that abruptly terminates all of the pro-gram’s threads. We imagine a recovery observer created atthe instant of the crash and consider its view of memory.Thanks to TSP, practical/implementable recovery code willhave precisely the same view of memory as our hypotheticalrecovery observer. In particular, TSP ensures that the stateof recovered memory will reflect a strict prefix of the store

instructions issued by the terminated threads. By definitionof non-blocking algorithm, the termination of the program’sthreads by the crash cannot prevent the recovery observerfrom making correct progress based on its view of memory,regardless of what the recovery observer intends to do. Inparticular, the recovery observer may traverse applicationdata in the persistent heap by starting at the heap’s rootpointer; again by the definition of non-blocking algorithm,the recovery observer will never thereby encounter corruptor inconsistent application data. Identical reasoning appliesto any number of recovery observers, which collectively couldresume correct execution from the consistent state of appli-cation data that they find in the persistent heap.

The main advantage of the approach outlined above isthat it requires relatively little additional e↵ort for the classof software to which it applies. Unlike whole-system per-sistence (WSP) [14], our technique does not simply resumethread execution where a crash suspended it—which wouldbe fine for power outages but which isn’t the right remedyfor crashes induced by software bugs. Instead, we require ap-plication code to resume execution from a consistent stateof the persistent heap. However our technique is potentiallyapplicable to a broader range of failures, including not onlythe power outages handled byWSP but also software failuresincluding kernel panics and process crashes, so long as thefailures do not corrupt the persistent heap. One restrictionof the approach outlined above is the requirement that appli-cations manipulate data in persistent heaps exclusively vianon-blocking algorithms. Such algorithms may o↵er excel-lent performance, but they are less general, more complex,and less widely used than alternative approaches. We nowconsider how TSP enables e�cient support for consistentrecoverability in a much wider class of software.

4.2 Mutex-Based SoftwareAtlas is a system that employs compile-time analysis

and instrumentation, run-time logging, and sophisticatedrecovery-time analysis to imbue conventional mutex-basedmultithreaded software with crash resilience [2,3]. Atlas op-erates upon multi-threaded programs that correctly employmutexes to prevent concurrency bugs and ensure appropriateinter-thread isolation but that take no measures whatsoeverto ensure consistent recovery from durable media. Atlasis nearly transparent, requiring minimal changes to targetprograms: durable data must reside in a persistent heap


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and all active data structures in the persistent heap mustbe reachable from the persistent heap’s root pointer. At-las guarantees that recovery will restore the persistent heapto a consistent state and that crashes cannot corrupt theintegrity of data within it. We explain how TSP improvesperformance during failure-free operation after briefly re-viewing the workings of Atlas; previous publications supplythe details [2, 3].

Atlas leverages the fact that shared heap data may bemodified within critical sections protected by mutexes andassumes that each outermost critical section (OCS) in thetarget program both finds and leaves the heap in a consistentstate according to application-level integrity criteria. There-fore each OCS represents a bundle of changes to the persis-tent heap that should be applied failure-atomically. Atlasinstruments target programs with logging mechanisms to en-sure that an OCS interrupted by a crash can be rolled backduring recovery. Furthermore, subtle interactions amongOCSes can produce situations where OCSes that completedprior to a crash must nonetheless be rolled back upon re-covery (see Section 2.3 of [2]); Atlas recovery code correctlyhandles such situations. Finally, it is possible for crashes tocause Atlas-fortified software to leak memory; Atlas recentlyincorporated a recovery-time garbage collector to reclaimleaked memory.

Compared with the approach to consistent recovery ofprograms that employ non-blocking algorithms describedin Section 4.1, Atlas o↵ers several advantages: Atlas op-erates upon more general classes of software that employ fa-miliar isolation mechanisms, as opposed to more restrictedand much more esoteric non-blocking algorithms. Further-more, because Atlas rolls back critical sections interruptedby crashes, it can tolerate failures that cause data corruptionwithin such critical sections; thus Atlas-fortified software isrobust against a wider range of failures.

Timely Su�cient Persistence brings substantial perfor-mance benefits to Atlas-fortified software. Atlas employsundo logging at run time to retain the ability to roll backOCSes during recovery: Before allowing a store instruc-tion in the target program to alter a persistent heap loca-tion for the first time in an OCS, Atlas first adds an entryto its undo log. If TSP is not available, Atlas must syn-chronously flush the undo log entry from the CPU cacheinto memory before allowing the store to occur. This syn-chronous flushing adds considerable overhead beyond theunavoidable Atlas overhead of logging. However if TSP isavailable, synchronously flushing CPU caches is no longernecessary because TSP guarantees that recovery will readthe most recent state of all persistent memory locations, re-gardless of what tolerated failure has occurred. The detailsof how TSP delivers on this guarantee will of course dependon the details of how TSP tolerates failures (Section 3).

5. EXPERIMENTSWe performed fault-injection experiments to confirm that

both of the approaches described in Section 4 do indeed en-sure consistent recovery of persistent heap data. We alsomeasured the overhead of the logging required by Atlas(Section 4.2) and of the failure-free cache flushing that At-las would require if TSP were not available. Previouslypublished experiments applying Atlas to real applications(OpenLDAP and memcached) and benchmarks (Splash2)

have shown a 3⇥ performance overhead of logging aloneand 5⇥ overhead when both logging and synchronous flush-ing are enabled [3]. The more recent results in Section 5.2below extend and confirm our earlier findings.

5.1 Map Interface & ImplementationsOur experiments employ two di↵erent multi-threaded im-

plementations of the familiar “map” interface, i.e., a localkey-value store that in the present case maps integer keys tointeger values. We divide the key space into a small lowerrange L used for integrity checks and the remaining muchlarger higher range H. Each thread t 2 [1 . . . T ] maintainsin the map two private counters indexed with keys c1,t andc2,t in L. Iteration i of the main loop of each worker threadperforms three steps as atomic and isolated operations: itfirst sets the value associated with c1,t to i, then incrementsthe value associated with a key drawn with uniform proba-bility from H, then sets the value associated with c2,t to i.The correctness invariants of the map are the following twoinequalities:



c1,t �TX


c2,t T (1)



c1,t �X


map[k].value �TX


c2,t (2)

Our non-blocking map implementation is based on a lock-free skip list by Herlihy & Shavit [11]. We employ a matureand stable C implementation by Dybnis that is believed tobe bug-free [7]. We wrote our own mutex-based map imple-mentation in C. It employs a separate-chaining hash tableand moderate-grain locking (one mutex per 1000 buckets).

Our fault-injection methodology mimics the e↵ects of asudden process crash caused by an application software er-ror, e.g., a segmentation violation, illegal instruction, or inte-ger divide-by-zero. We abruptly and simultaneously termi-nate all threads in a running process by sending the processa SIGKILL signal, which cannot be caught or ignored. Recov-ery code then attempts to locate the map in the persistentheap by starting from the heap’s root pointer, traverse thecontents of the map, and verify the integrity of the map bytesting the invariants of Equations 1 and 2.

5.2 ResultsBoth our map implementations recovered completely suc-

cessfully after hundreds of injected process crashes, consis-tent with previous findings concerning Atlas [3] and with thereasoning in Section 4.1. Similar results would occur underother kinds of non-corrupting failures.

We measured the performance of four variants of our mapimplementations, where the metric used is “total numberof iterations of all worker threads per second” (recall fromSection 5.1 that each iteration performs three atomic oper-ations). The throughput of our native unmodified mutex-based code is compared with two Atlas-fortified variants ofthe same code, one with UNDO logging alone and one withboth logging and synchronous CPU cache flushing. We canthus quantify the overhead of logging alone, which is suf-ficient for consistent recovery if TSP is available, and ofsynchronous flushing, which is necessary for consistent re-covery if TSP is not available. We include the performanceof the non-blocking map for completeness, noting that com-


Page 6: Procrastination Beats Prevention - OpenProceedingsopenproceedings.org/2015/conf/edbt/paper-336.pdf · Procrastination Beats Prevention Timely SufÞcient Persistence for EfÞcient

Hardware Platform Throughput (millions iter/sec)CPU type hardware Mutex-Based

Computer @ GHz threads DRAM no Atlas log only log + flush Non-BlockingENVY Phoenix 800 Desktop i7-4770 @ 3.4 8 32 GB 3.66 2.36 1.58 2.54DL580 Gen8 Server E7-4890v2 @ 2.8 30 1.5 TB 2.13 1.50 1.06 2.00

Table 1: Hardware platforms & experimental results. All computers are HP, all CPUs Intel.

parisons with the mutex-based map are problematic becausethe two maps employ di↵erent data structures (hash tablevs. skip list). All performance and fault-injection experi-ments were conducted on the HP/Intel computers describedon the left-hand side of Table 1.

The right-hand side of Table 1 presents our performanceresults. In all cases we report results for runs with eightworker threads. For the server experiment we pinned allsoftware threads to a single one of the DL580’s four CPUsockets; each socket has 15 cores and 30 hardware threads.Running Atlas in “TSP mode” (logging enabled but syn-chronous flushing disabled) compared with unfortified codereduces throughput by roughly 35% on the desktop and byroughly 30% on the server. This is the price we pay for usingAtlas to ensure consistent recovery when TSP is available.When TSP is not available Atlas must synchronously flushlog entries, and the throughput reduction resulting from At-las fortification increases to 57% on the desktop and 50% onthe server. Comparing the throughput of TSP vs. non-TSPmodes of Atlas, we see that TSP increases throughput by49% on the desktop machine and 42% on the server.

6. CONCLUSIONSTimely Su�cient Persistence brings substantial benefits

when application fault tolerance requirements and availablehardware and system software support enable TSP. Our ex-perience with both real applications [3] and small bench-marks (Section 5.2) shows that TSP designs outperformtheir non-TSP counterparts by wide margins. Remarkably,readily implementable TSP designs for non-blocking algo-rithms can sometimes completely eliminate runtime over-heads while satisfying stringent fault tolerance requirements.Looking forward, we believe that TSP points the way to ef-ficient tradeo↵s among runtime overheads, fault toleranceobjectives, and hardware and system software support.

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