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Page 1: Produced by: Lenox Softworks, Inc., 114 Main Street, Lenox, MA …virgil.azwestern.edu/~pek1/physics/videopoint/manuals/... · 2004-06-23 · of our physics seniors also used video
Page 2: Produced by: Lenox Softworks, Inc., 114 Main Street, Lenox, MA …virgil.azwestern.edu/~pek1/physics/videopoint/manuals/... · 2004-06-23 · of our physics seniors also used video

Produced by: Lenox Softworks, Inc., 114 Main Street, Lenox, MA 01240 - www.lsw.com. Authors: Patrick Cooney, Priscilla Laws and Mark Luetzelschwab. Programmed by: Mark Luetzelschwab and Mike Gile. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks used under license. The QuickTime logo is registered in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. VideoPoint®, VideoPoint® Capture and Lenox Softworks™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Lenox Softworks Inc. © Copyright Lenox Softworks, Inc. 1995-2004.

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Preface Our collaborative effort to develop tools for two dimensional motion analysis began in the fall of 1987 when we, as student and instructor respectively, worked our way through activities in the first calculus-based Workshop Physics course. A major objective of Workshop Physics courses is to help introductory physics students understand the basis of knowledge in physics as a subtle interplay between observations, experiments, definitions, mathematical description, and the construction of theories. The development of the VideoPoint software and the collection of QuickTime movies distributed with it were motivated by our need to find effective ways to observe and analyze two-dimensional motions in the Workshop Physics activities.

Uses of Video Point and the Movie Collection The prototype VideoPoint software was originally developed to allow students to analyze their own digital movies of free fall, projectile motion, and the collisions between pucks on an air table. However, we quickly discovered new ways to use VideoPoint to teach introductory physics. For instance, a video analysis of the electrostatic forces between a charged metal coated ball mounted on a wooden dowel and another hanging from a thread turned out to be an ideal way to verify Coulomb’s law with low cost apparatus. By placing dozens of small pucks on an air table we could create macroscopic analogs to the atomic behaviors postulated in the derivation of kinetic theory equations. We have been exhilarated by the enjoyment the students derive from making their own movies and by the educational benefits they derive from analyzing them. For example, when students who have already studied one dimensional kinematics create movies of themselves jumping vertically, we can ask them to find a scale factor for the movie, choose a coordinate system for the data to be collected, and find the vertical component of their acceleration as a function of time. All of these tasks require students to think critically about what they are doing. One student who was puzzled about how to scale a movie exclaimed to her partners, “ I know! Over here on the movie we have the fake centimeters and over there we have the real centimeters. We just need to figure out how many fake centimeters are in a real centimeter!” In a similar vein, when asked to choose an origin for the analysis, students often ask instructors to tell them where the origin should be. We just ask them to pick a location and tell them we'll talk about the implications of their choices after the results are analyzed. Students are surprised to find that the velocities and accelerations don't depend on the location of the origin in an unrotated coordinate system. A few summers ago we began filming physics events and digitizing them in the QuickTime format for colleagues who didn't yet have the computer equipment to create their own digital movies. Although the students still make most of their own movies, we quickly discovered that our growing movie collection was also extraordinarily valuable for in-class exercises, homework assignments, and student projects. VideoPoint analysis has enabled us to develop distinctive approaches to teaching mechanics, kinetic theory, and electrostatics. For instance, we approach our teaching of the center of mass concept differently than we used to. Students are now asked to analyze the motion of the "mass center" of two equal masses which collide. When they discover that this "mass center" moves at a constant velocity, we then suggest that the center of mass of a system of masses can be defined dynamically as a point that moves with a constant velocity. The subsequent analysis of collisions between unequal masses enables students to discover rules for calculating the center of mass of a two-body system for themselves. As soon as the prototype version of VideoPoint had basic features added to it, we began introducing end-of-semester mechanics projects. For these projects, we encouraged students to

Page 4: Produced by: Lenox Softworks, Inc., 114 Main Street, Lenox, MA …virgil.azwestern.edu/~pek1/physics/videopoint/manuals/... · 2004-06-23 · of our physics seniors also used video

produce their own movies from scratch or digitize them from existing videodisks or video tapes. During the first year the projects were relatively simple with only one or two moving objects. Students analyzed air puck collisions, the throw of a rotating baseball bat, a shot put trial, or impulse forces between dummies and airbags in automobile crash tests. During that first year two of our physics seniors also used video analysis to study the aerodynamics of Trackball® motion. Before long, both students and instructors were clamoring to analyze more complex motions such as a bungee jumper whose descent was being followed by a hand held camera, the motion of the center of mass of a ballet dancer doing a grand jeté , a sweeping camera following a broad jumper through the run up and leap, a drag trial with the car moving off into the distance at an angle, hummingbird flight, and crayfish accelerations. As new ideas for projects emerged, features were added to the software that allows users to scale movies, locate the origin on a frame-by-frame basis when the camera, and hence the background moves, assign masses to points and let the software locate the center of mass of a system, and automatically transform from one coordinate system to another. We also added features to allow users to display point markers in different sizes, shapes, and colors so that VideoPoint could be used in lecture demonstrations. In a snowballing process we began using the new VideoPoint features with our movie collection for exciting homework problems including analyses of how events look from the perspective of different coordinate systems (i.e., Galilean relativity), forces sustained by automobile bumpers, the accelerations associated with amusement park rides, rotational accelerations, pendulum motions, the ascent of a NASA lunar module from the moon, the elements of a 3-1/2 turn-triple-reverse somersault dive, the temperature of an air puck "atom" as it loses energy to its environment, and the electric field along the axis of charged rod. Whenever possible, we expect students to extract information from the movies such as initial positions and velocities. We believe these assignments are superior to text book problems because they give students more practice with the application of fundamental definitions. Students completing video assignments also have a better understanding of the phenomena they are working with. The possibilities for the creative use of VideoPoint in introductory physics seem unlimited. Whether you are a teacher or a student, we hope you will enjoy devising new ways to use the VideoPoint Software and movie collection as much as we do. If you have new ideas for VideoPoint features or QuickTime movies, let us know. We have already started a list of new features we would like to include in the next version of the software. If you have access to the Internet you can check from time to time for updates, bug reports, and more QuickTime movies produced informally by students and instructors. The address is http://physics.dickinson.edu/.

Acknowledgments Funding from John Wiley and Sons (arranged by the Physics Editor, Cliff Mills), the National Science Foundation (DUE-9455561), and Dickinson College provided us with the resources needed to begin the reprogramming of our prototype video analysis software. Thus, the programming for the new VideoPoint software started just over a year ago when Mike Gile, a Rensselaer graduate student in electrical and computer systems engineering, spent the summer with us developing cross platform software tools (to allow VideoPoint to work on computers operating under both Windows and Macintosh systems) as well the underlying structure of VideoPoint. He has provided valuable support throughout the project. During this past year as programming progressed we also added movies to our collection thanks to the cooperation of Paul Stokstad of PASCO scientific, David Wilkinson of the Department of Physics at Princeton University, and Michael Wittman and John Lello, physics education graduate students at the University of Maryland. We are grateful to a number of student interns who worked with us for one or more summers between 1991 and 1994 on prototype programming the elements of movie making software and the production of QuickTime movies. They are Chris Boswell, Ryan Davis, Jake Hopkins, Sean LaShell, and Mike King.

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We would also like to thank Pat Cooney of Millersville University, Wolfgang Christian of Davidson College, Chris Moore a research associate at the University of Nebraska, Bill Ploughe of Ohio State University, Bob Teese of Muskingam College, scores of Workshop Physics students, and a number of other colleagues who served as beta testers at other high schools, colleges, and universities for helpful advice. We also owe a vote of thanks to the crew here at Dickinson who helped us with the final touches on the movie collection and this manual. This crew included research associate Grant Braught who programmed the movie browser; program managers Gail Oliver and Maurinda Wingard; colleagues Ken Laws, Robert Boyle, and Hans Pfister; and student interns Joshua Clapper, Amy Filbin, and Jeremiah Williams. Finally, we would like to thank Nathan Winstanley, Diane Arseneau, Pamela Kott, and Ralph Frisina from Lenox Softworks for their professional work on the package design, CD ROM production details, and User’s Guide illustrations, layout, and printing. Mark Luetzelshwab and Priscilla Laws Carlisle, Pennsylvania January 1996

Page 6: Produced by: Lenox Softworks, Inc., 114 Main Street, Lenox, MA …virgil.azwestern.edu/~pek1/physics/videopoint/manuals/... · 2004-06-23 · of our physics seniors also used video

Contents Preface........................................................................................................................................................iii

Uses of Video Point and the Movie Collection............................................................................iii Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................iv

Contents......................................................................................................................................................vi 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................1

1.1. Overview...............................................................................................................................1 VideoPoint software in a Nutshell .................................................................................1 For Those Who Don’t Read Manuals. . . .......................................................................1 An Introduction to VideoPoint Features ........................................................................1

1.2. Conventions Used in this Manual .........................................................................................1 Menu Choices ................................................................................................................1 Macintosh Instructions...................................................................................................1 Windows Instructions ....................................................................................................1 Screen Shots...................................................................................................................2

1.3. Basic Information..................................................................................................................2 “video points” ................................................................................................................2 Coordinate Systems .......................................................................................................2 Scale Factors ..................................................................................................................3 Calculations Based on Video Points ..............................................................................3 Movies ...........................................................................................................................3 Where do Movies Come From?.....................................................................................3 VideoPoint Files ............................................................................................................4

2. Getting Started........................................................................................................................................5 2.1. How to Install the Software ..................................................................................................5

System Requirements.....................................................................................................5 Macintosh Requirements...................................................................5 Windows Requirements ....................................................................5

Installation .....................................................................................................................5 Macintosh..........................................................................................5 Windows ...........................................................................................5

2.2. A Typical Analysis................................................................................................................6 Opening VideoPoint ......................................................................................................6 A Sample Analysis.........................................................................................................6

Setup Screens ..................................................................................................6 Playing the Movie............................................................................................7 Taking Data .....................................................................................................8 Scaling the Movie............................................................................................8 Starting the Scaling Process ............................................................................8

Graphing Data................................................................................................................10 Creating a Mathematical Model of the Data ..................................................................10

How to Create a Mathematical Model.............................................................11 Viewing the Data in a Table ..........................................................................................12 Saving Your Work.........................................................................................................13

3. Functional Description ...........................................................................................................................14 3.1. Windows ...............................................................................................................................14

Startup Windows ...........................................................................................................14 Initial Setup .....................................................................................................14 Movie Startup ..................................................................................................14

Main Windows...............................................................................................................15 The Movie Window.........................................................................................15

Movie Area........................................................................................16 Current Time Field ............................................................................16 Movie Controller ...............................................................................16

Play/Pause Button; ......................................................16

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Slider Bar ............................................................16 ...........................................................16 Step Buttons

Location Field ...................................................................................16 Current Point Field ............................................................................16 Current Frame Field ..........................................................................17



Icons on

Table W

Graph W

3.2. Edit SeriCommon

The Edit

The Orig

The Calc

Notes on the Movie Window .............................................................17 On Screen Data .................................................................................17 Frame Rates.......................................................................................17 te System Window............................................................................17 Coordinate System Header................................................................18 Coordinate System Header................................................................18 Item/Point Line..................................................................................18 Drag Box ...........................................................................................18 Video Point Series Name ..................................................................18 Visible Check Box Column [V] ........................................................18 Trails Check Box Column[T]............................................................18 Origin Check Box Column[O] ..........................................................19 Mass Column ....................................................................................19 Series Type........................................................................................19 Scale ..................................................................................................19 Movie Field .......................................................................................19 the Coordinate System Window .......................................................20 Cartesian Coordinate System ............................................................20 Polar Coordinate System...................................................................20 Video Coordinate System..................................................................20 indow .................................................................................................20 Locating the Movie Frame Corresponding to Table Data.................21 Select All Region ..............................................................................21 Select Time Row ...............................................................................21 Select Column ...................................................................................21 indow ................................................................................................21 Locating the Movie Frame Corresponding to a Graph Point ............21 Changing a Graph Title .....................................................................21 Changing Vertical and Horizontal Axes Scales ................................22

es Dialog Boxes ......................................................................................................22 Characteristics of Edit Series Dialogs............................................................22 Name ...............................................................................................................22 Marker .............................................................................................................22 Marker Visible.................................................................................................22 Leave Trails .....................................................................................................22 OK ...................................................................................................................23 Cancel ..............................................................................................................23 Point Series Dialog .........................................................................................23 Mass.................................................................................................................23 Origin...............................................................................................................23 Coordinates......................................................................................................24 Data Type ........................................................................................................24 Units ................................................................................................................24 Angle Range ....................................................................................................24 Is an Origin......................................................................................................24 in Dialog..........................................................................................................24 Rotate (deg) .....................................................................................................25 Scale Item ........................................................................................................25 Unchecking the “Is an Origin” Box.................................................................25 ulated Items Dialog .........................................................................................25

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Available Point Series List ..............................................................................26 Available Point Series List ..............................................................................26 Included Point Series List................................................................................26 Add >>.............................................................................................................26 << Remove ......................................................................................................26 Point Series Info ..............................................................................................26 New Point Series .............................................................................................27

The Edit

How to CScale Di

DesignatThe Desi

3.3. Utility Dialog Boxes .Marker Dialog....

Graph Dialog .....How to C

Model D

3.4. MenThe AppThe File

Calculated Series Dialogs ...............................................................................27 Distance Dialog ...............................................................................................27 Center of Mass Dialog.....................................................................................27

reate a Center of Mass Calculation ..................................................28 alog.....................................................................................................29 What Scaling Is .................................................................................29 Length ...............................................................................................31 ed Point Dialog..................................................................................32 gnated Point Dialog...........................................................................32 Points (2) ...........................................................................................33 % along AB.......................................................................................33 % perp AB.........................................................................................33 Drawing.............................................................................................33

Angle Dialog ...................................................................................................34 Points (3) ...........................................................................................34

Clone Point Series Dialog ...............................................................................34 Count Objects of Interest.................................................................................35


............................................................................................................35 How to Choose and Apply a Marker Type .......................................37 Point Series (Point): ..........................................................................37 Lines:.i.axis:markers; ........................................................................37 Change: .............................................................................................38 Vector:...............................................................................................38 Marker Color:....................................................................................38

Scale Movie Dialog .......................................................................................................38 Origin...............................................................................................................39

............................................................................................................39 reate a Graph ....................................................................................39

Horizontal Axis .................................................................................40 Vertical Axis .....................................................................................40 Plot ....................................................................................................40

ialog .................................................................................................................40 Equation...........................................................................................................41 A:, B:, C: and D:..............................................................................................41 Apply ...............................................................................................................41

Frame Rate Dialog .........................................................................................................41 Movie Step Size Dialog .................................................................................................41 Coordinate System Dialog .............................................................................................42 Graph Scale Dialog........................................................................................................42 Change Scale Dialog......................................................................................................42 Clear All... Dialog..........................................................................................................43 us....................................................................................................................................43

le Menu (MAC Only) ......................................................................................43 Menu................................................................................................................43 New Startup... ..................................................................................................44 Open Movie... ..................................................................................................44 Open Saved Data... ..........................................................................................44 Close Window .................................................................................................44 Save As............................................................................................................44

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Save .................................................................................................................44 Export Data......................................................................................................44 Page Setup .......................................................................................................44 Print Window ..................................................................................................45 Quit ..................................................................................................................45

The Edit

The Opt

The Crea

The Mov

The Win

Menu ...............................................................................................................45 Edit Selected Series... ......................................................................................45 Change Marker... .............................................................................................45 Leave/Hide Trails ............................................................................................45 Hide/Show Selection .......................................................................................45 Show All..........................................................................................................46 Clear Selection on Frame ................................................................................46 Clear Selection All Frames..............................................................................46 Clear Frame .....................................................................................................46 Clear All ... ......................................................................................................46 Copy (Movie/Data/Window)...........................................................................46 Delete Selection...............................................................................................46 Select All .........................................................................................................46

ions Menu .........................................................................................................46 Auto Add Points ..............................................................................................47 Auto Point Advance ........................................................................................47 Auto Frame Advance.......................................................................................47 Make Point Origin ...........................................................................................47 Transform Origin.............................................................................................47 Set Default Origin (Coordinate System)..........................................................47 Change Scale... ................................................................................................47 Remove Movie... .............................................................................................47 Switch Movie...................................................................................................48 te Menu ...........................................................................................................48 Point.................................................................................................................48 Origin...............................................................................................................48 Center of Mass.................................................................................................48 Distance ...........................................................................................................48 Scale ................................................................................................................49 Clone ...............................................................................................................49 Angle ...............................................................................................................49 Designated Point..............................................................................................49 Count ...............................................................................................................49 ie Menu ...........................................................................................................49 Rewind.............................................................................................................49 Scale Movie .....................................................................................................49 Set Step Size ....................................................................................................49 Select Frame Rate............................................................................................50 Half Size ..........................................................................................................50 Normal Size .....................................................................................................50 Double Size .....................................................................................................50 Fill Screen........................................................................................................50 Keep Aspect Ratio...........................................................................................50 Play All Frames ...............................................................................................50 Show Frame Numbers .....................................................................................50 dow Menu ........................................................................................................50 Tile...................................................................................................................50 Cascade............................................................................................................51 Hide Window ..................................................................................................51 Close All..........................................................................................................51 Coordinate Systems .........................................................................................51 Current Movie Window...................................................................................51

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Table Window .................................................................................................51 The View

Graph M

4. How Do I? ......4.1. Get

4.2. Ope

4.3. Tak

4.4. Sele

4.5. Clea

Clear theDelete a

4.6. Edit

4.7. Crea

Menu .............................................................................................................52 Movie...............................................................................................................52 Coordinate Systems .........................................................................................52 Data Table .......................................................................................................52 New Graph ... ..................................................................................................52 Toggle Background. -MAC.............................................................................52 enu ...................................................................................................................52 Add/Edit Model ...............................................................................................52 Visible Legend.................................................................................................53 Moveable Legend ............................................................................................53

3.5. The Toolbar...........................................................................................................................53 ........................................................................................................................................54 Help ................................................................................................................................54 Mac ................................................................................................................................54 Windows........................................................................................................................54 n and Save Files..............................................................................................................54 Open a Movie ................................................................................................................54 Open a Saved File ..........................................................................................................54 Open a New Setup .........................................................................................................54 Save a File......................................................................................................................54 Save a File as a Different Name ....................................................................................55 Export Only the Data to a File .......................................................................................55 Save a File Without the Movie ......................................................................................55

e Data ..............................................................................................................................55 Take Data by Locating Video Points .............................................................................55 Move Video Points ........................................................................................................55 ct Items ...........................................................................................................................56 Select a Video Point Series ............................................................................................56 Select a Group of Video Points......................................................................................56 Select a Calculated Video Point Series ..........................................................................56 Select the Next Video Point that Needs to be Located ..................................................56 r Data/Delete Series .......................................................................................................56 Clear the Selected Video Point on a Frame ...................................................................56 Clear All the Data ..........................................................................................................57

Point for All the Frames .................................................................................57 Series ...............................................................................................................57 Delete a Located Video Point Series ...............................................................57 Delete a Calculated Point Series......................................................................57

Series .............................................................................................................................57 Edit a Series ...................................................................................................................57 Change the Marker of an Series.....................................................................................57 Change the Name of a Series .........................................................................................58 Change the Mass of a Series ..........................................................................................58 Show/Hide a Series........................................................................................................58 Turn a Series Trail On/Off.............................................................................................58 Report Point Series Data in Polar Coordinates ..............................................................58 Change the Angle Range for a Series ............................................................................58 te Items ..........................................................................................................................59 Create a Video Point Series ...........................................................................................59 Create an Origin (Coordinate System)...........................................................................59 Create a Center of Mass Series ......................................................................................59 Create a Designated Point..............................................................................................59 Create an Angle .............................................................................................................59 Create a Count ...............................................................................................................59 Create a Scale (the easy way) ........................................................................................60 Create a Scale (the hard way) ........................................................................................60

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4.8. Mod

4.9. Define CoordCoordina

Scale a C

Choose PRotate a Coordina

Rotate a

Replace Scale M

4.10. Ta

4.11. Vie

4.12. Dis

5. What If?..........

5.2. Movie SituatThe Mot

ify or Move Calculated Items ........................................................................................60 Add a Video Point Series to a Calculated Series ...........................................................60 Remove a Video Point Series from a Calculated Series ................................................61 Move Calculated Points .................................................................................................61 Locate Calculated Points ...............................................................................................61

inate Systems...................................................................................................61 te System Origins ............................................................................................61 Create a New Origin........................................................................................61 Decide where to Locate an Origin...................................................................61 Transform an Origin ........................................................................................61 Set the Default Origin......................................................................................62 Remove an Origin............................................................................................62 oordinate System.............................................................................................62 Create a New Scale..........................................................................................62 Use a Scale with Another Coordinate System.................................................62 Change a Scale ................................................................................................63 Change the Length of a Scale Item..................................................................63 olar or Cartesian Coordinates .........................................................................63

te System...........................................................................................63 Coordinate System ............................................................................64 Visual Coordinate Rotation...............................................................64 Numerical Coordinate Rotation.........................................................64

Move a Video Point Series to a Different Coordinate System.......................................65 Move a Video Point Series ..............................................................................65

Remove a Scale from a Coordinate System...................................................................65 a Scale in a Coordinate System........................................................................66 ovies..................................................................................................................66 Choose an “Object of Known Length” for Scale ............................................66 Change a Scale ................................................................................................66 Change the Known Length of a Scale Item.....................................................66

ke Short Cuts...................................................................................................................66 Turn Off/On Automatic Movie Frame Advance............................................................66 Turn Off/On Automatic Point Selection ........................................................................66 w and Analyze Movies ..................................................................................................66 Play a Movie ..................................................................................................................66 Play the Movie at Normal Speed ...................................................................................67 Step Through the Movie ................................................................................................67 Rewind The Movie ........................................................................................................67 Change the Display of Elapsed Times between Frames ................................................67 View Movie Frame Times .............................................................................................67 Resize the Movie Window.............................................................................................67 Allow any Aspect Ratio.................................................................................................68 Hide/Show the Frame Numbers.....................................................................................68 Analyze at Series of Movies Made with a Fixed Camera..............................................68 Remove a Movie from a Coordinate System Window ..................................................68 Add a Movie to a Coordinate System Window that has No Movie...............................68 play Data........................................................................................................................68 Show the Table Window ...............................................................................................68 Create a New Graph.......................................................................................................69 Rescale a Graph .............................................................................................................69 Zoom in on a Graph.......................................................................................................69 Copy Data to a Spreadsheet ...........................................................................................69 ........................................................................................................................................70

5.1. Problems................................................................................................................................70 I Click on the Movie to Locate a Feature and Nothing Happens...................................70

ions ...................................................................................................................70 ion is on an Incline...........................................................................................70

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To Move an Origin ..........................................................................................70 To Rotate an Origin’s Coordinate System.......................................................70

I Want Data Reported in Two Coordinate Systems? .....................................................70 The Cam

I Notice that Som .......................75 The Movie is from

6. Creating Digita6.1. Mov

6.2. Video CapturImportan

Digital CompressiThe Qui

6.3. Prep

6.4. Edu

era was Moving when the Movie was Filmed?...............................................71 The Camera Panned so Much that my Origin Disappears .............................................72

How to Define a Coordinate Transformation ..................................................73 The Camera Zoomed when the Movie was Filmed? .....................................................73

How to Compensate for a Zooming Camera ...................................................73 The Motions are in Two Planes? ...................................................................................74 The Camera had a Zoom Lens or a Wide Angle Lens? .................................................74 I’m only Interested in Part of the Movie?......................................................................74 The Movie is a Time-Lapse or Slow Motion Frame Sequence .....................................74 It Looks as if a Frame is Missing? .................................................................................75

e of the Frames are Duplicated? ................................. a Commercial Film Dubbed onto a Videotape?..............................75

If the commercial video is digitized at 30 fps and re-compressed at 24 fps .........................................................................75

l Movies .........................................................................................................................76 ie Making Tips...............................................................................................................76 Camera...........................................................................................................................76 Background and Object Colors......................................................................................76 Lighting..........................................................................................................................76 Scale...............................................................................................................................76 Zoom Lens Distortions ..................................................................................................76 Marking the Center of Mass ..........................................................................................77 Human Interest...............................................................................................................77

e Cards.............................................................................................................77 t Facts about Capture Cards ............................................................................77 Pixels ...............................................................................................................77 Analog vs. Digital Video Information.............................................................77 Frames per Second (fps) ..................................................................................78 Fields and Frames............................................................................................78 Dropped Frames ..............................................................................................78 “Half-Screen” Video .......................................................................................78

on and Decompression Formats........................................................78 ckTime Format ...................................................................................78 Built in QuickTime Codecs...............................................................79 Cinepak or Compact Video Codec....................................................79 Apple Video Codec ...........................................................................79 JPEG Codec ......................................................................................79 Indeo Codec ......................................................................................79

Post Compress Video ......................................................................................79 Compressing Video in Real-Time ...................................................................80 QuickTime for Windows (.mov) .....................................................................80 Video for Windows (.AVI) .............................................................................80 Problems with AVI to QuickTime Conversion ...............................................80

Modest Cost Cards for PC Compatible Users................................................................80 A Modest Cost Card for Macintosh Users.....................................................................80 A Low-Cost, Limited-Capability Alternative for Macintosh Users...............................81 Other Capture Cards ......................................................................................................81 aring Movies for Use with VideoPoint ..........................................................................81 Creating a Title Frame ...................................................................................................81 Cropping and Sizing Movie Frames ..............................................................................81 Reducing the Number of Digitized Frames ...................................................................81 Creating 60 fps movies ..................................................................................................82 cational Video Tapes and Disks to Digitize....................................................................83 The Physics Single-concept Films Collections..............................................................83

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Physics and Automobile Collisions ...............................................................................83 The Physics of Sports ....................................................................................................83

7. The Movie Col7.1 Intro

7.2. How

7.3. Browsing in tHow the

7.4. TheAbout th(Availabl

About th

About th

About th

8. Glossary..................................................................................................................................................124 Index...........................................................................................................................................................127

lection.............................................................................................................................84 duction to the Movies .....................................................................................................84 Uses for the Collection ..................................................................................................84 Observations about the Collection .................................................................................84 the Movies were Digitized ...........................................................................................85 Overview........................................................................................................................85 Digital Capturing and Cropping ....................................................................................85 Adding Title Screens .....................................................................................................85 Post Compression ..........................................................................................................86 Assignment to VideoPoint .............................................................................................86

he Collection....................................................................................................86 Movies are Cataloged......................................................................................86 Title Screens ....................................................................................................86 Removing a Title Screen .................................................................................86 File and Movie Names.....................................................................................86 Categories and Descriptions ............................................................................87

Collection.......................................................................................................................87 e PASCO Laboratory-Based Movies...............................................................87 e only if VideoPoint was purchase from PASCO scientific) ..........................87 Credits .............................................................................................................87 Marker Carts for the Study of Galilean Relativity...........................................87 Warnings! ........................................................................................................87 e Princeton University Air Table Movies ........................................................88 Credits .............................................................................................................88 2D Collisions and Macroscopic Thermodynamics..........................................88 Caveats! ...........................................................................................................88 e University of Maryland Traveling Wave Movies .........................................88 Credits .............................................................................................................89 Generating the Waves......................................................................................89 Caveats! ...........................................................................................................89

About the Dickinson College Movies............................................................................89 e NASA Rocket and LEM Launch Movies .....................................................90

About the Hershey Amusement Park Movies................................................................90 Caveats! ...........................................................................................................90

The PASCO scientific Movie List .................................................................................90 The Princeton University Movie List ............................................................................103 The University of Maryland Movie List ........................................................................107 The Dickinson College Movie List................................................................................108 The NASA Movie List...................................................................................................121 The Hershey Movie List ................................................................................................122

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Video Point Manual Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1. Overview VideoPoint software in a Nutshell VideoPoint is designed to help you analyze the motion of features or objects of interest in digital video movies. This software will allow you to define characteristics of a series of points you would like to examine on each frame. These characteristics include the name, the size and shape of the marker, the mass, and the coordinate system each point series is associated with. You will also be able to specify the length of objects or distances between features in frames for scaling purposes. In addition to obtaining data via the selection of features or objects of interest on frames, you will be able to define calculated data points such as the location of the center of mass of a system of features or objects. Data that are obtained can be graphed as they are located or calculated. Data can be saved in an electronic file or copied for use with other types of analysis software such as spreadsheets and graphing programs. VideoPoint runs on both the Windows and Macintosh platforms. For Those Who Don’t Read Manuals. . . If you are not a manual reader, the fastest way to get started is to read the entries on "video points" and "coordinate systems" in part 1.3 of this Chapter and then skip to Chapter 2 on Getting Started. An Introduction to VideoPoint Features The VideoPoint software allows you to collect coordinate data by clicking on locations of interest on video images with a mouse. This allows you to study two-dimensional motions by locating, displaying, and analyzing coordinate data obtained from sequences of digitized video frames. You can also study individual electronic images saved as QuickTime movies to determine geometric relationships or count objects of interest. The software has a number of innovative features, many of which are not available in other video analysis packages. It can be operated from either menus or a toolbar. It has drag and drop features and a balloon like help system. Some of the things you can do with the VideoPoint software are summarized in this section.

1.2. Conventions Used in this Manual Menu Choices File->Open Movie... is equivalent to “choose ‘Open Movie...’ from the ‘File’ menu".

! Important Note.

These include common errors and information on features that aren’t obvious.

? Common Question and Answer.

These answer some of the questions that arise concerning certain features and methods. Macintosh Instructions The abbreviation MAC is used to denote specific instructions for the Macintosh computer. Windows Instructions The abbreviation WIN is used to denote specific instructions for a Windows PC.

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Screen Shots Almost all of the screen shots depicted in this manual are from the Macintosh version. The screens shown are functionally equivalent to the Windows version.

1.3. Basic Information “video points” A "video point" is defined as a location of a feature or object of interest on a single QuickTime movie frame. The software initially stores the (x, y, and t) values of a video point; where x is the distance from the left side of the movie window (in pixels); y is the distance from the bottom of the movie window (in pixels); and t is the elapsed time in seconds since the first frame in the movie was recorded. By themselves, video points are not very interesting. However, the VideoPoint software allows you to make calculations based on these video points.

? What is the difference between a video point and VideoPoint software?

The term “VideoPoint” refers to the name of the software while the term “video point” refers to a

point you have located on the frame of a QuickTime movie. Video points are designated by you. For example, if you are looking at a movie of a ball toss, you might be interested in measuring the position of the ball in each movie frame. In order to do this, you would set up the VideoPoint software for one video point per frame, and then click on the location of the ball in each frame in the movie. VideoPoint then stores the information for the series of video points corresponding to the selected locations. Since the data set, consisting of a series of video point coordinates, is stored in screen units (pixels) and is relative to the arbitrary origin of the bottom left of the movie, it isn't terribly useful for analysis. Thus, you have the ability to define various coordinate systems. You can then associate the video points with a coordinate system and determine the position coordinates in the system they are associated with. Coordinate Systems

A VideoPoint coordinate system is two-dimensional and consists of an origin, an orientation, and an optional scale factor. In addition, you can designate a coordinate system as either Cartesian or polar. By default, VideoPoint opens a movie with two coordinate systems present. The first coordinate system known as the default system and is initially named the "Origin 1" system. It is a Cartesian system with horizontal and vertical axes and an preselected origin (i.e., Origin 1) near the lower left of the movie window. Initially the units of the coordinates in this system are in pixels. You can easily change the name of this system or scale it so that video points you locate have coordinates in meters or centimeters. You can also move the default system origin and rotate the coordinate axes if you choose. The second coordinate system is VideoPoint's native system, the “Video Origin” system. This is a Cartesian coordinate system with horizontal and vertical axes and no scaling. The coordinates of the video points located in this system are always in pixels, and the "Video Origin" is always at the bottom-left of the movie. You cannot change the "Video Origin" system in any way. Each video point series that you define has to be associated with a coordinate system. Video points that are associated with the “Origin 1” coordinate system have (x, y, t) data saved as coordinates in the "Origin 1" coordinate system.

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Video Point Manual Page 3

? What is the difference between a video point series and an origin?

Very little, in fact. An origin is just a video point series with the appropriate “Is An Origin” check box

selected. An origin can be edited and moved just like any other video point series. Every origin

defines a different coordinate system. Scale Factors Data stored in pixels is only useful for computers. In order to collect data in “real” units (i.e., meters), each coordinate system must be scaled. In a sample movie, a meter stick might appear to be about 200 pixels tall. During the scaling process, you need to click on both ends of this meter stick and tell the VideoPoint software that the distance between these two video points (which VideoPoint sees as 200 pixels) is actually 1.00 meters. VideoPoint would then assign a scale factor of 200 pixels/m. You can then associate the scale factor with any of the coordinate systems you have defined. With the combination of the origin location and the scale factor, video point data can be reported in “real” units relative to any coordinate system. Calculations Based on Video Points You can specify the standard calculation based on two coordinates or two or more video points associated with a given coordinate system. Each of these calculated items is described in depth in the “How Do I?” chapter. These calculations include: Distance The distance between any two video points on a frame. Scale Ratio of a known length (in meters or centimeters) to the distance in pixels between two video points. Center of Mass Calculated center of mass of a collection of video points based on masses associates with a series of video points. Each series of video points can be assigned a different mass. Angle Angle made by lines connecting three video points. Designated Point Point at a location specified by relative distances between any two video points. Movies Movies are sequences of still images that have been digitized and saved in the QuickTime™ format. Each image is called a frame. Each frame has a time associated with it that represents the elapsed time since the first frame of the movie was recorded. Where do Movies Come From? Many movies can be found on the VideoPoint CD. These sequences of video frames were recorded using a standard video camera and then later digitized by a computer and transformed into a popular digital format known as QuickTime. With appropriate computer hardware installed

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in your Macintosh or PC computer, you can create your own QuickTime movies that can be analyzed with VideoPoint. VideoPoint Files Information derived by VideoPoint can be saved in more than one way. The entire data set along with the current window arrangement (including movies, data tables, and graphs) can be saved as a VideoPoint file with the extension .VPT. WIN- VideoPoint files have the extension .VPT MAC- Though the sample files all comply to the DOS file naming convention, you can use any name under 32 characters in length. VideoPoint files contain coordinate data as well as the name and location of the movie. It does NOT save the movie itself in the file, nor does it ever edit the movie. Thus, if you want to open a VideoPoint file later, the movie associated with this file must also be present. The only exception is when you save a template for later analysis of similar movies (See "Save a File Without a Movie" in the "How Do I?" chapter). The data can be copied from the data table into the clipboard and spreadsheet or any other program that accepts a tab-delimited format. The entire data set can also be exported as a tab-delimited text file.

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2. Getting Started 2.1. How to Install the Software

System Requirements Versions of VideoPoint are available for use with either Macintosh computers operating under System 8, 9 or OS X Classic mode, or any PC operating under Windows 98 SE or later versions which have QuickTime installed (included on the CD). No special hardware is needed when VideoPoint is used to analyze digital movies in the QuickTime format. However, if you wish to create your own digital movies for analysis, you will need to add an additional digitizing card that can capture video information in a QuickTime format. A capture card can have a Video Camera, VCR, or Videodisk player attached to it. For more details consult Chapter 6 on “Creating Digital Movies for Analysis”.

Macintosh Requirements

For Using VideoPoint—G3 or better with system 8.6, QT 6.0 or later (included), 1500 KB of free RAM, 1 MB HD storage for program, and approximately 350KB HD storage per 15 frame QuickTime Movie.

Windows Requirements

For Using VideoPoint—Enhanced 386 PC or better w/Windows 98 SE, QuickTime for Windows 6.0 or later (included), 1.5 MB free HD storage for program, and approximately 350KB HD storage per QuickTime Movie (avg.). Installation

Macintosh Installing the Video Point Software and QuickTime— To install VideoPoint and QuickTime, open the MAC folder on the CD and double click on "Video Point Installer". This will give you the option of installing VideoPoint and QuickTime or just VideoPoint (for machines that already have the latest QuickTime installed).


Installing Video Point Software and QuickTime—In either the Program Manager or the File Manager, choose File->Run and type "e:\WINDOWS\SETUP" where "e" is the letter of the CD drive. Follow the instructions to install VideoPoint. This will install both VideoPoint (vidpoint.exe) and QuickTime for Windows and will create a VideoPoint program group in the Program Manager.

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2.2. A Typical Analysis The easiest type of movie to analyze is a movie with a single feature of interest that was taken with a camera that does not move or zoom during filming. Let's start by analyzing a ball launched from a fixed table. Opening VideoPoint MAC- Double click on the icon in the finder. WIN- Double click on the Program Item in the VideoPoint group.

e movie entitled "PRJCTILE.MOV" located in the samples directory.

Sample Analysis A

etup Screens S

Once VideoPoint is opened the following setup screen will appear. To start, click on "Open Movie...” to open the movie you want to analyze. To work with this example you should choose th

Figure 2-1: The VideoPoint title screen A screen showing the first frame of the movie should appear. You will be invited to enter thnumber of features or objects that you want to locate on each fra

unched during this movie, type 1 into the box and hit “OK”.

e me. Since only one ball is


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Figure 2-2: The second screen which allows you to indicate the number of features or objectsnterest to be located on each frame of the mo

of vie.

1” coordinate system and the “Video rigin” coordinate system. A single video point series (the one specified in the previous dialog

; “Point s1” will report e to the “Origin 1” coordinate system.

i The movie should appear along with a Coordinate System Window. Initially the Coordinate

ystem Window shows two Cartesian systems; the “Origin SObox) called “Point s1” has been placed in the “Origin 1” coordinate systemll its data relativa

Figure 2-3: The default working screen showing the movie, coordinate frame and data table

happens by clicking on the play button

windows. Playing the Movie

lay the movie to see whatP on the movie controller ottom of the screen. which is located at the b

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Rewind the movie by either dragging the slider on the movie controller back to the beginningthe controller or by choosing “Movie->Rewind" (Ctrl-R).


tead of Ctrl-R ! MAC users: Use Command-R ins Taking Data

e moMove the cursor over th vie window area. The cursor should look like this: , and the ottom right of the movie window should have the italicized text “Point s1”. This is the first

video point to be located by you in the frame that currently appears in the movie window. b

! Cursors in the Movie Window

If the cursor looks like: , clicking on the movie window will locate the video point

that is currently selected.

If the cursor looks like , you can select a previously located video point and use

a drag and drop technique to move it to another location. M e cursor so that the ball being launched out ofove th the projectile launcher is centered in the


ou have now collected data for this movie. However, the data are still in pixels since you have

caling the Movie

or. Click once to locate this video point. The movie will automatically advance to the next frame. Continue clicking on the location of the ball in each frame until the last frame of the movie. Ynot yet scaled the movie. S This process tells VideoPoint how many screen units (pixels) in the Movie Window are in a meter, a centimeter, or a millimeter in the actual scene. Conveniently, a 1.00 meter long meter stick was placed in “PRJCTILE.MOV”; this will be used to scale the movie. Starting the Scaling Process

Click on the scale icon in the toolbar. The following dialog box will appear.

Figure 2-4: The Scale Movie Dialog Box

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The length of the scale object (in this case, the meter stick) is known to be 1.00 meter. Enter this

ng Cameras” in e “What If?” chapter for more information).

ady to begin the scaling process:

ote that three new rows appear on the Coordinate System's Window. Two rows, Scale 1A and Scale 1B, specify the ends of the object that you clicked on. The third line, called Scale 1, stores the ratio of the length of the object relative to the distance between Scale 1A and Scale 1B. Now you have scaled this coordinate system by telling VideoPoint that 1.00 meter is equivalent to the distance (in pixels) between the two video points that you just clicked on.

? What are the Scale 1A and Scale 1B video points?

value into the “Known Length” box. Since we want to scale the coordinate system relative to “Origin 1”, select “Origin 1” in the “Scale Origin:” popup menu. Since the camera did not zoom t the instant when the movie was taken, choose a “Fixed” scale type. (See “Zoomia


Once these values have been set, you are re 1. Click on “Continue”. 2. Click once on one end of the meter stick. 3. Click once on the other end of the meter stick. N

These two video points are used by the program to determine the number of pixels between the

ends of an object or the distance between two features used for scaling on a video frame. If the

actual distance (in meters, centimeters, or millimeters) between the Scale 1A and Scale 1B video

points is known, then a scale factor can be determined for the frame. This scale factor is calculated

as the ratio between the number of pixels between Scale 1A and Scale 1B and the actual distance

between these points specified by you. Moving either of the two scaling video points closer together

will decrease the scale factor and moving them farther apart will increase the scale factor.

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Graphing Data To graph the data that you have collected, click on the graph ic e toolbar or choose View->New Graph (Ctrl-G) from the menu bar. The following dialog box will appear.

on in th

Figure 2-5: The Graph Setup Dialog Box From the left list, choose one value that you want as your horizontal (domain) axis. For this

ore values in the right list for the vertical 1: Y”. This will plot Y vs. Time for the video point

e the graph. It should look something like this:

example, choose “Time”. You can then choose one or m(range) axis. For this example, choose “Point sseries named, "Point s1". Click “Plot” to creat

Figure 2-6: A Graph window showing a plot of Point 1Y (m) vs. Time (s) for a projectile Repeat the graph process for an X vs. Time plot for Point s1. Creating a Mathematical Model of the Data Since many of the motions of interest in the study of physics can be described by analytic functions, Video Point has a graphical modeling feature that enables you to try to develop a mathematical model for a motion. You can do this by comparing a graph of the motion to a graph of an equation. For example, in analyzing a movie of a bungee jumper in free fall, you could select a graph of the experimentally determined values of y vs. t. Then you could choose to model the data with a quadratic equation and then match the parabolic line to the data by changing values of the equation coefficients. Is the coefficient of the t2 term close to 4.9 m/s2?

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Figure 2-7: Model of y vs. time for the ball toss. Note that this is a model and not a fit. To complete a model efficiently a user must understand how to recognize the type of function that is needed and how each of the equation parameters affects the mathematical function. Note the Model Equation dialog box that follows. How to Create a Mathematical Model To model Y vs. Time for the projectile in figure 2-6, click on the graph to bring it to the front. Then choose Graph->Add /Edit Model. This will bring up the following dialog box.

Figure 2-8: The Modeling Dialog Box Since Y vs. Time is a parabola for this projectile, choose the “Quadratic” formula. Enter appropriate values in each box that correspond to the constants in the equation. Click on “Apply” to view your modeled graph (shown as a green line) without closing the dialog box. Once you are satisfied with your model, click OK to close the dialog box. If you entered A:-4.90, B:=2.20, and C:=.330, your model should look something like this:

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Figure 2-9: A Graph Window showing data points and the line which is a graphical representation of mathematical model of the data.

The constant A (for the x^2 term) should be approximately -4.9 since this is a projectile that can be modeled by the equation y = 1/2g*t^2 + vot + xo. Viewing the Data in a Table If you want to view the data that you have taken, click on the table window icon

or choose View->Data Table. You can select and copy any portion of the data; clicking on the (x) and (y) headers will select entire columns.


igure 2-10: The Table Window showing the coordinate data of Point Series 1 in Cartesian nates

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Saving Your Work Choose File->Save. Decide where you want to save your file.

? What Information is Saved with a File? The file contains all your data and open windows as well as the name and location of the movie file.

It does NOT contain or change the movie file. This keeps the file sizes small and allows files to be

associated with movies that are stored on “read-only” networks. You have successfully analyzed a movie with VideoPoint. Congratulations. Now it is time to explore the possibilities of VideoPoint analysis. VideoPoint was designed to be easy to use for the simpler cases but flexible and robust enough to handle complex two-dimensional motions. Use this VideoPoint manual to learn how to analyze movies that have more than one video point series, more than one coordinate system, how to move and rotate coordinate systems, zooming cameras, and much more.

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3. FThis section describes functions of each window, dialog, and menu in the VideoPoint software. In ddition, the function of each tool in the VideoPoint toolbar is described.


unctional Description


Windows Startup Windows Initial Setup VideoPoint greets you with this initial startup window. Your options are: 1) “Open Movie”. This, he most common choice, lets you select a movie to analyze. 2) “Open Saved Data”. This opt


llows you to open a file with set up info at has been saved by VideoPoint. 3) the s t VideoPoint quitting. 4) “Quit”. This

rmation and data thtartup window withou“Exit Startup”. This option closes

option quits VideoPoint.

igure 3-1: The VideoPoint Title Screen F

ovie Startup M

When you open a movie, this dialog box appears. Choose the number of video point series corresponding to objects or features of interest that you plan to locate on each frame. For example, if the movie shows a ball toss, you will want one video point per frame; if it shows a two-cart collision, you will want two video points per frame; if it shows a collision of four pucks, you will want four video points per frame. In any case, this is just a convenient way of defining the video

nt series that you wantp to create later. You can define or delete video point series at any time oiduring the analysis.

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Figure 3-2: The VideoPoint Startup Screen Main Windows

Movie Window


Graph Window

Figure 3-3: A typical V

Coordinate System Window

Table Window

ideoPoint screen.

The Movie Window The movie window displays a frame of the movie as well as any video point markers and lines that have been located and calculated on each frame. The main use of the movie window is data collection and display.

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Movie Area

Movie Controller

Current Video Point Field Figu

Movie Area

Current Time Field

Location Field

re 3-4: The Movie Window.

Current Time Field

This area displays the current frame of the movie. You can locate video points on the movie by clicking on the movie. If the video point has already been selected on this frame (and it is visible)you can drag it around the movie to re-locate its position. See the section on “Taking Data” in the “How Do I?” chapter.

This window displays the current elapsed t ie in seconds.

ime of the mov

Movie Controller Use the movie controller to play, step forward ckward, or scan through a movie. , step ba

Play/Pause Button; ress this button once to play the P

frammovie. By default, the movie plays by stepping through each

e of the movie. The movie can be forced to play in real time by unchecking Movie->Play All rames . When the movie is playing, the pl es a pause button. Click once on the F ay button becom

pause button to stop the movie.

Slider Bar rag the little box (the slider) back and forth to scan throD

riugh the movie quickly. Clicking on the

ght of the slider bar will advance the movie frame and clicking on the left will bring up an earlier frame. The left and right bounds of the slider bar default to the ends of the movie.

Step Buttons These two buttons step through the movie one frame at a time.

Location Field This is the (x, y) or (r, θ) coordinates of the cursor location for the video point to be selected relative to its Cartesian or polar coordinate system. If the video point series is associated with a polar coordinate system, the data are displayed as (r, θ) coordinates. Moving the mouse over the origin of the active coordinate system will cause a (0, 0) to be displayed in this field

Current Point Field

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This field gives the name of the selected video point series or the selected calculated series.

Current Frame Field The box on the upper right hand c e number of the movie frame displayed in the movie window and t Gener


orner displays the current framotal frame count.

al Notes on the Movie Window

On Screen

The visible video point markers on each screen are drawn only when the movie is stopped (and y

Frame Rates

ou are not controlling it). For example, the markers are drawn after a single frame step but are not drawn if you hold the step button down.

Every QuickTime movie has a time code that can be translated into seconds. By default, Video

rride the default time code.

tem Window

The Coordinate System Window displays each coordinate system and the name of its associated video point series. Each coordinate system has an origin; it can also have a scale. Each Coordinate

Point reads this time code and uses it for the data. However, there are some situations, such as time-lapse movies and movies taken from commercial video tapes, where you might want to

verride this time code. Choose Movie->Select Frame Rate to oveo Coordinate Sys

System Window always has a “Video Origin” coordinate system. This coordinate system ‘holds’ video point series and items whose data are reported in pixels relative to the bottom left corner of the movie window.

Coordinate system Hea

Item/Point LineDrag Box


Video Point Series Name

Origin Check Box ColumnMass Column

Series Type

Movie Field

Visible Check Box ColumnTrails Check Box Column

igure 3-5: The Coordinate System Window. F

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Coordinate System Header

his header describes the coordinate system. It gives the name of the origin, the current ctor (if any) that

being used to scale the system from computer units (pixels) to real metric length units (m, cm or m).

ted in the coordinate syste header is also listed in the Coordinate System Window relative to the Video Origin coordinate system or another coordinate system designated

/Point Line

Torientation of the x-axis relative to the horizontal, and the scale item and scale faism Note that the origin lis m

by you.


s its s the

Drag Box

Each object or feature that has a video point series assigned to it ha own line that describecharacteristics of the object or feature. These characteristics (and how to change them on the Coordinate System Window) are listed below.

If you want to inter ant to associate a ideo point series with a different coordinate system, click on this area (after the cursor has

ace the video point series first on the list of ideo point series associated with that coordinate system. (See diagram below.)

change the order of two or more video point series or if you w

vbecome a hand) and drag the name of the video point series to its new location. The video point series is always inserted before the video point series on which it is dropped; dropping a video point series name on a coordinate system header will plv

Figure 3-6: Depiction of a hand moving a video point series from one coordinate system to another.

Video Point Series Name The name of the video point series can be anything less than 20 characters. Click once on the name to edit it. You can use the tab key to move to the mass column (if the series is a video point series) or to the next series name. Clicking in this column will also select the corresponding series in the movie window.

Visible Check Box Column [V] Clicking here toggles the visibility of the video point marker on the movie fra e. This option is

o trace e paths of all of the sets at once. Markers for visible video point series will be drawn on the


Trails Check Box Column[T]

mconvenient when you are working with several video point series thus making it difficult tthactive movie frame. Invisible point series can still be located and selected, but their markers invisible.

e video point series. If this box is checked, the item will draw its video point marker at the correct location for all frames of the movie onto the

Clicking here toggles the visibility of the trails of th

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current frame. This is a nice feature to demonstrate the path of an object such asigure 3-7.)

a projectile. (See F

Figure 3-7: The movie screen on the left has the trails for Point s1 turned off so that only the

arker on the active frame is visible. The movie on the right has the trails for Point s1 turned on

Origin Check Box Column[O]

mso all the markers for the point series are visible.

deo point series or other point-type series, the point series becomes

cking this box will cause the coordinate system that is defined by this origin to be removed. eries relative to this now default origin will be moved to the video origin coordinate system.


this box is checked for a viIf

an origin and defines a new coordinate system. Other series can be made relative to this new coordinate system. Unche

ny sA


of each video point series can be entered in this column, or in the case of the center of ou can change the masses of located video utomatically calculates the mass for a

of the masses of the video points used in the

he mass T

mass, calculated . Click once to edit it. Note that only yoints or designated points. The VideoPoint software ap

center of mass point series that is equal to the sumcenter of mass calculation.

Series Type This selection displays the type of the series such as video point, center of mass, etc.

Scale Once the movie has been scaled by choosing Movie->Scale Movie, this area displays information about the points used for scaling.

Movie Field This field displays the movie that is associated with the active coordinate systems. If the movie name is preceded with “FILE:” this means that the movie window is closed. Re-open it by choosing View->Movie. The Coordinate System Window can be saved without a movie for use with a set of movies. Details are included in section 4.2.

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Icons on the Coordinate System Window There is always an icon representing a coordinate system at the left of the coordinate system header. There are three types of icons: Cartesian, Polar, and the Video Coordinate System icon.

Cartesian Coordinate System

This Cartesian icon specifies that points associated with coordinate system report their location as (x, y) displacements from the origin. To change to a polar coordinate system, double click on the icon in the coordinate system header .

Polar Coordinate System

This polar icon specifies that points associated with this coordinate system report their data as (r, θ) displacements from the origin. Double Click on the icon in the coordinate system header to change to a Cartesian coordinate system.

Video Coordinate System

This icon looks like a video frame. It represents the video coordinate system in which all data are reported relative to the bottom left of the movie window.

Table Window

Figure 3-8: The T

all #1 for each fable Window showing the Cartesian coordinate data for the point series named

rame. The time reported for each frame is the number of seconds since the first

able icon

bframe the movie was recorded. The table window displays the data for all the video point series (i.e., objects or features on the movie) whose locations and/or calculations change over time. The window can be accessed by

iclicking on the t n the toolbar or by choosing View->Data Table. The main window is to allow you to examine the data and/or copy all or part of the data to

ata versus Selecting Point Series

purpose of thisthe clipboard for use in another application such as a spreadsheet.

!Selecting D

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Note that selecting data on the table window does not automatically select the named point series

on the Coordinate System Window or movie.

Locating the Movie Frame Corresponding to Table Data Double clicking on a cell in the data table will advance the movie to the appropriate frame and select the corresponding point in that cell's series.

Select All Region

of the data in the table window.

t Time Row

Clicking in the box to the left of the time header [t] will select all


ific time value will select all the data for that time. Clicking on a spec

Select Column Clicking on any of the [x] and [y] column headers will select the entire column. Graph Window

Figure 3-9: A Graph Window showing a plot of the vertical position of Point s1 as a functithe time at which each frame was recorded.

on of

ow can be opened by clicking on the Graph icon The Graph Wind in the tool bar or by Graph. This window displays a graph of the data chosen in the graph setup

s .

Locating the Movie Frame Corresponding to a Graph Point

choosing View->Newdialog box. Although you cannot add or remove items from existing graphs, creating new graphis a simple process. You can also attempt to find an equation that serves as a model for the data

ee section 2.2 for details. S

ging it

Click on the center of any point on the graph; this will select the point on the correct frame of the

ovie. You can then either move the corresponding point in the Movie Window by dragm

around or by using the nudge button on the toolbar.

Changing a Graph Title

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Click on the title to change it. Note that once you change the title, it will not be updated if you doanything like changing the units

of the graphed point.

Horizontal Axes Scales

Changing Vertical and ange the range of the axis, and this dialog will To change an axis scale click on either axis to ch

appear. You can set whether or not the axis automatically scales with new data by checking the Auto Scale box.

Figure 3-10: The Graph Scale Dialog Box. The scale of each axis can be set by the user. Click on any of these values to change the min./max. values for an axis. Note that doing so automatically turns auto-scaling off for that axis.

3.2. Edit Series Dialog Boxes Common Characteristics of Edit Series Dialogs

s dialog boxes allow you to change the characteristics of each type of item. Each em has its own edit dialog box; the section below describes how to use each type of dialog box.

There are certain controls which are on all edit dialog boxes. These are listed first. Name Ele Marker C M T n if the marker is designated as invisible, th video point can still be located. L T arkers of the entire video

oint series will be displayed on each frame.

The edit serieit

nter the name of the video point series in this area. The name can be up to 20 characters in ngth.

lick on the example marker to change the marker's color, size, or shape.

arker Visible

oggles the visibility of the marker on the movie. Evee

eave Trails

oggles the visibility of the trails of the marker. If trails are visible, the mp

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pting the changes.

Accepts the changes and closes the dialog box. Cancel Closes the dialog box without acce The Edit Point Series Dialog The Edit Point Series Dialog Box can be opened by clicking on the series you wish to edit then

clicking on the edit icon in the tool bar or by choosing Edit-> Edit Selected Series.


igure 3-11: The Edit Point Series Dialog Box. It can be used to assign a name, marker, mass, o a point series. The point series can also be designated as an origin.


data from the video point ries transferred. This does the same thing as dragging the name of the point series in the

nto a different coordinate system.

nd coordinate system t Mass Enter the mass of the feature represented by the video point series in the mass box. Entering a mass is important only if the video point series will be used as part of a center of mass calculation. Otherwise, you can leave it at 1 gram.

Select the origin name of the coordinate system to which you wantseCoordinate System Window o

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Coordinates Choose between Polar and Cartesian coordinate systems. If the video point series is in a Cartesian oordinate systemc

c, it will report its location to its origin as x and y displacements. If in polar

oordinates, the video point position coordinates will be reported as (r, θ). The polar coordinates is extremely useful when looking at pendulum motion and rotating objects. Data Type You can choose three data types: Frame-by-Frame, Fixed, and Semi-Fixed. “Frame-by-Frame” is the normal data type. The Frame-by-frame feature needs to be located on each frame. You should choose “Fixed” as the data type if you want the feature to be in the same location throughout the entire movie. Moving a fixed feature on one frame moves it on all frames. “Origin 1” is, by default, a fixed video point. Most of the video points that you designate as origins are “Fixed.” A “Semi-Fixed” origin is a video point that, once selected, will be fixed at the same location in the Movie Window until moved on a later frame. The point will be fixed at this new location unless moved at a later time. It does not move the locations recorded for the earlier frames. This feature is useful when the camera used to make the movie is fixed for awhile and then moves. Units Units for length can be in meters, centimeters or millimeters. Angle units can be either degrees or radians. Angle Range Angles (reported only if the video point series is associated with a polar coordinate system) can either range from -π to π (useful for pendulums) , 0-2π, or -INF to INF. The [-INF,0,INF] range is useful for analyzing things that loop around themselves. Is an Origin Checking the “Is an Origin” box designates the video point series as a series of origins. This creates a new coordinate system on the Coordinate System Window. Two extra options appear; these are described in the section on the Origin Dialog that follows. If the “Is an Origin” box is already checked then unchecking it by clicking on it will remove the

rigin designation for the point series. Other point series associated with the coordinate system

ith provisions for setting the scale and ngle of the x-axis associated coordinate system. The dialog box can be located by checking the

"Is An Origin" box at the bottom of the Edit Point ialog box.

oand origin you just removed will be reassigned to the Video Origin coordinate system. The Origin Dialog

he origin dialog box is actually a point series dialog box wTa


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Figure 3-12: The Origin Dialog Box. It c gn a name, marker, mass, and oordinate system to a point series. The point series can also be designated as an origin.

cale Item Choose the scale item that you want to use to scale the coordinate system that is defined by this origin. This is equivalent to dragging the scale item onto the coordinate system header. Unchecking the “Is an Origin” Box If you no longer want a point series to define the location of the origin on each frame of the movie, you can remove the origin by clicking on the “Is an Origin” box. The point series will no longer be designated as a series of origins. Any other point series associated with the coordinate system and origin you just removed will be reassigned to the coordinate system that the original point series is associated with. The Calculated Items Dialog Calculations can be performed by the VideoPoint software which are based on the location of two or more video points. Each of these calculated items is described in depth in the “How Do I?” chapter. Distance calculations will be in meters, or centimeters, or millimeters. Distances will be reported in pixels unless the active coordinate system has been scaled.

an be used to assic Rotate (deg) This is the amount that the coordinate system is rotated relative to the horizontal. The angle is always relative to the horizontal and not relative to any other rotated coordinate system. S

Figure 3-13: A typical Calculated Items Dialog Box consisting of list of Available Points for the alculation. c

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Scale: Ratio of a known distance in pixels between two features or objects in the Movie Window and t n distance in center.

feature you must assign a mass to each video point series included in the

calculations. Angle: Angles are marked on the movie window for a frame and calculated based on the location of three video points. One of these points must chosen as the vertex. Designated Point: Point at a location specified by relative distances from two video points. Designated points are useful for marking the center of mass of a human body segment that has a non-uniform mass distribution. Each calculated item’s edit dialog box has a list of available video point series and a list of included video point series. The included video point series are used in the calculations; the available video point series are the remainder of valid video points (or video point-type items). Most of the calculated item dialog boxes have a similar format.

Available Point Series List This list contains all of the point series or point-type series that can be included in the determination of the points in a calculated series. All point series and point-type series are shown (i.e., you can make a center of mass series by including two different center of mass series) in this list. Once a point series is included, it is moved from this list into the Included Point Series list. Included Point Series List This list contains all of the point series that you have chosen from the Available Point Series List to use in the calculation. To the right of the title "Included Points" there is a number or an “N” located in brackets. This number corresponds to the maximum number of point series you are allowed to use for the calculation. For example, if you are doing a designated point calculation


of point series selected in the Available Points List and moves ies List. If the number of point series in the Included List is


Distance: The distance between two video points.

he know

Center of Mass: Calculated center of mass of a set of video points on each frame. To usethis

you may add only two point series to this list. On the other hand, when (N) appears as in a Centeof Mass calculation, you are allowed to add as many point series as desired to the Included Point Series List.

dd >> A This button takes the collection hem into the Included Point Sert

greater than the maximum number, this operation fails. << Remove Takes the collection of point series that are selected in the Included Points Series List and returns hem to the Available Points Series List. t

Point Series Info Opens the edit dialog box for the last point series selected in either list. This is useful if you wato change the name or the mass of an included point series.

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New Point Series


he Edit Calculated Series Dialogs

Available Points box. Click on the point series

This button will allow you to create a new point series and include it in the list. If the included lialready has the maximum number of point series, this operation fails. T Distance Dialog A distance series consists of data for the distance between two specified video points for each frame of the movie. To create a distance series choose Create->Distance . A list of previously

efined point or point-type series will appear in the dyou want included in the distance calculation and then click on the Add>> button.

Figure 3-14: A Distance SeriesDialog Box. The user can select any two point series so that the distance between the two points on each frame can be calculated. Center of Mass Dialog You can assign masses to each named data point series and designate that the center of mass be calculated for a set of point series. For example, if you have entered data for the relative mass of each body segment for a college-age woman, then the center of mass of a ballerina can be determined automatically on a frame-by-frame basis as you locate the body segments on each frame. This feature allows you to study the floating illusion in the grand jeté in ballet or ha g-time


in the performance of a slam dunk as well as the path of the center of mass in a collision of manyobjects.

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Figure 3-15: Analysis of a dancer doing a grand jeté. Each part of the body is assigned a relative mass; a center of mass of the chosen objects or features is calculated by VideoPoint. Note that the graph on the left shows the "floating illusion" of the dancer. The head rises and "floats" relative to the fixed origin. The center of mass, however, obeys the laws of physics and follows a parabola. How to Create a Center of Mass Calculation To create a series of center of mass points choose Create->Center of Mass. The center of mass dialog box will appear. A list of previously defined point series will appear in the Available Points box. Click on the point series you want included in the center of mass calculation and then click on the Add>> button. You must, of course, assign masses to each of the point series so that the center of mass points can be calculated by VideoPoint.

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Figure 3-16: The Center of Mass Dialog Box. The user can select any group of video point series to be included in center of mass calculations. The Edit Point Properties button allows you to edit the name, marker, etc. of the Center of Mass point series as if it was a video point series. You can set things like the coordinate system and angle range; in this dialog box. See the “Edit Point Series” dialog box for more information. Scale Dialog

What Scaling Is

etermined, coordinate data can be graphed and recorded in a data table in real units rather than e native screen units or pixels. For example, to obtain data needed to determine the free fall

s being tossed, you can use the known height of the cale factor.

VideoPoint can calculate a scale factor if you locate the ends of an extended object of known length or the distance between a pair of objects in a movie frame. Once a scale factor is dthacceleration in m/s2 of a small ball that iperson tossing the ball to determine the s

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Figure 3-17: Situation before scaling. Note that all the units on the graphs and in the data table are in pixels. In most cases, you will create a scale using the Movie->Scale Movie menu command, and following the instructions that popup. However, you can also create a scale that uses two existing video points for its ends. This is useful when you have a zooming camera (see the “The Camera



Zooms” in the “What If” chapter). Choose Create->Scale and the following dialog will appear. list of previously defined point series will appear in the Available Points box. Click on the point

ries you want included in the scale calculation and then click on the Add>>se

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Figure 3-18: The Scale SeriesDialog Box. The user can select any two video point series to be the end points used in scale factor calculations.

Length This is the length and units of the object or feature in the movie that you are using to create the scale.

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Figure 3-19: Situation after scaling. In the sc ess, the user has selected the ends of the orizontal meter stick (Scale A and Scale B).and has also specified that its actual length is 1.00m.

The program then automatically adjusts the units and values on the graph and in the data table. Also the scale factor is now displayed in the header of the coordinate system it is associated with.

two other points. For example, in the analysis of body motions in sports and ance, the motion of the joints and the center of mass of each limb is often displayed in an nimated format. The designated point and point connection features of VideoPoint allow you to erform human motion analyses easily.

You can define designated points relative to ther points. For example, suppose we want look at the relative motion of the finger tips, wrist, elbow, and shoulder of a tennis player

during a serve. You can connect the finger tips to the wrist, the wrist to the elbow and so on to create an animation of the arm action during a serve. You can define a designated point by opening the designated point dialog box and entering the specifications for your designated point in it. (See the next section for instructions.)

aling proch

Designated Point Dialog In order to analyze certain types of movies, it is helpful to be able to point on a feature that is a known distance fromdap

any two oto

Figure 3-20: Arm Swing. Points are taken at each joint; lines are shown connecting the joints. Specified designated points that define the locations of the centers of mass between each pair of joints set the location of the point a relative distance from one joint to another. The Designated Point Dialog Designated Points are most often used when analyzing human body motions. The center of mass of a calf muscle, for example, may be 60% of the way from the ankle to the knee. A designated point, called “Calf” would be setup to have the mass of the limb located at 60% of the way from the video point “Ankle” to the video point “Knee”. The designated point dialog box can be opened by choosing Create->Designate Point or Edit-

Designate Point. A list of previously defined point series w> ill appear in the Available Points he point series you want included in the Designated Point calculation and then click

d>> button. box. Click on ton the Ad A designated point has a relative displacement along the line connecting two video points as well as a relative displacement perpendicular to the line between the two video points. Often, the

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perpendicular displacement is zero (0), and it simply lies a certain percentage of the way along the line from one video point to another.

Figure 3-21: The Designated Point Series Dialog Box. The user c lect any two video point series to be included in designated point calculations.

an se

Points (2) This popup menu determines which end of the line (A or B) that will receive the point that is added from the available list. Note that adding a point WILL remove another point at that

cation. lo

% along AB

ercentage of the distance between A and B that the point will be locatedPB

along the line from A to . Values greater than 100% place the poi egative values position the point beyond .

nt beyond B. NA

% perp AB Percentage of the distance between A and B tha perpendicular to the


t the point will be displacedline. Positive and negative % values will be allowed.

Figure 3-22: An enlargement of the drawing the designated point series dialog box. This drawing shows a designated point that is 50% of the way from A to B.

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The drawing gives a rough idea of where the designated point will be located relative to the line between A and B. However, large percentage values may locate the point off the drawing and may not be shown. Clicking on the drawing will either select A or B (same as the “Select Point” popup) or will enter values into the % perp and % along fields. Angle Dialog The angle reports the angle between the lines connecting three independent video points one of

y choosing reate->Angle. A list of previously defined point series will appear in the Available Points box.

Click on the point series you want included in the angle calculation and then click on the Add>> button.

which is chosen as the vertex. Video points representing points A, B, and the vertex should be added from the available list. The Angle calculation dialog box can be located bC

Figure 3-23: The Angle Series Dialog box which allows users to determine the angle between two point series and a vertex.

Points (3) This popup menu determines which end of the angle (A, B, or vertex) will receive the point that is added from the available list. Note that adding a point WILL remove another point at that location and return it to the available list. The drawing shows how the angle will be reported. Note that the order in which video points are selected for angle calculations is very important. Clone Point Series Dialog To report data for a video point or point-type series in two coordinate systems simultaneously, you need to clone the first series. The Clone Point Series dialog box can be located by choosing Create->Clone. To clone a series, select it from the list and click on “OK”. Once the series is cloned, you can edit it like any other series.

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Figure 3-24: The Clone Point Series Dialog Box allows users to create a clone of a point series to associate with a different coordinate system. Count Objects of Interest The count item allows you to record the number of objects of interest you locate on each frame.

count dialog box are the name, marker, marker visibility and leave trails.

The Count dialog box can be located by choosing reate->Count. The only options on the


Figure 3-25: The Count Objects Dialog Box which allows users to keep count of the number of objects or features of interest on each frame in a movie.

3.3. Utility Dialog Boxes Marker Dialog

ach point in a series. These markers can be made quite large for lecture demonstrations. They can eferred to the location of the object on the previous

You can select the size, shape and color of the marker to be placed on the screen corresponding to ealso be horizontal or vertical lines or vectors rscreen.

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Figure 3-26: Three body parts with three different markers and three different names. Names can be typed directly into the "Coordinate System" window. Markers can be selected using a dialog box.

e ff with a

isions take place. If arker


If the markers for the points you have located are turned on, a trail of them will appear on thctive movie frame. But if leaving the trails on clutters up the screen, they can be turned oa

click of the mouse. For example, in following the paths of three odd shaped objects on an air table, it is distracting to advance through the frames and accumulate dozens of screen markers while locating the features or objects of interest on each frame (see figure 1-3). However, once all he data points are chosen, it is interesting to see the path of each object as collt

you are following the progress of a projectile, it is informative to use a vertical line as a mand select leave trails. If trails are left on as you make selections, you can see a series of equaspaced vertical lines emerge as you locate the projectile on each frame. Figure 1-4 above shows a frame of a projectile with trails off and trails turned on.

Figure 3-27: Left image of this projectile launch shows a video point on the active frame with

pe of marker on it. Right image is same frame with trails turned on so ta line

hat the constant ojectile is accentuated.

tyhorizontal motion of the pr

To open the Marker dialog box you can either click on the marker icon in the toolbar or hoose Edit-> Markerc . The marker dialog box lets you choose from a bunch of different

marker dialog box is the “Apply” button. This allows you to view y on the movie (assuming that the marker is visible!) without

losing the dialog box.

markers. A nice feature of the the marker change immediatelc

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Figure 3-28: The Marker Chooser Dialog Box which allows users change the size color, shape and type of marker displayed on the screen for each video point in a series.

How to Choose and Apply a Marker Type The markers thparticular featu

at are used to show locations on the movie frames can be chosen to accentuate a wide array of shapes, sizes, colors and

e example box labeled “i.e.” will display e new marker. A list of the marker types follows.

Point Series (Point):

res of a motion. You can choose frommarker types. In order to change a marker, you must click on a new marker in the selector box located in the upper right corner of the Marker Chooser Dialog Box. Thth

Point Series marker

a given point seris are discrete marks centered on the locations on each movie frame that belong es.



a lines marker is chIf osen then lines will be drawn that extend from the edges of the movie Vertical and/or horizontal lines can be chosen. When trails are turned

these lines can be used to emphasize the spacing between points for motions involving constant nstant acceleration.

window through the point. onvelocity or co

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hat displays the change in position from a point on e active movie frame to a corresponding point on the next movie frame. When you are stepping

ing data the change marker will be a little cross (since the location of the ject or feature of interest has not yet been marked on the next frame). Once you finish locating

e displayed whenever trails are rned on.


A change marker consists of a line segment tththrough a movie takobthe video points on each frame, the series of change markers can btu

Vectors represent the displacement vectors. These vectors point from the origin of the coordinate system to the location of the point associated with the origin.

Marker Color: To pick another color for a marker you should click on one of the color squares in the Marker Chooser Dialog Box. These squares are located in the lower left corner of the Dialog Box. Scale Movie Dialog

This dialog box appears when you click on the scale icon in the Toolbar or choose Create->Scale or Movie->Scale Movie. Unless the camera zooms during the movie, you can leave the scale type as "fixed" and just enter the known length of the object in the movie. If the camera zooms, see the section “The Camera Zoom” in the “What If” chapter.

Figure 3-29: The Scale Movie Dialog Box which allows users to enter the length of an extendobject (or alternatively the know

ed n distance between two features) on a movie frame. The scale is

ssociated with a coordinate system (named for its origin). a

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Origin This option allows you to choose which coordinate system that you want to scale by selecting the orresponding origin. See the note about scaling multiple coordinate systems before creating a

dinate system. cdifferent scale for each coor

!Scaling Multiple Coordinate Systems

If you have multiple coordinate systems that are in the same plane (equidistant from the camera),

you should share one scale factor across some or all of the coordinate systems. The easiest way to

do this is to first scale one of the coordinate systems, then, on the Coordinate Systems Window,

drag that scale’s row onto each of the coordinate systems that will share the scale. Graph Dialog You can create graphs of the (x, y, or t) or (r, θ, or t) coordinates of point series as a function of

orded for other point series you have created. The coordinate t coordinate system or any other 2D system you choose to

bing the path of a ball after the locations of

d on each screen. Any graphs that are pre-selected before the data points are me will unfold as the data are being selected.

time or of any of the coordinates recata are determined relative to a defauld

define. Suppose you choose to view graphs of x vs. t and y vs. t descrindergoing projectile motion. These graphs can be selected before, during or u

the ball are markelaced on each frap

Figure 3-30: x vs. time and y vs. time shown for the ball toss.

the graph dialog box by clicking of the graph icon

How to Create a Graph

in the toolbar or View-x allows you

single series.

You can open>New Graph, or Ctrl-G for Windows or Command-G for MAC. The graph dialog bo

of oint series values relative to a set of values from a to create a plot of any number p

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igure 3-31: The Graph Setup Dialog Box which allows users to choose the series to be graphed n the Horizontal Axis and the series or set of series to be graphed on the Vertical axis.

Horizontal Axis

Select one series from this list to represent the horizontal axis.

Vertical Axis Select one or more series from this list to be plotted against the horizontal values.

Plot Creates a new graph. If no horizontal series or no vertical series is chosen, no graph is drawn.

el Equation Dialog by bringing the Graph Window to the front and d/EditModel. The model dialog lets you chose some equations that can be

Model Dialog You can open the Modchoosing Graph-> Adused to model your data. First choose the equation that you think will model your plot the best. Next, change the constants and hit “Apply” to see your results. Continue changing the constants until you are satisfied with your model. The x= and y= lines display which series are being used in the equations. If you have more than one series plotted on the vertical axis, it will take the first one on the list and use it as the y value.

Figure 3-32: The Modeling Dialog Box which allows users to attempt to choose a type of equatioand its constants such that the graph of t

n he equation matches a graph of data.

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Equation Use this popup menu to choose the a type of equation that might represent the data.

pply Use the “Apply” button to view your model on the graph without closing the model equation dialog box. Frame Rate Dialog Movie taken with a high speed or time lapse camera may have unusual frame rates not properly recorded in the movie. You can use the Frame Rate dialog box to change the default frame rate of the movie. You can locate the dialog box by choosing Movie->Select Frame Rate. Changing this is not a good idea unless you know that the time code on the movie is incorrect. For example, to enter the frame rate for a time-lapse movie recorded at 1 frame per 100 seconds, you should enter 0.01 in the dialog box.

A:, B:, C: and D: These boxes contain the values of the constants A, B, C and D to be placed in the equation. A

Figure 3-3ach fram

3: The Change Frame Rate Dialog Box allows users to adjust the times reported for e on movies.

vie file.

econd than you want to analyze, you may want to set a step size wer frames in each second of the movie. Choose either one of the default step sizes up menu or choose “Other” and type in your own. To open this dialog box choose

e Choose the frame rate that you want from the popup menu. If the rate that you want is not listed, hoose “Other” and type the new value into the box. Choosing “Default” will let VideoPoint read c

the time from the mo Movie Step Size Dialog f the movie has more frames per sI

to analyze fefrom the popMovie->Set Step Size.

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Figure 3-34: The Movie Step Size Dialog Box allows users to skip frames on a regular basis when

ystem Dialog

the analysis of all the frames in a movie would be unnecessary and tedious. Coordinate S

Double clicking on the Coordinate System icon, , or in the Coordinate System Window calls up a coordinate systems dialog box. This allows you to change all the video point

ries and calculated items relative to this system from cartesian to polar coordinate or vice versa. made relative to this system will be changed to the correct coordinates.

seAny series that are later

Figure 3-35: The Coordinate System Dialog Box allows users to change the current coordinate

or a polar system.

clicking on either the horizontal or vertical axis on the graph.

system to either a Cartesian Graph Scale Dialog

ou can open this dialog box byY

igure 3-36: The Graph Scale Dialog Box. The scale of each axis can be set bF y the user.

ange the scale of either axis of the graph. Enter minimum and maximum ”

e your graph directly on either graph axis by clicking on the numbers g to maximum and minimum values and entering new maximum and minimum

alues from the keyboard. In addition, there is a zoom graph feature. Holding down the Ctrl key,

ale both axes of e graph.

hange Scale Dialog s dialog box to change

cs of the scale item(s) in your Coordinate System Window. Primarily, this is an st the actual length in meters, centimeters or millimeters of the object or features

Use this dialog box to chvalues for the scale or choose Auto Scale to have VideoPoint choose them for you. Click “Applyto see how these changes affect your graph (without closing the dialog box). You can also rescalcorrespondinvdepressing the mouse button and dragging the mouse diagonally across the region of the graph you want to zoom in on will enlarge that region. Ctrl-double-clicking will autoscth C Change Scale can be opened by choosing Options->Change Scale. Use thithe characteristieasy way to adju

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used as the scale. You can also change the scale type so that scaling can be done frame-by-frame.

eters, or illimeters to change on a frame-by-frame basis. See “The Camera Zoom” in the “What If”

rmation on how to use Frame-by-Frame scaling.

This is really only important when either the camera zooms or moves towards/away from the scene of interest. Both of these actions cause the ratio of pixels to meters, centimmchapter for info


igure 3-37: The Change Scale Dialog Box which allows users to change the information about

Edit->Clear All. Use this dialog box to clear the location , or fixed point series in the entire movie. You can choose to not

ecking Origins or

e scale for a movie. Clear All... Dialog Clear All... can be opened by choosing

f frame-by-frame, semi-fixedoclear the origins and the ends of the scales for the movie by checking or unch

cale Ends. S

Figure 3-38: Clear all Choices Dialog Box. select the points that you want to clear.

3.4. Menus

The Apple Menu (MAC Only) The menu item "Abummary of inform

out VideoPoint" in the upper left of every Macintosh computer opens a brief ation about the VideoPoint Software.

he File Menu

s T

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Figure 3-39: The File Menu New Startup... Begins the setup process of choosing a movie, saved file or blank coordinate system for analysis. Open Movie... Chooses a movie for analysis. Open Saved Data... Opens a saved Video Point file. Close Window Closes the active window. Save As... Saves the current Coordinate System Window and associated windows to a new data file. Save Creates a new data file if it hasn't been saved before, otherwise it updates the current file. Export Data... Dumps all the data that has been taken to a text file. All data including mass and item type are sent to this file. It also contains the locations of fixed video points. Page Setup

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Opens the standard Page Setup dialog box.


dit Menu

Print Window Prints the active window to a file with some header information. Q

Quits VideoPoint. The E

Figure 3-40: The Edit Menu Edit Selected Series... Opens the Edit Dialog box for the selected series. These dialog boxes will be different for different types or series (point, center of mass, distance, etc.). Change Marker... Opens the Marker Chooser Dialog box for the selected series. The marker that indicates the location can be changed.

ff for all selected video point series.

of all selected series.

eave/Hide Trails L

oggles trails on and oT

Hide/Show Selection Toggles the visibility

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Show All Makes all series visible.

lear Selection on Frame



r all the frames in the movie. Clear Frame Clears th all the data on a frame. C ar A Clears th Copy (Movie/Data/Window C ies t The Table Window is copied as text. The other wi D le

eletes r selected item that is highlighted on the screen. The series and all its da ystems header. S ect

S c a .


C Clears the data for the selected series on the current frame. However, the series name andcharacteristics still exist.

lear Selection All FC

lears the data for the selected series foC

e data for the current frame from all items. This is useful if you want to retake

le ll ...

e data for all frames from all items.


op he active window to the clipboandows are copied as bitmaps.


e Selection D any video point series o


ta are entirely removed from the coordinate s

el All

ele ll items in the open window allowing you to copy or delete all of the itemsThe Options


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Figure 3-41: The Op

tions Menu

e you click on a movie frame a new video point series ill be created. Yo ame and other information.

Auto Point Ad If Auto Point Advance is c t is located on a movie frame, VideoPoint will set you up to from the next series that should be located on the frame. If all the vi n located, nothing is selected. Auto Frame A nc If Auto Advance advance one frame as soon as all the video points from all of the vid rame have been located. If Auto Point Advance is off, Auto Frame A ovie when the selected video point is located. Make Point Origin

es is selected it will be transformed into an origin series. This option allows cord data of one point series relative to another video point series. Thus, you can record

e movie that you are using for an origin should happen to move off the screen,

ll become the new origin. See “Transform an Origin in the “How do I?” hapter.


and its associated origin to the default. It is usually a good idea to leave ystem, initially named "Origin 1", as the default system.

his brings up a dialog box that lets you change the length of any scale that is present on the

l data associated with it will be cleared. However, any coordinate ill be retained, although the data associated with each of them

ch as angle of rotation and origin locations will be cleared. Also, the basic properties of any

emove Movie is a aluable feature in the analysis of complex systems that recur such as those used in the analysis of

t series and their relative masses for each body segment for a typical male or movie to movie.

Auto Add Points f Auto Add Points is turned on, each timI

w u will prompted for a series n


hecked, after a video poin locate the next video pointdeo points have already bee

dva e

Frame on, the movie wil is leo point series on a movie fdvance will advance the m

If a video point seriyou to recoordinate data of the motion of one object or feature in a movie relative to the motion of another object or feature. Transform Origin If the object on thyou can transform the origin to some other object that is on the movie afterwards. To transform an origin, go back to the last frame in which the object was visible and find another object or feature

n that frame that wioc

Set Default Origin (Coordinate Sy Sets a coordinate systemhe original coordinate st

Change Scale... Tmovie. Remove Movie... The movie will be closed and alsystems that have been created wsupoint series that have been created and the properties they have been given such as mass, is an origin, association with a coordinate system and so on will be retained. The Rvhuman motion. Poin

male athlete can be retained fromfe

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Switch Movie...

es of movies that have been taken with or example, you took a series of movies of people measuring their

camera at the same location, you could set up the scale and origin for e next movie! since the scale and origin will

d and se a new movie. However, fixed data and

he Create Menu

witch movie is designed to let you easily analyze a seriS

the same fixed camera. If, fertical leap with the samev

the first movie, take and save data, then switch to thbe kept, all you have to do is take data. When you switch movies, the movie will be closed and data associated with it will be clearethe user will be returned to the finder to chooinformation about origins, coordinate systems and scale factors will be retained. T Each menu choice creates a new series and opens the respective dialog box. See Sections 3.2 and3.3 of Chapter 3 for more information on how to use the edit dialog box for each series.

Figure 3-42: The Create Menu Point Creates a new video point series for the selected feature or object. Origin Creates a new coordinate system and associated origin series. By default, this origin series is a frame-by-frame origin. You can easily change the series it to a fixed or semi-fixed type of origin. Center of Mass Calculates a video point-type series in which each calculated point is at the center of mass of the

istance A distance calculation reports the distance between specified pairs of video points.

included video points on a frame. D

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Scale Creates a scale factor using two existing objec

ale factor is the ratio of the frame pixels betts or features that are a known distance apart. The ween two scale points you have located (such as

se scale points. Normally, you should use Movie->Scale Movie to scale a movie unless you want to

point series allows you to determine positions for a video point series relative to two different coordinate systems.

ideo points on a frame to a third video point hich is designated as a vertex.

frame. A designated point can have a relative displacement along the lar to the line between

scScale A and Scale B) and the known distance in meters, centimeter, or millimeters between the

use two existing video point series to create the scale.

Clone Creates a video point series identical to that of the selected video point series. Cloning a video

ngle A

Reports the angle between the lines connecting two vw Designated Point Creates a designated point series. Each designated point is located relative to the locations of two other video points on eachline connecting the two points as well as a relative displacement perpendicutwo points. Count Keeps count of the number of objects or features of interest in each movie frame. The Movie Menu

Figure 3-43: The Movie Menu Rewind

esets the movie to its first frame. R Scale Movie

tarts the scaling process. S Set Step Size

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Opens the movie step size dialog box, allowing you to analyze fewer frames.

of the movie. Use this ONLY if you know the time code of the ovie differs form the actual times at which the frames of the movie were recorded.


vie back to the default size that is stored in the digital video file. movies be digitized in a 320 X 240 pixel size.)


size that allows you to still use the movie ontrollers.

checked, this retains the aspect ratio of the movie when resizing. Otherwise, the movie can be ata will still be correct.

"Play All Frames" is checked, VideoPoint will play every frame of the movie at a constant ill attempt to play the movie at its original frame rate (which in some cases,

he Window Menu

Select Frame Rate Overrides the default frame ratem Half Size This changes the size of the movie box relative to the default size that is stored in the digitalfile. (Normally we suggest that movies be digitized in a 320 X 240 pixel size.) Normal Size This sets the size of the moNormally we suggest that(

ouble Size D

his changes the size of the movie box relative to the default size that is stored in the digital viT

file. (Normally we suggest that movies be digitized in a 320 X 240 pixel size.) Fill Screen

his changes the size of the movie box to the maximumTc Keep Aspect Ratio If distorted, though the d Play All Frames Ifspeed. Otherwise, it w

ill skip frames). w Show Frame Numbers Shows the frame number at the top right hand corner of the movie window. T

Figure 3-44: The Window Menu Tile

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This command rearranges the screen so that all of the windows can be seen.

ide Window


s been closed, it

able window to the front. If the table window has been closed, it opens

Cascade This command rearranges the screen so that the windows lie one on top of each other. H This command hides the current window. Close All

his command closes all open wiT Coordinate Systems This command brings the Coordinate Systems Window to the front.

urrent Movie Window C

his command brings the movie window to the front. If the movie window haTopens it. Table Window

his command brings the tTit.

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The View Menu Whenever a window is selected from the View window, it is the one associated with the currentactive window. For example, if you have two data tables containing data from two different

ovies, selecting View->Movie will bring the movie which


matches the active data table to the mtop.

Figure 3-45: The View Menu

to the front.

ew Graph ...

ata. See "Graph Dialog Box" in section 3.3

his command toggles the background window that covers up the Finder and other open

indow is the top window.

ovie M

The Movie command makes the appropriate movie window active and brings it to the front. If themovie window is closed, VideoPoint opens it. Coordinate Systems This command brings the current Coordinate Systems Window Data Table This command opens a data table associated with the movie window or coordinate systems window that is currently active. It reports all the data that changes over time. N

his command opens a dialog box that lets you plot dTof this chapter. Toggle Background. -MAC Tprograms. Graph Menu The GraphMenu can only be located if the Graph W

Figure 3-46: The Graph Menu Add/Edit Model This adds a new model or allow you to edit the current model for the active Graph Window. Each graph can only have one model (see section 2.2 on Model Dialog Boxes for details).

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Visible Legend If this is checked, a legend will appear on the graph. By default, the legend only appears on new graphs when more than one data series is to be plotted on the same graph. Moveable Legend If the legend is visible, checking this menu choice gives you the choice of having the legend fin the right side of the graph or having the ability to drag the legend around the graph.


3.5. The Toolbar The toolbar buttons are as follows:

Selects the next video point that can be located on the current frame.

Allows user to select and move an existing video point marker.

Toggles context sensitive help on or off (similar to Macintosh balloon help).

Selects the previous video point series listed in the Coordinate System Window.

Selects the next video point series listed in the Coordinate System Window.

Allows user to scale the active coordinate system.

Hides/Shows the Coordinate System Window.

Hides/Shows the Table Window.

Allows user to create a graph.

Allows user to change the size or shape of the selected marker.

Toggles to display or hide the entire series of video points associated with a selected video point.

Toggles “Trails” of the selected features

Names a new video point series

Allows user to edit a video point series

Allows user to relocate the origin or orientation of a selected coordinate system.

Nudges the selected video point 1 pixel in any direction; click on the appropriate arrow to nudge.

MAC only. Toggles the background window off or on to hide screen objects that do not belong to VideoPoint.

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4. H

he headings listed here.

4.5 Clear Data/Delete Series

4.7 Create Items

4.10 Take Short Cuts


ow Do I? This section answers some of the most common questions about using VideoPoint. Answers are

rganized into to

4.1 Get Help 4.2 Open and Save Files 4.3 Take Data 4.4 Select Items

4.6 Edit Series

4.8 Modify or Move Calculated Items 4.9 Define Coordinate Systems

4.11 View Movies 4.12 Display Data

Get Help Mac A “Balloon-type help system is available on the Macintosh version of VideoPoint. To use it, click

on the

icon and move the cursor around the screen. To see a help balloon you should placethe cursor on any VideoPoint element of interest on the monitor screen. Windows Choose Help->Context to get more information about the current window or Help->Contentsa general overview.


4.2. Open and Save Files

Open a Movie

hoose File->Open Movie.... This will open a movie for analysis and create a nC ew Coordinate

ank Coordinate System Window.

System Window, or if the current Coordinate System Window has no movie associated with it (see “Saving a File Without a Movie”), this will attach a movie to it. Open a Saved File Choose File->Open Saved Data.... Open a New Setup Choose File->New Setup.... This setup window allows you to choose between opening a new movie, opening a saved file or opening a bl Save a File

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Choose File->Save. This will save all the data and graphs. Save a File as a Different Name Choose File->Save As....

xport Only the Data to a File E

hoose File->Export Data. TC his will save a tab-delimited text file that can be read by any

data ssociated with the movie. It will, however, retain information about the coordinate system type

o plex systems that recur such as those

sed in the analysis of human motion. Point series and their relative masses for each body ale athlete can be retained from movie to movie. You can then

ve this "Analysis Setup" as a data file.


spreadsheet or other math analysis package. Save a File Without the Movie First, choose Options->Remove Movie. This will remove the movie and clear all the aand the associated point series properties such as mass, designation of series as an origin and son. The Remove Movie is helpful in the analysis of comusegment for a typical male or femsa

Take Data Take Data by Locating Video Points

f interest on the movie. The process consists of a) want to locate (or using the default name already


ove Video Points t

You take data by locating features or objects ohoosing a name for the video point series youc

assigned), and b) clicking on the movie where you want the video point in the series on the acframe to be located. Note that calculated video points, such as the Center of Mass and Designated Points, are determined from the video points that you select to be included in the calculation. For example, if you had a calculated center of mass of two carts, “Big Cart” and “Little Cart”, the center of mass would be located for you once you have chosen the video point locations on a frame for both “Big Cart” and “Little Cart”. M If a video point has already been located on a frame, but not in the correct location, you can selecand move the video point by clicking on it and dragging it around in the movie window. If the point refuses to be moved around the screen, it is most likely a calculated series which you cannot

ove. m

Figure 4-1: Example of the Point Series cursor for locating each point and the arrow used select a pr

to eviously located video point to move it.

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4.4. Select Items Select a Video Point Series You can select a video point series by a) clicking on the name of the video point series in the

oordinate System Window, b) using the up- and down- arrows C on the toolbar until nd

cated on the active movie frame and its marker is visible, clicking once on the video point

the name of the selected video point series is shown in the bottom right of the movie window ais also highlighted in the Coordinate System Window, or c) if the video point has already been lomarker will select it. Once a video point is selected on a frame it will have a circle around it.

Figure 4-2: A video point which has been selected.


inate rkers for

Select a Calculated Video Point Series You can select a calculated video point series by a) clicking on the video point series name in the Coordinate System Window, b) Using the up- and down- arrows on the toolbar until the video point series name is shown in the bottom right of the movie window and/or is highlighted in the Coordinate System Window. Select the Next Video Point that Needs to be Located

You can select the next video point that you want to locate by clicking on the

elect a Group of Video PoinS

You can select more than one video point series at a time by holding the shift key and clicking on each video point series either in the movie window or on the series names listed in the CoordSystem Window. You can also drag a rectangle on the movie window the includes the maa cluster of video points on the movie frame that you want to select. However, you can only move one video point at a time.

icon on the toolbar. If Auto Point Advance is on, VideoPoint will automatically select the next video point that needs data on that frame ONLY after you have located a different video point. If you have just moved a video point or have been editing some video po s that have been int

located, you will need to click on the icon to continue taking data.

4.5. Clear Data/Delete Series

Clear the Selected Video Point on a Frame Once a video point is selected, you can clear the video point by choosing Edit->Clear Selection

n Frame. This will clear the data for all the selected series; however, the series will still remain in the Coordinate System Window and can be relocated on this frame.


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Clear All the Data

he Frames ed

Choose Edit->Clear All. This opens the "Clear All" dialog. This dialog allows you to clear the data for all types of video point series for the entire movie. Clear the Point for All t Choose Edit->Clear Selection All Frames. This will clear all the locations for all the selectvideo points for all the frames.

! Clearing vs. Deleting

Clearing data only removes the locations and (x, y, t) data associated with a video point series, but

the video point series name and other characteristics given to it remain intact. Deleting data

removes the locations and (x, y, t) data associated with a video point series along with the video

point series itself. Delete a Series Delete a Located Video Point Series

Select the located video point series that you want to delete. Choose Edit->Delete Selected. Delete a Calculated Point Series Select the calculated video point series and then choose Edit>Delete Selected. This will NOT delete video points that are used to calculate the series.


Edit Series ! Edit Dialog Boxes

Each type of series has its own edit dialog box. Some of the characteristics listed here do not apply

to all types of series. See section 3.2 in Chapter 3 to learn more about each type of dialog box. Edit a Series

elect the series that you wish to edit. To edit the characteristics, either a) choose Edit->Edit

n s marker on

e movie. In any case, editing a series brings up the appropri te edit dialog box and you can change any of the characteristics of the series. Change the Marker of an Series

SSelection...(Ctrl-E for Windows and Command-E for MAC), b) double-click on the left box on the video point’s line in the Coordinate System Window, or c) if the video point has already beelocated on the current frame of the movie, you can double-click on the video point’th


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Select the series. Once selected, either click on the icon in the toolbaror choose Edit->Marker. See the section “Marker Dialog Box” in the “Functional Description” chapter. Change the Name of a Series You can either change the name in the edit dialog box for the series or change the name directly on the Coordinate System Window by clicking once on the name. Change the Mass of a Series

ass assigned to a series in the Edit Dialog Box or directly on the oordinate System Window.

You can either change the mC

how/Hide a Series SSelect the series. Clicking on the icon in the toolbar toggles the visibility of the series. Yocan also

u hide and show a series on the movie by checking and unchecking the “V” column on the

oordinate System Window. Visibility can also be set by checking the “Is Visible” box in the edit ialog box for the series.

Cd Turn a Series Trail On/Off

Select the series and then click on the trails icon in the toolbar to toggle on the trail and hence the location markers for all the points in the series. You can also toggle the trail for selected

umn in the Coordinate System Window.


want to get angle data from either -π to π or from 0-2π. Also, if the object in

series by clicking in the “T” col Report Point Series Data in Polar Coo Any series can have its coordinates reported in polar (r, θ) format. This can be set in the series “Edit Point” dialog box in the “Coord.Sys” popup menu. Note that for calculated point series (such as the center of mass), you will need to click on the “Edit As Point...” button on the edit dialog box for the series.

hange the Angle Range for a Series C Sometimes, you will the movie is spinning, you might want to get angles in the range from -INF to INF. In the series edit dialog box, select the range in the “Angle Range” popup.

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4.7. Create Items You can create and define characteristics for many types of items including video point series, oordinate systems ("origins") and center of mass series. c

Create !

See Section 3.2 on “Edit Dialog Boxes” in Chapter 3 to learn how to use the edit dialog box for each

type of item. Create a Video Point Series Choose Create->Poin

ialog box. Another opt. This will create a new video point series and open the video point’s edit tion, which is useful if you want to create a bunch of new video points, is


Origin (Coordinate System) hen you create a new origin, you are defining a coordinate system. After choosing Create-

e of the movie. of your origin has been created, you will

eries u

ignated Point an edit designated dialog box will appear. You can ose the end video points to be included and enter the data needed



r you might want to use two count n a shopping mall and track the numbers of men and

dto use the Auto Add Points feature. This adds a new video point every time you click on the movie until you turn Auto Add Points off. See "Auto Add Points" in the “Menus” section of the

nctional Description” chapter for more information. Create an W>Origin you can give your new origin a name and specify its location on each fram

ince a new coordinate system which carries the nameSsee a header for this new system in the Coordinate System Window. You are free to change the characteristics such as the scale factor, orientation and so on of this new coordinate system. Create a Center of Mass S When yo choose Create->Center of Mass an edit center of mass dialog box will appear. Youcan use this dialog box to name the center of mass series you are creating and to choose a set of previously defined video point (or point-like) series to be included in the center of mass calculation. Create a Designated Point When you choose Create->Des

ame your designated point, chonto calculate coordinates for your designated point. Create an Angle Choose Create->Angle. Once the edit dialog box for the angle item opens, you can choose three video points that make up the ends and the vertex of an angle. Create a Count A count item lets you count the number of features or objects of interest on a frame. It marks where you click, but only reports the number of clicks on each frame. For example, you could, foexample, count the number of blue air table pucks in a region to track “entropy” increases using amovie from the Princeton Collection such as PRU035.MOV. Oitems to analyze a time-lapse film of an area iwomen present at different times of day.

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Choose Create->Count to create a count item. When the count item is selected, each successive click on the move window will add one to the count on the current frame. When you are finishcounting objects on a frame you can use the movie controller bar to change to another fracount objects on it. The number of objects or features counted on each frame will be displayed in the data table.

ed me and

) Create a Scale (the easy way

Either click on the icon on the toolbar or choose Movie->Scale Movie. This will start the scaling process. See the entry entitled “Scale Movie Dialog Box” in Section 3.3 or Chapter 3 to see how to set the options on the dialog box. Create a Scale (the hard way)

og box. You will need to include two ints that make up the scale ends. This is useful when the video points by which you scale


4.8. Modify or Move Calculated Items

hoose Create->Scale. This opens a blank scale edit dialC

video pothe movie are also video points that you have already taken on the mo

Add a Video Point Series to a Calculated Series s calculated from two or more video point series or other previously er to include a video point series in a calculated series, you need to: 1)

t to

cription of the dialog box for each series in Section 3.2 of hapter 3.

Each calculated series icalculated series. In ordopen the edit dialog box for the calculated series, 2) select the video point series that you wanadd from the available video points list, and 3) click on the Add >> button to add them to the list. Certain series can have a maximum number of video points that can be included. Add>> will not replace a video series. See the desC

Figure 4-3: A typical calculated series dialog looks much like the Distance Series dialog shown

termine above. In this case the user is selecting two point series, ball 1 and ball 2, in order to dehe distance between them on each frame. t

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Remove a Video Point Series from a Calculated Series To remove a video point series from a calculated series, you need to first open the edit dialog bofor the series. Select the video point series that you want to remove in the included list and click on <<Remove. Move Calculated Points


ve e

ded points, you will most likely move the calculated points.

e calculated points directly by clicking on the screen. Instead you must locate the ideo points which are included in the calculated point.

4.9. Define Coordinate Systems

You can’t move a calculated point directly by clicking on it and dragging. However you can moa calculated point indirectly by moving one or more of the included video points. By moving onof the inclu Locate Calculated Points

ou cannot locatYv

A Coordinate System, when fully defined, has an origin which is located relative to the Video Origin, a scale fact r that is used to do etermine locations of objects of interest in real units, a

pe—Cartesian or polar, and an angle of rotation with respect to the native video coordinate stem.

esignate an existing point series as an origin, you are actually efining a new coordinate system and a header for it will appear in the Coordinate System

Window. Initially each new system is a Cartesian system with no scale factor associated with it wil

ation n angles for the Coordinate System will appear in its header. Data

ecifying the origin location will appear in the native Video Coordinate System (or whatever rigin is associated with.

me an origin series. To make this point an umn in the Coordinate Systems Window of the

Make Point Origin, or c) edit the point and check the “Is an

object or feature that does not move in the plane of the ovie. Objects such as tables and doors make good origins. Note that if the camera moves, you

n each frame. See "The Camera Move" in the

tysy Whenever you create an origin or dd

and no angle of rotation. A header for your new system l appear in the Coordinate System Window. Once a new system is created, you can change its characteristics. Current informabout scale factors and rotatiospother coordinate system that o Coordinate System Origins Create a New Origin Choose Create->Origin. This will create a new video point that is designated as an origin and also create a new coordinate system for it in the Coordinate Systems Window. Alternately, select the point series that you want to becoorigin, you can a) click once on the “O” colselected point, b) choose Options->

rigin” box. O Decide where to Locate an Origin If you want a stationary origin, choose anmwill need to click on the location of the origin oWhat If" chapter if this is the case. "

Transform an Origin

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If the object on the movie that you are using for an origin should happen to move off the screyou can transform the origin to some other object that is on the movie afterwards. To transform aorigin, go back to the last frame in which the object was visible then find another object on that frame that will become the new origin. Select the old origin, and then choose Option

en, n

s->Transform Origin. This will popup a small pink cross next to the original origin. Move this pink cross to the location of the new origin. From the next frame on, you will click on the location of the new origin. See “Transforming Origins” in the “Advanced Features” chapter. Set the Default Origin Whenever you create a new point series or calculated series it is automatically associated with the default coordinate system. Since you can change the name, origin location, type of coordinate system and so on of the default coordinate system, you will usually want to associate the video points and calculated series you create with it. However, there may be instances in which you want to define and associate several series with one of the other coordinate systems. Select the origin. Choose Options->Set Default Origin. It is usually a good idea to leave the original origin (“Origin 1”) as the default origin. Remove an Origin If you no longer want a point series to define the location of the origin on each frame of the movie, you can remove the origin by clicking on the “Is an Origin” box. The point series will no longer be designated as a series of origins. Any other point series associated with the coordinate system and origin you just removed will be reassigned to the coordinate system that the original point series is associated with. Scale a Coordinate System In order to scale a Coordinate System, there has to be an object (i.e., a meter stick) of known length. If the camera does not zoom, the object needs to be in only one frame of the movie. When you make your own movies, be SURE to keep something like a meter stick in the frame of the movie. Whatever you choose for your “known length” it is IMPERATIVE that the object be in the same plane as the motion of interest. If the object is behind the motion, the scale factor (in pixels/meters) will be too small (since the length of the meter stick will appear to be too small on the movie). Create a New Scale

If you want to create a scale, click on the icon in the toolbar or choose Create->Scale. Either action will start the scaling process. You will be asked to enter a scale length in a dialog box and click on the ends of the object of known length. Use a Scale with Another Coordinate System If you want to use a scale that has been already created on this movie with a different coordinate system, you can either a) drag the scale icon from its coordinate system onto the header of the new coordinate system that you want to scale. See the section entitled “Scale Series Dialog” in Section 3.2 of Chapter 3 for instructions on using a dialog box as another way to associate a scale with the point series in various coordinate systems.

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of a scale item have been located on a movie, the scale factor pixels/meter) can be ys. You can either move the locations of the end video points (closer reduces ange the known length of the scale itself.

of the object in the movie that is used for scaling (i.e., it’s a 2 ...

e en h of the object or select the scale on the Coordinate System Window.

ext you should choose Edit->Selected Series and change the number in the length field.

esian Coordinates cates whether the coordinate system is Cartesian or

nate System r

rface of the incline. Also, the angular motion of a simple pendulum can be recorded by choosing a polar coordinate system, placing the origin at the pivot point and rotating the horizontal axis by 90 degrees in a clockwise direction. This allows VideoPoint to report the angle data between -π and π.

Change a Sc

nce both endsOchanged in a few wathe scale factor) or ch Change the Length of a Scale Item If you entered the wrong length meter stick and you entered 1 meter for the known length), choose Options->Change Scale. Alternatively you can s lect the scale that you want to change in the “Scale” popup menu and thenter the new known lengtN Choose Polar or Cart The icon on the coordinate system header indipolar. Double click on the system header to get a dialog box that lets you choose between Cartesian and polar coordinates. Rotate a Coordi There are several cases in which the it is advantageous to have an x-axis that is not horizontal. Foinstance, motion on an incline can be studied with the x-axis rotated so it is parallel with the su

Figure 4-5: The origin for this popular Hershey Park water ride is set to the top of the fall and rotated such that all x values are reported parallel to the incline.

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Figure 4-6: The origin has been moved to the axis of the pendulum and rotated such that the angles reported are in the range of -π to π. A coordinate system can be rotated through any angle between 0° and 360° in a counterclockwise direction with respect to the horizontal axis (or with respect to the positive x-axis of the coordinate system to which the rotated coordinate system refers).

Figure 4-7: A selected origin with associated coordinate axes and a selected origin with axes rotated at 345° with respect to the native Video Coordinate System axes. Rotate a Coordinate System


Visual Coordinate Rotation

o rotate a coordinate system, the origin of the system must be selected. Once the origin is

selected, there are two ways to rotate the system. One is visually and the other is to enter the desired angle into the Origin Dialog.


Numerical Coordinate Rotation

To rotate the axes visually, select the origin associated with the coordinate system you want to rotate. If the origin is selected, it will have a circle around it with a little “handle” along the positive x-axis. Drag the handle around either clockwise or counter clockwise to change the angof the coordinate system.

o rotate the axes numerically, select the origin associated with the coordinate system you want to f

Trotate. Double click on the selected origin to bring up the Origin Dialog located at the bottom ohe Edit Point Series Dialog Box. t

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Figure 4-8: The Origin Dialog at the bottom of the Edit Point Series Dialog Box. Move a Video Point Series to a Different Coordinate System You can move a data point from one designated coordinate system to another. For example, suppose you are analyzing a film of a person sitting on a cart who tosses a ball vertically while the cart is moving at a constant velocity in a direction perpendicular to the video camera. You can select the location on the ball in each frame and then create a data table showing the x and y coordinates of the ball relative to the laboratory coordinate system or to a coordinate system moving with the cart. This should help you to acquire a better understanding of Galilean relativity. Move a Video Point Series To move a video point series or point-type series to a different coordinate system, place the mouse over the left-most box in the series line in the Coordinate Systems Window and drag the series line onto the header of the coordinate system to which you want to add the series.

Figure 4-9: Ball #3 starts out in the “Origin 1” coordinate system but is dragged to the "Table End" coordinate system. Remove a Scale from a Coordinate System Drag the scale icon in the coordinate system header onto the “Video Origin” header. Since the “Video Origin” box cannot be scaled, it will just remove the scale from the original coordinate system.

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Replace a Scale in a Coordinate System

ength” for Scale

o scale a movie, there has to be an object (i.e., a meter stick) of which you know the length. If the camera does not zoom, the object needs to be in only one frame of the movie. When you make your own movies, be SURE to keep something like a meter stick in the frame of the movie. Whatever you choose for your “known length” it is IMPERATIVE that the object be in the same plane as the motion of interest. If the object is behind the motion, the scale factor (in pixels/meters) will be too small (since the length of the meter stick is smaller on the movie). Change a Scale

be ces


r select the scale that you want to change in the “Scale” popup menu and then enter the new he scale on the Coordinate System Window, then choose e number in the length field.


If you have more than one scale item on your movie, you can switch between them by dragging the scale items onto different coordinate systems.

cale Movies S Choose an “Object of Known L In order t

Once both ends of a scale item have been located on a movie, the scale factor pixels/meter) canchanged in a few ways. You can either move the locations of the end video points (closer redu

e scale factor) or change the known length of the scale itself. th Change the Known Length of a Scale Item If you entered the wrong known length of the object in the movie that is used for scaling (i.e., it’s a 2 meter stick and you entered 1 meter for the known length), choose Options->Change Scal Oknown length of the object or select tEdit->Selected Series and change th

. Take Short Cuts Turn Off/On Automatic Movie Frame Advance

you do/don't want the movie frames to advance automatically after all the video points on this .

urn Off/On Automatic Point Selection

4.11. View and Analyze Movies

Ifmovie frame have been taken, select Options->Auto Frame Advance T If you do/don’t want the next video point that needs data on each frame automatically, select Options->Auto Point Advance.

Play a Movie Open a movie and bring the movie window to the front. To play the movie, you can click on the

button on the movie controller. By default, the movie plays every frame as fast as it can, ay at a regardless of the original time code. If you are using a slow computer the movie may not pl

normal speed.

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Play the Movie at Normal Speed To play the movie at the rate at which it was captured, uncheck Movie->Play All Frames. Video Point will maintain the normal play back rate by dropping frames selectively. Step Through the Movie

Use the buttons on the movie controller to step forward and backwards through the ovie. Sometimes you will come across a movie that has more frames than you want to analyze.

he movie. Enter the time, in dvances or when a step button

n also a) click

of the

mChoose Movie->Set Step Size... to change the default time step of teconds, that you want the movie to step through each time it auto-as

is pressed. This does not eliminate any frames from the movie, it just skips frames. You can reset the movie step size to normal if you want to analyze frames that were previously skipped. Rewind The Movie Choose Movie->Rewind (Ctrl-R for Windows and Command-R for MAC). You ca

once just to the right button, b) drag the controller "slider" back to the beginning.


oosing Movie->Select Frame Rate. e time codes in the movie are incorrect. er 3.

nt software interprets this code and can display

m box in the upper right corner of the window to make the window as big as the reen.

Change the Display of Elapsed Times between Frames If a series of video frames have been recorded using a high speed camera or time lapse techniquethen when the movie is digitized the time codes may be incorrect. You can change the elapsed times between frames by chChanging this is not a good idea unless you know that thSee the "Frame Rate Dialog" entry in section 3.3 of chapt View Movie Frame Times The elapsed time between each pair of adjacent frames is not necessarily constant. In most cases, it is safest and most accurate to use the movie’s time code. A list of times is given in the first column of the Table Window. When most QuickTime Movies are created a time code is associated with each frame. Normally the VideoPoithe time elapsed between the first frame and each subsequent frame when the movie was originally recorded. Resize the Movie Window You can resize the movie by using any of the default sizes (Movie->Half Size, Movie Normal Size, Movie->Double Size, or Movie->Fill Screen) There are other ways to resize-

IN: WResize the window by dragging any edge. MAC: Use the grow box in the bottom right corner to resize the window, or Use the Zoosc

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! Movie Window Size

If you want to preserve the movie aspect ratio (ratio of height to width) be sure that the Movie-

>Keep Aspect Ratio is checked. Then the width of the movie will be determined automatically from

the height of the resized window. Allow any Aspect Ratio If you want your Movie Window to have an unusual shape, you can uncheck Movie->Keep Aspect Ratio. Although the movie will look distorted, the data should remain accurate. Accuracy s lost in the extreme cases (i.e., the long, skinny movie or short, fat movie). i

Hide/Show the Frame Numbers To hide the frame numbers at the top right of the movie window, choose Movie->Show Frame Numbers. Once the frame numbers are hidden th numbers can be displayed once again by rechoosing M

nformation about origins,

rdinate System Window


ove Movie. You can then save this "Analysis Setup" as a data le. Opening this file later will prompt you to choose a movie to analyze.

the Movie field at the bottom of the Coordinate System Window says “Movie: None”, you have no movie attached. In this case select File->Open Movie...


eovie-Show Fame Numbers.

Analyze at Series of Movies Made with a Fixed Camera First, analyze the first movie of the series as you normally would. After saving your data for the first movie, choose Options->Switch Movie. The original movie will be closed, and data associated with it will be cleared and the user will be returned to the finder to choose a new movie. When the Switch Movie feature is chosen, fixed data and icoordinate systems, and scale factors will be retained. In addition, there will be no need to change scale or to redefine the coordinate system(s) type (polar or Cartesian), rotation angle or origin location being used from movie to movie. Remove a Movie from a Coo Ordinarily a Coordinate System Window that you have set up with various coordinate systems and different video point series with masses and so on to be associated with the movie, you maywant to analyze a series of similar movies, you will want to save a coordinate system and point series setup for use with other movies. This capability is especially valuable when analyzing human motions where you need to create a point series for each body segment and enter a relativemass for it. Remove movie preserves all point series characteristics. You can remove the curmovie by choosing Options->Remfi Add a Movie to a Coordinate System Window that has No Movie Ifa Coordinate System Window that has to add a movie.

. Display Data Show the Table Window

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If the Table Window has been closed, you can reopen it by choosing View->Data Table (Ctrl-D)

toolbar button. or clicking on the Create a New Graph

Choose View->New Graph... (Ctrl-G) or click on the toolbar button. This will bring up the x. The graph dialog box allows you to choose the data to be plotted on the

of graph axes are chosen these axes will rescale automatically as new data from point ecorded based on features that you locate. You can rescale a graph by clicking on the

you want to examine part of a graph in more detail, you can enlarge it or zoom in on it by

to a spreadsheet or word processor for additional

mn. Choose Edit->Copy Data. Holding down the control key allows s data. Note, however, that data selected using the control key retains

, thus pasting this data in a spreadsheet may leave some blank

graph dialog bohorizontal and vertical axes. Rescale a Graph Once a set series are rnumbers next of a graph axis corresponding to maximum and minimum values and entering new maximum and minimum values from the keyboard. Another way to rescale the graph is to double click on the graph axis you want to rescale to bring up the Graph Scale Dialog box. You can also auto-scale both axes by double-clicking anywhere on the graph area while holding the control key down. Zoom in on a Graph Ifholding down the control key, depressing the mouse button and dragging the mouse diagonally across the region of the graph you want to zoom in on. If you want to restore the graph to its original scale you will need to rescale it.

opy Data to a Spreadsheet C You can copy data from the data Table Windowanalysis or display. To locate the data table and select the data that you want to copy, clicking on the [x] and [y] headers selects whole coluyou to select non-contiguoull the blank columns in-betweena


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5. W


hat If?

Problems I Click on the Movie to Locate a Feature and Nothing Happens

lick on the tC oolbar button.

, clicking on the movie will locateIf the cursor changes to a the selected video point (as n the bottom right part of the movie).

rsor remains a

indicated i

the cuIf , all video points have been located on this frame. Advance the movie


one frame and try again.

Movie Situations The Motion is on an Incline If the motion that you are analyzing is on an incline, it is possible to move and rotate the origin

ch that motion on the incline is reported in just the x- or y- direction. This makes for simpler

ag the

suanalysis. To Move an Origin If the origin has been located and is visible on the movie (like “Origin 1” is by default), drorigin on the movie to the new location by clicking on the video point where the lines intersect.

Figure 5-1: The Selected Origin is rotated by dragging it's handle around to the desired angle.

isplayed in the Coordinate System Window where e header of the coordinate system you are rotating is located.

Want Data Reported in Two Coordinate Systems?

To Rotate an Origin’s Coordinate System Select the origin once it has been located on the movie; drag the handle (the dot on the outer edgeof the circle) of the origin around until the x-axis points in the desired direction. The angle of rotation between 0 and 360 degrees will be dth I You can do this by cloning the point series and associating the clone with a second coordinate system (see section 3.2 in Chapter 3). Once this is done data are reported for both the original point series relative to its coordinate system and its clone relative a second coordinate system.

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The Camera was Moving when the Movie was Filmed? You can define a moving coordinate system that allows you to compensate for camera motions byselecting a familiar background feature as the origin in each frame. This feature allows you to nalyze

motions in frame sequences made from video images recorded with a hand-held camera. an object relative to any other object on the screen can be reported on a

aIn short, the position offrame-by-frame basis.

Figure 5-2: In these three frames of a Saturn IV rocket launch the camera is panning If an othat is fixed relative to the screen is used, the data for the rocket's location will be useless. If a moving origin is located at the top of the launch tower on a frame-by-frame basis, meaningful data for the rocket's acceleration relative to the tower which is fixed to the ground can be obtained.


Figure 5-3: In the graph on the lef still when coordinate data for its osition is reported relative to an ori he right shows the

order to compensate for the m an object that is stationary uch as the corner of a table) an e, move the default origin


t the rocket appeart to stand gin fixed on the screen. The graph on tp

rocket nose's position recorded relative to a moving origin that follows the location of the top of the launch tower as the tower appears to move down the screen in each successive frame. In oving camera you will have to find

d use it as an origin. On the first fram(s(or any other origin) to the stationary location and make sure that the origin is a “Frame-by-Frame” or "Semi-Fixed" video point. On each frame of the movie, make sure that the origin is located at the right place. The data will all be relative to this origin and will correct for the mocamera.

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The Camera Panned so Much that my Origin Disappears

f mple, the path of a

road jumper or basketball player perform k can be reconstructed even if the camera sweeping so broadly that background fe ompletely.

In some cases defining coordinate transformations allows you to obtain intelligible motion data o feature or object of interest that is tracked with a panning camera. For exaa

b ing a slam dunatures change cis

Figure 5-4: Four frames from a movie whers in the frames at all times. In this case the o

e the camera pans so much that no stationary object rigin (marked by a white circle) is located at one of



ithe red tiles against the wall in the first few frames. Before the red tile disappears the origin itransformed to the bottom left corner of the black rectangular heat vent (as marked by a white square). VideoPoint corrects for the motion by storing the difference in the coordinates of the wall tile and the black heat vent based on the locations of these features in a frame in which both are visible.

Figure 5-5: Graph of the y-position of the diver's waist relative to the red tile to the left of the center of the wall. An origin transformation was made in the last few frames to a black rectangular heat vent. The demonstrates that the VideoPoint origin transformation allows you to have continuous data even when objects chosen as origins leave the visible area.

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How to Define a Coordinate Transformation

ated origin such that it does not any times as

e basis to follow the motion of an object with a amera that is zooming in or out or to track the motion of an object moving off into the distance. or example, the acceleration of the lunar module as it ascended from the moon during one of the pollo missions can be determined even though the camera had been programmed to zoom back

even though two different

ile filming the movie, the pixels/meters calibration ratio will change on very frame of the movie. In this case, you will need to set up a scale for your coordinate system

you have already created a scale:

Step back to the last time that the origin was in the movie. Here you will want to translate/transform the origin to a different object that is stationary but will not leave the field of view immediately. In order to get good data, the second object must be in the same plane as the first origin. In general, it is wise to choose this transformed/translleave the field of view at all. However, you can transform/translate origins as mnecessary. The Camera Zoomed when the Movie was Filmed? You can define scale factors on a frame-by-framcFArapidly. The horizontal acceleration of a drag racer can be determined

xed cameras have been used to follow it as the dragster moves off into the distance and finoticeably changes its size on every frame. How to Compensate for a Zooming Camera If the camera zooms whethat is relocated on every frame. If1) Choose Options->Change Scale....

Figure 5-6: In the case of a zooming camera it is necessary to open this dialog to change the

ame-by-Frame scale type.

) Select the scale that you want to change (usually there is only one).

e video points. These video points, sually named Scale1A and Scale1B (the numbers change with more scales) will now need to be

) Enter the known length of the object in the movie.

nds of the scales from fixedvideo points to frame-by-frame video points.

scale from a fixed scale type to a Fr 23) Change the scale type to “Frame-by-Frame”. This changes the video points that make up the ends of the scales from fixed video points to frame-by-framuselected on every frame. They will automatically be selected just like any other normal video point. If you have not yet created a scale: 1) Choose Movie->Scale Movie.... 23) Select the origin of the frame that you want to scale. 4) Change the scale type to “Frame-by-Frame”. This changes the video points that make up the e

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he Motions are in TwoT Planes?

One origin and one ale should be in one plane, the other scale object and origin should be in the other plane. Note

ie to use as your known lengths; one

Each frame can be scaled by a different scale object. When all of the motion is in one plane that is perpendicular to the camera axis, only one scale object is necessary. However, if there are motions in two planes, you need to set up two scale objects and two coordinate systems because the objects in the plane that is farther away from the camera will appear smaller.scthat you will have to choose two different objects in the movs needed for each scale. i



Scale a

Scale b

e have found that fairly far away from the object of interest and

the motion fills about 3/4 of the screen.

hrough a tion can be noticeably inconsistent

rnatively, you can skip the uninteresting frames when


s in

Figure 5-7: When motions take place in two planes in a movie, two coordinate systems can be setup by using different scale objects within the movie frame. The Camera had a Zoom Lens or a Wide Angle Lens? If the lens on the camera is a fixed lens, no significant distortion should be present. However, most commercial video cameras have variable focal length zoom lenses that range from wide angle to about 10X zoom. Although distortions are usually negligible in modern zoom lens systems, the zoom lenses in some low cost cameras may cause radial image distortions. Radial distortions can give a pincushion and/or barrel shape to a rectangular image. Wdistortion is minimized when the camera is located then the zoom is set about halfway in, so Distortion is quite noticeable when looking at a large motion (i.e., a bungee jumper) twide angle lens. Your data for the top and bottom of the mo

0% error). (1 I’m only Interested in Part of the Movie? If you are only interested in a small section of the movie, you can shorten the movie by cutting out frames using software such as Apple’s MoviePlayer (Macintosh) or Adobe Premiere (Windows or Macintosh) before analyzing the movie. Alteyou locate features or objects of interest. The Movie is a Time-Lapse or Slow Motion Frame S If the movie does not play in real time even when the Movie->Play All Frames menu entry is unchecked, the original movie may be either a time-lapse or a slow motion movie. Also, moviethat have been digitally edited and saved at a different frame rate than the original will not play "real time". In these cases, you can override the time code that is read by VideoPoint to display

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the time. To do this, choose Movie->Select Frame Rate.... This prompts you to enter the numberof frames per second that you think the movie really is. Every frame in the movie will then have atime that is equivalent to (se

conds/frame) * (frame #).

pace in anything

ally made .AVI file, there

he Movie is from a Commercial Film Dubbed onto a



otape at a higher frame rate the best way to do this is to ove the extra frames "by hand" before re-compressing

press the movie at 24 fps. You can also -compress the movie at 12 fps, 8 fps, or 6 fps, and so on.

It Looks as if a Frame is Missing? Sometimes, when you take data, it looks as if a frame is missing from the movie. If the time code of the movie corresponds to this missing frame (i.e., there is a larger than normal step between the previous time to the next time), do nothing; VideoPoint will just use the time code on the movie. The dropped frame is common with less expensive capture cards that are set to capture at a higher frame rate than it can handle. Though there might be an extra slotted against time, the data will still be accurate. p

If, however, the time code does not reflect a missing frame (i.e., the time step is the same throughout the whole movie), this is a problem. Since there is no way to determine the real time ofthe frame following the dropped frame, some error will be present. This situation generally appears on files converted from Video for Windows (.AVI) to QuickTime for Windows (.MOV) since Video for Windows does not associate time codes with individual frames. This is one of the reasons we chose to use the QuickTime format. If you are capturing the movie, you can alleviate the problem by reducing the capture rate in frames/second of your capture card. If the movie you re using has been transformed to QuickTime format from a commercia

isn't much you can do. I Notice that Some of the Frames are Duplicated? If the movie has been taken from a video tape made from a film (movies, sports highlights), look at the next entry which deals with problems also created with dubbing commercial films into videotapes. If your movie was digitized from a live source, your digitizing card or software may have duplicated the frames to keep the frame rate constant. In this case, the movie can probably be analyzed if you skip duplicated frames when taking data. TVideotape?

ovie film is normally recorded at 24 frames/second. Videotape is normally recorded at 30 Mframes per second. When 24 fps film is transferred to video tape, every 4th frame is usually duplicated. Though you won’t notice this duplicated frame while you are watching the video taits presence is problematic when analyzing digitized frame data. If changes are happening slowlyin a movie, the simplest way to assure that the time interval between frames is constant and no repeated frames are present is to digitize the "commercial" videotape at 6 fps "every fifth frameIf any other frame rates are used in digitization special problems will be created. If you want to digitize a commercial videompress the movie at 30 fps and then remc

it. If you want the maximum frame rate you should re-comre

If the commercial video is digitized at 30 fps and re-compressed at 24 fps

e movie down to 24 fps. If it

It is tempting when digitizing a commercial movie, to consider digitizing it at 30 fps without removing extra frames and then recompressing it at 24 fps. Don't do this. If you are lucky, this will work beautifully. However you only have a 1/6 chance of this process working. It would

epend on which frame your re-compression software drops to get thd

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happened to drop the extra frame as the first dropped frame, everything will be correct. However, dropping any other frame first will lead to incorrect frame times.

he extra frames "by hand" while

6. C

compatible computer ideo signals from a video camera, VCR or video

rmat. .AVI (Video for Windows) files can also be onverted to QuickTime movies.

you will need to digitize video images. Finally, we have cluded some tips for digitizing your movies for use with the VideoPoint software.

6.1. Movie Making Tips

As indicated above best way to handle the situation is to remove t

igitizing at 30 fps and then recompress the frames at 24 fps. d

reating Digital Movies There are two steps to creating digital movies for use with the VideoPoint Software. First, you must produce a set of images with a video camera or identify video images from existing video tapes or videodisks that are suitable for Video Point analysis. Second, you must install special oftware, such as VideoPoint Capture, and hardware into a Macintosh or PC s

that will allow you to digitize standard NSTC vdisk player into the QuickTime digital foc The goal of this chapter is to give you some advice on how to choosing events to film with a camera and how to select existing video material for digitization. In addition, we have attempted to explain more about the equipment in

Camera Almost any type of video camera available for the consumer market (e.g. 8mm, Hi-8, VHS or SVHS) can be used. However whatever camera you use should have an adjustable shutter speed and set it at 1/500th of a second or less for sharp images. However, good lighting is important when a fast shutter speed is used. Background and Object Colors The background should be a royal blue for recording light objects or a plain light gray for the motion of dark objects. Avoid filming objects in motion with backgrounds that might turn into the same shade of gray on a black and white screen. For example, yellow, light blue and light green might all look the same in black and white. Red and black might look the same and so on. Lighting Provide good lighting. This lighting needs to be diffuse enough to avoid specular reflections. Good halogen flood light sets with reflectors and stands are now available from video and photo equipment suppliers. Scale You often need to be able to scale a movie so distances are measured in “real” units. If you wish to use a real unit than you must have an image of known length in one or more of the movie frames. If the field of view is several meters wide you can put a clearly ruled meter or two meter long rule in a horizontal, vertical or along the surface of the incline orientation. Any distant object or known length that is present in a movie frame can be used for scaling. The scaling object must be in the plane of the two-dimensional motion being studied. Zoom Lens Distortions

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Although distortions are usually negligiblow cost cameras may cause radial image

le in modern zoom lens systems, the zoom lenses in some distortions. Radial distortions can give a pincushion

hat distortion is minimized when the interest and then the zoom is set about .


and/or barrel shape to a rectangular image. We have found tcamera is located fairly far away from the object of halfway in so the motion fills about 3/4 of the screen Marking the Center of Mass Sometimes it is useful to put a bright paper label at the center of mass of an extended object. Human Interest You should have faces and/or hands in every sequence for natural scaling and a sense of participation.

Video Capture Cards

order to make your own digital movies you will need to have a digitizinIn g board or video ard allows you to convert an analog mon video source to a digital file on

our computer. Cards are available for both PC compatible and Macintosh computers.


and s. We


t be

the number of pixels in each row and the number of rows f pixels. Some smaller monitors like the Mac SE have 512 X 384 pixels, Mac 13" and 14"

capture card installed in your computer. A video capture cvideo signal from a camera, VCR, LaserDisc or other comy At present digital video files can be created in many different formats. The most common formfor computers operating under Windows is the .AVI format while QuickTime is the standard format for Macintosh computers. The software that comes with commercially available MACPC capture cards will usually allow you to digitize video frames in several different format

ave chosen to use QuickTime as the standard format for use with the VideoPoint software because properly digitized QuickTime movies can be played back on both Macintosh and PC compatible computers. Many types of video digitizing or video capture cards are available for use with Macintosh and PC compatible computers. We have included some facts about analog and digital video that mighhelpful to you in deciding what kind of capture card to purchase. Check Our Web Site, http://www.lsw.com/videopoint to get an .AVI to QuickTime converter. Important Facts about Capture Cards Pixels A video image on a TV screen or computer monitor consists of thousands of small colored dots or “picture elements.” Each of these picture elements can have a different color. A picture element, or pixel, is the smallest unit in the grid of a computer of TV screen. Measurements of image and monitor sizes are given by two numbers:omonitors and standard VGA monitors have 640 X 480 pixels, and some of the popular larger monitors have 800 X 600 or 1024 X 768 pixels. Analog vs. Digital Video Information

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Analog video information is created and replayed using a standard system developed by the ational Television Standards Committee( NTSC). It is transmitted on an amplitude and

analog video information includes video information is created at 60

h second with each field having half of the scan lines needed to complete a full scan lines from successive pairs of frames are then interlaced at the time of


into digital information.


ields and Frames


een lines can be used to create a full 640 X 480 pixel frame. ypically in single field digitization the pixel count is reduced to either 640 X 240 or 320 X 240

s the

d r in files converted from the .AVI format. This can lead to erroneous data.

ors have a full screen size of 640 X 480 pixels. Most of e video movies that are digitized for VideoPoint are captured as 320 X 240 pixels. We refer to

h dimension is cut in half. (Others choose to call this quarter size only occupies a quarter of the available screen area.)

Nfrequency modulated signal. Common storage media for NTSCVHS tape Laser or VideoDiscs, and 8mm tapes. NTSC analog scanned fields eac

ideo image. The vdisplay to create 30 (29.97 to be exact) frames per second. A video frame has a total of 525 slines. Each line has 640 pixels of information. When video information is stored in a computer-based digital format, the information needed to reconstruct the color of each pixel on a computer screen for each frame that makes up a video image is coded into binary bits (ones and zeros). This information is usually stored in a file on a hard disk, floppy, CD-ROM or other digital storage medium. A video capture card translates nalog informationa

Frames per Second (fps) As the title may suggest, frames per second is the number of frames that are recorded, captured orplayed per second. NTSC is recorded at 30 fps, laser discs, and films are stored at 24 frames persecond. Most people notice jerkiness in motion that is displayed at less than 24 frames per second. However, video sequences showing motions seem intelligible down to about 12 fps. It is comto refer to full motion video whenever digital video frames are captured or played at 30fps. F Fields are scanned at 60 Hz which is the normal AC frequency available in the United StatEach field scans every other line in the frame. Each frame consists of the combination of two fields: an even field and a subsequently stored odd field. In the digital world, a full frame is 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high; only a few digitizing systems let you choose to digitize one field or the other field. If you do only digitize one field, then a method of interpolation betwTpixels. Dropped Frames Sometimes when a video capture card is converting the analog video information to a digital format, it can not keep capturing at the intended rate. Instead of falling behind, it simply dropframe it is working on and captures the next one. If you are using a QuickTime movie with the VideoPoint software, this is not a problem. The time at which each frame is recorded is stored with the digital information that defines the frame. However, dropped frames are not accountefo “Half-Screen” Video The most commonly used computer monitththis as half-screen video because eaccreen video because a movie of thiss

Digital Compression and Decompression Formats The QuickTime Format

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QuickTime is a standard digital format that allows compression of images and sound in a consistent manner and that can accommodate interleaved sound and video. Compression and decompression algorithms can be added to the standard set of algorithms that are included in tQuickTime System Extension. These routines are important if you want compress a movie reduce its memory requirements and then be able to decompress it rapidly during playback.

he to

ome compression/decompression algorithms, nicknamed “codecs”, can be assisted by cards ) in the computer. For example, QuickTime movies can be

ou have the correct card installed in your machine and the correct

ime codecs, that movie ry codec (a message appears: “...because the ickTime 6.0 has the following compression

ecompression routines available.

S(usually with a processor on boardaved with a JPEG algorithm if ys

codec, the movies will be decompressed using the processor on the card and will play back at full screen and full motion. If you have the software-only codec and no card installed, the codec will be run on the processor of your machine and will play back at a reduced rate and size. f you create a movie with a codec that is not one of the built-in QuickTI

will not play on machines without the necessarequired compressor could not be found”). Qud

Built in QuickTime Codecs The following codecs are some of the ones included in QuickTime version 2.0. If you compress amovie with any of these codecs, anyone with the 2.0 version will be able to play them.

Cinepak or Compact Video Codec CinePak is the most common compressor used for mass dicompression scheme that can be restricted to a particul


stribution of movies. It is a very good ar data rate (i.e., for slow CD Drives). ress each frame of information, so it is

post compression. It also plays back at However, it takes between 15 and 45 seconds to comalmost never used while capturing and is reserved forbetter quality and higher frame rates than the other built-in codecs.

Apple Video Codec Apple Video is a decent compressor that can be used to compress a movie on the fly. Though itfast, it does not compress the images as much as the CinePak compressor


JPEG Codec

JPEG is an acronym for the name of the committee. Joint Photographics Experts Group, that designed a standard image compression scheme for compressing real world images. Although JPEG was initially designed for still images, it is sometimes used for movies. The image quality of

ese images is good and the files are more compressed than Apple Video files. However, JPEG is ssor. Some capture cards, especially ones on the PC, are

esigned to do only JPEG compression and decompression.

tha slow compressor and decompred

Indeo Codec Indeo is a software codec that was developed by Intel Corp. Since both .AVI (Video for Windows) and .MOV (QuickTime for Windows) files can both use the Indeo codec, it is the

oice of most PC capture cards that capture directly to QuickTime. It is fast and has decent y not be included by default in the Macintosh QuickTime 2.0.

chimage quality. However, it ma Post Compress Video This is the process in which you can compress a movie after it has been created. In some cases you will want to capture video at the maximum rate, maybe using no compressor or the Apple

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Video Point Manual Page 80

Video compressor, and then compress the rather large file down to a smaller file with the CinePakcompre

ssor (a better compressor that takes a long time to compress each frame).

the images while they are being Video are probably the best ones to use of the standard cturers of digitizer cards will often have their own

ompressor. In this case, use the manufacturers compressor to capture the video. However, if you same hardware that you do, be sure

recompress using one of the basic QuickTime compressors (Cinepak, Apple Video) QuickTime for Windows (.mov) Qui s allows you to play back n Windows. Some capture card ture directly to the Q thers create an .AVI File and con ormat.

BM . The native format for compressed digital video files for Windows was developed

by the Audio Visual Innovations Company and is called .AVI for short. .AVI files have decent e code on each frame. Because of this, you would have no idea

a frame had been dropped by your digitizing card (which is a ry noticeable for large our PC digitizing card opped frames, but you

ve no idea if any were dropped.

at lable

t the time you choose to purchase equipment.

uy one of the machines that has video capture built in (e.g., the PowerMac 7500 has 30 fps x 240).

Compressing Video in Real-Time This compression scheme is used when you are compressingdigitized. Apple Video or Componentcompressors for this process. Manufacare going to distribute the clip to others who will not have theto

ckTime for Window QuickTime movies is on the PC transport cap

vert it to the QuickTime fuickTime format, o

Video for Windows (.AVI) Video for Windows incorporates different device drivers that let you play video on your Icompatible PC

playback quality, but lack a timwhen analyzing an .AVI file ifcommon occurrence). Cumulative error on your time calibration will be vedata sets. You can try to avoid this problem by setting the capture rate of ybelow what it claims to be able to capture; this will reduce the number of drwill still ha Problems with AVI to QuickTime Conversion Windows users may want to convert .AVI movies to the QuickTime format for use with the VideoPoint Software. QuickTime will assign time codes corresponding to regular time intervals to converted .AVI frames. However, .AVI movies do not have time codes and capture cards sometimes creates frames that are irregularly spaced in time. For this reason, movies converted to the QuickTime format from an .AVI format may not be reliable! Modest Cost Cards for PC Compatible Users There are approximately 4-6 different PC capture cards ranging in price from $400 to $800 thcan capture video in the QuickTime format. You should review the PC products that are avaia A Modest Cost Card for Macintosh Users Since virtually all the Macintosh computers now being distributed are Power Macintoshes with Audio Visual (AV) capability, we recommend that users who have access to an Apple Power Macintosh purchase a Power Macintosh AV Card (about $450) to make QuickTime movies or bcapture at 320

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Higher priced cards with better capture quality and rates are also available. If you have the fun($2,000-3,000), these cards produce high quality movies at any frame rate. A Low-Cost, Limited-Capability Alternative for Macinto




stalled. The QuickCam comes with software that allows you to make 4-bit gray scale f


rds come in many price ranges and levels of capability; we recommend the following anting to capture QuickTime movies in color.


ew the products that are available at the time you choose to purchase equipment.


Users Connectix makes a small black and white CCD camera called the QuickCam This camera can plugged directly into the serial port of any Macintosh computer. No capture card needs to be inQuickTime movies at about 10 fps. It can be used to film relatively slow events such as the fall oa coffee filter, a person jumping up and down, air puck motions and 1D cart collisions. Its cost was about $100 in July 1995. A Windows version of the QuickCam is available that makes movies in the AVI format. There are public domain routines available to translate the AVI formainto Quicktime. Other Capture Cards Capture caor those wf

Some Macintosh capture cards do not include the ability to record audio; they simply rely on youowning a Mac with audio built in. For the applications of video analysis, audio really isn't important and turning it off may actually improve capture frame rates. There are three types of capture cards: 1) Built in capture for Macintosh AV computers, 2) Processor Dependent Cards, and 3) Processor Independent Cards. Since new capture card models come out all the time and prices change, we recommend that youonduct a revic

Preparing Movies for Use with VideoPoint Creating a Title Frame Software is available for Macintosh computers (such as Adobe SuperPaint) that will enable youoverlay a title and critical data on the first frame of your movie. For example, it is helpful to haveobject masses and an actual length for scaling purposes included with a movie. In some cases it is

seful to take


a close up shot of key apparatus to insert in the title frame so that users can see what paratus looks like that appears off in the distance in the movie.

e tio (the

ever you crop or resize a movie. You will also be able to select the ze of your movie in pixels as you digitize it. A standard 13" Macintosh RGB screen or VGA

s. on your screen to look at graphs,

e data table, etc.

educing the Number of Digitized Frames

ua piece of ap Cropping and Sizing Movie Frames The digitizing software that comes with your capture card can allow you to crop your movie so that the motion of interest fills a larger portion of the screen. Thus, before you digitize a framsequence, you may want to crop the movie. You should be careful to preserve the aspect raratio of length to width) whensiscreen used with a PC compatible has 640 by 480 pixels. We recommend that when making a QuickTime movie for use with VideoPoint you choose a quarter screen size of 320 by 240 pixelYou can make the movies larger, but you won’t have much roomth R

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The natural frame rate in a video tapes is 30 fps. In general, the motions filmed in a physics lab pleted in a second or less. Thus our sequences are rarely longer than 30 frames. Often

e video that you are making the digital image from is much longer. Be sure to eliminate all the d 15

up a subset of frames for analysis, we recommend that where you se the digitizing software to reduce your frame rate to 1/15th, 1/10th ction saves storage space and analysis time.

e, bered lines are in one field and the 240

red lines are in the other field.


t -- If you specify interlaced video at 320x240, you will actually get only one

d to change it to slow-motion video 0% speed) by deinterlacing the fields. High-end video editing programs such as Adobe

iere 4.0 has a bug that makes the ettings) and Adobe Premiere 4.0.1

as a bug that makes it impossible. Adobe Premiere 4.2 is supposed to fix these bugs. We did not

tart Premiere and open the Movie Capture window. Open the Recording Settings box. Choose


he captured clip will show up in a new Clip Window. Save the clip to the hard disk. Under the dit menu, choose Copy to Construction... Insert at Edit Line. Open the Construction Window.

ect the clip, which should now be at the beginning of track A. Under the Clip menu, choose

can be comthframes taken before the motion starts and after it ends. Usually the analysis of between 10 anframes all showing motion tells the story, and analyzing more frames than that is boring. Sometimes the motion is slow and takes a long time to complete. Although VideoPoint has a feature that allows you to bringreate the digital movie you uc

or 1/5th of a second. This redu

Creating 60 fps movies This technique for making 60 frame per second movies has been provided by Dr. Robert Teese from Muskingum College Physics Department. Further information can be found at http://physics.bsc.muskingum.edu/dept/flicks/flicks.html . If you have a video capture card that is capable of "full frame, full motion" capture, then it is possible to make QuickTime movies that effectively contain about 60 frames per second of information. This is because a frame of videotape actually contains two pictures, called fields, that are made 1/60 second apart. The two fields are "interlaced" to make one frame. For examplf the frame has 480 horizontal scan lines, the 240 odd-numi

even-numbe To make a 60 frame/second movie, you first make an interlaced movie, then use software that will deinterlace the movie. That is, the software must separate the two fields in each frame and putthem into different frames. The SpigotPower AV card for the AV Macintosh is an example of a card that will work. The VideoSpigot and most frame-grabbers are NOT capable of capturing interlaced video. Instead, they capture only one field from each frame and replicate the lines to simulate the other field. When buying a compressor or video input card, look for the terms "60 fields per second," "full frame, full motion" or "640x480 interlaced video." Follow the card manufacturer's instructions tdigitize a videotape segment in 60 fields/second interlaced mode at a size of 640x480. Note thatthe size is importanfield (240 lines) per frame! Once you have made an interlaced QuickTime movie, you nee(5Premiere should be able to do that. Unfortunately, Adobe Prem

rocedure unreliable (especially for high quality compression sphhave a copy of that version to test by the time this document was published, so we cannot include any details here. If you have access to the World Wide Web, check the location http://physics.bsc.muskingum.edu/dept/flicks/flicks.html for the latest news. The following procedure describes how to use Adobe Premiere 4.0 for the Macintosh and a SpigotPower AV card to make a 60 frame/second movie. SRecord at 640x480 4:3 and Conform Movie to 29.97 fps. Do NOT choose Post-compress video. Click OK. Open the Video Input box. Hold down the Option key while selecting a compressor; select SpigotPower AV - Interlaced JPEG. Set the quality to medium (50). Click OK. Start thvideotape running in the VCR. You should see it in the Movie Capture window. Click Record tobegin capturing, and hold down the mouse button to stop capturing. TESel

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Field Options. Select Deinterlace When Speed is Below 100%, and click OK. Under the Clip tion Window, ake menu,

hoose Movie. Click the Compression button. Choose either Cinepak or Video compression


ou're done! After you open the movie in VideoPoint, choose Movie->Frame Rate... nd set the frame rate to 59.94 frames per second.


menu, choose Speed. Type 50 in the New Rate box, and click OK. In the Construcalign the ends of the yellow Work Area bar with the ends of the clip. Under the Mc(NOT one of the SpigotPower compressions!) and click OK. Click the Output Options button. The correct selections are: Output Work Area as QuickTime Composite; Video; Size: 640h 4:3 Aspect; Type: Field 1. Click OK. Choose an appropriate location and name for the file, andclick OK. Ya

Educational Video Tapes and Disks to Digitize Excellent video materials designed for physics teaching are commercially available. We have been digitizing some of these video materials for use in the Workshop Physics classes at Dickinson College. However, it would not be legal to include these in the Movie Collection assembled for distribution with the VideoPoint Software. However, you can purchase commercial tapes and disks. In many cases educational video materials are distributed with permission to reproduce

em for local use. However, before you digitize and distribute movies locally that you have made copyright information



hese collections are available from either The American Association of Physics Teachers (phone ) or Ztek Co. (phone 502/584-8505).

ne 800/548-5334) or Ztek Co. hone 502/584-8505). A supplemental image directory and Teaching tips guide is available from

[email protected]).

he Physics of Sports This collection was compiled by Dean Zollman and M. Larry Noble Vid at and i m a

w xi leis a lot of good material in this disk. Phy ts videodi deoDi PO

. P

thfrom commercially produced video images, be sure to read any license andhat comes with the materials carefully. t

We have several favorite collections to describe to you. The Physics Single-concept Films Collections These collections are compiled from old film loop collections that have been transformed to viformat. These collections include the Project Physics film loops, the Ealing film loops, and the Franklyn Miller, Jr. collection of single concept films. In addition to a wealth of materials mechanics, there is some really good stuff on the behavior of gases. T301/209-3300 Physics and Automobile Collisions This collection was compiled by Dean Zollman, published in 1984 in Videodisk format, and includes a number of high speed test films made by automobile manufacturers of actual collisions. There is also footage of bumper tests, air bag and seat belt performance and so on. This Videodisk is available from either John Wiley and Sons (pho(pDean Zollman at Kansas State University (email: dzollm T

. It was published in 1988 inbout 25 different sports. Most of s to the plane of motion. There

eodisk formthe video segments

ncludes segments showing ere taken with the camera a

otions froms at right ang

sics of SporSeattle, WA 98145

sk is available from Vihone (800)548-3472.

scovery, Box 85878,

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7. The Movie Collection

7.1 Introduction to the Movies Us he C We know that many VideoPoint users will want to take their ownfrom the wealth of available analog materials. However, we discovehave a collection of movies to available to use with VideoPoint fod tim en ko these reasons 1 of the Vi ft ion of over 250 short QuickTime movies. The VideoPoint movie collection can be used to help instructors aVi res, d in oryas orm lecture d ions and e n- as a title screen that includes essential data needed for an analysis of d in it. A data base has been created that gives important information about each oprogram entitled Movie Browser has been created to allow Videoanal f inte ticul n p Observations about the Collection There are six sets of m tion. t thr O s ies), Princet ty (44 mov the movies) were filmed in laboratory settings. The second three sets (16 movies), NASA (4 movies) and Hershey Park (19 movies) containouts nfine vie set In spite of the fact that many of the laboratory-based movies were ideal”, an analysis of some of them indicates that some of the motions are not ideal. Fodemonstrate momentum conservation as a result of collisions of c the colliding objects is critical. A slight torque during a collision can cause a cart to slide along the si an airpuck to o the air table. ictioeliminated. It is essential that instructors analyze a movie that mig ore developing an assignment. The events that display a conservation hen students are first learning about the concept. Later the “weakness” i

asked to explore such questions umint air t trac y

not?” We have included masses of objects on the title screen to allow st

n les s. Hin som s, to open er, t le ed the QuickTime utility, and eliminate the title screen. This allows for sallow students to apply conservation principles such as: “If the m

Although, we have tried to incl ber of m n wwith the axis of its lens perpendicular to the plane of motion, somnot taken under these ideal conditions. These are intended to be u

in of th ed

es for t ollection movies or create digital movies

red that it is very helpful to r those instances when you

now-how to produce all of your ware is bundled with a collect

on’t have enoughwn movies. For

e, the right capture equipm, Version

t or enough deoPoint So

nd students learn how to use , complete homework ended projects. Each movie h the motions foun

deoPoint featusignments, perf

o some warm-up exercisesemonstrat

the laboratngage in ope

f the movies. In addition, a Point users to identify, play, and hysics. yze movies o rest for learning about par ar topics i

ovies in the current collecon Universi

The firsies) and

ee sets of movies from PASC University of Maryland (13 from Dickinson College

cientific (160 mov

real world images filmed are listed in Section 7.3

meant to be “

ide of the co s of the laboratory. The mo s in each

r example, in trying to arts or airpucks, the alignment of

n can never be completely ht be used with students bef law well can be used w

de of its ramp or dig int Also, fr

n a movie can be turned into a ng that momentum is always k) in this collision? Why or wh

virtue if students areconserved, is mome

as: “Assable (orum being transferred to the

udents to verify various owever, instructors may want, iting routine that comes withome interesting assignments that ass

mathematical relatioe case

ships and illuminate princip the movie with MoviePlay

of physiche simp

of the yellow cart is 0.520

hich a fixed camera is oriented e o

kg, what is the mass of the green cart?

ude a large num ovies if the real world movies are

sed primarily for end-of-course features of VideoPoint. projects to introduce terested students to some e advanc

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7.2. How the Movies were Digitized Overview

ick tion to play at full sputers operating

wanted the typical file size to be in the 300 — 700 KB range. Thu mo en p

arte een) a ld bWe also decided to flatten each m be played back on either Mac or PC comFinally each movie was “assigned” to the VideoPoint software so th lso open VideoPoint.

We are times asked why the quality of the ima othat of typical television images. This is because information is loquarter screen and compressed. In most cases there is no loss in th cs, so that the advantage of having digital movies that playback rapidly an space to store far outweighs the disadvantages of seeing a poor im

dent but t still quite good and will give you a feel for how useful student so, we had no monUniversity and were not able to set the field of view properly for t n the ceiling. Thus, the Princeton set has movies that are smaller than quarter screen.

y easy to make digital movies during physicsk for we

preparing the movies for collection was such a rigmarole. Althouthe process here just for the record, it would be futile to describe the process in detail because new products come out so rapidly that the particular hardware and softdate. If you wish to get set up to create a flattened and compresse

scree hav ndsoftware and hardware available. Digital Capturing and Cropping

oviePak capture card in a Macintosh aGra , 199

VHS video camera or from a videotape played back through our S et MediaGrabber to collect a half size image (quarter screen). If we relatively slow we set MediaGrabber for a slower frame rate than th . Once the event of interest was captured we tried to eliminate extr

red segment. Finally we would save the movi

If the movie needed cropping we would then open it using softwawhich was distributed with QuickTime 2.0 development CD in 19 found it impossible to resize a cropped movie without degrading thso we just left the cropped movies small.

Add Title Sc In order to add a title screen to a movie, we opened the movie usi of the MoviePlayer™ basic editing software which was distributed with QApp , Inc. If asic urefe at the e m hecopied and pasted into version 3.5 of Adobe SuperPaint. Logos, m

We wanted each Qucomputers operating under Sy

Time movie in the collecstem 7 and PC com

peed on both Macintosh under Windows. We also s, to enhance the playback

speed and minimize file size, we decided that eachas to occupy one qu

vie, whnd shou

ossible, should be half size (soe compressed after digitization.

puters. r of a standard VGA scr

ovie so it could at opening a movie would a

vie Collection is not as good as st when the image is reduced to e accuracy of the physi

some ges in the M

d don’t require as much diskage. A few of the Dickinson

itor available at Princeton he camera we had mounted o

movies made by stu s are of lower quality, movies can be. Al

he physics is

We found it relativelthem on the networ

classes, compress them and put re surprised to find that

gh we have decided to describe instant analysis by students. Thus, we

ware we used is already out of d Mac and PC compatible movie hopefully more user-friendly collection with title ns, you will probably e different, a

We installed a RasterOps Mthe RasterOps Medi

Centris 650 computer and used mages either directly from an S--VHS camera. We always s

knew the motion would be

bber™ (Version 2.5.2 3) to capture i

e default 30 frames/seconda frames at the beginning and at e on the Centris hard drive.

re entitled ConvertToMovie™ 94 by Apple Computer, Inc. We

the end of the captu

e image quality significantly,

ng version 2.0.6

ing reens

uickTime 2.0 in 1994 by of MoviePlayer to eliminate a first frame of the movie was asses, scaling factors and other

le Computerw more frames

needed, we used the bbeginning and end of th

editing featovie. Next, t

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infor interest were the image posite imag en was then pasted back as the first frame of the movie in the Movie Pthe y suffere e was mb uced If y msupports more than 8-bit color, you will notice that the title framequality than the rest of the movies. Post Compression Each newly titled movie was then opened again using the Conver com he C com ain e. At this point each movie emerged with a smanoticeably faster when opened up under Mover Player or VideoP A t to In order to assure that the movie was correctly flattened for use wiassociate it with VideoPoint, the movie was opened under a routiVid tener. T colle o an pl ovies, and t VideoPoi ndiVideoPoint icon in the middle of the QuickTime movie icon. Alth an be opened, edited and played using MoviePlayer and other playba uble clicking on an assigned movie will open it along with the VideoP

7.3. Browsing in the Collection

mation of laid on top of . The com e with its title screlayer software. Unfortunately,

ovies on a computer that s are of consistently of lower

image qualitecause it was red

d when each first framto an 8-bit color image.

oved into and back out of SuperPaint ou view the

tToMovie software. It was thent, “flattened” and saved as an ller file size and played


pressed using tdependent movi

inepak compression/de pression form

ssignmen VideoPoint th PC computers also and to

ne we wrote to do this called pened on any computer that ccated by the appearance of the ough each assigned movie cc

eoPoint Flatay QuickTime m

hus, each movie in the he assignment to

ction can bent is i

k and editing software, dooint software.

How the Movies ged A data base has been collected for the movies. The data base reco a

name ovie mtopica ry such as 1D ons, H nshas been written for each movie that includes data on the frame rate on which it was digitized. Additional information about each movie is included on its title s

Title Screens Each movie in the collection has been given a title screen that idenbelongs to and includes an object or markers that can be used for

f vario rest are Removing a Title Screen Inst want to remove title screens in order to hold s, an ing ma ents missing factors. To remove a movie title screen, the movie must b and opened using an editing routine such as MoviePlayer. The first framremoved, and the movie can be saved with another filename. File and Movie Names The electronic file name for each movie is DOS compatible and is headed by an abbreviation that designates the set to which the movie belongs. The File Name header is followed by a three digit serial number for each movie in a set. Finally the three letter extension .mov has been added to

are Catalo rd for each movie includes ovie has been assigned to a , etc. Finally a short description

DOS compatible filel catego

and a descriptive m Motions, Collisi

name. Eachuman Motio



ifies which set of movies it scaling purposes. Also, data

such as the masses o us objects of inte included.

ructors maygles and/or scal

withusing the movi

some of the data such as massee can involve finding the e moved to a read/write disk

rkers, so that assignm

e of the movie can then be

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Video Point Manual Page 87

each file name. Typical File Names are PASCO104.MOV, DSON010.MOV, PRU035.MOV and so on.

are o lon ce the DSON001.MOV of a cue b e table

just after the rack is removed is entitled “Pool Ball Break.” Categories and Descriptions

The movies have been divided into the following categories:

•1D Motion on

•Cart Acceleration •Electrostatics

otion/Sports e M

•Macro Kinetic••Pro t•Rotational Mo•Vertical Motion •Wave Motion

Each movie in the data base is listed with a two or three sentence r of key words in it. This allows you to find movies of interest without kcategories.

7.4. The Collection

The Movie Names movie. For exampl

nly three or four words g and are desall hitting th

riptive of the contents of the rest of the pool balls on the

•1D Collisi•2D Motion

•Human M•Inclined Plan otion


ion tion

Oscillation jectile Mo

description with a numbenowing the assigned

About the PASCO Laboratory-B oVid rom sc


tel t ntPriscilla Laws and Mark Luetzelschwab. Most of these movies fe as the low-friction dynamics carts and ramps, ballistic pendula, and projectile launchers. The movies were filmed by Allen Steinhofel and John Rice. Most of the apparat n Hanks who teach physics at American River College. Robert Morwith Speci v umb inisthe movies along with other PASCO employees. These extras inclthe Target movies), Mike Cowden (in the Projectile movies), Trac Cart movies), and Michelle Eastin (in Shoot the Target Movies). We ow

pre the f d mavaila ur use. Marker Carts for the Study of Galilean Relativity

In a n f the movies invo SCO’s dynam ts ruthree levels of tracks. In general the events of interest such as accelerations and collisions occur on the top track. The carts on the other two tracks are set in motioas inertial reference frames for analyses involving Galilean relativity. In is easy to use VideoPoint

n ab ts look ato the fra reference of the ca ing from left to nd t . Warnings!

ased M PASCO

vies ientific) (Available only if eoPoint was purchase f

A set of approxima y 160 movies were filmed a PASCO scie ific under the direction of ature PASCO apparatus such

us was set up by Jon and Anrison from PASCO also helped was prepared for the filming

of these individuals appear in ude: Sean Malone (in the Shoot y Montz (in the Diatomic

the setups.y prototype mach

al equipment such as the trats Tom Frieholtz and Sean M

eling pendulalone. Several

e a vote of thanks to Paul aking all of the apparatus Stokstad, PASCO’s

ble for osident, for arranging for ilming an

umber o lving PA ics car nning on tracks, you will notice

n at constant velocity and serve

ry observer and to observers inhe one moving from right to left

to obtain informatiomes of

out how various evenrt mov

to a labor right a

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The details of how the apparatus pictured in some of the movies is not obvious from the brief descriptions in the movie data base. Consulting a PASCO catalog o

r th ight helqui , and num

A few of the movies were made with apparatus designed by machMalone, especially for studying center of mass motions. These item

ravel umtem e PA alog

Not all of these movies have been analyzed. There is a small amo f friction in all of the cart motion movies, and in some cases we are aware that extra friction

ali erth e rehem gn sed

analyze them first to see what wrinkles are present. About the Princeton University Air Tabl

Cre Another set of 40 movies were made in the historic introductory p ton University. These movies were filmed at Princeton by Mark LuetzeDavid Jackson from the Workshop Physics Project Group at Dick

Wilk Unive artfor g permission to use apparatus developed ntr program. As part of that program students use specially designed capture and analysis to explore two-dimensional collisions and m al processes.

nd ody s The movies of elastic and inelastic collisions on an air table are vdimensional collisions and dynamic center of mass concepts. Sinc ave built in “energizers,” the movies of single-puck motions can be usethe simplified derivations relating pressure, volume, and temperat

e m mac aunde eloci but py phenomena. Caveats!

Not e re is o motion, and in some cases we are aware that extra friction is presagainst the air table in poorly aligned collisions. These collisions transferred to the air table represent real events, and we decided to iplanning assignments based on these movies should always analy

pre Because we did not have a monitor available, the field of view waThus the movies in the Princeton set have been cropped so that th -screen size of most of the other movies in the collection.

About the University of Maryland Traveling Wave Movies

r contacting PASCO Scientific pful in some cases. PASCO’s

ber is 800/872-8700.

inists Tom Frieholtz and Sean

to get instructions foemail address for in

e apparatus in question mries is [email protected]

be very their 800

s include the U-shaped cart shown in PASCO069 and .

unt o

shown in PASCO067 and PASCPASCO070. These i

O068 and the ts will not be found in th

ing pendulSCO Cat

is present because the carts present real events and we on these movies should always

were not completelydecided to include t

gned with the ramp. Nev. Instructors planning assi

eless, thesments ba

e Movies

hysics laboratory at Prince


lshwab, Priscilla Laws, and inson College. We owe thanks

ment of Physics and Astronomy oductory physics laboratoryair tables along with video acroscopic analogs to therm

to Professor David ranting us

inson of the Princeton rsity Dep for the i

2D Collisions a Macroscopic Therm namic

aluable in the study of two-e the Princeton air tables hd to help students understand

ure in a gas to single-particle logs that help students

ions in a gas as well as entrokinetic energies. Th

rstand the conceptulti-puck movies provides of mean free paths and v

roscopic anty distri

all of these movi s have been analyzed. The a small am unt of friction in all of the puck

ent due to the pucks rubbing in which hidden momentum is

nclude them. Instructors ze them first to see what

s quite large during the filming. ey are less than the quarter

surprises might be sent.

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e set cki legeMary tion because the re made by gr studeWhitman in their Physics Education research group. These movietraveling waves at Maryland. Generating the Waves

Thes were made usin btained from stri unstretched length of about 1.8 m and a masses of about 70 g. Thabout 3 N/m. When one of these strings is stretched a length of anplucked, then a traveling wave having a speed of anywhere from 7 tand Michael mounted a video camera on the ceiling of the lab and

io The ed cinterferences of waves travelin site directions and set up free ends. One observer commented that the movies actually lookthat instructors who want to use these movies acquire some similademonstrations of the same phenomena in the classroom.

Although these movies are terrific for viewing and measuring sommotions, there are some problems with the movies. First, the tension data were taken with a very crude spring scale and are

to re n, o adismall displacement approximat s typically us rive s not apply to these movies. This means that the relationship betwemass per unit length may not apply very well to these wave pulses, accurately determined. Also, these movies should eventually be r

mes to see f ththey t ng. Nevertheless, the filming of traveling waves seems like a terrific wasome important properties of waves traveling along springs.

About the Dickinson College Movies The Dickinson movie set is quite eclectic. Diving, ballet, karate, fre

are movies were madcl o been c r cofor use in homework assignments and projects. These movies werinteresting physics in them and not for their technical beauty. Those

an mov nts We are especially proud of two movies made by students during DPhysics classes on electricity. The DSON015 movie enables users tfor electrostatic repulsion between two negatively charged spheresh he re t henough together to distort each others’ charge distri Orepulsion forces between a charged disk and a sphere.

Although this moviland crea

was actually filmed at Difilms we

nson Coladuate

, the set is a University of nts John Lello and Michael s are being used in tutorials on

e movies g springs o an indu al supplier. Each spring had an

e k factor for these springs is ywhere from 4 to 6 meters and

o 11 m/s is generated. John filmed wave pulses traveling onstructive and destructive wave reflections at fixed and ed like animations! We suggest r springs and perform the live

under different tens ns with various amplitudes.g in oppo

y captur


e aspects of traveling wave

unreliable. Thus, in many cases ly see from the movies that the the traveling wave equation doeen wave speed, tension, and

we did not attempt port these data. In additioion that i

ne can reed to de

even if the tensions had beenedone with a high speed video e 10 m/s wave pulse shapes as camera since 30 fra

ravel alo per second is too slow details o

y to record and learn about

efall at an amusement park and e during Workshop Physics llected by students and faculty e chosen because of the

colliding pool ballsasses at Dickinson C

included. Some of these llege while others have reated o

marked as student movies on can make on their own.

ickinson College Workshop

the title screen give indication of the types of ies stude

o verify the inverse square law s that are metal coated. You old when the spheres are close N016 depicts electrostatic

ould take note of t fact that the inverse squa law does nobutions. DS

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About the NASA Rocket and LEM Launc T consists of launches. Five of theseconds or so of rocket liftoffs. Several of these are historic and pconstantly accelerated motion. Finding rocket accelerations makes good exercises in the study of kine The mass of each rocket with full fuel is listed on the movie title se data can be used in homework assignments in which students are diag clude en gravitational force e to f ations, e eng rc The sixth NASA movie, NASA003, depicts the launch of the LunApollo missions. It is a special challenge to analyze because the v the moo med to ar m .

rovides st an opportu se th scaling feature. About the Hershey Amusement Park Mo

et we uetze eHershey, Pennsylvania. Hershey Park boasts four different roller Sooperdooperlooper, the Sidewinder, the Comet, and the Trailblazer. Thus, the mmovie set depicts roller coaster trains going up hill, down hill, bothloops. Two water boat rides, the Coal Cracker and the Tidal Force, reveal constant accelerations as b wn incli ate s

hile the F n ride depic plex h an be analyzed using VideoPont’s moving origin feature linked wcoordinate system. The Pirate ride movie enables users to analyze nt physical pendulum.

Although there are no reliable scale factors in many of the movieskeeping track of energy transformations. It is difficult to calculatetheoretically because the trains are long relative to the curvature ofron hard to s rs it h he

lways perp o the plane o n ofchallenges the analysis of these real world images present, these roller coaster scenes provide many excellent examples of mechanical energy transformations.

sci LiideoPoin chase from sc

Filename Movie Name Category

h Movies six movies depict the first two rovide prime examples of

he NASA movie set of a series


screen when it is available. Theasked to draw free body s, use the VideoPoint softwares.


rams that inind rocket acceler

gine thrust forces and and then calculate th ine thrust fo

Module during one of the last ideo camera left behind onThis is a good movie to use fore VideoPoint frame-by-frame

n is programstudent projects. It p

zoom back as the lunudents with

odule ascendsnity to u

vies Hershey Amusement Park in coasters—the

ajority of this

The movies in this s re filmed by Mark L lschwab at th

up and down hill, and doing

ride exemplifies a constant set of rotational motions whicith a user-defined polar the motion of a gia

oats slide dorotational velocity w

nes or slow down in wlying Falco

r. The Cyclopts a com


, the use of pixel units is fine for the motions of a roller coaster f the tracks. In some cases the ind a bush for a few frames. T

the trains. In spite of the t train car is

camera axis is not aee clearly and in othe

endicular t disappears be

f motio

The PASCO(Available only if V

entific Moviet was pur

st PASCO ientific)

Movie Description

1 PASCO001 (CartBumper_EColl) Magnetic Bumper Collision 1 1D Collision

A cart collides with a magnetic bumper at a low velocity. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for thestudy of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

2 PASCO002 (CartBumper_EColl) Magnetic Bumper Collision 2 1D Collision or the

study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

A cart collides with a magnetic bumper at a high velocity. Two lower carts provide inertial frames f

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

3 PASCO003 (FanCart_Accel)

Fan Cart Accelerating from Rest 1 Acceleration

ts left.

lean re


A fan cart with low thrust starfrom rest and accelerates to theTwo lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Gali

lativity. (10 fps)

4 PASCO004 (FanCart_Accel)

Fan Cart Accelerating from Rest 2

Cart Acceleration


right. Two lower carts provide inertial fr

A fan cart with high thrust stafrom rest and accelerates to the

ames for the study of Galileanrelativity. (10 fps)

5 PASCO005 (FanCart_Accel)

Fan Cart Accelerating Back Cart

th st. It

& Forth 1 Acceleration

Initially a fan cart starts moving toe right opposite a low fan thru

then turns around and moves back. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (10 fps)

6 PASCO006 (FanCart_Accel)

Fan Cart Accelerating Back & Forth 2 Acceleration

g to

study of Galilean re


Initially a fan cart starts movinthe right opposite a high fan thrust. It then turns around and moves back. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the

lativity. (10 fps)

7 (FanCart_Accel) Fan Cart Accelerating Back

& Forth 3 Cart

Acceleration PASCO007

Initially a fan cart starts moving to the left opposite a high fan thrust. It then turns around and moves back. Two lower carts provide inertialframes for the study of Galilean relativity. (10 fps)

8 PASCO008 (Cart_Incline Acc)

Fan Cart Accelerating Down Incline 1

Inclined Motion

A fan cart with its fan off starts from rest and moves down an incline. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (10 fps)

9 PASCO009 (Cart_Incline Acc)

Fan Cart Accelerating Down Incline 2

Inclined Motion rest

A fan cart is set up with a high thrust that opposes the gravitational force component. It starts from and speeds up as it moves down anincline. (5 fps)

10 PASCO010 (Cart_Incline Acc)

Fan Cart Accelerating Up Inclined

Incline Motion

A fan cart is set at a high thrust that opposes the gravitational force component. It starts up an incline with a positive initial velocity and slows down. Two lower carts provideinertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

11 PASCO011 (Cart_Incl Ecol) Magnetic Bumper Collision 3 Inclined

Motion etic bumper. It bounces and


A cart rolls a short distance down a slight incline and collides with a magn

ndergoes about a dozen oscillations before coming to rest. (5 fps)

12 PASCO012 (Cart_Incl Magnetic Bumper Collision 4 Inclined

art rolls a long distance down a sl

Ecol) Motion

A cight incline and collides with a

magnetic bumper. It bounces and undergoes about a dozen oscillations before coming to rest. (5fps)

13 PASCO013 (Cart_Incl Ecol)

Elastic Cart Collision on an Incline 1 Motion

r .

ad-on co


Two carts with magnets on theiends have equal mass and speedThey undergo an elastic he

llision while accelerating on a slight incline. (5 fps)

14 PASCO014 (Cart_Incl Elastic Cart Collision on an Inclined

ss talled in their ends.

The fast cart undergoes an elastic in

Ecol) Incline 2 Motion

Two carts with the same mahave magnets ins

collision with a slower cart movingthe same direction. Both carts are accelerating down a slight incline. (6

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description fps)

15 PASCO015 (Cart_Inc Inelastic Cart Collision on Inclined aInEcol) Incline 1 Motion

Two carts of equal mass travel on small incline and undergo an

inelastic head-on collision. (6 fps)

16 PASCO016 (Cart_Inc Inelastic Cart Collision on Inclined win a InEcol) Incline 2 Motion

A fast cart collides inelastically th a slow cart of equal mass

moving in the same direction dowsmall incline. (6 fps)

17 PASCO017 (2Cart_E- 1D Collision

have magnets installed in their ends.

Coll) Elastic Cart Collision 1

Two carts with the same mass

A slow cart undergoes an elasticcollision with a stationary cart of equal mass. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

18 PASCO018 (2Cart_E- Elastic Cart Collision 2 1D Collision



Two carts with the same mass have magnets installed in their eThe carts are moving slowly when they undergo an elastic collision. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

19 PASCO019 (2Cart_E- E Coll) lastic Cart Collision 3 1D Collision

Two slow carts with unequal masses undergo an elastic collision. These carts have magnets installed in their ends. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (10 fps)

20 PASCO020 (2Cart_E-Coll) Elastic Cart Collision 4 1D Collision

magnets installed in their ends.

A cart with lesser mass undergoesan elastic collision with a stationary cart of greater mass. These carts have Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

21 PASCO021 (2Cart_E- 1D Collision

nary cart of lesser mass. These

carts have magnets installed in their

of G

Coll) Elastic Cart Collision 5

A cart with greater mass undergoes an elastic collision with astatio

ends. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study

alilean relativity. (5 fps)

22 PASCO022 (2Cart_E- Elastic Cart Collision 6 1D Collision

ss massive cart moving in

the same direction. These carts have

e (6 fps)


A fast cart with greater mass undergoes an elastic collision with aslower le

magnets in their ends. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for thstudy of Galilean relativity.

23 PASCO023 (2Cart_E- Elastic Cart Collision 7 1D Collision

ith larger mass moving in the same direction. Coll)

Two carts have magnets installedin their ends. A fast cart collides elastically with a slow cart w

Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

24 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 1 1D Collision

the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

PASCO024 A cart collides inelastically with a

stationary cart of equal mass. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

25 PASCO025 (2 ) Inelastic Cart Collision 2 1D Collision



Two carts with almost equal speeand mass undergo a head-on inelastic collision. Two lower cartsprovide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

26 PASCO026 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 3 1D Collision



A fast, massive cart collides headon, inelastically with a slow, less massive cart. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the studof Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

27 PASCO027 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 4 1D Collision


A cart with small mass collides inelastically with a stationary cart with large mass. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the studof Galilean relativity. (5 fps)

28 PASCO028 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 5 1D Collision

e st

A cart with large mass collides inelastically with a stationary cart with small mass at rest. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for th

udy of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

29 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 6 1D Collision


or the study of G


A fast cart with large mass collidinelastically with a slow cart with small mass moving in the same direction. Two lower carts provide inertial frames f

alilean relativity. (6 fps)

30 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 7 1D Collision PASCO030

A fast cart with small mass collides inelastically with a slow cart with large mass moving in the same direction. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

31 PASCO031 (Exploding 1D Collision

ode ion

Carts) Exploding Carts 1

Two carts of equal mass explin opposite directions. The explosenergy is initially stored in compressed springs. (10 fps)

32 PASCO032 (Exploding 1D Collision

5 fps) Carts) Exploding Carts 2

Two carts of unequal mass explode in opposite directions. The explosion energy is initially stored in compressed springs. (1

33 PASCO033 (Exploding 1D Collision

ections. The e

mes for the st

Carts) Exploding Carts 3

Two carts of unequal mass explode in opposite dir

xplosion energy is initially stored incompressed springs. Two lower carts provide inertial fra

udy of Galilean relativity. (15 fps)

34 PASCO034 (Exploding 1D Collision

ass explode in opposite directions. The explosion

alilean relativity. (15 fps)

Carts) Exploding Carts 4

Two carts of equal m

energy is initially stored in compressed springs. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of G

35 (FanCart_Accel) Fan Cart Acceleration 1 Acceleration ovide in

PASCO035 Cart

A fan cart set on a low thrust accelerates toward the right on a level track. Two lower carts pr

ertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

36 (Fan_2Cart_Accel) Fan Cart Acceleration 2 Cart Acceleration


A fan cart set on a low thrust is pushing one additional cart. The two carts accelerate along a level track.Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galileanrelativity. (6 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 94

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

37 PASCO037 (Fan_3Cart_Accel) Fan Cart Acceleration 3


y. (6 fps)

Cart Acceleration

A fan cart set on a low thrustpushing two additional carts. The three carts accelerate along a level track. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativit

38 PASCO038 (Fan_4Cart_Accel)


tivity. (6 fps)

Fan Cart Acceleration 4 Cart Acceleration

A fan cart set on a low thrust ipushing three additional carts. The four carts move along a level track. Friction is significant. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for thestudy of Galilean rela

39 PASCO039 (FanCart_E-Coll) Elastic Fan Cart Collision 1 1D Collision

t A fan cart system on low thruscollides elastically with a less massive stationary cart. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

40 PASCO040 (FanCart_E-Coll) Elastic Fan Cart Collision 2 1D Collision wo-cart stack that is


A fan cart system on low thrust undergoes a series of elastic collisions with a t

itially at rest. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

41 PASCO041 (FanCart_E-Coll) Elastic Fan Cart Collision 3 1D Collision t

for the study o

A fan cart system on low thrust undergoes a series of elastic collisions with a three-cart stack thais initially at rest. Two lower carts provide inertial frames

f Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

42 PASCO042 (FanCart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Fan Cart Collision 1 1D Collision

A fan cart system on low thrust collides inelastically with a less massive stationary cart. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

43 PASCO043 (FanCart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Fan Cart Collision 2 1D Collision

th A fan cart system on low thrust

undergoes an inelastic collision wia two-cart stack that is initially at rest. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

44 PASCO044 (FanCart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Fan Cart Collision 3 1D Collision

thrust ision with


A fan cart system on lowundergoes an inelastic coll

three-cart stack that is initially atrest. There is considerable friction after the collision. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the studyof Galilean relativity. (6 fps)

45 PASCO045 (Ballistic Catch)

Ballistic Cart Ball Launch-Catch 1

Projectile Motion


provide inertial frames for the study

A slow ballistic cart launches aand catches it. Two lower carts

of Galilean relativity. (15 fps)

46 P Catch)

Ballistic Cart Ball Launch-Catch 2

Projectile Motion

tudy ASCO046 (Ballistic

A fast ballistic cart launches a balland catches it. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the sof Galilean relativity. (15 fps)

47 P c

ASCO047 (BallistiDrop)

Ballistic Cart Ball Drop-Catch

Projectile Motion

A slow ballistic cart equipped with a drop rod drops a ball and catches it. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. Frames were dropped indigitization, but time codes are correct. (15 fps)

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

48 PASCO048 (B-Catch Ballistic Launch-Catch on


Incline) Incline 1 Projectile


A slow ballistic cart is undergoina downward inclined motion. It launches and catches a ball. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (15 fps)

49 PASCO049 (B-Catch Incline)

Ballistic Launch-Catch on Incline 2

Projectile Motion

art is undergoing a

A slow ballistic cn upward inclined motion. It

launches and catches a ball. Two lower carts provide inertial frames forthe study of Galilean relativity. (15 fps)

50 PASCO050 (B-Catch Incline)

Ballistic Launch-Catch on Incline 3

Projectile Motion

lo for

A fast ballistic cart is undergoingan upward inclined motion. It launches and catches a ball. Two

wer carts provide inertial framesthe study of Galilean relativity. (15 fps)

51 PASCO051 (2-level CartRoll)

Slow Cart Rolling Down Incline

Inclined Motion



A cart moves with a low velocity on a level track and travels down an incline to a lower level. This motiontests mechanical e

nservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

52 PASCO052 (2-level CartRoll)

Fast Cart Rolling Down Incline

Inclined Motion

y n



A cart moves with a high velociton a level track and travels down aincline to a lower level. This motitests mechanical energy

nservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

53 PASCO053 (2-level CartRoll) Slow Cart Rolling Up Incline Inclined




A cart moves with a low velocity on a level track and travels up an incline to a higher level. This motiontests mechanical e

nservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the studyof Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

54 PASCO054 (2-level CartRoll) Fast Cart Rolling Up Incline Inclined


A cart moves with a high velocity on a level track and travels up an incline to a higher level. This motion tests mechanical energy conservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

55 PASCO055 (2-level CartRoll) Fan Cart Rolling Up Incline Inclined

Motion to a


A fan cart, starting from rest on a level track, experiences a low thrust force and travels up an incline track at a higher level. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps

56 PASCO056 (2-level Slow Fan Cart Rolling Down

er carts provide inertial frames for the study

. (30 fps)

CartRoll) Incline Inclined Motion

A fan cart moves to the left on a level track opposite to the directionof the low thrust it experiences. It then travels down an incline to a lower level track. Two low

of Galilean relativity

57 PASCO057 (2-level CartRoll)

Fast Fan Cart Rolling Down Incline

Inclined Motion

A fan cart moves to the left on a level track opposite to the direction of the high thrust it experiences. It then travels down an incline to a lower level track. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

58 PASCO058 (2-level CartRoll)

Cart Rolling Up Incline w/ Fan Off

Inclined Motion l

A fan cart with its fan off moves to the right on a level track. It then travels up an incline to a higher level. This motion tests mechanicaenergy conservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

59 CartRoll) Cart Movi /

Fan Off 1 Motion



PASCO059 (2-level ng Down Incline w Inclined

A fan cart with its fan off moves tthe left on a level track. It then travels down an incline to a lower level. This motion tests mechanicalenergy conservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps

60 PASCO060 (2-level Ca w/ Motion l

ation. Two lower ca


CartRoll) rt Moving Down Incline

Fan Off 2 Inclined

A fan cart with its fan off moves to the left on a level track. It then travels down an incline to a lower level. This motion tests mechanicaenergy conserv

rts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fp

61 PASCO061 (3-level Inclined


CartRoll) Cart Moving Up Two Inclines Motion

A cart moves slowly down an incline, over a level section, and down another incline. This motion tests mechanical energy conservation. Two lower carts

rovide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

62 PASCO062 (3-level Cart Moving Down Two Motion

al eCartRoll) Inclines


A cart moves slowly up an incline, over a level section, and up another incline. This motion tests mechanic

nergy conservation. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

63 CartRoll) Fan Cart Moving Up Two

Inclines Inclined Motion wer

PASCO063 (3-level

A fan cart moves slowly up an incline, over a level section, and up another incline in the direction of the high thrust it experiences. Two locarts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

64 PASCO064 (3-level CartRoll)

Fan Cart Moving Down Two Inclines

Inclined Motion

n vel section, and



A fan cart moves slowly down aincline, along a le

own another incline. It moves opposite to the direction of the low thrust it experiences. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

65 PASCO065 (Mobile Incline)

Cart Released from Mobile Incline 1

Inclined Motion

. Two lower carts

provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

A cart accelerates down an incline that has wheels. This incline can rollon a level track


A cart accelerates down an incline that has wheels. This incline can roll on a level track. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the study of Galilean relativity. (30 fps)

PASCO066 (Mobile Incline)

Cart Released from Mobile Incline 2

Inclined Motion

67 PASCO067 (MobileHalfPipe)

Cart Released from Mobile Half Pipe 1 Oscillations

A cart oscillates inside a concave ramp th ramp lower


at has wheels. This concavecan roll on a level track. Two carts provide inertial frames for udy of Galilean relativity. (30 the s


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Fi Mo C Molename vie Name ategory vie Description

68 PASCO068 (MobileHalfPipe)

Cart Released from Mobile Half Pipe 2 Oscillations

A car ramp ramp can roll on a level track. Two lower carts provide inertial frames for the st fps)

t oscillates inside a concavethat has wheels. This concave

udy of Galilean relativity. (30

69 PASCO069 Mobile Triangle Frame Pendulum 1 Oscillations

A ptriangular frame oscillates. The trianguwheeltrack.


endulum mounted on a

lar frame is mounted on s and can roll along a level (30 fps)

70 Mobile Triangle Frame Pe s

A pendulum mounted on a triangutriangwheels and can roll along a level track.

PASCO070 (MobilePendulum) ndulum 2 Oscillation

lar frame oscillates. The ular frame is mounted on

(30 fps)

71 Diatomic' Cart SyC

A sltwo sconneThe chorizontal oscillations and store vibratmolec

PASCO071 (Diatomic_Cart_Coll)

stem ollision 1

Macro Kinetic Theory

ow cart collides elastically with tationary carts that are cted by a metal-leaf spring. onnected carts undergo

ional energy like a diatomic ule. (15 fps)

72 (Diatomic_Cart_Coll) Diatomic' Cart Sy

Collision 2 Theory

A selasticthat aspring. The connected carts undergo oscillaenerg 5 fps)

PASCO072 stem Macro Kinetic

low massive cart collides ally with two stationary carts

re connected by a metal- leaf

tions and store vibrational y like a diatomic molecule. (1

73 (Diatomic_Cart_Coll) Diatomi

Collision 3 tic


Twleaf soscilla s vibratmolecmissing frames, but the time codes are co

PASCO073 c' Cart System Macro Kine

o carts connected by a metal-pring undergo horizontal tions. This cart system store

ional energy like a diatomic ule. There are a couple of

rrect. (30 fps)

74 PASCO074 (Diatomic_Cart_Coll)

Diatomic' Cart System Collision 4

Macro Kinetic Theory

A sltwo oconneThe cooscilla

g 15

ow ith cart collides elastically wscillating carts that are cted by a metal-leaf spring. nnected carts undergo tions and store vibrational y like a diatomic molecule. (ener


75 PASCO075 (Diatomic_Cart_Coll)

Diatomic' Cart System Collision 5

Macro Kinetic Theory

A s ith two c metal-carts undergo oscillations and store


low cart collides elastically warts that are connected by aleaf spring. The connected

ional energy like a diatomic ule. (15 fps)


76 PASCO076 (Diatomic_Cart_Coll)

Diatomic' Cart System Collision 6

Macro Kinetic Theory

Twleaf sstationunder


o carts connected by a metal-pring slowly collide with a ary cart. The connected carts

go oscillations and store ional energy like a diatomic ule. (15 fps)


77 PASCO077 Diatomic' Cart System C

Macro Kinetic

Twleaf sstatioundervibratmolec

(Diatomic_Cart_Coll) ollision 7 Theory

o carts connected by a metal-pring slowly collide with a nary cart. The connected carts go oscillations and store ional energy like a diatomic ule. (15 fps)

78 Coll) Elastic C n A s

collidecart w

PASCO078 (2Cart_E- art Collision 8 1D Motiolow cart with small mass s elastically with a stationary ith more mass. (6 fps)

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

79 PASCO079 (2Cart_E- Elastic Cart Collision 9 1D Motion A s


low cart with small mass s elastically with a more ve slow cart. (5 fps)

80 PASCO080 (2Cart_E-Coll) Elastic Cart Collision 10 1D Motion

A scollidemassi

low cart with small mass s elastically with a more ve stationary cart. (5 fps)

81 Coll) Elastic Cart Collision 11 1D Motion A s

under more massive slowly moving cart.

PASCO081 (2Cart_E- low cart with small mass goes a head-on collision with a

82 PASCO082 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 8 1D Motion

A scollidecart wmomeduring

low cart with small mass s inelastically with a stationary ith more mass. Some ntum is transferred to the track the collision. (5 fps)

83 PASCO083 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 9 1D Motion

A scollidewith m relativ track.

low cart with small mass s inelastically with a slow cart ore mass. This collision showsely little momentum loss to the (6 fps)

84 PASCO084 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 10 1D Motion

A scollidewith m relativtrack.

low cart with small mass s inelastically with a slow cart ore mass. The collision showsely little momentum loss to the (6 fps)

85 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic C n

A scollide y cart wshow(5 fps

PASCO085 art Collision 11 1D Motio

low cart with small mass s inelastically with a stationarith more mass. This collision

s momentum loss to the track. )

86 PASCO086 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 12 1D Motion

A scollidewith mrelativtrack.

low cart with small mass s inelastically with a slow cart ore mass. This collision shows ely little momentum loss to the (15 fps)

87 PASCO087 (2Cart_InE-Coll) Inelastic Cart Collision 13 1D Motion

A scollide t cart with m s relativ e track.

low cart with small mass s inelastically with a fasore mass. This collision showely little momentum loss to th (5 fps)

88 (Hor_Mod_Atwood) Modified Atwood's 1 (0°) Acceleration

A caccel in a m 6 fps)

PASCO088 Cart art on a level track is erated by a small, falling massodified Atwood's machine. (

89 PASCO089 (Hor_Mod_Atwood) Modified Atwood's 2 (0°) Cart


A caraccel in a mfps)

t on a level track is erated by a large, falling massodified Atwood's machine. (6

90 (Hor_Mod_Atwood) Modified Atwood's 3 (0°) Acceleration

A double cart on a level track is accel s in a m e. (5 fps)

PASCO090 Cart erated by a small, falling masodified Atwood's machin

91 PASCO091 (Hor_Mod_Atwood) Modified Atwood's 4 (0°) Cart


A double cart on a level track is accele in a m fps)

rated by a large, falling massodified Atwood's machine. (6

92 odified

A ma levesmallAtwoo

PASCO092 (Hor_Mod_Atwood) M Atwood's 5 (0°) Cart


assive double cart system on l track is accelerated by a

, falling mass in a modified d's machine. (5 fps)

93 PASCO093 (Hor_Mod_Atwood) Modified Atwood's 6 (0°) Cart


A mtrack is accelerated bymass imach

assive double cart on a level a large falling

n a modified Atwood's ine. (6 fps)

94 (Inc_Mod_Atwood)


A cinclinemodif

PASCO094 Inclined Modified Atwood's 1 Inclined art is accelerated up a 10° by a falling mass in a

ied Atwood's machine. (5 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 99

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

95 PASCO095 (Inc_Mod_Atwood) Inclined Modified Atwood's 2 Inclined


A cart is accelerated up a 10° incline by a falling mass in a modified Atwood's machine. (6 fps)

96 PASCO096 (Inc_Mod_Atwood) Inclined Modified Atwood's 3 Inclined


A double cart is accelerated up a 10° inmodif

cline by a falling mass in a ied Atwood's machine. (5 fps)

97 (Inc_Mod_Atwood) Inclined Modified Atwood's 4 Motion

A d10° in a modif

PASCO097 Inclined ouble cart is accelerated up a cline by a falling mass inied Atwood's machine. (5 fps)

98 PASCO098 (Inc_Mod_Atwood) Inclined Modified Atwood's 5 Inclined


A cainclinemodif

rt is accelerated up a 20° by a falling mass in a

ied Atwood's machine. (5 fps)

99 (Inc_Mod_Atwood) Inclined Modified Atwood's 6 Motion

A cart is accelerated up a 20° inclinemodif

PASCO099 Inclined by a falling mass in a ied Atwood's machine. (5 fps)

100 PASCO100 (Cart_Spring_Osc)

Cart-Series Spring Oscillations Oscillations

A cart on an incline of about 10° is attached n seriesmotiooscilla

to two identical springs i and undergoes an inclined n consisting of a series of tions. (5 fps)

101 PASCO101 (Cart_Spring_Osc)

Inclined Cart-Parallel Spring Motion Oscillations

A cart on an incline of about 10° is attached to two identical springs in parallel and undergoes an inclined motiooscilla

n consisting of a series of tions. (5 fps)

102 PASCO102 (Cart_Spring_Osc)

Inclined Cart-Spring Oscillations Oscillations

A cart on an incline of about 10° is attachused in PASCO100 and PASCO101. It undergoes an inclined motion consis


ed to the same type of spring

ting of a series of oscillations. ) (5 fp

103 PASCO103 (Cart_Spring_Osc)

Level Cart-Series Spring Oscillations Oscillations

cto two identical springs in series and undergoes a series of oscillations. (5 fps)

A art on a level track is attached

104 PASCO104 (Projectile_30°)

Projectile Launch No. 1 at ≈ 30°

Projectile Motion

cabove horizontal. This movie is used as theChaptfps)

A hard plastic ball is shot from a proje tile launcher at about 30°

PRJCTILE example in er 2 of the User's Guide. (30

105 (Projectile_30°) tile L ≈

30° Motion

S c


PASCO105 Projec aunch No. 2 at Projectile A proje

tyrofoam® ball is shot from atile launcher at about 30° horizontal. (30 fps)

106 PASCO106 (Projectile_45°)

Projectile Launch No. 1 at ≈ 45°

Projectile Motion

A hard plastic ball is shot from a projecabove


tile launcher at about 45° horizontal at a high setting. s) (30

107 PASCO107 (Projectile_45°)

Projectile Launch No. 2 at ≈ 45°

Projectile Motion


A tyrofoam® ball is shot from a tile launcher at about 45° horizontal. (30 fps)

108 PASCO108 (Projectile_60°)

Projectile Launch No. 1 at ≈ 60°

Projectile Motion

A hprojec


ard plastic ball is shot from a tile launcher at about 60° horizontal. (30 fps) abov

109 PASCO109 (Projectile_60°)

Projectile Launch No. 2 at ≈ 60°

Projectile Motion

A Sprojecabove

tyrofoam® ball is shot from a tile launcher at about 60° horizontal. (30 fps)

110 PASCO110 t the Projectile A dense plastic ball is shot from a c nd (TargetShoot +42°) Shoo Target at ≈ 42° Motion proje

hits atile launcher at about 42° a

falling target. (30 fps)

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

111 PASCO111 (TargetShoot -20°) Shoot the Target at ≈ -20° Projectile


A dense plastic ball shot from a projectile launcher at -20° hits a falling target. The ball is so small that it is hard to see. Anticipating the ball's location in each frame and using possi

more than 8-bit color make it ble to spot. (30 fps)

112 PASCO112 (Ball_Pend InElas) Inelastic Ballistic Pendulum Projectile


A p

hangiinelasthe mat a h

rojectile launcher at its high g shoots a steel ball at a ng ballistic pendulum in an tic collision. PASCO113 shows otion of the projectile launched igh


setting. (15 fps)

113 PASCO113 (Launch Ballistic Launch Calibration Projectile

A sfrom a projectile launcher at its high


the ba

Calib) Motion settibe u

teel ball is shot horizontally

g. Data from PASCO112 can ed to find the initial velocity of ll. (60 fps)

114 PASCO114 (Ballis_Cart InEl) Inelastic Ballistic Cart Projectile


A psetting shoots a steel ball at a ballistic inelasmotion of projectile launched at high

rojectile launcher at its high

cart on a level track in an tic collision. PASCO113 shows

g. (6 fps) settin

115 PASCO115 (Ballist_Cart El) Elastic Ballistic Cart Projectile


settinballistelastic collision. PASCOmotionhigh s

A projectile launcher at its high g shoots a steel ball at a ic cart on a level track in an

113 shows of a projectile launched at

etting. (6 fps)

116 PASCO116 (Ball_Pend Elas) Elastic Ballistic Pendulum Projectile


A steel ball shot horizontallya projsettinpendulum in an elastic collision. PASCprojectile launched at high setting. (15 fp

from ectile launcher at its high g hits a hanging ballistic

O113 shows motion of


117 7 (13_FilterDrop) Coffee Filter Drop 1 (13m) Motion

A nfall fro

PASCO11 Vertical ested group of 13 coffee filters m rest. (30 fps)

118 PASCO118 (9_FilterDrop) Coffee Filter Drop 2 (9m) Vertical

Motion A nested group of 9 coffee filters

fall from rest. (30 fps)

119 PASCO119 p) Coffee Filter Drop 3 (6m) Vertical A n

all fro(6_FilterDro Motion fested group of 6 coffee filters m rest. (30 fps)

120 PASCO120 (4_FilterDrop) Coffee Filter Drop 4 (4m) Vertical

Motion A n

fall froested group of 4 coffee filters m rest. (30 fps)

121 PASCO121 (2_FilterDrop) Coffee Filter Drop 5 (2m) Vertical

Motion A nested group of 2 coffee filters

fall from rest. (30 fps)

122 PASCO122 Vertical A single coffee filter falls from rest. (30 fps) (1_FilterDrop) Coffee Filter Drop 6 (1m) Motion

123 PASCO123 (SteelBa

Coffee Filter Drop w/ Steel Ball

Vertical M

A steel ball and a coffee filter crumpled around a steel ball fall from rest simultll&Filter) otion aneously. (30 fps)

124 PASCO124 (1D_Launch)

Medium Setting, Low Mass Launch 1 1D Motion

A pr a d

in a straight line along a floor. Speed of laun


ojectile launcher with ium setting shoots a yellow ball me

ch can be used in analyzing CO125 and PASCO126. (60 PA


125 2D Collision wMasse 2D

A prmed

izheadmass at point-blank range. (30 fps)

PASCO125 (2D_Collision)

/ Equal s 1 Motion hor

ojectile launcher with a ium setting shoots a yellow ball ontally along a floor. It collides on with a pink ball of similar

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Video Point Manual Page 101

Filename Movie N Category Movie Description ame

126 (2D_Collision) Masses 2 2D Motion

A prdlo

It collides at about 90° with another ball of


PASCO126 2D Collision w/ Equal

ojectile launcher with a ium setting shoots a low mass w ball horizontally along a floor.


similar mass at point-blank e. (30 fps) ran

127 PASCO127 (2D_Collision)

2D Collision w/ Unequal Masses 1 2D Motion

unknsteel b th a low rang


A projectile launcher with an own setting shoots a massive

all. It collides head on wimass plastic ball at point-blank e. Use PASCO130 or 131 for ration. (60 fps) cali

128 PASCO128 (2D_Collision)

2D Collision w/ Equal Masses 3 2D Motion

A unkn ssive steel ball. It collides at a slight angle with on at po



projectile launcher with an own setting shoots a ma

a low mass plastic ball headint-blank range. Use CO130 or 131 and momentum ervation to discover what

ng. (60 fps)


129 (2D_Collision) D Collision

Masses 4 2D

A unknblac

nwithmass. Use PASCO130 or 131 and momentum conservation to discover what s

PASCO129 2 w/ Equal Motion bla

projectile launcher with an own setting shoots a massive

k steel ball. It collides at point-k range at about a 90° angle another steel ball of similar

etting. (60 fps)

130 PASCO130 (1D_Launch)

Medium Setting, High Mass Launch 1D Motion

setting shoots a massive black steel ball in a straight line along a floor. Use this motion for calibration of the spee


A projectile launcher at its medium

d of a steel ball launched at a ium setting in analyzing CO127-129. (60 fps)


131 (1D_Launch) tting, Launch 1D

A projectile launcher at its high setting

l e e

speed of a steel ball launched at a high sePAS

PASCO131 High Se High Mass Motion balUs

shoots a massive black steel in a straight line along a floor. this motion for calibration of th

tting in analyzing CO127-129. (60 fps)

132 PASCO132 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 1 Rotational


ria low nt of velo e is hard to see, and it helps to move back


A projectile is launched from a Co olis Effect Accessory rotating at

speed. The x-componecity is large. The projectil

ward through the frames ipating its location. (60 fps) ant

133 PASCO133 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 2 Rotational


A Cori a medium speed. The x-component of velocity is large. The projectile is hard to see, and it helps to move

d through the frames ng its location. (60 fps)

projectile is launched from a olis Effect Accessory rotating at


134 PASCO134 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 3 Rotational


A projectile is launched from a Coriolis Effec at a high speed. The x-component of velocity ihard to s


t Accessory rotating

s large. The projectile is ee, and it helps to move d through the frames ing its location. (60 fps)


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Video Point Manual Page 102

Fil Mov Cat Movie Description ename ie Name egory

135 Coriolis Ro

A projectile is launched from a Coriolis rotating.

arge. d it he

through location.

PASCO135 (Coriolis_Launch) tational Launch 4 Rotational

Motion is lan

Effect Accessory that is not The x-component of velocityThe projectile is hard to see,lps to move backward the frames anticipating its (60 fps)

136 6 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 5 Motion

A projecCoriolis

p is moderate. The projectile is

hard to sbackwardanticipat

PASCO13 Rotational a high svelocity

tile is launched from a Effect Accessory rotating at eed. The x-component of

ee, and it helps to move through the frames

ing its location. (30 fps)

137 PASCO137 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 6 Rotational



rotating. The x-component of velocityis modersee, and it helps to move backwthrough tlocation.

A proCoriolis

ectile is launched from a Effect Accessory that is not

ate. The projectile is hard to

ard he frames anticipating its (30 fps)

138 PASCO138 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 7 Rotational


A projriolis t

high spvelocity ihard to see, and it helps to move backwaranticipating its location. (30 fps)

ectile is launched from a Effect Accessory rotating aeed. The x-component of s small. The projectile is

d through the frames


139 PASCO139 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 8 Rotational


A projCoriolis t rotating. The x-component of velocity is small.



ectile is launched from a Effect Accessory that is no

The projectile is hard to it helps to move backwardthe frames anticipating its (30 fps)

see, anthrough

140 PASCO140 (Coriolis_Launch) Coriolis Rotational Launch 9 Rotational


A projrotating and an attempt is made to get the launcher to intercept the projectile. The projhelps to frames anticipating its location. (15

ectile is launched from a Coriolis Effect Accessory

ectile is hard to see, and it move backward through the


141 PASCO141 (Coriolis_Launch)

Coriolis Rotational Launch 10

Rotational Motion

jCoriolis a high spvelocity ito see, and it helps to move backward tanticipat

A pro ectile is launched from a Effect Accessory rotating at eed. The x-component of s zero. The projectile is hard

hrough the frames ing its location. (30 fps)

142 PASCO142 _Law) Lenz's Law Vertical

A magmagneti


(Lenz 1 Motion other. Tinfluen

netic rod and a non-c rod fall freely near each ere is no metal nearby to the rates of fall. (60 fps)

143 PASCO143 (Lenz_Law) Lenz's Law 2 Vertical

Motion A non-magnetic rod falls through a

metal tube. (60 fps)

144 PASCO144 (Lenz_Law) Lenz's Law 3 Vertical

Motion A magnetic rod falls through a

metal tube. (5 fps)

145 PASCO145 (Variable_g_Pend)

Variable g Pendulum at 75° to Vertical Oscillations

dplane th e vertical changing the effective 'g'. (6 fps)

A rigi pendulum oscillates in a at makes a 75° angle w/ th

146 (Variable_g_Pend) Variable g

to Vertical Oscillations

A rigidplane thvertical changing the effective 'g'. (15 fps)

PASCO146 Pendulum at 45° pendulum oscillates in a

at makes a 45° angle w/ the

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Video Point Manual Page 103

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

147 PASCO147 (Variable_g_Pend)

Variable g Pendulum at 30° to Vertical Oscillations

A rigid pplane th e vertical changing the effective 'g'. (30 fps)

endulum oscillates in a at makes a 30° angle w/ th

148 8 (Variable_g_Pend)

Variable g to Vertical Oscillations

A rigid pendulum oscillates in a plane that makes a 15° angle w/ the vertical changing the effective 'g'. (30 fps)

PASCO14 Pendulum at 15°

149 PASCO149 (Variable_g_Pend)

Variable g Pendulum at 0° to Vertical Oscillations

A rigidplane threspect to changing the effective 'g'. (30 fps)

pendulum oscillates in a at makes a 0° angle with

the vertical. There is no

150 (Standing_Wave) Standing W

Harmonic Wave Motion

t n n

visible, brapid to '

PASCO150 ave in Second A me

its secoal wire oscillates at 45 Hz id harmonic. Nodes are ut the wire motion is too stop'. (30 fps)

151 PASCO151 ave)

Standing Wave in First H Wave Motion

A metal in its first h

the w p'. (3

(Standing_W armonic

wire oscillates at 30 Hzarmonic. Nodes are visible, ire motion is too rapid to

0 fps) but'sto

152 PASCO152 (Standing_Wave)

Standing Wave in Fundamental Mode Wave Motion A met n

its fundaal wire oscillates at 15 Hz imental mode. (30 fps)

153 PASCO153 nd)

Simple Pendulum w/ Length ≈ Oscillations A simp

bout s) (Simple_Pe 100 cm le Pendulum with a length

100 cm oscillates. (15 fpof a

154 PASCO154 (Simple_Pend)

Simple Pendulum w/ Length ≈71 cm Oscillations A simp

of aboutle Pendulum with a length

71 cm oscillates. (30 fps)

155 PASCO155 (Simple_Pend)

Simple Pendulum w/ Length ≈50 cm Oscillations A simple th

of about 50 cm oscillates. (30 fps) Pendulum with a leng

156 PASCO156 d)

Simple Pendulum w/ Length ≈ Oscillations A simp

of about 31 cm oscillates. (30 fps) (Simple_Pen 31 cm le Pendulum with a length

157 PASCO157 (Simple_Pend)

Simple Pendulum w/ Length ≈20 cm Oscillations A simp

of about 20 cm oscillates. (30 fps) le Pendulum with a length

158 PASCO158 (Mass_Spring_Osc)

Mass Oscillating on a Fixed Spring Oscillations

A masverticallyrod attac 0 fps)

s on a spring oscillates w a hile it is hanging fromhed to a stationary cart. (3

159 PASCO159 (Mass_Spring_Osc)

Mass Oscillating on a Moving Spring Oscillations

A masverticallyrod. The rod is attached to a cart that is movinvelocity.

s on a spring oscillates while it is hanging from a

g horizontally with a low (30 fps)

160 PASCO160 (Ball_Toss) A Tossed Ball 1D Motion

A smaslows do

ack dowfree fall magnituthan expected. The toss is probably not in the same plane as the meter stick. (30

ll ball that is tossed up wn, turns around, and falls n. Our analysis yields a

acceleration the has a de that is about 5% lower



The Princeton University Movie List

Filename Movie Name Category

Movie Description


able Walls M

themulating molecular motion in

madiabatic since the puck loses en s)

Puck Collisions w/ Air T PRU001.MOV acro Kinetic Theory a

A single puck bounces off e walls of an air table

box as it undergoes 2D otion. This system is non-

ergy in each bounce. (6 fp

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Video Point Manual Page 104

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

2 2 Puck Elastic Collision 1 PRU002.MOV 2D Motion

Tw lide el 5 fp

o moving pucks colastically on an air table. (1s)


2 2Del

h agfp

2 Puck Elastic Collision PRU003.MOV Motion T

Two black pucks collide astically on an air table. ey are a bit hard to seeainst the black air table. (15



2 Puck Inelastic Collision 1 PRU004.MOV 2D Motion in e. Th r collis

Two moving pucks collide elastically on an air tabley rotate rapidly afte

ion. (30 fps)


2 Puck Inelastic Collision 2 PRU005.MOV 2D Motion

in e. Tho

Two moving pucks collideelastically on an air tabley rotate slowly after llision. (6 fps) c


2 Puck Inelastic Collision 3 PRU006.MOV 2D Motion

anlinundergo an inelastic collision andemomentum conservation. (10 fp

Two pucks are moving on air table with a fairly high ear momentum. They

d then rotate slowly monstrating angular


7 n 3 2D l

p2 Puck Elastic Collisio PRU007.MOV Motion e


Two moving pucks collide astically on an air table. (15 s)


2 Puck Elastic Collision 4 PRU008.MOV 2D Motion cota against the black surface of the

Two moving black pucks llide elastically on an air ble. They are hard to see

air table. (10 fps)

9 2 Puck Elastic Collision 5 PRU009.MOV 2D Motion el


A moving puck collides astically with a stationary ck on an air table. (6 fps)

10 2D l

pu2 Puck Elastic Collision 6 PRU010.MOV Motion e

A moving puck collides astically with a stationary ck on an air table. (15 fps)

11 2 Puck Inelastic Collision 4 PRU011.MOV 2D Motion in


A moving puck collides elastically with a stationary ck on an air table. (15 fps)


Vibrational Molecule Collision 1 PRU012.MOV Macro Kinetic Theory

oes a 2Dwimca


A moving puck underg collision on an air table

th a stationary 'diatomic olecule' puck system using oscillations in the

atomic system. (30 fps) d


Vibrational Molecule Collision 2 PRU013.MOV Macro Kinetic Theory

2Dwimcausing rotational motion in the diatomic sy

A moving puck undergoes a collision on an air table

th a stationary 'diatomic olecule' puck system

stem. (15 fps)


Rotational Molecule Collision PRU014.MOV Macro Kinetic Theory



A moving puck undergoes a collision on an air table

th a stationary 'diatomic olecule' puck system. This

atomic system. (15 fps) causes rotational motion in the d


2 Puck Elastic Collision 7 PRU015.MOV 2D Motion he slofp

A fast puck undergoes a ad on elastic collision with aw puck on an air table. (30



2 Puck Inelastic Collision 5 PRU016.MOV 2D Motion

able undergoes an inelastic collision at about a 90° angle with a slow puck. (30 fps)

A fast puck on an air t

17 2 Puck Inelastic Collision 6 PRU017.MOV 2D Motion

A fast moving puck on an air table collides inelastically with a slow moving puck (10 fps).

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Video Point Manual Page 105

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description


2 Puck Elastic Collision 8 PRU018.MOV 2D Motion

A ta m k. Af


moving puck on an air ble collides elastically withore massive stationary pucter colliding, the pucks move almost a 90° angle with a

respect to each other. (30 fps)


2 Puck Inelastic Collision 7 PRU019.MOV 2D Motion

a head-on, inelastic collision on anmfps)

A moving puck undergoes

air table with a more assive stationary puck. (15

20 3 Shape Elastic Collision 1 PRU020.MOV 2D Motion

A moving U-shape, triangle, and circle collide elastically on an air table. (10 fps)

21 3 Shape Elastic Collision 2 PRU021.MOV 2D Motion

A moving U-shape, triangle, and circle collide elastically on an air table. (10 fps)


Puck-Triangle Elastic Collision PRU022.MOV 2D Motion

A moving puck collides stically on an air table with tationary triangle causing

the triangle to undergo rotational motion. This


elaa s

demomentum conservation. (10 fps)

monstrates angular


4 Shape Elastic Collision 1 2D M

, puck collide

PRU023.MOV otion

A moving U-shape, trianglecircle, andelastically on an air table causing rotational motions.This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (15fps)


4 S 2hape Elastic Collision 2 PRU024.MOV D Motion

A moving circle collides elastically with a stationary U-shape, triangle, and puck on an air table causing rotational motions. This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (10 fps)


U-Triangle Elastic Collision 1 PRU025.MOV 2D Motion n air

A moving triangle collides elastically with a spinning stationary U-shape on atable. This causes rotational motions and demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (15 fps)


U-Triangle Elastic Collision 2 PRU026.MOV 2D Mthe collision, the objects are

tes angular 30


A moving triangle collides elastically with a moving U-shape on an air table. After

both spinning and undergo rotational motions. This demonstramomentum conservation. (fps)


U-T 3 2D M

stationary U-shape on an air ion, the

g and .

riangle Elastic Collision PRU027.MOV otion

A moving triangle collides elastically with a spinning

table. After the collisobjects are both spinninundergo rotational motionsThis demonstrates angularmomentum conservation. (10 fps)


Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 1 PRU028.MOV 2D Motion

a stationary bar off center

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with

causing rotational motion anddemonstrating angular momentum conservation. (10

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Video Point Manual Page 106

Movie Description Filename Movie Name Categoryfps)


Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 2 PRU029.MOV 2D Motion

rotational motion and

A moving puck collideselastically on an air table with a stationary bar off center causing demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (15fps)


Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 3 PRU030.MOV 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a stationary bar. The collisionis off center and causes rotational motion that demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (15fps)


Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 4 V 2D Motion



A moving puck collideelastically on an air table with a stationary bar on center demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (15 fps)


P 2D

ir table with

momentum conservation. (15

uck-Elastic Bar Collision 5 PRU032.MOV Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an aa spinning stationary bar causing rotational motion and demonstrating angular



Adiabatic One Puck Collisions 1 PRU033.MOV Macro Kinetic Theo walls. This



A single puck undergoes 2D motion as it bounces off vibrating air table emulates adiabatic molecular motion in a 2D box. (6 fps)


A 2 M Theo


diabatic One Puck Collisions PRU034.MOV acro Kinetic ry

A single puck undergoesmotion as it bounces off vibrating air table walls. This emulates adiabatic molecular motion in a 2D box. (6 fps)


Adiabatic Many Puck Collisions 1 PRU035.MOV Macro Kinetic Theory


vibrating walls. This movie can be used for the study of velocity distributions and mean free path. (10 fps)

A large grey puck collides with 42 small red and blacpucks on an air table with


Adiabatic Many Puck Collisions 2 PRU036.MOV Macro Kinetic Theo . This movie

nd 6


A large grey puck collides with 42 small red and black pucks on an air table with vibrating wallscan be used for the study of velocity distributions amean free path. (10 fps)


A s 3 eo

A large grey puck collides

or the study of

s) 7

diabatic Many Puck Collision PRU037.MOV Macro Kinetic Th ry

with 42 small red and black pucks on an air table with vibrating walls. This movie can be used fvelocity distributions and mean free path. (10 fp


Ad ns 4 M Theo

with 42 small red and black

of velocity distributions and

iabatic Many Puck Collisio PRU038.MOV acro Kinetic ry pucks on an air table with vibrating walls. This movie can be used for the study

A large grey puck collides

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Video Point Manual Page 107

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description mean free path. (10 fps)


En eo

mix and ucks


es. (10

tropy 1 PRU039.MOV Macro Kinetic Th ry

collide with sixteen grey pof the same mass on an air table with vibrating walls. Thidemonstrates entropy increase. One puck in marked for mean free path studifps)

Sixteen red pucks


Entropy 2 PRU040.MOV Macro Kinetic Theory


on an air

ed studies. (10

table with vibrating walls. This demonstrates entropy increase. One puck in markfor mean free path

Sixteen red pucks mix andcollide with sixteen grey pucof the same mass



Entropy 3 PRU041.MOV Macro Kinetic Theory

ks on an air


ed path studies. (10

table with vibrating walls. Thidemonstrates entropy increase. One puck in markfor mean free

Sixteen red pucks mix and collide with sixteen grey pucof the same mass



Spiraling Puck 1 PRU042.MOV Rotational Motion

a inward on

an air table as a string


A rotating puck tethered tocenter post spirals

providing a central force wrapsaround the post and becomeshorter. (10 fps)


Spiraling Puck 2 PRU043.MOV Rotational Motion s

ing a central


A rotating puck on an air table spirals inward at an increasing angular velocity aa string providforce is pulled inward througha hole in the center of the table. (10 fps)


Spiraling Puck 3

on an air


ard through e


PRU044.MOV Rotational Motion

A rotating puck table spirals inward at an increasing angular velocity aa string, providing a central force, is pulled inwa hole in the center of thtable. (10 fps)

The University of Mov

me ry

Maryland ie ListFilename Movie Na Catego Movie Description

1 Triangular Wave Pulse Propagation UMD001.MOV Wave Motion

aped A triangular-shtransverse wave moves along a stretched spring. (30 fps)

2 Rou agati V ion g. nded Wave Pulse Prop on UMD002.MO Wave Mot

A rounded transverse wave moves along a stretched sprin(30 fps)


Wa es MOV otio


mount. (30 fps)

ves w/ Different Amplitud UMD003. Wave M n

Two transverse waves widifferent amplitudes move along two identical springs stretched by the same a

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Video Point Manual Page 108

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

4 Wa t Tens OV otio

ove ves Traveling w/ Differen ions UMD004.M Wave M n

Two transverse waves malong on springs of different tensions. (30 fps)


Waves Traveling w/ Different Sh V Wave Motioapes UMD005.MO n

Two transverse waves with different shapes move along two identical springs stretched by the same amount. (30 fps)


Constructive Wave Interference UMD008A.MOV Wave Motio



moving in the opposite direction along the same spring, pass through each other causing momentary constructive interference. (30 fps)

Two transverse wave


Transverse Wave Reflections UMD008B.MOV Wave Motion

Transverse waves move along two identical springs stretched by the same amount. One wave reflects from a free end and the other from a fixed end. (30 fps)


Destructive Wave Interference UMD009.MOV Wave Motio


gh each other and undergo n

Two transverse waves, moving in opposite directions onthe same stretched spring, pasthroumomentary destructive interference. (30 fps)


Triangular Wave on a Tagged Spring UMD011.MOV Wave Motion wave moves along a stretched spring that is marked at intervals of 10 cm. (30 fps)

One triangular transverse


Rounded Wave on a Tagged Spring UMD012.MOV Wave Motio g a stretched spring n

One rounded transverse wave moves alonthat is marked at intervals of 10 cm. (30 fps)


Gaussian Wave on a Tagged Spring UMD013.MOV Wave Motio



One 'Gaussian' pulse moves along a stretched spring that is marked at intervals of 10 cm. (30 fps)


A W ediums 1 MD014A.MO io spring and experience

. (30 fps)

ave Encounters Two M U V Wave Mot n

travels from a high-mass density spring to low-mass density

A transverse wave pulse

partial reflections and transmissions


A W ediums 2 MD014B.MO io partial smissions.

ave Encounters Two M U V Wave Mot n

A transverse wave pulse travels from a low-mass density spring to high-mass density spring and experience reflections and tran(30 fps)

The Dickinson College Movie List Volume 1

Filename M Category ovie Name Movie Description


Demon Drop Vertical Fall 1.MOV Vertical Motion ergoes free fall. The hand held camera wobbles a bit. (15 fps)


The Sandusky Amusement Park Demon Drop cage holding four people und

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Video Point Manual Page 109

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description


Demon Drop Slow Down DSON002.MOV Cart Acceleration nd almost

The Sandusky Amusement Park Demon Drop cage with four people in it slows down on a horizontal track acomes to rest. The hand held camera wobbles a bit. (15 fps)


Volleyball Serve DSON003.MOV Human Motion/S in causes the ports

A student hits a volleyball over a net with an overhead serve. Topspball to sink more rapidly than -9.8 m/s/s. (30 fps)


Voll V H ion/Srojectile

eyball Spike DSON004.MO uman Mot ports

volleyball over a net with topspin. After the ball bounces it loses its spin and undergoes p

A student spikes a

motion following a parabolic path. (30 fps)


Boomerang Toss Projectile Motion


A boomerang is tossed and rotates as it moves. The movie is not scaled. The challenges are to find the boomerang center of mass dynamically and then to find a scale factor that provides a downward acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s.(30 fps)


Plai on/S


n Juggling DSON006.MOV Human Moti ports projectile motion, and the impulse and momentum change associated with

Doug Bowman juggles three balls in standard cascade formation. The vertical motion, the

each throw can be studiedFrames are dropped, but time codes are correct. (30 fps)


Fancy Juggling DSON007.MOV Human Motion/Spo

the projectile



rts motion, and the impulse and momentum change associated with each throw can be studied. Frames aredropped, but time codes acorrect. (30 f

Doug Bowman juggles three balls w/ some original variations. The vertical motion,


Grand Jeté DSON008.MOV Hu otion/S

Central Pennsylvania

man M ports

Youth Ballet dancer Carrie Imler performs a grand jeté. This movie can be used to determine center of mass and head motion and learnabout the floating illusion in ballet. Her center of mass undergoes projectile motion. (30 fps)


Tour Jeté DSON009.MOV Human Motion/Sports Benjamin Pierce performs a Professional dancer

tour jeté or turning jump. (30 fps)


Four Puck Collision DSON010.MOV 2D Motion


Four pucks shaped respectively like a triangle, circle, semi-circle, and 'U' collide elastically on an air table. (30 fps

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Video Point Manual Page 110

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description


Pool Ball Break 2D Motion




A cue ball collides with fifteen pool balls that are triangularly racked. There are too few pre-breframes to determine its initial momentum accurately. Momentum conservation can be used to find the initial momentum of the cue ball. (30 fps)


Ka OV on/S

s through

ed to

rate Chop Board Break DSON012.M Human Moti ports

eight pine boards with a downward karate chop. The impulse-momentum theorem can be us

A student break

estimate forces. (30 fps)


Rotary Motion 1 DSON013.MOV Rotational Motion

A hanging mass on a string unwinds from a spool attached to a disk that rotates. This is a far view of the vertical motion of the hanging mass. (6 fps)


Rotary Motion 2 DSON014.MOV Rotational Motion

disk that


A hanging mass on a string unwinds from a spoolattached to a rotates. This is a close-up view of the hanging mass. (6 fps)


Coulomb Forces DSON015.MOV Electrostatics


A prod consists of a charged sphere with a conducting surface that is attached to an insulated rod. This prod repels asimilarly charged hanging sphere, demonstrating Coulomb's law of electrostatic forces. (10


Disk/'Point Charge' Interaction DSON016.MOV Electrostatics


A prod consists of a charged, conducting disk that is attached to an insulated rod. This prodrepels a charged sphere with a conducting surface that is hanging. (10 fps)


V on

at is tossed

he y-direction.

ertical Ball Toss DSON017.MOV Vertical Moti

A ball thvertically undergoes free fall as it rises, turns around and falls as it undergoes 1D motion in t(30 fps)


Ro on/S

Every third frame


8 (30 fps).

llerblade Jump DSON018.MOV Human Moti ports

was dropped, but the timecodes seem to be correct. No scale is available, so thchallenge is to find one that

A student on in-line skates jumps over an obstacle.

gives a downward center of mass acceleration of - 9.m/s/s.


3m Forw .MOV on/S

er oes

projectile motion. The camera pans at the end. (30 fps)

ard Dive Pike DSON019 Human Moti ports from bouncing on the board, and then his centof mass underg

Grant Braught jumps off a 3 m spring board, does a pike, and dives into a pool.He gains initial momentum

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Video Point Manual Page 111

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description


1m Forward Dive Pike DSON020.MOV Human Motion/Senters the water head first.


Jill Braught jumps forward off a 1 m spring board and gains initial momentum by bouncing on the board. She does a forward dive pike and

Her center of mass undergoes projectile motionduring the dive as the camera pans. (30


1m Forward Dive, 2 SS tuck DSON021.MOV Human Motion/S st.




m spring board, does a forward dive with 2 somersaults tuck and enters the pool feet firShe gains

Jill Braught jumps off a 1

initial momentumfrom bouncing on the board, and then her ceof mass undergoes projectile motion. (30 fp


1m Inward Dive Pike DSON022.MOV Human Motion/Spo



motion as the

rts board. She does an inwdive pike and enters the pool head first. Her center of mass undergoes projectile

Jill Braught jumps backward off a 1 m spring board and gains initialmomentum by rocking

camera pans. (30 fps)


1m Inw S Tuck DSON023.MOV /S



motion. (30

ard Dive, 1-1/2 S Human Motion ports

Jill Braught jumps backward off a 1 m sprinboard. She gains initialmomentum as she rocks the board, does an inward dive with 1-1/2 somersaultuck and enters the water head first. The camera pans to catch her center of mass projectilefp


1m Backward Dive Straight DSON024.MOV Human Motion/S

d t.

f mass tion


Jill Braught jumps backward off a 1 m springboard and gains initial momentum as she rocks the board. She does a backward dive straight anenters the water head firsHer center oundergoes projectile moas the camera pans. (30 fps)


1m Backward Dive, 1-1/2 SS Tuck DSON025.MOV Human Motion/Sports th 1-1/2 er


Jill Braught jumps backward off a 1 m spring board, gaining initial momentum as she rocks the board. She does a back dive wisomersaults tuck to entthe water head first. Her center of mass undergoes projectile motion as the camera sweeps. (30

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Video Point Manual Page 112

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description


1m Reverse Dive, 1-1/2 SS Tuck DSON026.MOV Human Motion/S


he 1-

n s


d. Sdoes a reverse dive with 1/2 somersaults tuck toenter the pool head first. Her center of mass undergoes projectile motioas the camera pans. (30 fp

Jill Braught jumps off am spring board, gaining initial momentum as she bounces on the boar

Co ie Li m

Filename Movie Name Category

The Dickinson llege Mov st Volu e 2

Movie Description

1 Dson2#001 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 1 Cart Acceleration

A radio-controlled car accelerates along the horizontal. This lighter RC car has a mass of approximately 500g. (15 fps)

2 Dson2#002 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 2 Cart Acceleration a mass of


A moving, radio-controlled car slows to rest by releasing the accelerator along the horizonal. This lighter RC car has

proximately 500g. (6 fps)

3 Dson2#003 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 3 Acceler a )

Cart ation

A moving, radio-controlled car slows to rest and speeds up in the opposite direction along the horizontal. This lighter RC car has mass of approximately 500g. (6 fps

4 Dson2#004 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 4 Cart ccelerationA

A moving, radio-controlled car slows to rest and speeds up in the opposite direction along the horizontal. (5 fps)

5 Dson2#005 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 5 Cart ccelerationA ntal. (10 fps)

Two RC Cars of different masses accelerate towards and past each other along the horizo

6 Dson2#006 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 6 Cart ccelerationA

A less massive RC car catches up to and passes a more massive RC car accelerating from rest. (15 fps)

7 Dson2#007 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 7 Cart ccelerationA

A massive RC car accelerates from rest over a distance of one meter. (10 fps)

8 Dson2#008 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 8 A

from rest, reaches maximum

eter. (10 fps)

Cart cceleration

A massive RC car speeds up

velocity, then slows to rest again over a distance of one m

9 Dson2#009 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 9 Acceleration Cart A less massive RC car

accelerates from rest over a distance of one meter. (15 fps)

10 Dson2#010 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 10 Acceleration



A less massive RC car speeds ufrom rest, reaches maximum velocity, then slows to rest again over a distance of one meter. (15 fps)

11 Dson2#011 (RC_Cars) RC Car Acceleration 11 Cart Acceleration

A less massive RC car reaches terminal velocity. (15 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 113

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

12 RC Car Acceleration 12 Cart AccelerDson2#012 (RC_Cars) ation

A massive RC car reaches terminal velocity. (30 fps)

13 Dson2#013 (RC_Cars) RC Car Rotation Rotational Motion

A massive RC car circles a distance of one meter from a side view. (5 fps)

14 Rotational p Dson2#014 (RC_Cars) RC Car Rotation Motion

A massive RC car circles a distance of one meter from a toview. (5 fps)

15 Dson2#015 (Ball_Bounce) Volleyball Drop Vertical Motion A volleyball released from rest

falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

16 Dson2#016 (Ball_Bounce) V p 2D Motion ons as it bo

olleyball Dro

A volleyball is given a horizontal velocity and released so it undergoes projectile moti

unces. (30 fps)

17 Dson2#017 (Ball_Bounce) Kickball Drop Vertical Motion A green kickball released from

rest falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

18 Dson2#018 (Ball_Bounce) Kickball Drop 2D Motion

all is given a A green kickbhorizontal velocity and released so it undergoes projectile motion bounces. (30 fps)

19 Dson2#019 (Ball_Bounce) Purple Foam Ball Drop Vertical Motion m A purple foam ball released fro

rest falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

20 Dson2#020 (Ball_Bounce) Purple Foam Ball Drop 0 2D Motion

A purple foam ball is given a horizontal velocity and released soit undergoes projectile bounces. (3fps)

21 Dson2#021 (Ball_Bounce) Yellow Foam Ball Drop Vertical Motion

rest falls freelyA yellow foam ball released from

along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

22 DSON2#022 (Ball_Toss) Yel p low Foam Ball Dro 2D Motion A yellow foam ball is tossed from one person to another. (30 fps)

23 Dson2#023 (Ball_Bounce) Yellow Foam Ball Drop 2D Motion it undergoes projectile bounces. (30

A yellow foam ball is given a horizontal velocity and released so


24 Dson2#02 _Bounce) Green Mini Soccer Ball Drop Vertical Motion

sed 4 (Ball

A green mini soccer ball releafrom rest falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

25 Dson2#025 (Ball_Bounce) Green Mini Soccer Ball Drop 2D Motion

A green mini soccer ball is given a horizontal velocity and released so it undergoes projectile bounces.(30 fps)

26 Dson2#026 (Ball_Bounce) Tennis Ball Drop Vertical Motion A tennis ball released from rest

falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

27 Dson2#027 (Ball_Bounce) Tennis Ball Drop 2D Motion

zontal A tennis ball is given a horivelocity and released so it undergoes projectile bounces. (30 fps)

28 Dson2#028 Beach Vertical Motion (Ball_Bounce) Ball Drop A beach ball released from rest

falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

29 Dson2#029 (Ball_Bounce) Beach Ball Drop 2D Motion



A beach ball is given a hovelocity and released so it

dergoes projectile bounces. (30 fps)

30 DSON2#030 (Ball_Toss) Beach Ball Drop 2D Motion A beach ball is tossed from one person to another. (30 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 114

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

31 Dson2#031 (2Ball_Fall) Two Ball Drop andToss

Vertical Motion

points. (30 fps)

Two identical balls undergo vertical motion as one is dropped from above while the other is thrown upwards from below. These objects have several mid-air crossing

32 DSON2#032 (2Ball_Fall) Two Ball Drop andToss

Vertical Motion ese

Two identical balls undergo vertical motion as one is dropped from above while the other is thrown upwards from below. Thobjects have several mid-air crossing points. (30 fps)

33 Dson2#033 (Ball_Bounce) Ping Pong Ball Drop Vertical Motion A ping pong ball released from

rest falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

34 Dson2#034 (Ball_Bounce) Small Plastic Ball Drop Vertical Motion

and bounces. (30 fps)

A small plastic ball released fromrest falls freely along the vertical

35 Dson2#035(Ball_Bounce) Sm p Vertical Motion from

all Plastic Ball DroA small plastic ball released

rest falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

36 Dson2#036(Ball_Bounce) Tennis Ball Drop Vertical Motion A tennis ball released from rest

falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

37 Dson2#037 (Ball_Bounce) Red Superball Drop Vertical Motion A red superball released from

rest falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

38 Dson2#038 (Ball_Bounce) Black Superball Drop Vertical Motion l A black superball released from

rest falls freely along the verticaand bounces. (30 fps)

39 Dson2#039 (Ball_Bounce) Dead Ball Drop Vertical Motion

nd A dead ball released from rest

falls freely along the vertical abounces. (30 fps)

40 Dson2#040 (Ball_Bounce) Ping Pong Ball Drop Vertical Motion reA ping pong ball released from st falls freely along the vertical

and bounces. (30 fps)

41 Dson nce) Vertical Motion 2#041 (Ball_Bou Wiffle Ball Drop A wiffle ball released from rest

falls freely along the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

42 Dson2#042 (Ball_Bounce) Small Green Soccer Ball Drop Vertical Motion falls freely along

the vertical and bounces. (30 fps)

A small green soccer ball released from rest

43 endulum 2D Motion A balloon intially positioned 45°

from the vertical demostrates a pendulum. (10 fps)

Dson2#043 (Balloons) Balloon P

44 Dson2#044 (Balloons) lum tion A b ed 90°

from the vertical demostrates a Balloon Pendu 2D Moalloon intially position

pendulum. (10 fps)

45 Dson2#045 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking Vertical Motion A balloon initially at rest rises vertically. (5 fps)

46 Dson2#046 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking Vertical Motion A balloon initially at rest sinks vertically. (6 fps)

47 e ps)

Dson2#047 (Balloons) Balloon Projectil 2D Motion

A force applied to a balloon allows it to undergo projectile motion. Air drag is a large factor inthis clip. (10 f

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Video Point Manual Page 115

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

48 e Dson2#048 (Balloons) Balloon Projectil 2D Motion

A force applied to a balloon allows it to undergo projectile motion. Air drag is a large factor in this clip. (10 fps)

49 Dson2#049 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking 3 Vertical Motio

between the green dot on the balloon and the balloon itself. (15 fps)


A helium-filled balloon with stringattached rises quickly from rest. There is very little contrast

50 Dson2#050 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking 4 Vertical Motion

A helium-filled balloon with string attached accelerates upward quickly after a downward force is applied. There is very little contrast between the green dot on the balloon and the balloon itself. (15 fps)

51 Dson2#051 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking 5 2D Motion

A helium-filled balloon with string attached accelerates upward quickly after a force at a downward angle is applied. There is very little contrast t on th(1

between the green doe balloon and the balloon itself. 5 fps)

52 Dson2#052 (Balloons) Balloon Pendulum 2D Motion tafor an inverted pendulum. (5 fps)

A string attached to the balloon is ped down acting as a pivot point

53 Dson2#053 (B

tafor an inverted pendulum. This clip zooms onto the neck of the balloon w he fr

alloons) Balloon Pendulum 2D Motion

A string attached to the balloon isped down acting as a pivot point

ith the pivot point outside of tame. (5 fps)

54 Dson2#054 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking 6 Vertical Motion fo e

tw th

A balloon rises next to a small am ball tossed upwards, there aro observed crossing points alonge horizontal. (15 fps)

55 Dson2#055 7 id (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking Vertical Motion A balloon rises next to an entical balloon sinking. (15 fps)

56 Dson2#056 (Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking 8 Vertical Motion .

(1A balloon rises along the vertical5 fps)

57 Dson2#057 (Balloons) Balloon Toss 2D Motion mA balloon demonstrates projectile otion. (15 fps)

58 Dson2#058 re d tha

(Balloons) Balloon Rising/Sinking9 Vertical Motion

A balloon rises then sinks as a sult of an initial upwards force ane constant gravitational

cceleration. (15 fps)

59 Dson2#059 (Balloons) Balloon Toss 2D Motion

oes projectile mforce acting on it, making air drag e

A balloon undergotion with very little gravitational

xtrememly noticable. (6 fps)

60 Dson2#060 (Balloons) 10 2D Motion bgfp

Balloon Rising/Sinking A balloon sinks from top to

ottom in the frame with very little ravitational force acting on it. (5 s)

61 Dson2#061 (Bicycle) Biking at Constant Velocity

Horizontal Motion a


A bicycle travels from left to right cross the frame at a constant elocity. (15 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 116

Filename ie Name Mov Category Movie Description

62 Dson2#062 (Bicyc avp

le) Biking at Constant Velocity

Horizontal Motion

A bicycle travels from left to right cross the frame at a constant elocity that is different than in the revious movie. (15 fps)

63 Dson2#063 (Bicycle) tant Motion

avdifferent speed than in the previous tw

Biking at ConsVelocity


A bicycle travels from left to right cross the frame at a constant elocity. The bicycle moves at a

o movies. (15 fps)

64 Dson2#064 (Bicycle) Bicycle Braking Horizontal Motion

across the frame wfp

A bicycle travels from left to righthile braking. (15


65 Dson2#065 (Bicyc ng ac

le) Bicycle Braki Horizontal Motion

A bicycle travels from right to left cross the frame while braking to a omplete stop. (10 fps)

66 Dson2#066 (Bic

ft aa(1

ycle) Bicycle Braking Horizontal Motion

A bicycle travels from right to lecross the frame while the rider pplies the rear brakes completely. 5 fps)

67 Motion

t aa(1

Dson2#067 (Bicycle) Bicycle Braking Horizontal A bicycle travels from left to righ

cross the frame while the rider pplies the front brakes completely. 5 fps)

68 Dson2#068 (Bic Horizontal aamanner to create a skid. (15 fps)

ycle) Bicycle Braking Motion

A bicycle travels from left to right cross the frame while the rider pplies the brakes in such a

69 Dson2#069 (Bicycle) Bicycle Accelerating Horizontal Motion moving right to left across the


A bicycle accelerates from rest

ame. (10 fps)

70 c Motion mfr

Dson2#070 (Bicy le) Bicycle Accelerating Horizontal A bicycle accelerates from rest oving left to right across the ame. (10 fps)

71 Dson2#071 (Bicycle) Bicycle Accelerating mfrin

Horizontal Motion

A bicycle accelerates from rest oving left to right across the ame. The rider uses a lower gear this clip. (15 fps)

72 Dson2#072 (Walki tion vfr

ng) 1D Human Mo Horizontal Motion

An individual walks at a constant elocity from right to left across the ame. (10 fps)

73 Dson2#073 (Walki tion Motion

poBsame rate. (10 fps)

ng) 1D Human Mo Horizontal

Two individuals walk towards and ast each other from opposite ends f the frame at constant velocities. oth subjects are walking at the

74 Dson2#074 (Walking) 1D Human Motion Horizontal Motion

pof the frame at constant velocities. One subject is walking faster than the other. (10 fps)

Two individuals walk towards and ast each other from opposite ends

75 Dson2#075 (Walking) 1D Human Motion Horizontal Motion

An individuation begins at constant pace, speeds up to a new pace, then slows to the origional one walking across the frame. (10 fps)

76 Dson2#076 (Walking) 1D Human Motion Horizontal Motion

Two individuals are accelerating from left to right across the frame, one passes the other. (10 fps)

77 Dson2#077 (PoolBall_90°) Pool Ball Wall Collision 2D Motion A single pool ball bounces of the

side of a pool table at an angle of about 90°. (30 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 117

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

78 Dson2#078 (PoolBall_90°) Pool Ball Wall Collision 2D Motion side of a pool table at an angle of greater than 90°. (30 fps)

A single pool ball bounces of the

79 e

Dson2#079 (PoolBall_90°) Pool Ball Wall Collision A single pool ball bounces of th

2D Motion side of a pool table at an angle of less than 90°. (30 fps)

80 Dson2#080 (PoolBreak) Pool Ball Break 2D Motion A pool break in which a rack of 15

balls is set into motion by a rapidly moving cue ball. (30 fps)

81 Dson2#081 (PoolBreak) Pool Ball Break 2D Motion A pool break in which a rack of 15

balls is set into motion by a rapidly

moving cue ball. (30 fps)

82 082 (LInearBreak) Pool Ball Break 1D Motion


rapidly moving cue ball that hits the Dson2#

A linear pool break in which a linof balls is set into motion by a

first ball in the line "head on." (30 fps)

83 Dson2#083 (4_Ball Coll) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion

pposite able undergo

Four balls coming from ocorners of a pool tcomplex collisions near the center of the table. (30 fps)

84 Dson2#084 (2_Ball Coll) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion

corners of a pool table undergo a collision near the center of the table. (30 fps)

Two balls coming from opposite

85 Dson2#085(2_Ball Coll) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion

Two balls coming from opposite corners of a pool table undergo a collision near the center of the table. (30 fps)

86 Dson2#086 (2_Ball Coll) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion

Two balls coming from opposite corners of a pool table undergo a collision near the center of the table. (30 fps)

87 Dson2#087 (2_Ball Coll) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion

Two balls coming from opposite corners of a pool table undergo a collision near the center of the table. (30 fps)

88 Dson2#088 (7_Ball Break) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion A pool break in which 7 balls are

set into motion by a rapidly moving cue ball. (30 fps)

89 Dson2#089 (3_Ball Break) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion A pool break in which 3 balls are

set into motion by a rapidly moving cue ball. (30 fps)

90 Dson2#090 (3_Ball Break) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion balls a

set into motion by a rapidly movincue ball. (30 fps)

A pool break in which 3 re g

91 Dson2#091 (3_Ball Coll) Pool Ball Collisions 2D Motion

A complex collision in which a cue ball hits one ball that causes athird ball to roll into a side pocket. (30 fps)

92 Dson2#091 (3_Ball Scale) Pool Ball Calibration/Size No Motion

Three balls are placed at rest on a pool table to use to check the scale factors.

93 15

dly Dson2#092 (PoolBreak) Pool Ball Break 2D Motion A pool break in which a rack of

balls is set into motion by a rapimoving cue ball. (30 fps)

94 No Motion rest on a pool table to use as a Dson2#093 (PoolRackScale)

Pool Ball Calibration/Size

A rack of 15 balls are placed at

check of scale factors.

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Video Point Manual Page 118

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

95 Dson2#094 (LineBallFall) Falling Pool Balls 2D Motion balls are placed along a horizontal meter stick that hinged at one end.

A line of equally spaced pool

The other end is dropped and the ertically. (30 fps) stick and balls fall v

96 Dson2#095 (LineBallFall) Falling Pool Balls 2D Motion re placed along a horizon

meter stick that hinged at one enThe other end is dropp

A line of equally spaced pool balls a tal

d. ed and the

s) stick and balls fall vertically. (30 fp

97 Dson2#096(MeterStickFall) Falling Meter Stick 2D Motion at one end. Its free end is droppedso the stick falls to a vertical

A horizontal meter stick is hinged

position. (30 fps)



Dson2#097 (TouchGoLndg) Airplane Motion 2D Motion

A pilot performs a touch and golanding at the Harrisburg international airport in a small commericial jet plane. (30 f

99 Dson2#098 (UA_Landing) Airplane Motion 2D Motion commerical jet performs a full landing at the Harrisburg international airport. (30 fps)

A United Airlines pilot in a small

100 Dson2#099 (USAir_TkOff) Airplane Motion 2D Motion

commerical jet performs a take oat the Harrisburg international airport. (30 fps)

A US Airways pilot in a smallff

101 (ChineseJump) 1D Human Motion Human Motion/Sports

Balanchine for the Nutcracker. This movie can be used to determine center of mass and head motion


Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet dancer Dipal Chatterjee performs a sequence of jumps choreographed by George

on in

and learn about the floating illusiin ballet. Performed in Dec 2000Hershey PA (30 fps).

102 Dson2#101 (BalletJump) 1D Human Motion Human Motion/Sports

2003. She is using her arms to prolong her push off time. If hercenter-of-m

Ballet student Laura St. Ville performs a vertical jump in June

ass is located in each


frame, her impulse, momentumchange, and jump height can measured. (30 fps)

103 Human Motion/Sports


2003. She is NOT using her arms to prolong her push off time. If her center-of-mass is located in each frame, her impulse, momentum change, and jump height can be measured. (30 fps)

Dson2#102 (BalletJump) 1D Human Motion

Ballet student Laura St. Villeperforms a vertical jump in Jun

104 Dson2#103 (Grand Jeté) 2D Human Motion Human Motion/Sports

Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet dancer Carrie Imler performs a grand jeté. This movie can be used to determine center of mass and head motion and learn about the floating illusion in ballet. Her center of mass undergoes projectile motion. Performed 1993, redigitized 2003 (30 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 119

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

105 Dson2#104 (ViolinVibrato) 1D Human Motion Human Motion/Sports

Leah Beashore uses a finger vibratio to create a vibrato on her violin. Spring 2001. (30 fps)

106 DsonAirT01 (1PuckECollWall)

Puck Collisions w/ AirT Walls

Macro Kinetic Theory

A single puck bounces off the walls of an air table emulating molecular motion in a box as it undergoes 2D motion. This system is non-adiabatic since the puck loses energy in each bounce. (10 fps)

107 DsonAirT02 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 1 2D Motion A green and a black puck collide

elastically on an air table. (30 fps)

108 DsonAirT03 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 2 2D Motion A blue and a green puck collide

elastically on an air table. (30 fps)

109 DsonAirT04 (2Puck_InE Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 1 2D Motion

Two pucks are moving along the same line on an air table with fairly high linear speeds. They undergo an inelastic collision and then rotate slowly demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

110 DsonAirT05 (2Puck_InE Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 2 2D Motion

Two pucks are moving along the same line on an air table. One has a higher linear speed than the other. They undergo an inelastic collision and then rotate slowly demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

111 DsonAirT06 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 3 2D Motion

Two pucks are moving along different lines on an air table with fairly high linear speeds. They undergo an inelastic collision and then rotate slowly demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

112 DsonAirT07 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 3 2D Motion

Two pucks moving together along different lines collide elastically on an air table. (30 fps)

113 DsonAirT08 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 4 2D Motion

Two pucks moving together along different lines collide elastically on an air table. (30 fps)

114 DsonAirT09 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 5 2D Motion

A rapidly moving puck collides elastically with a stationary puck on an air table. (60 fps)

115 DsonAirT10 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 6 2D Motion

A rapidly moving puck collides elastically with a stationary puck on an air table. (60 fps)

116 DsonAirT11 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 4 2D Motion

A moving puck collides inelastically with a stationary puck on an air table. (30 fps)

117 DsonAirT15 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 7 2D Motion

A fast puck undergoes a head on elastic collision with a slow puck on an air table. (60 fps)

118 DsonAirT16 (2Puck_InE Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 5 2D Motion

A rapidly moving puck on an air table undergoes an inelastic collision at about a 90° angle with a more masive slow moving puck. (30 fps)

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Video Point Manual Page 120

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

119 DsonAirT17 (2Puck_InE Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 6 2D Motion

A rapidly moving puck on an air table undergoes an inelastic collision at about a 90° angle with a more masive slow moving puck. (30 fps)

120 DsonAirT18 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Elastic Collision 8 2D Motion

A moving puck on an air table collides elastically with more massive stationary puck. After colliding, the pucks move at almost a 90° angle with respect to each other. (30 fps)

121 DsonAirT19 (2Puck_E Coll)

2 Puck Inelastic Collision 7 2D Motion

A moving puck undergoes a head-on, inelastic collision on an air table with a more massive stationary puck. (30 fps)

122 DsonAirT20 (3Shape_E Coll)

3 Shape Elastic Collision 1 2D Motion

A moving U-shape, triangle, and circle collide elastically on an air table. (30 fps)

123 DsonAirT21 (3Shape_E Coll)

3 Shape Elastic Collision 2 2D Motion

A moving U-shape, triangle, and circle collide elastically on an air table. (30 fps)

124 DsonAirT22(2Shape_E Coll)

Puck-Trangle Elastic Collision 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a stationary triangle causing the triangle to undergo rotational motion. This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

125 DsonAirT23 (4Shape_E Coll)

4 Shape Elastic Collision 1 2D Motion

A moving U-shape, triangle, circle, and puck collide elastically on an air table causing rotational motions. This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

126 DsonAirT24 (4Shape_E Coll)

4 Shape Elastic Collision 2 2D Motion

A moving circle collides elastically with a stationary U-shape, triangle, and puck on an air table causing rotational motions. This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (60 fps)

127 DsonAirT25 (2Shape_E Coll)

U-Triangle Elastic Collision 1 2D Motion

A moving triangle collides elastically with a spinning stationary U-shape on an air table. This causes rotational motions and demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

128 DsonAirT26 (2Shape_E Coll)

U-Triangle Elastic Collision 2 2D Motion

A triangle with both translational and rotational motion collides elastically with a moving U-shape on an air table. After the collision, the objects are both spinning. This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

129 DsonAirT27 (2Shape_E Coll)

U-Triangle Elastic Collision 3 2D Motion

A moving triangle collides elastically with a spinning stationary U-shape on an air table. After the collision, the objects are both spinning and undergo rotational motions. This demonstrates angular momentum conservation. The movie number on screen is incorrect. (30 fps)

130 DsonAirT28 (Puk&Bar_E Coll)

Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 1 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a stationary bar off center causing rotational motion and demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

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Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

131 DsonAirT29 (Puk&Bar_E Coll)

Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 2 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a stationary bar on center causing almost no rotational motion and demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (20 fps)

132 DsonAirT30 (Puk&Bar_E Coll)

Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 3 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a stationary bar. The collision is off center and causes rotational motion that demonstrates angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

133 DsonAirT31 (Puk&Bar_E Coll)

Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 4 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a stationary bar on center demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (20 fps)

134 DsonAirT32 (Puk&Bar_E Coll)

Puck-Elastic Bar Collision 5 2D Motion

A moving puck collides elastically on an air table with a spinning stationary bar causing no rotational motion and demonstrating angular momentum conservation. (30 fps)

135 DsonAirT42 (SpiralingPuck) Spiraling Puck 1 Rotational


A rotating puck on an air table thethered to a center post spirals inward as a string providing a central force wraps around a post in the center of the table. (10 fps)

136 DsonAirT43 (SpiralingPuck) Spiraling Puck 2 Rotational


A rotating puck on a horizontal air table spirals inward as a string providing a central force is pulled inward through a hole in the center of the table by a mass that falls vertically. Friction forces are present as the string feeds thought the hole. (10 fps)

137 DsonAirT44 (SpiralingPuck) Spiraling Puck 3 Rotational


A rotating puck on a horizontal air table spirals inward as a string providing a central force is pulled inward through a hole in the center of the table by a mass that falls vertically. Friction forces are present as the string feeds thought the hole. (15 fps)

The NASA Movie List

Filename Movie Name Category Movie Description

1 V-2 Rocket Launch NASA001.MOV Vertical Motion A V-2 rocket is launched vertically

upward as the camera pans. (6 fps)

2 Saturn V Rocket Launch NASA002.MOV Vertical Motion

A Saturn V Rocket is launched vertically upward in an early Apollo mission as the camera pans. (5 fps)


Apollo Lunar Module Launch NASA003.MOV Vertical Motion

An Apollo Lunar Module is launched from the surface of the moon as the remote camera zooms back and pans upward. (10 fps)

4 Space Shuttle Launch NASA004.MOV Vertical Motion The Space Shuttle Columbia is

launched vertically upward. (6 fps)

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Mercury-Redstone Launch NASA005.MOV Vertical Motion

A Mercury-Redstone rocket launches Alan Shepard's 15 minute and 22 second suborbital space flight on May 5, 1961. Shepard becomes the first American in space. (5 fps)

6 Jupiter C Launch NASA006.MOV Vertical Motion A Jupiter C rocket is used to launch

the Explorer I satellite. (5 fps) The Hershey Movie List

Movie Name Filename Category Movie Description

HRSY001.MOV Cyclops Ferris Wheel Rotation Rotational Motion

Many cars on the large rapidly moving Cyclops ferris-wheel rotate in a clockwise direction at a tilt angle of 87° with respect to the horizontal. (10 fps)

HRSY002.MOV Coal Cracker Water Boat Descent Inclined Motion

The Coal Cracker boat full of people accelerates down a ramp in inclined motion and then slows down on a level water track in a 1D motion. The camera angle is not optimal for quantitative analysis. (5 fps)

HRSY003.MOV Coal Cracker Water Boat Slow Down Cart Acceleration

The Coal Cracker boat full of people that has just accelerated down an incline undergoes a 1D motion as it slows down on a level water track. No scale available, but the nature of the slow down acceleration can be studied. (5 fps)

HRSY004.MOV Tidal Force Water Boat Slow Down Inclined Motion

A 20 passenger Tidal Force boat that has just accelerated down an incline slows down on a level water track causing a large splash that hides the boat. The nature of the motion of the leading edge of the splash can be studied. (5 fps)

HRSY005.MOV Flying Falcon w/ Multiple Rotations Rotational Motion

The Flying Falcon structure with four arms rotates in a large circle. Each arm forms a substructure with a circular array of seven carts on it. Each of these carts rotates in a smaller circle. (6 fps)

HRSY006.MOV Pirat Rocking Boat Oscillations

Pirat, a fake pirate ship, acts as a large physical pendulum as it oscillates on rollers. Its amplitude increases as a kicking device adds energy to the oscillating system. (30 fps)

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Movie Name Filename Category Movie Description

HRSY007.MOV Looper Roller Coaster 1 Inclined Motion

The SooperdooperLooper roller coaster travels down an inclined track. The camera angle is not optimal for quantitative analysis. (5 fps)

HRSY008.MOV Tidal Force Water Boat Acceleration Inclined Motion

A 20 passenger Tidal Force boat drops about 100 feet vertically on an inclined track. (5 fps)

HRSY009.MOV Looper Roller Coaster 2 Inclined Motion

The SooperdooperLooper roller coaster travels down an inclined track and does a loop-the-loop. (5 fps)

HRSY010.MOV Looper Roller Coaster 3 Inclined Motion

The SooperdooperLooper roller coaster travels down an inclined track and does a loop-the-loop. (5 fps)

HRSY011.MOV Sidewinder Roller Coaster 1 Inclined Motion The Sidewinder roller coaster travels down an inclined track and does a loop-the-loop. (5 fps)

HRSY012.MOV Sidewinder Roller Coaster 2 Inclined Motion The Sidewinder roller coaster travels down an inclined track and does a loop-the-loop. (5 fps)

HRSY013.MOV Sidewinder Roller Coaster 3 Inclined Motion

The Sidewinder roller coaster travels downhill and through two loops. It is then towed up a far hill and released. It falls back down the far hill and travels backwards through the same two loops. (30 fps)

HRSY014.MOV Comet Roller Coaster 1 Inclined Motion The Comet roller coaster travels down one side of a concave track and up the other side. (10 fps)

HRSY015.MOV Comet Roller Coaster 2 Inclined Motion The Comet roller coaster travels up an inclined track. (10 fps)

HRSY016.MOV Comet Roller Coaster 3 Inclined Motion The Comet roller coaster travels down an inclined track. (5 fps)

HRSY017.MOV Comet Roller Coaster 4 Inclined Motion The Comet roller coaster travels up an inclined track. (5 fps)

HRSY018.MOV Comet Roller Coaster 5 Inclined Motion

The Comet roller coaster travels down one side of a concave track and up the other side. A second roller coaster in the background travels along a roughly level track. (5 fps)

HRSY019.MOV Comet Roller Coaster 6 Inclined Motion The Comet roller coaster travels down one side of a concave track and up the other side. (5 fps)

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8. Glossary

Adobe Premiere: Adobe Premiere is a popular video editing software package. It allows you to capture, crop, and change the time scale of digital QuickTime movies. It is available on both Macintosh and Windows platforms.

advance: When you advance a movie, you are displaying the image frame with the captured after the current image.

angle series: The angle series reports the angle made when the lines from two separate video points meet at a common vertex, which is also a video point.

auto: Short for automatic. axis markers: Axis markers are used to show the location of origins and the orientation of a coordinate

system. associate: You can associate a video point series with any two-dimensional coordinate system you

choose to define so that position coordinates can be reported for each frame in graphs or the data table.

calculated point: When more than one video point is located on each frame an additional point can be calculated based on the locations of video points and their masses. There are two types of calculated points that can be created-center of mass points and designated points.

calibrate: See scale. capture card: Capture cards are hardware add-ons that you insert into your computer. These cards allow

you to turn standard NTSC signals (e.g., from a VCR or video camera) into digital files on your computer.

Cartesian coordinates: The coordinates of a point associated with a Cartesian coordinate system (x, y) are recorded as horizontal and vertical displacements from its origin.

click: Clicking is the process of pressing the mouse button down and releasing it. clipboard: Clipboard is a place where you can temporarily store information in the computer's RAM. To

put data into the clipboard, copy it from the data Table Window. You can then paste the data into spreadsheets and other applications.

center of mass point series: When more than one video point is located on each frame, an additional point can be calculated based on the locations of video points and their relative masses using the standard definition of center of mass as the mass weighted averages of positions.

clearing: Clearing data only removes the location markers and (x, y, t ) coordinate data associated with a video point series, but the video point series name and other characteristics given to it remain intact. (See deleting data).

clone: A clone point series shares the locations of a specified point series. However, the clone point can have different characteristics such as name and coordinates and can also be relative to a different origin than the specified point.

codec: An abbreviation for a compression/decompression algorithm used to reduce the file size and increase the playback speed of a digital video movie.

command key: On the Macintosh only, the command key is the key with the open apple on it. coordinate system: Although each two-dimensional VideoPoint coordinate system is named after its

origin, there are four elements used to define it—(1) the position of its origin relative to the Video Origin coordinate system (or another origin that ultimately refers to the video coordinated system), (2) the counterclockwise angle from 0-360 degrees that the x-axis of the system makes with respect to the horizontal on the display screen, (3) a scale factor, and (4) the designation of the coordinate system as Cartesian or polar.

default coordinate system: A default coordinate system has been defined for you that is given the name Origin 1. It is a standard right-handed Cartesian system with Origin 1 located at [16,16] pixels. Its x-axis is not rotated through an angle relative to the horizontal, and it has no scale factor so that Coordinates are reported in pixels. You can easily change all the characteristics of the default coordinate system.

delete selected series: Deleting a series deletes the series and all of its characteristics, as well as all the data associated with the video points of that series.

designated point: When two video points are located on each frame, an additional point can be calculated based on the locations of these video points.

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dialog box: Dialog box is a window that requires you to make decisions or enter information before you can continue using the program. These are most often used to edit the characteristics of video point series.

distance series: A distance series reports the distance between two specified video points for each frame of the movie.

double click: Double clicking is the act of clicking the mouse button twice in succession. drag: To drag something, move the cursor over the item to be dragged, press the mouse button down,

then move the mouse. Releasing the mouse button will "drop" the item. feature: Element of interest on a QuickTime movie frame a VideoPoint software user might want to

locate such as the corner of a box, the top of a person's head, etc. Similar to an object. fixed: Fixed series report the same data for all times of the movie. Moving a fixed point on one frame,

for example, will move that point for all frames. fixed origin: Fixed origin defines a coordinate system that does not change for all times in the movie. frame: See video frame. header: In the Coordinate System Window, each coordinate system has a header; this header displays

the name of the coordinate system’s origin, as well as the coordinate system and scale factor of the line header. Any "series" that are listed beneath one header and above the next header are associated with that coordinate system.

INF: Abbreviation for infinity. line marker: In VideoPoint, a line marker is a pair of perpendicular lines that intersect at the location of

the current video point. These lines extend to the edges of the movie. Axis markers are most often used to show the location of origins; if the origin is rotated, the axis markers are also rotated.

locate: Once you have created a video point series to be located on a sequence of QuickTime frames (e.g., Point s1, Point s2, Ball, Green Puck, etc.), you can locate the video points in the series by moving the cursor over the feature or object of interest in each frame and clicking the mouse button. When a video point is located on a frame a marker will be displayed on the frame (unless it is set to be invisible). The position and time data (x, y, t) of each located video point is recorded. See record a location.

MAC: Short for Macintosh. marker: Marker is something that is drawn on the movie to show where a video point has been located

on the movie window. modeling: Modeling is the process of choosing an equation that best represents the specified data. In

VideoPoint, graphs of data can be modeled by choosing from the list of common mathematical functions and changing the function's constants.

MoviePlayer: A program that is available for Macintosh and Windows computers that lets you play QuickTime movies.

movie: A sequence of video frames that have been digitized in the QuickTime format for display on computers running under either Macintosh or Windows operating systems.

moving origin: Moving origin defines the coordinate system whose location relative to the "video origin" changes during the movie.

nudge: Nudging a point moves the point one pixel in any of four directions that can be selected. object: An entity on a QuickTime movie frame a user might want to locate such as the center of an

airpuck, a falling ball, etc. Similar to a feature. origin: See fixed and moving origins. pixel: The pixel is a nickname for "picture element" and represents the smallest patch of color that can

be displayed on a video screen. The 13" RGB Macintosh monitor and VGA screens commonly used with PC computers have 640 pixels along the horizontal and 480 pixels along the vertical.

pixel coordinates: Digital movies can be made in many sizes and located anywhere on the screen. For clarity, VideoPoint assigns pixel coordinates to locations on a movie frame in the video coordinate system as if each movie frame is twice the size at which it was digitized. (Usually movies are digitized at 320x240 or 240x180 pixels). For example, in the video coordinate system, the coordinates in pixels of a location at the lower left corner of a movie are [0,0] and in the upper right hand of the movies they are [640, 480] for a movie that was digitized at 320x240 pixels.

point: See video point. point series: See video point series. polar coordinates: The coordinates of a point associated with a polar coordinate system are reported as

(r, theta), where r is the distance between the point and its origin and theta is the counterclockwise

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angle from the "horizontal axis" of the coordinate system and the line connecting the point and its origin.

popup: A popup menu allows you to select from a given list of choices. QuickTime: QuickTime is an extension to a computer's system software that allows you to look at

digital movies stored in the QuickTime format. raw data: This is the coordinate data in pixels of any located or calculated point series in the native

video coordinate system. The locations are reported relative to the video origin at the bottom left of the movie.

record a location: Stores x, y, t values for a video point in a series for internal use relative to the video coordinate system . The elapsed time since the first frame is stored in seconds. See reporting data.

reporting data: Although data for a video point series are recorded relative to the video coordinate system, they are actually translated to the coordinate system the video point series is associated with before they are reported to you in the data table and graphs. See record a location.

remove movie: This action closes the current movie and clears all data associated with it while retaining any coordinate systems and point series that have been created.

rescale a graph: When a user clicks the mouse on a maximum or minimum value on a graph axis, a new maximum or minimum value can be entered for that axis.

scale factor: The scale factor specifies the number of meters or centimeters in the real scene per pixel on the video image.

scale series: Scale series stores a scale factor. The scale factor is calculated by dividing the distance between two points included in the scale series by a known length that you have specified.

selecting: Once a video point in a series has been located on a frame, the marker representing the location can be selected. The location or characteristic of the selected point can then be changed. You can select series by clicking on it in the Coordinate System Window.

set-up: A set-up consists of a collection of coordinate systems and associated series that can be used with different movies. For example, you could set up a Coordinate System Window for a two-puck collision that could be used on any movie showing two pucks colliding. A set-up can be saved without an associated movie as a .VPT file.

switch movie: This action closes the active movie and clears data associated with it. The user will be returned to the finder to choose a new movie. Fixed data and information about origins, coordinate systems, and scale factors will be retained.

time code: A time code is electronic information that can be associated with each frame in a movie digitized using the QuickTime format. When the time code is correct it provides a record of the time elapsed since the first digitized frame was recorded by a video camera.

time-lapse: Time-lapse movies are used to record events that occur very slowly but recorded frames at intervals that are considerably greater than 1/30th of a second.

toggle: If something is on, toggling turns it off, and vice versa. toolbar: The toolbar is a set of buttons on the left side of the application window; these buttons are short

cuts for common operations. trails: If trails are turned on for a series, the markers are displayed for all the points in the series that

have been located. This shows a history of the points' movement over time. transform: When you transform an origin, you specify a new object or feature that is a fixed distance

from the current origin; this new feature becomes the origin. This is useful when, due to camera movement, a feature that is being used as an origin leaves the movie area.

vector: The vector marker draws the horizontal and/or vertical components of the displacement of the point from the origin.

video coordinate system: This is VideoPoint's native coordinate system. It is a standard right handed two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system with an origin named Video origin located in the lower left of each movie frame. The x-axis points from left to right in a horizontal direction. Users cannot change any of the characteristics of this system.

video frame: A single image in a sequence of images recorded originally by a video camera. video point: When the user creates a video point series and then locates a feature or object of interest on

a movie frame a video point series is recorded . video point series: A series of video points corresponding to the set of locations of a feature or object of

interest on the video frame in a movie. Although you can create as many point series as you want (e.g., Point s1, Point s2, etc.), you can locate only one video point coordinate in a given series on

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each frame. Unless you assign names to series, default names of Point s1, Point s2, etc. will be used.

VideoPoint: The name of the software package. video origin: The video origin is located at the bottom left corner of the movie. Video origin cannot be

moved. WIN: Abbreviation for Windows. window: Area on the computer screen usually defined by a title bar and a border. zoom: When a camera zooms in, objects in the image stored by the camera appear larger. When the

camera zooms out, the objects appear smaller. zoom in on a graph: When the user holds down the control key, depresses the mouse button and drags

across a region of a graph, that region will enlarge. g


.AVI format, 77 add

graph model, 11, 40, 52 movie to a coordinate system window, 68 points automatically, 47 to a calculated item, 60 to included point series list, 26

Adobe Premiere, 74, 124 advance

automatic frame, 8, 47, 66 automatic point, 47 movie frame, 16, 21, 124

angle coordinate system, 64 create new, 59 measurement of, 24 range, 24 range; in this dialog box. See th, 29 series, calculated item, 124 three points on a movie frame, 26, 49

Apple Menu, 43 aspect ratio, 50 Aspect Ratio, 68 assign masses, iv, 27 auto, 124

add points, 47 frame advance, 47, 66 point advance, 47 point selection, 66 scale, 22, 42

Available Point Series, 26 AVI

problems with using, 80 AVI format, 78 axis

coordinate system, 63 graph, horizontal, 40 graph, vertical, 40 origin, 70 scale, 22, 42

axis, 22 background moves, iv calculated item, 3, 26

Calculated Item, 25 calculated point, 49, 58, 124, 126 Calculated Point, 57 Calculated Points, 61 calculated series, 55, 60 Calculated Series.i.remove

point series from a calculated point, 61 calibrate, 124 Camera Pan, 72 capture card, 5, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 124 Capture Card, 77, 81 Cartesian coordinate, 2, 12, 124 CD Drives, 79 CD-ROM, 78 center of mass, iii, 3, 27, 77, 88, 124 Center of Mass, 26, 28, 29, 49 Center of Mass Series, 59 change

axes scales, 22 graph title, 21 marker, 22 marker type, 37 scale, 48, 63, 66, 73 scale, dialog box, 42

CinePak, 79, 80 clearing, 124 Clearing, 57 clipboard, 4, 20, 124 clone, 34, 35, 70, 124 Clone, 34, 49 Close All, 51 codec, 124

Apple Video, 79 Cinepak, 79 Indeo, 79 JPEG, 79 QuickTime, 79

codecs, 79 color, iv, 22, 37, 77, 78, 81 Color, 76 Commercial Film, 75 Compression, 79, 80 Compression (see codec), 78

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computer hardware, 3 coordinate, 63 coordinate data

raw data, 126 coordinate data, 1 coordinate system, 124

cartesian, 16, 20 define, 61 definition, 2 dialog box, 42 header, 18 icon, 53 move point series to new, 65 polar, 16, 20, 24, 58, 126 remove scale, 65 replace scale, 66 rotate, 63 save, 44 scale, 9, 62 scaling multiple, 39 video, 20 window, 17 window icons, 20 window to the front, 51

coordinate system, 124 Coordinate System, 126 coordinate system:, 73, 124, 126 coordinate transformations, 72 count, 1 count, 35 count, 59 count, 78 count item, 35, 59 count of, 35 Create Menu, 48 creating new graphs, 21 crop, 81 crop,, 124 Current Frame Field, 17 Current Point Field, 16 data type, 24 decompression, 79 Decompression (see codec), 78 default

coordinate system, 124 frame rate, 50 movie size, 50 movie time, 41 origin, 24, 48, 49, 62, 71 play movie, 16 size, 67 step size, 41 time code, 17

delete calculated point series, 57 point series, 14 point series, 57

point series, 124 selection, 46

designated point, 3, 124 designated point, 49 dialog box, 8, 125 digital movies, iii digitizing software, 81 Display Data, 69 distance, 25, 26, 27, 49

series, 125 series dialog box, 27

Distance, 3, 27 DOS, 4 drag, 125 Drag Box, 18 edit

calculated series dialog, 27 clone, 34 designated point, 32 graph model, 11, 40, 52 marker, 36 mass, 19 menu, 45 name, 58 point, 61 point dialogbox, 24 point properties, 29 point series dialog, 23 point series name, 18 selected, 57 selected series, 45 series, 57

Exit Startup, 14 Export Data, 55 feature, 125 field, iv, 17, 19, 34, 63, 66, 68, 78 Field, 78 File Menu, 43 file name, 86 fixed, 125

data type, 24 legend, 53 scale factor, 29

Fixed, 125 frame number, 17, 51 Frame Number, 68 frame rate, 41, 51, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82 Frame Rate, 17, 41 frame-by-frame, 73 Frame-by-Frame, 24 Frame-by-Frame, 73 frames per second, 75, 78 Functional Description, 14, 58 Galilean relativity, 65 graph

axis, 40 change title, 22

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data, 10 dialog box, 39 legend, 53 menu, 52 model, 10 new, 40, 52, 69 rescale, 69, 126 scale dialog box, 42 window, 21 zoom in on, 69 zoom in on, 127

header, 125 help, 1, 53 Help, 54 icon, 63

Coordinate system window, 20 included point series, 26 Included Point Series List, 26 infinity (INF), 24 install, 5, 76 Install, 5 Internet, iv Item/Point Line, 18 UJ Uoint UP Uhotographics UEUxperts UG Uroup, 79 laser disc, 78 LaserDisc, 77 legend, 53 length, 1

known length box, 9 scale, 48 scale item, 43 units, 24

Lighting, 76 line marker, 125 Location Field, 16 MAC, 53 MAC, 4, 6, 8, 43, 52 MAC, 125 Macintosh, 1, 5, 81, 124, 125 Macintosh Instructions, 1 Make Point Origin, 47, 61 marker, 125

axis, 125 change, 45, 58 characteristics, 22 count trails, 35 dialog box, 35 trails, 22 type, 37 video point, 15, 17 visibility, 18, 22

mass, 19, 23, 25, 58 Mass, 23, 58 mass column, 18 Mass Column, 19 mathematical function, 11 mathematical model, 10, 12

model, 11, 125 graph, 11

model, 52 Model, 10, 40 Modify or Move Calculated Item, 60 movie, 125

remove, 48, 126 switch, 48, 126

movie collection categories, 87 description, 87 file name, 86 movie name, 86

movie controller, 7, 8, 50, 66, 67 Movie Controller, 16 Movie Field, 19 movie frame size

double, 50 fill screen, 50 half, 50 keep aspect ratio, 50 normal, 50

Movie Menu, 49, 50 movie name, 86 Movie Startup, 14 MoviePlayer

A, 125 MoviePlayer (Macintosh), 74 moving origin, 125 National Television Standards Committee, 78 nudge, 21, 125 Nudge, 53 object, iv, 125 On Screen Data, 17 open

data file, 44 movie, 44 saved file, 14

Open Movie, 1, 6, 14, 68 optional scale factor, 2 Options Menu, 47 origin

check box column, 19 create new origin series, 49 dialog box, 24 make point origin, 47 move, 70 remove, 25 remove, 62 rotate, 70 set default, 48 transform, 47, 61

Origin, 23 orign

remove, 24 pause button, 16 PC computer, 4

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pixel, 29 coordinates, 125

pixel, 125 play

all frames of movie, 16, 51 movie, 66 real time, 16

point series, 125 info, 26

points per frame, 14 projectile launcher, 8 projectile motion, iii quadratic equation, 10 QuickCam, 81 QuickTime, iv, 2, 3, 4, 77, 80, 126 QuickTime Format, 78 Quit, 14, 45 ratio, 43, 68, 73, 81 Ratio, 3, 25, 68 raw data, 126 record a location, 125, 126 remove

movie, 68 origin, 24, 25 origin, 62 point series, 26 point series from a calculated point, 61 scale, 65

Remove Movie, 48 reporting data, 126 resize, 67, 68 resize, 67 Resize, 67 Rewind movie, 8, 50, 67 rotate

coordinate system, 63 origin, 25, 70

save coordinate system setup, 68 file, 4, 13 file without the movie, 55, 68

scale change, 43, 48, 63, 66, 73 coordinate system, 62 create, 62 factor, 126 factor, fixed, 29 item, 25 movie, 30, 50, 66, 73 movie dialog box, 38 movie, easy, 60 multiple coordinate systems, 39 series, 126

scan, 16 scan, 16 scan, 78 screen, 35, 86

screen set ups for windows tile, 51

screen shots, 2 select

frame rate, 17, 50 Select All Region, 21 Select Column, 21 Select Time Row, 21 semi fixed data type, 24 Series Type, 19 Set Step Size, 50 set up screens for windows

cascade, 51 set-up, 126 short cuts, 126 Short Cuts, 54, 66 Show Frame Numbers, 51, 68 size

marker, 22, 53 movie, 68

Slider Bar, 16 spreadsheet, 1, 4, 20, 55, 69 Spreadsheet, 69 step

backward, 16 forward, 16

step size, 41 Step Size, 41, 42 switch movie, 126 Switch Movie, 48 table window, 12, 20 Table Window, 12, 20 The toolbar, 126 The VideoPoint Movie Collection

Movie Browser, 86 time code, 17, 41, 50, 66, 67, 74, 75, 80, 126 time codes, 67 time-lapse, 59, 74 title frame, 81 Title Frame, 81 title screen

removing, 86 toolbar, 53 Trackball, iv trails, 126

check box column, 18 on/off, 45, 58

two planes, 74 Two Planes, 74 Utility Dialog, 35 VCR, 5, 76, 77, 124 vector, 35, 126 Vector:, 38 VGA monitors, 77 video camera, 3, 65, 74, 76, 124 Video Camera, 5 video camera., 126

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video collections AAPT single concept films, 83 Physics and Automobile Collections, 83 The Physics of Sports, 83

video origin, 125, 126, 127 Video origin, 126 Video Origin, 2, 17, 124 video point series, 3, 127

name, 18, 22 new, 60 origin, 24 select, 56

video tape, iv, 17, 75, 76 videodisk, iv, 76 Videodisk, 5 VideoPoint, iv, 6, 81, 127 VideoPoint software, iii, 2, 25, 43 Videotape, 75

View Menu, 52 Visible Check Box Column, 18 Visible Legend, 52 wide angle lens, 74 Wide Angle Lens, 74 WIN, 4, 6, 127 window

close all, 51 description, 14 start up, 14

window area, 8 Window Menu, 51 Windows, 1, 2, 5, 75, 77, 80, 127 Windows Instructions, 1 zoom, 30, 38, 43, 73, 74, 127 Zoom, 43, 68, 73 Zoom Lens, 74 Zoom Lens Distortions, 76
