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Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) / Heritage Appraisal - Including Site Visit, Field Reconnaissance Survey (FRS) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure (E&I) UK Limited April 2013
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Produced for Hodgetts Estates

Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon

Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) / Heritage Appraisal - Including Site Visit, Field Reconnaissance Survey (FRS)

AMEC Environment & Infrastructure (E&I) UK Limited

April 2013

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© AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited April 2013 33893 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment / Heritage Appraisal – Rev 2 - Issued

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Document Revisions

AMEC Project No.

Details Date

33893 Archaeological DBA / Heritage Appraisal – Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon


Rev 2 – ISSUED: External

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© AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited April 2013 33893 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment / Heritage Appraisal – Rev 2 - Issued

Report for

Hodgetts Estates

Main Contributors

Freddie Scadgell – AMEC

Reviewed by

………………………………………………………… Ken Whittaker – AMEC

Approved/Issued by

………………………………………………………… Sean Steadman / Craig Thompson – AMEC

AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited 17 Angel Gate, City Road, London, EC1V 2SH Tel +44 (0)207 843 1400 33893: Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon Archaeological DBA / Heritage Appraisal - Rev 2 - Issued

Cover page: – Photo taken looking c. west towards the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall (Farm).

Produced for Hodgetts Estates

Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon

Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) / Heritage Appraisal - Including Site Visit, Field Reconnaissance Survey (FRS)

AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited

April 2013

In accordance with an environmentally responsible approach, this document is printed on recycled paper produced from 100% post-consumer waste, or on ECF (elemental chlorine free) paper

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© AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited April 2013 33893 Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment / Heritage Appraisal – Rev 2 - Issued

Executive Summary

Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon has been proposed for regeneration and improvement.

Hodgetts Estates commissioned AMEC Environment and Infrastructure UK Ltd. to carry out an Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) / Heritage Appraisal of land within and immediately surrounding the site, and to provide recommendations to further assess and/or evaluate any identified archaeological or built heritage constraints, as required.

Based on a search of the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (WHER) and a review of other available data, the site is believed to have at least a medium potential for archaeological remains dating to the later Prehistoric (Iron Age), Roman and medieval periods.

No significant previous ground disturbance is believed to have taken place across the arable land to the south (see Appendix A - Figure 1). Although in the northern section of the site the existing Hall End Business Park Complex is likely to have removed any below ground archaeological potential in this area.

It is recommended that archaeological geophysical survey is conducted at the earliest opportunity across the southern site area in order to further establish the nature of recorded cropmark remains located in the north-west of the site (see Figure 1 and Appendix B), and also to identify any as yet potentially unknown remains across the southern site area as a whole. Following the geophysical survey, trial trenching is the most likely ensuing requirement, for which a plan will be drawn up and agreed with the Planning Archaeologist at Warwickshire County Council.

Two heritage specific site visits have been undertaken to date, the first to consider the existing buildings within the current Hall End Business Park Complex, as well as the land within the wider site area to the south, and the second with Jeff Brown (Head of Development Control) North Warwickshire Borough Council (NWBC) with respect to defining the curtilage of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall and ascertaining any requirement for specific building consents associated with the demolition of buildings within the current Business Park Complex.

NWBC have since confirmed that the Listed Building aspects of the scheme and associated curtilage will not need to be referred to English Heritage and that a Listed Building application is not required to be submitted. The impacts on the setting of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall and the proposed demolition of non-listed more modern buildings within the Business Park Complex will be dealt with in heritage terms through assessment within the Historic Environment Environmental Statement chapter, and associated planning application. There is believed to be a good opportunity to improve the setting of Hall End Hall as part of the scheme.

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1.  Introduction 1 

1.1  Project Background 1 

1.2  Scope of the Assessment 1 

2.  Methodology 3 

2.1  Aim 3 

2.2  Objectives 3 

2.3  Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (WHER) 4 

2.4  National Monuments Record (NMR) 4 

2.5  Historic Maps 4 

2.6  Documentary / Internet Sources 4 

2.7  Site Visit / Field Reconnaissance Survey (FRS) 4 

2.8  Limitations and Assumptions 4 

3.  Legislation, Policy and Guidance 5 

3.1  National Legislation 5 

3.1.1  Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 5 

3.1.2  Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 5 

3.1.3  Hedgerow Regulations 1997 6 

3.2  National Guidance 7 

3.2.1  English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens in England 7 

3.2.2  English Heritage Register of Historic Battlefields in England 7 

3.2.3  Ancient Woodlands 7 

3.3  National Planning Policy 7 

3.3.1  National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 7 

3.4  Local Policy 8 

3.4.1  North Warwickshire Local Plan – Core Strategy 8 

4.  Topography, Geology and Land Use 9 

5.  Summary of Previous Archaeological Investigation / Reporting 10 

6.  Archaeological and Historical Background 11 

6.1  Prehistoric: Lower Palaeolithic (pre-30,000 BP) through to Iron Age (700 BC - AD 43) 11 

6.2  Romano-British (AD 43 - AD 450) 11 

6.3  Medieval (AD 1066 - AD 1540) 12 

6.4  Post Medieval (AD 1540 onwards) / Imperial (AD 1751 - 1913) 12 

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6.5  Undated 14 

6.6  Built Heritage (including designated assets) 14 

6.6.1  Hall End Hall (Farm) - formerly known as Holt Hall 15 

6.6.2  Setting Considerations – Hall End Business Park 24 

6.7  Cartographic Sources 26 

7.  Assessment of Archaeological Potential 29 

7.1  Archaeological Potential 29 

7.1.1  Prehistoric: Lower Palaeolithic (pre-30,000 BP) through to Iron Age (700 BC - AD 43) 29 

7.1.2  Roman-British (AD 43 – AD 450) 29 

7.1.3  Medieval (AD 1066 - AD 1540) 30 

7.1.4  Post Medieval (AD 1540 - 1900) / Imperial (AD 1751 - 1913) 30 

8.  Conclusions and Recommendations 31 

9.  References 32 

9.1  Maps 33 

9.2  Internet Sources 34 

9.3  List of Plates 34 

9.4  Tables 35 

9.5  Figures 35 


Appendix A:  Figures Appendix B:  Historic Environment Gazetteer (Heritage Assets) Appendix C:  Previous ArchaeoIogical Investigations / Reporting Gazetteer Appendix D:  GroundSure Historic OS Mapping 

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1. Introduction

1.1 Project Background

The project plan is for the Regeneration and Improvement of Hall End Business Park (hereafter referred to as ‘the site’).

The site is located to the south of Dordon, approximately half a mile east of Junction 10 of the M42, along the A5 (Watling Street – Roman Road). Bordering the site to the south and west is Birch Coppice Business Park/Industrial Estate, to the east are sports pitches and adjoining agricultural fields and to the north is the A5 (Watling Street) and Dordon. The site is roughly rectangular in shape, orientated north-south and extends approximately 17.5ha. The site comprises the existing Hall End Business Park to the north, a c. 3ha industrial warehouse and office development, as well as c. 14.5ha of agricultural farm land to the south.

Hodgetts Estates are proposing two planning applications for separate full and outline consents for a comprehensive mixed-employment use development/re-development comprising:

Improvement to the setting of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall farmhouse (26);

Demolition of buildings, totalling 3,885 sq m mixed use employment floorspace.

Full application for change of use of c.17.5ha of land from agriculture to employment use for uses within use class B1(c) – light industrial use; use class B2 – general industrial use and use class B8 – storage / distribution use. Construction of improved means of access to the A5 and internal layout road. Engineering works to form no.3 level development plateaus for buildings and associated site drainage infrastructure works and landscaping; and

Outline application for construction of new buildings to provide a total of up to 62,500 sq m mixed employment space comprising 10% class B1(c)/B2 – general industrial use and 90% class B8 – storage/distribution use.

1.2 Scope of the Assessment

In March 2013 AMEC Environment and Infrastructure UK Ltd. (AMEC) was commissioned by Hodgetts Estates to carry out an Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (DBA) / Heritage Appraisal of land within and immediately surrounding the site.

This report details the known archaeological and historical baseline of a study area, extending 1km on all sides of the site boundary, in order to identify known heritage assets that may potentially extend onto, or have associations with, the site, or that might be directly or indirectly impacted by the scheme. The baseline comprises archaeological remains, built heritage and historic landscape features.

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The DBA primarily focuses on the land within the site boundary, divided into two main areas for ease and clarity of description:

1) The existing Hall End Business Park Complex (northern most portion of the site); and

2) The arable land (making up the majority of the proposed development site area) to the centre and south.

A site visit / Field Reconnaissance Survey (FRS) was also carried out as part of the assessment, the results of which are also incorporated into this report.

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2. Methodology

The 1km study area for this assessment incorporates the village of Dordon, the pre-existing Birch Coppice Business Park/Industrial Estate, agricultural land further to the west, north and south-east, the A5 (Watling Street), the Penmire Brook and a former dismantled Railway to the south.

A search of the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (WHER), together with a search specific to designated heritage assets from the National Heritage List online (http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/) produced a total of 33 known or suspected heritage assets within the study area. Five of these heritage assets are recorded within or partly within the site boundary.

Each of the identified heritage assets within the study area was given a unique number and included within a Historic Environment Gazetteer (see Appendix B).

This assessment has been undertaken in accordance with guidelines set out by the Institute for Archaeologists (IfA) Standard and Guidance for Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (IfA, 2012).

2.1 Aim

The aim of this DBA / Heritage Appraisal is to identify and characterise the historic environment (archaeological and built heritage) resource within the site and surrounding study area, in order to provide an archaeological and historical baseline for the proposed development.

2.2 Objectives

The objectives of the desk-based assessment / heritage appraisal are to:

Identify all recorded and designated heritage assets within the study area;

Assess the potential for previously unrecorded archaeological remains within the site;

Identify and describe designated and undesignated built heritage assets within the site and study area;

Identify and describe historic landscape features within the site and study area; and

Assess the potential impacts of the proposed works on known or suspected heritage assets.

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2.3 Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (WHER)

Information on all known heritage assets within the study area was collected from the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (WHER). There are 33 recorded heritage assets that are located within or partially within, the study area (see Appendix A - Figure 1 and Appendix B).

2.4 National Monuments Record (NMR)

A review of the online records from the National Monuments Record (NMR), National Heritage List online (http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/), was conducted in March 2013, predominantly to check for designated assets and to cross reference with some of the data provided by the Warwickshire HER.

2.5 Historic Maps

A review of available historic Ordnance Survey maps, viewed online at www.old-maps.co.uk and obtained from GroundSure Environmental Insight mapping as part of the contaminated land desk study and ground investigation report (Hydrock, 2012), enabled a picture of historic land use and change to be established and for any past activities that may have potentially removed heritage assets to be identified (see Section 6.7 below).

2.6 Documentary / Internet Sources

A number of documentary and internet sources were consulted in order to gain information on the archaeological and historical background of the study area and immediate surrounding region. These are referenced in Section 9 below. Internet sources were consulted in order to gain general background information on the archaeology, history, geology, land-use and topography of the study area and are also referenced in Section 9.

2.7 Site Visit / Field Reconnaissance Survey (FRS)

A site visit / FRS was conducted on Wednesday 13.03.13, selected photos from which can be found throughout the report.

2.8 Limitations and Assumptions

The data in the records supplied by the Warwickshire HER is drawn from a variety of sources, which have variable precision and accuracy. Some records are based on recent professional archaeological investigations, which adhere to IfA standards, whilst others are based on older records or are reliant on members of the public whose precision of recording has not been assessed.

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3. Legislation, Policy and Guidance

3.1 National Legislation

3.1.1 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979

Under the terms of the act an archaeological site or historic building of national importance can be designated as a Scheduled Monument and is registered with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).

Any development that might affect either the Scheduled Monument or its setting is subject to the granting of Scheduled Monument Consent. English Heritage (EH) advises the government on individual cases for consent and offers advice on the management of Scheduled Monuments.

There are no Scheduled Monuments within the site or study area.

3.1.2 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 covers the registration of Listed Buildings (buildings that are seen to be of special architectural or historic interest) and designation of Conservation Areas (areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance).

A Listed Building may not be demolished, altered or extended in any manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest without Listed Building Consent being granted. There are three grades of listing (in descending order):

Grade I: buildings of exceptional interest;

Grade II*: particularly important buildings of more than special interest; and

Grade II: buildings of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.

There is one Grade II Listed Building adjacent to the site boundary and a further three Grade II Listed Buildings within the study area.


Various buildings are associated with Hall End Hall (Farm). These may or may not be regarded as part of the curtilage of the Listed Building, when looked at on a case by case basis. The National Heritage List for England provides a Frequently Asked Questions document, within which one of the questions addresses the issue of ‘Curtilage’. The response states that:

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‘Any object or structure fixed to the principal building or buildings and any object or structure within the curtilage of the building, which, although not fixed to the building, forms part of the land and has done so since before 1st July 1948 is by law to be treated as part of the listed building.’

It goes onto state that:

‘The definition of curtilage is a matter for local authorities. Whether a structure falls within the curtilage of a listed building may require advice ahead of any planning application or acquisition. Structures covered by curtilage might include walls, gates, railings, gatehouses, stables, statues, etc. To demolish, alter or move any such structure, you will need to apply for listed building consent from the relevant local planning authority.’ (www.english-heritage.org.uk/content/imported-docs/k-o/nat-heritage-list-faqs.pdf)

The issue of curtilage will be dealt with further in the Historic Environment ES Chapter as part of the planning application, for which the following guidance may be drawn upon, amongst other:

- English Heritage Conservation Bulletin 47, Winter 2004-5: Characterisation – Legal Developments, The extent of listing p.43


- English Heritage Conservation Bulletin 48, Spring 2005: Maritime and Coastal Change – Legal Developments, The extent of listing p.42


The local authority planning authority (NWBC) have been consulted with respect to Hall End Hall and its curtilage, and an additional site visit undertaken with Jeff Brown (Head of Development Control). It was confirmed that the Listed Building aspects of the scheme and associated curtilage will not need to be referred to English Heritage and that a Listed Building application is not required to be submitted in this instance.

3.1.3 Hedgerow Regulations 1997

Important hedgerows, as defined by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997, enjoy statutory protection. Various criteria specified in the regulations are used to identify important hedgerows for wildlife, landscape or historical reasons.

There are not believed to be any historic hedgerows within the site.

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3.2 National Guidance

3.2.1 English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens in England

The Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England is maintained by English Heritage and divides the sites into three grade bands similar to those used for Listed Buildings.

There are no Registered Parks and Gardens within the site or study area.

3.2.2 English Heritage Register of Historic Battlefields in England

The Register of Historic Battlefields in England currently identifies 43 important English battlefield locations. Its purpose is to offer them protection and to promote a better understanding of their significance, but does not offer any statutory protection.

There are no Registered Historic Battlefields within the site or study area.

3.2.3 Ancient Woodlands

Ancient woodlands consist of land that has been continuously wooded since AD 1600. Areas of ancient woodland can be protected as nationally important Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) or as Wildlife Sites recognised at a local level.

Ancient woodland is not a statutory designation – it does not give the wood legal protection. However, increasingly, national, regional and local planning policies mention protection of ancient woodland in planning documents. The Woodland Trust (the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity) acts wherever possible to secure protection of ancient woodland.

There is no Ancient Woodland within the site.

3.3 National Planning Policy

3.3.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Designated and non-designated heritage assets are given protection under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Provision for the historic environment is given principally in Section 12 of the NPPF, which directs Local Planning Authorities to set out ‘a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats. In doing so, they should recognise that heritage assets are an irreplaceable resource and conserve them in a manner appropriate to their significance’.

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This requirement is framed by a presumption in favour of sustainable development and the policy recognises that the historic environment has a role to play in urban design (section 7), promoting healthy communities (section 8) and protecting Green Belt land (section 9).

3.4 Local Policy

3.4.1 North Warwickshire Local Plan – Core Strategy

The Core Strategy sets out the strategic planning policies that the Borough Council, and its partners, will pursue over the next 20 years. Core Strategy Policy NW11 covers the ‘Natural and Historic Environment’.

Saved Policies from the Local Plan (2006) relevant to the Historic Environment include:

- ENV4: Trees and Hedgerows;

- ENV15: Heritage Conservation, Enhancement and Interpretation; and

- ENV16: Listed Buildings, non Listed Buildings of Local Historic Value and Sites of Archaeological Importance (including Scheduled Ancient Monuments).

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4. Topography, Geology and Land Use

The current site comprises of the existing Hall End Business Park Complex, a c. 3ha industrial warehouse and office development, as well as c. 14.5ha of agricultural farmland to the south. The proposal is for a mixed-employment use development together with associated means of access and internal road layout and necessary landscaping and tree planting, centred on National Grid Reference (NGR) 425659, 299998.

For the purposes of this report the site has been divided into two distinct areas:

1) The existing Hall End Business Park Complex to the north; and

2) The undeveloped arable farmland to the south (see Figure 1).

The site is bordered by the A5 (Watling Street) to the north, the village of Dordon beyond the A5 to the north-east. The existing Birch Coppice Business Park/Industrial Estate (formerly the site of the Birch Coppice Colliery) is located to the west, south-west and south. To the immediate south there are ponds and the Penmire Brook. To the east are further agricultural land and community playing fields.

The British Geological Survey (BGS) records the solid (bedrock) geology underlying the site as comprising the Halesowen Formation Sandstone to the west and the Halesowen Formation Mudstone, Siltstone and Sandstone to the east.


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5. Summary of Previous Archaeological Investigation / Reporting

Much of the previous archaeological investigation/reporting within the Study Area relate to the Birch Coppice Business Park and its various phases (see Appendix C). Phases I and II of the Birch Coppice Park are complete and further investigation and reporting (2012/2013) relates to phase III proposals.

As such a number of the heritage assets indentified from the Warwickshire HER search are associated with this Birch Coppice Business Park development activity, see Section 6 below and Appendix B and C.

Previous investigation within the study area includes archaeological fieldwalking, watching brief, desk-based assessment, geophysical survey, trial trench evaluation and ‘excavation’. As noted above, most recently this has been associated with the Birch Coppice Business Park Phase III works, which included desk-based assessment that covers the majority of the site area (red line boundary) proposed for the Hall End Business Park Regeneration and Improvement (see Figure 1). The Cultural Heritage Assessment (Prospect Archaeology, 2012) incorporated the arable land to the south of Hall End Hall (Farm), but not the existing Business Park Complex and buildings to the north, which surrounds the Grade II Listed Hall (Farm) and associated buildings of varying date.

Following Prospect’s DBA, subsequent geophysical survey and trial trenching only covered the eastern part of the Birch Coppice Phase III development scheme, essentially the two arable fields to the east of the Hall End Business Park Site. One of which is to the south of the playing fields and west of the property known as ‘The Beanstalk’ and one to the south-east of ‘The Beanstalk’, and east of Holt Wood.

There has also been an Environmental Statement: Cultural Heritage and Archaeology chapter submitted as part of the Birch Coppice Phase III proposals. The previous planning application has been recommended for approval, following a Planning Committee meeting on 11th February 2013, subject to conditions.

The previous Cultural Heritage Assessment concluded that ‘the presence of archaeological features in the north-west part of the site will require archaeological evaluation’. It went onto state that ‘the archaeological potential of the rest of the study area is unknown, but the presence of prehistoric features in the Phase II area of the development to the south, in areas that were previously thought to be devoid of remains, suggests that there could be additional areas of previously unknown archaeological activity present within the proposed development site.’ (Prospect Archaeology, 2012)

The geophysical survey and subsequent trial trenching, however, found nothing of any note in the two fields to the east where a total of forty-one trial trenches measuring 50m long by 1.8m wide were excavated (Allen Archaeology, 2012 / Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2013). The field immediately south of the existing Hall End Business Park Complex remains to be subject to geophysical survey and subsequent trial trenching.

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6. Archaeological and Historical Background

A total of 33 heritage assets were identified within the study area, data for which was predominantly provided by the Warwickshire HER. Each asset has been assigned a unique AMEC number, referred to in the text below in bold, listed and/or referenced in the gazetteers (see Appendices B and C) and shown in Appendix A - Figure 1.

The periods and dates in this section broadly follow the terminology included in the Transport Assessment Guidance Unit 3.3.9 The Heritage of Historic Resources (WebTag 2003, Table 2).

Use of the time period ‘Imperial’ (c. AD 1751 to 1913) has also been applied, particularly in the gazetteer in Appendix B, as the term appears to be widely used by the Warwickshire HER.

The information on individual records outlined below is essentially précised from the detailed description sheets provided along with the search request data by the Warwickshire HER.

6.1 Prehistoric: Lower Palaeolithic (pre-30,000 BP) through to Iron Age (700 BC - AD 43)

There are at least three heritage assets dating to the Prehistoric period recorded as being located within the study area. These are all associated with the Birch Coppice Phase II Development, and were identified either during archaeological evaluation or watching brief works, and include:

A late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age Pit (1) found during evaluation (Oxford Archaeology - OA, 2010). Sherds of pottery recovered from the pit were probably from a beaker vessel. During a later watching brief (OA, 2011) a group of Bronze Age Cremation Pits (2) containing cremated bone and charcoal dating to the middle Bronze Age were found and excavated, also found were two Iron Age pits and a four-posted structure (3), a type most commonly found on Iron Age sites.

These previous works took place to the south-east of the site, within the south-eastern part of the study area.

6.2 Romano-British (AD 43 - AD 450)

Two heritage assets within the study area date to the Roman period:

Watling Street (4), aligned to the modern A5, is a Roman road running from London to Wroxeter, and runs along the northern boundary of the site, and a large coin hoard (5) of Roman denarii, which was found west of Dordon in 1848, although the precise location of this find is uncertain.

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6.3 Medieval (AD 1066 - AD 1540)

Evidence for the occupation of the study area during the medieval period is well documented.

There are ten heritage assets recorded as dating to the medieval period, including one medieval to Imperial and two medieval to Post-medieval in date. At least three of these are located within or partially within the site boundary:

Medieval pottery (6 / 7) recovered during fieldwalking/field survey in 1986, which may be related to / date an enclosure (8) c. 200-250m south-west of Hall End Hall (Farm). There are also other potentially associated linear cropmarks of unknown date, which could be the remains of a former field system. The irregular D-shaped enclosure was indentified on aerial photographs. It has also been suggested that the enclosure could date to the Iron Age, and that the medieval pottery is simply an indication of later settlement activity in the immediate area.

Further medieval activity is represented within the study area towards the far south-east, in the form of a possible deserted medieval settlement (9) c. 300m south-east of Lower House Farm. Also located within the area is the site of the medieval church of St. Nicholas (13), the former parish church of Baddesley Ensor, now demolished.

Other medieval activity towards the south-east of the study area was mostly identified during the Birch Coppice Phase II Development (OA, 2010/2011), as well as an earlier watching brief associated with proposed open-cast mining in the late 1980s. Fieldwalking in 1988 recovered a scatter of medieval pottery (10), which may indicate an extension of the medieval settlement to the west of the former church of St. Nicholas. Subsequently a possible medieval ditch (11) was uncovered during trial trenching and a sequence of enclosure ditches (12) aligned broadly parallel to Gypsy Lane were identified and excavated during a later watching brief (OA, 2010/2011). A single oven was found, and the pottery recovered dated to the 12-14th century.

The former site of Hall End Hall (14) is located c. 200m north of the A5, to the west of the village of Dordon. The manor house is believed to have been Elizabethan in origin, or possibly earlier and was subsequently altered in later years. The property ultimately fell into ruin, and was demolished around 1967. The site of Hall End (15), the wider settlement around the hall, is also located predominantly to the north of the A5, but also coincides with the current Hall End Farm Business Park Complex to the south of the road, covering the northern section of the site.

6.4 Post Medieval (AD 1540 onwards) / Imperial (AD 1751 - 1913)

Evidence for the occupation of the study area during the Post-medieval/Imperial periods is also well documented.

There are sixteen heritage assets dating to the Post-medieval and/or Imperial periods, including four dated Post-medieval to Modern and three dated Imperial to Modern. These include:

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Lime Kilns (16) located towards the south of the study area, adjacent to an area of ridge and furrow (see Figure 1), which were found and partially excavated during evaluation of the Phase II area of the Birch Coppice Business Park (OA, 2010). A Post-medieval field boundary (17) was also found during the same phase of evaluation and appears to correspond to the boundaries shown on the 1850 Tithe map.

St. Leonard (18) the parish church of Dordon was built in 1867-68 and is located c. 450m north-east of the site boundary to the south eastern side of the village.

In terms of heritage assets associated with the former mining landscape, the site of Birch Coppice Colliery No.2 (19) is located c. 650m south-west of Hall End Hall (Farm) and is believed to be marked on the 1885 OS map. The site of the Birch Coppice Colliery of Birchmoor (30) is located immediately west of the site and is now the location of the Birch Coppice Business Park/Industrial Estate Phase I. This was one of the major mines of the North Warwickshire Colliery. There is also a Tramway (31) which was used for the transport of coal from Birch Coppice Colliery to Polesworth. The tramway appears to tunnel beneath Birchmoor Road, the grounds of Hall End Hall (Farm) and Watling Street. The route of the tramway is located predominantly to the north / north-west of the site. Birch Coppice Colliery was one of several deep collieries established in the second half of the 19th century. Birch Coppice is believed to have begun producing around 1875. By the early 20th century the influence of the mine is very evident within the landscape and is reflected in the expansion of Polesworth and particularly Dordon. Dordon became a separate parish from Polesworth in 1932. By the 1990s the Birch Coppice Colliery had closed and the railway was dismantled. Then by the early 2000s the Birch Coppice Business Park was under construction. The spoil heap from the former mine workings forms a bund along its western boundary (see Plate 1 below).

Plate 1: View west towards the ‘spoil heap’ bund of Birch Coppice Business Park, formerly Birch Coppice Colliery.

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The site of another smaller mine shaft (20) north of hilltop is also marked on the 1885 OS map, located at the far south-east of the study area. There is also the site of a further coal shaft (22) south of the Hollies Woodland, located at the far north-east of the study area.

Other sites indentified from early OS mapping and recorded in the Warwickshire HER include the site of a small reservoir in Dordon (21) and the sites of Birch Coppice Brick and Tiles Works East and West (23 / 24), both also located within Dordon.

Finally Hall End Hall Garden (25) is located north of the A5, and is associated with the former Hall End Hall (14), its extent and description is provided in a review of Warwickshire’s parks and gardens (Lovie, 1997). There is also the possibility of the area having previously been an orchard. The former house is now demolished and the garden as it was no longer exists.

There are four Grade II Listed Buildings within the study area, one of which, Hall End Hall (Farm) (26), is located immediately north of the site boundary. Listed buildings are dealt with below in Section 6.6.

6.5 Undated

There are two undated heritage assets recorded within the study area:

A tentative Roman feature (32) located c. 500m north-west of the site. Excavation conducted in the 1980s revealed a large stony area, a section through which produced pottery, tile and a coin, and three whetstones (sharpening stones) were also recovered. However, a note in the HER suggests more information is needed in order to locate and date this site accurately and hence this site is recorded as undated.

Undated features at Birch Coppice (33), Baddesley Ensor have also been recorded towards the south-east of the study area. A number of cut features were identified during evaluation works as part of the Birch Coppice Phase II development (OA, 2010). There was evidence for burning, shallow post holes and a ditch. However, no dating evidence was obtained. The surrounding area produced evidence for Neolithic to Post-medieval activity.

6.6 Built Heritage (including designated assets)

As outlined above in Section 6.4 there are four Grade II Listed Buildings located within the study area. Three of these are situated in a group at the far southern edge (see Appendix A - Figure 1): Stone Cottage, and an associated stable and outbuilding (27/28/29) date to the mid-late 18th century (see Table 1 below). Due to their location away from the site they are not considered in any detail within this report.

Hall End Hall (26) a Grade II Listed Building, which should perhaps really be referred to as Hall End Farm, was formerly known as Holt Hall, and is located just to the north of the site boundary. This building (see Plate 3 below) is one of the main heritage considerations as part of the proposals for the regeneration and improvement of the Hall End Business Park Complex.

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Table 1: Designated Assets Within the Study Area.


Name Designation Description Importance


Located in the immediate vicinity of the site:


Hall End Hall (Farm). Formerly known as Holt Hall.

Grade II Listed

Former farmhouse. Late 17th century / early 18th century, with some 19th and 20th century alterations.


Located within the study area, but not the immediate vicinity of the site:

27 Stone Cottage. Grade II Listed

A cottage, formerly two, dating to the mid/late 18th century. Medium


Stable approximately 20 metres south-east of Stone Cottage.

Grade II Listed

A stable dating to the mid/late 18th century. Medium


Outbuilding approximately 3 metres north-east of Stone Cottage.

Grade II Listed

An outbuilding dating to the late 18th century. Medium

6.6.1 Hall End Hall (Farm) - formerly known as Holt Hall

In the listing description Hall End Hall (Farm) is described as a late 17th/early 18th century former farmhouse, which has been subject to some 19th and 20th century alterations. The Grade II Listed Building was formerly listed as Hall End Farmhouse, originally designated in 1968, but was previously known as Holt Hall. There are a number of buildings adjacent to and adjoining the Listed Building, some of which are believed to be more ‘contemporary’ and others that are of later and much later date.

Previous work carried out by Turley Associates as part of a ‘Visioning Report’ for the scheme, produced in 2011, identified the approximate ages/dates of the buildings surrounding, adjoining and adjacent to Hall End Hall (Farm). This was done through a review of historical mapping, as part of a map regression exercise focusing specifically on the buildings within the northern area of the site (see Plate 2 below).

The report suggests that it is likely that some of the neighbouring buildings to the Hall (Farm) would also come under the listing. Although only the main building (former farmhouse) is listed, any object or structure within the ‘curtilage’ of the building, is treated as if part of the listed building itself.

A site visit was conducted with Mrs. Jane Hodgetts on Wednesday 13th March 2013 in order to further clarify the situation on the ground with respect to Hall End Hall (Farm) and associated buildings. A brief description and accompanying photograph of the main buildings making up the Hall End Business Park Complex is provided below. For ease of reference these have been labelled A-N (see Plate 2 below with respect to cross referencing purposes).

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Plate 2: Reproduced and adapted Fig 5 – Building ages plan from Turley Associates ‘Land at Dordon, Tamworth: Visioning Report’ (2011). (©Turley Associates).

Starting with the Hall itself and taking each of the main buildings broadly in date order whether more ‘contemporary’ with the Hall, slightly later additions or more modern additions:

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A – Hall End Hall (Farm) a Grade II Listed Building of late 17th/early 18th century date. The building was formerly a farmhouse, and prior to this was known as Holt Hall. The building has been subject to some 19th and 20th century alteration.

Plate 3: Hall End Hall (Farm) a Grade II Listed Building (A). Photo taken of the north facing front of the property.

B – Former Milking Parlour/Dairy (a more ‘contemporary’ building(s) to the Hall/Farm in terms of dating to pre-1884/85).

Plate 4: Former Milking Parlour (B) located centre left of picture, view of it western face with a later garage, green roof visible, (c. 1938/39-1955) attached at its western end. Photo taken looking c. east towards the Hall (Farm).

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C – Building used as the ‘A5 Veterinary Surgery’, (a more ‘contemporary’ building to the Hall/Farm in terms of dating to pre-1884/85). The building adjoins a walled driveway to the Hall, but is somewhat separated and divorced from the Hall being accessed from the eastern side.

Plates 5 / 6: The A5 Vets Building (C). Plate 5 taken looking c. south-west / Plate 6 c. south down the Hall’s driveway.

D – A Garage belonging to Hall End Hall/Farm. The building is under the same ownership as the Listed Building itself (again a more ‘contemporary’ building to the Hall/Farm in terms of dating to pre-1884/85). The garage faces onto the Hall and is accessed down the driveway shown above in plate 6.

Plate 7: Garage Building (D). Photo taken looking c. south from the parking area in front of the vets.

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E – A small ‘Storage Barn/Former Stable’. The building is under the same ownership as the Listed Building and garage building described above (again a more ‘contemporary’ building to the Hall/Farm in terms of dating to pre-1884/85). The barn faces onto the Hall and is accessed down the same driveway.

Plate 8: Small Storage Barn (E). Photo taken looking c. north. The south side of the Garage (plate 7) can also be seen.

F – Current Office for the Hall End Business Park Complex - Hodgetts Estates (again a more ‘contemporary’ building to the Hall/Farm in terms of dating to pre-1884/85). However, this building is more isolated / separated from the Hall compared to most other buildings of a similar age/date.

Plate 9: Office Building (F). Photo of the south facing front of the building.

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G – Workshop/Tenanted Business Premises, currently Landrover Bikes. The building was previously associated with the expansion of the Birch Coppice Colliery in the late 19th century. The building is later than the Listed Hall/Farm and its more ‘contemporary’ buildings. It dates to 1894 as is visible on external brickwork on the western face. The building adjoins the site (F) office described above.

Plate 10: Tenanted Workshop (G) 1894 - adjoining the Hall End Business Park Office. Photo taken looking c. east.

H – Another Workshop/Tenanted Business Premises, currently an Antique Furniture Workshop/Show Room. The building was previously associated with the expansion of the Birch Coppice Colliery in the late 19th century. The building is later than the Listed Hall/Farm and its more ‘contemporary’ buildings. It dates to 1898 as is visible on external brickwork on the western face.

Plates 11 / 12: Tenanted Building (H) dating to 1898. Main photo taken looking c. north. The edge of a ‘modern’ garage is visible to the right of the shot.

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I – Tenanted Businesses including large office spaces, this is the largest of the ‘older’ buildings on the site, three-bayed and fronting onto the A5. The building was formerly associated with the former Birch Coppice Colliery workings as a probable storage building and stables for pit ponies. The building dates to 1902 as is visible on external brickwork on the northern face. It appears to have been subject to much modern change.

Plates 13 / 14: Tenanted Building (I) dating to 1902. The far south-east corner of the building adjoins the Listed Hall/Farm. Main photo taken looking c. south-west.

J – Dutch Barn, tenanted business premises, currently HSD Meats. The building is later than the Listed Hall/Farm and its more ‘contemporary’ buildings. It dates to c. 1902 – 1923/24.

Plate 15: Tenanted Building (J) - Dutch Barn. Photo taken looking c. north.

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Buildings K / L / M / N – Tenanted Modern Buildings dating to the 1970s+, all located within the current confines of the Hall End Business Park Complex.

Plate 16: Building (K). Photo taken looking c. west.

Plate 17: Building (L). Photo taken looking c. north.

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Plate 18: Building (M). Photo taken looking c. south.

Plate 19: Building (N). Photo taken looking c. west.

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6.6.2 Setting Considerations – Hall End Business Park

The setting of a heritage asset is defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (Communities and Local Government, 2012) as:

‘The surroundings in which a heritage asset is experienced. Its extent is not fixed and may change as the asset and its surroundings evolve. Elements of a setting may make a positive or negative contribution to the significance of an asset, may affect the ability to appreciate that significance or may be neutral.’

Following the publication of the NPPF, Planning Policy Statement 5 – Planning for the Historic Environment was deleted. However, the Practice Guide remains a valid and Government endorsed document pending Government's review of guidance supporting national planning policy, as set out in its response to the select committee report. The references in the document to PPS5 policies are obviously now redundant, but the policies in the NPPF are very similar and the intent is the same, so the Practice Guide remains almost entirely relevant and useful in the application of the NPPF.

In terms of considerations which may affect setting, Paragraph 114 of the PPS 5 Practice Guide (Communities and Local Government, 2010) highlights that:

‘The extent and importance of setting is often expressed by reference to visual considerations. Although views of or from an asset would play an important part, the way in which we experience an asset in its setting is also influenced by other environmental factors such as noise, dust and vibration; by special associations; and, by our understanding of the historic relationships between places.’

In October 2011 English Heritage issued ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets: English Heritage Guidance’. The guidance includes sections outlining the definition of setting, the extent of setting and setting and the significance of heritage assets. Section 2.2 states that: ‘Setting does not have a fixed boundary and cannot be definitively and permanently described as a spatially bounded area or as lying within a set distance of a heritage asset. Views on what comprises a heritage asset’s setting may change as the asset and its surroundings evolve, or as the asset becomes better understood’ (English Heritage, 2011).

Hall End Hall (Farm) Grade II Listed Building

The current setting of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall (Farm) is one that has been compromised by both historic and more recent building activity within its immediate environs. The busy A5 now a duel carriageway runs immediately to the north of the Listed Building and it is almost completely surrounded by other buildings within the current Hall End Business Park complex. There is, however, substantial existing vegetation cover particularly along the southern boundary, which screens the building from the main industrial activity taking place on the Business Park site to the south.

The Hall is located within its own walled setting with other buildings both those more ‘contemporary’ and later buildings adjoining it on its western and eastern sides. Immediately to the east are a series of four buildings (buildings C to F), which are likely to be the ones most ‘contemporary’ with the Listed Hall/Farm, along with the former milking parlour/dairy (building B) to the west.

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There are potential opportunities as part of the regeneration and improvement of Hall End Business Park to improve/enhance the setting of the Grade II Listed Building and its immediate surroundings. By removing (demolishing) a number of the later buildings, often much larger structures, which have surrounded and dwarfed the Hall, and with the retention of a limited number of the most contemporary buildings such as the former milking parlour/dairy, garage and small storage barn/former stable there is the potential to reinstate the Hall/Farm’s more original context/setting with more of an open aspect looking out to the north-west, north and north-east across the A5 towards the open fields beyond, which was the site of the original Hall End Hall settlement, its land and former gardens.

The significance of Hall End Hall (Farm), with direct reference to its current and former context/setting, will be further considered, described and assessed within the Historic Environment Chapter of the Environmental Statement, in order to provide further background specific to the Listed Building and a basis for future decisions with respect to its associated buildings and its setting, to be made as part of the Hall End Business Park Scheme.

Plate 20: Aerial view of the current Hall End Business Park Complex. Image believed to have been taken around the early-mid 2000s. (©Microsoft Corporation 2013 - Bing Maps - http://www.bing.com/maps/)

The Grade II Listed Hall End Hall (Farm) can be seen towards the centre of the aerial image. The buildings seen located between buildings G and M to the east of the site have since been demolished.

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6.7 Cartographic Sources

Table 2: Historic Maps – Brief Overview.

Map / Date Site Description / Observations

Tithe Map c. 1850.

The Polesworth Tithe Map shows ‘Holt Hall’ to the south of Watling Street and ‘Hall End’ to the north. A number of parcels of land are shown around Holt Hall. The Hall at this time belonged to the Rt. Hon Earl Beauchamp and was occupied by John Lakin senior.

OS 1883 / 1885-87 @1:10,560; and

OS 1884/85 @1:2,500.

(see Appendix D)

Both Hall End Hall and Holt Hall are shown. Further buildings have been established in the immediate vicinity of Holt Hall. Hall End Hall to the north appears to be quite a substantial settlement, with as many, if not more ancillary buildings than Holt Hall. A track runs south from Hall End Hall to Watling Street, just opposite the entrance to Holt Hall. The mapping appears to show the two Halls as being intrinsically linked.

The beginnings of the Birch Coppice Colliery are present to the west, including the railway line. A footpath/track runs south-west from Holt Hall in the direction of the colliery. The colliery appears to be named after an area of woodland located to the east of the site (Birch Coppice), north of Watling Street and immediately east of Dordon.

There are a series of hedged fields (at least 6) making up the site and trees planted within the immediate vicinity of Holt Hall to the east and further to the south. Three pits and/or ponds are present to the south-west of Holt Hall, within the north-western section of the site. Further footpaths/tracks pass into and cross the site west to east within its central southern and southern regions.

OS 1901 / 1903-04 @1:10,560; and

OS 1903


(see Appendix D)

There are no significant changes from earlier mapping. Although a small rectangular gravel pit is now present towards the central eastern edge of the site and the Birch Coppice Colliery to the west appears to have expanded considerably in size to the boundary of the site.

The trees to the immediate east and south of Holt Hall have also been removed.

OS 1921-25 @1:10,560; and

OS 1923/24 @1:2,500.

(see Appendix D)

Additional larger buildings have been constructed around/in the immediate vicinity of Holt Hall. Holt Hall is now labelled as ‘Hall End Farm’. A distinct footpath/track is now visible leading from the Birch Coppice Colliery to these larger buildings, as well as some previously existing buildings, to the immediate west/adjoining Hall End Farm, suggesting these buildings on the farm were in direct use as ancillary buildings to the colliery.

The gravel pit has enlarged and expanded northwards and a small area of woodland is now present further to the south of the Hall End Farm again.

The further expansion of the colliery appears to have contributed to new housing within Dordon, including some south of Watling Street.

There also now appears to be a marshy area to the south-west of the site boundary either side of the Penmire Brook (although this is not labelled as such). A football ground is also present to the north of Watling Street, north-east of the site, and a cricket ground north of Watling Street, but to the north-west of the site. Presumably these were associated with the expansion of both the colliery and Dordon, and provided community recreational facilities to the workers and their families.

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Map / Date Site Description / Observations

OS 1938 @1:10,560; and

OS 1938


(see Appendix D)

Some further alteration/addition of buildings in the immediate vicinity of Hall End Farm appears to have taken place. Including possible demolition evidenced by the two most westerly buildings being depicted with hatched lines.

The small area of woodland to the south has now gone, although the same shaped land parcel remains. The gravel pit is no longer shown.

The marshy area to the south-west of the site boundary either side of the Penmire Brook has now disappeared (possibly dried out).

The Beanstalk (house) has now been constructed, sited beyond the eastern boundary of the site.

OS 1949-54 / 1955 @1:10,560; and

OS 1955 / 1956


(see Appendix D)

The two most western buildings are marked as normal again although the northern one appears to have been altered in size/shape.

The trees to the south of Hall End Farm are now present / depicted again. The Birch Coppice Colliery site extent has spread eastwards and now immediately borders the western boundary of the site. The size of the ‘spoil heap’ mound to the immediate west/south-west of the colliery is suddenly very evident for the first time.

The village of Dordon also appears to have expanded further. Although the football ground is no longer marked.

The Penmire Brook is officially marked for the first time and the area appears to be marshy again with trees planted to the north beyond the south-west boundary of the site.

OS 1965-1967 @1:10,560.

(see Appendix D)

No significant changes from previous mapping. Although the large ‘spoil heap’ mound west/south-west of the colliery has enlarged and spread further. Further changes to the layout of the buildings around Hall End Farm appear to have taken place, particularly to the immediate south-east. Further tree planting has also taken place here. Playing fields have been established to the immediate east of the site boundary.

OS 1974-76 @1:10,000; and

OS 1971-74 @1:2,500.

(see Appendix D)

Hall End Hall and associated buildings have been demolished to the north of Watling Street. Two buildings to the east of the Hall End Farm Complex have been removed (demolished), and additional colliery buildings have been built to the immediate west of Hall End Farm. The A5 Watling Street appears to have been upgraded to a duel carriageway.

OS 1976-82 / 1981 @1:10,000

(see Appendix D) No significant changes from previous mapping.

OS 1988-89 / 1990-96

@1:10,000; and

OS 1988-90 / 1989-1993 / 1990 / 1993

/ 1994 / 1995 @1:2,500.

(see Appendix D)

Field boundaries/field boundary hedges across the whole site have been removed, as well as the footpaths across the central southern and southern regions of the site. The site is now essentially seen as one large arable field with a pond beyond its south-east corner. The colliery appears to have scaled back in size. The Birch Coppice Colliery is known to have officially closed in 1987.

The OS 1:2500 (1988-90) refers to Hall End Farm as Hall End Hall for the first time. Possibly due to the demolition of the previous Hall End Hall to the north of Watling Street. This does however cause some confusion when referring to the buildings.

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Map / Date Site Description / Observations OS 2002 / 2012 @1:10,000; and

OS 2012


(see Appendix D)

For the first time some larger more recent buildings are shown at Hall End Farm. The site is now referred to as Hall End Business Park.

The old colliery buildings to the west have been demolished and replaced by the large warehouses, storage units and business premises of Birch Coppice Business Park Phase I. A new road layout has also been established.

A review of the historical maps confirms the majority of the site, south of Hall End Farm (now Hall End Business Park), has been relatively undeveloped agricultural land since at least c. 1850 and is still an undeveloped Greenfield site. A gravel pit is shown to have been present towards the central eastern edge of the site between c. 1901 and 1938.

The Birch Coppice Colliery has been present from at least as early as 1884/85, and expanded significantly into the early 20th century. Coal mining on the site is believed to have commenced as early as 1824, with the first shaft sunk in 1858 and the colliery officially closed in 1987, replaced by the Birch Coppice Business Park/Industrial Estate after c. 2002. (www.birchcoppicecollierymemorial.co.uk)

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7. Assessment of Archaeological Potential

As outlined above, a search of the Warwickshire HER was undertaken for a 1km radius from the edge of the proposed development site (see Appendix A - Figure 1 and Appendix B), together with a review of available cartographic sources (historic mapping) and previous archaeological investigation and reporting for the immediate site area (see Appendix C).

Professional judgement has been used to assign a level of potential for the site to contain below ground archaeological remains from each of the time periods outlined above in Sections 6.1 to 6.4.

High – Archaeological features and finds of this period are likely to be represented on the site.

Medium – Archaeological features and finds of this period may be represented on the site.

Low – Archaeological features and finds of this period are unlikely to be represented on the site. Although small quantities of ‘residual’ finds may be present.

7.1 Archaeological Potential

7.1.1 Prehistoric: Lower Palaeolithic (pre-30,000 BP) through to Iron Age (700 BC - AD 43)

Cropmarks of possible Prehistoric (potentially Iron Age) date are present within the site boundary towards its north-west corner (8), although this potential enclosure site has been assigned a medieval date at present, as attested by the recovery of medieval pottery (6 / 7) within the immediate area.

Further prehistoric remains (1 / 2 / 3) were uncovered in the study area during evaluation and watching brief work on the Birch Coppice Phase II development (see Figure 1 and Appendix B).

The archaeological potential for the Prehistoric is therefore considered to be at least medium. If remains were to survive on the site, these would likely be of national or regional importance.

7.1.2 Roman-British (AD 43 – AD 450)

The A5 Roman Watling Street (4) runs along the northern boundary of the site and other Roman remains have been found / uncovered within the study area, including a coin hoard (5) to the north of the A5 and another possible, although tentative, Roman feature (32) further to the north-west.

As a result the archaeological potential for the Roman period is also considered to be at least medium. If Roman remains were to survive on the site, these would likely be of regional or local importance.

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7.1.3 Medieval (AD 1066 - AD 1540)

Hall End Hall (Farm) (26), originally known as Holt Hall, was probably a medieval farmstead of some description with direct associations with the wider Hall End Settlement (14 / 15). The enclosure cropmarks (8) recorded within the site boundary could also potentially date to this period. Along with medieval pottery (6 / 7) previously recovered from the site and other known medieval activity to the north, namely the original site of Hall End Hall (14) and its wider settlement (15) this points to an archaeological potential for the medieval period being at least medium. If medieval remains were to survive on the site, these would likely be of regional or local importance.

7.1.4 Post Medieval (AD 1540 - 1900) / Imperial (AD 1751 - 1913)

A large number of sites present within the wider study area date to the Post-medieval and Imperial periods.

However, apart from possible ridge and furrow or previous quarry pits the archaeological potential directly relevant to the site for the Post-medieval and Imperial periods is believed to be low to medium at most. If Post-medieval and Imperial period remains were to survive on the site, these would likely be of regional or local importance.

Note on Assessment of Impacts:

Farming activity on the arable land to the south may have resulted in some previous disturbance and truncation of below ground archaeology, if present. Modern farming practices have almost certainly damaged ridge and furrow earthworks. The last quarter of the 20th century saw the removal of field boundary hedges and has resulted in dramatic changes in the landscape. Prior to the arrival of the colliery the area would have been rural in character, and with the associated expansion of Dordon and the recent construction of modern Business Parks, such as Birch Coppice Phases I and II, the rural character has continued to be altered and compromised.

The potential for any surviving archaeological remains within the northern section of the site has most likely been entirely removed as a result of the existing business park development and previous building construction.

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8. Conclusions and Recommendations

The central and southern section (current arable land) of the proposed development site has at least a medium potential for the survival of archaeological remains dating to the later Prehistoric (likely Iron Age), Roman and medieval periods.

It is recommended that an Archaeological Geophysical Survey is conducted across the whole proposed, previously undeveloped, development site area (central and south sections only) at the earliest possible opportunity in order to further establish the nature of the recorded cropmark remains (8) and also to identify any as yet potentially unknown remains across the central/southern section of the site as a whole (i.e. all land outside the existing Hall End Business Park Complex).

Following the geophysical survey, trial trenching is the most likely ensuing requirement, for which a plan will be drawn up and agreed with the Planning Archaeologist at Warwickshire County Council.

The proposed development also has the potential to impact on the setting of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall (Farm) (26) to the immediate north of the site boundary.

North Warwickshire Borough Council has confirmed that the Listed Building aspects of the scheme and associated curtilage will not need to be referred to English Heritage and that a Listed Building application is not required to be submitted. The impacts on the setting of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall and the proposed demolition of non-listed more modern buildings within the Business Park Complex will be dealt with in heritage terms through assessment within the Historic Environment Environmental Statement chapter, and associated planning application.

There is believed to be a good opportunity to improve the setting of Hall End Hall as part of the scheme. This is directly relevant to proposals to demolish buildings within the current Hall End Business Park Complex, as part of the Regeneration and Improvement scheme, with the exception of the Grade II Listed Hall End Hall itself and those buildings most contemporary/associated with the Hall’s (Farm’s) original context and setting.

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9. References

In the order they appear in the report:

Institute for Archaeologists (IfA) (2012), Standards and Guidance for Archaeological Desk Based Assessment, Institute for Archaeologists, Reading.

Hydrock (2012). ‘Desk Study and Ground Investigation at Hall End Business Park, Dordon’. Unpublished client report

DCMS, Scheduled Monuments: Identifying, protecting, conserving and investigating nationally important archaeological sites under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2010.

Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990.

English Heritage Conservation Bulletin 47, Winter 2004-5: Characterisation – Legal Developments, The extent of listing p.43 (www.english-heritage.org.uk/publications/conservation-bulletin-47)

English Heritage Conservation Bulletin 48, Spring 2005: Maritime and Coastal Change – Legal Developments, The extent of listing p.42 (www.english-heritage.org.uk/publications/conservation-bulletin-48)

Hedgerow Regulations, 1997.

Communities and Local Government (2012) National Planning Policy Framework.

Prospect Archaeology (2012). Birch Coppice Business Park Phase III, Dordon, Warwks: Cultural Heritage Assessment. Unpublished client report.

Evershed, R. (2012). Geophysical Survey by Magnetometry on Land Adjacent to Beanstalk Farm, Dordon, Warwickshire, Allen Archaeology report 2012087.

Clarke, J. (2013). Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at Birch Coppice Business Park, Phase III, Dordon, Warwickshire. Northamptonshire Archaeology unpublished client report.

WebTag Transport Assessment Guidance Unit 3.3.9 (2003), The Heritage of Historic Resources, Table 2.

Thacker G. (2010). Trial Trench Evaluation at Birch Coppice Phase II, Warwickshire. Oxford Archaeology unpublished client report.

Sykes, D. 2011. Lower House Farm, Birch Coppice Phase II, Warwickshire: Archaeological Watching Brief Report. Oxford Archaeology unpublished client report.

Lovie, J. (1997). Warwickshire Register Review Data Tables (North Warwickshire, Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby). Item 29.

Turley Associates. (2011). Land at Dordon, Tamworth. Visioning Report. Unpublished client report.

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Communities and Local Government (2010) PPS 5: Planning for the Historic Environment: Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide.

English Heritage (2011). ‘The Setting of Heritage Assets: English Heritage Guidance’.

9.1 Maps

See Appendix D for those obtained from GroundSure Environmental Insight:

Ordnance Survey (OS) - (1883 / 1885-87) - 1:10,560

OS (1884/85) - 1:2,500

OS (1901 / 1903-04) 1:10,560

OS (1903) - 1:2,500

OS (1921-25) - 1:10,560

OS (1923/24) - 1:2,500

OS (1938) - 1:10,560

OS (1938) - 1:2,500

OS (1949-54 / 1955) - 1:10,560

OS (1955 / 1956) - 1:2,500

OS (1965-1967) - 1:10,560

OS (1974-76) - 1:10,000

OS (1971-74) - 1:2,500

OS (1976-82 / 1981) - 1:10,000

OS (1988-89 / 1990-96) - 1:10,000

OS (1988-90 / 1989-1993 / 1990 / 1993 / 1994 / 1995) - 1:2,500

OS (2002 / 2012) - 1:10,000

OS (2012) - 1:2,500

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9.2 Internet Sources

National Heritage List online (http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/) – accessed March 2013

Old-Maps (www.old-maps.co.uk) – accessed March 2013

The National Heritage List for England – FAQs (www.english-heritage.org.uk/content/imported-docs/k-o/nat-heritage-list-faqs.pdf) – accessed March 2013

BGS Geology of Britain Viewer (http://www.bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/geologyOfBritain/viewer.html) – accessed March 2013

Bing Maps (for Aerial Images) – (www.bing.com/maps/) - accessed March 2013

Birch Coppice Memorial Website – (www.birchcoppicecollierymemorial.co.uk/history/) - accessed March 2013

9.3 List of Plates

Plate 1: View west towards the ‘spoil heap’ bund of Birch Coppice Business Park, formerly Birch Coppice Colliery.

Plate 2: Reproduced and adapted Fig 5 – Building ages plan from Turley Associates ‘Land at Dordon, Tamworth: Visioning Report’ (2011). (©Turley Associates)

Plate 3: Hall End Hall (Farm) a Grade II Listed Building (A). Photo taken of the north facing front of the property.

Plate 4: Former Milking Parlour (B) located centre left of picture, view of it western face with a later garage, green roof visible, (c. 1938/39-1955) attached at its western end. Photo taken looking c. east towards the Hall (Farm).

Plate 5: The A5 Vets Building (C). Plate 5 taken looking c. south-west / Plate 6 c. south down the Hall’s driveway.

Plate 6: The A5 Vets Building (C). Plate 5 taken looking c. south-west / Plate 6 c. south down the Hall’s driveway.

Plate 7: Garage Building (D). Photo taken looking c. south from the parking area in front of the vets.

Plate 8: Small Storage Barn (E). Photo taken looking c. north. The south side of the Garage (plate 7) can also be seen.

Plate 9: Office Building (F). Photo of the south facing front of the building.

Plate 10: Tenanted Workshop (G) 1894 - adjoining the Hall End Business Park Office. Photo taken looking c. east.

Plate 11: Tenanted Building (H) dating to 1898. Main photo taken looking c. north. The edge of a ‘modern’ garage is visible to the right of the shot.

Plate 12: Tenanted Building (H) dating to 1898. Main photo taken looking c. north. The edge of a ‘modern’ garage is visible to the right of the shot.

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Plate 13: Tenanted Building (I) dating to 1902. The far south-east corner of the building adjoins the Listed Hall/Farm. Main photo taken looking c. south-west.

Plate 14: Tenanted Building (I) dating to 1902. The far south-east corner of the building adjoins the Listed Hall/Farm. Main photo taken looking c. south-west.

Plate 15: Tenanted Building (J) - Dutch Barn. Photo taken looking c. north.

Plate 16: Building (K). Photo taken looking c. west.

Plate 17: Building (L). Photo taken looking c. north.

Plate 18: Building (M). Photo taken looking c. south.

Plate 19: Building (N). Photo taken looking c. west.

Plate 20: Aerial view of the current Hall End Business Park Complex. Image believed to have been taken around the early-mid 2000s. (©Microsoft Corporation 2013 - Bing Maps - http://www.bing.com/maps/)

9.4 Tables

Table 1: Designated Assets Within the Study Area.

Table 2: Historic Maps – Brief Overview.

9.5 Figures

See Appendix A below.

Figure 1 – Heritage Assets within 1km of the Site Boundary

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Appendix A Figures

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Based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. 100001776

Scale: 1:10,000 @ A3

Site boundary

1 km study area

G:\MODEL\PROJECTS\EA-210\33893 Hall End\Figures


March 201333893-Lon013 towns

Land at Hall End Business Park, Dordon

Figure 1Heritage Assets within a 1km StudyArea of the Site Boundary

0 100 200 300 40050Metres

! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! !



#* Listed building - Grade II

Non-designated findspot

Non-designated building

Non-designated linear entity

Non-designated site area

Non-designated garden

Non-designated ridge and furrow


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Appendix B Historic Environment Gazetteer (Heritage Assets)



Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument


1 MWA13081 426010 299270

Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age pit at Birch Coppice Phase II, Dordon. A pit was found during an archaeological evaluation at Dordon Ensor. Sherds of pottery probably from a Beaker vessel were recovered from it.

Neolithic to Bronze Age

Monument Pit

2 MWA13086 426250 299240

Bronze Age Cremation pits at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. A group of five small pits containing cremated bone and charcoal dating to the middle Bronze Age were discovered at Birch Coppice.

Bronze Age Monument Cremation Pit

3 MWA13087 426180 299210

Iron Age pits and a four-post structure at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. Two pits of possible early Iron Age date were discovered and a four-post structure which was also likely to have been Iron Age in date.

Iron Age Monument Pit, Post Built


4 MWA420 442000 291000

Watling Street. A Roman road running from London to Wroxeter which passes through Warwickshire.


Monument Road

5 MWA238 425700 300400

Findspot - Roman coin hoard. A group of coins deposited together, that are Roman in date were found west of Dordon.


Findspot Findspot

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Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument


6 MWA6014 425520 300010

Findspot - Medieval pottery. May be related to an enclosure, and was visible as a cropmark. The pottery was recovered from a location 250m southwest of Hall End Farm, Dordon.

Medieval Findspot Findspot

7 MWA6239 425500 300100

Findspot - Medieval pottery. Found in the vicinity of an enclosure, 200m southwest of Hall End Farm, Dordon.

Medieval Findspot Findspot

8 MWA4822 425510 300010

Enclosure 200m South of Hall End Farm. An enclosure and linear cropmarks of unknown date, which may be the remains of a field system. Medieval pottery may provide evidence of a settlement nearby.


(possibly earlier)


Settlement, Enclosure, Linear

Feature, Field System

9 MWA127 426520 299160

A Possible Deserted Settlement 300m South-East of Lower House Farm. The possible site of a deserted settlement of Medieval date which was located 300m south east of Lower House Farm.

Medieval Monument Deserted


10 MWA7212 426100 299210

Medieval pottery scatter, Birch Coppice. A scatter of Medieval pottery was found during field walking at Birch Coppice. It may indicate the extension of medieval settlement to the west of St Nicholas' Church, Baddesley Ensor.

Medieval Findspot Findspot

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Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument


11 MWA13084 426110 299160

Ditch of possible medieval origin at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. Possible medieval ditch uncovered during trial trenching.

Medieval Monument Ditch

12 MWA13088 426220 299230

Medieval enclosure at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. A sequence of medieval enclosure ditches aligned broadly parallel to Gypsy Lane, with a return at the south-west corner to form the southern boundary. A single oven was uncovered near the south-west corner of the enclosure.

Medieval Monument Enclosure, Oven

13 MWA125 426500 299110

Old Church of St Nicholas, Baddesley Ensor. The site of the Medieval church of St. Nicholas, which was demolished in 1848. It was situated south west of Lower House Farm.

Medieval to Imperial

Monument Building, Church

14 MWA230 425470 300640

Site of Hall End Hall, Dordon. A manor house built from cream sandstone with one wing built in brick. The house was built in the Post Medieval period and was located 200m north of the A5 at Dordon.

Medieval to Post-

medieval Monument Manor House

15 MWA13161 425530 300480

Site of medieval and post medieval settlement of Hall End, Polesworth. Located along Watling Street.

Medieval to Post-

medieval Monument Settlement

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Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument


16 MWA13082 425960 298980

Lime Kilns found during evaluation at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. Three post-medieval lime kilns were partially excavated.


Monument Lime Kiln

17 MWA13085 426080 299260

Post-medieval field boundary at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. A post medieval field boundary was uncovered during an evaluation. It appeared to correspond to the boundaries shown on the 1848 tithe map.


Monument Field Boundary

18 MWA232 426260 300360

Church of St Leonard, Dordon. The Parish Church situated on the corner of Church Street, Dordon.

Imperial Building Church

19 MWA6496 425130 299790

Site of Birch Coppice Colliery No 2. The site of a colliery, where coal was mined during the Imperial period. The site is located 650m south west of Hall End Farm. It is marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1885.

Imperial Monument Mine, Colliery

20 MWA6500 426550 299030

Site of Mine Shaft North of Hill Top. The site of a mine shaft dating to the Imperial period. The site lies 250m east of Lower House Lane, Baddesley Endsor. It is marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1885.

Imperial Monument Mine, Mine Shaft

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Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument


21 MWA6517 426150 301030

Site of Reservoir in Dordon. The site of a reservoir dating to the Imperial period. It is marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1901. It is situated 50m northeast of Whitehouse Road, Dordon.

Imperial Monument Reservoir

22 MWA6516 426560 300830

Site of Coal Shaft South of the Hollies. The site of a mine shaft which dated to the Imperial period. It is marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1885. It was situated 300m north of Church Road, Dordon.

Imperial Monument Mine, Mine Shaft

23 MWA6502 426050 300420

Birch Coppice Brick and Tile Works (West). The site of Birch Coppice brick and tile works which was in use during the Imperial period. It was situated on Browns Lane, Dordon, and was marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1885.

Imperial Monument Brickworks

24 MWA6503 426240 300540

Birch Coppice Brick and Tile Works (East). The site of Birch Coppice brick works and tile works which was in use during the Imperial period. It was situated 50m east of Long Street, Dordon, and was marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1885.

Imperial Monument Brickworks

25 MWA12541 425530 300610

Hall End Hall garden, Polesworth. Small site; possibly some garden round house, possibly an orchard. House demolished. Garden no longer exists.

Post-medieval to

Modern Monument Garden

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Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument



DWA307 / 309260 / 1034715

425607 300256 Hall End Hall. Former farmhouse. Late C17/early C18, with some C19 and C20 alterations.

Post-medieval to


Listed Building (Grade II)



DWA304 / 309251 / 1034712

425714 298683 Stone Cottage. Cottage, formerly two. mid/late C18. Post-

medieval to Modern

Listed Building (Grade II)



DWA567 / 309253 / 1186170

425741 298678 Stable approximately 20 metres south-east of Stone Cottage. Stable. Mid/late C18.

Post-medieval to


Listed Building (Grade II)



DWA789 / 309252 / 1365189

425740 298706 Outbuilding approximately 3 metres north-east of Stone Cottage. Outbuilding. Late C18.

Imperial to Modern

Listed Building (Grade II)


30 MWA13150 425250 300040

Birch Coppice Colliery of Birchmoor, Polesworth. Site of one of the mines of the North Warwickshire Colliery.

Imperial to Modern

Monument Colliery

31 MWA13152 425450 301140

Tramway connecting Birch Coppice Colliery and Polesworth Canal Basin. Tramway for transport of coal from Birch Coppice Colliery to Polesworth.

Imperial to Modern

Monument Tramway

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Easting Northing Name / Description Period Record TypeMonument


32 MWA8115 425051 300590

Excavation to the South of Harefield Lane, Arbury. During an excavation pottery, tile, a coin and three whetstones were found. The excavation took place 100m north-east of The Rough near to the A5.

Undated Findspot Findspot

33 MWA13083 426020 299220

Undated features at Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor. A number of cut features were identified during an evaluation. No dating evidence was obtained from them. The surrounding area had evidence for Neolithic to Post-medieval activity.

Undated Monument Pit, Post Hole,


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Appendix C Previous Archaeological Investigations / Reporting Gazetteer

Date Type Name/Description Original Ref No.

Grid Ref Sources

1985 Excavation

Excavation South of Harefield Lane, Arbury. The excavation took place 100m north-east of The Rough near to the A5 and

revealed a large stony area. A section through this area produced pottery, tile and a coin. This is a Possible Roman feature (32),

however more information is needed in order to locate and date this site accurately. There is no dating evidence at present, and as such the site is recorded as undated, and only tentatively Roman.

EWA1116 Centered SK 25051

00590 (137m by 124m)

Scott K. 1985. Finds from Arbury.

1986 Fieldwalking

Survey Fieldwalking South of Hall End Farm. Medieval pottery (6 / 7)

found around a cropmark site (8). EWA1977

Centered SK 2551 0001 (343m by 308m)

Hingley R C. 1986. WMA Vol 29. Volume -

29, Page Ref - 53

1988 Fieldwalking


Fieldwalking at Birch Coppice. Warwickshire Museum. Systematic field walking carried out in advance of open cast coal mining. A spread of medieval material (10), possibly associated

with a deserted medieval settlement was recovered.

EWA2535 Centred SP 2595 9926

(1709m by 933m)

Lisk S. 1988. Birch Coppice Potential Open

Cast Coal Site.

1996 Watching Brief Watching Brief at Hall End Farm, Watling St, Dordon. WHER

records this as a 'Redundant' record. No significant features believed to have been found.

MWA8239 SK 2560 0020 (point) Jones, R. 1996. Arch WB at Hall End Farm, Watling St, Dordon.

2001 Watching Brief

Birch Coppice Colliery, Dordon. Oxford Archaeological Unit. Monitoring of trenches and topsoil strip in advance of building and landscape works. Four phases of C20 land drainage recorded. No

other archaeological features or finds.

EWA7046 Centred SP 25645 99245 (1332m by


Bashford, Robin. 2001. Birch Coppice colliery, Dordon, Warwickshire.

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2010 Geophysical


Birch Coppice, Baddesley Ensor, North Warwickshire, Magnetometer Survey Report for Oxford Archaeology.

Magnetometry survey over 37.5ha revealed ridge and furrow. Evidence for ceramic land drains along with linear anomalies relating to former field boundaries was found. There was an

indication of cut features in the northern part of the site.

EWA9893 Centred SP 2590 9924

(791m by 837m)

Archaeological Surveys Ltd. 2010. Birch

Coppice, Baddesley Ensor.

2010 Trial Trench Evaluation

Trial Trench Evaluation at Birch Coppice Phase II, Warwickshire. Oxford Archaeology. A 4% sample of the area

(159 trial trenches) was excavated prior to a commercial development. A Neolithic/Bronze Age pit (1) was identified along with three lime kilns (16 / 17). Other cut features were undated


EWA9924 Centred SP 2590 9924

(814m by 843m)

Thacker G. 2010. Trial Trench Evaluation at

Birch Coppice Phase II, Warwickshire.


Archaeological Observation (Watching


Lower House Farm, Birch Coppice Phase II, Warwickshire. Oxford Archaeology. Observation of an area of c. 4.2ha prior to

development. Prehistoric, Medieval and Post-medieval archaeology was discovered (2, 3 & 12).

EWA9926 Centred SP 2615 9922

(289m by 285m)

Sykes, D. 2011. Lower House Farm, Birch Coppice Phase II,

Warwickshire: Archaeological

Watching Brief Report.

2012 Desk-Based Assessment

Birch Coppice Business Park Phase III, Dordon Warwks. Cultural Heritage Assessment. Prospect Archaeology.

n/a SP 257 999

Prospect Archaeology. 2012. Birch Coppice

Business Park Phase III, Dordon, Warwks: Cultural Heritage


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2012 Geophysical


Geophysical Survey by Magnetometry on Land Adjacent to Beanstalk Farm, Dordon, Warwickshire. Allen Archaeology. The survey identified a small group of anomalies of potential

archaeological significance comprising weak linear anomalies that might relate to field systems, and several possible pits or infilled

ponds. None of the anomalies identified however appear to relate to anything other than agricultural activities on the site.

n/a SP 26003 99845

Evershed, R. 2012. Geophysical Survey by Magnetometry on Land Adjacent to Beanstalk

Farm, Dordon, Warwickshire, report


2013 Trial Trench Evaluation

Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at Birch Coppice Business Park, Phase III, Dordon, Warwickshire. The works (41 trial trenches) identified an undated area of burning to the west and a possible Post-medieval quarry pit to the east of the

development area. The site to the west was traversed by remnant furrows of medieval ridge and furrow cultivation.

n/a SP 26003 99845

Clarke, J. 2013. Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at

Birch Coppice Business Park, Phase III, Dordon,


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Appendix D GroundSure Historic OS Mapping

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

Printed at:

Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

Printed at:

Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

County Series




17 October 2012

Page 58: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

County Series




17 October 2012

Page 61: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

County Series




17 October 2012

Page 64: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

County Series




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

County Series




17 October 2012

Page 66: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

County Series




17 October 2012

Page 67: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

County Series




17 October 2012

Page 68: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980





17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 70: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 71: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980





17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 73: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 74: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 75: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 76: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 77: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 78: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 79: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A2425646, 299670

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 80: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

National Grid




17 October 2012

Page 81: Produced for Hodgetts Estates Land at Hall End Business ...

Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740-A1425646, 300270

National Grid




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

1:10,000 Raster




17 October 2012

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Site Details: Client Ref: Report Ref: Grid Ref:

Map Name: Map date: Scale:

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Produced by GroundSure Environmental Insight T: 08444 159000 E: [email protected] W: www.groundsure.com

Production date: To view map legend click here Legend

Crown copyright all rights reserved. Licence No: 100035207

Dordon Business Park, Dorden,CV9 2PZ

N3831 - C12547HYD-499740425659, 299980

National Grid




17 October 2012
