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Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the...

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Part number GL-E223-ADOC 0311 This manual must only be used by a qualified heating installer/service technician. BEFORE installing, read all instruc- tions in this manual and all other information shipped with the water heater. Perform steps in the order given. Failure to comply could result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage. • Installation • Startup • Maintenance • Parts Product Manual Indirect-Fired Water Heaters User — Read important user safety information found on page 3, page 24 and page 25. Installation and service should only be performed by a qualified service technician. Retain this manual for future reference. ® ® TM
Page 1: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

Part number GL-E223-ADOC 0311


• Installation

• Startup

• Maintenance

• PartsProduct Manual

Indirect-Fired Water Heaters

User — Readimportantusersafetyinformationfoundonpage3,page24andpage25.Installationandserviceshouldonlybeperformedbyaqualifiedservicetechnician.Retainthismanualforfuturereference.



Page 2: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual


Please read before proceeding 3Whenservicingwaterheater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Operatingrestrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Boilerwaterrestrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Pre-installation 4Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Coderestrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Waterheaterplacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Installlevellinglegs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Domesticwaterpipingrequirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Waterheateroperatingrestrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Boilerwaterrestrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5


Domestic water piping 6Pipingoverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Recirculation 8Maintainingdomesticwatertemperatureinthesupplypiping .8

Timedelayatfixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Balancing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Componentsrequired. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Connectingtothewaterheater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Potentialproblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Boiler-side piping 11

Connecting to a low-pressure steam boiler 18Fillingthepiping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Boiler-side wiring and controls 20Wiringrequirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Circulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

ZoneValves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Wiringtothewaterheater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Wiringoptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Usedomesticpriority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Wiring — zoning with circulators 21

Wiring — zoning with zone valves 22

Water heater filling and start-up 23Boilerwaterrestrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Maximumboiler-sideflowrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Fillingthedomesticwatertank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Start-upandoperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Start-upchecklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Water heater temperature adjustment 24Settingthethermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Water heater maintenance 25ANNUALstart-upbyqualifiedservicetechnician . . . . . . . 25

Inspectanodeandwaterheaterinterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Drainthewaterheaterifnecessaryduringshutdownperiods. 26

Troubleshooting 27Troubleshootingprocedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Preparationfortroubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Replacement parts 39

AHRI ratings 40

Ratings with 200°F boiler supply water 41

Ratings with 190°F boiler supply water 42

Ratings with 180°F boiler supply water 43

Dimensions 44


Page 3: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Please read before proceeding



When servicing water heater• Toavoidelectricshock,disconnectelectricalsupplybefore


• Toavoidsevereburns,allowwaterheatertocoolbeforeper-formingmaintenance.

Operating restrictions• Maximumdomestichotwatertemperature:residentialsizes

—160°F, commercialsizes—180°F.Payattentiontothewatertemperaturewarningsthroughoutthismanual.

• Maximumboilerwatertemperature—200°F.

• Maximumworkingpressurefortank—150PSIG.

• Waterchemistrylimits:• hardness—lessthan6grains/gal.• pH—above6andlessthan8.• chlorides—lessthan200ppm.

Boiler water restrictions• Thoroughly flush the boiler system (without water heater


• Thewaterheaterheatexchangercanbedamagedbybuild-uporcorrosionduetosediment.

• Boilerwater(includingadditives)mustbepracticallynon-toxic,havingtoxicityratingorclassof1,aslistedinClinicalToxicologyofCommercialProducts.

• Ifantifreezeisusedinboilersystem:• Local codes may require a backflow preventer on cold

watersupplyline.• Useantifreezespecificallyintendedforhydronicheating

systems.Inhibitedpropyleneglycolisrecommended.• Followboilermanualinstructionsforantifreezeusage.• Do not use automotive, ethylene glycol or petroleum-


Location• Thiswaterheaterisnotintendedforoutdoorinstallation.

• Install the water heater so if the tank or any connectionsshould leak, the water flow will not cause damage to areanearwaterheater,ortolowerfloorsofstructure.Whensuchlocationscannotbeavoided,installasuitabledrainpanunderwaterheater.Drainpansareavailableatyourlocalplumbingsupplystore.

• Thisproductisdesignedforverticalinstallationonly.

Whencallingorwritingaboutthewaterheater—Pleasehavethewaterheaterse-rialnumberfromtheserialnumberlabel,located on the back side of the waterheater,adjacenttotheratingplate.

Any claims for damage or shortage inshipment must be filed immediatelyagainstthetransportationcompanybytheconsignee.

Hazard definitionsThefollowingdefinedtermsareusedthroughoutthismanualtobringattentiontothepresenceofhazardsof various risk levels or to important informationconcerningthelifeoftheproduct.

Indicates presence of hazards that willcause severe personal injury, death orsubstantialpropertydamage.

Indicates presence of hazards that cancause severe personal injury, death orsubstantialpropertydamage.

Indicates presence of hazards that willor cancauseminorpersonal injuryorpropertydamage.

Indicatesspecialinstructionsoninstalla-tion,operationormaintenancethatareimportant but not related to personalinjuryorpropertydamage.

This manual provides installation andoperation guidelines forWeil-McLainAQUA PLUS indirect water heaters.Theinstallerisresponsibleforensuringthattheinstallationcomplieswiththismanual, the boiler manual and all ap-plicablecodes.

Massachusetts installations — The

water heater must be installed by a li-

censed plumber.The installation must

follow all Massachusetts code require-


comply with the piping shown in this

manual. See“Domestic water piping,”


PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 3

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AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual


Figure 1 Clearance recommendationsCodes1. Installationmustconformwithinstructionsinthis

manualand,whereapplicable:• local,state,provincial,andnationalcodes,laws,

regulationsandordinances.• in Canada — B149.1 or B149.2 Installation


2. AQUAPLUSwaterheatersareexemptfromASMESectionVIII,Division1CodeconstructionperIn-terpretationVIII-1-86-136.Checkwithlocalcodesforapplicability.

3. Whererecommendationsinthismanualdifferfromlocalornationalcodes,localornationalcodestakeprecedence.

Code restrictions

National Standard Plumbing Code1. Single-wallheatexchangerinwaterheatercomplies

withNationalStandardPlumbingCode,providedthat:a. boilerwater(includingadditives)ispractically


b. boilerwaterpressureislimitedtomaximum30PSIGbyapprovedreliefvalve.

Uniform Plumbing Code1. Single-wallheatexchangersarepermittedifthey

satisfyallofthefollowingrequirements—a. Theheattransfermediumispotablewateror


b. The pressure of the heat transfer medium ismaintainedlessthanthenormalminimumop-eratingpressureofthepotablewatersystem.

c. Exception:Steamcomplyingwith#a,above.d. The equipment is permanently labeled to


2. Other heat exchanger designs may be permittedwhereapprovedbytheAdministrativeAuthority.

Recommended clearancesInstallationlocationmustprovideadequateclearancesforservicingandproperoperationofthewaterheater.SeeFigure1.

• 1”clearanceispermissibletoeithersideofwaterheater,buttheInstruc-tionlabelorotherlabelsmaybehidden.

• Top(vertical)clearanceis12”minimum.

• Refertoboilermanualforboilerclearances.

Clearance to combustible materials1. Provideatleast½”clearancebetweenallhotwaterpipesandcombus-


Water heater placement1. Readandcomplywith“Location,”page3ofthismanual.

2. Selectaconvenientlocationforthewaterheater,basedondomesticandboilerpipinghook-ups.

3. Keepingthedistancebetweenboilerandwaterheatershortwill:• reducepipingheatloss.• provideminimumfrictionloss.

Install levelling legs1. Carefullytipthewaterheaterontoitsside.

2. Screwthefourlevellinglegsintothebase.

3. Returnthewaterheatertotheuprightpositionandsetinplace.

4. Adjustthelegsasnecessarytolevelthewaterheater.


Page 5: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Pre-installation (continued)

Hot Water Can Scald!

• Waterheatedtotemperatureforclotheswashing,dishwashingandothersanitizingneedscanscaldandcausepermanentinjury.

• Children,elderly,andinfirmorphysicallyhandi-cappedpersonsaremorelikelytobepermanentlyinjuredbyhotwater.Neverleavethemunattendedinbathtuborshower.Neverallowsmallchildrentouseahotwatertapordrawtheirownbath.

• Ifanyoneusinghotwaterinthebuildingfitstheabovedescription,orifstatelawsorlocalcodes require certain water temperatures athotwatertaps,youmusttakespecialprecau-tions:

• Uselowestpossibletemperaturesetting.

• Installsometypeoftemperingdevice,suchasanautomaticmixingvalve,athotwatertaporwaterheater.Automaticmixingvalvemustbe selectedand installedaccordingtovalvemanufacturer’srecommendationsandinstructions.

• Waterpassingoutofdrainvalvesmaybeextremelyhot.Toavoidinjury:

• Makesureallconnectionsaretight.

• Directwaterflowawayfromanyperson.

Protection must be taken against excessive tem-perature and pressure! — Installation of a tem-perature & pressure (T&P) relief valve (provided with water heater) and a thermostatic mixing valve (provided by installer) is required.

Domestic water piping requirements1. Installunionsonallpipingforeasyremovalofwaterheater.

2. Usedielectric unions or couplingstoprotecthotandcoldwaterfittingsfromcorrosionwhenconnectingdissimilarmaterialssuchascopperandgalvanizedironpipe.

3. When the supply pressure is higher than 70 PSIG, install apressurereducingvalveoncoldwatersupplylinetopreventwaterlossthroughT&Preliefvalve.Athermalexpansiontankisalsorequired.

4. Ifthewaterheaterwillreplaceatanklesscoilintheboiler,discon-nectpipingtocoilorremovecoil fromboilerandreplacewitha cover plate.Allow water to drain from coil. Do not plug thetanklesscoil.


Studies have indicated that dangerous bacteria,including legionella pneumophila, can form inthe potable water distribution system if certainminimumwatertemperaturesarenotmaintained.Contact your local health department for moreinformation.

Water heater operating restrictions1. Readtheoperatinglimitsunder“Operatingrestrictions,”page3.

Magnesium anode—Thewaterheaterisequippedwithamagnesiumsacrificialanode.Theanodemayerodeovertime,andshouldbeinspectedatleastonceannually,onlybyaqualifiedservicetechnician.Forinstallationswithalikelihoodofpoorwaterconditions,theanodeshouldbeinspectedatleasteverysixmonths.Failuretocomplycouldresultinlossofprotectionbytheanode,causingpossible severe personal injury, death or substantialpropertydamageduetowaterheaterleakage.


Boiler water restrictions1. ReadtheWARNINGSunder“Boilerwaterrestrictions,”page3.

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 5

Page 6: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Domestic water piping

Figure 2 DHW pipingPiping overview

THERMAL ExPANSIoN TANk — If abackflowpreventer,checkvalve,orpres-surereducingvalveispipedoncoldwaterinletofwaterheater,youmustinstallanexpansiontankoncoldwatersupplylineto prevent normal thermal expansionfromrepeatedlyforcingopenT&Preliefvalve.

TheT&Preliefvalveisnotintendedforconstantduty,suchasreliefofpressuredue to repeated normal system expan-sion.Refertoexpansiontankmanufac-turer’sinstructionsforpropersizing.

Failuretocomplycouldresultinseverepersonal injury, death or substantialpropertydamage.

General applications 1. Figure2—Thispipingconfigurationcanbeusedin


2. Somecodesmayrequiretheitemslistedasoptional,suchasavacuumbreakerontheinletline,orre-circulationpiping.

Massachusetts applications

1. For Massachusetts code applications, or asrequiredelsewherebylocalcodes, install thefol-lowingoptions.a. ThermalsiphononDHWinletandoutlet.b. Vacuumbreakerondomesticwaterinletline.c. Recirculation—Massachusetts codeapplica-


Figure 3 Piping connection sizes


Connections (inches NPT)

DHW in/out

Boiler water in/out

Recirculation tapping

35 ¾ 1 ¾

45 ¾ 1 ¾

55 ¾ 1 ¾

85 1 1 ¾

105 1 1 ¾


Page 7: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Domestic water piping (continued)


Domesticwatersuppliedtofixturesthatcouldposean injuryhazarddue tohigh temperature, suchasshowers and faucets, should be equipped with atemperatureregulatingdevice,suchasananti-scald mixing valve.

When the supply pressure is higher than 70 PSIG,install a pressure reducing valve on cold watersupplylinetopreventwaterlossthroughT&Preliefvalve.Athermalexpansiontankisalsorequired.


This symbol indicates the item is optional, unlessrequiredbyapplicablecodes.

1 Domestic cold water inlet connection — see Fig-ure 3, page 6 for size

2 Domestic hot water outlet connection — see Fig-ure 3, page 6 for size

3 Domestic recirculation connection — see Fig-ure 3, page 6 for size

4 Boiler water inlet to coil — see Figure 3, page 6 for size

5 Boiler water outlet from coil — see Figure 3, page 6 for size

6 Drain valve — provided by installer • InstalladrainvalveontheDHWinlettothewaterheater


7 Piping from drain valve

• Pipefromdraintofloordrain,ifavailable.

8 T&P valve connection

9 T&P relief valve — supplied with water heater

• UseonlytheT&Pvalvesuppliedwiththewaterheater.SeeReplacementpartsforpartnumber.

• InstalltheT&Preliefvalveinthetopcentertapping,asshown.

10T&P relief valve discharge piping —

• mustbemadeofmaterialserviceablefortemperaturesof250°Forgreater.

• mustbedirectedsothathotwaterflowsawayfromallpersons.

• mustbedirectedtoasuitableplacefordisposal.• mustbeinstalledsoastoallowcompletedrainingofthe

T&Preliefvalveanddischargeline.• mustNOTbeexcessivelylong—usingmorethan2el-

bowsor15feetofpipingcanreducedischargecapacity.• mustNOTbedirectlyconnectedtoadrain—terminate

dischargepipingwithin6”fromfloor—refer to localcodes.

• mustNOTbeplugged,reducedorrestricted.• mustNOTbesubjectedtofreezing.

DonotinstallanyvalvebetweenT&Preliefvalveandtank connection, or on T&P relief valve dischargepiping.DonotplugT&Preliefvalveoritsdischargepiping.ImproperplacementandpipingofT&Pre-liefvalvecancauseseverepersonalinjury,deathorsubstantialpropertydamage.

11Temperature adjustment knob

12Anode access

• Theanode is speciallymade for thiswaterheater.UseonlytheanodeavailablefromWeil-McLain,aslistedinReplacementparts.

13Mixing valve — —RECoMMENDED

• See Replacement parts for thermostatic mixing valvesavailablefromWeil-McLain.

14Domestic cold water supply

When the water supply pressure is higher than70 PSIG, install a pressure-reducing valve on thecoldwater supply line toprevent leakage fromtheT&Preliefvalve.Athermalexpansiontankisalsorequired.

15Domestic mixed-temperature water supply to system (whenused—requiresmixingvalve)

16Domestic high-temperature hot water supply to system

17Heat trap loops (12” minimum) —

18Isolation valves

19Thermal expansion tank —

• REQUIREDifcoldwaterlineisequippedwithabackflowpreventerorpressurereducingvalve—seeExPANSIoN TANk WARNINGonpage6.

20Shock arrester —



• Usedielectricunionsorcouplingstoprotecthotandcoldwaterfittingsfromcorrosionwhenconnectingdissimilarmaterialssuchascopperandgalvanizedironpipe.

22Backflow preventer — — — (required for Commonwealth of Massachusetts)

23Vacuum breaker —

24Pressure reducing valve —

• REQUIRED when the supply pressure is higher than70PSIG—A thermal expansion tank is also required.

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 7

Page 8: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual


Massachusetts codeapplicationsrequirerecircu-lationpipingorheat-tracedpipingifthedistancefromthewaterheatertothefurthestfixtureexceeds100feet.

Maintaining domestic water temperature in the supply piping

1. Recirculationisusedtoreducewaittimeforwateruse,tominimize hot water and energy waste caused during thewaitingperiod, and to prevent degradation of the systemsupplywatertemperature.ASPErecommendsrecirculationwhenthedistancefromthewaterheatertothefurthestfix-tureexceeds100feetorthetimelagforhotwatertoreachafixture(s)exceeds30seconds.

2. Consult local codes andAmerican Society of PlumbingEngineers(ASPE)DomesticWaterHeatingDesignManual,1998,forfurtherinformation.

Time delay at fixtures

1. Figure4,page9isfromtheASPEDomesticWaterHeatingDesignManual,1998.Itshowsthetimerequiredforusablehotwatertoarriveatafixturebasedonthefixtureflowrate(availablefromindustryandmanufacturer’sdata)andthelengthanddiameterofthedead-endbranchpipesupplyingthefixture.

2. Thetimelagshouldgenerallynotexceed30seconds.

3. Forresidentialandofficeapplications,theownermaypreferalimitof10seconds.

4. YoucanuseFigure4asaguidetodeterminingthelocationofcirculationreturnlinesrelativetofixtures.


1. Whenmultiplebranchesareconnectedtothesupplypip-ing, each branch must be connected to the recirculationsystem.

a. Ateachoftheseconnectionstothereturnpiping,installshutoffvalves,aflowmeteringdevice,checkvalveandastrainerasshowninFigure5,page9.

b. Check local codes for specific installation require-ments.

2. Thesebranchesmustbebalancedtopreventpipeerosionandunacceptabletimedelaysatsomefixtures.

3. Balancingoptionsincludecircuitsetters,memorystopvalvesorfactorypresetdevices(withflowmeteringprovisioninthepiping).

Components required

1. Forresidentialapplications,consultcirculatormanufacturer’sdata for circulator selection and additional componentsrequired.

2. Onmostcommercialsystems,installthedevicesshowninFigure5,page9,andanyotherdevicesorpipingmethodsrequiredbylocalcodes.

a. Thecheckvalvesarerequiredtopreventfixturesfromtakinghotwaterthroughthereturnlines.

b. Shutoffvalvesareneededtoallowcleaningandreplacingbalancingdevices.

c. Include strainers to remove sediment which coulddamagethecirculatorand/oraffecttheflowbalancingdevices.

3. Sizethecirculatorandpipingbasedonthetemperaturedropallowedbetweenthewateravailableatthewaterheaterandthewaterdeliveredatthefixture.

a. Thereturnpipingwillalmostalwaysbesmallerthanthesupplypiping,butshouldneverbesmallerthan½”topreventproblemswiththecirculator.

4. Makeprovisionforremovalofairinallreturnlines.Wherethe returns cannot be vented by topmost fixtures in thesystem,installautomaticairventingatthetopofthereturnpiping.

Connecting to the water heater

1. Install the domestic water components as shown in Fig-ure2,page6.

2. SeeFigure6,page10forthepipingrequiredtothewaterheater.



Page 9: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Recirculation (continued)

Figure 4 Time lag to obtain hot water at fixture for branch lengths of 10 and 25 feet (ASPE Domestic Water Heating Design Manual)

Time in seconds required to get hot water at fixture (from ASPE)

Fixture flow rate (GPM) - 0.5 1.5 2.5 4.0

Piping length (feet) - 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25

Copper pipe ½” 25 63 8 21 5 13 3 8

¾” 48 119 16 40 10 24 6 15

Steel pipe ½” 63 157 21 52 13 31 8 20

¾” 91 228 30 76 18 46 11 28

CPVC pipe ½” 64 159 21 53 13 62 8 20

¾” 95 238 32 79 19 48 12 30

NOTE: Select branch size and length for less than 31 seconds delay.

Figure 5 Recirculation components

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AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Recirculation (continued)


Circulator (Figure 6, item 1)

1. Littleflowisrequiredtomaintainatemperatureinthepiping.

2. Sizeofcirculatordependsonminimumflowre-quirementsofthetemperingvalve.

3. Minimumflowratesofthetemperingvalvemustbemaintained.

Aquastat (Figure 6, item 2)

1. Usedtocontroltheon-offpositionofthecircula-tor.Aquastatisset5°to10°lowerthanmixedwateroutletofthemixingvalve(#7).

2. Thecirculatorcannotruncontinuouslyasbypassthroughthemixingvalvewilleventuallyallowthetemperatureon thepiping toclimbto thewaterheatertemperatureduringdrawperiods.

Check valves (Figure 6, items 3–6)

1. Assuretheflowofwaterinonedirection.

2. Eachcheckvalvefunctionsasfollows:

a. #3and#4preventbypassintheeventofpres-suredrop.

b. #5preventsthermalsiphoningofhotwatertothecoldwatersupply.

c. #6preventsflowofcoldwatertothetemperedwater supply.A draw of tempered water willnotresultinflowofcoldwaterintothereturnloop.


1. Duringperiodofnormaluse(fixtureson)—Cir-culatorisoff.Thereisnoflowthrough#6,thereisflowthrough#5equaltotheflowatthefixtures,there isflowthrough#3and/or#4equaltoflowatfixture.

2. Whenallfixturesareoff—Circulatorisoff.Thereisnoflowthrough#3,#4,#5or#6.Watertemperatureinpipingiscooling.

3. Whentemperatureataquastat#2falls10°belowtemperaturetobemaintained—Circulatorison.There isflowthrough#6equal to theminimumrequiredbythemixingvalve,flowthrough#3and#4 equals the flow of the circulator. There is noflowthrough#5.

4. Aquastatreachestemperature—Circulatorisoff.Thereisnoflowthrough#3,#4,#5or#6.

Figure 6 Recirculation piping

Potential problems

1. Missing check valves #3 or #4 — Extreme pressure drop can causereverseflowofwater;hottocoldsupplyorcoldtohotsupply.

2. Missingcheckvalve#5—Hotwatercanmigratefromthewaterheaterbackthroughthecoldwatersupply.

3. Missingcheckvalve#6—Coldwatercanbeforcedbackthroughthetemperedwatersupplywhenafixtureisopened.

4. No aquastat #2 — Circulator runs continuously. Small amount ofwaterwillpassthroughmixingvalve.Eventuallyallhotwaterisflow-ing through valve. Recirculated water through cold port, hot waterthroughhotport.

5. Circulatortoosmall—Mixingvalveperformanceerratic.


Page 11: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Figure 7 Zoning with circulators — direct-connected system piping


• Placecirculatorsatbegin-nings of zones. Placingthemattheendsofzonescouldresultinheatingidlezones.

• Size manifold piping fortotal flow of all zone cir-culators.

• Locate flow/check valvesascloseaspossibletowaterheaterboilersideconnec-tions—toreduceheatlossbetweencycles.


• WMCR zone controller,optional priority — Fig-ure18,page21.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

Recommended flow rate and minimum boiler-side pipe size

Heater model GPM Pipe

sizeHeater model GPM Pipe


35 8 1” 85 14 1¼” *

45 8 1” 105 14 1¼” *

55 8 1” Requires 1¼”x1” reducers at water heater

Boiler-side piping

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 11

Page 12: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side piping (continued)

Figure 8 Zoning with circulators — primary/secondary system piping


• Placecirculatorsatbegin-nings of zones. Placingthemattheendsofzonescouldresultinheatingidlezones.

• Size manifold piping fortotal flow of all zone cir-culators.

• Locate flow/check valvesascloseaspossibletowaterheaterboilersideconnec-tions—toreduceheatlossbetweencycles.


• WMCR zone controller,optional priority — Fig-ure18,page21.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

Recommended flow rate and minimum boiler-side pipe size

Heater model GPM Pipe

sizeHeater model GPM Pipe


35 8 1” 85 14 1¼” *

45 8 1” 105 14 1¼” *

55 8 1” Requires 1¼”x1” reducers at water heater


Page 13: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side piping (continued)

Figure 9 Zoning with zone valves — direct-connected system piping


• Placecirculatorsatbegin-nings of zones. Placingthemattheendsofzonescouldresultinheatingidlezones.

• Size manifold piping fortotal flow of all zone cir-culators.

• Locate flow/check valvesascloseaspossibletowaterheaterboilersideconnec-tions—toreduceheatlossbetweencycles.


• WMZV zone controller,optional priority — Fig-ure19,page22.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

Recommended flow rate and minimum boiler-side pipe size

Heater model GPM Pipe

sizeHeater model GPM Pipe


35 8 1” 85 14 1¼” *

45 8 1” 105 14 1¼” *

55 8 1” Requires 1¼”x1” reducers at water heater

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 13

Page 14: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side piping (continued)

Figure 10 Zoning with zone valves — primary/secondary system piping


• Placecirculatorsatbegin-nings of zones. Placingthemattheendsofzonescouldresultinheatingidlezones.

• Size primary piping fortotal flow of all zone cir-culators.

• Locate flow/check valvesascloseaspossibletowaterheaterboilersideconnec-tions—toreduceheatlossbetweencycles.


• WMZV zone controller,optional priority — Fig-ure19,page22.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. SeeBoilerManualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

Recommended flow rate and minimum boiler-side pipe size

Heater model GPM Pipe

sizeHeater model GPM Pipe


35 8 1” 85 14 1¼” *

45 8 1” 105 14 1¼” *

55 8 1” Requires 1¼”x1” reducers at water heater


Page 15: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side piping (continued)

Figure 11 Dedicated single-boiler piping


• Placecirculatorsatbegin-nings of zones. Placingthemattheendsofzonescouldresultinheatingidlezones.

• Size manifold piping fortotal flow of all zone cir-culators.

• Locate flow/check valvesascloseaspossibletowaterheaterboilersideconnec-tions—toreduceheatlossbetweencycles.


• Connectwaterheaterther-mostat wires to boiler’sT-Tterminalsorheatde-mandconnection.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

Recommended flow rate and minimum boiler-side pipe size

Heater model GPM Pipe

sizeHeater model GPM Pipe


35 8 1” 85 14 1¼” *

45 8 1” 105 14 1¼” *

55 8 1” Requires 1¼”x1” reducers at water heater

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 15

Page 16: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side piping (continued)

Figure 12 Multiple water heaters — domestic water piping

Figure 13 Alternate methods of revers-return piping and Easy-Fit® Manifold detail

Failure to install automaticmixing valve where recom-mended can result in severepersonalinjuryordeath.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Wirewaterheaterthermo-stats in series when con-nectingtoboilercontrollerorboilerT-Tterminals.

3. Install automatic mixingvalveateither thesystemhot water connection orateachwaterheater.

4. Seepage8throughpage10for additional recircula-tioninformationandpip-ingdetails.


Page 17: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side piping (continued)

Figure 14 Multiple water heaters and dedicated multiple boilers — boiler water piping


• See legend and details inFigure12,page16.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 17

Page 18: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Connecting to a low-pressure steam boiler

Special considerationsWhendesigningsteamanddomestichotwatersystems,therearesomekeyissuesthatmustbetakenintoconsiderationduringtheinitialde-signphase.Bydesigningthesystemproperlyfromthestart,youcanavoidproblemsandhaveahotwaterloopinasteamboilersystem.

• The domestic water demand should preferably not exceed 1/3ofthesteamboilercapacity.Largerdemandmaycausedifficultyobtainingsteamasneeded.

• Keepthelooptemperaturebelowtheflashpoint.Flashingcanresultinnoiseandcirculatordamageorshortenedlife.

• Besuretheloopiscompletelyclosed,withnoautomaticormanualairvents,oranythingthatcouldallowairtoenterthesystemwhenthepumpshutsoff.

• Pipe supply fromone sideof theboiler, return to theoppositesideasshown.

• Supplyfromatappingthatishighenoughtopreventintroducingsedimentintothepipingandcirculatoryetstillbelowthewaterline.Avoidthemudlegoftheboiler.

• Useanallbronzecirculator.• Avoid wet rotor circulators. Select a circulator with a large

volute,suchasatypical3-piececirculator.• Thiswillreducecloggingandwillresistthecorrosionpotential


• Makesurethecirculatorisproperlysized.Ifthecirculatorrunstoofaroutonitscurve,cavitationpotentialincreasessignificantly.

• Use(2)flow/checkvalvesas showntoreduce thepotential forgravitycirculation.• DO NOT use spring-loaded check valves in place of the


Installation and start-up of water heaters connected to steam boilers1. SeeFigure16,page19,forsuggestedpipingschematic.

2. Pipethedomesticwaterconnectionstothewaterheaterper“Do-mesticwaterpiping,”page6.




3. WirethewaterheaterandcirculatortotheboilerpersuggestedwiringinFigure15.Thewaterheatermustbewiredandreadytooperatebeforeproceeding.NotethattheL4006Aaquastatislocatedintheboilerandsetsaboileroperatingtemperaturewhenthereisnocallforsteamheating.

To fill the boiler and water heater:

1. FollowtheproceduregiveninFigure16,page19tofillthewaterheaterpiping.

2. Followtheboilermanualinstructionstofillthesteamboiler.

Figure 15 Typical wiring for connection to low-pressure steam boiler

Install the Honeywell L4006A aquastat in the boiler, be-low the water line. Set for a temperature of 180 to 190°F to control boiler temperature when there is no call for steam heating.

Valve 7, the memory stop valve, mustbe supplied, piped and adjusted as in-structed.Thisvalveallowscoolerreturnwater to mix with the hot water fromthesteamboiler.Thevalveissettoyieldapproximately180°Fwaterenteringthecirculator. Higher temperature watercouldcausecavitationinthecirculator,damaging the impeller and shorteningcirculatorlife.

DONOTconnectthepipingtotheboil-er’smudleg.Thiswouldprobablycauseexcessive sediment to enter the waterheaterpiping,damagingthecirculator.

Thestrainerinthecirculatorsuctionlinemust be serviced regularly. NOTE thatnoisefromthecirculatorisalikelysignthatthestrainerisrestrictingcirculatorflow,causingcavitation.


Page 19: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Connecting to a low-pressure steam boiler (continued)

Figure 16 Low pressure steam boiler application — Domestic water heating using water pumped from steam boiler


• Locateflow/checkvalveascloseaspossible towaterheaterboilersideconnec-tions—toreduceheatlossbetweencycles.

Use memory stop valve7 toblend some of the water re-turningtotheboilerwiththehot water coming from theboiler. This will reduce thepossibilityofflashing(cavita-tion)inthecirculator.Slowlyopenvalve7untiltemperaturegauge8reads200°F.


NOTE—If the boiler water level should drop below ei-ther the water heater boiler water supply or return line, the filling procedure will have to be repeated.

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tive piping componentsand layout.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeetsanypartic-ularmechanicalorbuild-ingcodes.Theinstallerisresponsible for inclusionof all required safety de-vices, or other miscella-neouspipinghardwarenotshown on drawing. Theinstallerisresponsibleforpropersizing/selectionofallhardwareshownonthisdiagram.

2. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

Filling the piping1. Parts of the boiler water piping to the

waterheatermaybehigherthanthewa-terline,dependingontheheightofthewater heater boiler supply connection.Thepipingmustbeairtighttopreventairfrompocketingatthetopofthepiping,stoppingflow.

2. TheboilerMUSTbefilledandreadytooperate before proceeding. Follow theboilermanualtofilltheboiler.

3. Follow the procedure below to fill theboiler-to-water heater piping. See Fig-ure16.

Step 1 Closeisolationvalves5and6toisolatetheboiler.

Step 2 Closevalve3andopenvalve4.Con-nect a cold water supply hose tovalve3.Connectahosefromvalve4toadrainablelocation.

Step 3 Closevalve10.Openvalve7.

Step 4 Openvalve3.Waterwillflowthroughvalve 7 and out through valve 4 todrain.Letwater rununtil all airhasbeen removed from the line. Closevalve4.Thenclosevalve3.

Step 5 Closevalve7.Thenopenvalve10.

Step 6 Openvalve3.Waterwillflowthroughthe circulator line, the water heatercoil and the return piping, then outthroughvalve4todrain.Letwaterrununtilallairhasbeenremovedfromtheline.Closevalve4.Thenclosevalve3.Removehoses.

Step 7 Follow the instructions in“Waterheater filling and start-up,” page 23,tofill thedomesticwatersideof thewaterheater.

Step 8 Open valve 7 about ¼ turn for aninitialsetting.

Step 9 Open isolation valves 5and 6. Makesure the boiler water level is correctpertheboilermanual.

Step 10 Starttheboilerperinstructionsgivenintheboilermanual.Allowboilertobeginsteaming.

Step 11 StarttheDHWcirculator.Watchthetemperatureatgauge8.Adjustvalve7untilgauge8readsabout180°Fwithsystematsteadyoperation.

Step 12 Continue checking under varyingDHW demand conditions to ensuresystemwilloperateasrequired.

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 19

Page 20: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Boiler-side wiring and controls

Electrical shock hazard—Cancauseseverepersonal



Wiring requirements1. Allwiringmustbeaminimumof18gaugeandinstalledinaccordance

with:• U.S.A.—NationalElectricalCodeandanyothernational,stateor

localcoderequirementshavingjurisdiction.• Canada—CSAC22.1CanadianElectricalCodePart1andany

other national, provincial and local code requirements havingjurisdiction.

2. Iforiginalwireassuppliedwithappliancemustbereplaced,Type90°Coritsequivalentmustbeused.

3. Refertocontrolcomponent instructionspackedwithboiler forap-plicationinformation.

4. Anoptional service switchmaybe installed inwaterheater electri-calcircuit.Thisswitchwouldonlyshutoffthewaterheater,notthehomeheatingsystem.Donotshutoffwaterheaterifthereisachanceoffreezing.

5. Allelectricalcontactsareshownwithnopowerapplied—off-the-shelfcondition.

Circulators1. Sizepriorityrelayfortotalampdrawofallcirculators.

Zone Valves1. Sizetransformerformaximumloadofallzonevalves.

Wiring to the water heater1. Fieldconnectionstothewaterheaterthermostatarefor24VAConly,


Wiring options1. ThismanualshowswiringonlyforuseofWeil-McLainWMCRCir-

culator Zone Controller orWeil-McLainWMZV ZoneValve ZoneController.

2. Otherwiringmethodsmaybeacceptableandarelefttotheinstaller.

Use domestic priority1. When possible, set controls to provide domestic

priority — that is, on a call for domestic waterthecontrolswitchesfromspaceheatingtoDHWonly.

2. Domesticpriorityensuresthefastestpossiblere-sponsetotheDHWcallforheat.

3. Thesmallerthewaterheater,thegreatertheneedforrapidresponse.

Figure 17 Inspection hatch assembly (hatch cover shown transparent)

1 Temperatureadjustmentknob

2 Inspectionplate(handhole)

3 Factorywiresfromthermostattofieldwiringterminalblock

4 Fieldwiringterminalblock

5 M8hexnut

6 Inspectionplatebracket


Page 21: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Wiring — zoning with circulators


• Also refer to theWMCRmanualandWeil-McLain Boiler Zone Wiring Guideforfurtherdetails.

• Refer toWiring require-mentsonpage20.

System piping

• Figure7,page11

• Figure8,page12

1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tivecomponentsandwir-ing.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeets anyparticularme-chanicalorbuildingcodes.The installer is respon-sible for inclusion of allrequiredsafetydevices,orother miscellaneous pip-ing hardware not shownondrawing.The installeris responsible for propersizing/selection of allhardware shown on thisdiagram.

2. Followcomponentmanu-facturer’s instructions forinstallation of all itemsshown.

3. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

Figure 18 Typical wiring — zoning with circulators — DHW priority with Weil-McLain WMCR Circulator Zone Controller

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 21

Page 22: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Wiring — zoning with zone valves


• Also refer to theWMZVmanualandWeil-McLain Boiler Zone Wiring Guideforfurtherdetails.

• Refer toWiring require-mentsonpage20.

System piping

• Figure9,page13

• Figure10,page14


1. Thisdrawingisconceptualonly.Itshowsrepresenta-tivecomponentsandwir-ing.Weil-McLaindoesnotrepresentthatthisdrawingmeets anyparticularme-chanicalorbuildingcodes.The installer is respon-sible for inclusion of allrequiredsafetydevices,orother miscellaneous pip-ing hardware not shownondrawing.The installeris responsible for propersizing/selection of allhardware shown on thisdiagram.

2. Followcomponentmanu-facturer’s instructions forinstallation of all itemsshown.

3. Seeboilermanualforspe-cific details on installingtheboiler.

Figure 19 Typical wiring — zoning with zone valves — DHW priority with Weil-McLain WMZV Zone Valve Zone Controller

GV90+ or Ultra gas boilers:

Do NoTapplythedrawingsinthismanual.Referonlytotheboilermanual.


Page 23: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Water heater filling and start-up

The installation and water chemistry must meet therequirementsbelow.Failuretocomplycouldresultindamage to the water heater, causing possible severepersonalinjury,deathorsubstantialpropertydamage.

Boiler water restrictions• Thoroughlyflush theboiler system(withoutwaterheatercon-


• Thewaterheaterheatexchangercanbedamagedbybuild-uporcorrosionduetosediment.

• Boilerwater(includingadditives)mustbepracticallynon-toxic,havingtoxicityratingorclassof1,aslistedinClinicalToxicologyofCommercialProducts.

• Ifantifreezeisusedinboilersystem:• Localcodesmayrequireabackflowpreventeroncoldwater

supplyline.• Useantifreezespecificallyintendedforhydronicheatingsys-

tems.Inhibitedpropyleneglycolisrecommended.• Followboilermanualinstructionsforantifreezeusage.• Donotuseautomotive,ethyleneglycolorpetroleum-based


Maximum boiler-side flow rate• Selecttheboiler-sidecirculatorcarefully.Theflowratethroughthe


• Models AQUA PLUS-32, 42 and 52 — do not exceed 12 GPM.

• Models AQUA PLUS-80 and 105 — do not exceed 16 GPM.

Filling the domestic water tank1. Fillthedomesticwatertankwithfreshwaterthatmeetsthechemistry


2. Donotexceedafillpressureof70PSIG.

Whenthewatersupplypressureishigherthan70PSIG,makesure that a pressure-reducing valve is installed on the coldwatersupplylinetopreventleakagefromtheT&Preliefvalve.Athermalexpansiontankisalsorequired.

3. Ventthepipingasnecessarytoremoveanytrappedair.

Start-up and operation1. Followthe“Start-upchecklist,”page23toprepareforstart-up.

Start-up checklist

❏❏ Verify that T&P relief valve is properly installedandpipedasdirectedinthismanualandperlocalcoderequirements.

❏❏ VerifythattheDHWtankandboiler-sidepipingarecompleteandarefilledwithwaterandpres-surized.

❏❏ Verifythatallairhasbeenbledfrombothdomesticandboilerwatersystems.

❏❏ Verifythatcoldandhotwater linesarecorrectlyconnectedtodomesticwatersystem.

❏❏ Verifythatsupplyandreturnpipingfromboileriscorrectlyconnectedtowaterheater.

❏❏ Checkallfittingsandpipingforleaks.

❏❏ Verifythatallwiringisinstalledcorrectly.

❏❏ Set water heater thermostat according to systemrequirements.See“Waterheatertemperaturead-justment,”page24.

❏❏ StartboileraccordingtotheBoilerManual.

❏❏ Verifythattheboilerandwaterheaterareoperatingcorrectly, per“Water heater temperature adjust-ment,”page24.

❏❏ Reviewthefollowingsectionswiththehomeownerorsystemoperator:

• Water Heater Start-Up

• Adjusting Water Heater Temperature

• Water Heater Maintenance

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 23

Page 24: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Hot Water Can Scald!

• Waterheatedtotemperatureforclotheswashing,dishwashingandothersanitizingneedscanscaldandcausepermanentinjury.

• Children,elderly,andinfirmorphysicallyhandi-cappedpersonsaremorelikelytobepermanentlyinjuredbyhotwater.Neverleavethemunattendedinbathtuborshower.Neverallowsmallchildrentouseahotwatertapordrawtheirownbath.

• Ifanyoneusinghotwaterinthebuildingfitstheabovedescription,orifstatelawsorlocalcodes require certain water temperatures athotwatertaps,youmusttakespecialprecau-tions:

• Uselowestpossibletemperaturesetting.

• Installsometypeoftemperingdevice,suchasanautomaticmixingvalve,athotwatertaporwaterheater.Automaticmixingvalvemustbe selectedand installedaccordingtovalvemanufacturer’srecommendationsandinstructions.

• Waterpassingoutofdrainvalvesmaybeextremelyhot.Toavoidinjury:

• Makesureallconnectionsaretight.

• Directwaterflowawayfromanyperson.

Protection must be taken against excessive tem-perature and pressure! — Installation of a tem-perature & pressure (T&P) relief valve (provided with water heater) and a thermostatic mixing valve (provided by installer) is required.

Water heater temperature adjustment

General notes • Householdwaterusagepatternswillaffectwatertemperatureat

anyfaucetorshower.• Occasionally check temperature at each point of use, then

adjustthermostataccordingly.• Alwaysrechecktemperatureafteradjustingthermostat.

• Whenhotwaterisusedinrepeatedsmallquantities,a“stacking”effectcandevelopinhotwatertank.Theupperlayerofwaterintankcanbemuchhotterthanlowerlayers.

• Lowering the thermostat settingor installingautomaticmixingvalvesasindicatedintheseinstructionswillreducewatertempera-turelevels.Consultyourinstallerorservicetechnician.


Studieshaveindicatedthatdangerousbacteria,includ-ing legionella pneumophila,canforminthepotablewater distribution system if certain minimum watertemperatures are not maintained. Contact your localhealthdepartmentformoreinformation.

Setting the thermostat1. Thewaterheaterthermostatisfactorysettoitslowesttemperature.


2. Turn thermostat knob clockwise to increase water tempera-ture.

3. Turnthermostatknobcounter-clockwise to reducewatertem-perature.

4. Whendecreasingtemperaturesetting,thestoredhotwatermustbedrawnoffbeforecheckingtemperatureatfaucet.

5. Checkwatertemperatureatahotwaterfaucetimmediatelyafterfirstheatingcycle.Furthertemperatureadjustmentmaybeneces-saryaswaterheatingsystemisused.Recheckwatertemperatureatfaucetafteradjustment.

6. Whenadjustingthermostat,besureboiler limitcontrol issetaminimum20°Fhigher.

Figure 20 Water heater temperature adjustment knob (on lower front of water heater)


Page 25: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Water heater maintenance



• Tightenalldrainhoseconnections.• Directhotwaterawayfromallpersons.


Have the water heater serviced at least once an-nually byaqualifiedservicetechnician.

Followthemaintenance proceduresbelowatleastmonthly.



MONTHLY maintenance by user

• AtleastMoNTHLY,visuallycheckvalves,pipesandfittingsforleaks.

• Check hot water supply at several outlets. Make sure watertemperatureisnottoohot.

• Call qualified service technician to repair leaks or addressproblems.

MONTHLY maintenance by user• AtleastMONTHLY,visuallycheckvalves,pipesandfittingsforleaks.

• Checkhotwatersupplyatseveraloutlets.Makesurewatertemperatureisnottoohot.

• Callqualifiedservicetechniciantorepairleaksoraddressproblems.

ANNUAL start-up by qualified service technician


Checkwatersupplytemperatureatseveraloutletstoensurethe water temperature is acceptable for intended use andthatalltemperaturecontroldevicesarefunctioningproperly.Readpage3andverifythatallrequirementsaremetbytheinstallation.

Perform the following procedures:

❏❏ Performanyproceduresrequiredbylocalcodes.

❏❏ Verifysystempressurebothondomesticwaterandboilerwatersides.

❏❏ Manually operate T&P relief valve at least onceayear(seeFigure21).Thiswillreleasesomehotwater.Moveoperatinglevertoopenpositionforafewsecondsandthenmoveitback,allowingittosnapclosed.AfterT&Preliefvalveisoperated,if it continues to release water, close cold waterinlettowaterheaterimmediately.Followdraininginstructions, and replace the T&P relief valve. IfT&Preliefvalveweepsperiodically,itmaybeduetothermalexpansion.Installanexpansiontankifnotalreadyinstalled.

❏❏ Follow instructions on circulator to oil it, ifoil-lubricated.

❏❏ Follow instructions in“Inspect anode and waterheaterinterior,”page26.

❏❏ Checkvalves,pipesandfittingsforleaks.

❏❏ Checkfunctionofallcontrolsandvalves(seecon-trolmanufacturer’sinstructions).

❏❏ Reviewhomeowner’smaintenanceresponsibilities

Figure 21 T&P valve operation

Before operating the T&P reliefvalve,makesurenooneisinfrontoforaroundtheT&Preliefvalvedis-chargepiping.Hotdischargewatercancauseseverepersonalinjuryorsubstantialpropertydamage.

Plugging T&P relief valve or dis-charge piping can cause excessivepressureinthewaterheater,result-inginseverepersonalinjury,deathorsubstantialpropertydamage.

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 25

Page 26: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Water heater maintenance (continued)

and their frequencies, including any not listed in the followingparagraphs. Figure 22 Inspection hatch assembly (hatch cover

shown transparent)

1 Temperatureadjustmentknob

2 Inspectionplate(handhole)

3 Factorywiresfromthermostattofieldwiringterminalblock

4 Fieldwiringterminalblock

5 M8hexnut

6 Inspectionplatebracket

Thepurposeofthemagnesium anodeistoreducethedamagingeffectsofaggressivewateronthewa-terheater.Aggressivewaterwillcausetheanodetoerode.



Failuretoinspecttheanoderegularlyandreplaceifnecessarycouldresultindamagetothewaterheater,causing possible severe personal injury, death orsubstantialpropertydamage.

Inspect anode and water heater interior1. Closedomesticwaterisolationvalves.

2. Drainthewaterheatercompletelyandallowittocooloff.

3. Removetheinspectionhatchcover(Figure24,page39,item8).a. Thetemperaturecontrolbulbwillhavetobepulledoutofthe


4. Afterthewaterheaterhasdrainedandcooled,removetheinspec-tionplate(Figure22,page26,item2).


a. PartiallyunscrewtheM8hexnut(Figure22,page26,item5)whileholding thebracket (Figure22,page26, item6).DONOTcompletelyremovethenut.

b. Holdandturnthebracket90degrees,beingcarefulnottodroptheinspectionplateinsidethetank.

c. Removetheinspectionplate.

5. Useaworklightorflashlighttoinspecttheinteriorofthetank.

6. Useaplasticscraperifneededtoremoveanyaccumulationonthecoil.DONOTuseabrasivesormetallicobjects.

7. Remove as much sediment as possible through the inspectionopening.

8. Rinse the bottom and remove remainder with a wet/dry shopvacuum.

9. Removethemagnesiumanodecoverandanode(Figure24,page39,items10and1).

10. Inspect the anode and replace if needed with part list in (Fig-ure24,page39).SeeWARNINGabove.





Drain the water heater if necessary during shutdown periods1. Drainthewaterheaterifitwillbeshutoffandexposed

to freezing temperatures. Freezing water will expandandmaydamagewaterheater.a. Ifboilerwatercontains sufficientantifreeze, then

onlythedomesticwaterneedstobedrained.b. Ifboilerwaterdoesnotcontainsufficientantifreeze,



Page 27: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual


Preparation for troubleshooting

Tools needed

❏❏ Electricalmetertomeasurevoltageandcontinuity.

❏❏ Pressuregauge(suchasWatts#276H300testgauge).

❏❏ Temperaturegauge.

❏❏ Stopwatch.

❏❏ Bucket—1gallonorlarger,withvolumemarkings.

Suggested parts to have on hand.

❏❏ Tankthermostat(Aquastat)—seeReplacementpartsforpartnumber.

❏❏ Inspectionandservicekit—seeReplacementpartsforpartnumber.

Information needed before the service call

❏❏ Knowthewaterheatermodelnumber.

❏❏ Knowtheboilermanufacturerandmodelnumber.

❏❏ Havetheboilermanualandwiringandpipingschematicsreadilyavailable.

❏❏ Getthelatestrevisionsfromwww.Weil-McLain.com.

❏❏ Reviewallmanualsbeforeleavingforthejobsite.

Troubleshooting procedures

Follow the troubleshooting guidelines step by step.Alwaysdouble-checkyourresults.



PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 27

Page 28: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

Insufficient hot water

1 Undersizedwaterheater?2 Boilersystemimproperlysized?3 Checkcomponentparts.4 Checkboileroperatingtempera-


5 Checklocationofflowcontroldevices.

6 Checkforairinthesystem.7 Cleantheboilerwatersystem.8 Checktankthermostatsetting.


Excessive domestic water temperature

1 Reducestacking• Lower boiler operating tempera-


2 Installathermostaticmixingvalve.3 Installarecirculationloop. 32

Boiler relief valve lifting or weeping

1 Undersizedexpansiontank?2 Faultyboilerexpansiontank?3 Faultyboilerreliefvalve?

4 Faultyboilerfillvalve?


Temperature/pressure relief valve lifting or weeping

1 Undersizedormissingdomesticwatersideexpansiontank?

2 Faultydomesticwatersideexpan-siontank?

3 FaultyT&Preliefvalve?

4 Highdomesticwatersupplypres-sure?

5 Possiblewaterhammeringorpres-surespikes?

6 Checkboileroperatingtempera-ture.


Water on the floor near the tank

1 Checkforleaksfromsourcesotherthanthewaterheater.

2 T&Preliefvalveliftinganddis-charging?

3 Loosepipingconnections?35

Top of tank or insulation wet

1 Checkforleaksfromsourcesotherthanthewaterheater.

2 Loosepipingconnections?35

Water quality problems

1 Watersmellslike“rotteneggs.”2 Milkywater.

3 Discoloredwaterfromthehotwaterfaucet. 37

Figure 23 Typical problems and causes and page location for details

Problem Check possible causes Page


Page 29: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

1 Undersized water heater?

• Therearemanymethodsofsizingvariousapplications,i.e.ASHRAEsizingtablesorASPEdomesticwaterheatingdesignmanual.• Confirmthewaterdemandrequiredfortheapplication.

• Confirmtheflowratesofthefixtures.• Forexample,wasthetanksizedforshowerheadsat2.0gpm,whiletheactualheadsare5.0gpm?• Useabucketandastopwatchtodeterminefixtureflowrates.

• Evaluatethehotwaterusagepatternforaday.• Isthepeakdemandunusuallyhighfortheapplication?

• Hasthedemandfordomestichotwaterchangedsincethesystemwasinstalled?• Abathroomremodelingprojectwithanewly installedwhirlpooltubwillsubstantiallychangethe


2 Boiler system improperly sized?

• Cantheboilerprovidetherequiredoutputtomeetthedomesticwaterload?Determinetheboilerdomesticwatercapacity,GPH,bythefollowing:

Boiler DHW capacity, GPH =Boiler output Btuh

Temp. rise °F x 8.33

[Temp. rise °F = Required DHW temp. °F – Incoming temp. °F]

[8.33 = Density of water (lbs/gal) x 1 Btu / lb-°F]

• Example—Asinglefamilyhomewitha3.0GPMshowerfixtureanda150,000Btuhoutputboilerca-pacity.• Theshowerdemandof3.0GPMequals180GPH(60timestheGPM).• Istheboilercapacityenoughtodeliverthishotwaterflowat115°Fforanextendedperiod?Determine


Boiler DHW capacity, GPH =150,000 Btuh

(115°F – 50°F) x 8.33= 277 GPH

• Theboileriscapableofdelivering277GPH(or4.6GPM)continuously,whichisenoughforthisapplication.

• MeasuretheBTUinputtotheboilerbyclockingthegasmeterorfindingtheoilflowratebasedonnozzlesizeandpumppressure.

• Doesthehotwatersystemneedtobewiredfordomesticpriority?ForsystemsinwhicheitherthestorageorBTU’savailablearemarginalitisrecommendedtowirethedomesticwaterheaterinaprioritymanner.

• IstheboilerpipingtothewaterheaterproperlysizedtoallowtherequiredflowrateformaximumBTUtransfer?Thetemperaturedifferentialoftheboilersupplyandreturnwatershouldbe20°Fto30°F.

Insufficient hot water

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 29

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AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

• Isthecirculatorbetweentheboilerandthewaterheaterproperlysizedtoprovideenoughflowformaxi-mumBTUtransfer?Checkthetablebelow:

Pipe size Flow, GPM MBH Pipe size Flow, GPM MBH

¾” 1 to 4 50 to 100 1 ½” 14 to 22 200 to 450

1” 4 to 8 100 to 180 2” 22 to 45 300 to 650

1 ¼” 8 to 14 160 to 300

3 Check component parts.

• Isthedomesticwaterthermostatfunctioningproperly?• Checkthewaterheaterthermostat(requiresanelectricalmeter).

1. Disconnectthefieldwiringtothewaterheaterthermostatterminals.2. Turnthethermostatknobtothehighestsetting—clockwise—toinitiateacallforheat.3. Checkforcontinuityacrossthewaterheaterthermostatterminals.Onacallforheat,thesecontacts

shouldclosed.4. Continuecheckingforcontinuitywhileturningthethermostatknobtothelowestsetting—counter

clockwise—tosatisfythecallforheat.Thecontactsshouldopen,breakingthecontinuity.5. Ifanyofthesestepsfail,replacethethermostat.

• Isthethermostatsettingtoolow?• Ifthethermostatsettingistoolow,theboilermaynothavetheopportunitytodeliverthemaximum


• Duringacallforheatbythewaterheater,doestheboilercirculatorbeginpumping,doesthezonevalveopen,doestheboilerfire?Checkeverycomponentinthesystemtoensuretheyareproperlyfunctioning.

Insufficient hot water (continued)


Page 31: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

4 Check boiler operating temperatures.

• Ifpossible,increasetheboileroperatingtemperatureto180°For200°F.

• Maintainaminimaltemperatureintheboilerduringnon-heatingseasons.• Aboilertypicallyhasahigherstandbylossthantheindirectwaterheater.• Afteralongstandbyperiod,thecolderboilermayabsorbthestoredenergywithinthewaterheater


5 Check location of flow control devices.

• Labtestshaveshownthatduringlongstandbyperiodstheboilerpipingcanactasathermalsiphonanddrawstoredheatfromthedomesticwater.• Locateflowcontroldevices(zonevalve,springcheckvalves...)orheattraploopsintheboilerpiping

closetothewaterheater.• Insulateallboilerpipingtoandfromthewaterheater.

6 Check for air in the system; check water heater air vent.

• Anair-boundwaterheaterorboilerwillnotcirculatesystemwaterproperly,resultinginalackofheattransfer.

7 Clean the boiler water system.

• Adirtyboilersystemcancausedepositstoformonthewaterheatercoil.Thisinsulatesthecoil,reducingtheheattransfer.• Cleantheboilersystempertheboilermanufacturer’sinstructions.

• Installastrainerintheboilerpipingonolderinstallationsorforsystemslikelytocarrysediment.

Insufficient hot water (continued)

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 31

Page 32: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

Excessive domestic water temperature

1 Reduce stacking.

• Excessivewatertemperatureisusuallytheresultofstackingwithinthewaterheater.• Stackingistheoccurrenceofvariouswatertemperatureslayeringwithinthewaterheaterwiththe

hottestwaterintheuppermostlayer.• Thislayeringorstackingeffecttypicallyoccursduringsmalldrawsofhotwater(typicallylessthan


• Excessivestackingcanoccurwhenfrequentshort-to-moderatedrawsaretakeninquicksuccession.• Duringthiscondition,thetemperatureofthedomesticwatercanapproachthetemperatureofthe


• REMEMBER—Allwaterheaters(directorindirect)willstack.

• Toreducestackingwithinthetank:• Reducetheboileroperatingtemperatureto160°F-170°F.Thiswill limitthemaximumdomestic


2 Install a thermostatic mixing valve.

• Installingathermostaticmixingvalvewillprovideuniformdeliverytemperaturewithminimalregardtowaterusage.

3 Install a recirculation loop.

• Installingaproperly-sizedrecirculationloopnotonlyprovidepromptdeliveryofhotwater,butitwillprovidecirculationandmixingofthewaterwithinthetank.


Page 33: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

Boiler relief valve lifting or weeping

1 Undersized expansion tank?

• Insufficientallowanceforexpansionontheboilersidecancausetheboilerpressurereliefvalvetolift.

• Theadditionalquantityofboilerwatercontainedintheoutertankmustbeconsideredwhensizingtheboilersideexpansiontank.


Boiler side volume —


35 1.6

45 1.9

55 2.2

85 2.5

105 3.5

2 Faulty boiler expansion tank?

• Istheexpansiontankdefective,waterloggedorimproperlycharged?

• Checkforfailedgasketsorbladders,orafaultySchraedervalve.

• Useatiregaugetocheckthechargepressureofthetank.

• Turntheboiler limituptoahighersettingand let thesystemrunatahigher temperature.Thiswillsimulatemaximumexpansionintheboilersystem.

• Iftheboilerreliefvalveliftsand/orthereisasignificantincreaseintheboilersystempressure,theexpansiontankisfloodedorundersized.

3 Faulty boiler relief valve?

• Istheboilerpressurereliefvalvefunctioningproperly?Dirtandwaterdepositscanaccumulateunderthevalveseat.

4 Faulty boiler fill valve?

• Isthevalvefillingtothecorrectpressure?

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AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

Temperature/pressure relief valve lifting or weeping

1 Undersized or missing domestic water side expansion tank?

• Isthereathermalexpansiontankinstalledonthedomesticsupplypipingandisitproperlysized?• Athermalexpansiontankisrequiredifthedomesticsupplypipingincludesabackflowpreventerorpressurereducing

valve.• Ensurethepotablewaterexpansiontankisproperlysizedaccordingtothewaterheatervolumeandsupplypressure.• Duringlongperiodswhentherearenodrawsfromthetank(i.e.overnight),theT&Preliefvalvemayliftorweepdueto


2 Faulty domestic water side expansion tank?

• Istheexpansiontankdefective,waterloggedorimproperlycharged?• Checkforfailedgasketsorbladders,orafaultySchraedervalve.• Useatiregaugetocheckthechargedpressureofthetank.

3 Faulty T & P relief valve?

• Isthetemperature/pressurereliefvalvefunctioningproperly?Dirtandwaterdepositscanaccumulateunderthevalveseat.

4 High domestic water supply pressure?

• Checkthedomesticsupplypressureenteringthewaterheater.• Ifthepressureisover70psiitisrecommendedtoinstallapressurereducingvalve.Athermalexpansiontankisrequired

ifaPRVisinstalled.• ThiswillpreventanypressurespikesorincreasesinpressureduetothermalexpansionwhichmaycausetheT&Pvalve


5 Possible water hammering or pressure spikes?

• Checkthedomesticsystemforpossiblesourcesofwaterhammeringorpressurespikes.• Someappliancessuchasclotheswashersanddishwashersutilizefastactingvalveswhichmaycausewaterhammeringor


• Installwaterhammerarrestorsasrequiredperthemanufacturer’sinstructions,orinstallflexibleconnectorstoisolatethetankfromthedomesticsystem

6 Check boiler operating temperature.

• Iftheboileroperatingtemperatureistoohigh,stackingcanoccurinthewaterheaterraisingthedomesticwatertempera-tureclosetotheboileroperatingtemperature.—Reducetheboileroperatingtemperatureto180°F.Alsofollowpage32suggestionsiftheproblempersists.


Page 35: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

Water on the floor near the tank

1 Check for leaks from sources other than the water heater.

• Checkforpossiblewaterseepagethroughfoundationcracks.Didthewaterappearafteraheavyrain?

2 Is the source of water from the T&P relief valve?

• PlaceabucketunderthedischargepipingoftheT&Preliefvalveandmonitoritforadayortwo.Thisisaprocedurethatcanbedonebythehomeowner.

• IftheT&Preliefvalveisthesource,refertopage34ofthisguide.

3 Loose piping connections?

• Checkallconnections–boilerconnections,domesticconnections,etc.

• Checkalltheboilerconnectionstothewaterheater.• Abuild-upofcorrosionisasuresignofaleak.

• Excessiveforceorwaterhammercandamagetheweldswherethepipingconnectionsenterthewaterheatertank.• Ifwaterisleakingfromaroundoneofthetankconnections,aweldmayhavebeenbroken.Contact


Top of tank or insulation wet

1 Check for leaks from sources other than the water heater

• Checkforpossibleoverheadpipesleakingontothetank.

2 Loose piping connections?

• Checkallconnections–pipingconnectionstothetankandelsewhereifthevicinity.

• Checkaroundvalvestems.

• Abuild-upofcorrosionaroundajointisasuresignofaleak.

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AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)

Rapid decay of magnesium anode

1 Anodes last less than two years

Thepurposeofthemagnesium anodeistoreducethedamagingeffectsofaggressivewateronthewaterheater.Aggressivewaterwillcausetheanodetoerode.





Page 37: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Water quality problems

1 Water smells like “rotten eggs.”

• Themostcommoncauseofwatertosmelllike“rotteneggs”isanon-toxicsulfatereducingbacteria.

• Thebacteriausuallyenters into thewatersystemthroughabreak in thesupplypipingorduringconstruction/maintenanceofthesupplypiping.

• Thebacteriasurvivesinthewatersystembyconvertingsulfate(SO4)inthewatertohydrogensulfide


• Itisthisgasthatcreatesthe“rottenegg”smell.

• Thepresenceofhydrogensulfidecanalsoaffectthetasteofthewater.

• Alongwiththestenchcausedbythisbacteria,blackdepositsthattypicallyindicatepipeand/orfittingcorrosionmayalsoappearinthewater.


• Thebacteriawillthriveinanywatersystemunderthefollowingconditions:

• Highlevelsofsulfurinthewater

• Activatedhydrogeninthewaterfromcathodicreactionswithinthetank

• Waterwithlittleornodissolvedoxygen

• Storingthedomesticwaterbelow130ºF

• Othercausesofsmellywater:

• Chloridesofmagnesiumandcalciumgiveswaterabittertaste

• Chlorideofsodiumwillproduceasaltytastingwater

• Sulfatesabove50ppminthewatergivesthewateramedicinaltaste.

• CarbondioxideinwaterwithalowpHresultsinwaterthatisfizzy.

• Ironandtannicwaterswillproducewaterwithabadtasteandodor.

• Treatment

• Thetreatmentofthissituationrequiresthewatersystemtobeshock-chlorinated.Dependingontheseverityofthebacteriawithinthewatersystem,severaltreatmentsmaybeneeded.

2 Milky water.

• Whenwaterisinitiallydrawnfromthefaucetitappearstobemilkyorcloudy,butitbecomesclearafterthewaterisallowtostandforseveralminutes.

• Thisisusuallyanindicationthatthewatercontainshighlevelsofsolublegases,suchasoxygen,chlo-rine,carbondioxide,hydrogensulfideorothers.

• Asthewatersystempressureincreases,theamountofgasthatwatercanholdinasolutiondecreas-es.

• Whenairandgasesareforcedoutoftheheatedwater,theproblemmaybeevidentinoneorbothofthefollowingconditions:

• Gases,intheformofsmallbubbles,maymakethewaterappearmilkyfromthetap,butclearafterseveralminuteswhenthosebubbleswillseparate.

Troubleshooting (continued)

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AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

• Thisissimilartothereactionthatoccursasairbubblesformonthewallsofapanshortlybeforethewaterbeginstoboil.

• Thereleaseofdissolvedgascanalsocreateairpocketsandairlocksinthewatersystempiping.Thiscancausespurtsofairorgaseswhenopeningthehotwaterfaucet.

• Thereisgenerallynocureformilkywatercausedbydissolvegases,althoughitcanbereducedwithaer-atedfaucets.Insomeapplicationstheamountofairandgasesprecipitatingoutofthewaterwillreducedintime.Itshouldbenotedthatthesegasesarenotharmfultotheenduser.

3 Discolored water from the hot water faucet.

• Thewaterfromthehotwaterfaucetappearsdiscolored,eitherrusty,brown,blackoryellow.• Becausethetankisstainlesssteel,whichisresistanttocorrosion,theproblemisnottank-related.• Theproblemisusuallyanon-toxiciron-reducingbacteriathatiscommonlyfoundinsoil,wellwater,

watertreatmentplantsandpipingsystems.• Thebacteriausuallythrivesinsystemsinwhichthesolubleironexceeds0.2ppm.• Thebacteriawillfeedonthesolubleironinthewater,producing“rusty-color”waterasaby-product


• Variablesinwhichthebacteriacanthrive:• Elevatedlevelsofironandmanganeseinthewater• Waterwithlittleornodissolvedoxygen• Waterstoragetemperaturesbelow140ºF

• Itemsthatcanpotentiallyincreasethepresenceofthebacteria:• Watersofteners.• Wellwater.• Longperiodsofnowatermovement.

• Treatment• Treatmentrequiresthewatersystemtobeshock-chlorinated.• Dependingontheseverityofthebacteriawithinthewatersystem,severaltreatmentsmaybeneed-

ed.• CheckthepHandchloridesofthewaterinthewaterheatertankandtheboilersystem.• ThepHmustbebetween6and8.• Chloridesmustbelessthan200ppm.• NotethepHandchloridereadingsonthewarrantysheet.

• ItemsthatcanaffectthepHreading:• Watersofteners.• Watertreatmentplants.• Cl(chlorides)added,especiallyduringthesummer• Fl(fluorides)addedintreatmentinlargecities• Elevatedlevelsofiron,manganese,andsulfur.

• IfthepHishighorlow,thishasamajoreffectonthemetaltanks,pipingandheattransfersurfaces.

Water quality problems (continued)

Troubleshooting (continued)


Page 39: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Item DescriptionSize/Model

AQUA PLUSWeil-McLain Part Number

1Magnesium anode replacement kit (includes anode, o-ring, insulating washer and brass bushing)

35/45/55 633500014

85 633500015

105 633500016

2 Thermostat repair kit

Aqua PLUS Residential (35/45/55)


Aqua PLUS Commercial


3 Top plastic cap replacement kit

35/45/55 633500024

85 633500025

105 633500026

4 Bottom plastic cap replacement kit (plastic cap and 4 screws)

35/45/55 633500030

85 633500031

105 633500032

5 Leveling leg replacement kit (4) All 633500036

6 Temperature & pressure relief valve kit

35/45/55 633500038

85/105 633500039

NS Inspection and service kit (includes inspection plate and anode seals) All 633500042

7 Inspection plate replacement kit All 633500044

8 Inspection hatch cover replacement kit All 633500046

9 Fitting grommet ¾”1”


10 Anode cover All 633500048

NS Jacket replacement kit

35, Pewter 633500049

45, Pewter 633500050

55, Pewter 633500051

85, Pewter 633500052

105, Pewter 633500053

35, Gold 633500054

45, Gold 633500055

55, Gold 633500056

85, Gold 633500057

105, Gold 633500058

NS Mixing valve kit, 1" All 633500012

Replacement parts

Figure 24 Water heater replacement parts

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 39

Page 40: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

AHRI ratings


AHRI certified ratings180°F boiler water entering | 58°F to 135°F domestic water

First Hour Rating

Continuous Draw Rating

Minimum Heat Output


Minimum Heat Source Flow Rate

Heat Source Friction Loss

First Draw Rating

Standy Loss The ratings in this table are certified by

AHRI. The conditions under which these ratings were obtained are listed below.

GPH GPH Btu/hr GPM Feet w.c. GPH Degrees F per hour

35 230.0 203.9 134,477 14.0 5.4 26.1 0.9

These ratings were obtained with a heat source output rate of 134,477 Btu/hr at a heat source flow rate of 14 gpm. Other results will be obtained under different conditions.

45 263.7 228.2 150,488 14.0 8.8 35.6 0.8

These ratings were obtained with a heat source output rate of 150,488 Btu/hr at a heat source flow rate of 14 gpm. Other results will be obtained under different conditions.

55 322.9 265.8 175,320 13.9 4.2 57.1 0.5

These ratings were obtained with a heat source output rate of 175,320 Btu/hr at a heat source flow rate of 13.9 gpm. Other results will be obtained under different conditions.

85 341.4 270.3 178,279 14.0 5.4 71.0 0.5

These ratings were obtained with a heat source output rate of 178,279 Btu/hr at a heat source flow rate of 14 gpm. Other results will be obtained under different conditions.

105 453.7 373.0 245,926 14.0 7.1 80.8 0.4

These ratings were obtained with a heat source output rate of 245,926 Btu/hr at a heat source flow rate of 14 gpm. Other results will be obtained under different conditions.



Page 41: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Ratings with 200°F boiler supply water


Boiler Heating Capacity


First Hour Rating Capacity (GPH) — Boiler Water Supply at 200°F

Do NoT exceed the boiler-side flow rate listed in “Maximum boiler-side flow rate,” page 23

DHW temps



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss


Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



W 5


to 1



8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


5.4 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


7.1 ft wc

70 120 130 151 165 175

90 147 157 178 192 202

110 174 184 205 219 229

130 201 211 232 246 256

150 223 237 259 273 283

170 223 243 286 300 310

190 223 243 302 327 337

210 223 243 302 354 363

250 223 243 302 374 417

300 223 243 302 374 483

350 223 243 302 374 483

400 223 243 302 374 483

450 223 243 302 374 483

500 223 243 302 374 483



W 5


to 1



8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


5.4 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


7.1 ft wc

70 157 166 188 201 211

90 194 203 225 239 249

110 231 241 262 276 286

130 268 278 299 313 323

150 306 315 337 351 360

170 337 352 374 388 398

190 337 363 411 425 435

210 337 363 443 462 472

250 337 363 443 537 547

300 337 363 443 551 640

350 337 363 443 551 715

400 337 363 443 551 715

450 337 363 443 551 715

500 337 363 443 551 715

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 41

Page 42: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Ratings with 190°F boiler supply water


Boiler Heating Capacity


First Hour Rating Capacity (GPH) — Boiler Water Supply at 190°F

Do NoT exceed the boiler-side flow rate listed in “Maximum boiler-side flow rate,” page 23

DHW temps



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss


Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



W 5


to 1



8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


5.4 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


7.1 ft wc

70 120 130 151 165 175

90 147 157 178 192 202

110 174 184 205 219 229

130 201 211 232 246 256

150 202 222 259 273 283

170 202 222 278 300 310

190 202 222 278 327 337

210 202 222 278 343 363

250 202 222 278 343 417

300 202 222 278 343 442

350 202 222 278 343 442

400 202 222 278 343 442

450 202 222 278 343 442

500 202 222 278 343 442



W 5


to 1



8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


5.4 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


7.1 ft wc

70 157 166 188 201 211

90 194 203 225 239 249

110 231 241 262 276 286

130 268 278 299 313 323

150 306 315 337 351 360

170 311 335 374 388 398

190 311 335 411 425 435

210 311 335 411 462 472

250 311 335 411 511 547

300 311 335 411 511 640

350 311 335 411 511 662

400 311 335 411 511 662

450 311 335 411 511 662

500 311 335 411 511 662


Page 43: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual

Ratings with 180°F boiler supply water


Boiler Heating Capacity


First Hour Rating Capacity (GPH) — Boiler Water Supply at 180°F

Do NoT exceed the boiler-side flow rate listed in “Maximum boiler-side flow rate,” page 23

DHW temps



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss


Boiler Water

Min GPM &

Head Loss



W 5


to 1



8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


5.4 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


7.1 ft wc

70 120 130 151 165 175

90 147 157 178 192 202

110 174 184 205 219 229

130 181 200 232 246 256

150 181 200 252 273 283

170 181 200 252 300 310

190 181 200 252 310 337

210 181 200 252 310 363

250 181 200 252 310 400

300 181 200 252 310 400

350 181 200 252 310 400

400 181 200 252 310 400

450 181 200 252 310 400

500 181 200 252 310 400



W 5


to 1



8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


8 GPM minimum


1.6 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


5.4 ft wc


14 GPM minimum


7.1 ft wc

70 156 166 187 201 211

90 193 203 224 238 248

110 231 240 262 275 285

130 268 277 299 313 322

150 284 307 336 350 360

170 284 307 373 387 397

190 284 307 378 424 434

210 284 307 378 461 471

250 284 307 378 470 545

300 284 307 378 470 608

350 284 307 378 470 608

400 284 307 378 470 608

450 284 307 378 470 608

500 284 307 378 470 608

PartnumberGL-E223-ADOC0311 43

Page 44: Product Manual • Maintenance • Startup • Parts · and boiler piping hook-ups. 3. Keeping the distance between boiler and water heater short will: • reduce piping heat loss.

AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters — Product Manual


Figure 25 Dimensions and ratings — AQUA PLUS indirect-fired water heaters


Storage Connections Dimensions (inches)

Ship. weight

(approx.)DHW side

Boiler side

DHW In/out

& Recirc.

Boiler water In/out


Gallons Gallons Inches NPT

Inches NPT Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Pounds

35 29.6 1.6 C\v 1 36C\, 7M\, 24 21M\, 7C\, 17B\, 28 94

45 39.9 1.9 C\v 1 46Z\v 7M\, 26 21M\, 7C\, 21Z\v 37M\, 111

55 53.1 2.2 C\v 1 60 7M\, 29M\, 21M\, 7C\, 28Z\, 51B\, 122

85 80.6 2.5 1 1 59Z\x 10C\, 33Z\v 26 8M\, 31Z\x 50C\, 223

105 109.4 3.5 1 1 59C\v 14Z\v 41C\, 30 9M\, 29B\, 48B\, 238

1 Boilerwaterinlet(seetableforsize)

2 Boilerwateroutlet(seetableforsize)

3 Colddomesticwaterinlet(seetableforsize)

4 Hotdomesticwateroutlet(seetableforsize)

5 Domesticwaterrecirculationline(seetableforsize)

6 Inspectionhatchwiththermostatadjustmentknob

7 Magnesiumanode(useonlytheanodesuppliedbyWeil-McLain)

8 Adjustablelegadjustmentrange=5/8”to1¼”(addthisamounttotheheightdimensionsfortotalheightfromfloor)

9 Anglebetweenboilerwaterconnectionsanddomesticwaterconnections

10 ConnectionforT&Pvalve(¾”)—valvesuppliedloosewiththewaterheater;fieldinstalled


