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Product Owner Team: Leading Agile Program Management from Agile2015 by Dean Stevens

Date post: 16-Aug-2015
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Agile2015 Product Owner Team: Leading Agile Program Management Dean Stevens LeadingAgile


Product Owner Team:Leading Agile Program Management

Dean StevensLeadingAgile

• Pick a Role• Product Owner Team Member• Agile Team Member• Portfolio Stakeholder

Table Talk

Why a Product Owner Team?

Improve and Accelerate your Agile Transformation

and Product Delivery.

Provide support, guidance and coaching for Agile Teams

to get the job done.

Agile Teams:Keys to Success






Clarity Accountability Measureable Progress

Product Owner Team:Key Objectives

Product Owner Team


Agile Team


• Provide Clarity through a well defined Feature Backlog

• Hold Agile Teams Accountable to make and meet commitments

• Demonstrate Measurable Progress by facilitating demonstration of integrated features

• Provide timely information to Portfolio Management for investment decisions

Portfolio Management:Key Investment Questions

• Will this Epic drive business results identified in Investment Themes?

• Is this Epic ordered relative to the other Epics? Is this prioritization reflected on the Epic Backlog?

• Are we meeting allocation by channel in alignment with our agreements? Is this reflected in the Epic Backlog?

• How big is this Epic? Should be less than 3 months so we can plan and “see” progress.

• Do we need all the Features to meet the business goal? Start thinking MVP.

• Is the forecasted date acceptable? Should we reprioritize?

• Start thinking Cost of Delay

• Which Epics go into the next release? Establish release objectives.

• Are the Epics ready for Release Planning?

• Have Epic owners considered MVP?

• What is the confidence

in the release plan?

• Do we have credible release plans documented?

Strategic Alignment Detailed PlanningDemand Planning Execution Governance

• Is the software demoed? • Have we solved the

business problem identified in the Epic Brief?

• Should we stop building and get market feedback to validate our assumptions?

• Are we making progress on the epics?

• Are the stories ordered by cost of delay?


Product Owner Team Roles Brief Description

Product Manager (PROD) Support the valuable solution and ensure features are ordered considering epic priorities; usually the leader of the PO Team

Solution Architect (SA) Support the technically viable solution; provide support and guidance to Tech Leads and other technology personnel

Release Manager (RM) Support an achievable solution ensuring demand is balanced with capacity and dependencies; facilitate release planning and protect the release plans

QA Management (QA) Provide support and guidance for the quality of the solution; ensure quality is considered and coordinated early

Project Manager (PM) Foster effective collaboration of the PO Team to shepherd Features through the Kanban and ensure effective communication with the portfolio team; AKA Scrum Master of the PO Team

Product Owner (PO) Serves as Product Owner on a team; often a Business Analyst

Product Owner Team Roles

Release PlanningRelease Planning

Story Mapping

Story Mapping

Solution Vision

Solution Vision

Release Targeting

Investment Validation


Product OwnerTeam

Detailed Planning(Clarity)

Execution Governance(Accountability)


Demand Planning


Investment Prioritization

Investment Alignment

Epic Intake


Product Owner Teams




SprintDoneStory DemoStory Demo Daily Review Daily ReviewSprint






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Production ReadyRelease

Execution Governance


Execution Governance


BuildReady To Build

Release Viability

Maximize Strategic AlignmentIncrease Transparency

Increase Predictability Reduce Time to ROI

Improve QualityReduce Rework

Minimize Delivery Risk

Production Ready Release

Production Ready Release

Integration Integration Developand TestDevelopand Test

• Pick a Role• PO Team Member• Agile Team Member• Portfolio Stakeholder

• What are some challenges/concerns based on your role?

Table Talk

Strategic Alignment



• Strategic alignment and prioritization of Epics• Shared understanding and agreement with portfolio



• Describe Value and Features• Consider constraints


• Epic Brief• Strategically aligned Epics in Portfolio Backlog


Investment Prioritization

Investment Alignment

Epic Intake

Epic Brief

• Epic Title/ Product Manager• Investment Theme (and Capability if known)• Value StatementDescription

• Features/Benefits• PersonasScope• Dependencies• Risks• AssumptionsConstraints

• Opportunity CasePlanning

PROD articulates the Description & ScopePROD and SA identify ConstraintsPortfolio Mgmt. validates alignment to strategy & priority

Demand Planning



• Validate Investment and Roadmap • Provide Clarity through a well defined Feature Backlog


• Define and validate Features• Initial planning for risks and dependencies • Balance demand to demonstrated capacity



• Epic Brief Refined• Epic Roadmap / Timeline• Epic Risk Report

Solution Vision

Solution Vision

Release Targeting

Investment Validation

Demand Planning(Clarity)

Epic Roadmap

PO Team defines FeaturesPO Team explores planning options RM forecasts Epics on the Epic RoadmapPortfolio Management validates Roadmap

Execution Detailed Planning Demand Planning

Program Increment N Program increment N+1 Program Increment N+2

Epic 2 Epic 3 Epic 3

Epic 2 Epic 4 Epic 4

Epic 3 Epic 4 Epic 5

Agile Epic Roadmap

Expected Kanban State

Agile Delivery Team



Shared Services

Epic Risk Report

PM leads PO Team to assess risksPO Team works to address and mitigate significant risks Epics start at red; PO Team and Agile Team earns greenPortfolio Team ensures significant risks are addressed

Detailed Planning



• Explore and identify “steel thread”, MVP and other options• Provide clarity by supporting backlog refinement and planning


• Story Writing and Mapping• Release Planning Event• Backlog Refinement



• Story Map with release options• Release Plans• Story Backlog

Release PlanningRelease Planning

Story Mapping

Story Mapping

Ready To Build

Release Viability

Detailed Planning(Clarity)

Release Plans

Agile Teams write and estimate storiesPO Team facilitates Release Planning EventPO Team provides support and guidancePortfolio Team validates sufficient planning

• Test Approach• Technical Approach • Environments & coordination Technical

• Release Management Impacts• Production Services Impacts• Security Impacts• Dependency Coordination


• Features & Stories Planned• Go to Market PlanBusiness

• Are we ready? Have concerns been addressed?

• What challenges do you anticipate?

Table Talk

Execution Governance



• Provide support and guidance to Agile Teams to build and test Stories

• Deliver integrated Features that solve the business problems


• Release Coordination Meeting• Hold Agile Teams accountable to make and meet commitments• Measurable Progress by facilitating demo of integrated Features



• Integrated Features

Production Ready Release

Production Ready ReleaseIntegration


TestingDevelopand TestDevelopand Test


Execution Governance(Accountability)

• Facilitate coordination of cross team concerns

• Cultivate and consider options

• Make continue, change, kill decisions with Portfolio Team

• Provide support, coaching and guidance to Agile Teams

Execution Governance

Product Owner Team:Key Objectives

Product Owner Team


Agile Team


• Provide Clarity through a well defined Feature Backlog

• Hold Agile Teams Accountable to make and meet commitments

• Demonstrate Measurable Progress by facilitating demonstration of integrated features

• Provide timely information to Portfolio Management for investment decisions

Detailed Guide

What will you do different tomorrow?

Strategic Alignment

State Leads Activity APM Tool Artifact

Epic Intake PROD Completes the Description section of the Epic Brief and finds a Portfolio Team member to sponsor the Epic

Creates Epic Initiate Epic Brief

Investment Alignment

PORT Validates alignment with Portfolio Roadmap and Investment Themes

Facilitator updates Epic state

Investment Prioritization

PROD Completes and validates the Features & Benefits section Create Features Epic Brief

Investment Prioritization


Completes the Constraints section; action to address any significant blockers (Requires high level modeling of candidate architecture)

Create Spikes as needed Epic Brief

Investment Prioritization

PO Team Figures Priority Score Record

Investment Prioritization

PORT Prioritizes Epic in Epic Backlog for Investment Validation Facilitator updates Epic State


Investment Prioritization

Investment Alignment

Epic Intake

Demand Planning

State Leads Activity APM Tool Artifact

Investment Validation

PROD Validate features leveraging visual specification and prototypes Visual Specification

Solution Vision

PO Team

Define Features (Feature Acceptance Criteria, Visual Specification, NFR)

Update Features

Solution Vision

PROD Update Capability Catalog to identify and align new features to current capabilities

Capability Catalog

Solution Vision

PO Team

Identify and initiate planning for risks and dependencies (Look Ahead Planning)

Risk Dashboard

Solution Vision


Identify Agile Teams to own Features Update Feature Owner

Release Targeting

RM With PROD and SA, size features and mock plan into Sprints Record Refined Estimate for Feature

Release Targeting

RM Updates Epic Roadmap and summarize in Epic Timeline Epic Roadmap

Release Targeting

PM Moves feature through to Epic Breakdown done Update Feature state

Release Targeting

RM Identifies Release Objectives for the next Release. Communicates and validates with PORT & PO Team

Create or update Release Release Objectives

Release Targeting

PORT Decides whether to authorizes Epic for further investment for Agile Teams to perform Detailed Planning

Facilitator updates Epic State

Solution Vision

Solution Vision

Release Targeting

Investment Validation

Demand Planning

Detailed Planning

State Leads Activity APM Tool Artifact

Story Mapping

PO Team

Introduce Epic to Agile Teams who own the Features; generally a kick off presenting Epic Brief, candidate architecture, UI mocks, and other feature modeling

Meeting Agenda

Story Mapping

Agile Team

Assesses whether Features are Ready for Detailed Planning; pulls into Story Mapping when ready

Update Feature state

Story Mapping

Agile Team

Write Stories and build the story map Create stories Story Map

Story Mapping

Agile Team

Collaborating with PROD, elicit acceptance criteria Update stories

Story Mapping

Agile Team

Sufficient technical design and estimate stories Update stories with estimates

Technical Spikes

Story Mapping

Agile Team

Identify the “steel thread”, thin slice that follows happy path from end to end. Determine scope options for MMF, MVP and candidate functional releases.

Story Map

Story Mapping

PO Team

Supports Release Planning preparation and provides guidance on scope options

Story Map

Release Planning

Agile Team

Mock plan the next Release Horizon by moving stories into iterations

Add to iterations

Release PlanningRelease Planning

Story Mapping

Story Mapping

Ready To Build

Release Viability

Detailed Planning(Clarity)

Detailed Planning

State Leads Activity APM Tool Artifact

RP Event RM Prepares Agenda and follow up to communicates preparation and participation for Release Planning event


RP Event Agile Teams

Plans User Stories for the Release, plan dependencies; organize team risk reporting

Update Release, PTD, Iteration, story dependencies

Initiate Risk Reporting

RP Event RM Captures release scope plans; prepares Release Reports Validates Features and Stories in Release Plan

Release Plan Template

RP Event Build Eng.

Lead source code branching strategies and planning; communicate plans

Branching Plan

RP Event QA Mgr. Lead Test Planning including Integration and Verification of features; communicate plans

Test Plan Template

RP Event Security Lead security planning; communicate plans Security Plan

RP Event SA Define Technical Spikes Create Spikes

RP Event RM & PM

Reports on release planning; Updates Epic Timeline, Epic Roadmap and Portfolio Dashboard

Release Plans

Release Viability

PORT Validates viable release plans to meet release objectives Facilitator updates Epic State

Story Refinement

Agile Team

Begins story refinement Updates stories Specification

Release PlanningRelease Planning

Story Mapping

Story Mapping

Ready To Build

Release Viability

Detailed Planning(Clarity)

Execution Governance

State Leads Activity APM Tool Artifact

Story Refinement

Agile Teams

Leads Story Refinement Updates stories Specification

Develop & Test

PO Team

Provide Agile Teams the environment and support they need to get the job done, support Agile Team activities

Develop & Test

Agile Teams

Build, Test and Demo stories Working Software

Integration RM Coordinates stories to build end to end functionality as identified in Story Mapping; prepares PTD list

Export PTD list Story Map

Integration Build Eng.

Assembles Release Components; Builds Integration environment; Builds Staging & Production environments

Integration QA Mgr. Leads Integration testing for Features

Feature Complete

PROD Reviews and accepts Features

Feature Complete

PO Team

Reviews and accepts release

Production Ready Release

Production Ready Release

Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Developand TestDevelopand Test


Execution Governance(Accountability)

Execution Governance

State Leads Activity APM Tool Artifact

Execution Governance

RM Monitor, coordinate and report on Release Progress. Updates Epic Timeline and Epic Roadmap

Release Burndown, Release Risk,

Release Status Report

Execution Governance

PM Monitor and report on Epic or Milestone Progress. Updates Portfolio Dashboard.

Milestone CFD, Metrics, Operations Review

Epic Status Report; Operations Review

Execution Governance

PORT Monitors key information to support teams, generate options and make investment decisions

Status Reports

Execution Governance

PM Post Launch Hyper-care management; transition to Operations Launch Plans

Production Ready Release

Production Ready Release

Integration Testing

Integration Testing

Developand TestDevelopand Test


Execution Governance(Accountability)
